CINCH Customer Documentation


CINCH Grain Software
Procedures Manual
Version 18.3 M2
December 2019
What's in this manual?
Symbols and Conventions
Additional Resources
Part 1: General
Chapter 1: Transaction Branch
Chapter 2: Cinch Area Pages
Chapter 3: Miscellaneous
Voucher Vendor Change
Tracking Prepays Using Analytical Accounting
Receivings Transaction Entry
Bank Deposit Report
Customer Item Lookup
Part 2: Purchase Procedures
Chapter 4: Purchase Contracts
Purchase Contract Entry
Purchase Contract Delivery & Pricing
Floating Quantity Purchase Contract
Purchase Contract Amendments
Purchase Contract Roll
Purchase Contract Mass Roll
Purchase Contract Supplemental Transaction Entry
Entering Purchase Contract Harvest Rate
Chapter 5: Purchase Loads
Purchase Load Generator
Purchase Load Entry
Coping a Purchase Load
Chapter 6: Scale Tickets & Assemblies
Inbound In Transit Tickets
Scale Tickets
Assembly Entry
Applying Scale Tickets to Assemblies
Movement & Discount Changes for Scale Tickets & Assemblies
Scale Ticket Application and Posting
Chapter 7: Storage
Warehouse Receipt Entry
Chapter 8: Settlements
Advance Entry
Assembly Advance Entry
Settlement Entry
Deferred Settlements
Settlement Sweeps
Advance Repayments
Manual Payments
Voiding a Settlement
Corrections to Posted Settlements
Chapter 9: Invoicing Grain Charges
Invoice Charges Entry
Chapter 10: DRC Processing
Part 3: Sales Procedures
Chapter 11: Sales Contracts & Load Orders
Sales Contracts
Sales Contract Price Later
Load Orders
Load Reassignment
Chapter 12: Shipping
Outbound Shipping Entry
Bulk Shipping Entry
Unit Train Shipment Entry
Terminal Storage
Chapter 13: Cross Country Trading
Chapter 14: Invoicing & Advances
Shipment Advance Entry
Grain Shipment Invoicing
Bulk Shipment Invoicing
Shipment Return and Re-bill
Chapter 15: Bulk Transfers
Part 4: Freight Charge Matching
Chapter 16: Freight Charge Matching
Part 5: Posting & DPR Care
Chapter 17: Posting
Chapter 18: DPR Care
Part 6: Wholesale
Chapter 19: Wholesale Setup
General Setup
Outbound Setup
Chapter 20: Wholesale Transactions
Purchase Order Entry
Load Generator & Load Order Entry
Sales Contract Entry & Load Matching
Bulk Shipping & Bulk Shipment Invoicing
Purchase Invoice Entry, Freight Matching
Apply Sales Documents
Chapter 21: Wholesale Inquiries & Reports
Wholesale Inquiries
Wholesale Reports
Part 7: Barge Trade
Chapter 22: Barge Setup
Barge Location Maintenance
Barge Region Maintenance
Barge Setup
Chapter 23: Barge Transactions
Barge Entry
Chapter 24: Barge Inquiries
Barge Inquiry List
Part 8: Inquiries and Reports
Chapter 25: Inquiries
Bulk Transfers Inquiry
Bulk Transfer Discount Inquiry
Contract Position
Contract Wash Inquiry
Customer Summary Inquiry
Email Inquiry
Freight Inquiry List
Inventory Transaction Inquiry
Invoice Charges Inquiry
Long Short Report
Long Short Inquiry
Grain Bank Allocation
Number System Inquiry
Purchase/Inbound Inquiries
Sales/Outbound Inquiries
Inventory Inquiry
Chapter 26: Reports
Reports Available in CINCH Grain
Accounting Reports
Assembly Reports
DPR Report – Inquiry
Freight Reports
Inbound Ticket Reports
Lien Holder Report
Load Order Report
Load Shipping Report
Program Charges/Premiums Reports
Purchase Contract Reports
Sales Contract Reports
Settlement Reports
Ticket Grade Average Report
Part 9: 3rd Party Integration
Chapter 27: Treeno Interface
Customer Maintenance
Vendor Maintenance
Purchasing Invoice Entry
Payables Transaction Entry
Payables Transaction Inquiry Zoom
Purchase Order Processing Document Inquiry
Receivings Transaction Entry
Part 10: Routines
Document Utility
Shipment Customer Switch
Grain Bank Overage Maintenance
Grain Bank Statements
Lien Holder Import
Scale Data Export
Ticket Aging
Customer Grain Reports
Promotional Program Processing
Delivery Statement
Remote Scale Reconciliation
Mass Load Order Void/Delete
Inbound In Transit Delete Utility
Inventory Adjustment Import


This information was current as of December 2019. Refer to the ReadMe/What's New documents accompanying updates for the most updated information about CINCH Software.
This introduction is divided into the following sections:

  • What's in this manual? This section introduces users to CINCH and presents important information on using the system.

  • Symbols and Conventions explain the symbols and conventions used to make specific types of information stand out.

  • Additional Resources explains how to manipulate the available tools to learn how to use Microsoft Dynamics GP & CINCH Grain.

What's in this manual?

This section introduces users to CINCH and presents important information on using the system. It is divided into the following parts:

  • Part 1: General, explains Transaction Branches, Cinch Area Pages and other general items within CINCH.

  • Part 2: Purchase Procedures, explains how to use CINCH Grain purchasing windows. This will include purchase contracts, assemblies, inbound scale tickets, settlements, and advances.

  • Part 3: Sales Procedures, explains how to enter sales contracts, create load orders and shipments, and create invoices based off of the load shipments.

  • Part 6: Wholesale, explains the process of entering wholesale loads in to the system, beginning with purchase orders and ending with applying sales documents and creating payable vouchers.

  • Part 7: Barge, explains the process of entering Barge Trade Transaction information.

  • Part 10: Routines, explains how to complete CINCH Grain Routines such as reversing or deleting documents and switching owners of unit trains.

Symbols and Conventions

This manual uses the following symbols and conventions to make specific types of information stand out.



The light bulb symbol indicates helpful tips, shortcuts, and suggestions.

The warning symbol indicates situations user should be especially aware of when completing tasks. Typically, this includes cautions about performing steps in their proper order, or important reminders about how other information in the software may be affected.

The conventions table explains how we refer to chapter, sections, acronyms, and other information in the document.



Creating a batch

Italicized type indicates the name of a section or procedure.

File >> Print

The (>>) symbol indicates selections to make from a menu. In this example, from the File menu, choose Print.


Small capital letters indicate a key or a key sequence.

For Information on common button functionality (Save, Clear, Delete, Notes, etc.), please refer to the Microsoft Dynamics™ GP System User's Guide Manual, Page 30-36.

Additional Resources

Use the following tools to learn how to use Microsoft Dynamics™ GP & CINCH Grain. Many of the documentation resources are provided in online format, either as an online help file or as an Adobe Acrobat .PDF file.

To learn about Microsoft Dynamics™ GP

Use Microsoft Dynamics GP Orientation Training (Help >> Orientation Training) to learn more about Microsoft Dynamics GP, an overview of accounting, how to move around in Microsoft Dynamics GP, and how to perform basic procedures in each module.

To complete day-to-day tasks

Use the online help for Microsoft Dynamics GP (Help >> About This Item, or press F1) to view context sensitive assistance about windows, fields, alert messages, and procedures. The help icon button in each window can also be used. Use the online manual (Help >> Printable Manuals) to view the printed manuals online in Adobe Acrobat .PDF format or see other documentation information (Help >> Documentation Online) for more resources.

Part 1: General

This part describes some general items within CINCH.

  • Chapter 2: Area Pages, describes the web-like interface to access windows as an alternative to the drop-down menus.

Chapter 1:Transaction Branch

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualGrain Procedures

Transactional Branch

Transaction Branch provides users the ability to change a transactions branch on the fly without having to close any CINCH windows. This allows users to have multiple transactional windows open, each of which may be for different branches.
Enable Transaction Branch is setup per user within the User Extension Setup window. When enabled the Region Branch on all the major CINCH transaction windows will have drilldown capability. Drilldown on the Region Branch opens the Transaction Branch Lookup window where the alternate branch can be selected. If the users checks the Remember box CINCH will continue to use this alternate Branch for this transactional window until the window is closed.
The displayed branches are based on the User Branch Access list and the Enable Branch Security setting. When Branch Security is enabled users will only see Branches they have access to. When Branch Security is not enabled users will see all Branches set up in the system.

Chapter 2: Cinch Area PagesD2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

Cinch Area Pages

Area Pages provide a web-like interface to access windows as an alternative to the drop-down menus.

  1. From the Navigation Pane Grain Purchasing, Ag Sales Processing or Grain Sales can be selected.
  2. Because of the volume of screens and options in Cinch Grain two area pages have been created, Grain Purchasing and Gain Sales. Functions considered "common" to both sides have been added to both the Purchase and Sales pages and are labeled Grain Transactions.
  3. Some commands will be duplicated across Grain Purchasing and Grain Sales. For example, Setup, Utilities and Routines have settings specific to both sides and as such have been added to both area pages.
  4. A single AgSales Processing page has been created for the AgSales module.

  1. Grain Purchasing has Purchase Transactions, Purchase Inquiry, Grain Transactions, Purchase Reports, Cards, Routines, Setup and Commodity Trading tabs. Each section can be expanded or minimized as needed.

  1. Grain Sales has Sales Transactions, Commodity Trading, Grain Transactions, Sales inquiry, Cards, Sales Reports, Routines and Setup tabs. Each section can be expanded or minimized as needed.

  1. Ag Sales Processing has Transactions, Sales Inquiry, Reports, Routines, Cards, Import/Export Cards and Setup tabs. Each section can be expanded or minimized as needed.

Chapter 3:Miscellaneous

This chapter describes miscellaneous items within CINCH.
This chapter is divided into the following sections:

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Voucher Vendor Change

Voucher Vendor ChangeD2HML|C1H Manual

Voucher Vendor Change provides the ability to change the vendor on a previously posted but not paid voucher.

  1. Open the Voucher Vendor Change window.

(Transactions>>Purchasing>>Voucher Vendor Change)

  1. Select Vendor and Voucher Number.
  • Voucher originated from Cinch Payable allows the change to the vendor but the change will not be written back to the original Cinch transaction if applicable.
  • Vouchers will not display if they have been paid or have a printed check associated.
  • Document Date, Document Number and P.O. Number will default from original voucher, but can be changed.
  • Distributions, system will look to the Vendor Extensions for the Vendor Account Segment.
  • Processing the change will create a credit memo for the original vendor and a new voucher for the new vendor.
  1. Select New Vendor ID, Ship Method and Tax Schedule.
  2. Address ID, Remit-To OD and Payment terms will default for the selected vendor but can be changed.
  3. Process will generate an offsetting credit memo and new voucher.

Tracking Prepays using Analytical Accounting

Tracking Prepays Using Analytical AccountingD2HML|C1H Manual

Vendor Prepayments can be tracked using Microsoft Dynamics GP Multi-Dimensional Analysis (MDA). Functionality has been added to assist with inquiring about the vendor prepayments.

  1. Open the Receivings Transaction Entry window.

(Transactions>>Purchasing>>Receivings Transaction Entry)

  1. Select Distributions button to access the Purchasing Distribution Entry.

    • When the account line is selected, if the account is setup for Account Analysis the icon will be active.
    • When the icon is selected, the Receivings Analysis Posting Detail opens.

    • Go to Additional, select DTA Group Summary to access the Group – Code Summary Inquiry which provides the quantity and dollar balances for each of the Code IDs.

      • The Inquiry allows the filtering of the Group/Codes by entering search criteria in the Group, Code or Description boxes in the header.
    • If the Amount entered for the specific Code ID exceeds the remaining amount, a prompt will be displayed to alert the user that the Code ID will be over run.
  1. Windows are also available in the Purchasing Invoice Analysis Posting Detail window.
  • Open Purchasing Invoice Entry (Transactions>Purchasing>Enter/Match Invoices).
  • Select Distributions button to access the Purchasing Invoice Distribution Entry.
    • When the icon is selected the Purchasing Invoice Analysis Posting Detail opens.
    • Go to Additional; select DTA Group Summary to access the Group – Code Summary Inquiry.
  1. The view IRDTAPrePaidTrxByDateV has also been created to assist with SmartList or other reporting needs.

Receivings Transaction Entry

Receivings Transaction EntryD2HML|C1H Manual

  1. Open the Receivings Transaction Entry window.

(Transactions>>Purchasing>> Receivings Transaction Entry)

  1. Distributions, transactions created from AgWorks Integration will create the distributions base on the receiving site.
  2. Item expansion button opens the Receivings Item Detail Entry.

  • BOL/Pro No. will be populated with the AgWorks Ticket ID number.
  1. Additional>Add Gross Qty, opens the Additional POP Line Information window.

    • Purchase Receipt, Item Number and description default from the selected line.
    • Enter Gross Quantity.
      • Reporting on the Gross Quantity will be done via Smart List, using the IRPOPLINECOMP table.
    • Click OK
  1. Save process has been updated to step through the lines of the transaction, if the Item is entered in the General Setup>Item Validate Qty Setup screen the user will be required to enter the Gross Qty before saving the transaction.
    • If Gross Quantity is not entered user will be prompted, Lines exist that require a missing Gross Qty
  2. If a Receivings Receivables Transaction line is deleted:
    • If Gross Quantity has been entered, the Gross Quantity will also be deleted.
    • If the purchase receipt originated in AgWorks, the user will be prompted asking if they would like the document reopened in AgWorks.
      • Yes, the ticket is reopened in AgWorks, allowing it to be re-imported.
        • The user will be prompted asking if they would like to Delay Invoicing in AgWorks.
          • Yes, the Delay Invoicing checkbox will be marked when the Ticket is reopened in AgWorks.
        • The Invoiced box will be unchecked on the Ticket.
        • The status will be updated in the IRUpdateStatus table.
      • No, the ticket is not reopened in AgWorks, and is not allowed to be re-imported.
    • If the purchase receipt originated from a non-grain settlement scale ticket, the user is prompted asking if they would like to unpost the scale ticket.
      • Yes, the Receivings Transaction is deleted and the ticket is changed back to unposted allowing user to make changes and repost.
      • No, the Receivings Transaction is deleted and the scale ticket remains posted.

Deposit Report

Bank Deposit ReportD2HML|C1H Manual

  1. Open the Bank Deposit Entry Zoom window.

(Inquiry>>Financial>>Checkbook Register>>Select a Checkbook ID >>Select a Deposit Number; Drill back on Number)

  1. Additional; Deposit Report when selected the Deposit Detail report will be printed.

Customer Item Lookup

Customer Item LookupD2HML|C1H Manual

Customer Item Lookup screen will restrict Items to only those that have been defined in the Customer Item Maintenance.

  1. Open Customer Item Lookup

(Item lookup on various screens)

  1. The item lookup window that opens is based on the selected customer.
    • If items have been associated to the customer within the Customer Item Maintenance window, the Customer Item Lookup will open restricting the lookup to list only the associated items.
    • If no items have been associated to the customer the Items lookup will open for all items.
  2. Restrict options include:
    • Customer Items
    • All Items
  3. Find options include:
    • Item Number
    • Item Description
    • Customer Item
    • Customer Item Description
  4. The Find by label will change based on the selected Find by selection.
    • Type all or a portion of the item and tab off the field to restriction the lookup.
  5. The Item expansion button when selected will open Item Maintenance for the selected item.
  6. The Customer Item expansion button when selected will open Customer Item Maintenance for the selected customer/item.
  7. The following windows will call the new lookup if the customer used has Customer Items setup:
    • Sales Contract Entry
    • Load Order Entry
    • Bulk Shipping Entry
    • Outbound Shipping Entry
    • Sales Order Entry
    • Counter Sales Entry

Part 2: Purchase Procedures

This part explains how to use CINCH Grain purchasing windows. This will include purchase contracts, assemblies, inbound scale tickets, settlements, and advances.

  • Chapter 4: Purchase Contracts, explains how to enter different types of purchase contracts, view/change delivery information, and price, print, and post purchase contracts.

  • Chapter 5: Purchase Loads, explains the different ways to enter purchase loads into the system. This is an optional step depending on how you want to use the system. Use Purchase Load Generator to create multiple loads that can be associate to a purchase contract and/or an inbound ticket (bulk or scale). Or use the Purchase Load Entry window to create individual loads or edit existing loads

  • Chapter 6: Scale Tickets & Assemblies, explains how to create, view, change, and close both scale tickets and assemblies. It also, shows how to enter daily prices for each item based on board of trade, board month, etc., apply scale tickets to assemblies, and move and/or change scale tickets and assemblies on a broad base.

  • Chapter 7: Storage, explains how to create warehouse receipts and perform assembly transfers to move grain from a storage disposition to a purchase disposition which will make it available for settlement. It also explains how to print warehouse receipts to provide proof of grain storage.

  • Chapter 8: Settlements, explains how to create advances, settlements, and how to separately invoice grade factors or program charges.

Chapter 4:Purchase Contracts

This chapter explains how to enter different types of purchase contracts, view/change delivery information, price, print, post purchase contracts, and enter supplemental transactions.
This chapter is divided into the following sections:

  • Purchase Contract Entry explains how to enter, save, post, and delete contracts. It also shows how to create partners on a contract, enter acre information, automatically create multiple delivery periods, and add/delete/edit program details.

  • Contract Underfill Void provides the ability to void either a Purchase or Sales Contract Underfill once it has been created.

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Purchase Contract Entry

Purchase Contract EntryD2HML|C1H Manual

This section explains how to enter, save, post, and delete contracts. It also shows how to create partners on a contract, enter acre information, automatically create multiple delivery periods, and add/delete/edit program details.
It is divided into these procedures:
Entering, Saving, Posting, & Deleting a Purchase Contract
Creating Partners on a Purchase Contract
Entering Acre Information for a Contract
Automatically Creating Multiple Delivery Periods
Adding/Editing Program Details

Entering, Saving, Posting, & Deleting a Purchase Contract
  1. Open the Purchase Contract Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Contracts>>Purchase Contract Entry)

  1. The Type drop down field allows the user to select the type of contract to create.
  • Spot – Select if both the futures and basis have already been established for the contract. In this release, spot contracts are typically not created manually. They are used more often in the situation where a contract is overrun and there is a remaining grain amount and user can opt to put this remaining amount on a spot contract.
  • Cash – Select if both the futures and basis have already been established for the contract. A cash contract typically has a price with a basis and a delivery period already decided.
  • Price Later – Select if neither the futures nor basis have been established for the contract. Price Later contracts are used when the seller delivers the grain and has until some later date to establish a price.
  • Basis – Select if only the basis has been established for the contract.
  • Futures Fixed – (Hedge to Arrive Contract) – Select if the futures have already been established for the contract. This lets the user lock in on a price but not a basis.
  • Minimum Price – Select if the contract is a minimum price contract.
  • Other – Select this if none of the other contract options apply.
  1. The Contract field will automatically display a contract number. This number was generated by the Next Number Maintenance function that was determined during setup. If a contract number already exists, the system will display that contract.

See the CINCH Grain System Manual for more information on document number maintenance.

  1. The Posted checkbox is display only. A checkmark in the box will indicate that the contract has been posted.
  2. The Closed checkbox indicates whether or not the contract has been closed. This checkbox will be updated automatically when the contract has been filled. It can also be checked manually.

  • When a Basis Contract type is manually closed, the system will run the underfill process to cancel the remaining quantity. In addition, the process will create a Long Short record to decrease the Long Short.

  1. Mark the Deferred checkbox to flag the contract as a deferred payment contract. The assembly that is created from the contract will also be marked as deferred and during settlement time, user can enter a deferred date for the assembly to defer settling the assembly until the date entered.

In order to close a contract, the contract must be posted. In addition, all assemblies attached to the contract will be closed.

  1. In the Description field, enter a brief description to identify the contract.
  2. The Date field will display the User Date but it can be changed to indicate the correct date for the contract.
  3. The Note ID provides the user the ability to setup a note that can then subsequently be added to a purchase contract and printed.
    • Drill back on Note ID opens the Note Maintenance window where the user can setup Notes.

      • Select Series, Purchase or Sales
      • Enter Note ID, the unique identifier for the note.
      • Enter the note, note can be up to 32K.
      • Select Save to save the note.
      • Clear will clear the window without saving changes.
      • Delete will delete the selected Note.
      • Cancel will clear the window without saving changes.
    • Lookup allows the user to lookup an existing Note ID.
      • Note Series must be Purchase to be selected.
    • Note ID, Expansion opens the Note Edit window.

      • User can manually enter a note without selecting a Note ID.
      • User can edit a Note associated to the Contract being entered without updating master Note ID.
    • A visual indicator will be located before the Note ID field if a note was manually added or if the Note ID was edited.
    • Note is editable on un-posted contracts. Once the contract is posted, edits will need to occur from Purchase Contract Amend.
    • Contract report can be modified by adding a relationship to the IRGNPCNoteMSTR table then adding the note onto the report.
  1. Enter a customer ID or use the Customer field lookup to select a customer from the Grain Supplier Lookup window.

  • The Grain Supplier Lookup window will default to the Grain Suppliers list, which was setup in the Grain Supplier Classes window, but user may also choose from the following options.
  • All Suppliers displays all customers entered in the system.
  • Short List displays the most recent customers that have brought loads in. User can also manually add names to the short list by clicking the Add to Short List button when viewing All Suppliers or Grain Suppliers. Clear the short list by choosing Clear Short List, or delete single rows by highlighting the row and choosing Edit>>Delete Row. The Short List is on a per user basis.
  • Select the New button to create a new supplier within the Vendor Maintenance window.
  • Select the Open button to open the Vendor Maintenance window and view/edit the supplier's information.

For more information on Grain Supplier Classes, see the CINCH Grain Software System Manual. Also, keep in mind that a "customer/supplier" in CINCH Grain is referred to as a "vendor" in Microsoft Dynamics GP.

  1. Select the Customer ID expansion button, available when Cross Customer Purch Contract is set to Allowed related in General Setup. This will open the Contract Partner Entry window and users can select Partners for the specific contract.  Tickets can then be assigned to these partners only.
  2. Enter an item for this contract or use the item lookup to select from the Items lookup window.

If the Item field automatically displays an item it is because an item was selected as a default in the Purchase Contract User Setup window. For more information on this setup feature, see the CINCH Grain Software System Manual.

  1. Hedge Item, view only field displaying:
    • If the selected Item has a hedge item(s) defined in Item Extensions Maintenance, Hedge Item Entry it will default.
    • If the selected Item has multiple hedge item(s) defined, Multiple will display in the Hedge Item field.
    • If the selected Item does not have a hedge item defined in Item Extensions Maintenance, Hedge Item Entry the item will be used as the hedge item with a factor of 1.00000 and percent of 100.00000.
  2. Hedge Item Expansion opens the Hedge Item Entry window.

