Introduction to Mapping Tools

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Introduction to Mapping Tools

Table of Contents:


Once mapping setup is complete, you can create and edit mapping imagery for farms and fields. Here is an explanation of the main tools:

Change View:

The leftmost buttons help adjust the current map view. They are, from left to right...

  •  = Zoom In

  •  = Zoom Out

  •  = Zoom to Client Extent - This zooms the map to a point in which all map content can be seen.

  •  = Zoom to Prior Extent - This zooms the map to the previous state.

  •  = Pan Left

  •  = Pan Right

  •  = Pan Up

  • = Pan Down

Other helpful tips and tools related to viewing the map

Track Zoom (Lasso):

  • Click and drag the mouse on the map while holding the Shift key in order to zoom to an area or Lasso an area.  


    1. This is very popular to "lasso" an area and zoom to that level.   

    2. Track Zoom will zoom to the closest zoom level identified in the lower right hand corner of the map window.  Stated another way, the zoom exceed the next default zoom level presenting only a portion of the selected area in mapping window.  In those cases the next lower zoom level will be used, centering the image at that level. 

Display Preferences:

Display preferences allow the user to specify which image layers will be shown in the mapping window.  Default display preferences for AgroGuide are configured from the projection manager screen, Setup > Mapping > Projection Manager.  Each user may specify their own selections using the Map Display Preferences option on the mapping window toolbar.  These preferences will be remembered from session to session.  This allows each user to fine tune what they want to see.

In addition to controlling the displayed layers under the Make Visible header, the user may indicate that the regions may be rendered transparent so that boundaries may be adjusted while being able to view the features beneath the image.

Start Operation:

These buttons control the main mapping operations of AgroGuide. The three leftmost buttons control different types of operations. After selecting one, a sub-menu will be displayed. Below are the three buttons and their corresponding sub-menus.

  • Field mapping processes - This button makes the following operations available: 


    • Add - Use the drawing tools to create a new Field land boundary. Save when complete.

    • Edit - Click on an existing Field land boundary to edit the points that comprise that shape. Move the points around or draw new shapes and save when complete. After selecting a Field, the delete button may also become available to delete the boundary.

    • Add Inner Polygons - Click on an existing Field land boundary and use the drawing tools to draw shapes that overlap with the existing boundary. When saved, the overlapped shapes will be cut out of the original boundary.

    • Remove Inner Polygons - Click on an existing Field land boundary that previously had inner polygons drawn out of it to undo these exclusions.

    • Split - Click on an existing Field land boundary, and then use the drawing tools to draw a shape that overlaps with the existing boundary. The overlapped section will be cut off from the main land to become a new Field. Any pre-existing Crop Zones or Layers will stay on the remaining Field piece.

    • Merge - Click on at least two Field land boundaries and save to merge them. The result will be one Field that contains all selected Fields as well as any Crop Zones or Layers under any of the selected Fields.

  • Crop Zone mapping processes - This button makes the following operations available:


    • Add - Use the drawing tools to create a new Crop Zone land boundary. Save when complete.

    • Edit - Click on an existing Crop Zone land boundary to edit the points that comprise that shape. Move the points around or draw new shapes and save when complete. After selecting a Crop Zone, the delete button may also become available to delete the boundary.

    • Split - Click on an existing Crop Zone land boundary, and then use the drawing tools to draw a shape that overlaps with the existing boundary. The overlapped section will be cut off from the main land to become a new Crop Zone. Any pre-existing Layers will stay on the remaining Crop Zone piece.

    • Merge - Click on at least two Crop Zone land boundaries and save to merge them. The result will be one Crop Zone that contains all selected Crop Zones as well as any Layers under any of the selected Crop Zones.


  • Attachment mapping processes - This button allows various attachment operations.


    • Show/Hide - Before viewing or editing attachments, click Show to display existing attachments and open the sub-menu to more operations. After displaying, an option becomes available to Hide attachments and operations.

    • Client/Farm/Field/Crop Zone Add - Create a new attachment to the desired extent. Use the drawing tools on the map and then save to create a name and color for the new attachment.

    • Client/Farm/Field/Crop Zone Edit - Make adjustments to the shape of any attachment within the desired extent. Save to rename or recolor the attachments.

    • Client/Farm/Field/Crop Zone Remove - Select an attachment within the desired extent and click the delete button to remove an attachment.


The rightmost buttons pictured above correspond to the following operations and are available where applicable:

  •  Complete process and save  

  •   Cancel process

  • Delete selected geometry


Draw Shape:

Where applicable, a mapping operation may require a specific shape to be drawn. Not all shapes are available in all operations. From left to right, they are as follows.

  • Draw polygon - Click to create points that will comprise the outline of the shape. Double click to draw a point that connects to the first point drawn.

  • Draw rectangle - Click and drag to draw a rectangle. The start point and end point will be opposite corners of the rectangle.

  • Draw square - Click and drag to draw a square, starting from the center and going out to the desired size.

  • Draw circle - Click and drag to draw a circle, starting from the center and going out to the desired radius.

  • Draw ellipse - Click and drag to draw an ellipse. The start point and end point will be opposite corners.

  • Draw line - Click and drag to draw a line.

  • Draw point - Click to place a point.

Save Map as Binary Images:

Save Images creates snapshots of each farm, field, and/or crop zone based on the selected options.  These snapshots are images available for inclusion on field tickets and other forms when printed. Choose the starting level in the Regions pane.  The default parameters for this function are as follows:

  • Border color is black except for selected entity, then border color is highlighted

  • All associated Crop Zones are always filled with crop color or default crop zone color when displaying client, farm, or field.

  • When displaying a selected crop zone, all other crop zones are filled with default crop zone color. Selected crop zone is filled with crop color or default crop zone color except when "Theme boundaries by crop" and "Hide neighboring boundaries" options are selected

The Save Options pane lets you decide whether to save only the selection or the selection and all children and whether or not to replace existing images.  Other options in the pane are as follows:

  • Hide Tiger Maps - Hides all tiger map elements (roads, water, etc)

  • Hide background imagery - Hides background ortho imagery

  • Hide attachments - Hides all attachments

  • Make Regions Transparent - All displayed regions are transparent

  • Theme boundaries by Crop - Fields are filled with default field color and crop zones are filled with crop color or default crop zone color,

  • Hide neighboring boundaries - Turns off boundary highlight - Only selected entities are displayed.  Crop zones are filled with crop color else default crop zone color.

The Default Extent pane lets you set the Zoom To level to the Client, Farm, or Field level, as well as how far to Zoom out an additional amount.  



Print Map:

The print map button provides the ability to capture the currently displayed map image and print it on an AGRIS form.  There are two standard forms, portrait and landscape orientation.  Custom forms may be used to meet different needs.


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