This chapter describes the additional and miscellaneous modifications made to Cinch Document Exchange.
This chapter contains the following sections:
- New CSV ProcessMfg Import 01
- New Process Manufacturing Import
- New Lot Analysis Import
- Changes to TouchPoint PO Import 01
- New Excel Load Import 04
- New CSV Trade Import 01
- Changes to FIXML 5.0 Trade Import
- Changes to AgXML 4.0 Ticket Import
- New CSV Shipment Import 02
- Changes to CIDX PO Export 2.02
- Changes to CIDX PO Export 4.0
- Changes to CIDX PO Export 5.0
- Changes to CIDX PO Export 5.2
New CSV ProcessMfg Import 01
CSV ProcessMfg Import is an adapter used to convert lines in a csv document to an AgXML document for use by the Process Manufacturing Import service and places them in the designated path.
- Process Manufacturing Import
- Service Line Settings
- Message Label Extension
- The file extension of the export file.
- ProcessMfg Port Type, ProcessMfg Port URL and ProcessMfg Req Path
- These settings need to match Process Manufacturing Import header settings for this service.
Processing Note:
- A file was not provided with line details and therefore not tested.
- File Layout:
- Field 2 (Tank/Number/Scale#) = User Defined 2.
- Field 4 (Product ID) from file = Recipe ID.
- Adapter places a –P at the end of the Recipe ID in the created file requiring the Recipe to be translated.
- Field 8 (Date/Time) = Date.
- Field 11 = Recipe Qty
- Field 12 (Site ID) in the file = Default Site
- Field 7 (Rail Car/Truck Number) = User Defined 1
- Field 13 (Scale Ticket#) – is used to by adapter to track if record is new or updated.
New Process Manufacturing Import
Process Manufacturing Import has been created to import manufacturing data and create Process Manufacturing transactions within Cinch. A process manufacturing transaction will be created based on the provided Recipe ID and Quantity. The system will go to the Recipe to determine the "Consumed" and "Produced" line item details.
- Process Manufacturing Import
- Service Line Settings
- Batch by Hour
- The Date/Time that will be used in the determination of the batch will come from the Process Manufacturing transaction itself. (Unlike other CinchX services where this is based on the system date and time).
- System will append a number at the end of the batch indicating which timeslot the batch is for.
- Example, if system is setup to create a new batch every 6 hours, Tickets that are imported with transaction time from 12:00 am to 6:00 am will have a "00" at the end of the batch number, transaction with times from 6:01 to 12:00 noon will have "06", tickets from 12:00 noon to 18:00 will have "12", transaction with times from 18:01 to 23:99 will have a "18".
- If no transactions are imported during a particular timeslot, the system will not create that batch.
- If setting is left blank, the hours will not be included in the batch number.
- Batch Prefix
- Default = PRCMF
- The transaction will be saved in a batch with a format of BBXXMMDD (BB is the Branch prefix, XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDD is the user date (MM= Month and DD= Day) of the transaction import.
- Maximum number of characters 15, this includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix and the date suffix.
- If the batch does not exist it will be added
- Default Activity Code
- If the Activity Code is included within in file line detail, it will be placed on each transaction line.
- The Activity Code to place on each transaction line in the event it is not provided with in file line detail.
- If Activity Code is not provided or the service setting is not set it will be left blank on the transaction.
- Default Apply Cost
- If the Apply Cost is included within in file line detail, it will be placed on each transaction line.
- If line detail is not provided the Apply Cost from the Recipe will be used.
- If the Recipe does not have the Apply Cost defined the Default Apply Cost will be used on each transaction line.
- Default Branch
- A valid branch ID is required. All transactions will be created within this branch.
- Default Cost Method
- If the Cost Method is included within in file line detail, it will be placed on each transaction line.
- If line detail is not provided the Cost Method from the Recipe will be used.
- Default Location
- If the Site is included within in file, it will be placed on each transaction line.
- If the Recipe does not have the Site defined the Default location will be used on each transaction line.
- A valid Site is a required to process the transaction.
- Default Work Center
- If the Work Center is included within in file line detail, it will be placed on each transaction line.
- The Work Center to place on each transaction line in the event it is not provided with in file line detail.
- If Work Center is not provided or the service setting is not set it will be left blank on the transaction.
- Use Partner Doc#
- Yes when selected the MfgNumber included within the import file will be used. Defaults to Yes. When set to Yes, if this is not present the message will fail within Doc Monitor for missing number.
- No when selected the next Mfg Number will be used. If line details are not present this must be set to No.