    • The hedge item(s) defined in Item Extensions Maintenance, Hedge Item Entry will default for the selected Item.
    • The user is allowed to make any changes to the Hedge Item Entry (Item, Hedge Factor or Percentage) for the selected contract, however a hedge item is required for every contract. If the contract is not going to be hedged the Percentage value can be set to zero.
  1. Hedge Factor:
    • If the selected Item has a hedge factor(s) defined in Item Extensions Maintenance, Hedge Item Entry it will default.
    • If the selected Item has multiple hedge item/factors(s) defined, 0.00 will display in the Hedge Factor field.
  2. Wt to Govern is informational only, the value will default from General Setup, User Defined Prompt, Default value for Weight to Govern when entering a Purchase Contract but can be changed.
  3. Grade to Govern is informational only, the value will default from General Setup, User Defined Prompt, Default value for Grade to Govern when entering a Purchase Contract but can be changed.
  4. Floating Quantity checkbox, please refer to Floating Quantity Purchase Contract for more information on this checkbox.
  5. In the Quantities Section, enter the quantity of the contract.
    • The U of M will default from the Purchase Contract User Setup window.
    • In Transit is the net quantity of all Inbound In Transit tickets assigned to this contract.
      • Selecting the In Transit Quantity expansion button will open the Inbound In Transit Inquiry restricted to display In Transit Tickets assigned to the selected contract.
    • The Del/Canceled quantity is display only and will display the combined delivered and canceled quantities.
      • By selecting the expansion button users can either select Delivered Qty to view the assemblies associated to the delivered quantity amount or the or Canceled Qty to view the contract wash associated to the canceled quantity amount.
    • The remaining quantity field is display only and will show what remains to be delivered. Remaining Qty is calculated by taking the Contract Qty – In Transit Qty – Del / Canceled Qty.
  6. In the Delivery Section, user will be allowed to enter a delivery period for which this contract will be filled and when the responsibility of the freight will change. User is also able to setup specific delivery dates at this time.
  • The expansion button will open the Purchase Contract Delivery Entry window once the contract has been saved. This allows the set up specific delivery dates for the contract.

See the Entering Multiple Deliveries for a Contract section of this chapter for more information on the Purchase Contract Delivery Entry window.

  • The comment button ( ) will only be available after a delivery period has been selected but it will NOT be available if multiple delivery dates have been set. Once individual delivery dates have been set, comments can be placed on each individual delivery date entry.

The system will use the standard Microsoft Dynamics GP comments function via Setup>>Company>>Comments.

  • In the Delivery Period field, enter or select the predefined delivery period when grain for this contract will be delivered. If a period does not exist either, enter in a delivery period or drill down and create a new period. Or choose to automatically create delivery periods by choosing the calendar button to open the Delivery Period Clock window.

The system will display the words Multiple Delivery Contract in this field if multiple delivery dates exist for the contract and the fields explained below will not be filled. Select the expansion button next to the Delivery field to view the information for these fields.

  • The Start and End dates, are required and will default in based on the delivery period selected but they can be changed.
    • These fields will be used to create the position records by Delivery Date for the Long Short Inquiry.
  • In the FOB field enter or select the ID, which will indicate the point at which the freight costs will transfer from grower to the elevator/plant.
    • FOB will default from Purchase Contract User Setup, if defined for the selected user.
    • When a FOB is inactive, user will not be allowed to select the FOB.
  • Payment Responsibility will default from the selected FOB, but can be changed.
  • The Freight Rate & Freight U of M fields default from the FOB or Ship Company, whichever is entered first but user can enter values or edit the default values. If no rate was entered for the FOB this field will be grayed.
    • If multiple deliveries exist, the fields will be blank/uneditable, the user will have to enter this information in the Purchase Contract Delivery Entry screen.
    • If the FOB or Ship Company are changed, the existing Freight Rate and Freight U of M will not update automatically. The user will need to change these values manually.
  1. In the Pricing Section, user will be allowed to enter a price for a contract.
  • The expansion button is a drop down list, Price Entry or Position Entry, which is only available after a contract has been saved.
    • Price Entry, when selected will open the Purchase Contract Price Entry window allowing the setup of specific pricing information for the contract based on the contracts delivery periods.

See the Entering Multiple Prices for a Contract section of this chapter for more information on the Purchase Contract Price Entry window.

    • Position Entry, when selected opens the Purchase Contract Position Entry.

      • Contract will display the contract number that is being positioned.
      • Ticker will be displayed for the hedge item being positioned.
      • Board will be displayed for the hedge item being positioned.
        • Previous arrow – Allows the user to move backward through the hedge items setup on this contract.
        • Next arrow – Allows the user to move forward through the hedge items setup on this contract.
      • Scrolling window:
        • Displays current position records for this hedge item.
          • Each Position Entry, Position ID that has Purchase Contracts selected to Create Position Records selected will be listed.
          • User is allowed to add, edit or delete the current position records.
        • Period is the month/period this record is currently positioned in.
        • The Hedge checkbox will always be default as marked but can be unmarked.
          • If the Hedge check box is marked and the contract has a hedge item a position record will be created for each Position ID/Hedge item(s) combination.
          • The position records are used to determine in which month contract quantities are displayed on the Long Short Inquiry for the specified hedge item(s).
          • To not include the hedge item on the Long Short Inquiry the checkbox should be unmarked.
  • The comment button ( ) will only be available after a price has been entered but it will NOT be available if individual prices have been set. Once individual prices have been set comments can be placed on each individual price entry.

The following fields will only be available if one delivery period has been selected otherwise they will be grayed and this pricing information will have to be filled via the Purchase Contract Pricing window.

  • In the Ticker field, enter or select the ticker symbol that will be used to identify this item. The board of trade attached to the symbol, the month, and the year that this symbol represents will be displayed.
    • When the Delivery Period is entered, and the Item is setup or is associated to a product that is setup in Delivery Period Ticker Entry, the Ticker will default but is editable.
    • Ticker is required to post the contract if the Item Extension, Require Ticker to Post Purchase Contract checkbox is marked.
  • In the Board Price, Basis, and Net Price fields, enter the prices according to the type of contract selected.
  • The Average Price field is a display only field. It will display the average price of the contract if multiple prices exist for the contract.
  • The Today's Price button, when selected will input today's price if a price has been enter via the Item Daily Price window
  1. In the Batch field, enter or select a batch. A batch groups contracts for processing at a later date. The batch can be accessed in CINCH Grain's Batch Entry window.
  2. In the Reference No field can be used to enter an existing contract to cross reference to.
  3. In the Comment field, enter or select a comment.
  4. In the Disc Schedule field, enter or select a discount schedule.
  5. In the Commodity Grade field, enter or select a commodity grade. The description for the commodity grade will be displayed.
    • The Commodity Grade if defined in Branch Item Default Maintenance will default when Item is entered.
  6. In the Prog Schedule field, enter or select a program schedule.

If the contract Disposition ID is a purchase type, the Program Schedule can be defaulted per contract Item by setting the Purchase Program Schedule in Branch Item Default Maintenance. See the Adding a Branch section of the CINCH Grain Software System Manual for more information.
See the Adding/Editing Program Details section for more information on manipulating program details.

  1. In the Payment Terms field, enter or select a payment term.
  2. In the Ship Method field, enter or select a shipping method. The description for the shipping method will be displayed.
  3. In the Trader field, enter or select the salesperson associated with this contract.
  4. The User Def List and String fields can be used to enter validated list items pertaining to the contract. This information could be used for reporting purposes if desired. The user-defined prompts and list values can be set up in General Setup. New list values can also be entered directly into the fields on the fly when entering a Purchase Contract.
    • User defined fields, PC UD List1 – 4 and PC UD STR1 – 4, if defined in Branch Item Default Maintenance will default when Item is entered.
  5. Additional Info button will open the Additional Information window.

    • In the DRC ID field, enter the DRC ID for the vendor.
    • In the Overrun/Under Run section, select whether or not a contract can be overrun or under run. If either is selected indicate either a percent to overrun or under run, or an amount.
  1. Settlements button to will open Purchase Contract Settlements window.

    • The inquiry screen will display Settlements for the selected contract as well as the check date and check number for the settlement.
    • When multiple checks have been written a drill down is provided to the Settlement Inquiry screen so that the additional details can be viewed.
  1. Place a checkbox in the Sent checkbox if a copy of the contract has been sent to the customer. Once a contract is printed, the system automatically checks this checkbox. The date the checkbox is selected will be displayed.
  2. Place a checkbox in the Returned checkbox once the customer has returned a signed copy of the contract.
  3. Choose Save to save the contract to a batch. The contract can now either have additional delivery dates added to it, additional pricing information added to it, or it can be posted.

Warnings will be displayed once the save button is selected if a cash contract has not been given a net price or a basis contract has not been given a basis price or a ticker symbol. This is just a warning. It will not stop the user from saving the contract types.

  1. Choose Delete to delete the existing contract
  2. Choose Post to post an existing contract. Contracts that have not been priced will be allowed to post. The tickets will be posted using the standard, current, or market price. Un-priced posted contracts can then be priced later via the Purchase Contract Pricing windows. Posting the contract will automatically create a purchase assembly which can then be applied to scale tickets.
    • User will not be prompted to post price records if there is not a contract price.

Contracts can be posted either one by one manually via the Contract Entry window or they can be posted in batch, by creating a batch and then posting it from Batch Entry. For more information on batch posting please, see the Posting charter in this manual.
Posting of a contract will not affect Microsoft Dynamics GP records. Once a contract is posted, an assembly is created and tickets can then be applied. Contracts must be priced in order for a settlement to be made.

  1. Choose Print to print a copy of the contract. When printing a contract with partners attached, user has the option of editing your contract in Report Writer to show all partners along with the contract owner.
  2. If the Customer has an email defined, the Send document in E-mail icon will become active.
    • When the Send document in E-mail icon is selected, the contract document will be emailed to the Customer.
      • Depending on how the Cinch Vendor E-mail Options is setup, e-mail addresses will be determined one of two ways:
        • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Enabled checkbox is marked and Purchase Contracts is marked, addresses will be based on the addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window.
          • If there are no addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window then the system will behave the same as if the Disabled checkbox is marked.
        • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Disabled checkbox is marked and Purchase Contracts is marked, addresses will be determined based on the Vendor Maintenance, Purchase address ID.
    • The email message and format of the attachment are based on the Vendor Maintenance, Cinch Vendor E-mail Options setup.
    • The Purchase Contact Report Definition determines the report that gets emailed.
  3. Choose the Generate Loads button to open the Purchase Load Generator window to create loads based on the contract.
    • Contract must be posted prior to being associated to a load.

Creating Partners on a Purchase Contract
  1. Open the Contract Partner Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Contracts>>Purchase Contract Entry>> Expansion button next to Customer field)

Access to this window is only allowed if the Allow Related is selected in the Cross Customer Ticket Apply field on the General Setup window.

  1. The Contract Number and Customer will display from the Purchase Contract Entry window and are view only.
  2. Enter or select a Partner Grower.
  3. The Partner Name will automatically fill in when the Partner Grower is selected.
  4. Choose OK to save changes and exit the window.

Entering Acre Information for a Contract
  1. Open the Acre Info window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Contracts>>Purchase Contract Entry>> Expansion button next to Contract Qty field)

Use the Acre Info window to enter acre and per acre harvest rate information that will be used to calculate the purchase quantity of the contract.

  1. Select the Farm that the acreage is tied to.
  2. Select the Field that the acreage is tied to.
  3. Enter the Number of Acres that will produce the contract quantity.
  4. Enter the Harvest Yield/Acre.
  5. The Estimated Contract Qty will display the Number of Acres * Harvest Yield/Acre.
  6. Choose OK to close the Acre Info window. The Contract Qty will fill in with the Estimated Contract Qty.

Automatically Create Multiple Delivery Periods
  1. Open the Delivery Period Clock window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Contracts>>Purchase Contract Entry>> Choose the clock button ( ) next to the Delivery section in any of the contract windows)

Use the Delivery Period Clock window to quickly create multiple sequential delivery periods in both the purchase and sales contract processes.

  1. The Contract and Quantity fields are display only and will display the contract information.
  2. Select the Number of Delivery Periods to create from 2 to 12.
  3. The Start Month will default with the current system month, but can be changed if necessary.
  4. The Start Year will default with the current system year, but can be changed if necessary.
  5. Choose OK to automatically create the delivery periods based on the entered information. One delivery period will be created for every month, starting with the Start Month chosen.

Adding/Editing Program Details
  1. Open the Contract Program Detail Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Contracts>>Purchase Contract Entry>> Expansion button next to Prog Schedule field)

If the contract is posted the Contract Program Detail Inquiry window will open.

  1. The Contract Number, Type, Item Number, Program Schedule and Disposition ID fields will default in from the Purchase Contract Entry window and cannot be changed.
  2. Enter or select a Program ID.

If a Program Schedule was selected in the Purchase Contract Entry window, all details assigned to that schedule and pertain to the item selected will be displayed.

  1. The Start Date, End Date, Calc Method, Type, Rate and Percent fields will default in with the Program Detail selected.

The Start and End Dates can be changed only if the program detail is an accrual calculation method. The rest of the fields are display only.

  1. To Delete a row, choose the delete row icon, or Edit>>Delete Row.
  2. Choose the Save button to save changes.

Purchase Contract Delivery Entry

Purchase Contract Delivery & Pricing

This section explains how to enter multiple delivery dates for one contract and shows user how to enter multiple prices for one contract

D2HML|C1H Manual

Entering Multiple Deliveries for a Purchase Contract
  1. Open the Purchase Contract Delivery Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Contracts>>Contract Entry>> Expansion button next to the Delivery field)

This window will open for saved contracts only. When creating a NEW contract the system will force you to save the record prior to opening the window.

  1. The Contract field will display the contract selected in Contract Entry.
  2. The Posted checkbox is display only. A checkmark in the box will indicate that the contract has been posted.

Delivery periods can only be added, deleted, or edited on contracts that have not been posted.

  1. The following fields are display only and are based on the contract selected.
  • The Customer field will display the customer ID and customer description attached to the contract.
  • The Item field will display the item ID and item description attached to the contract.
  • The Contract Qty field will display the contract quantity attached to the contract.
  • The Delivered Qty field will display the delivered quantity attached to the contract.
  • In Transit Qty is the sum of all Inbound In Transit tickets assigned to the selected contract. The expansion button will open the Inbound In Transit Inquiry restricted to display In Transit Tickets assigned to the selected contract.
  • Canceled Qty field will display the canceled quantity attached to the contract. The expansion button will open the Contract Wash Inquiry window to display the wash associated to the canceled quantity.
  • The Remaining Qty field will display the remaining quantity attached to the contract. Remaining Qty is calculated by taking the Contract Qty – Delivered Qty - In Transit Qty – Canceled Qty.
  1. The scrolling window displays the delivery periods already attached to the contract and allows user to add, delete or edit delivery information.
  • In the Delivery Period field, enter or select the predefined delivery period in which grain for this contract will be delivered. Or choose the calendar button to open the Delivery Period Clock window to automatically create multiple periods. If multiple periods were created using the Delivery Period Clock window, the Delivery Period fields will be blank.
  • The Start and End dates will default in based on the delivery period selected but they can be changed.
  • In the Delivery Qty field enter the total quantity that will be delivered during this delivery period.
  • The Del/Cancel field is display only and will display the total quantity delivered and canceled to date. The expansion button will open the Contract Wash Inquiry window if there is a contract wash associated to the quantity.
  • In the Shipping Method field accept the ship method defaulted from the contract or enter the shipping method that will be used for this delivery period. If a shipping method is changed, the existing Freight Rate and Freight U of M will not update automatically. The user will need to change these values manually.
  • In the Site field enter the site in which this item will be stored when delivered during this delivery period.
  • In the FOB field accept the FOB defaulted from the contract or enter or select the ID, which will indicate the point at which the freight costs will transfer from grower to the elevator/plant.
    • When a FOB is inactive, user will not be allowed to select the FOB.
    • If a FOB is changed, the existing Freight Rate and Freight U of M will not update automatically. The user will need to change these values manually.
  • The Freight Rate field will default from the FOB or Ship Company, whichever is entered first, but can be changed. If no rate was entered for the FOB this field will be grayed.
  • Expand the delivery lines to enter additional information for the delivery period:

  • Payment Responsibility will default from the selected FOB, but can be changed.
  • Freight U of M will default from the FOB or Ship Company, whichever is entered first, but can be changed.
  • The Market Zone field will default with the Default Market Zone chosen in Branch Maintenance, but can be changed if necessary.
  • Enter any MTM adjustment amounts for the Market Zone.
  • Enter the Ticker Position for the Delivery Period.
  • Enter a Delivery Comment ID.
  • Canceled is display only and will display the quantity that has been canceled for the delivery period.
  • Delivered is display only and will display the quantity that has been delivered for the delivery period.
  • In Transit quantity is the net quantity of Inbound In Transit tickets assigned to the selected delivery period.
  • The Qty Priced is display only and will display the quantity that is priced for the delivery period.
  • The Farm, Field, Harvest Yield and No. of Acres will default from the Acre Info window, but can be changed if necessary
  • The Total Qty field displays the total delivery quantity that has been scheduled for delivery.
  • The Remaining Qty field displays the remaining delivery quantity that needs to be scheduled for delivery.
  1. Choose the Delivery Prices button to go to the Purchase Contract Pricing window to enter pricing information for the individual delivery periods.

See the next section, Entering Multiple Prices for a Contract, of this chapter for more information on the Purchase Contract Price Entry window.

  1. Choose Save to save the delivery information for a contract.

Purchase Contract Price Entry

Entering Multiple Prices for a Purchase ContractD2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

1. Open the Purchase Contract Price Entry window.
(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Contracts>> Purchase Contract Price Entry or Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Contracts>>Purchase Contract Entry>> Expansion button next to the Price field)

  1. In the Contract field, enter or select a contract.

Multiple pricing records may exist for one contract. If a contract has multiple delivery periods, the contract will have multiple pricing records.

  1. The Batch field will display the batch attached to the contract selected, but it can be change.
  2. The following fields are display only and are based on the contract selected.
  • The Type field will display the type of contract.
  • The Customer field will display the customer ID and customer description attached to the contract.
  • The Item field will display the item ID and item description attached to the contract.

The delivery fields are also display only. If a contract has multiple delivery periods, each delivery period can be priced multiple times.

  • The Delivery Period field will display the delivery period in which grain for this contract will be delivered. When the Delivery Period was created using the Delivery Period Clock window, this field will be blank.
  • The Date Range fields will display the start and end dates for the delivery period.
  • The Delivered Qty will display the amount already delivered. The expansion button will open the Contract Delivery Assemblies window to display the assemblies and quantities associated to the delivery period.
  • In Transit Quantity is the sum of all Inbound In Transit tickets assigned to this contracts delivery period price record. The expansion button will open the Inbound In Transit Inquiry restricted to display In Transit Tickets assigned to the selected contract delivery period.
  • Canceled Qty will display the amount canceled for the delivery period. The expansion button will display the contract wash and quantity associated to the delivery period.
  • The Delivery Qty will display the delivery quantity for the delivery period. The expansion button will open the Contract Wash Inquiry window if there this a contract wash associated to the quantity.
  • The FOB field will display the point at which the freight costs will transfer from grower to the elevator/plant based on the delivery period.
    • When a FOB is inactive, user will not be allowed to select the FOB.
  • The Freight Rate field will display the freight rate based on the FOB selected for the delivery period.
  • The Site field will display the site in which this item will be stored when delivered during the delivery period.
  • The Shipping Method field will display the shipping method that will be used for the delivery period.
  1. The scrolling window displays the pricing information already attached to the contract and allows the user to add, delete or edit pricing information. After a price has been posted, to get to a new line simply choose the refresh button or focus the cursor on the Net Price field.
  • In the Ticker field, enter or select the ticker symbol that will be used to identify this item. The board of trade attached to the symbol, the month, and the year that this symbol represents will be displayed.
    • Ticker is required to post the contract if the Item Extension, Require Ticker to Post Purchase Contract checkbox is marked.
  • In the Price Qty field enter the total quantity that will be priced.
  • The Del/Can field is display only and will display the total quantity delivered and canceled to date. The expansion button will display the contract wash and quantity associated to the selected pricing record.
  • The Remaining field is display only and will display the remaining quantity yet to be delivered for the delivery period using the price assigned to this line. Remaining Qty is calculated by taking the Price Qty – Delivered Qty - In Transit Qty – Canceled Qty from the line detail.
  • In the Board Price, Basis, and Net Price fields, enter the prices according to the type of contract selected.
  • Mark the ZB checkbox for a basis contract and the basis price is supposed to be 0. At posting time the system will go ahead and post the contract.
  • The Posted checkbox is display only and will be marked if the price line has been posted.
  • The User Defined & Comment fields are in the expanded line view and can be edited at any time.
  • Selecting an Assembly Number controls where the pricing is applied when the price line is posted.
    • For Basis, Futures Fixed and Price Later contract types if the user transfers or moves bushes to a separate assembly. Then selects the assembly prior to posting the price line the pricing will be directed to the tickets associated to the assembly.
    • This process only works within the Purchase Contract Price Entry when the selected price record is posted. It does not work from batch posting since the desired destination assembly is not saved.
  • The Total Qty field is display only and will display the total price quantity for this contract price entry.
  • The Today's Price button when selected will input today's price for a specific live if a price has been enter via the Item Daily Price window for the item.
  1. Choose the Price Confirmation button to print a contract pricing confirmation report. This report will display all prices for each delivery period assigned to a specific contract.
  2. Choose the Position button to open the Purchase Contract Position Entry window.
    • Displays current position records for this hedge item.
      • Each Position Entry, Position ID that has Purchase Contracts selected to Create Position Records selected will be listed.
      • User is allowed to add, edit or delete the current position records.
    • If the Hedge check box is marked and the contract has a hedge item a position record will be created for each Position ID/Hedge item(s) combination.
      • The position records are used to determine in which month contract quantities are displayed on the Long Short Inquiry for the specified hedge item(s).
      • To not include the hedge item on the Long Short Inquiry the checkbox should be unmarked.
  3. Choose Save to save the pricing information based on a specific delivery period for a contract. User will be prompted to post the price records.
  • Selecting Yes will cause the system to post the price records for the Contract and Delivery Period.
  • Selecting No will save the price records without posting.
  1. Mark the Post & Settle checkbox to settle the amount being priced immediately after posting.
  2. Choose Post to post pricing information separate from the contract.

Pricing information can be posted separately from the contract. This allows delivery against the contract before the contract is fully posted. Once a price has been posted it cannot be changed.
When the Post & Settle option is used, a new assembly sheet is created for the selected contract and the amount being priced is moved to the new assembly sheet. The Settlement Entry window is then opened and the new assembly sheet is available for settlement.

DRC Contract Price Entry

Entering Prices for DRC Contracts

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualWhen a DRC Contractor ID has been entered in DRC Setup, an Apply button and Basis field will be available in the header of Purchase Contract Price Entry window. The Apply button will roll down the entered basis to each of the UNPOSTED price lines and then refill the scrolling window. If user rolls down a zero basis, each of the un-posted price lines will have the ZB (zero basis) checkbox marked.

Floating Quantity Purchase Contract

Floating Quantity Purchase Contract

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualThis section describes the Floating Quantity Purchase Contract. The Floating Quantity checkbox when marked does not require the contract quantity to be specified.

  1. Open the Purchase Contract Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Contracts>>Purchase Contract Entry)

  1. The Floating Quantity check box is not enabled if the Contract Type is Spot or Cash.
  2. If this checkbox is marked, the Contract Qty field is available to have an estimated delivery quantity entered but is not required.
    • Contract quantity is necessary when the customer wants to immediately price bushels on a Floating Contract.
  3. A Floating Quantity contract is restricted to one delivery period.
  4. The Overrun/Under Run fields are locked and do not apply to a Floating Quantity contract.
  5. As product is delivered against a Floating Quantity contract the Contract Qty will reflect those deliveries.
    • If there is priced quantity and the user over delivers the estimated/priced qty, the bushels over the priced amount will come in as un-priced quantity
  6. If bushels are unapplied from a floating qty contract, the contract qty will not decrease to reflect the unapplied quantity.
  7. Closing a Floating Quantity contract with priced bushels delivered.
    • If the delivered quantity is less than the priced quantity, the contract cannot be manually closed and the user is prompted to use the Underfill window to close the contract.

