Save Map as Binary Images
Save Images creates snapshots of each farm, field, and/or crop zone based on the selected options. These snapshots are images available for inclusion on field tickets and other forms when printed. Choose the starting level in the Regions pane. The default parameters for this function are as follows:
- Border color is black except for selected entity, then border color is highlighted
- All associated Crop Zones are always filled with crop color or default crop zone color when displaying client, farm, or field.
- When displaying a selected crop zone, all other crop zones are filled with default crop zone color. Selected crop zone is filled with crop color or default crop zone color except when "Theme boundaries by crop" and "Hide neighboring boundaries" options are selected
The Save Options pane lets you decide whether to save only the selection or the selection and all children and whether or not to replace existing images. Other options in the pane are as follows:
- Make Regions Transparent - All displayed regions are transparent
- Theme boundaries by Crop - Fields are filled with default field color and crop zones are filled with crop color or default crop zone color,
- Hide neighboring boundaries - Turns off boundary highlight - Only selected entities are displayed. Crop zones are filled with crop color else default crop zone color.
The Default Extent pane lets you set the zoom level (e.g., Zoom To level to the Client, Farm, or Field ) level, as well as how far to Zoom out an additional amount.
Print Map
The print map button provides the ability to capture the currently displayed map image and print it on an AGRIS form. There are two standard forms, portrait and landscape orientation. Custom forms may be used to meet different needs.