CINCH Customer Documentation

CINCH R18.3 - Whats New?

CINCH Software
What's New
Version 18.3 M2
December 2019

Supported Version
Dynamics GP
Feed Mill Manager
Chapter 1: Cinch Grain Miscellaneous
Changes to DTN Integration
Changes to Outbound Setup
Changes to Bulk Shipping Entry
Changes to Bulk Transfer User Setup
Changes to Bulk Transfer Entry
Changes to Bulk Shipment Invoicing
Changes to Contract Overrun
Changes to Load Generator
Changes to Load Order Entry
Changes to Payables Transaction Inquiry - Document
Changes to Payables Transaction Inquiry - Vendor
Changes to Payables Transaction Entry
Changes to Sales Contract Entry
Chapter 2: Cinch Sales Miscellaneous
Changes to Purchase Order Processing Document Inquiry
Changes to Vehicle Lookup
Chapter 3: Auto Complete
Auto Complete
New Windows
New Reports
New Tables
Changes that may affect Reports or Data


What's New is your guide to enhancements in CINCH Software.
We add enhancements based on feedback we receive from customers, as well as on market research. Your willingness to help us build better products makes this a more complete solution, putting you in a better position to manage your organization successfully. We encourage you to share your thoughts and reactions with us at any time.
Some enhancements described in this documentation are optional. If you currently have a license for one of these modules and have an active enhancement program, you will automatically receive the enhancements contained in that module.
This document describes enhancements that were added to the CINCH Software since General Release 18.2 M14 SP1.
Descriptions of the enhancements are divided into the following chapters:
Chapter 1, "Cinch Grain Miscellaneous" describes enhancements made to Cinch Grain.
Chapter 2, "Cinch Sales Miscellaneous" describes enhancements made to Cinch Sales.
Chapter 3. "Auto Complete" describes enhancements made to CINCH to support the GP Auto Complete functionality.

Supported Version

The following is a list of the Dynamics GP version we will be supporting for this release.

Dynamics GP

Software Version: 18.2 (18.2.1036 (2019)
Dex Version: (18.00.0021)


Is currently not supported.

Feed Mill Manager

Is currently not supported.

Chapter 1: Cinch Grain Miscellaneous

This chapter describes enhancements made to CINCH Grain.
This chapter contains the following sections:

Changes to DTN Integration

At this time, DTN Integration will not be supported in Cinch.

Changes to Outbound Setup

Outbound Setup has been updated with the addition of the Allow Gross Qty. Entry checkbox and Load Ord Batch.

  1. Open Outbound Setup

(Dynamics GP>Tools>Setup>Cinch Grain>Sales/Outbound User)

  1. Allow Gross Qty. Entry checkbox.

    1. When marked the Gross Qty on the Bulk Shipping Entry window will be editable. User will be allowed to enter Gross Qty and the system will calculate Gross weight.

    2. When not marked the Gross Qty field will not be editable on the Bulk Shipping Entry window.

  2. Load Ord Batch when defined, will default on the Load Generator and Load Order Entry windows.

Changes to Bulk Shipping Entry

Bulk Shipping Entry has been modified to allow Gross Qty to be editable.

  1. Open Bulk Shipping Entry

(Transactions>Cinch Grain>Sales/Outbound>Bulk Shipping)

  1. When Outbound Setup, Allow Gross Qty. Entry checkbox is marked the Gross Qty field will be enabled. This will allow the user to enter Gross Qty and the system will calculate Gross weight.

    1. Gross Qty cannot be entered unless there is an Item Number on the shipment.

    2. System will calculate Gross weight (Gross Qty * Weight Per Unit of measure for the selected Item).

    3. System will calculate Tare weight (Net - Gross).

    4. Changing the value of Tare or Gross weight will update the value of Gross Qty.

Changes to Bulk Transfer User Setup

Bulk Transfer User Setup has been updated with the addition of the Allow Gross Qty. Entry checkbox.

  1. Open Bulk Transfer User Setup

(Dynamics GP>Tools>Setup>Cinch Grain>Bulk Transfer User Setup)

  1. Allow Gross Qty. Entry checkbox.

    1. When marked the Gross Qty on the Bulk Transfer Entry window will be editable. User will be allowed to enter Gross Qty and the system will calculate Gross weight.