Purchase Contract Amendment

Purchase Contract Amendments

This section explains how to make changes to a posted purchase contract.
This section contains the following procedures:

Purchase Contract Amendment

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualPurchase Contract Amendment allows the user to make changes to a posted purchase contract.

  1. Open the Purchase Contract Amendment window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Contracts>>Purchase Contract Amendment or Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Contracts>>Purchase Contract Entry, Amend Contract button)

  1. Amendment Options button is a drop down list containing:
  2. Print drop down list contains the printing options available when the contract amendment is saved. Options are:
    • Contract
    • Contract Addendum
      • NOTE: if the Contract Addendum is not printed at this time it cannot be reprinted!
    • None (Default)
  3. Contract, enter or lookup Contract Number. If a customer and/or an item are entered the lookup will be restricted based on the information entered.
  4. The Customer Signature Required checkbox determines how the Sent/Returned fields are marked upon saving the amendment.
    • The checkbox is only available if the print option is Contract or Contract Addendum.
    • If Customer Signature Required checkbox is selected the Sent check box will be checked and the date field will be reset to the current Users Date and the Returned checkbox will be unchecked.
    • If Customer Signature Required is not selected the Sent/Returned fields are not changed.
  5. Floating Quantity checkbox cannot be checked after product has been delivered on the contract.
  6. The following fields are never available to be changed on the contract:
    • Contract Type
    • Contract Number
  7. The following fields will always remain editable:
    • Description
    • Date
    • Note ID
    • Reference No
    • Comment
    • Payment Terms
    • DRC ID
    • Trader
    • Overrun/Under run
    • Partners
    • User Defined Lists 1 - 4
    • User Defined Strings 1 - 4
  8. The following fields will remain editable but may prompt user if there are delivered or settled quantities:
    • Disposition ID
    • Commodity Grade
    • Program Details
    • Deferred CB
    • Ship Method & FOB - If changed, the existing Freight Rate and Freight U of M will not update automatically. The user will need to change these values manually.
    • Payment Resp.
    • Freight Rate
    • Freight U of M
  9. Program Schedule:
    • If Delivered/Cancelled Qty or In Transit Qty is zero, the Program Schedule ID can be changed.
      • When a change is made to the program schedule the user will be prompted of the number of open assemblies and ask if they wish to roll the change to them.
        • If yes, system will assign selected Program Schedule to Purchase Contract and associated Assemblies and update the Program Detail for both.
        • If no, system will assign selected Program Schedule to Purchase Contract and update the contract Program Detail. The Assembly will not receive the change to Program Schedule or Program Detail.
      • The changes will take effect when the amendment is saved.
        • If the Contract Amendment is not saved, the changes that may have been made regarding program schedule or program details are discarded.
    • If Delivered/Cancelled Qty or In Transit Qty is not zero, the Program Schedule will be disabled, user must use the Program Schedule ID expand button and modify each detail item individually.
  10. Edit to a contract that has multiple delivery periods or pricing records opens the Delivery and Price Quantity Change window.
  11. The following fields are no longer editable once the contract has delivered or In Transit quantity:
    • Customer
    • Item
    • Wt to Govern
    • Grade to Govern
    • Delivery Period
    • Start and End Dates
    • Discount Schedule
  12. Price becomes un-editable when the contract is partially settled. User is prompted to use the Purchase Contract Roll to change pricing.
  13. Contract Qty is editable until the contract has been fully settled.
  14. Select the Customer Expansion button to open the Contract Partner Amend window to make amendments to the Partner Grower associated to the contract.

  1. Select the Delivery Expansion button to open the Purchase Contract Delivery Amendment window.
  2. Select the Pricing Expansion button to open the Purchase Contract Price Amendment window

Amendment Fee Entry

Amendment Fee Entry

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualThe Amendment Fee Entry window allows the user to add fees due to the contract amendment.
(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Contracts >>Purchase Contract Amendment: Amendment Options, Enter Amend Fees)

  1. Contract will default to the selected contract number being amended.
  2. Fee Type is a drop down list.
    • No Fee – clears all fee fields and resets required status on the fee fields.
    • Invoice – once the amendment is saved a sales invoice will be created for the total amount.
      • Invoice Item, Batch Number, Shipping Method and Site fields enabled and required.
    • Program Charge - will attach a program id to the assembly for the delivery period being rolled.
      • Program ID field is enabled and required.
      • Assembly – will default based on the selected purchase contract. If there are multiple open assemblies on a contract this field will be editable and required as the assembly the program charge will be put on.
      • Processing Note – since a contract can be amended multiple times and a program charge can be selected as the payment method each time, a program id that is a flat amount will be required as the program charge.
  3. Quantity will default from the Purchase Contract Amendment and is used to calculate the Total.
  4. Unit Price this is the rate amount to be charge per Quantity.
  5. Total Amount is an editable field that will show the total program charge or invoice amount, but allow the user to key their own total.

Contract Log Entry

Contract Log Entry

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualThe Contract Log Entry provides explanations for the changes that were made to a contract. It also allows the user to provide a text amendment for the contract.
(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Contracts >>Purchase Contract Amendment: Amendment Options, Enter Log and Amendment)

  1. Contract will default to the selected contract number being amended.
  2. Log Explanation can be used to apply the same explanation to all the changes made.
    • The Apply Explanation to All button, will set the Log Explanation entered to all lines in the scrolling window.
  3. Mark All will check the Print on Amendment for all lines in the scrolling window.
  4. Unmark All will uncheck Print on Amendment for all lines in the scrolling window.
  5. Scrolling Window lists all the changes a user made in a contract amendment.
    • Type, where the change was made, Contract or Delivery Period or Price.
    • Field Name is the text description of the field that was changed.
    • Old Value represents the previous value of the field.
    • New Value represents the amended value of the field.
    • Print on Addendum checkbox indicates whether or not this particular field change will show on the contract amendment.
    • Log Explanation is internal field that allows the user to enter a comment as to why the field was changed.
  6. Explanation to print on Contract Addendum allows the user to enter a description of the changes that will make up the contract amendment. This is 500 char text field.

Delivery and Price Quantity Change

Delivery and Price Quantity ChangeD2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

The Delivery and Price Quantity Change window allows the user to make changes to contract quantity that has multiple delivery period or price records. The window will open when the quantity is changed.
(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Contracts >>Purchase Contract Amendment: Change Quantity)

  1. Contract will default to the selected contract number being amended.
  2. Old Quantity will default to the contracts previous quantity.
  3. New Quantity will default to the new contract quantity.
  4. Difference displays difference between old quantity and new quantity.
  5. Delivery Period scrolling window displays all the delivery periods for the contract.
    • New Quantity is the only editable field and represents new delivery quantity for this delivery record.
    • On a closed delivery period the New Quantity cannot be reduced. If it is increased the delivery period will be reopened.
  6. Pricing scrolling window when a delivery period is selected in the top scrolling window the bottom window will refresh with price records for that delivery period.
    • New Quantity is the only editable field and represents the new price quantity for this price record.
  7. The window cannot be closed until the quantities in the delivery period records tie out to the new contract quantity.
  8. If there is only 1 delivery period and 1 price record the system will automatically adjust both to the new contract quantity.
  9. Ok button will return user to the Purchase Contract Amend with the amendments.
  10. Cancel button prompt user then return user to the Purchase Contract Amend and reverse the contract quantity change.

Purchase Contract Delivery Amendment

Purchase Contract Delivery Amendment

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual Purchase Contract Delivery Amendment window allows the user to make delivery period changes to posted contracts. If system currently allows a change to a delivery period after the contract has been posted that functionality will remain. This screen is only for changes that previously could not be made to posted contract delivery periods.
(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Contracts >>Purchase Contract Amendment: Delivery expansion button)

  1. Delivery Period, Start Date, and End Date are editable providing there is no Delivered Qty or In Transit Qty applied to the contract delivery period.
    • When there is Delivered Qty or In Transit Qty applied to the contract delivery period, the user must use the Purchase Contract Roll window to change the delivery period.
  2. Delivery Qty field is locked. Any quantity changes must be made in the Purchase Contract Amend window.
  3. Changes to the following fields are allowed with no restriction:
    • Site
    • Delivery Comment
    • Description
    • Adjustment
    • Ticker
  4. The following fields will remain editable but may prompt user if there are delivered or settled quantities:
    • Ship Method
    • FOB
    • Freight Rate
    • Farm
    • Field
  5. Delivery Prices button opens the Purchase Contract Price Amendment window.

Purchase Contract Price Amendment

Purchase Contract Price Amendment

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual Purchase Contract Price Amendment window allows the user to make price changes to a contract that has been posted. If system currently allows a change to a price record after the contract has been posted that functionality will remain. This screen is only for changes that previously could not be made to posted contract delivery periods.
(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Contracts >>Purchase Contract Amendment: Pricing expansion button)

  1. Changes are not allowed for an un-posted price record on this window.
  2. Contract price cannot be changed if any of the assemblies against it have been settled.
  3. Changes made to the following fields will prompt user if changes should be rolled to the tickets or the assembly:
    • Ticker
    • Board of Trade
    • Board Price
    • Basis Price
    • Net Price
  4. The following rules apply to changes to the Price Qty:
    • The Price Qty cannot be reduced lower than the Del/Can qty.
    • The Price Qty cannot be increased on this screen, but instead user will be directed to Purchase Contract Price Entry screen.
    • The Price Qty can be reduced and another pricing record can be created as long as to Total Qty equals the Delivery Qty.
  5. If the price (Board, Basis & Net Price) is changed the user will be prompted to roll down changes to existing tickets.
    • If user chooses to roll the price down then existing tickets and in transit ticket prices will be updated.
    • If user chooses not to roll the price down:
      • A new price record will be created for the remaining bushels and the new prices.
      • The existing price records Price Qty will be changed to the Del/Can quantity.
      • When the Purchase Contract Amendment is saved the user will be prompted to post the new price record.

Purchase Contract Roll

Purchase Contract Roll

This section explains how to perform contract delivery period or price rolls.
This section contains the following procedures:

Purchase Contract RollD2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

Purchase Contract Roll window allows user to perform contract delivery period or price roll. Contracts that have been partially settled must use the Purchase Contract Roll to change the contract price.

  1. Open the Purchase Contract Roll window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Contracts>>Purchase Contract Roll)

  1. Customer is an optional field to narrow the list of contracts and delivery periods available from the lookup window.
  2. Item is an optional field to narrow the list of contracts available from the lookup window.
  3. Contract is a required field and represents the contract to be rolled.
    • If the selected contract has a single delivery period the Roll From area will default the delivery period information.
    • If the selected contract has multiple delivery periods user must select the delivery period.
  4. Delivery Period is a required field and represents the contract delivery period to be rolled.
    • The Roll From section will default for the selected Contract/Delivery Period.
    • Board Price, Basis and Net Price:
      • If there is only 1 price record against the delivery period the price information will be displayed. # of Pricing will display Single Price. The # of Pricing Expansion button opens the Purchase Contract Price Inquiry Zoom.
      • If there are multiple price records prices fields display 0.00. # of Pricing will display Multiple Prices. The # of Pricing Expansion button opens the Purchase Contract Price Inquiry Zoom.
  5. Roll Options:
    • Print drop down list contains the printing options available when the contract amendment is saved. Options are:
      • Contract
      • Contract Addendum
        • NOTE: if the Contract Addendum is not printed at this time it cannot be reprinted!
      • None (Default)
    • The Customer Signature Required checkbox determines how the Sent/Returned fields are marked upon saving the amendment.
      • If Customer Signature Required checkbox is selected the Sent check box will be checked and the date field will be reset to the current Users Date and the Returned checkbox will be unchecked.
      • If Customer Signature Required is not selected the Sent/Returned fields are not changed.
    • The Open Contract Inquiry upon Roll Completion checkbox, when selected, will open the Purchase Contract Inquiry window when the roll process has completed.
  6. Roll To:
    • Roll Qty is the amount of the Contract/Delivery Period that will be rolled. This will default with the Open Quantity for the selected Contract/Delivery period.
      • User specifies the quantity to move from the existing Delivery Period to the new Delivery Period.
      • If there are multiple price records system will select the most current pricings to roll.
    • Delivery Period, user specifies the Delivery Period the quantity will be rolled to.
    • Start and End Dates are required fields to roll. They will default for the selected Roll to Delivery Period but the user can enter alternative start and end dates.
    • Ticker is optional, user can select a different futures month to Price the Delivery Period in.
    • Board Price Adjustment is optional, user can enter an amount to adjust the board price, up or down, due to the roll change.
    • Basis Price Adjustment is optional, user can enter an amount to adjust the basis price, up or down, due to the roll change.
    • Apply Pricing Button when selected will apply the Roll To Ticker and Board/Price adjustments to the price records displayed in the scrolling window.
  7. Roll To, Scrolling window will default the pricing record(s) for the selected Delivery Period.
    • When the Roll Qty is changed, the scrolling window will display the selected price record(s) that will be affected when the Roll is performed.
      • The system selects the Price Records on a FIFO basis. If it needs to leave bushels it will leave the bushels on a FIFO basis and then start moving price bushels after the leave qty is fulfilled.
    • Ticker can be updated by user from the scrolling window or from the Roll To selection when the Apply Pricing button is selected.
    • Board of Trade can be updated by user from the scrolling window.
    • Board Price can be updated by user from the scrolling window or will be adjusted from the Roll To selection when the Apply Pricing button is selected.
    • Basis Price can be updated by user from the scrolling window.
    • Net Price can be updated by user from the scrolling window or will be adjusted from the Roll To selection when the Apply Pricing button is selected.
    • The values displayed when the Roll button is selected are the values that will be rolled.
  8. Amendment Options button is a drop down list containing:
  9. The Roll Button will perform the contract delivery period roll.
    • Rolling a delivery period will result in the existing Delivery Period Quantity being reduced by the amount being rolled and if applicable the assembly will be closed. A new Delivery Period will be created for the amount being rolled and a new Assembly will be created.
    • When the Roll has completed:
      • The contract or amendment will print if that option is selected.
      • An Invoice will be created if that option is selected or the Program Charge will be added to the Assembly if that option is selected.

Purchase Contract Mass Roll

Purchase Contract Mass Roll

This section explains how to how to perform contract rolls for multiple purchase contracts at once.
This section contains the following procedures:

Purchase Contract Mass Roll D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

Purchase Contract Mass Roll allows user to perform quantity and price rolls for multiple contracts at once.

  1. Open the Purchase Contract Mass Roll window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Contracts>>Purchase Contract Mass Roll)

  1. Filters:
    • Roll Type. Options are:
      • Quantity Roll
        • Is used to roll undelivered quantities to a new Delivery period. The remaining quantity on the purchase contract is greater than zero.
      • Price Roll
        • Is used to roll unpriced Basis Purchase Contracts quantities to a new price record. Delivery price records that do not have a Net Price or a Futures Price. This will include fully delivered, but not settled price records.
    • Contract Type. Options are:
      • Spot
      • Cash
      • Price later
      • Basis
        • When Roll Type is Price Roll, Basis will default and not be editable.
      • Futures Fixed
      • Minimum Price
      • Other
      • All
        • The default selection when Roll Type is Quantity Roll.
    • Customer, will restrict the scrolling window to those purchase contracts with the selected Customer ID.
    • Item, is required.
    • Ticker, will restrict the scrolling window to those purchase contracts with the selected Ticker ID.
    • Delivery Period:
      • In order to meet the delivery date criteria, the purchase contract delivery start date must fall between the user provided Delivery Date From and Delivery Date To.
      • The Delivery ID will default the Delivery Period Date From and the Delivery Period Date To dates.
    • Delivery Period Start Date
      • System will not display purchase contract delivery periods with a Delivery Start Date that is before this date.
    • Delivery Period End Date
      • System will not display purchase contract delivery periods with a Delivery End Date that is after this date.
    • Max Number of Rolls
      • Restricts the scrolling window to contracts that have been rolled the Max number of rolls or less. Defaults to 999.
    • Currency ID, is required.
    • Branch restriction:
      • Current Branch
      • My Branches
      • All Branches
  2. Roll To:
    • Ticker, is only active when Roll Type is Price Roll
    • Delivery Period, when the roll is processed, all selected contracts will be updated with this new Delivery Period ID. The Delivery Period ID will default the Start and End dates.
    • Start, is required. When the roll is processed, the contract will be updated with the new Delivery Period Start Date.
    • End, is required. When the roll is processed, the contract will be updated with the new Delivery Period End Date.
    • Roll Fee, will be added to the Spread to calculate the Basis Price Adjustment. (To decrease the basis, enter a negative number).
    • Spread will be added to the Roll Fee to calculate the Basis Price Adjustment. (To decrease the basis, enter a negative number).
    • Basis Price Adjustment
      • The Basis Price Adjustment is a total of the Spread + the Roll Fee. It is calculated and non-editable.
      • When the roll is processed, the new Basis Price will be a total of the old Basis Price plus the Basis Price Adjustment.
        • Exception to this is when doing a Quantity Roll for a Futures Fixed contract (priced or unpriced) the Basis Price Adjustment will be added to the Board Price.
  3. Print, options are:
    • Contract, when selected the contract report (IRGNCashContractPlainPaperNEPrePrint) will be printed for each of the selected contracts.
    • Contract Addendum, when selected the contract addendum report (IRGNPurchContractAddendum) will be printed for each of the selected contracts.
    • None, the default selection.
  4. Detail Lines:
    • Mark/UnMark All checkbox
    • Customer ID
    • Contract Number
      • When Quantity Roll is selected, if there are multiple delivery periods the contract will be displayed multiple times.
      • When Quantity Roll is selected, and there are multiple price records associated to a contract delivery period:
        • The contract and delivery period information will display on the first price record. On each additional price record only the price information will display.
      • When Price Roll is selected, if there are multiple price records the contract will be displayed multiple times.
    • Contract Dt, contract date
    • Del. From Dt., delivery period Start Date
    • Del. To Dt., delivery period End Date
    • Avail Qty., Remaining Qty of the delivery period when Quantity Roll is selected, or Remaining Qty of the price record when Price Roll is selected.
    • Roll Qty., the amount to roll, the amount will default to the available quantity but the user can edit the amount.
      • The roll quantity cannot be more than the Avail Qty.
    • Board Price
    • Basis Brice
    • Net Price
    • Customer Name
    • Delivery Period, Delivery Period ID
    • Ticker
    • Board of Trade
    • Board Month
    • Board Year
    • Price Remain Qty.
    • Branch
    • Times Rolled is the total number of times the selected contract has been rolled. This is based on the selected roll type, price roll can be different from the quantity roll.
  5. Roll Totals:
    • Number of Contracts, selected to be rolled.
    • Number of Delivery Rows, selected to be rolled.
      • This will display when Quantity Roll is selected.
    • Number of Price Rows, associated to the selected delivery periods.
      • This will display when Price Roll is selected.
    • Total Available, of selected delivery periods.
    • Total Roll Qty, of selected delivery periods.
  6. Cancel, when selected will close the window.
  7. Clear, when selected the window and restrictions will be cleared for the user to start over.
  8. Redisplay, when selected will populate the scrolling window with contracts that meet the filter restrictions.
  9. Roll when selected the selected contracts will be rolled.
    • Quantity Roll when Rolled:
      • The selected delivery period will be decreased by the roll quantity.
      • A new delivery period will be created using the delivery period start and end dates and the roll quantity.
        • Market Zones and MTM Adjustments will flow from the original delivery period to the new delivery period.
      • The price record or records associated to the delivery period will be decreased by the roll quantity.
        • If there are multiple price records associated to the delivery period the system will reduced the first open price record, and roll to the next open price record until the roll quantity has been met.
      • A new price record(s) will be created. The Basis Price on each new price record will be adjusted (+/-) by the Basis Price Adjustment.
        • For each price record that is adjusted a new price record will be created.
        • If the selected contract type is Futures Fixed (priced or unpriced) the Board Price on each new price record will be adjusted (+/-) by the Basis Price Adjustment.
        • The price date will be updated on the newly created price record.
          • On a priced contract the Basis Date and Price Date will be updated, except for a Futures Fixed contract the Board Date and Price Date will be updated.
          • On an unpriced contract only the Basis Date will be updated, except for unpriced Futures Fixed contract the Board Date will be updated.
    • Price Roll when Rolled:
      • The selected price record will be decreased by the roll quantity.
      • A new price record will be created for the roll quantity. The Basis Price on each new price record will be adjusted (+/-) by the Basis Price Adjustment.
        • For each price record that is adjusted a new price record will be created.
        • If the selected contract type is Futures Fixed (priced or unpriced) the Board Price on each new price record will be adjusted (+/-) by the Basis Price Adjustment.
        • The price date will be updated on the newly created price record.
          • On a priced contract the Basis Date and Price Date will be updated.
          • On an unpriced contract only the Basis Date will be updated.
    • When rolling multi-currency contracts, the exchange rate from the contract will be used when creating the price records.
    • If the Print option, Contract or Contract Addendum, is selected one report will be printed that includes all selected contracts.
    • A Contract Amendment record will be created for each of the rolled contracts.
  10. Amendment Log
    • Opens the Contract Amendment Entry window to enter a Delivery Change explanation, a price change explanation and Contract Amendment description. This information will flow to the Contract Amendment for each contract selected to be rolled.

Contract Amendment Entry

Contract Amendment Entry

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual Purchase Contract window allows the user to enter text explaining the Delivery Period and Pricing changes on the Contract Roll.
(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Contracts >>Purchase Contract Roll: Amendment Log)

  1. Delivery Charge Explanation is the log explanation for the Delivery Period Roll.
  2. Price Change Explanation is the log explanation for the Price Change Roll.
  3. Contract Amendment allows the user to enter a text description to print on the contract amendment.
  4. Since the list of fields that can change on a roll will vary the user won't see a list of the fields that are going to be affected. Those fields will be written to the Contract Log with the appropriate explanation.

Purchase Contract Supplemental Transaction Entry

Purchase Contract Supplemental Transaction Entry

This section explains how to enter supplemental transactions or underfilling a purchase contract and to void an underfill that does not have a Receivable or Payable transaction.
This section contains the following procedures:

Supplemental Transaction Entry

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualThis type of supplemental transaction will produce an additional check for the customer. This is typically used when the transaction dollar amount is small.

  1. Open the Purchase Contract Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Contracts>>Purchase Contract Entry)

  1. Select the Contract lookup and select the purchase contract that requires the correction. The selected contract must be settled before entering a supplemental transaction.
  2. Open the Supplemental Entry window from the Purchase Contract Entry window.

(Additional>>Supplemental Entry)

  1. Enter or select a Document Date for a date other than the current date.
  2. Select the Create Check checkbox to post the Payables Transaction directly from the Supplemental Entry window and print a check on the fly.
  3. Enter a Payables Batch Number to place the Payables Transaction in a batch for processing and check printing at a later time.
  4. Enter a Transaction Description to associate with the Supplemental Transaction.
  5. Click the Lien Holders button to open the Supplemental Lien Holders window and view any liens that exist for the customer.

