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1.From AGRIS’s main menu bar, navigate to: Maintenance > Dataset Maintenance



Edit Selected Dataset Options and Fields

Dataset Number - Displays the number of the dataset being edited. The field is not editable.

Note: Fields are only editable if user is logged into the selected dataset and has proper security.

Live Accounting Dataset – Is this the active Dataset.

  • Yes, default

  • No

Name/Description - The dataset name is reflected on reports and windows throughout the dataset.

Directory - By default, the dataset folder is set to <Drive Letter>:\AGRIS\Datasets\<dataset number>. Change the location of the dataset by typing over the existing entry.

Note: A dataset cannot point to another dataset in the same directory.

AttachToo Storage Directory & Configure - Displays the UNC path for document storage. Select the Configure button to open the Document Management Security window to setup document storage. See /wiki/spaces/GSSUP/pages/2699886613 for additional information.

Image File - Select the image file to use as the window background for this dataset. The window background image(s) that appear in AGRIS can be changed so a different image appears for each dataset. The image then serves as a visual signature for a dataset. When associating a background image with a dataset, you can use a system image or an image that you created. If you create an image, save the image as a .JPG file.

To change the background image for one or more datasets, do the following:

  • If you want to use one or more images that you created, be sure that the images are in a .JPG file format. Copy the image files to the <Drive Letter>:\AGRIS\Support folder.

  • From AGRIS System Manager > Customize > System Configuration > System Configuration (1 of 2) window, type D in the Background Image By box.

  • From AGRIS System Manager > Maintenance > Dataset Maintenance, select a dataset. In the Image File box on the Edit Selected Dataset window, select the image file that you want associated with the dataset.

Dataset Id/Type - Accept the default value that appears. Currently, this box is not being used for any dataset type except the standard default dataset.

Allow ___ Idle Minutes Between HHMM and HHMM - Use this only if you are operating on a network. This feature is useful in instances where your system backup skips files or shuts down because data files are open. In order to prevent a workstation from holding open data files that are not being used, you can set a time limit for keeping data files open.

  • Type the idle time in minutes. When an AGRIS session exceeds the idle time, all data files are closed and a message appears, stating that the workstation was logged off.

  • Enter the time frame in hours and minutes, using military time format, if you want the idle time to apply only to a specific time frame.

Maintain Deleted Records? (TRANSACT.AGR)

  • Yes, deleted records are retained but not displayed.

  • No, deleted records are removed.

Dataset Unique ID - Display a Globally Unique Identifier known as a GUID for the dataset.

Ok - Saves and closes the window.

Reassign Unique ID - Allows users to reassign a dataset’s unique ID.

Security Options - Opens the Set Security Options window which grants dataset logon and password options.

  • Enable System Security for this dataset? Y/N

Note: The following settings all pertain to User Id setup within the selected dataset)

  • Auto Login? Y/N

  • Require Password? Y/N

  • Require Password to be different than User Id? Y/N

  • Password must start with… A=Alphabetic N=Numeric or Blank=Either

  • Minimum Password Length

  • Maximum Password Length, defaults to 15

  • Minimum Alphabetic Character in Password….0=No Minimum

  • Minimum Number Characters in password…0=No Minimum

  • Password Life (Days)

  • Days to remind before expiration, defaults to 10

  • Days before password may be reused…999=Password can never be reused.

  • Maximum Login Attempts….0=No Limit

  • Encrypt Graphic Reports/Forms in emails?

    • Y/N

    • Supports emailed graphic reports/forms that use the upgraded reporting engine.

    • Password, enter password to decrypt.

Extended Options - Opens the Select Package window displaying AGRIS packages. Selecting a package opens the Extended Option window which is used to extend the functionality of the base AGRIS system. It controls access to menu options, application functions, and screen data. Package specific

  • Y - Activates (turns on) the extended option.

  • N - Deactivates (turns off) the extended option.

Back - Closes window without saving changes.
