AGRIS Customer Documentation

Using an Import to Update Name Address Price Schedule Default Field

Using an Import to Update Name Address Price Schedule Default Field

Field in Name Address Maintenance
  1. Run standard name address export report that is already in the correct file layout to import:

    1. NAM > Report Manager > Name Address Reports > 1. Print Standard Reports > 15. Name Address Export Spreadsheet

    2. This report can be filtered to limit names to be updated, such as by active status A to A on screen 2 to only get active name IDs

    3. If NAMA2 records are not being updated, go to the additional options screen and say No to each question. These are the NAMA2 records and saying no to these will allow for one line per name ID on the spreadsheet, making it easier to read.

  2. Print the NAM Name/Address File Layout for Import:

    1. AGRIS > Maintenance > File layouts for imports > NAM Name/Address

    2. This corresponds directly with the fields on the Excel report ran in step 1

  3. Updating the Price Schedule Field

    1. On the file layout for import, scroll down to AG. Price Schedule

    2. This means that on the Excel spreadsheet, column AG has the price schedule field

    3. For each name ID, fill in column AG with the price schedule code to be saved as the default

  4. According to the Notes for record type NAMA1 in the File Layout for Import, columns AR and AS also need edited to ensure the correct fields are updated in the import

    1. Column AR is the Add/Update Field. Make every number in this column a 2. This tells the file to only update the Name IDs, if the name ID doesn’t already exist due to a typo or something keyed incorrectly, AGRIS will reject the name ID rather than adding a new one

    2. Column AS tells AGRIS which field is being updated. There are 40 N’s, each corresponding with a field to update

      1. According to the File Layout, Price Schedule is the 31st N. Make the 31st N a Y to update this field.

      2. Click the AS title of the column in the spreadsheet and then use find and replace (CTRL + F) and find the 40 N’s and replace with the 31st N as a Y. Leave column AT alone, this controls the NAMA2 data, which is not being updated

  5. Once the file is updated, save the file. It can be renamed, but it needs to stay as a CSV. Save it where it can easily be found.

  6. Save a backup copy of the file. When the import is done, the file will get “eaten” and you will no longer have access to it

  7. Practice the import in a copy or practice dataset first to make sure the fields update as intended

  8. Once the file is saved, go to AGRIS > Reports > Import Procedures. Choose a standard import format, such as a standard CSV import.

  9. Click the search icon by the import file name and find the CSV report that was previously saved

  10. A pop-up will display the number of records that will be updated. Hit OK to proceed

  11. Choose 1. Begin Import Processing

  12. The following screen will display as AGRIS processes the file.

  13. Once complete, this screen will disappear and you will be back at selecting an import procedure. Back out

  14. Go to AGRIS > Reports > Spooled Reports. There will be a report called Name Address Import Report to show what the import did and any rejects that need corrected.

This process can be done for any of the fields listed in the file layout for import following these same instructions just with differing fields. To update NAMA2 records, say Yes to print the fields on the additional options screen of the name address report and this would create a second line of data for each name ID that can be updated. Please call or email support at (800) 366-2474 or with any questions or to walk through the process!

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