  • Highlight the Lien Holder name and click the Delete Row button for the Lien Holder name not to appear on the check.
  • Click the OK button to close the Supplemental Lien Holder window.
  1. Click the Previous Supplementals button to open the Contract Supplemental Inquiry window and view any previous supplemental transactions that have been entered for the purchase contract. This button will not appear if no previous supplemental transactions exist for the contract.

  • Click OK to close the Contract Supplemental Inquiry window.
  1. In the scrolling section of the window, select a transaction type from the Type column drop down list. The Type describes the individual supplemental payment being entered into the line. The available selections are:
  • Contract Price Change
  • Grade Discount Change
  • Disc Schedule Change
  • Program Schedule Change
  • Other
  1. Enter a payment comment into the Comment column to describe the individual payment being entered in the line.
  2. Enter the individual payment amount into the Amount column.
  3. Enter any additional payment lines if applicable.
  4. Click the Distribution button to open the Supplemental Distributions window to view or modify the distribution accounts.

  • PAY - The system will use the Accounts Payable Account for the Vendor that is associated with the purchase contract. If the Vendor account is not set, the system will use the Accounts Payable account set up in Company Posting Accounts Setup.
  • PURCH – The system will use the Purchase Price Variance account for the item associated with the purchase contract. If the item account is not set, the system will use the Purchase Price Variance account set up in Company Posting Accounts Setup.
  • Click OK to close the Supplemental Distributions window.
  1. Click Save to save the supplemental transaction without processing the transaction. User will be able to re-open the transaction and process it at a later time.
  2. Click Process to process the supplemental transaction.

Purchase Contract Underfill Process

Purchase Contract Underfill ProcessD2HML|C1H Manual

The Purchase Contract Underfill process is used to create an invoice or payable transaction for the remaining quantity of a purchase contract that will not be delivered.

  1. Open the Purchase Contract Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Contracts>>Purchase Contract Entry)

  1. Select the Contract lookup and select the purchase contract that requires the underfill. The selected contract must be settled before entering a purchase contract underfill.
  2. Open the Purchase Contract Underfill Entry window from the Purchase Contract Entry window.

(Additional>>Underfill Process)

  1. Select the Document Type.
  • Create Receivable – Creates an invoice if a charge is associated with underfilling the contract.
    • The system will use the Sales Account from the Item Account Maintenance for the selected underfill item. This choice enables the Customer field.
    • The system will use the Receivables Account based off the Underfill Item selected in the Underfill Entry screen. If the Receivables Account is not defined for the item the customer standard Account Receivable account will be used.
  • Create Payable – Creates a payables transaction if a payment is associated with underfilling the contract.
    • The system will use the Sales Return Account from the Item Account Maintenance for the selected underfill item. This choice enables the Vendor ID field.
    • The system will use the Payables Account based off the Underfill Item selected in the Underfill Entry screen. If the Payables Account is not defined for the item the vendor standard Accounts Payable account will be used.
  1. Select a Customer if the Document Type is set to Create Receivable.
  • In the event the Customer/Vendor relationship does not exist, the user is prompted "Customer & Vendor are not linked. Do you want to continue?"
    • Yes, allows the user to continue without linking the customer and vendor.
    • No, the cursor is returned to the Customer field.
    • Link Now, opens the Customer/Vendor Relationships window.
  1. Select a Vendor ID if the Document Type is set to Create Payable.
  2. Underfill Qty will display the remaining undelivered quantity from the purchase contract.
  3. In the Price field, enter the unit price for the quantity being underfilled.
  4. In the Batch Number field, select a batch for the transaction being created.
  • Enter or select a Sales batch if the Document Type is set to Create Receivable.
  • Enter or select a Payables batch if the Document Type is set to Create Payable.
  1. Select a Shipping Method if the Document Type is set to Create Receivable. Shipping Method is required for a receivables transaction so that the taxes will calculate correctly.
  2. Select a Site if the Document Type is set to Create Receivable.
  3. In the Underfill Item field, select an item to be used on the invoice or voucher being created.
  4. Click the Process button to process the underfill and place the transaction in the specified batch.

Contract Underfill Void

Contract Underfill VoidD2HML|C1H Manual

The Contract Underfill Void provides the ability to void Purchase or Sales Contract Underfill that does not have a Payable or Receivable transaction.

  1. Open the Contract Underfill Void window.

(Transactions>Cinch Grain>Contract Underfill Void)

  1. Select the Source Type, Purchase or Sales.
  2. Enter or select the Contract Number.
    • The system will validate if the original underfill created a Payable or Receivable transaction.  If so, the user will be warned and stopped.
      • The underfill can be reversed by deleting the unposted Payable or Receivable transaction.
  3. Select Process to void the underfill.
    • The under fill will be removed from the contract, the contract totals will be updated and the contract will be reopened.
  4. Select Cancel to clear the screen without voiding the underfill.

Purchase Contract Harvest Rate Entry

Entering Purchase Contract Harvest RateD2HML|C1H Manual

The Purchase Contract Harvest Rate is used to preview the effect a change to the number of acres and/or the harvest yield per acre will have on the contract's delivery quantity. When processed, the modification will update the selected contract.
1.Open the Purchase Contract Harvest Rate window.
(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>> Purchase Contract Harvest Rate)

  1. Select Range, Customer, Commodity, Contract Type, Delivery Dates, Acres or Yield Rate.
  2. Choose Redisplay to fill the scrolling window with contracts that have acre info assigned to a contract and match the range options.
  3. The following fields are display only and are based on the contract selected.
  • The Customer field will display the customer description attached to the contract.
  • The Commodity field will display the commodity description attached to the contract.
  • The Contract Type field will display the type of contract.
  • The Delivery Dates display the starting and ending delivery dates assigned to the contract.
  • The Delivered Qty displays the quantity that has been delivered on the contract.
  1. The Delivery Qty is a calculated field that represents the contract quantity. The field is based on the No. of Acres times the Harvest Yield/Acre.
  2. The following fields are used to calculate the Delivery Qty on the contract and be modified in the scrolling window:
  • The No. of Acres associated to the Farm/Filed combination on the contract.
  • The Harvest Yield/Acre.
  1. Selecting Process will modify the selected contracts delivery quantity.

Chapter 5:Purchase Loads

This section explains the different ways to enter purchase loads into the system. This is an optional step depending on how you want to use the system. Use Purchase Load Generator to create multiple loads that can be associate to a purchase contract and/or an inbound ticket (bulk or scale). Or use the Purchase Load Entry window to create individual loads or edit existing loads.
This chapter is divided into the following sections:

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual;target=Manual

Purchase Load Generator

Purchase Load GeneratorD2HML|C1H Manual

  1. Open the Purchase Load Generator

(Transaction>Cinch Grain>Purchase/Inbound>Purchase Load Generator)

  1. Enter or lookup the Vendor. When accessing Load Generator from Purchase Contract Entry, the Vendor will already be selected and field will be disabled.
    • Selecting a Vendor marked Inactive will prompt the user and not be allowed.
  2. Enter or Lookup the Contract Number. When accessing Load Generator from Purchase Contract Entry, the Contract Number will already be selected and field will be disabled.
    • The Delivery Period will default for the selected contract. If there are multiple Delivery Periods associated to the selected contract the Purchase Delivery Contact Lookup will open allowing the user to select the delivery period.
    • When Contract Number is selected the Split ID field will be disabled.
    • When a Split ID is selected the Contract Number and Delivery Period will be disabled. User will need to use the Split ID expansion to select contract/delivery periods.
  3. Contract Number Expansion button will open Purchase Contract Entry.
  4. Vendor Ship From will default from the Vendor Maintenance but can be changed.
  5. Remit To Address will default from the Vendor Maintenance but can be changed.
  6. Enter or Lookup the Item Number. When accessing Load Generator from Purchase Contract Entry, the Item will already be selected and field will be disabled.
  7. Enter or Lookup the Split ID if the loads will be associated to multiple vendors and contract/delivery periods.
    • When a Split ID is selected the Contract Number and Delivery Period fields will be disabled
  8. The Split ID expansion opens the Purchase Load Contracts where contracts will be associated to each split vendor.

    • The Vendor will be populated based on the selected Split ID.
    • Select the Contract for each vendor that will be associated to the load.
    • The Delivery Period will default for the selected contract. If there are multiple Delivery Periods associated to the selected contract the Purchase Delivery Contact Lookup will open allowing the user to select the delivery period.
    • Start Date and End Date will be populated based on the selected delivery period.
  1. Enter the Order Reference.
  2. Quantity fields and # of Loads been added for more clarification. #Loads fields is currently not used.
    • Quantity – Represents the quantity for the selected contract delivery period.
    • Qty Delivered – Represents the delivered quantity applied to the selected contract delivery period.
    • Open – Represents the quantity that has not been delivered or is not in transit for the selected contract delivery period.
    • Undelivered Loads – Represent the quantity associated to loads are not associated to a ticket.
    • Remaining – Represents the quantity that has not been delivered or is in transit or associated to a load for the selected contract delivery period.
  3. Load Number:
    • The Prefix, Number and Suffix will default from the default values entered in General Setup, Load Setup. Or user can enter if defaults are not defined.
  4. The Increment Number By field will default with 1, but may be changed if necessary. This will increase the Load Number by the number entered.
  5. Enter the Number of Loads to be generated.
  6. Enter the Load Size.
  7. The Qty UOM
    • When a contract is selected this will default from the selected contract and not be editable.
    • If there is not a contract is not selected this will default from Item Extensions Weight/Unit but can be changed. Only a U of M associated to the Item's U of M Schedule ID can be selected.
  8. The Loads Per Day will default to 1, but may be changed if planning to receive more than one load per day.
  9. Enter the Scheduled Delivery Date/Time that will default to the loads when preview is selected.
  10. The Increment Date By field will default to 1, but may be changed. This will increase the next scheduled ship date depending on the Number of Loads and the Loads per day.
  11. The Site will default in with the Default Site entered in General Setup, but may be changed.
  12. Freight button will open the Load Generator Freight Entry window. User is able to enter freight information that defaults to each Load Order created in the scrolling window when Preview is selected.

    • Depending on what was selected in Freight Setup, either Shipping Company or Vendor will display in the drop down list. Select the Shipping Company/Vendor to create freight records for.
    • Select an FOB if desired.
    • Select a Payment Liability of Customer Pays or Company Pays. This is required for the freight record to be saved.
    • The Freight U of M, Freight Rate, Adjustment, Misc Amt, and Fuel Surcharge % will default from the Shipping Method Detail Maintenance window, but can be changed if necessary.
    • Net Quantities are not fully determined until transactions are saved, when the Freight U of M is set to Per Net Unit, the total freight amount may not be accurate until the transaction is saved.
    • The Fuel Surcharge will automatically be calculated based on the Surcharge % entered.
    • Choose Insert to insert the record that was created. Enter any additional freight lines as needed.
      • If a Shipping Company needs calculating, highlight the line in the scrolling window. The Shipping Company will display in the Header and the user can enter or update the appropriate information. Choose Insert to change the line in the scrolling window.
    • Choose OK to close the window.
      • It is required to choose OK to close the window to verify that all freight information has been entered.
      • If OK is selected without inserting a line and there is information in the header, it will ask if you want to save the information.
  1. Choose Preview to fill the scrolling window with load information. All of the fields will fill in based on the load information entered above.
    • The Scheduled Ship Date, Time and Quantity on any of the loads can be changed as necessary.
    • Day will be populated based on the General Setup setting, skip day(s) of the week, when the system calculates the next scheduled ship date if the ship date falls on a day of the week marked to skip, the system will increment to the next day available day to ship.
    • Lookup or enter the Vehicle Number information per load as needed.
    • User may modify the Freight records for each Load Order individually by selecting the appropriate line and clicking the Load Number expansion button. The Purchase Load Freight Entry will open where user is able to edit the Freight record or add additional freight records for the selected Load Order.
  2. Choose Clear Loads to clear the scrolling window.
  3. Total Quantity is the total of all loads listed in the scrolling window.
  4. Total Loads is the total number of loads listed in the scrolling window.
  5. Choose Clear to clear the window without creating or saving any loads.
  6. Choose Save to save the load information. The loads saved here can then be viewed and edited from Purchase Load Entry.
  7. Choose Print to print the Load Generator Ticket List, which will list out all of the loads created for the selected contract and delivery period.
    • If there is a Split ID associated to the load it will displayed on the report.

Purchase Load Entry

Purchase Load EntryD2HML|C1H Manual

  1. Open the Purchase Load Entry

(Transaction>Cinch Grain>Purchase/Inbound>Purchase Load Entry)

  1. Enter or lookup a Load Number; or click the expansion button next to Load Number to open the Load Number Entry window.

    • The Prefix, Number and Suffix will default based on the default values entered in General Setup, Load Setup. Or user can enter if defaults are not defined.
    • Make changes as necessary, the Preview field will display what the Load Number will be.
    • Click OK to accept the Load Number, the window will close and the Load Number will be populated on the Purchase Load Entry.
  1. Selecting the On Hold checkbox will prevent load from displaying in the lookups and being selected.
  2. Enter the Scheduled Date the load is scheduled to arrive.
  3. Enter the Scheduled Time the load is scheduled to arrive. If nothing is entered, 12:00 am will default.
  4. Enter or lookup the Vendor.
    • Ship From and Remit To will default from the Vendor Maintenance but can be changed.
  5. Enter or lookup the Item.
  6. Enter or Lookup the Split ID if the load will be associated to multiple vendors and contract/delivery periods.
    • When the load is selected on a ticket, the split ID will be used to create owner record for each split vendor. The contract will be used to apply the ticket owner and ticket details records to the contract's assembly.
    • When a Contract Number/Delivery Period is selected the Split ID will be disabled.
  7. The Split ID expansion opens the Purchase Load Contracts where contracts will be associated to each split vendor.

    • The Vendor(s) will be populated based on the selected Split ID.
    • Select the Contract for each vendor that will be associated to the load.
    • The Delivery Period will default for the selected contract. If there are multiple Delivery Periods associated to the selected contract the Purchase Delivery Contact Lookup will open allowing the user to select the delivery period.
    • Start Date and End Date will be populated based on the selected contract/delivery period.
  1. Site will default from the General Setup, Load Setup, Default Site, or user can enter if the default is not defined.
  2. Select the Contract Number/Delivery Period.
    • When a Split ID is selected the Contract Number and Delivery Period will be disabled. User will need to use the Split ID expansion to select contract/delivery periods.
    • The Delivery Period will default for the selected contract. If there are multiple Delivery Periods associated to the selected contract the Purchase Delivery Contact Lookup will open allowing the user to select the delivery period.
    • User is not allowed to select an unposted contract.
  3. Enter any Comments for the load.
    • Enter or Lookup a Comment ID or use the comment expansion to open the Purchase Load Comment Entry window to enter or edit a comment.
  4. Enter Vehicle/Car information. If the load was created in Purchase Load Generator and a Vehicle Number was entered, it will be displayed here.
  5. Weights will default from the selected contract Wt to Govern and cannot be changed. If no contract is selected this will default to Origination but can be changed by the user.
  6. Grades will default from the selected contract Grades to Govern and cannot be changed. If no contract is selected this will default to Origination but can be changed by the user.
  7. Trader will default from the selected contract but can be changed.
  8. Enter the Quantity to be delivered on the load.
  9. Qty U of M will default from the Item Extensions Weight/Unit but can be changed. Only a U of M associated to the Item's U of M Schedule ID can be selected.
  10. Enter the FOB, or it will default from the selected contract if present.
  11. Enter the Ship Company, or it will default from the selected contract if present.
  12. Select the Freight Entry button or expansion button next to Freight Total to open the Purchase Load Freight Entry window. If entered freight information needs calculating, user will be required to come in to this window to complete freight entry information.

    • If a Shipping Company was entered on the main window, it will automatically be inserted in to the scrolling window.
    • The Load Number is display only and will default from the Purchase Load Entry window.
    • Depending on what was selected in Freight Setup, either Shipping Company or Vendor will display in the drop down list. Select the Shipping Company/Vendor to create freight records for.
    • Select an FOB if desired. If FOB was entered on the main window it will default.
    • Select a Payment Liability of Customer Pays or Company Pays. This is required for the freight record to be saved.
    • The Freight UofM, Freight Rate, Adjustment, Misc Amt, and Fuel Surcharge % will default from the Shipping Method Detail Maintenance window, but can be changed if necessary.
    • Net Quantities are not fully determined until transactions are saved, when the Freight U of M is set to Per Net Unit, the total freight amount may not be accurate until the transaction is saved.
    • The Fuel Surcharge will automatically be calculated based on the Surcharge % entered.
    • Choose Insert to insert the record that was created. Enter any additional freight lines as needed.
      • If a Shipping Company was entered in Purchase Load Freight Entry that needs calculating, highlight the line in the scrolling window. The Shipping Company will display in the Header and the user can enter or update the appropriate information. Choose Insert to change the line in the scrolling window.
    • Choose OK to close the window. The Total Freight field will be updated with the newly calculated freight.
      • It is required to choose OK to close the window to verify that all freight information has been entered.
      • If OK is selected without inserting a line and there is information in the header, it will ask if you want to save the information.
  1. Freight Total will display the total of the freight entered for the load.
  2. Remaining Qty will display the delivery period remaining quantity.
  3. Unloaded Qty will display the quantity of undelivered loads associated to the contract delivery period.
  4. Enter the Order Reference. If the load was created in Purchase Load Generator and the Order Reference was entered, it will be displayed here.
  5. Choose Save to save the load information.
  6. Choose Clear to clear the window without saving the load information.
  7. Select Print and choose Purchase Load to print the Purchase Load.
  8. Select Void to void an existing load.
    • If the purchase load is associated to a ticket user will be prompted and load will not be allowed to be voided.
    • If the load is not associated to a ticket, user will be prompted to confirm if they want to void the selected record.
    • Enter Reason Code window will open for the user to enter the Reason Code.
    • Once a Reason Code is selected and the Ok button pressed, the load will be moved from the work table to the history table.
    • The history record will record the date, time, reason code and the user who voided the transaction.

Coping a Purchase Load

Coping a Purchase Load D2HML|C1H Manual

  1. Open the Purchase Load Entry

(Transaction>Cinch Grain>Purchase/Inbound>Purchase Load Entry)

  1. Enter or lookup an existing Load Number.
  2. Copy button, when selected opens the Copy Load Number window allowing the user to create a copy of the selected load order.

  1. Enter a Load Number; or use the expansion button to open the Load Number Entry window.
    • The Prefix, Number and Suffix will default from the default values entered in General Setup, Load Setup. Or user can enter if defaults are not defined.
    • Make changes as necessary, the Preview field will display what the Load Number will be.
    • Click OK to accept the Load Number, the window will close and the Load Number will be populated on the Purchase Load Entry.
  2. Number of Copies, is the number of loads to create. This defaults to "1" but is editable.
  3. Branch, is the branch the new load(s) will be created in. It will default to the current branch but is editable.
  4. Site, is the site the new load(s) will be created for. It will default to the Main Inventory Site ID for the selected Branch but can be changed.
  5. The following fields will default from the load being copied and not be editable. They will be copied from the original load to the new load(s).
    • Split ID, any contracts associated to the Split ID will be copied based on the original load.
    • Contract Number/Delivery Period.
  6. Ship Company/Freight record(s) will default from the load being copied but is editable.
  7. Void Original checkbox, when selected the original load order will be voided when the user selects Copy.
    • If the purchase load is associated to a ticket user will be prompted and load will not be allowed to be voided.
  8. Reason Code ID, will be editable and required if the Void checkbox is selected.
  9. Copy button, when selected system will create the selected number of copies.
    • If the original load was voided, if will be moved to history with the date, time, reason code and the user who voided the transaction.
  10. Cancel button, closes the window without copying or voiding the original load.

Chapter 6: Scale Tickets & Assemblies

This chapter explains how to create, view, and change both scale tickets and assemblies. It also, explains how to enter daily prices for each item based on board of trade, board month, etc., apply scale tickets to assemblies, and move and make discount changes for scale tickets and assemblies on a broad base.
The chapter is divided into these sections:

  • Inbound In Transit describes how to enter and unload inbound in transit tickets. Inbound in transit transactions will be tracked on the DPR while in route providing the in transit tickets are applied to a Purchase Assembly Sheet.

  • Scale Tickets lists the NTEP (National Type Evaluation Program) compliance rules that CINCH Grain follows in order to remain NTEP certified for the Inbound Scale Ticket Entry window and the printed scale tickets. It also, explains how to enter daily prices for each item based on board of trade, board month, etc., how to enter scale tickets, and how to view information about tickets and quickly change grade factor values to recalculate discounts.

  • Assembly Entry explains how to create, duplicate, view, change, transfer and close assemblies for any disposition type. It will also explain how to transfer ownership of stored grain and redeliver stored grain.

  • Applying Scale Tickets to Assemblies explains how scale tickets can be automatically applied to assemblies and the logic behind the automatic apply. It also explains how to manually apply scale tickets to assemblies, print assemblies, and override an assembly to apply tickets from different owners or branches.

  • Movements & Discount Changes for Scale Tickets and Assemblies explains how to change multiple scale tickets and assemblies at one time. It includes quickly changing and rolling down discount schedules and averaging grade factors or entering composite grade factors. It also shows how to split or transfer a ticket or assembly after scale tickets have been delivered.

  • Scale Ticket Application and Posting explains the effects of scale ticket application to an assembly/contract and the scale ticket posting. This will include distribution accounts, inventory changes and DPR affects.

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

Inbound In Transit Tickets

Inbound In Transit TicketsD2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

This section describes how to enter and unload inbound in transit tickets. Inbound in transit transactions will be tracked on the DPR while in route providing the in transit tickets are applied to a Purchase Assembly Sheet.
This section is divided into the following procedures:

Inbound In Transit Ticket Entry

In Transit tickets can be edited or manually entered for existing Unit Numbers or imported using Cinch Document Exchange, AgXML 4.0 In Transit-In Import.

  1. Open the Inbound In Transit Ticket Entry window.

(Transactions>Cinch Grain>Purchase/Inbound>Scale Tickets> In Transit Scale Ticket Entry)

  1. The Ticket field will automatically display an un-editable ticket number. The Ticket Lookup button may be used to select an existing Inbound In Transit Ticket from the Inbound In Transit Ticket Lookup window.

    • Choose the Find restriction: Ticket Number, ETA Date, Vendor, Item, Vehicle, Train Number, Car Number, Driver, Ship Company or Orig Ticket Number.
    • Highlight the In Transit Ticket to open and choose Select.
  1. Orig Number is a user defined reference number.
  2. The Date field will display the User Date but it can be changed to indicate the correct date for the In Transit Ticket.
  3. Enter a Customer ID or use the Customer field lookup to select a customer from the Grain Supplier Lookup window. The customers displayed in the lookup window will depend on how the setup function for vendor class information was established.
  4. The Customer expansion button opens the Direct Ship Account window, this window is currently not used by In Transit.
  5. Enter an Item for the In Transit Ticket or use the item lookup to select from the Items lookup window.
  6. The Quality Class (Class) will default when the item is selected.
    • When assigned, the Quality Class defaults from the Item Extensions Maintenance window.
  7. The Quality Sub Class (Sub Class) field has been added for user selection.
    • The Quality Sub Class is validated with the Quality Class.
  8. Enter a Disposition, or disposition will default from the selected assembly.
  9. Owner expansion, once the in transit ticket has been saved, opens the Inbound In Transit Ticket Owner Inquiry.