- Use Recipe Qty As Actual Qty
- Yes when selected will use the RecipeQty as the actual qty of the transaction. Defaults to Yes.
- No when selected will use the quantities of the line details as the total actual quantity.
- If there are no line details provided, the system will make the Actual Qty equal to the Recipe Qty.
- User ID
- This is used to set the Cinch transactional user.
- Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
- If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.
Processing Note:
- Given the Recipe ID and the Recipe qty the Import service will create an un-posted manufacturing transaction similar to the way the
- When no line details are provided, the system will make the Actual Qty equal to the Recipe qty.
- If the line level details are provided (that is, produced and consumed items) the system will update the Recipe created lines with the actual Quantities and add any lines that were not included in the recipe.
- If the Service is provided a Recipe and line level details, the system will create a process manufacturing transaction based on the Recipe. Then the Actual Quantities will be updated with the line level details.
- If line details contain items that are not on the recipe. System will create the lines with the actual qty and leave the Recipe Qty at zero.
- If the recipe contains items that are not on the lines detail, the system will create the line from the recipe using the recipe qty then update the actual Qty to zero.
Fill Recipe Item button works in Manufacturing Entry.
New Lot Analysis Import
Lot Analysis Import has been created to import Lot Analysis records from an XML file and create Lot Analysis transactions within Cinch.
- Lot Analysis Import
- Service Line Settings
- Default Branch
- A valid branch ID is required. All transactions will be created within this branch.
- User ID
- This is used to set the Cinch transactional user.
- Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
- If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.
- Auto generate TestID
- Yes when selected the processor will create a new Test ID if one is not present in the xml document. If one is present in the xml document it will be used.
- No when selected an error will be thrown if a Test ID is not included in the xml doc.
Processing Note:
- The system will look to Lot Analysis Setup, Disable Analysis By Location checkbox. If site is not included within the xml this checkbox must be marked or the record will fail on import.
- XML documents tested did not have the Site included so this checkbox had to be marked to import records.
- Translations can be setup on the Item, Lot Number and Analysis ID.
- Create and Update records:
- CinchX will look for existing Test ID's with the same Item, Site and Lot Number, if one is found, the system will update it with the results. And add any new result records.
- Test files only contained one test result.
- If no existing Test ID is found, the system will create new analysis records. The newly created Lot Analysis Record will be marked as "Active". System will update any other Lot Analysis Records for the Item, Site and Lot to "In-Active".
- Auto Generate Test ID, if Test ID is missing, the system will use a Test ID of "01". Test ID will start out at "01" and increment from there for each new test that comes in with the same item number, site, and lot number.
- CinchX will look for existing Test ID's with the same Item, Site and Lot Number, if one is found, the system will update it with the results. And add any new result records.
Changes to TouchPoint PO Import 01
TouchPoint PO Import 01 has been modified with the option to allow records to be imported to a database or creating a Purchase Order.
- TouchPoint PO Import 01
- New Service Settings
- Create Purchase Order
- Yes, when selected the processor will export CIDX Order Create documents to be consumed by CIDX Purchase Order Import.
- No, when selected the TouchPoint data will be directly inserted into Cinch tables where custom reports will be able to access the data. Default = No
- Create Purchase Order
- New Service Settings
Processing Note:
- Two translations will be utilized in this adapter.
- Branch will be used to translate the value from the TouchPoint header SOLDTO_ID field to a Cinch Branch ID. The translation Standard Value is the Cinch Branch, Cinch Value is the value from the file.
- UOFM will be used to translate the value from the TouchPoint line UNIT_OF_MEASURE to a numeric factor that will be used to calculate Quantity in the OrderDtl table. The translation Standard Value is the Cinch UOM Value (numeric value), Cinch Value is the value from the file.
- Data fields within the Order table:
- BranchID – From TouchPoint file, SOLDTO_ID translated to Cinch Branch
- VendorID – Hardcoded to 110960
- OrderNumber – From TouchPoint file, DOCUMENT_NBR
- OrderDate = System Date
- SourceId - Hardcoded to 2
- LastModifiedUserKey – Hardcoded to BF9CAEA3-BA12-4204-86AE-F48F335111A2.
- LastModifiedDate = System Date
- Note = Leave Blank
- Data fields within the OrderDtl table
- OrderDtlId - System generated to make record unique.
