AGRIS Customer Documentation

Cancel Priced Contract with Offset


  1. In AGRIS, navigate to: Grn > Contracts > Cancel contracts

2. Enter the contract location code, purchase or sale and the contract number that will be cancelled.

3. Next, click on Ok to the next screen.

4. Select the contract that will be cancelled.

5. On the first screen, enter the amount of bu to be cancelled.

6. Click ok, until the pricing page is displayed on your screen.

7. Leave the original price of this contract for canceling.

8. Click Save and the screen below will appear.

9. Click on create with offset.

When cancelling with an offset a delivery sheet will be created for the offset bu.


10. Click OK.

11. The system will create a sales contract to offset the purchase contract. Enter the amount of bu being cancelled.

12. Click ok until at the pricing screen.

13. When at the pricing screen determine if you are settling at zero, creating an invoice or creating a check.

14. This step is the MOST important:

If you leave the sales contract at the same price as the original contract - You will do a settlement that will be at zero $

The original contract was @ 6.00. If you increase the price of the sales contract 6.10 the system create an invoice to the customer.

The original contract was @ 6.00. If you decrease the sales contract to 5.90 the system will create a check to the customer.

When prompted to settle you can settle from this screen or you can back out and settle at a later time.



If you settle at a later time you will need to blank out the box below to pull both the purchase and sales delivery sheets.



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