    • Window is inquiry only since only one assembly can be assigned to an Inbound In Transit Ticket until it is actually unloaded and placed on an Inbound Scale Ticket.
  1. ETA Date is estimate date of arrival.
  2. ETA Time is estimate time of arrival.
  3. In the Scale section, user will be allowed to enter weight information. All weights entered on this screen are origination weights.
    • There is no electronic scale interface to this window.
    • Check the Driver on checkbox if the driver is in the truck when it is being weighed.
    • In the Gross field, enter the gross vehicle weight.
    • In the Tare field, enter the empty (tare) weight of the vehicle.
    • The Net field will automatically fill based on the gross and tare weights.
    • The Gross Qty field will automatically fill based on the net weight and the unit of measure for the item selected.

Any quantity changes made to the In Transit Ticket that has a Direct Shipment associated will not be reflected in the Outbound Shipment.

  1. In the Assembly field, enter or select an assembly to which this In Transit Ticket will be assigned.
    • The In Transit Net Quantity will be tracked separately on the DPR and on the Purchase Contract until the in transit ticket gets unloaded and flows to an Inbound Scale Ticket.
    • Only one assembly per ticket is supported. If the selected assembly does not have enough quantity remaining it will be overrun.
    • A visual queue will display next to the assembly lookup if the customer has open contracts at any branch for the selected item.
    • The Create New Assembly button next to the Assembly field allows the user to create a new assembly. The Assembly Entry window launches with the Customer, Item and Disposition defaulted from the Inbound In Transit Ticket Entry.
  2. The Detail Status field will display **Details Exist once the in transit ticket has been saved. Clicking on the Detail Status will open the Inbound In Transit Ticket Detail Inquiry window.

    • Window is inquiry only since only one assembly can be assigned to an Inbound In Transit Ticket until it is actually unloaded and placed on an Inbound Scale Ticket.
    • OK button closes the window.
  1. In the Grade Factors section, user will be allowed to enter grade values. The grade factors that are displayed are based on what was assigned in Item Extensions Maintenance.
    • Check the rejected checkbox if the grade values do not meet standards. This is just a flag and can be used for reporting purposes.
    • Mark the Zero checkbox next to a Grade Factor value to indicate that a value of zero is the actual valid entry for the Grade Factor when calculating Quality Grade. If the Grade Factor is not used in calculating the Quality Grade, it is not necessary to mark the Zero checkbox.
    • If the User Extensions Setup, Prevent Imported and Electronically Obtained Grade Modifications checkbox is marked user will not be able to edit the Grade Factor values that have been obtained from Equipment Interface or Cinch Document Exchange Scale Ticket Import. User will be allowed to edit grade factors values on a manually entered grade factors.
    • If the User Extensions Setup, Prevent Imported and Electronically Obtained Grade Modifications checkbox is not marked user will be allowed to edit the Grade Factor values regardless if they have been obtained from Equipment Interface or Cinch Document Exchange Scale Ticket Import or not.
  2. The Grade Factors expansion button will open the Inbound In Transit Ticket Grade Factor Entry window. This window allows user to further define grade values but is only available once the In Transit Ticket has been saved.

    • The Ticket, Owner, and Item are display only and default from the Inbound In Transit Ticket.
    • The scrolling window will default with the grade factor information for the Inbound In Transit Ticket and user will be able to define the grade values for each grade.
    • Select the Discount button to access the Inbound In-Transit Ticket Discount Entry window to view or change ticket discounts.

      • The following fields are display only and default from the selected In Transit Ticket:
        • Ticket
        • Customer, will display the owner of the in transit ticket.
        • The Detail field will display the detail of the in transit ticket. In transit tickets only support one detail.
        • The Discount Schedule field will display the discount schedule attached to the detail.
        • The Qtys section will display the scale gross qty and the owner gross qty for the in transit ticket.
        • The Detail Qtys section will display the gross qty, adjusted qty and the net qty for the in transit ticket.
      • To change or reject the discounts for in transit tickets, choose one of the following options:
        • To reject the grade factor value, choose the rejected checkbox in the scrolling window in the appropriate row.
        • To change the grade factor value, enter the value to use in the Cur value field in the appropriate row and press the Recalculate Button.
        • If the Discount/Premium is based on a Commodity Grade, the system will display "QUALITY" in the Grade Factor column of the scrolling window.
        • Choose Save to save changes.
  1. Select a Quality Grade if applicable. If Commodity Grades have been set up to calculate Quality Grades, this field will populate automatically once the required Grade Factors have been entered.
  2. Use Origination Weights checkbox:
    • This checkbox is a default setting for the Inbound Scale Ticket that gets created during the unload process. Weights can only be calculated on origination values during the In Transit phase.
    • When the checkbox is marked:
      • The checkbox will default on the Inbound Scale Ticket created during the unload process.
    • When the checkbox is not marked:
      • The checkbox will not default on the Inbound Scale Ticket when created during the unload process.
  3. Use Origination Grades checkbox:
    • This checkbox is a default setting for the Inbound Scale Ticket that gets created during the unload process. Discounts can only be calculated on origination values during the In Transit phase.
    • When the checkbox is marked:
      • The checkbox will default on the Inbound Scale Ticket created during the unload process.
    • When the checkbox is not marked:
      • The checkbox will not default on the Inbound Scale Ticket when created during the unload process.
  4. In the Driver field, enter or lookup a driver.
    • From Vehicle Driver Lookup, click on the heading labels, Driver or Description, will change the search by option. The Find by Driver allows the user to search for Driver by the Driver ID. The Find by Description allows the user to search for Driver by the Driver Description.
  5. In the Vehicle field, enter or select a vehicle.
    • From Vehicle Lookup, find by Vehicle/Description/License allows uses to search by Vehicle ID, Vehicle Description or Vehicle License. To change the find option, select the column header(s).
    • From Vehicle Lookup, the Display Option is a drop down list allowing the user to specify what vehicles to display, All Vehicle records or Grower specific Vehicle records. Setting is based on the Purchase/Inbound User Setup, Vehicle Display setting but user can toggle between each view.
      • Validated Vehicles, when selected and depending on the General Setup, Disable Vehicle Validation the following will be displayed.
        • If the General Setup, Disable Vehicle Validation checkbox is marked the vehicle lookup display will be blank since un-validated vehicles are not in the Vehicle Master table.
        • If the General Setup, Disable Vehicle Validation checkbox is NOT marked all vehicles setup from Vehicle Maintenance will be displayed in the vehicle lookup.
      • Grower, when selected only vehicles used on the grower's previous scale tickets will be displayed in the Vehicle lookup.
        • Vehicles will be sorted based on when it was last used (based on the ticket date).
        • If a grower does not have any vehicles previously entered the display will automatically toggle back to Validated Vehicles.
  6. The License Plate field will default based on the vehicle selected but it can be changed.
  7. The No. of Axles field will default based on the vehicle selected but it can be changed.
  8. In the Ship Company field, enter or select how the shipment was delivered. When entering only a single Shipping Company and it is a Pick Up type, simply enter it in the Ship Comp field from Inbound In Transit Ticket Entry. To enter a Shipping Company that is Delivery, user will be required to go to the Inbound In Transit Ticket Freight Entry window to insert and calculate the freight records, select Freight Entry button to access the window.

    • If a Shipping Company is entered on the main window, it will automatically be inserted in to the scrolling window.
    • The Ticket Number is display only and will default from the Inbound In Transit Ticket Entry window.
    • Depending on what is selected in Freight Setup, either Shipping Company or Vendor will display in the drop down list. Select the Shipping Company/Vendor to create freight records for.
    • Select an FOB if desired. For Inbound In Transit Tickets, if there is a value in the Freight Rate field, the user will be prompted whether the FOB Freight Calculation should override the value.
    • Select a Payment Liability of Customer Pays or Company Pays. This is required for the freight record to be saved. If Company Pays is selected, freight matching records will be created upon saving the in transit ticket.
    • The Freight U of M, Freight Rate, Adjustment, Misc Amt, and Fuel Surcharge % will default from the Shipping Method Detail Maintenance window, but can be changed if necessary.
    • The Fuel Surcharge will automatically be calculated based on the Surcharge % entered.
    • Net Quantities are not fully determined until transactions are saved, when the Freight U of M is set to Per Net Unit, the total freight amount may not be accurate until the transaction is saved.
    • If a Shipping Company was entered in Inbound In Transit Ticket Entry that needs calculating, highlight the line in the scrolling window. The Shipping Company will display in the Header, enter the appropriate information. Choose Insert to change the line in the scrolling window.
      • If the freight voucher has been created modifications will not be allowed.
    • Choose Insert to insert the record. Enter any additional freight lines as needed.
    • Choose OK to close the window. The Total Freight field will be updated with the newly calculated freight. It is required to choose OK to close the window to verify that all freight information has been entered. If OK is selected without inserting a line and there is information in the header, it will ask if the information should be inserted.
  1. Unit Number, must be an existing Unit Number originally created in Inbound In Transit Unit Train Entry.
  2. Unit Car, is car number associated to the Unit Number.
  3. In the Site field, enter or select a site in which the item is expected to be unloaded.
  4. Lot Number, if the selected item is setup to track lot numbers the field will become enabled to allow user to enter or select a lot number.
  5. In the Disc Schedule field, enter or select a discount schedule.
  6. If the grain was bought from another elevator, the BOL can be referenced in the Bill of Lading field.
  7. In the User Defined fields enter any additional information to track.
  8. In the Comment field, enter or select a comment.
  9. A Direct Shipment checkbox will be displayed with the linked Shipment Number when the In Transit Ticket has an outbound shipment associated.
    • Direct Shipments are created from the Inbound In Transit Unit Train Entry window.
  10. In the Weight Cert field, enter the Weight Certificate number if one exists.
  11. In the Grade Cert field, enter the Grade Certificate number if one exists.
  12. Choose Clear to clear the window without saving changes.
  13. Choose Delete to delete the selected Inbound In Transit Ticket.
    • If the In Transit Ticket has an Outbound Shipment linked to it, the system will warn the user but it will not remove the Outbound Shipment; however, the link will be removed on the shipment.
  14. Choose Save to save the Inbound In Transit Ticket.
    • If there is Company Pays freight assigned to this Inbound In Transit Ticket, a voucher will be created for this Freight Charge and it will show up in the freight matching window.
    • If the In Transit Ticket is applied to an assembly the DPR In Transit record will be created.

Inbound In Transit Unit Train Entry

Inbound In Transit Unit Train Entry is used to enter or edit Inbound In Transit Tickets that are for unit trains.

  1. Open the Inbound In Transit Unit Train Entry window.

(Transactions>Cinch Grain>Purchases/Inbound>Scale Tickets >In Transit Unit Train Entry)

  1. Enter or select the Unit Number.
    • In Transit Inbound Unit Train Lookup restrictions:
      • Work, the default selection will display unit numbers not yet unloaded.
      • History, when selected will display unloaded unit numbers but the ticket batch has not been posted.
      • All, when selected will display both Work and History records not yet marked as posted.
  2. Branch displays the transactional branch of the cars associated to the unit train.
    • When entering a new Unit Train the Branch will default to the transactional branch.
    • If all cars are for the same branch the branch will display the transaction branch.
    • If cars are split between branches a drop down list becomes active and the user can easily display cars per branch.
  3. Select the Customer selling the unit train.
  4. Select the Commodity that is on the rail car.
  5. The U of M will default from the weight unit of measure on the item and is display only.
  6. Select the Site the rail cars are expected to be unloaded.
  7. If tracking lot numbers for the item, enter the Lot Number.
  8. Use Origination Weights checkbox:
    • This checkbox is a default setting for the Inbound Scale Ticket that gets created during the unload process. Weights can only be calculated on origination values during the In Transit phase.
    • The checkbox in the top portion will default the value to the tickets as they are entered into the scrolling window.
    • If tickets number exists on the scrolling window line and the value changes the system will ask the user if they wish to roll down changes to the existing tickets or not.
  9. Use Origination Grades checkbox:
    • This checkbox is a default setting for the Inbound Scale Ticket that gets created during the unload process. Discounts can only be calculated on origination values during the In Transit phase.
    • The checkbox in the top portion will default the value to the tickets as they are entered into the scrolling window.
    • If tickets number exists on the scrolling window line and the value changes the system will ask the user if they wish to roll down changes to the existing tickets or not.
  10. Enter the Ticket Date.
  11. Enter the ETA Date, the date the train is expected to arrive.
  12. Enter the ETA Time, the time the train is expected to arrive.
  13. Select the Ship Method, the Ship Company that will be shipping the train.
  14. Select the Freight Entry button or the expansion button to open the Inbound In Transit Unit Train Freight Entry window.

    • If a Shipping Company was entered on the Inbound In Transit Unit Train Freight Entry window, it will automatically be inserted in to the scrolling window.
    • The Ticket Number is display only and will default from the Inbound In Transit Unit Train Shipment Entry window.
    • Depending on what is selected in Freight Setup, either Shipping Company or Vendor will display in the drop down list. Select the Shipping Company/Vendor to create freight records for.
    • Select an FOB if desired. For Inbound In Transit Tickets, if there is a value in the Freight Rate field, the user will be prompted whether the FOB Freight Calculation should override the value.
    • Select a Payment Liability of Customer Pays or Company Pays. This is required for the freight record to be saved. If Company Pays is selected, freight matching records will be created upon saving Inbound In Transit Unit Train.
    • The Freight U of M, Freight Rate, Adjustment, Misc Amt, and Fuel Surcharge % will default from the Shipping Method Detail Maintenance window, but can be changed if necessary.
    • Net Quantities are not fully determined until transactions are saved, when the Freight U of M is set to Per Net Unit, the total freight amount may not be accurate until the transaction is saved.
    • The Fuel Surcharge will automatically be calculated based on the Surcharge % entered.
    • If a Shipping Company was entered in Inbound In Transit Unit Train Entry that needs calculating, highlight the line in the scrolling window. The Shipping Company will display in the Header, enter the appropriate information. Choose Insert to change the line in the scrolling window.
      • If the In Transit Ticket freight voucher has been created modifications will not be allowed.
    • Choose Insert to insert the record. Enter any additional freight lines as needed.
    • Choose OK to close the window. The Total Freight field will be updated with the newly calculated freight. It is required to choose OK to close the window to verify that all freight information has been entered. If OK is selected without inserting a line and there is information in the header, user will be prompted to insert the information.
  1. Select an Assembly to apply to the Inbound In Transit Ticket(s). If an assembly sheet is entered prior to the cars being entered, the assembly sheet will populate each line in the scrolling window.
  2. Enter car information in the scrolling window.
    • Car Number
    • Commodity – will default from the header.
    • Weight
    • Quantity – will calculate automatically based on the weight.
    • Enter any grade factor information.
    • Choose the expansion button to enter the Orig Tkt Number, Assembly, Discount Schedule, Site, Weight Certification, Grade Certification, Quality Grade, or Lot on a per line basis.
    • All weight and grade information entered on this screen are origination weights.
  3. Choose Apply to apply the car quantities to the selected assembly if the assembly sheet is entered after cars have been entered.
  4. Unapply button, when selected user is prompted "Unapplying these Tickets will rewrite owner and detail records, continue?"
    • OK, when selected the Assembly will be removed from all in transit tickets displayed in the scrolling window allowing a new assembly to be applied.
    • Cancel, when selected user is returned to Inbound In Transit Unit Train Entry with no changes made.
  5. Choose Save to save the Inbound In Transit Unit Train information. This will create an Inbound In Transit Ticket for each car entered.
    • If there is Company Pays freight assigned to the Inbound In Transit Tickets, a voucher will be created for the Freight Charge and it will show up in the Freight Matching window.
    • If the In Transit Ticket is applied to a Purchase Assembly the DPR In Transit record will be created.
  6. Chose Delete to delete the Unit Train and all associated In Transit Unit Train Tickets in the scrolling window.
    • If there are any tickets that have freight that has been paid this button will be disabled.
    • If the In Transit Ticket has an Outbound Shipment linked, the system will prompt the user but it will not remove the Outbound Shipment. However the direct ship link on the Shipment will be removed.
    • Delete individual lines using the remove line button on the header of the scrolling window or use Edit>Delete Row from the menu, providing the freight has not been paid.
  7. Export will export the list of the cars for the selected Inbound In Transit Unit Train to Excel.
  8. Outbound button, when selected, opens the Create Outbound Train window.

    • Select the Customer that will be assigned to the Outbound Shipment.
    • Ship To, the customer's Ship To Address ID that will be used when creating the Outbound Shipment. This will default from the selected customer, but can be changed if necessary.
    • Select the Shipment Batch that the shipments will be assigned to.
    • Select the Ship Method that will be assigned to the shipments.
    • OK button when selected an outbound shipment will be created for all In Transit Tickets for the selected branch that have not previously been unloaded.
      • The Outbound Shipment will be linked to the Inbound In Transit ticket.
      • The system will allow a shipment to post even if that shipment is tied to an Inbound In-Transit Ticket. If the Inbound Scale Ticket is not posted the Shipment will not be allowed to be invoiced.
      • DPR
        • Inbound In Transit tickets associated with an Outbound Shipments will not be included in the DPR Inbound In Transit line.
        • Physical Inventory & Company Owned In Transit will not include Outbound Shipments associated with Direct Ship Inbound In Transit Ticket(s).
    • Cancel button when selected will return to the Inbound In Transit Unit Train Entry without creating an outbound shipment.

Any quantity changes made to the In Transit Ticket that has a Direct Shipment associated will not be reflected in the Outbound Shipment.

  1. Branch Change button, when selected, opens the Branch Change window which is used to reassign the Branch for Inbound In Transit Tickets for the selected Unit Train.

    • Unit Number will default from the Inbound In Transit Unit Train Entry.
      • Only In Transit Tickets that match The Unit number and have not yet been Unloaded will be displayed.
      • Only open In Transit Tickets that do not have an Outbound Shipment assigned will be displayed.
      • If there are no In Transit Tickets eligible for a change branch, user will be prompted and the window will not open.
    • Branch is the Branch to reassign the selected tickets to.
    • Site is the Site to reassign the selected tickets to. Defaults from the Main Site on the Branch Setup window.
    • Select In Transit Tickets:
      • Select All checkbox, when marked/unmarked will select/unselect all displayed tickets.
      • Each ticket can be selected individually.
      • When ticket(s) is selected, the screen will display the new branch in the Branch column. However, the system will not change the branch on the actual ticket until the OK button is selected.
      • If the In Transit Ticket is assigned to an assembly, the user will be warned and will not be allowed to select the ticket.
    • OK Button when selected:
      • The Branch on the selected tickets will be changed from one branch to another.
    • Cancel button when selected will close the window without making any changes to the tickets.

Inbound In Transit Unit Train Unload

In Transit Unit Train Unload is used to enter destination values for an existing in transit unit train and to create Scale Tickets.

  1. Open the In Transit Unit Train Unload window.

(Transactions>Cinch Grain>Purchases/Inbound>Scale Tickets >In Transit Unit Train Unload)

  1. Enter or Select an existing Inbound In Transit Unit Number.
    • This screen will only work with existing Inbound In Transit Unit Train, a unit train cannot be created from this window.
    • When an Inbound In Transit Unit Train is selected the window will display the train information and the scrolling window will be filled with In Transit Tickets assigned to the unit train that have not been unloaded.
  2. Branch displays the transactional branch of the cars associated to the unit train.
    • If all cars are for the same branch the branch will display the transaction branch.
    • If cars are split between branches a drop down list becomes active and the user can easily display cars per branch.
  3. Use Origination Weight checkbox:
    • This checkbox is a default setting for the Inbound Scale Ticket that gets created during the unload process. Weights can only be calculated on origination values during the In Transit phase.
    • The checkbox in the top portion will default the value to the tickets in the scrolling window.
  4. Use Origination Grades checkbox:
    • This checkbox is a default setting for the Inbound Scale Ticket that gets created during the unload process. Discounts can only be calculated on origination values during the In Transit phase.
    • The checkbox in the top portion will default the value to the tickets in the scrolling window.
  5. Destination Qty button when selected opens the Destination Quantity Apply window which can be used to enter destination quantity evenly across all selected tickets.

    • Unit Number is the train the tickets are assigned to and defaults from the In Transit Unit Load Unload window.
    • Batch Number is the Ticket Batch the tickets will be applied to.
    • Origination Qty is the total of the origination quantity for all selected tickets in the list.
    • Destination Qty is the total quantity that is to be split up evenly across the selected tickets when the Apply button is selected.
    • Difference is the difference between the Origination Qty and the entered Destination Qty.
    • Destination Qty per Car is the amount that will be assigned to each selected Car Number.
    • Apply button when selected will apply the Destination Qty per Car to the Destination Qty column for each of the selected tickets.
    • OK button when selected will do the unload process for all selected tickets with a destination quantity and close the screen.
    • Cancel button when selected will close the screen without making any changes to the tickets.
  1. Batch is a ticket batch that Scale Tickets will be assigned to as destination weights are entered.
  2. In Transit Date will default the date from the In Transit Ticket.
  3. Enter the Ticket/Unload Date that will be assigned to the Scale Tickets as the destination weights and grades are entered.
  4. Assembly is a valid assembly number for the customer and commodity that can be applied to the tickets.
    • If the Assembly was assigned to the In Transit Ticket it will be displayed in the top portion and on the individual line.
    • Choose Apply to apply the car quantities to the selected assembly if they have not previously been applied to an assembly sheet.
    • To change an applied Assembly select the Unapply button, user is prompted "Unapplying these Tickets will rewrite owner and detail records, continue?"
      • OK, when selected the Assembly will be removed from all in transit tickets displayed in the scrolling window allowing a new assembly to be applied.
      • Cancel, when selected user is returned to In Transit Unit Train Unload with no changes made.
  5. Weight and grade information entered into this window will fill destination values on the created Scale Ticket.
    • Origin Weights/Grades are not visible on this screen.
    • Once destination weights have been entered on the line and the user moves to the next line the Scale Ticket will be created.
  6. Select the Ship Method, the Ship Company that will be shipping the train.
  7. If the Unit Train already has Ship Company and Freight created from the In Transit Ticket information will default on Unload window.
    • If the freight voucher has been created and has any payment applied to it, modifications will not be allowed.
    • Freight previously entered on the In Transit Ticket will be transferred to the Inbound Scale Ticket.
  8. Select the Freight Entry button or the expansion button to open the Inbound In Transit Unit Train Unload Freight Entry window. Freight entered on this window will be added to the Scale Ticket.