      1. Single Weight Entry must be also be selected when Allow Gross Qty. Entry checkbox is selected. If it is not already selected it will be auto selected when Allow Gross Qty. Entry checkbox is selected.

    2. When not marked the Gross Qty field will not be editable on the Bulk Transfer Entry window.

Changes to Bulk Transfer Entry

Bulk Transfer Entry has been modified to allow Gross Qty to be editable.

  1. Open Bulk Transfer Entry

(Transactions>Cinch Grain>Bulk Transfer Entry)

  1. When Bulk Transfer User Setup, Allow Gross Qty. Entry checkbox is marked the Gross Qty field will be enabled. This will allow the user to enter Gross Qty and the system will calculate Gross weight.

    1. Gross Qty cannot be entered unless there is an Item Number entered.

    2. System will calculate Gross weight (Gross Qty * Weight Per Unit of measure for the selected Item).

    3. Changing the value of Gross weight will update the value of Gross Qty.

Changes to Bulk Shipment Invoicing

Bulk Shipment Invoicing has been modified with the addition of the Prepay column that will be used as a visual indicator if customer/item has prepay.

  1. Open Bulk Shipment Invoicing

(Transactions>Cinch Grain>Sales/Outbound>Bulk Shipment Invoicing)

  1. The Prepay column will be used as a visual indicator and be populated with the Prepay Type if there is an open prepay for the customer/item.

    1. If there is not prepay the field will be blank.

    2. The different prepay types are as follows:

  • PO – Open type prepay is available

PI – Item type prepay is available
PC – Prepay Class type prepay is available
PD – Deposit type prepay is available

  • PP – Product type prepay is available

Changes to Contract Overrun

Purchase Contract Overrun has been updated with the addition of a Contract Reference No from the Purchase Contract.

  1. When prompted to overrun a purchase contract and choosing No, will open the Purchase Contract Overrun window.

  1. The Contract Reference number, in the scrolling window, displays the Reference No from Purchase Contract Entry.

Changes to Load Generator

Load Generator has been modified default the SOP Batch Number from the Outbound Setup, Load Ord Batch.

  1. Open Load Generator

(Transactions>Cinch Grain>Sales/Outbound>Load Generator)

  1. SOP Batch Number will default from the Outbound Setup, Load Ord Batch if defined.

    1. If the default SOP Batch Number is changed, the system will remember the changed SOP Batch Number and continue to display it when the load orders are saved. If the window is closed and reopened the default batch number from the Outbound Setup, Load Ord Batch, if defined.

Changes to Load Order Entry

Load Order Entry has been modified default the Batch from the Outbound Setup, Load Ord Batch.

  1. Open Load Order Entry

(Transactions>Cinch Grain>Sales/Outbound>Load Order Entry)

  1. Batch will default from the Outbound Setup, Load Ord Batch if defined.

    1. If the default Batch is changed, the system will remember the changed Batch and continue to display it when the load orders are saved. If the window is closed and reopened the default batch number from the Outbound Setup, Load Ord Batch, if defined.

  2. Inbound Assembly, if the selected assembly is from another branch, user will be prompted to duplicate the assembly for the load order branch.

    1. The ability to duplicate assemblies is only permitted if Allow Cross Branch Ticket Apply is selected in General Setup.

    2. If the Allow Cross Branch Ticket Apply is NOT selected user will not be allowed to select the assembly.

Changes to Payables Transaction Inquiry - Document

Payables Transaction Inquiry – Document has been updated with the addition of View Freight Inquiry to the Additional drop-down list.

  1. Open Payables Transaction Inquiry – Document

(Inquiry>Purchasing>Transaction by Document)

  1. Selecting Additional; View Freight Inquiry will open the Freight Inquiry List with all documents associated to the selected freight Voucher.

    1. If the selected voucher did not originate from Freight Matching user will be prompted that the selected record is not a Freight voucher and the Freight Inquiry List will not open.

Changes to Payables Transaction Inquiry - Vendor

Payables Transaction Inquiry – Vendor has been updated with the addition of View Freight Inquiry to the Additional drop-down list.

  1. Open Payables Transaction Inquiry – Vendor

(Inquiry>Purchasing>Transaction by Vendor)

  1. Selecting Additional; View Freight Inquiry will open the Freight Inquiry List with all documents associated to the selected freight Voucher.

    1. If the selected voucher did not originate from Freight Matching user will be prompted that the selected record is not a Freight voucher and the Freight Inquiry List will not open.

Changes to Payables Transaction Entry

Payables Transaction Entry has been updated with the addition of View Freight Inquiry to the Additional drop-down list.

  1. Open Payables Transaction Entry

(Transactions>Purchasing>Transaction Entry)

  1. Selecting Additional; View Freight Inquiry will open the Freight Inquiry List with all documents associated to the selected freight Voucher.

    1. If the selected voucher did not originate from Freight Matching user will be prompted that the selected record is not a Freight voucher and the Freight Inquiry List will not open.

Changes to Sales Contract Entry

Sales Contract Entry has been updated to default the Ship Company from the Customer Ship To address.

  1. Open Sales Contract Entry

(Transactions>Cinch Grain>Sales/Outbound>Sales Contract Entry)

  1. When user clicks into the Delivery Period the Ship Company will default from the Customer Address Maintenance, Shipping Method based on the selected Ship To address.

    1. If the selected Shipping Method has Freight Default Values defined within Shipping Method Detail Maintenance, the Freight Rate and Freight UOM Type will also default.

    2. If the user changes the Ship To after entering a delivery period, only new delivery periods will default the Ship Company for the new Ship To. Existing delivery periods will have to be manually updated.

Chapter 2:Cinch Sales Miscellaneous

This chapter describes enhancements made to CINCH Sales.
This chapter contains the following sections:

Changes to Purchase Order Processing Document Inquiry

The Purchase Order Processing Document Inquiry window has been added to the interface for Treeno Software's Electronic Document Management System.

  1. Open Purchase Order Processing Document Inquiry

(Inquiry>>Purchasing>>Purchase Order Documents)

  1. Select a document in the scrolling window. If Sales Setup, Treeno Enabled is checked and the document includes a Receipt No. the title of the window will include the original title and the following fields separated by a semi colon ( and inserted between curly brackets ({}). If any of the fields are blank nothing will display between the semi colons.

    1. Vendor ID

    2. Vendor Name

    3. Vendor Document Number

    4. Receipt No.

    5. Invoice Date

Changes to Vehicle Lookup

Sales User Setup, Default Sales Shipment Source and Lock Source have been added to allow the default source filter on Shipment Invoicing to be defined per user.

  1. Open Vehicle Lookup

(Cards>>Cinch Sales>>Vehicle Maintenance>>Vehicle Lookup)

  1. Find by Vehicle/Description/License allows uses to search by Vehicle ID, Vehicle Description or Vehicle License. To change the find option, select the column header.

Chapter 3:Auto Complete

This chapter describes enhancements made to CINCH to support the GP Auto Complete functionality.
This chapter contains the following sections:

Auto Complete

The following windows and fields have been updated to support the GP Auto Complete functionality.

  1. Purchase Contract Entry

    1. Disposition ID

    2. Customer (Vendor)

    3. Item

    4. Delivery Period

    5. FOB

    6. Ticker

    7. Comment

  2. Sales Contract Entry

    1. Customer

    2. Item

    3. Comment

    4. Delivery Period

    5. Ticker

    6. Ship Company

  3. Load Generator

    1. Customer

    2. SOP Batch Number

  4. Load Order Entry

    1. Customer

    2. Item

    3. Batch

    4. Ship Company

  5. Bulk Shipping Entry

    1. Customer

    2. Item

    3. Ship Company

    4. Comment

  6. Outbound Shipping Entry

    1. Customer

    2. Item

    3. Ship Company

    4. Comment

  7. Assembly Entry

    1. Customer (Vendor)

    2. Item

    3. Disposition

  8. Scale Ticket Entry

    1. Customer (Vendor)

    2. Item

  9. Bulk Ticket Entry

    1. Customer (Vendor)

    2. Item


This section lists the new windows and reports added to this release. Based on the Microsoft Dynamics GP security model, access will need to be determined per security task.
New Tables added to this release are also listed below.

New Windows

Module: Grain

Area: Transactions

Display Name

Form Name





Module: Sales

Area: Transactions

Display Name

Form Name





Module: Sales

Area: Inquiry

Display Name

Form Name





New Reports

Module: Grain

Report Name



New Tables

Module: Grain\Sales

Table Name

IRGNPCTypeValidateTicker – created for future release

IRGNSCTypeValidateTicker – created for future release


Changes that may affect Reports or Data


Report and Data

N/A for this release


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