CINCH Customer Documentation

CINCH Document Exchange

This chapter describes changes and enhancements made to CinchX.


Changes to AgXML 2.0 Freight Carrier Export

A Ship Method’s Shipment Category has been added to the XML export file. 

Located here:  <EntityNotifications>, <EntityNotification>, <EntityInformation>, <EntityIdentifier>.

Changes to AgXML 4.0 Load Import

A change was made in populating the IRCommisionUOM.  If the IRCommisionUOM in the XML file is empty or invalid and an IRCommisionRate is not empty, then the IRQtyUM for the load in the XML file will be used for the IRCommisionUOM.

Changes to AgXML 4.0 Sales Contract Import

Users can now import Provisional Invoicing Information on sales contracts.

Changes to AgXML 4.0 Shipment Export

AgXML 4.0 Shipment Export has been updated with a new setting to allow the export of transactions without a gross quantity.

  1. AgXML 4.0 Shipment Export

    1. Supported Exchange partner Filters:  No changes

    2. Service Line Settings

      1. Allow Export for Zero Gross

        1. No, will not allow a shipment to export with a zero-gross quantity. (Default)

        2. Yes, will allow a shipment to export with a zero-gross quantity

Changes to AgXML 4.0 Shipment Import

The AgXML 4.0 Shipment Import has been updated to allow the update of existing shipments created within CINCH.  In the past it would only allow the update of outbound shipments created via CinchX.

  1. AgXML 4.0 Shipment Import

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters: No changes

      1. No Filters Apply

    2. Service Line Settings

      1. Update if Shipment Exists

        1. Yes, shipments initially created in CINCH then updated by an outside source will be updated.

          1. If this setting is set to yes, the Update Dest Weight/Grades Only should not be set to yes.  If the Update Dest Weight/Grades Only setting is set to yes, it will rule over this setting.

          2. Setting must be set to yes, when bulk shipments are imported and have both Scale and Meter weights.  This allows the system to properly calculate the shipment’s Gross Qty, based on the item’s Calc Gross Qty By selection (Scale or Meter).

          3. If the shipment is created outside of CINCH and imported into CINCH and then updated and re-imported, the system would and still will update the shipment without this setting set to Yes.

        2. No, shipments initially created in CINCH then updated by an outside source and imported back into the system will not be updated.

Changes to AgXML 4.0 Ticket Export/Import

The AgXML 4.0 Ticket Export & Import have been updated to export & import purchase load information.

  1. AgXML 4.0 Ticket Export

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters: No changes

    2. New Service Line Settings

      1. Copy Load to Cust Ref 1

        1. Yes, will place load number value from ticket to the Direct Ship Instruction, load number identifier within the export xml file if the Cust Ref 1 field on the Customer Ref Details window is not populated.   This is used only with direct shipments.

        2. No, load number from ticket will not be placed in the Direct Ship Instruction, load number identifier within the export xml file if the Cust Ref 1 field on the Customer Ref Details window is not populated.  Default = no.

  2. AgXML 4.0 Ticket Import – No Changes

Changes to CIDX 5.3 Bulk Shipment Import

CIDX 5.3 Bulk Shipment Import has been updated with a new setting to allow the import of transactions without load information.

  1. CIDX 5.3 Bulk Shipment Import 

    1. Supported Exchange partner Filters:  No changes

    2. Service Line Settings

      1. Load Match Not Req

        1. No, default setting requiring load information to process.

        2. Yes, load information is not required to process.  Shipment will process or process with a warning indicating that load information is missing or does not exist in Cinch.  For example, the XML file’s…

          1. Purchase Order Information section does not exist. Process with a warning, shipment will not have a load number attached.

          2. Purchase Order Information section exists but a load number does not.  Process with a warning, shipment will not have a load number attached.

          3. Purchase Order Information section exists with a load number, but load does not match a load in Cinch.  Process with a warning, shipment will not have a load number attached.

          4. Purchase Order Information section exists with a load number and load does match a load in Cinch. Process with a warning, shipment will have a load number attached.

Processing Note:

  • Record will be imported as a Bulk Shipment.

  • Data Mapping to the CINCH Bulk Shipment for Load = from XML \ShipNoticeBody/ShipNoticeProperties/PurchaseOrderInformation/ DocumentReference/DocumentIndentifier

Changes to CinchX Global Settings

The CinchX Monitoring Service section of the CinchX Global Settings window has been changed.  The Monitoring Service Server’s Start and Stop buttons have been removed.

Changes to Exports/Imports - Freight Per Net Unit

The following CinchX services can now export/import freight per net unit.  In the past only freight per gross unit and per load could be export/imported.

  1. AgXML 4.0 In transit-In Export

  2. AgXML 4.0 In transit-In Import

  3. AgXML 4.0 Load Export

  4. AgXML 4.0 Load Import

  5. AgXML 4.0 Purch Load Export

  6. AgXML 4.0 Purch Load Import

  7. AgXML 4.0 Sales Contract Export

  8. AgXML 4.0 Sales Contract Import

  9. AgXML 4.0 Shipment Export

  10. AgXML 4.0 Shipment Import

  11. AgXML 4.0 Ticket Export

  12. AgXML 4.0 Ticket Import

  13. CIDX 4.0 Load Export

  14. CIDX 4.0 Load Import

  15. CIDX 5.3 Load Export

NEW AgXML 4.0 Purchase Load Export

Creates an XML file for each purchase load generated by selected vendors.

  1. AgXML 4.0 Purch Load Export

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters

      1. Vendor filter applies

        1. Vendor ID is required.  The exact or wild card match must be entered.  For example, * = all vendors, a* = all vendors that begin with “a”.

        2. Vendor ID is required.  Only one vendor can be entered per service partner.

        3. LOCNCODE is optional.  If specified filters all documents on an exact inventory site match.

    2. Service Line Settings

      1. Allow Deletes

        1. Yes, deleted loads will be exported with an ActionType of “Delete” within the XML file.

        2. No, deleted loads will not be exported.

      2. Allow Voids

        1. Yes, voided loads will be exported with an ActionType of “Delete” within the XML file as long as the Allow Deletes setting is also set to Yes.

        2. No, deleted loads will not be exported.  

      3. Cinch Consumer

        1. Yes, adds CINCH specific fields to the XML file in the UserArea.

        2. No, the XML file will conform to AgXML version 4 specifications AgXML_v4.0.xsd (schema).

      4. Company ID Source specifies how the Buyer’s Entity Identifier/Source is determined in the export file.  If the setting does not exist, or does not match one of the valid values, the Company ID will be sent.

        1. Branch, the Buyer’s Entity Identifier/Source will be set to the Branch ID, Entity Name will be set to the Company Name and the Address will be set to the Load’s Site ID's Address.

        2. Company, the Buyer’s Entity Identifier/Source will be set to the Company Name, Entity Name will be set to the Company Name and the Address will be set to the Load’s Site ID's Address.

        3. Location, the Buyer’s Entity Identifier/Source will be set to the Load’s Site ID, Entity Name will be set to the Company Name and the Address will be set to the Load’s Site ID's Address.

      5. Export Comments

        1. Yes, comments will be exported from the load order.

        2. No, comments will not be exported from the load order.

      6. Export SCAC Identifier

        1. Yes, if the Skip Freight setting is set to No, exports the freight carries SCAC (Standard Carrier Alpha Code) identifier.  This identifier has been matched to the vendor’s “Short Name”.  The SCAC identifier will be placed in the /ShipmentInformation/Routing/StandardCarrierAlphaCode section of the XML file.

        2. No, does not export the freight carries SCAC identifier.

      7. Export STCC Identifier

        1. Yes, exports the STCC (Standard Transportation Commodity Code) identifier.  This identifier has been matched to the last Inventory Control User Category on the item.  The STCC identifier will be placed in the /CommodityInformation/StandardTransportationCommodityCode node.

        2. No, does not export the STCC identifier.

      8. Item Class Filter

        1. Default = *

        2. Enter a single Item Class or list of Item Classes.

          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.

          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop-down list box.

          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.

          4. An item class prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.

        3. Line items must have a matching Item Class in this list to be exported.

      9. Item Filter

        1. Default = *

        2. Enter a single Item or list of Items.

          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.

          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop-down list box.

          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.

          4. An item prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.

        3. Line items must have a matching Item in this list to be exported.  

      10. Message Label Extension - Enter the file extension to be used for the export file.  This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE.  (Example order 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).

      11. Populate Origin with Site Info

        1. Yes, Shipment Information/Origin will be populated from the Site/Buyer Address.

        2. No, Shipment Information/Origin will be populated from the Vendor’s Ship From address ID.

      12. Send Loads that are On Hold

        1. Yes, load orders placed on hold will be exported.

          1. The Cinch Consumer setting needs to be set to Yes for the On Hold to be present in the export file.

        2. No

          1. Load orders created on hold will not be exported.

          2. Load orders created and then subsequently marked as on hold will export/send an update.

      13. Send reused Load #s as Adds – There are four values for an action type.  DELETE = The load was deleted, VOID = The load was voided, REPLACE = The load number has been sent before and ADD = the load number has not been sent before.

        1. Yes, the XML Action type will be forced to ADD regardless if the load is new or an update to an existing load. 

        2. No, the XML Action will be set to REPLACE if the load number has been sent before.

      14. Shipping Category Filter will filter by the Shipping Method’s Shipping Category.  Only loads with a ship method and shipping category that match the selected category will be exported. 

        1. <None>, no filtering by shipping category will be done.

        2. Barge

        3. Instore

        4. Rail

        5. Truck

        6. Vessel

      15. Skip Freight

        1. Yes, will not send freight information from the load order.

        2. No, will send freight information from load order.

      16. Translate Country Codes

        1. Yes, compares the address country code (Load Order’s Bill To, Branch’s Main Inventory Site ID, Customer’s Main Address ID & Load Order’s Ship To) against the AgXML standard country values.  If it does not exit it will perform a translation.

          1. The translation standard value must exist as an AgXML standard country value or the translation will fail.

        2. No

          1. If the country code attached to the address is an AgXML standard country value, the entered code will be sent.

          2. If the country code is not valid, it will be sent as US.

          3. If country code is blank nothing will be sent.

      17. XML Namespace Prefix

        1. Recommended to leave this field blank.

          1. For specific XML naming requirements.  Prefixes each tag with this value.

      18. XML Namespace URL

        1. Recommended to leave this field blank.

          1. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.


      Processing Notes:

      • Split Information, at this time, will not export.

      • XML File is created when a Load Order is saved.

      • The filters will work in conjunction with other filters.  Transactions must meet all filters to be exported.

NEW AgXML 4.0 Purchase Load Import 

Processes files to create purchase load records.

  1. AgXML 4.0 Purch Load Import

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters

      1. No filters apply, but a customer must be specified on the exchange partner

    2. Service Line Settings

      1. Allow Voids - Default = No

        1. Yes, the processor will look to the ActionType node.  If “ActionType” is “Delete”, the system will look to the Sales/Outbound User Setup, for the CinchX User.

          1. If Sales/Outbound User Setup, Allow Delete Document checkbox is marked the import will fail.  Processor will not void load orders.

          2. If Sales/Outbound User Setup, Allow Delete Document checkbox is not marked, the system will void the load order.

            1. Processor will place the Reason ID, XML, on the voided load.  If the reason code is not setup it will be created.

        2. No, the processor will look to the ActionType node. If “ActionType” is “Delete”, the system will fail the load.

      2. Assign Contract - Default = None

        1. Auto, will attempt to assign a contract to the load based on the following:

          1. Looks for all open contracts with the load order’s customer / item.

          2. Then looks through the contract’s delivery periods and matches a delivery period to the load order’s ScheduledPickup date.

            1. In the event there are multiple delivery periods, the system will choose the youngest delivery period to apply to.

            2. If the remaining quantity on the selected contract is less than the load order’s quantity the contract will not be assigned.

            3. If the load order’s ScehduledPickup date cannot be matched with an open contract, a contract will not be assigned to the load.

        2. From XML, will assign the contract from the XML file based on the following:  

          1. The system will validate that the purchase contract exists.  If it does not exist, the XML Document will error and will NOT be imported.

          2. If the purchase contract is closed, the XML Document will error and will NOT be imported.

          3. The system will determine the delivery line/row using the following rules:

            1. If the delivery line is provided in the XML, the system will check to see that the purchase contract and delivery line/row exists.  If it does, the system will use the purchase contract and purchase contract delivery line/row. If not, the import will fail.

            2. If the delivery line is not included in the XML, the system must find a delivery line/row using the following rules:

            • If only one delivery line/row exists on the purchase contract, it will apply the load order to that delivery line/row.

            • If multiple rows exist on the purchase contract, the system will take the Scheduled Ship Date from the load order and see if it falls between the purchase contract delivery lines/rows.  If it does, the system will use that purchase contract delivery line/row.

            • If multiple rows exist, and Scheduled Ship Date does not fall between any purchase contract delivery line/row, the service setting Grace Days will fall into play. 

        3. None, a contract will not be assigned to the purchase load. 

      3. Contract Grace Period (in days) - Default = 0

        1. This number will be used in conjunction with the Assign Contract, From XML setting to find a contract delivery line/row, when one cannot be found where the scheduled pickup date falls between the delivery start and end.  

          1. First, the system will subtract the grace days from the Scheduled Ship Date and see if that date falls between any sales contract delivery line/row deliver from date and deliver to date.  If so, it will use that delivery line/row.

          2. If NOT, then the system will add the grace days to the Scheduled Ship Date and see if that date falls between any sales contract delivery line/row deliver from date and deliver to date.  If so, use that delivery line/row.

          3. If not, import will fail.

      4. Default Branch - Default = Blank

        1. A valid branch ID can be selected.  If default branch is specified any unresolved origin addresses will be forced to this specified branch.

        2. If blank, the origin address in the AGXML must resolve to a location in the current company or the load will fail.

      5. Doc# Prefix - Default = Blank

        1. Only works if the User Partner Doc# is set to No.

        2. The system will search the load key master table for the highest load number that matches the prefix.  The numeric portion of that string will be incremented by one to determine the load number.

        3. Max Length 10 characters.

      6. Doc# Suffix - Default = Blank

        1. Only works if the User Partner Doc# is set to No.

        2. The value entered will be added to the end of the system generated load number.

        3. Max Length 10 characters

      7. Fail on Ship-From address match - Default = yes.

        1. If yes, the system runs the address match process.  If a match for the ship-from address is not found, the document import will fail.

        2. If no, the system runs the address match process. If a match for the ship-from address is not found, the system will use the Vendor’s Primary Ship From Address ID (PM00200.VADCDSFR) to gather Ship-From address information.  If the Vendor’s Primary Ship From Address ID is nonexistent, the document import will fail.

      8. Use Buyer as Vendor - Default = Yes

        1. Yes, system will use Buyer information instead of the Agent information for the Vendor. 

        2. No, system will use Agent information for the Vendor.

      9. Use location id for Ship-From

        1. Yes, the system runs the address match process and uses <LocationName> <Address> tags to gather Ship-From address information for the Vendor.

        2. No, the address match process continues.  Default = No

      10. Use Partner Doc# - Default = Yes

        1. Yes, system will read the load number from the file.  

        2. No, the load number will be automatically generated by the system.

      11. Use Vendor Address as Ship From - Default = Yes

        1. Yes, the system will use <Buyer> or <Agent> <Address> tags to gather Ship From address information for the Vendor.  <Buyer> or <Agent> will depend on the Use Buyer as Vendor setting. 

        2. No, the system will use <Origin> <Address> tags to gather Ship From address information for the Vendor.

      12. User ID - Default = Blank

        1. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user.  This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.

        2. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used. Default = Blank

Processing Notes:

  • Split Information, at this time, will not import.

  • Load Order Freight

    • If the freight information is included in the XML import document, the freight from the XML document will be used to create the Load Order Freight record regardless of the assign contract setting.

    • If the freight information is not included in the XML import document, and the assign contract setting is auto, the freight from the assigned contract will be used to create the Load Order Freight record.

  • If the following fields are blank in the load order XML document, the system will default them from the Purchase Contract:

    • Quantity:  If the load quantity is blank in the Load Order XML, the system will use the purchase contract quantity as the quantity for the load order.

    • Unit of Measure:  If the Unit of measure is blank in the Load Order XML document, the system will use the unit of measure from the purchase contract.

    • FOB:  If the FOB is blank in the load order XML document, system will use the FOB ID from the purchase contract line.

    • Ship From:  If the Ship From is blank in the load order XML document, it will default to the Ship From assigned to the Purchase Contract.

    • Trader ID: If the Trader Id is blank in the load order XML document, it will default to the Trader ID from the Purchase Contract.

NEW OneWeigh Load2Tkt Exp AutoID

OneWeigh Load2Tkt Exp AutoID takes AgXML 4.0 Load Order documents and converts them to Agris OneWeigh Auto-ID format.

  1. OneWeigh Load2Tkt Exp AutoID

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters

      1. No Filters Apply

    2. Service Line Settings

      1. Message Label Extension

        1. The file extension of the export file.  It is recommended to use FIL.

      2. OneWeigh Import Path

        1. The location CinchX will save the OneWeigh Auto ID files it creates. 

      3. Use Dest Loc ID as ShipToID

        1. Yes, when selected the Ship To Address ID from the Load Order will be placed in SHIP TO/FROM NAME ID field within the ONEA0 file, position 18-27.

        2. No, when selected the Customer ID from the Load Order will be placed in SHIP TO/FROM NAME ID field within the ONEA0 file, position 18-27.

      4. Use Dest Loc Name as ShipperID

        1. Yes, when selected the Customer Ref Details, Ship To Name will be placed into the SHIPPER ID field with the ONEA0 file, position 28-37.  It is recommended that this field be entered in all caps.

        2. No, when selected the Ship Company from the Load Order will be placed in SHIPPER ID field within the ONEA0 file, position 28-37.

Processing Notes:

  • File Translation for record type of “ONEA0”:

    • Record Type (Position 1-5) = ONEA0

    • Auto ID Number (Position 6-17) = Load Number

    • Ship To From ID (Position 18-27) = based on service line setting Use Dest Loc ID as ShipToID

    • Shipper ID (Position 28-37) = based on service line setting Use Dest Loc Name as ShipperID

    • Commodity (Position 50-51) = Item, translated

    • Expected Apply Type (Position 58-59) = C (Contract)

    • Expected Contract Number (Position 60-66) = Cinch contract number, which will be truncated

    • Ticket Type (Position 87-87) = R (Regular)

    • Ticket Location (Position 88-90) = Based on AgXML 4.0 Load Order Export service setting Company ID Source (Branch, Company or Location), translated

    • In Out Code (Position 93-93) = O, Load Orders are outbound

    • Delete When Expired (Position 94 - 94) = Y

    • Expire Date (Position 95 - 102) = YYYYMMDD

  • This will be set to a fixed date in the past, (20200101). This will be set when the Order is marked On Hold, Voided or Deleted in Cinch.  

    • Maximum Tickets (Position 103 – 106) = 1

    • ID Source (Position 241-241) = L (Load Order)

  • File Translation for record type of “ONEA2”:

    • Record Type (Position 1-5) = ONEA2

    • Number (Position 6-7) = 06 (Remark Number)

    • Value (Position 8-57) = Customer Ref Details > CustRef2 

    • Number (Position 6-7) = 07 (Remark Number)

    • Value (Position 8-57) = LoadNumber

    • Number (Position 6-7) = 15 (Remark Number)

    • Value (Position 8-57) = OrderReference

    • Number (Position 6-7) = 16 (Remark Number)

    • Value (Position 8-57) = Customer Address Maintenance > Ship To Address Name

  • On Hold Load Orders 

    • It is assumed that the AgXML 4.0 Load Export, Service setting Cinch Consumer is set to Yes.  This will ensure the On Hold sending will be included in the Load Export file.

    • If a Load Order is exported and later marked on hold the IROnHoldCB is true, the OneWeigh Expire Date will be set to 20200101, which will allow it to be removed from OneWeigh.

  • Void Load Orders

    • It is assumed that the AgXML 4.0 Load Export, Service setting Allow Voids is set to Yes.  This will ensure the Voided Orders will be exported.

    • If a Load Order is exported and later voided, the OneWeigh Expire Date will be set to 20200101, which will allow it to be removed from OneWeigh.

  • Delete Load Orders 

    • It is assumed that the AgXML 4.0 Load Export, Service setting Allow Deletes is set to Yes.  This will ensure the Deleted Orders will be exported.

    • If a Load Order is exported and later deleted, the OneWeigh Expire Date will be set to 20200101, which will allow it to be removed from OneWeigh.

Changes to Service Partner Setup

The Register Processors button on the Service Partner Setup window has been updated to only register processors for the companies indicated in the CinchX Global Settings window.


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