    • If a Shipping Company was entered on the Inbound In Transit Unit Train Unload Freight Entry, it will automatically be inserted in to the scrolling window.
    • The Ticket Number is display only and will default from the Inbound In Transit record.
    • Depending on what was selected in Freight Setup, either Shipping Company or Vendor will display in the drop down list. Select the Shipping Company/Vendor to create freight records for.
    • Select an FOB if desired. For Inbound In Transit Tickets, if there is a value in the Freight Rate field, the user will be prompted whether the FOB Freight Calculation should override the value.
    • Select a Payment Liability of Customer Pays or Company Pays. This is required for the freight record to be saved. If Company Pays is selected, freight matching records will be created upon saving Inbound In Transit Unit Train Unload.
    • The Freight U of M, Freight Rate, Adjustment, Misc Amt, and Fuel Surcharge % will default from the Shipping Method Detail Maintenance window, but can be changed if necessary.
    • Net Quantities are not fully determined until transactions are saved, when the Freight U of M is set to Per Net Unit, the total freight amount may not be accurate until the transaction is saved.
    • The Fuel Surcharge will automatically be calculated based on the Surcharge % entered.
    • If a Shipping Company is on the Inbound In Transit Unit Train Unload that needs calculating, highlight the line in the scrolling window. The Shipping Company will display in the Header, enter the appropriate information. Choose Insert to change the line in the scrolling window.
      • If the In Transit Ticket freight voucher has been created modifications will not be allowed.
    • Choose Insert to insert the record. Enter any additional freight lines as needed.
    • Choose OK to close the window. The Total Freight field will be updated with the newly calculated freight. It is required to choose OK to close the window to verify that all freight information has been entered. If OK is selected without inserting a line and there is information in the header, user will be prompted to insert the information.
  1. Enter destination weights and grades in the scrolling window.
    • Choose the expansion button to change the Assembly, Discount Schedule, Site, Weight Certification, Grade Certification, Quality Grade, or Lot on a per line basis.
    • Tabbing off the line after destination weights and grade have been entered will create an Inbound Scale Ticket. If there is Company Pays freight assigned to the Scale Ticket, a voucher will be created for the Freight Charge and it will show up in the freight matching window and/or freight previously entered on the In Transit Ticket will be transferred to the Inbound Scale Ticket.
  2. OK Button will save any modifications to the information in the top part of the window and clear the window.
  3. Export button will export the list of the cars for the selected Unit Train to Excel.

Unloaded Inbound Scale Ticket

Inbound Scale Ticket Entry created from the in transit unload process will display the origination information.

  1. Open the Inbound Scale Ticket Entry window.

(Transactions>Cinch Grain>Purchase/Inbound>Scale Tickets>Scale Ticket Entry)

  1. Origination button when selected will open the Inbound Origination Information window.
    • The button will only display if the ticket originated from Inbound In Transit.

    • The window displays origination weights and grade information from the Inbound In Transit ticket.
    • Information is view only, no editing of the information is allowed.
  1. Use Origination Weight checkbox:
    • The checkbox will only display if ticket originated from Inbound In Transit.
      • When marked the Scale Ticket origination weights will be used to calculate discounts and apply to the contract.
      • When not marked, Scale Ticket destination weights will be used to calculate discounts and apply to the contract.
  2. Use Origination Grade checkbox:
    • The checkbox will only display if ticket originated from Inbound In Transit.
      • When marked the Scale Ticket origination grades will be used to calculate discounts.
      • When not marked, Scale Ticket destination grades will be used to calculate discounts.
  3. IT Tkt # displays the Inbound In Transit Ticket Number and will only display if ticket originated from Inbound In Transit.
  4. IT Tkt # expansion button when selected opens Inbound In Transit Ticket Inquiry Zoom.
  5. Delete Button, when selected user will be prompted "Are you sure you want to delete this record?"
    • Yes when selected:
      • If the selected ticket originated from Inbound In Transit, user will be prompted "Do you wish to reopen the In Transit Ticket #?"
        • Yes when selected will move the In Transit Ticket back to the WORK table to be unloaded again.
          • Any unpaid freight vouchers will be transferred back to the In Transit Ticket.
        • No when selected will delete the mark the Inbound In Transit Ticket as deleted in the HIST table and any unpaid freight records will be deleted.
      • If the selected ticket has a freight voucher that has a payment applied, user will be prompted "This ticket has freight which has been matched to a voucher. It will be moved back to the In Transit WORK if you continue."
        • Continue when selected will move the In Transit Ticket back to the WORK table to be unloaded again.
          • Any paid freight vouchers will be transferred back to the In Transit Ticket but no modifications are allowed.
        • Cancel when selected will discard the delete and return the user back to the Inbound Scale Ticket Entry window.
    • No when selected will discard the delete and return the user back to the Inbound Scale Ticket Entry window.

Scale Tickets

This section lists the NTEP (National Type Evaluation Program) compliance rules that CINCH Grain follows in order to remain NTEP certified for the Inbound Scale Ticket Entry window and the printed scale tickets. It also, explains how to enter daily prices for each item based on board of trade, board month, etc., how to enter scale tickets, and how to view information about tickets and quickly change grade factor values to recalculate discounts.
This section is divided into the following procedures:

NTEP Compliance Rules for Entry Windows

The following list is the information that must not be changed or removed in Inbound Scale Ticket Entry, Outbound Shipping Entry, and Bulk Shipping Entry in order to remain NTEP certified.

  1. Cannot support more than one scale.
  2. Labels on Gross, Tare and Net weight fields.
  3. NTEP Certification Number
  4. Mfg by line
  5. The word 'Version'
  6. Weigh button
  7. "Scale –weight in lb." label
  8. Scale ID – the scale ID will show up to the right of the Gross and Tare weight fields when using an electronic scale.
  9. Manual Wt message (When manually entering the Gross and Tare weight, the message 'Manual Wt' will appear next to the Net weight field).
  10. Scale Message setup in Scale Maintenance must be in the following format: "Cap. Scale capacity X wt increments" Example, "Cap. 120000 X 20". This will appear below the Net weight field in Inbound Scale Ticket Entry

NTEP Compliance Rules for Printed Scale Tickets

The following list is the information that must not be changed or removed from the Scale Ticket printout in order to remain NTEP certified.

  1. Labels on Gross, Tare and Net weight fields.
  2. "Weights (lb)" label.
  3. Manual Wt message (When manually entering the Gross and Tare weight, the message 'Manual Wt' will appear next to the Net weight field on the printout).
  4. Scale ID (When using an electronic scale, the Scale ID will appear to the right of the Gross and Tare weights).

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

Item Daily Price Entry

Entering Daily Prices
  1. D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualOpen the Item Daily Price window

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Item Daily Price)

  1. Enter or select the Item.
  2. Currency will default to Functional Currency and is currently informational only.
    • Currency expansion button is currently not used.
  3. The UOM will automatically fill when the item is selected, but can be changed if necessary.
  4. Enter or select the Ticker to record the information for.
  5. Enter the Board and Basis Price to calculate Today's Price.
  6. The scrolling window will fill with any prices previously entered for the item and ticker selected; lines can be deleted as necessary.
  7. Choose Save to record your price for today. The entered information is now at the top of the scrolling window.

Inbound Scale Ticket Entry

Entering a Scale Ticket
  1. D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualOpen the Inbound Scale Ticket Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Scale Tickets>>Scale Ticket Entry)

  1. The Ticket field will automatically display a ticket number. Use the Ticket Lookup button to select an existing Ticket from the Tickets In Progress Lookup window.

    • Choose to Display: Posted Tickets, Unposted Tickets, Tickets With Empty Tare, or All Tickets.
    • Mark the Filter By Current User checkbox to only display Tickets that have been entered by the current user.
    • Select the type of ticket radio button
      • Grain – Tickets created in the Inbound Scale Ticket Entry or Direct Ship Single Ticket (ticket/shipment type = grain) screen will be displayed.
      • Bulk – Tickets created in the Bulk Ticket Entry or Direct Ship Single Ticket (ticket/shipment type = bulk) screen with the IRIsBulkTicket flag marked true will be displayed.
      • Both – All Tickets will be displayed.
    • Highlight the Ticket to open and choose Select.

Both the Display and Filter By Current User settings can be set by default in the Purchase Inbound User Setup window.
See CINCH Grain Software System Manual for more information on Document Number Maintenance and Purchase Inbound User Setup.

  1. Enter or lookup the Load to create the ticket for.
    • If a user attempts to select a Load that has been placed On Hold they will be prompted "The Load is on Hold and cannot be received."
    • The following fields will default in from the selected Load:
      • Customer
      • Item
      • Vehicle
      • Ship Company
      • Freight
      • Site
      • Assembly if there is not a Split ID associated to the load.
      • Split ID, if associated to the load.
        • The owner and detail records will be created based on the selected contract on each split vendor from the purchase load once the weight is entered and the ticket saved.
  2. The Date field will display the User Date but it can be changed to indicate the correct date for the ticket.
  3. Enter a Customer ID or use the Customer field lookup to select a customer from the Grain Supplier Lookup window. The customers displayed in the lookup window will depend on how the setup function for vendor class information was established.

For more information on vendor class setup see CINCH Grain Software System Manual. Also, keep in mind that a "customer" in CINCH is referred to as a "vendor" in Microsoft Dynamics GP.

  1. Select the Customer expansion button to access the Direct Ship Account window.
    • The Direct Ship ID will be used when entering Inbound Scale Tickets to indicate the seller in the CinchX direct shipment scenario. The Direct Ship Account, Address and Reference fields from the ticket will populate the CommodityMovementBuyer> DirectShipInstruction tag in the Ticket Export. The Direct Ship Account on the exported ticket will be the Direct Ship Agent and will be translated (Agent Internal) to be the vendor on the imported ticket generated from Direct Ship B.

      • Lookup or enter the Direct Ship Account.
      • The Name will default from the selected Direct Ship Account.
      • Reference 2 will default from the selected Direct Ship Account but can be changed
    • Scale Ticket print out (IRGNScaleTicketGeneric) has some RW_GetDSAccount Functions that can be used to incorporate the Direct Ship Account information on to the ticket.
  1. Enter an Item for the Ticket or use the item lookup to select from the Items lookup window.

If the Item field automatically displays an item, it is because an item was selected as a default in the Purchases/Inbound User Setup window. For more information on this setup feature see CINCH Grain Software System Manual.

  1. The Quality Class (Class) will default when the item is selected.
    • When assigned, the Quality Class defaults from the Item Extensions Maintenance window.
  2. The Quality Sub Class (Sub Class) field has been added for user selection.
    • The Quality Sub Class is validated with the Quality Class.
  3. In the Split field lookup or enter the split code in the Split field. Only split codes associated with the customer entered will be available. For more information on split tickets, please see the procedure Entering a Split Scale Ticket.
  • A visual queue will be present next to the Customer label if there are splits setup for the customer.
  1. The Disposition field will default from the Purchases/Inbound User Setup window, but can be changed if necessary.
  2. Select the Spot Price checkbox to automatically create a purchase contract and assembly. User has the option of entering a Spot Price while entering the Scale Ticket, or entering the Spot Price at the end of the day. For more information on spot tickets, please see the procedures Entering a Ticket with a Spot Price and Entering Scale Ticket Spot Price at End of Day.
  3. In the Scale section, user will be allowed to enter weight information.

 Select the Weight button if an electronic scale interface has been setup and the weight and tare amounts will automatically default.
For more information on electronic scale interfaces see CINCH Grain Software System Manual.
Check the Driver on checkbox if the driver is in the truck when it is being weighed.
In the Gross field, enter the gross vehicle weight.
In the Tare field, enter the empty (tare) weight of the vehicle.
The Net field will automatically fill based on the gross and tare weights.
The Gross Qty field will automatically fill based on the net weight and the unit of measure for the item selected.
The unit of measure that the system will use is taken from the Purchases/Inbound User Setup window or it will default in with the base U of M for that item. For more information on this setup window see the CINCH Grain Software System Manual.

  1. In the Batch field, enter or select a batch in which to store this ticket for future processing.
  2. In the Assembly field, enter or select an assembly to which this ticket will be assigned.
  • A visual queue will display next to the assembly lookup if the customer has open contracts at any branch for the selected item.
  • The Create New Assembly button next to the Assembly field allows the user to create a new assembly. The Assembly Entry window launches with the Customer, Item and Disposition defaulted from the Inbound Scale Ticket Entry.
  1. The Detail Status field will display **Details Exist once the ticket has been saved. Clicking on the Detail Status will open the Ticket Detail Entry window.
  2. In the Grade Factors section, user will be allowed to enter grade values. The grade factors that are displayed are based on what was assigned in Item Extensions Maintenance.
    • Check the rejected checkbox if the grade values do not meet standards. This is just a flag and can be used for reporting purposes.
      • If the rejected scale ticket is applied to an assembly it will be unapplied before being saved.
      • During ticket posting process the rejected Scale Ticket, with or without quantity, will post through and later capture the information to report.
    • Mark the Zero checkbox next to a Grade Factor value to indicate that a value of zero is the actual valid entry for the Grade Factor when calculating Quality Grade. If the Grade Factor is not used in calculating the Quality Grade, it is not necessary to mark the Zero checkbox.

The Zero value checkbox is necessary when the corresponding Grade Factor is being used to calculate the Quality Grade. In this case, the checkbox must be checked to indicate that the value of zero is to be used in the calculation. If the value is zero and the checkbox is un-checked, the calculated Quality Grade will be U.S. Sample.
For more information on setting up Quality Grades, see the Grade Maintenance section of the CINCH Grain Software System Manual.

    • If the User Extensions Setup, Prevent Imported and Electronically Obtained Grade Modifications checkbox is marked user will not be able to edit the Grade Factor values that have been obtained from Equipment Interface or Cinch Document Exchange Scale Ticket Import.
      • User will be allowed to edit grade factors values on a manually entered grade factors.
    • If the User Extensions Setup, Prevent Imported and Electronically Obtained Grade Modifications checkbox is not marked user will be allowed to edit the Grade Factor values regardless if they have been obtained from Equipment Interface or Cinch Document Exchange Scale Ticket Import or not.

If using an electronic grain tester and have selected the Live Sampling mode in Grain Tester Maintenance, the grade factors will come in automatically from the machine. If using two grain testers, the grade factors will come in as they are received from the testers. If using the Pre/Post Sampling mode, user can choose the lookup button to open the Grain Sample Lookup window. This will display all sample ID's taken from the grain tester(s) for the item sorted by date. Highlight the line to use for Grade Factor values for the scale ticket and choose Select. The values will now appear in the Grade Factor fields in Inbound Scale Ticket Entry. If receiving sample ID's from two grain testers, open the Grain Sample Lookup a second time and select the second sample ID.

  1. The Grade Factors expansion button will open the Ticket Grade Factor Entry window. This window allows user to further define grade values but is only available once the ticket has been saved.
  2. Select a Quality Grade if applicable. If Commodity Grades have been set up to calculate Quality Grades, this field will populate automatically once the required Grade Factors have been entered.
  3. In the Driver field, enter or lookup a driver.
    • From Vehicle Driver Lookup, click on the heading labels, Driver or Description, will change the search by option. The Find by Driver allows the user to search for Driver by the Driver ID. The Find by Description allows the user to search for Driver by the Driver Description
  4. In the Vehicle field, enter or select a vehicle.
    • From Vehicle Lookup, the Display Option is a drop down list allowing the user to specify what vehicles to display, All Vehicle records or Grower specific Vehicle records. Setting is based on the Purchase/Inbound User Setup, Vehicle Display setting but user can toggle between each view.
      • Validated Vehicles, when selected and depending on the General Setup, Disable Vehicle Validation the following will be displayed.
        • If the General Setup, Disable Vehicle Validation checkbox is marked the vehicle lookup display will be blank since un-validated vehicles are not in the Vehicle Master table.
        • If the General Setup, Disable Vehicle Validation checkbox is NOT marked all vehicles setup from Vehicle Maintenance will be displayed in the vehicle lookup.
      • Grower, when selected only vehicles used on the grower's previous scale tickets will be displayed in the Vehicle lookup.
        • Vehicles will be sorted based on when it was last used (based on the ticket date).
        • If a grower does not have any vehicles previously entered the display will automatically toggle back to Validated Vehicles.
  5. The License Plate field will default based on the vehicle selected but it can be changed.
  6. The No. of Axles field will default based on the vehicle selected but it can be changed.
  7. In the Ship Company field, enter or select how the shipment was delivered. When entering only a single Shipping Company and it is a Pick Up type, simply enter it in the Ship Comp field from Inbound Scale Ticket Entry. When entering a Shipping Company that is Delivery, user will be required to go to the Ticket Freight Entry window to insert and calculate the freight records.

  • If a Shipping Company was entered on the main window, it will automatically be inserted in to the scrolling window.
  • The Ticket Number is display only and will default from the Ticket Entry window.
  • Depending on what was selected in Freight Setup, either Shipping Company or Vendor will display in the drop down list. Select the Shipping Company/Vendor to create freight records for.
  • Select an FOB if desired. For Inbound Tickets, the FOB Freight Calculation will override the Shipping Company defaults if any are setup.
  • Select a Payment Liability of Customer Pays or Company Pays. This is required for the freight record to be saved. If Company Pays is selected, freight matching records will be created upon ticket posting.
  • The Freight U of M, Freight Rate, Adjustment, Misc Amt, and Fuel Surcharge % will default from the Shipping Method Detail Maintenance window, but can be changed if necessary.
  • Net Quantities are not fully determined until transactions are saved, when the Freight U of M is set to Per Net Unit, the total freight amount may not be accurate until the transaction is saved.
  • The Fuel Surcharge will automatically be calculated based on the Surcharge % entered.
  • If a Shipping Company was entered in Inbound Ticket Entry that needs calculating, highlight the line in the scrolling window. The Shipping Company will display in the Header, enter the appropriate information. Choose Insert to change the line in the scrolling window.
  • Choose Insert to insert the entered record. Enter any additional freight lines as needed.
  • Choose OK to close the window. The Total Freight field will be updated with the newly calculated freight. It is required to choose OK to close the window to verify that all freight information has been entered. If OK is selected without inserting a line and there is information in the header, it prompt the user to insert the information.
  1. Unit Number, if a new Unit Number is entered in Inbound Scale Ticket Entry the corresponding record will be created in Unit Train Inbound Entry on the fly.
  2. Unit Car, is car number associated to the unit number.
  3. In the Farm field, enter or select a farm from which this item originated.
  4. In the Field field, enter or select a field that corresponds to the farm in which the item originated.
  5. In the Crop Yr/Zn field, select the year and field in which the item originate.
  6. In the Site field, enter or select a site in which the item will be stored.
  7. In the Disc Schedule field, enter or select a discount schedule.
  8. If the grain was bought from another elevator, the BOL can be referenced in the Bill of Lading field.
  9. In the User Defined fields enter any additional information to track.
  10. In the Comment field, enter or select a comment.
  11. In the Weight Cert field, enter the Weight Certificate number if one exists.
  12. In the Grade Cert field, enter the Grade Certificate number if one exists.
  13. Choose Outbound to open the Outbound Shipping Entry window which is used to enter an outbound scale ticket.
  14. Choose Print to print either a Grade ticket, a Scale ticket, or Both. Tickets can be printed either to the printer or the screen.
    • Use the Grade/Scale/Both radio buttons to select the type of ticket to print.

The default radio button selection can be set in Purchase Inbound User Setup. Please refer to the CINCH Grain Software System Manual for more information.

  1. Email the Grade ticket or Scale ticket.
    • The Send document in E-mail icon will become active when:
      • The document type has been selected in Cinch E-Mail Setup, the Customer has an email defined and the document type has been selected in Cinch Vendor E-mail Options.
      • The icon becomes disabled if both the Scale and Grade are selected, these will need to be emailed separately.
    • When the Send document in E-mail icon is selected, the selected document (Scale or Grade) will be emailed to the Customer.
      • Depending on how the Cinch Vendor E-mail Options is setup, e-mail addresses will be determined one of two ways:
        • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Enabled checkbox is marked and the Inbound Scale Ticket and/or Inbound Grade Ticket are marked, addresses will be based on the addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window.
          • If there are no addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window then the system will behave the same as if the Disabled checkbox is marked.
        • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Disabled checkbox is marked and the Inbound Scale Ticket and/or Inbound Grade Ticket are marked, addresses will be determined based on the Vendor Maintenance, Ship From address ID.
      • The e-mail message and format of the attachment are based on the Vendor Maintenance, Cinch Vendor E-mail Options setup.
  2. Scale Ticket Text Message
    • The Text Message Icon will display providing the optional AddIns dll's have been installed.
    • Text messages can be sent on demand via the Send SMS Text Message Icon.
      • Text messages will be sent to ticket owner(s) that are setup within SMS Grower Setup and that have valid cell number(s).
    • Text message will automatically be sent when the user selects Save and/or Print depending on the SMS Message Setup and if the ticket owners are setup within SMS Grower Setup with valid cell number(s).
      • If the SMS Message Setup, Send on Scale Ticket Print checkbox is marked a text message will be sent every time the user prints the scale ticket.
      • If the SMS Message Setup, Send on Gross Weight + Grade checkbox is marked a text message will be sent if it has a gross weight and the required grade exist upon saving the Scale Ticket.
        • The system will keep track of the text messages that were sent, if history exist and the ticket is changed a new text message will not be sent when the Save button is selected. User will have to use the SMS Text Message Icon to send the updated information.
    • User will not receive any indication that the message was sent, instead a smart list can be created on IRGNSMSActivity to track the message activity.
  3. Choose Save to save the ticket to a batch.

Inbound Bulk Ticket Entry

Entering a Bulk Ticket
  1. D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualOpen the Inbound Bulk Ticket Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Scale Tickets >>Bulk Ticket Entry)

  1. Load Lookup is a drop down list with the following options:
    • Purchase Load when selected the Purchase Load Lookup opens to select a load associated to a purchase contract.
      • If a user attempts to select a Purchase Load that has been placed On Hold they will be prompted "The Load is on Hold and cannot be received."
      • If the user attempts to select a Purchase Load that has a Split ID they will be prompted "The selected load as a Split ID and splits are not supported on a Bulk Ticket. Please select another load."
      • The following fields will default in from the selected Purchase Load:
        • Customer
        • Item
        • Vehicle
        • Ship Company
        • Freight
        • Site
        • Assembly if there is a purchase contract associated to the load.
    • Purchase Load Order when selected the Purchase Load Order Lookup opens to select a load associated to a purchase order. This is related to Wholesale Transactions.
  2. Meter Number – is a number, manually entered by the user.
  3. Gross Meter Qty – is a number, manually entered by the user.
  4. Net Meter Qty – will be entered or calculated based on the Gross Meter Qty and the Avg Temp entered. Calculation is based upon the Temp Coefficient and Correct To Temp values entered on the Items Extension Maintenance screen using the following calculation:
    • Net Meter Qty = Gross Meter Qty * ((1+ (CorrectToTemp – actual temperature)) * Temp Coefficient).
  5. Avg Temp – is a value entered by the user, and will be used to calculate the Net Meter Qty.
  6. Shrink Meter Qty – Is the difference between the Gross Meter Qty and Net Meter Qty.
  7. Print Button – allows the user to print a Meter Ticket.
  8. Tank Number – allows the user to enter a Tank Number.
  9. Certificate of Analysis – allows the user to enter a Certificate of Analysis.
  10. Unit Number – allows the user to enter/lookup the Lead Car Number.
  11. Car Number – allows the user to enter the Car Number.
  12. Grade Factors Expansion Button – allows the user to enter Grade Factors and their values in the Ticket Grade Factor Entry screen.
  13. Seal Numbers Expansion Button – allows the user to enter Seal Numbers in the Ticket Seal Entry screen.

    • The Ticket is display only and defaults from the Bulk Ticket Entry. It will be populated from the Direct Ship Single Ticket>Seal window if seal numbers are entered there.
    • Enter the Start Seal Number.
    • Enter the Number of Seals.
    • Replace/Append dropdown list:
      • Replace, when selected, all existing seal numbers will be cleared and a new sequence will be created. Dropdown defaults to Replace.
      • Append when selected the current list will be retained and any new numbers will be added to the list. If there is any overlap the current information will be retained.
    • Clicking the Preview button will fill the scrolling window with the sequential seal numbers based on the Start Seal Number and the Number of Seals.
    • User is allowed to enter a Comment for individual seals.
  1. The system will distinguish between tickets created in the Inbound Scale Ticket Entry and the Bulk Ticket Entry. The user will be able to see all tickets in either window.
  2. Email the Grade ticket or Scale ticket.
    • The Send document in E-mail icon will become active when:
      • The document type has been selected in Cinch E-Mail Setup, the Customer has an email defined and the document type has been selected in Cinch Vendor E-mail Options.
      • The icon becomes disabled if both the Scale and Grade are selected, these will need to be emailed separately.
    • When the Send document in E-mail icon is selected, the selected document (Scale or Grade) will be emailed to the Customer.
      • Depending on how the Cinch Vendor E-mail Options is setup, e-mail addresses will be determined one of two ways:
        • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Enabled checkbox is marked and the Inbound Scale Ticket and/or Inbound Grade Ticket are marked, addresses will be based on the addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window.
          • If there are no addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window then the system will behave the same as if the Disabled checkbox is marked.
        • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Disabled checkbox is marked and the Inbound Scale Ticket and/or Inbound Grade Ticket are marked, addresses will be determined based on the Vendor Maintenance, Ship From address ID.
      • The e-mail message and format of the attachment are based on the Vendor Maintenance, Cinch Vendor E-mail Options setup.
    • Select the Meter, Email button to email the bulk ticket report.

Purchase Contract Overrun

Overrunning a Purchase Contract
  1. D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualOpen the Inbound Scale Ticket Entry window.
  2. Enter the information for the inbound ticket as outlined above.
  3. When attempting to save a ticket that has a quantity greater than the quantity of the attached purchase contract, user will receive the following message:

  • Choose Yes to add the overrun quantity to the attached purchase contract.
  • Choose No to open the Purchase Contract Overrun window.

  • Choose one of the following options for the overrun amount:
  • Spot Contract – This option will create a Spot Contract on the fly. Enter Discount Schedule, Program Schedule, Disposition, Ticker, Board Price, Basis, and Contract Price. Select the Today's Price button to retrieve the price from the Item Daily Price setup. If a price is not entered at this time, mark the Spot End of Day checkbox to price the quantity in the Spot End of Day window.
    • Print Spot Contract checkbox is available when Spot Contract is selected. When checkbox is marked the contract will print when the OK button is selected.
  • Existing Assembly – This option will allow the user to select an available Assembly from the scrolling window. A new Assembly can be created by selecting the New Assembly button.
  • Open/Apply Later – This option will leave the overrun quantity open with no Assembly assigned.
  • Select the Branch Level display.
    • When an Assembly from another Branch is selected and the "OK Button" is clicked the user will be prompted "The selected assembly is from another branch, duplicate this assembly to branch (current branch)?"
      • Selecting OK, the Assembly will be duplicated to the current branch on the fly and the overage will be applied to the new Assembly.
      • User can also drill to the Assembly from another branch and use the Duplicate button found in Assembly Entry to create the new assembly in the current branch. This way, Programs and Discount schedules can also be edited.
  • Click OK to process overrun quantity.

Ticket Grade Factor Entry/Change

Enter/Change Ticket Grade

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual!worddavdf82f794b7aed42a45f6b4aed2450315.png|height=41,width=50!This option is only available once a ticket is saved. Once a ticket is posted, changes must be entered here.

  1. Open the Ticket Grade Factor window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Scale Tickets >>Scale Ticket Entry>>Expansion button next to the Grade Factors field)

  1. The Ticket, Owner, and Item are display only and default from the Scale Ticket.
  2. Discounts button will open the Ticket Discount Entry window to view or change ticket discounts.
  3. The scrolling window will default with the grade factor information for the ticket and user will be able to define the grade values for each grade.
    • Permissions to edit Grade Factors:
      • If the User Extensions Setup, Prevent Imported and Electronically Obtained Grade Modifications checkbox is marked user will not be able to edit the Grade Factor values that have been obtained from Equipment Interface or Cinch Document Exchange Scale Ticket Import.
        • User will be allowed to edit grade factors values on a manually entered grade factors.
      • If the User Extensions Setup, Prevent Imported and Electronically Obtained Grade Modifications checkbox is not marked user will be allowed to edit the Grade Factor values regardless if they have been obtained from Equipment Interface or Cinch Document Exchange Scale Ticket Import or not.
  4. Choose the Save button to save information.

Ticket Owner Entry

Entering a Split Scale Ticket
  1. D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualOpen the Inbound Ticket Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Scale Tickets >>Scale Ticket Entry)

  1. After entering the customer, lookup or enter a split code in the Split field. Only split codes associated with the customer entered will be available in the lookup.
  2. After the split code has been chosen, the Assembly field will be disabled.
  3. Follow all of the steps listed above for entering a scale ticket.
  4. After entering ticket weights, the expansion button next to the Split field will be available. Clicking this button will open the Ticket Owner Entry window.

A split code does not have to be selected in the Split field to open the Ticket Owner Entry window. This window can be used to create ticket splits on the fly. If a split code is selected, the existing split information can also be modified.

The header section of the window will display read-only information about the ticket.

    • Ticket – Ticket number of the scale ticket being entered.
    • Customer – The Customer entered on the scale ticket.
    • Ticket Date – The entry date of the scale ticket.
    • Split – The split code from the scale ticket if one was selected.
    • Item – The item from the scale ticket.
    • Gross Qty – The gross quantity of the scale ticket.

The scrolling section of the window will list each owner involved in the split, and the settings which describe how each owner's share is to be handled.
The split information in the scrolling section the Ticket Owner Entry window can be edited. Owners can be added or removed and the details for each owner's share can be edited.

  • Owner – Edit or select an owner to be part of the ticket split.
  • Assembly – Select an Assembly to assign the owner's share of the ticket.

Each Owner can assign his split to a different Assembly type. This allows for each owner to decide how their split is to be handled independent of the other split owners.
A single owner can also apply percentages of a ticket to different Assembly types.

  • Disc Schedule – Select a discount schedule for each owner's split.
  • Disposition – Select a disposition for each owner's split. If an assembly has been selected, the disposition of the assembly will populate the disposition field.
  • Split % - Enter or modify the split percentage for each owner. The Split % of all owners must add up to 100%.
  • Split Qty – Enter or modify the split quantity for each owner. The Split Qty for all owners must add up to the Gross Qty of the scale ticket.
  • Click the Expansion button in the scrolling window to expand the line information and display the Spot Price information.

  • Select the Spot Price checkbox if the owner wants to spot price his split of the ticket.
  • Click the Spot Price button to enter the spot price.
  • If a spot price is not entered at this time, the Spot End of Day window can be used to assign a price to un-priced tickets at a later time.

One split owner can Spot Price his split while the other split owners have the choice of how their split is to be applied. For example, the other split owners could apply their splits to a purchase contract or to open storage. This allows for split owners to settle their assembly sheets independently of each other.

  • Click the Save button to save and close the Ticket Owner Entry window.
  1. Save the Inbound Scale Ticket.

Ticket Price Entry

Entering a Ticket with a Spot PriceD2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

This option will only be available the Allow Spot Price checkbox is marked in Branch Maintenance.

  1. Open the Inbound Ticket Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>Purchases/Inbound>>Scale Tickets >>Scale Ticket Entry)

  1. Enter the customer and item information.
  2. Mark the Spot Price check box.
  3. Choose the Spot Price button to open the Ticket Price Entry window.

The ticket, customer, item and price qty are display only and will fill in from the Ticket Entry window.
 Enter or lookup the Prog Schedule.
The Program Schedule can be defaulted by setting the Purchase Program Schedule in Branch Item Default Maintenance. See the Adding a Branch section of the CINCH Grain Software System Manual for more information.
Enter or lookup a Ticker Symbol if desired. The Board of Trade, Board Month and Board Year will be filled in when a ticker is selected.
Enter a Board Price and Basis Price, or Hit the Today's Price button to automatically fill in the Board Price from the Item Daily Price window.
The Spot Price will automatically fill in by adding the Board and Basis Prices.
Choose the Today's Price button to automatically fill in a price.

  • Enter or lookup Market Zone.
  • Enter Market Zone Adjustment amount to be added to the Spot Contract.

Choose Save to save the price entry.

  1. Finish entering the ticket information, and choose save to save the ticket.

When the ticket is saved, a purchase contract and assembly are automatically created and closed. The Assembly disposition type will be based on what was entered in the Spot Price Disposition field in Branch Maintenance. The created ticket is now posted and ready to be settled.

Ticket Price Entry – Spot Price at End of Day

Entering Scale Ticket Spot Price at End of Day

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualThis procedure describes how to easily enter the spot price for multiple scale tickets at the end of the day. The Spot Price scale tickets will be selected by commodity and the price can be assigned to all or some of the tickets. If a grower has multiple Spot Price scale tickets for a commodity, a single Spot Contract and Assembly will be generated for that grower.

  1. Open the Spot End of Day window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Scale Tickets >>Spot End of Day)

  1. In the Commodity field, enter or select the commodity to display un-priced scale tickets for.
  2. In the Move to Batch field, enter or select a batch to place the processed tickets into for posting.
  3. Select a Customer From and Customer To.
  4. Select a Ticket Date From and Ticket Date To.
  5. Enter or select a Ticker to enter pricing information to the contract based on the selected Ticker.
  6. Enter a Board Price and a Basis Price if applicable.
  7. Enter a Spot Price to be used in pricing all selected tickets. If Board and Basis Prices have been entered, Spot Price will calculate automatically.
  8. Click the Today's Price button to input today's price into the Spot Price field if a price has been entered via the Item Daily Price window.
  9. Enter or select a Discount Schedule. If a Discount Schedule was selected when the ticket was entered, it will not be overwritten.
  10. Enter or select a Program Schedule.
  11. Enter or select the Disposition for the newly created contracts and assembly sheets. Disposition can be defaulted by setting the Spot Price Disposition field in Branch Maintenance.
  12. Enter or lookup Market Zone.
  13. Enter Market Zone Adjustment amount to be added to the Spot Contract.
  14. Click the Mark All button to select all displayed tickets for pricing.
  15. Click the Unmark all button to de-select any tickets that have been selected.
  16. Click the Process button to create Spot Contracts for each grower for the selected tickets. The contracts will be posted automatically, assembly sheets will be created, and the tickets will be applied to the assembly sheets. If a grower has multiple scale tickets being processed, a single spot contract and assembly sheet will be generated for that grower.
  17. Click the Settlement Sweep button to open the Settlement Sweeps Entry window.

Entering a Scale Ticket Cross Branch

Entering a Scale Ticket Cross Branch

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualThis procedure describes how to apply tickets across branches. This process will allow the DPR to be reconciled at the branch level.

  1. Open the Inbound Scale Ticket Entry window.
  2. Enter the information for the inbound ticket as outlined above.
  3. In the Assembly field, select lookup assembly number.
  4. From the Assembly Lookup window, select to display all branches. All assemblies will be displayed.
  5. Select the assembly to which this ticket will be assigned.
  • If the assembly is from a branch other than the ticket branch, user will be prompted "The assembly selected is for another branch, duplicate to this branch?"
  • If user selects Ok the Assembly Entry screen will open to the Assembly Duplicate screen. The Branch will be defaulted for the associated ticket.

The ability to duplicate assemblies is only permitted if Allow Cross Brach Ticket Apply is selected in General Setup. See the General Setup section of the CINCH Grain Software System Manual for more information.

  • When the user clicks Ok for the specified branch, they will be prompted "Are you sure you want to duplicate this Assembly?"
  • Selecting Ok return to the Inbound Scale Ticket Entry with the new assembly for the ticket branch entered in the Assembly field.

Assembly Entry

Assembly Entry

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualThis section explains how to create, duplicate, view, change, transfer and close assemblies for any disposition type. It will also explain how to transfer ownership of stored grain and redeliver stored grain.
D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual!worddav5d697dba21773556599bd81c09540593.png|height=48,width=48!The purpose of an assembly sheet is to group tickets. This could be for a contract, storage, etc. By grouping tickets changes can be made to the group rather than one at a time.
This section is divided into the following procedures:
Creating an Assembly
Creating an Assembly for a Partner

Viewing or Changing Assembly Program Details
Creating a Duplicate AssemblyD2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

Creating an Assembly
  1. Open the Assembly Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Assembly Sheets >>Assembly Entry)

  1. The Assembly field will automatically display a new assembly number. This number is generated by the Next Number Maintenance function that was determined during setup. However, user can also enter or lookup an existing assembly number.

See CINCH Grain Software System Manual for more information on document number maintenance.

  1. The Date will default with the system date, but may be changed if necessary.
  2. Mark the Closed checkbox to close the assembly. The system date will display next to the closed checkbox once it has been marked.

The Closed checkbox will automatically be selected if the fulfill is for the full quantity for an assembly. User will only need to manually close to close the assembly without filling it all the way.

  1. The Deferred checkbox is an informational field that can be used when the settlement is created.
  2. Hold checkbox, when marked the assembly sheet cannot be settled. When a Hold Assembly is selected in Settlement Entry user receives a message that the Assembly is on Hold.
  3. To assign the assembly to a contract, lookup and select a contract. Typically, a contract is not assigned here, as an assembly is automatically created for each purchase contract when it is posted.
  4. Enter or select a Customer for the assembly.

If Allowed-All or Allow Related has been selected in the Cross Customer Ticket Apply field in General Setup, user will be able to create assemblies for people other than the original contract owner.

  1. Enter or select an Item for the assembly.
  2. Enter or select the Disposition type for the assembly.
  3. Enter or select a Discount Schedule. Drill down on the Disc Schedule field to open either the Discount Schedule Maintenance window or the Assembly Disc Sched Maintenance window.

For more information on the Discount Schedule Maintenance window, please see the CINCH Grain Software System Manual.

  1. Enter or select a Program Schedule. Use the expansion button next to this field to view or change assembly program details. Drill down on the Prog Schedule field to open the Program Schedule Maintenance window.

For more information on the Program Schedule Maintenance window, please see the CINCH Grain Software System Manual.
If the Assembly Disposition type is Purchase or Storage, the Program Schedule can be defaulted per Item by setting the Purchase Program Schedule and Storage Program Schedule in Branch Item Default Maintenance. See the Adding a Branch section of the CINCH Grain Software System Manual for more information.

  1. Enter or select a Default Site Code.

If a Storage Disposition requiring consignment inventory is selected, the system will require the user to select a Site flagged as a Consignment Inventory Site.

  1. Enter or select a default Lot Number.
  2. The Last Settlement field will display the settlement number attached to this assembly. The expansion button will open the Assembly Settlements window, allowing user to view information on the attached settlements and gives the option to open the Settlement Inquiry Zoom window to view the settlement in its entirety.

  1. Select Comment ID. This is an optional comment that can be created by the user that can be displayed on any assembly based reports.
  2. Select Farm, Field, Crop Year, and Crop Zone information from the drop down lists.
  3. Choose the Apply Tickets button to apply farm/field information to assigned tickets.
  4. Use the User Defined 1 & 2 fields to enter additional information to track.
  5. The Assembly Totals and the Contract Qtys are display only.

 In Transit is the net quantity of all Inbound In Transit tickets assigned to the contract. In Transit quantity does not appear in the Assembly Total until the In Transit ticket is unloaded and moved to the contract Delivered Qty.

  • In Transit tickets program charges will be included in the Program Amt.
  • In Transit Expansion opens the Inbound In Transit Inquiry, that displays the In Transit Tickets applied to the selected contract.
  • Remaining Qty is calculated by taking the Contract Qty – In Transit Qty – Del / Canceled Qty.
  • Use the expansion button next to the Whse Qty field to open the Assembly Warehouse Receipts window to view any warehouse receipts for this assembly.

Use the expansion button next to the Net Disc Amt field to manually adjust grade discount amounts.

  1. Oldest Open Ticket Date is display only and will display the date of the oldest open ticket assigned to the assembly.
  • Grain Bank application, Invoice Maintenance and Counter Sales Entry are applied based on the oldest ticket date.
    • If the Use Cross Branch GB (General Setup) is selected, the assembly with the oldest open ticket based upon the branches the user has access to.
    • If Use Cross Branch GB is not selected, the assembly with the oldest open ticket for the transaction branch.
  1. Choose the Duplicate button to duplicate an existing assembly.
  2. Choose the Transfer button to open the Assembly Transfer Entry window.
  3. Choose the Print button and select report to print. Options are Assembly Sheet – All, Assembly Sheet – Inbound and Assembly Sheet Net.
  4. If the Customer has an email defined, the Email button will become active. When the Email button is selected, and the user selects an Assembly report, the selected document will be emailed.
  • Depending on how the Cinch Vendor E-mail Options is setup, e-mail addresses will be determined one of two ways:
    • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Enabled checkbox is marked and Assembly Sheet is marked, addresses will be based on the addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window.
      • If there are no addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window then the system will behave the same as if the Disabled checkbox is marked.
    • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Disabled checkbox is marked and Assembly Sheet is marked, addresses will be determined based on the Vendor Maintenance, Ship From address ID.
  • The e-mail message and format of the attachment are based on the Vendor Maintenance, Cinch Vendor E-mail Options setup.
  1. Choose Save to save the new assembly.

Creating an Assembly for a Partner

The Allowed-All or Allow Related in the Cross Customer Ticket Apply field on the General Setup window, must be selected in order to create assemblies for people other than the original contract owner.

  1. Open the Assembly Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Assembly Sheets >>Assembly Entry)

  1. See Creating an Assembly for information on fields for this window.
  2. Enter or select a customer.

When using the Allow Related option, make sure the customer has been entered as a partner in the Contract Partner Entry window in Purchase Contract Entry.

  1. Use the Contract lookup to select the contract that was entered for the original grower. When the contract is selected, user will receive the following message: Please enter a reason code since contract customer does not match the entered customer. Select OK.
  2. Enter or select a Reason Code to verify why the assembly customer and contract customer are not the same.
  3. Choose Save to save the new assembly.

Program Amounts Apply

Applying Program Detail Records in Mass
  1. Open the Program Amounts Apply window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchase/Inbound>>Assembly Sheets>>Program Apply Entry)

  1. Program Type, options are Charge and Premium.
  2. Program ID, enter or lookup the Program ID.
  3. Enter Quantity and Rate/Unit and the Apply Amount will be calculated.
  4. Apply Amount, enter the amount to be distributed to the selected assembly sheets.
    • Positive amounts will be added and negative amounts will be deducted from the assembly sheet(s) regardless whether the program detail is a charge or premium.
  5. Reference, is the number to be added to the selected assembly sheets identifying where the amounts were derived from.
  6. Program Desc, is a view only field displaying the Program ID description.
  7. Apply How, is the method by which the Apply Amount will be distributed to the marked assembly sheets. Choices are Quantity and Value.
  8. Reason Code, enter or lookup the Reason Code ID.
  9. Apply as of Date, is the date to be used as the Applied Date on the program detail.
  10. Process, will redistribute the Apply Amount to the marked assembly sheets.
  11. Restrictions include:
    • Customer, defaults with no customer selected, but this can be changed to a single customer.
    • Commodity, defaults with no item selected, but this can be changed to a single item.
    • Contract Number, defaults with no purchase contract selected, but this can be changed to a single purchase contract.
    • Assembly Number, defaults with no assembly sheet selected, but this can be changed to a single assembly sheet.
    • Redisplay, refills the scrolling window based upon the restriction values.
  12. Scrolling window will display assembly sheets based upon restriction(s) selected.
    • Mark all checkbox, allows the user to mark/unmark all of the assembly sheets in the scrolling window.
      • Individual assembly sheets can be marked/unmarked as well.
    • Assembly Number displays the assembly sheets for the selected program ID using the above restrictions.
    • Contract Number displays the contract number for the selected assembly sheets.
    • Net Quantity, displays the net quantity for each of the assembly sheets.
    • Net Value, displays the net value for each of the assembly sheets.
    • Current Amount, displays the net amount for the program detail on the assembly sheet.
    • Apply Amount, displays the current amount to be assigned to the selected assembly sheet.
    • Redisplay, refills the values on the assembly sheets already displayed in the scrolling window.
    • Line Expansion:
      • Customer ID
      • Customer Name
      • Assembly Sheet Disposition

Program Detail Entry

Viewing or Changing Assembly Program Details
  1. Open the Program Detail Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Assembly Sheets >>Assembly Entry>>Expansion button next to Program Schedule)

  1. The following fields are based on the assembly selected and are display only.

Item Number
Net Quantity

  1. The Total Programs Amount will display the sum of all of the Net Program ID fields on the window.
  2. The scrolling window fields are as follows:

The Program ID field will display the program detail ID. User can add program details if necessary.
The Start and End Dates will vary based on how the Program Detail is set up and may or may not be editable.
The Amount will display the total program charge amount. Choose the expansion button:

  • The Program Tier Details window will open for an Accrual type program details, allowing user to view an exact calculation of the detail. This will help ensure that the Program Detail is setup to calculate correctly.

The Program ID must have an accrual calculation method in order to view the Program Tier Details window.

  • The Assembly Number and Program ID fields will default from the Program Detail Entry window.
      • Start and End Dates are the dates used to calculate the periods to be used during the calculation of the accrual.
        • The Invoice Charge process determines the initial start date based on the oldest ticket then as the charges are invoiced each end date is established. After the initial receipt the start date becomes the previous invoice date.
      • The Periods field will display the number of periods use in calculating the charge.
      • The Period Amount will display the Period Amount, based on the accrual tier or calculation method.
      • The Net Qty will display the quantity for the assembly
  • The Period Percent will display the Period Percent, based on the accrual tier or calculation method.
  • The Net Amount will display the net qty multiplied by the period percent.
  • The Charge Amount will display the total charge amounts for the line.
      • Free Amt is the amount considered as an allowance based upon the number of free periods on the program detail.
      • Tier Program Amount is the Charge amount less the Free amount.
      • Min Prg Amt is the minimum amount that will be charged based upon the program detail setup.
      • Max Prg Amt is the maximum amount that will be charged based upon the program detail setup.
  • The Subtotal will display a sum of all of the program tier lines.
  • The Transferred field will display any program charges that have been transferred to another assembly during the Assembly Transfer process.
  • The Total will display the Subtotal minus the Transferred amount.
    • The Program Other Details Entry window will open for an Other type program detail.

      • Date Applied is used to enter the date of the adjustment.
      • Reason ID, enter or lookup a reason ID for the adjustment.
      • Reference Number is the number to be added to the selected assembly sheets identifying where the amounts were derived from.
      • Enter Quantity and Rate and Program Amount will be calculated.
      • Enter the Program Amount to be assigned to the assembly sheet.
        • Positive amounts will be added and negative amounts will be deducted from the assembly sheet(s) regardless whether the program detail is a charge or premium.
      • Program Amount Total, is the total of the Program Amount column.
      • OK, will add the Program Amount Total to the selected assembly sheet.
  • The Invoiced field will display any amount that has been invoiced from the Invoice Charges Entry window. Choose the expansion button to open the Previously Invoiced Charges window.

  • The Adjustment column (Program Detail Entry scrolling window) can be used to manually enter any adjustments to the program charge amount.
  • Transfer column (Program Detail Entry scrolling window) will display how much of the program charge has been transferred.
  • The Net column (Program Detail Entry scrolling window) will display how much of the program charge is left to invoice. (Amount + Invoiced + Adjustment + Transferred).
  1. Re-Calc button will recalculate the program charges associated to the assembly.
  2. Select the Save button to save changes and close the Program Detail Entry window.

