AGRIS Customer Documentation

AGRIS Warehouse - Can not print (send to printer error)


As a new user of AGRIS Warehouse or trying a new transaction type you may receive a cant print type error on your mobile device.


This is most likely caused due to the form used is not fully configured.

  1. Within AGRIS navigate to INV > Forms Manager > Delivery Ticket Forms.

  2. Choose form that will be used for delivery tickets.

  3. Confirm the following settings are configured correctly.

    1. Click Ok after setting up document storage as listed below and setting fields to Y

    2. Click Save/Exit


      After Completing the steps above:


  1. Navigate to  Inventory > Forms Manager > Choose Default Forms >5) Delivery Ticket Forms > 2) User Defined Forms  and Select the form from above.> Select 1)Always Use This Form, Allow No Override.






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