To apply from storage and produce a settlement:
From the Toolbar, click GRN for Commodity Management.
From the Commodity menu, select Settlements.
From the Settlements menu, select Apply From Storage.
4. In the Commodity Code box, click Lookup or type * and press Enter and then select a commodity, or type the commodity.
17. In the Stop Date box, type 1 to enter the stop date, 2 to use the date priced, or 3 to use today's Position date, 4 to use Today’s Calendar Date (The date your PC is on), or 5 to use the Position/Client Loadout Date.
33. Next the Check form will print, which you can change the Remarks or name on the Check if Security allows, then Click OK and the Check will be printed.
Audited: AB 4/18/23
Learn more about Settlements feature: