CINCH Customer Documentation
Chapter 1_Barge Trade Transactions 12.2
This chapter describes the Barge Trade Transaction feature.
This chapter contains the following sections:
New Barge Location Maintenance
Barge Location Maintenance has been created to enter and maintain barge handling locations that can be assigned to barge regions and barge transactions.
Open Barge Location Maintenance
(Cards>Barge>Barge Location Maintenance)
Enter Location ID.
Enter Description for the Location.
Enter City for the location.
Enter State for the location.
Enter Tariff Rate for the location.
Inactive check box when marked flags the location as inactive and will not show in the lookups, or selection drop down lists.
Save button when selected will save the location information.
Clear button selected will clear window without saving changes.
Delete button when selected will delete the selected location.
Delete button is disabled if the location has been used on a Barge.
New Barge Region Maintenance
Barge Region Maintenance has been created to group barge locations into regions.
Open Barge Region Maintenance
(Cards>Barge>Barge Region Maintenance)
Enter Region ID.
Enter Description for the Region.
Tariff Rate, is informational only.
Inactive check box will flag the barge region as inactive. When marked the region will not show in the lookups, or selection drop down lists.
Available Locations is a list of locations setup in the Barge Location Maintenance window.
If a location has been selected it will no longer display in the Available Locations, instead it will display as Selected.
If a location has been marked as inactive it will not display in this list.
Insert button when selected will move a selected Location ID from the Available Locations list to the Selected Locations list.
All button when selected will move all locations from the Available list to the Selected list.
Remove button when selected will move a selected Location ID from the Selected Locations list to the Available Locations list.
Remove All button will remove all Location ID's from the Selected Locations list to the Available Locations list.
Save button when selected will save region information.
Clear button selected will clear window.
Delete button when selected will delete the selected region.
Delete button is disabled if the region has been used on a Barge.
New Barge Setup
Barge Setup has been created to define the user defined prompts on the Barge Entry window.
Open Barge Setup
(Tools>Setup>Barge>Barge Setup)
User Defined 1 through 4 are the prompts for the user defined string fields.
User Defined Checkbox 1 and 2 are the prompts for the user defined checkboxes.
OK button when selected saves the changes and closes the window.
New Barge Entry
Barge Entry has been created to enter and store barge information and to manage various barge related transactions in the system.
Open Barge Entry
(Transactions>Barge>Barge Entry)
Select the Barge-Voyage Nmbr
When the Barge number is entered the Voyage number will default to the next available number.
The voyage number can be overridden if a different sequence number is desired or if a barge has been reopened so there are two barges with different voyage number in the work table so that the desired voyage can be displayed.
Select Barge Line, a Shipping Method with a Shipping Category of Barge
Enter Origin Shipper, a valid Vendor ID
Enter Item, a valid GP Item.
Applied Date
Description is a 50 character string used to store a description of the barge.
Trade String is a string of 255 characters to track trade information.
BOL/Unload Date
BOL is the Originating Bill of Lading date.
Unload Date is the Destination unload date.
Barge Region is a drop down list filled with all Barge Region ID's from Barge Maintenance.
None is used if no region is to be stored/used on the Barge.
Location is drop down list that will fill with either the Barge Location ID assigned to the selected Barge Region or will be filled with all Barge Locations ID that have been entered through Barge Location Maintenance.
Weight is either the Origination weight or Destination weight for the barge.
If a Quantity is entered the Weight will be backfilled.
Quantity is the Origination and Destination quantity for the barge.
If a weight is entered the quantity will be filled.
Unit of Measure will default from the item's base unit of measure.
Ticket Batch is not saved to the barge but is required when processing inbound in transit unloads.
The newly created scale tickets will be assigned to this batch.
The Ticket Batch will remember the value as long as the window remains open.
Details button has the following options:
Document Detail, when selected will zoom to transaction details for the selected transaction in the list view.
Contract, when selected will zoom to the Sale Contract associated to the transaction. If there is not a contract associated to the transaction line the button will be disabled.
There are four user defined are user definable string fields. The corresponding prompts are setup in Barge Setup.
There are two user defined checkboxes. The corresponding prompts are setup in Barge Setup.
Grade Cert requested checkbox
Reconsigned requested checkbox
Rollup requested checkbox
Quality Grade section is the origination quality grade and the destination quality that will be set based off of the entered grade.
Grade scrolling window contains both the origination and destination grades.
Transactions is a list view that will display information for any transactions related to the barge.
Transaction Type will display one of the following descriptions:
Inbound In-Transit
Purchase Advance
Outbound Shipment
Sales Advance Request
Sales Advance Received
Inbound Ticket
Document Number
Date is the document date.
Gross Qty
Trx Amount
Customer/Vendor will be the appropriate short name.
Save button will save the barge information and clear the window.
If there are no Inbound In Transit or Shipments associated with the barge message prompt will be display No transaction exist for this Barge and the Barge will be removed.
Cancel when selected will stop the process and return the user to the screen.
OK when selected the barge will be removed from the system and the window cleared.
If destination weights and quantities have been entered on the barge and no unloads have occurred, a message prompt will display stating "Destination information has been entered. Unloads should be processed. Would you like to enter the unloads or clear destination values?"
Enter Unload, when selected will return the user to the window.
Clear when selected, will clear the destination weight/quantity from the barge record and clear the window.
Clear button when selected clears the window and does not save any changes. If an action has been completed any transaction created or changed will not be cleared using this button.
Delete button when selected will remove the barge information.
A barge can only be deleted if no transactions are associated with it.
Actions button will allow the user to create transactions or quickly zoom to the transactions associated with a barge. The following actions can be accomplished from this button:
Inbound In Transit
When selected the Create In Transit Ticket window will open.