- OrderId - From Order table
- ItemId = From TouchPoint file, ITEM_NUMBER. This is compared to the Vendor Item ID and will be populated with the corresponding Item Number. (IV100103 – ItemNMBR)
- UOMId - From TouchPoint file, UNIT_OF_MEASURE translated to Cinch UofM
- Quantity - From TouchPoint file, UNITS * (translated UOM value)
- Price - hardcode to 0
New Excel Load Import 04
Excel Load Import 04 has been created to take in the Murex Excel file and parse each line into an AgXML 4.0 Load record.
- Excel Load Import 04
- Service Line Settings
- Load Port Type, Load Port URL and Load Port Req Path
- These settings need to match load import header settings for this service.
- E-Markets support will guide you through the process of setting up this service. Please DO NOT change these setting prior to contacting support.
- Message Label Extension
- The file extension of the export file.
- This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example: load 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
- The file extension of the export file.
- Excel Worksheet Name
- This is the name of the specific worksheet in the Excel spreadsheet where the import information can be found.
Processing Note:
- File Layout is as follows.
- Column B, bol_ref = Load Number and Cust Ref 1
- Column E, schedule_date = Scheduled Date
- Column F, order_qty = Quantity
- Column H, item = Item
- Column J, uom_code = Unit of Measure
- Column L, ship_mode = Ship Method
- Column P, consignee = Cust Ref Ship to Name
- Column Q, business_unit = Customer
- Column W, agreement_id = Cust Ref 2
- Column AM, consignee_addr_city = Cust Ref City
- Column AN, consignee_addr_St = Cust Ref State
- Customer, since the file will be consumed by the ethanol plant, the customer will be the marketer. Inside the file, there is a column called "business_unit". The Adapter will place the "business_unit" in the "Buyer" section of the XML document.
- Customer Ref Details, the file contains Customer Reference Details (consignee, agreement number, consignee addr city", and consignee addr st. The adapter will place that information within the User section of the XML Document so that it populates the Customer Ref Details.
- Since the file does not contain a Sales Contract, the adapter will leave the Contract ID node empty in the XML. Per standard CinchX Load Order import functionality, the system will leave the Sales Contract blank or, based on setup of the service, default a sales contract and sales contract delivery period. User will be expected to call up the Load Order within Cinch and add (or verify) the sales contract if a sales contract is needed on the load order.
- AgXML 4.0 Load Import created from Excel Load Import 04 must have the following service settings set as follows:
- Direct Ship Scenario A = Yes
- Use Agent as Customer = No
- Use location id for Ship-To = No
- Fail on Ship-To address Match = No
- Use Partner Doc# = Yes
New CSV Trade import 01
CSV Trade Import 01 has been created to take in the Murex file and parse each line into an FIXML 5.0 Trade Import record.
- CSV Trade Import 01
- Service Line Settings
- Trade Port Type, Trade Port URL and Trade Req Path
- These settings need to match the trade import header settings for this service.
- E-Markets support will guide you through the process of setting up this service. Please DO NOT change these setting prior to contacting support.
- Message Label Extension
- The file extension of the export file.
- This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example: trade 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
- The file extension of the export file.
Processing Note:
- File Layout/mapping is as follows.
- Offer Number is next available number
- Trader ID – from trade import service
- Branch - from trade import service
- Date = Offer Date and Fill Date
- Account = Hedge Account (translated)
- F or O = Type (Futures/Options)
- Trade Type = User Defined 2
- Trade Description = User Defined 1
- 1 or 2 = Action (1 = Buy, 2 = Sell)
- Buy Quantity = # contracts
- Sell Quantity = # contracts
- Alpha Month = Board Month
- Year = Board Year
- R&N Commodity Code = Commodity (translated)
- Commodity Description = Board of Trade (translated)
- Month = Board Month
- Strike = Strike Price
- Trade Price Decimal = Price/Premium
- Contract Size, always Full
- Market Zone – defaults from Branch
- Hedge Factor, always 1
- Hedge Month, same as Board Month
- Hedge Year, same as Board Year
- Since the file does not contain a ticker symbol, the adapter will query the ticker based on board of trade id, month code, board year, and commodity.
- On the Trade import, if no match is found or if multiple matches are found, the ticker will fail within Doc Monitor.
Changes to FIXML 5.0 Trade import
FIXML 5.0 Trade Import has been modified with new translations to handle the CSV Trade Import 01.
- FIXML 5.0 Trade Import
Processing Note:
- Hedge Account translation, a new translation type has been created to support the translation of hedge accounts that will be passed in with the CSV Trade Import 01 adapter.
- The processor will look and see if a hedge account is passed in, and if so perform a translation on it to get the Cinch value. However, if the Hedge Account setting is setup with anything but a blank, it will override anything passed in.
- Ticker translation, the processor currently allows translation of ticker symbols to those in Cinch.
- Since the CSV Trade Import 01 adapter files do not contain a ticker symbol, process will allow the ticker to be queried based on board of trade id, month code, board year, and commodity. If no match is found based on those items, or if multiple matches are found, the ticker will not be included on the trade.
Changes to AgXML 4.0 Ticket Import
AgXML 4.0 Ticket Import has updated to support updating grades on a posted scale ticket.
- AgXML 4.0 Ticket Import
- Service Line Settings
- Update Destination Grades Only
- Yes, when selected the processor will only update records within the IRGNTicketGradeWORK table. After the grades are updated, discounts will be recalculated and DPR adjustment records will be created if needed. Also the response ticket that is normally exported (containing the new ticket number), will not be exported.
- No, when selected records are imported to create/update tickets normally.
- Get document identifier from
- The setting is used to select which section of xml to use when looking for the document identifier. This will not be used as the ticket number, it will be used to identify that the file has been imported and recorded in the number key status table. This gives the Grades Only import more flexibility when searching for the previously imported ticket.
- Available options are Buyer, Seller, and File Name
- File Name will not work if the Ticket Import and Grade Ticket Import files are not the same.
- Grades Only – Original Partner
- Since it is required that the Grades Only import uses a separate service partner than the normal ticket import, this will only be set on the grade import service partner to identify the original service partner.
- Enter the PartnerID (not the name) of the pipe used to import the original ticket.
Processing Note:
- Importing grade updates will require two separate Service Partners setup.
- The first Service Partner is used to import/create the ticket.
- The Update Destination Grades Only set to No.
- Get document identifier from:
- The Commodity Movement Identifier (Buyer or Seller) within the XML.
- File name is can only be used if the Ticket Import and Grade Ticket Import have the same file name.
- This setting has nothing to do with how the ticket number is created, it just helps determine if the record has already been imported.
- The second Service Partner is used to update an existing tickets grades.
- The Update Destination Grades Only set to Yes.
- Get document identifier from:
- This must match the setting for the first Service Partner setting
- Grades Only – Original Partner set to the first Service Partner ID.
- The first Service Partner is used to import/create the ticket.
- The System will NOT allow the update if any of the following exist:
- If the posted Inbound Scale Ticket is applied to a closed Assembly.
- If the posted Inbound Scale Ticket is applied to a Purchase type Assembly.
- If the updated grade value causes a quantity change on the Inbound Scale Ticket (detail), the system will create a DPR Adjustment for the date that the Import occurred. And the adjustment description will be Ticket Grade Change.
New CSV Shipment Import 02
CSV Shipment Import 02 has been created to take in the Kennedy scale file and parse each line into an AgXML 4.0 Shipment record.
- CSV Shipment Import 02
- Service Line Settings
- Shipment Port Type, Shipment Port URL and Shipment Port Req Path
- These settings need to match shipment import header settings for this service.
- E-Markets support will guide you through the process of setting up this service. Please DO NOT change this setting prior to contacting support.
- Message Label Extension
- The file extension of the export file.
- This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example: shipment 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
- The file extension of the export file.
Processing Note:
- File Layout is as follows.
- Ticket # = Shipment Ticket Number
- Date = Shipment Date
- Commodity = Item
- TONS is the Unit of Measure
- Truck # = Vehicle ID
- Load # = Load Number
- Description = User Defined 1
- Account Name = Driver
- Customer number will be pulled from the load. If a matching load is not found in the system for one of the load numbers in the file, an error will be thrown in doc monitoring for that particular line.
- Each file will typically contain multiple tickets. One line per ticket.
Changes to CIDX PO Export 2.02
CIDX PO Export 2.02 has been modified to export the Customer and the Customer's Ship To Address for Drop-Ship PO's. All other PO types will continue to use the Location Address from the PO Line.
Changes to CIDX PO Export 4.0
CIDX PO Export 4.0 has been modified to export the Customer and the Customer's Ship To Address for Drop-Ship PO's. All other PO types will continue to use the Location Address from the PO Line.
Changes to CIDX PO Export 5.0
CIDX PO Export 5.0 has been modified to export the Customer and the Customer's Ship To Address for Drop-Ship PO's. All other PO types will continue to use the Location Address from the PO Line.
Changes to CIDX PO Export 5.2
CIDX PO Export 5.2 has been modified to export the Customer and the Customer's Ship To Address for Drop-Ship PO's. All other PO types will continue to use the Location Address from the PO Line.