Use this job aid to average grades.
From the Toolbar, click GRN for Commodity Management.
From the Commodity menu, select Shipments.
From the Shipments menu, select Average Grades.
In the Location Code box, click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the accounting location for the ticket, or type the accounting location for the ticket.
In the Inbound/Outbound box, type I for Inbound or O for Outbound.
In the Commodity Code box, click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the commodity code you want to average grades for, or type the commodity code you want to average grades for.
In the Name Id box, click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the name id for the tickets on hold, or type the name id for the tickets on hold.
Click OK.
In the Average Options boxes, type 0 for Don't Average, 1 for Average, or 2 for Average/Update Actual.
Note: Average Options use
determines if and how to average the grade. The boxes will default information from the last time this option was used. Don't Average
used to maintain the original grades on all tickets that meet the selection criteria. To
Average the specific grade on all tickets that meet the selection criteria. Averaging maintains the original grade on the ticket and on the delivery sheet report's totals but it changes the discounts. Use Average/Update Actual to average and update actual grades on all tickets that meet the specific selection criteria. The original grade and discount information is replaced with the calculated averages.