Receiving Branch, the branch used when creating the Inbound In Transit Ticket. This will default to the barge branch but can be changed.
Ticket Date, the date to be placed on the In Transit Ticket.
Vendor, a valid vendor that the In Transit Ticket will be assigned to. If a contract is entered first the vendor will default from the contract.
Purchase Contract, a valid contract to be assigned to the Inbound In Transit Ticket.
Use Origination Weight checkbox when marked will flow to the In Transit Ticket.
Use Origination Grade checkbox when marked will flow to the In Transit Ticket.
Assembly, assigned to the contract delivery period.
Delivery Period, assigned to the contract.
Site, to create the ticket for.
Site will default from Branch Maintenance, Main Inventory Site ID if defined.
Direct Shipment checkbox, if marked will require the outbound information to be entered.
Customer a valid customer that the Outbound Shipment will be assigned to. If a contract is entered first then the customer will default from the contract
Ship To, for the selected customer.
Ship Method, to assign to the shipment. This will default from the Barge Entry, Barge Line but can be changed.
Sales Contract, a valid contract to be assigned to the shipment.
Delivery Period, assigned to the contract.
Create button
An Inbound In Transit Ticket will be created with information from the barge origination quantity and grades and assigned to the selected contract/assembly.
If the selected branch is different than the contract branch, a cross branch assembly will be created.
If the Direct Ship checkbox is marked an Outbound Shipment will be created and assigned as a Direct Ship to the Inbound In Transit Ticket.
When the shipment is created it will be posted immediately.
Created transaction will display within the Barge Entry, Transactions list with Inbound In Transit, Transaction Type.
Purchase Advance Request
When selected the Assembly Advance Entry window will open.
Select the Inbound In Transit prior to selecting Purchase Advance Request.
The Barge and Voyage Number, Customer, Assembly and Assembly Information will default.
When the Assembly Advance is saved or posted the transaction will display within the Barge Entry, Transactions list with Purchase Advance, Transaction Type.
Create Shipment
When selected the Create Load Shipment will open.
Ship Branch, the branch used when creating the Outbound Shipment. This will default to the barge branch but can be changed.
Ship Date, the date to be placed on the Outbound Shipment.
Customer a valid customer that the Outbound Shipment will be assigned to. If a contract is entered first the customer will default from the contract.
Ship To, for the selected customer.
Ship Method, to assign to the shipment. This will default from the Barge Entry, Barge Line but can be changed.
Contract, a valid sales contract to be assigned to the shipment.
Delivery period of the sales contract.
Site, to create the shipment for.
Site will default from Branch Maintenance, Main Inventory Site ID if defined.
Create button when selected the system will create and post the outbound shipment.
Created transaction will display within the Barge Entry, Transactions list with Outbound Shipment, Transaction Type.
Shipment Advance Request
When selected the Shipment Advance Entry window will open.
Select the Outbound Shipment prior to selecting Shipment Advance.
The Barge Number will default to the Unit Number and the window will default the shipment information.
When the Assembly Advance is saved the transaction will display within the Barge Entry Transactions list with Shipment Advance Transaction Type.
In Transit Unload
Enter destination weigh and grade information prior to selecting In Transit Unload.
When selected the In Transit Unload window opens.
Enter Unload Date and Ticket Batch.
Select Ok and the process will go through the open inbound in transit tickets and run the unload process (i.e. creating inbound scale tickets), assigning the entered destination weights and grades from the barge entry window.
If the Unload overruns the contract, the user will be prompted about the overrun. If user selects not to overrun the contract the Contract Overrun window opens to address the overrun quantity.
The created transaction will display within the Barge Entry Transactions list with Inbound Transaction Type.
Find Contract Overfills
When selected the system will look for any purchase contract overfills that may have occurred in the unload process and will open the Contract Overrun window.
A new option of Price Later Contract be added to this window to allow for entering a zero price contract to be created for assigning the overrun amount.
If there are multiple over fills the system will open the overrun window for each one of the over fills that have occurred.
Purchase Settlement
Select the Purchase Advance transaction prior to selecting Purchase Settlement.
When selected will open the Settlement Entry window and default the customer and item for the selected transaction.
Shipment Invoicing
Select an Outbound Shipment transaction prior to selecting Shipment Invoicing.
When selected will open the Grain Shipment Invoicing window with the unit number set and the window initialized for the selected shipment customer.
The button next to the Destination Wt field will be active when a barge is associated with the shipment. When selected system will assign the Destination Weight and Grade values from the barge to the shipment.
Purchase Contract
When selected will open the Purchase Contract Entry window to enter a new contract.
Sales Contract
When selected will opens the Sales Contract Entry window to enter a new contract.
Assembly Apply
When selected will open the Assembly Apply Entry window, if an Inbound Transit transaction is selected the window will open and default the customer, item and assembly information.
Barge Close
When selected the barge records will be moved from work to history.
When the barge is closed no further changes can be done to it and can only be viewed in the inquiry window.
New Barge Inquiry
Barge Inquiry List will list barge transactions.
Open Barge Inquiry List
(Inquiry>Barge>Barge Inquiry List)
Range, options are:
Barge Number
Barge Line
Origin Shipper
BOL Date
Unload Date
Include checkboxes, options are:
Pending will include barges that are currently in process and located in the barge work table.
History will include barges that have been closed and information moved to the history table.
Barge Number – Voyage drill back will open the Barge Inquiry for the selected Barge.
Ok button when selected will close the window.
Clear button when selected will clear the window and restrictions.
Redisplay button when selected will refresh the scrolling window based on selected restrictions.
Export button when selected will export the displayed transactions to Excel.
Reopen button will become active when a closed barge is selected.
When selected the system will move the barge records from the history back to work.
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