Duplicate Assembly Entry

Creating a Duplicate Assembly
  1. D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualOpen the Assembly Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Assembly Sheets >>Assembly Entry)

  1. Select the assembly to duplicate.
  2. Choose the Duplicate button the Assembly Duplicate screen will open and allows the user to select the branch the assembly will duplicate to.
  3. User will receive the following message: Are you sure you want to duplicate this Assembly.
  4. The new assembly will be displayed in assembly entry. User can make any changes as necessary.
  5. Chose Save to save the new assembly.

Applying Scale Tickets to Assemblies

Applying Scale Tickets to Assemblies

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualThis section explains how scale tickets can be automatically applied to assemblies and the logic behind the automatic apply. It also explains how to apply scale tickets to assemblies, print assemblies, and override an assembly to apply tickets from different owners or branches from Assembly Apply Entry or apply scale tickets from Scale Ticket Apply Entry.
This section is divided into the following procedures:
Automatically Applying a Scale Ticket to an Assembly
Applying a Scale Ticket from Assembly Auto Apply
Applying a Ticket from a Different Owner
Printing an Assembly Sheet

Automatically Applying a Scale Ticket to an Assembly

The Allow Ticket Auto-Apply option in the User Extensions Setup window must be selected in order for this option to work. For more information on the User Extensions Setup window, please see the CINCH Grain Software System Manual.

  1. Open the Inbound Scale Ticket Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Scale Tickets>>Scale Ticket Entry)

  1. Enter all necessary information.
  2. Chose Save or Print. The following explains the logic on how the tickets are applied to the assembly sheets.

The system will look for assemblies based on the disposition order selected in the Ticket Auto Apply Disposition window. If no assemblies are any of the disposition types listed, a new assembly will be created with the disposition type that was selected in the Unspecified Disposition field in Branch Maintenance.
For more information on the Ticket Auto Apply Disposition window, please refer to the CINCH Grain Software System Manual.
If more than one assembly matches a disposition type (for example, if only Purchase disposition has been selected in Ticket Auto Apply Setup and there are more than one purchase assembly), the following rules will be used.
Tickets are applied to the assembly sheet with the oldest beginning delivery date.
If the beginning dates on two assembly sheets are the same, the system will use the one with the oldest ending delivery date.
If the beginning and ending delivery dates are the same, the system will use the one with the oldest assembly date.
If all of the above dates are the same, the system will choose the one with the lowest assembly number.
If one assembly sheet is completed and another one exists, the remaining ticket balance will be put on the next assembly sheet with the rules above

Applying a Scale Ticket from Assembly Apply Entry

The Assembly Apply Entry window allows the user to apply ticket(s) based on the selected Assembly. To apply ticket(s) by ticket refer to Scale Ticket Apply Entry.

  1. Open the Assembly Apply Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Assembly Sheets >>Assembly Apply Entry)

  1. Click Available to open the Unapplied Ticket Inquiry List window.

Select a Customer and/or Item prior to clicking Available to pass the Customer and Item as filters to the Unapplied Ticket Inquiry List window.

  • The Unapplied Ticket Inquiry List window will display all unapplied scale tickets.
  • Enter a Customer range to filter the results by customer.
  • Enter a Commodity range to filter the results by commodity.
  • Enter a Ticket Date range to filter the results by ticket date.
  • Highlight a line in the scrolling window and click OK. This will pass the selected Customer and Commodity back to the Customer and Item fields in the Assembly Apply Entry window.
  • Print button provides a link to the Unapplied Ticket Inquiry List. The Scale Ticket Report window opens and is populated with the selected restrictions.
  1. If the Customer has not been populated by using the Unapplied Ticket Inquiry List window, enter or select the Customer.
  2. If the Item has not been populated by using the Unapplied Ticket Inquiry List window, enter or select the Item.
  3. Enter or lookup the Assembly.
  4. The Assembly Date, Contract Number, Contract Qty, Delivery Period, Delivered Qty and Rem Qty fields will fill in once the assembly has been selected and are display only.
  5. If the Assembly is closed, the closed checkbox will be marked. This is display only, to close an assembly, user must go to the Assembly Entry window.
  6. The Available scrolling window will fill with any tickets for that customer that have the matching item and has not already been fully assigned to another assembly.
  7. The Refill Button will refresh the tickets in the Available scrolling window.
  8. The Override button is used to apply tickets from different owners or branches to an assembly sheet. See Applying a Ticket from a Different Owner/Branch, for more information.
  9. Select the ticket to apply and choose the Insert Button to apply it to the assembly, or to apply all the tickets in the available section, choose the Insert All Button. The ticket(s) will move down to the Applied section of the window, and the Delivered and Rem Qty fields will be updated to reflect the newly applied ticket quantities.
  10. Choose the Transfer button to open the Assembly Transfer Entry window.
  11. Choose the Print button to print an assembly.
  12. Choose Save to save changes to the assembly.

Once the changes have been saved, the Customer and Item fields will remain populated to continue applying tickets to various assembly types for the current customer if necessary. Click the Clear button to clear these values.

Applying a Ticket from a Different Owner
  1. Open the Assembly Apply Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Assembly Sheets >>Assembly Apply Entry)

  1. Select the Customer.
  2. Select the Item.
  3. Select the Assembly to apply the ticket to.
  4. Choose the Override button to open the Unapplied Tickets Select window.

Use the Customer Filter to see a specific customer's tickets.
Select the ticket to assign to the assembly.
Enter or select the Override Reason Code.
Choose Select to assign the ticket to the assembly.

  1. The Assembly Apply Entry window will display the selected ticket in the Assigned scrolling window and the quantities will be updated.
  2. Choose Save to save the assembly changes.

Printing an Assembly Sheet
  1. Open the Assembly Apply Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Assembly Sheets >>Assembly Apply Entry)

  1. Assign tickets to an assembly.
  2. Choose Print and select the assembly sheet to print. Options are Assembly Sheet – All, Assembly Sheet – Inbound and Assembly Sheet – Net. The same Assembly Sheets can be selected from Assembly Entry and Assembly Inquiry.

  1. If the Customer has an email defined, the E-mail button will be active. When the Email button is selected and selected report will be emailed to the Customer.
  • Depending on how the Cinch Vendor E-mail Options is setup, e-mail addresses will be determined one of two ways:
    • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Enabled checkbox is marked and Assembly Sheet is marked, addresses will be based on the addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window.
      • If there are no addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window then the system will behave the same as if the Disabled checkbox is marked.
    • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Disabled checkbox is marked and Assembly Sheet is marked, addresses will be determined based on the Vendor Maintenance, Ship From address ID.
  • The e-mail message and format of the attachment are based on the Vendor Maintenance, Cinch Vendor E-mail Options setup.
  1. Choose the Assembly Sheet option to print or email the following detailed assembly sheet.

  1. Choose the Assembly Summary option to print or email the following summarized Assembly Sheet.

Applying a Scale Ticket from Scale Ticket Apply Entry

The Scale Ticket Apply Entry window allows the user to display all the "Unapplied" Inbound Scale Tickets, sort and/or restrict, to apply selected tickets to an assembly To apply ticket(s) by assembly refer to Assembly Apply Entry.

  1. Open the Scale Ticket Apply Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Scale Tickets>> Scale Ticket Apply Entry)

  1. The Unapplied radio button defaults as selected.
  2. Branch drop-down will default to the current branch if there are unapplied tickets. Otherwise, the field is initially blank.
  • The dropdown list will only display branches that have unapplied tickets associated to it.
  • If Branch Security is enabled only branches the user has access to and has unapplied tickets associated will be displayed.
  1. Rollup checkbox will default as selected and will group together tickets for the same Customer, Item and Disposition. System will display the total net qty of un-applied tickets.
  • When Rollup is not selected tickets will be listed individually along with more detail, including Unit Train / Car numbers.
  1. Available restrictions are:
  • Customer
  • Item
  • Disposition
  • Batch
  • Ticket Date
  • Unit Train #
  1. Clicking the Redisplay Button will fill the Rollup/Ticket Details scrolling window.
  • If the branch drop-down selection is different from the transaction branch, entries of the Rollup/Ticket Details will be displayed but cannot be selected.
  • Any tickets displaying in the Assembly Apply Entry window by another user will not display.
  • When Rollup is selected, the Splits - Totals column will display the total number of tickets that have splits and the total number of tickets.
  • The Note column will be marked if there is a note attached to any of the tickets.
  1. Selecting a Ticket in the Ticket scrolling window will:
  • Populate the Grade Factor/Grade Value scrolling window.
    • If the Rolled Up checkbox is checked, the Grade Factor/Grade Value scrolling window is hidden.
  • Display the Customer Documents Visual Switch if the customer of the selected ticket has any open contracts in any branch.
  • Net Qty field will be updated with the Net Qty of all selected tickets.
  • The Assembly scrolling window is populated with all assemblies to which the selected tickets could be applied.
    • Applied Qty is the Quantity previously applied to the Assembly not counting the currently selected tickets in the window.
    • User is not allowed to apply to an assembly if tickets for multiple customers or items are selected. The Assembly scrolling window is cleared, the Assembly apply section is disabled and {*Multiple Customers/Items} is displayed.
    • If tickets are selected for multiple dispositions, the Assembly scrolling window is cleared, the Assembly Apply section is disabled and {*Multiple Dispositions} is displayed. User can mark the All Dispositions checkbox to reactivate the Assembly scrolling window and the Assembly Apply section.
  • If the Branch Maintenance, Allow Spot Price is enabled the Spot Button will be available.
  1. Select the Auto Apply button to apply selected tickets.
    • The button becomes enabled when a customer(s)/ticket(s) is selected from the scrolling window and the User Extensions Setup, Allow Ticket Auto Apply is selected for the user.
      • The system will display the number of Ticket Details that will be processed. If the total number of select ticket details is more than 10 user will be asked if they wishes to continue or cancel.
        • Continue, the system will continue with the auto apply process.
        • Cancel returns to the Scale Ticket Apply Entry.
  2. Selecting the Spot button opens the Create Spot Contract window.
  • Discount Schedule will default from Branch Item Default Maintenance, Inbound Discount Schedule.
  • Program Schedule will default from Branch Item Default Maintenance, Purchase Program Schedule.
  • Disposition will default from Branch Maintenance, Spot Price Disposition.
  • Enter Ticker and Pricing or select Today's Price.
  • Selecting Create will create the Spot Contract and corresponding Assembly and the selected Tickets will be applied to the newly created assembly.
  1. Selecting the All Dispositions checkbox will display Assemblies of all the possible assembly disposition types for the selected ticket. The Ticket can then be applied to a selected Assembly. If this option is left unchecked, users will only see the assemblies with dispositions that match the selected ticket(s).
  • If the Purchase/Inbound User Setup Apply View drop-down list is set to All Disposition Types, the All Dispositions checkbox will default checked.
  1. Available Assemblies View by selection:
    • View by Assembly Number will be the default view, but can be changed to by Delivery Date if needed.
    • View by Delivery Date when selected will display the available assemblies by Delivery Start Date, then Contract Type. The Assemblies are listed in the following order.
    • Storage Assemblies
    • Grain Bank Assemblies
    • Contracted Assemblies
    • Un-contracted Assemblies
      • The Start date for Un-Contracted Assemblies becomes 1 day more that the start date of the last contracted assembly.
  2. Assembly Average Price is the weighted average price based upon contract delivery period priced quantity.
  3. Selecting an Assembly from the Assembly scrolling window:
  • Information on the selected Assembly is displayed.
  • The Apply button becomes enabled.
  1. Selecting the Apply button applies the selected ticket(s) to the selected Assembly:
  • The selected ticket(s) are removed from the Ticket Scrolling window.
  • The Assembly Scrolling window is cleared and the Assembly apply section is disabled.

Un-applying a Scale Ticket from Scale Ticket Apply Entry

The Scale Ticket Apply Entry window allows the user to display all the "Applied, Un-posted" Inbound Scale Tickets.

  1. Open the Scale Ticket Apply Entry window, select Applied Radio button.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Scale Tickets>> Scale Ticket Apply Entry)

  1. Rollup checkbox is disabled.
  2. Spot button is disabled.
  3. Branch drop-down will default to the current branch if there are applied tickets. Otherwise, the field is initially blank.
  4. Clicking the Redisplay Button will fill the Ticket Details scrolling window.
  • If the branch drop-down selection is different from the transaction branch, entries of the Ticket Details cannot be selected.
  • The Ticket scrolling window is populated with all Applied un-posted tickets.
    • If tickets are selected for multiple assemblies, the Assembly un-apply section is disabled and [*Tickets from multiple Assemblies] is displayed.
  1. Selecting from the Ticket scrolling window:
  • The Totals field will be updated with the Net Qty of all selected tickets.
  • Information on the selected Assembly is displayed.
  • The Unapply button is enabled.
  1. Selecting the Unapply button:
  • The selected tickets will be un-applied from the Assembly.
  • If the Ticket disposition were changed during application, it is returned to the original type and the totals for the Assemblies and Contracts are recalculated.
  • Ticket will be visible in the Unapplied Ticket Detail window.

Movement & Discount Changes for Scale Tickets & Assemblies

This section explains how to perform movements and/or discount changes for scale tickets and assemblies. It includes quickly changing and rolling down discount schedules and averaging grade factors or entering composite grade factors. It also shows how to split or transfer a ticket or assembly after scale tickets have been delivered.
This section is divided into the following procedures:

Transferring Storage Ownership

Entering Grade Averages or Composites
Adjusting Grade Discount Amounts
Splitting/Transferring a Ticket or Assembly after Delivery

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

Ticket Discount Entry

View/Change Ticket DiscountsD2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual
  1. Open the Ticket Discount Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Scale Tickets>>Scale Ticket Entry>>Grade Factors expansion button>>Ticket Grade Factor Entry window>>Discounts button)

  1. In the Ticket field, enter or select a ticket to be displayed.
  2. The following fields are display only.

The Item field will display the item attached to the ticket.
The Customer field will display the owners of the ticket if a ticket was split. Use the arrow keys to view all the split tickets.
The Detail field will display the multiple details of a ticket, if a customer has more than one detail. Use the arrow keys to view all the details.
The Discount Schedule field will display the discount schedule attached to the detail.
The Qtys section will display the scale gross qty and the owner gross qty for the ticket.
The Detail Qtys section will display the gross qty, adjusted qty and the net qty for the ticket.

  1. To change or reject the discounts for un-posted tickets, choose one of the following options:

To reject the grade factor value, choose the rejected checkbox in the scrolling window in the appropriate row.
To change the grade factor value, enter the value to use in the Cur value field in the appropriate row and press the Recalculate Button.
If the Discount/Premium is based on a Commodity Grade, the system will display "QUALITY" in the Grade Factor column of the scrolling window.

  1. Choose Save to save changes.

Ticket Detail Entry

View/Change Ticket Details
  1. D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualOpen the Ticket Detail Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Scale Tickets >>Ticket Detail Entry)

  1. In the Ticket field, enter or select a ticket to be displayed.
  2. The following fields are display only.

The Split field will display the split code and split description if a ticket was split.
The Owner field will display the owners of the ticket if a ticket was split. Use the arrow keys to view all the split tickets.
The Item field will display the item for the ticket.
The Qtys section will display the scale gross qty and the owner gross qty for the ticket.
The Contract Qtys section will display the full contract quantity and the delivered versus the remaining quantity for the contract. This information will only be displayed if the ticket has been applied to an assembly

  1. To split a line, complete the following steps.

Select the line to split from the scrolling window.
Enter the split quantity in the Split Quantity field.
Choose the Split Detail button. A new line will be created that contains the new split quantity.
The Gross Split Qty field will display the gross split qty.

  1. The scrolling window fields that can be edited are as follows:

In the Disposition field enter or select a new disposition.
In the Detail % field change the percentage.
In the Gross Qty field change the quantity.

  1. Choose Save to save changes.

Assembly Transfer Entry

Transferring an Assembly
  1. D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualOpen the Assembly Transfer Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Assembly Sheets >>Assembly Transfers)

  1. Enter or select the Customer From.
  2. Enter or select the Item From.
  3. Use the lookup to select the Assembly From. The selected assembly must have posted tickets applied to it but un-posted tickets can exist.
  4. The Net Qty will fill in displaying total quantity applied to the assembly, posted and un-posted.
  5. The Posted Qty will fill in displaying how much has been posted and is available to transfer. Only the amount of Posted tickets can be transferred.
  6. The Priced Qty field displays the quantity that has been priced for the contract on this assembly sheet. This is the amount that can be settled.
  7. The WR Qty field displays the quantity that is currently assigned to a Warehouse Receipt.
  8. The Transfer Charges checkbox, when selected the charges associated to the origination assembly will be transferred to the destination assembly. The Charges based on the ticket details.
    • By default the checkbox is marked.
    • The Process looks at the tickets transferred and determines the accrual amount for those specific tickets. That amount is then posted to the destination assembly and the originating assembly is reduced by this amount.
    • The process also writes ticket accrual tier records so the calculation of the transferred amount can be viewed on the destination assembly.
  9. Other Prg % calculated value will default in based upon the ratio of the Transfer Qty and Net Qty and can be edited.
    • When Process is selected the value will be used to transfer the Other type program details from the originating assembly sheet to the destination assembly sheet.
    • The original assembly sheet will retain all of the details and report the amount transferred in the Program Detail Entry/Transfer column.
    • The destination assembly sheet will display the % of the details transferred for each of the transactions in the Program Other Details Entry window.
  10. In the Transfer How section, enter the following information.

Select an assembly type from the Transfer To list. The available types are: Storage Assembly, Grain Bank Assembly, Purchase Assembly, and Spot Purchase.
The selected transfer type must match the disposition type of the Assembly selected above. To transfer to a Spot Purchase, the assembly must have a Purchase disposition type.
The Transfer Qty will default with the full net qty of the Assembly From Assembly. User can choose to transfer the full amount, or change it to another quantity.
The Print Source Assembly & Print destination Assembly checkboxes provide the ability to print the origination and/or the destination assembly sheet after the bushels have been transferred from one assembly sheet to another. Each checkbox will default to unmarked but will save on restart so that user can process multiple assembly transfers without having to remark the desired checkboxes.
The drop down boxes correlate with the checkboxes to indicate which assembly sheet format to print: All, Inbound or Net.

  1. The Spot Contract Only section will be available if Spot Purchase was selected in the Transfer How section.

Enter a Ticker if desired.
Enter a Board and Basis Price, which will calculate the Net Price, or choose the Today's Price button to fill in the price from the Item Daily Price window.
Enter or select the Discount Schedule for the contract and assembly that are being created.
Enter or select the Program Schedule for the contract and assembly that are being created.
The Program Schedule can be defaulted by setting the Purchase Program Schedule in Branch Item Maintenance Defaults. See the Adding a Branch section in the CINCH Grain Software System Manual for more information.
The Disposition will default in from the Spot Price Disposition entered in Branch Maintenance, but can be changed if necessary.
Mark the Create Settlement for Spot Contract to automatically create a settlement.

    • When marked to create a settlement, enter or select the batch number to save the settlement to.
    • Enter or lookup Market Zone.
    • Enter Market Zone Adjustment amount to be added to the Spot Contract.
  1. In the Transfer To section, enter the following information.
    • The Customer Override checkbox when selected allows the Transfer to Assembly to be for a different customer.
      • When the Customer Override checkbox is selected the Reason Code is required.

 Lookup and select the Assembly to transfer the quantity to.
 Once the assembly is selected, the disposition, discount schedule, program schedule, net qty and open qty will be displayed.

  1. Choose the Posted Net Qty expansion button to open the Available Tickets Select window.

  • All tickets on the assembly will be displayed and will be automatically selected. Select/unselect any tickets not to transfer at this time.
  • Use Quality Grade From and To fields to filter the tickets displayed by Quality Grades.
  • Use Crop Year From and To fields to filter the tickets displayed by Crop Year.
  • Use Ticket Date From and To fields to filter the tickets displayed by Ticket Dates.
  • Click OK after tickets have been selected to transfer.
  1. Choose Process to complete the transfer.

If the transfer is a Spot Purchase and create a settlement has been selected, user will receive a message that the settlement has been created. A purchase contract and assembly sheet have been created, closed and posted.

Assembly Transfer Reversal

Reversing an Assembly Transfer
  1. D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualOpen the Assembly Transfer Reverse window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Assembly Sheets>>Assembly Reverse Transfer)

  1. Select the Find By option, Transfer Date, Original Assembly, Dest Assembly or Source.
  2. Choose the Programs button to open the Transferred Program Details window to view Program Charges that were transferred with Assembly.

  1. Choose Process to complete the transfer reversal.

Ticket Assembly Move Entry

Ticket Assembly Move Entry

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualTicket Assembly Move Entry allows ticket based moving, providing the ability to move all or part of a ticket to another assembly without transferring charges tied to the original assembly.
This functionality is intended to replace the Assembly Apply Entry and limit the usage of the Assembly Transfer window.
Depending upon what type of moving is being done the user may want to make the move(s) in multiple steps, i.e. if a group of tickets came into a joint ownership account in a hold disposition and needs to be 100% split to multiple owners.

  • It may be helpful to move the tickets to a new hold assembly sheet for each of the owners and then move the individual owner's tickets to the appropriate storage or purchase assembly sheet(s). This is especially true if the destination of the individual owners is to multiple assembly sheets.
  • Or use the Assembly/Ticket Split button to do the split in one step.
  1. Open the Ticket Assembly Move Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Assembly Sheets>>Ticket Assembly Move)

  1. Select Restrictions:
    • Customer From, the Customer ID assigned to the Assembly.
    • Item From, the Item assigned to the Assembly.
    • Assembly From
      • When an assembly is selected that has an open Warehouse Receipt, Warehouse Receipt will be displayed next to the Assembly From. User will only be allowed to move up to the Warehouse Receipt quantity.
    • Ticket Restrictions:
      • From & To Date
      • From & To Grade, Quality Grade
      • Disposition
      • Farm
      • From & To Year, Crop Year
  2. Defaults To, determines how the move will be handled when a ticket is selected:
    • Customer To
      • When no customer is entered in the Customer To field, assembly sheets for the Customer From will be displayed in the lookup.
      • When a customer is entered in the Customer To field, assembly sheets for that customer will be displayed in the lookup.
      • This customer will be used when creating the spot contract. If not defined the spot contract will be created for the Assembly From customer.
    • Assembly To
      • When an assembly is selected where Customer To is different than the Customer From user will be prompted that the selected Assembly is for another customer to confirm this is correct.
    • Reason Code, becomes enabled when the selected Customer To is different than the Customer From.
    • Move % allows the user to specify the portion of the selected tickets to move.
    • DPR Date, defaults to user date but can be changed.
    • Spot Button, when selected opens the Spot Price Entry window allowing user to enter spot pricing and generate a spot contract when processed.

      • Enter a Ticker if desired.
        • The Board of Trade, Board Month and Board Year will be filled in when a ticker is selected.
      • Enter a Board and Basis Price, which will calculate the Net Price, or choose the Today's Price button to fill in the price from the Item Daily Price window.
      • Enter a Basis Price or mark the Zero Basis checkbox.
      • The Net Price will automatically fill in by adding the Board and Basis Prices.
      • Enter the Disposition for the contract and assembly that will be created.
        • The Disposition will default in from the Spot Price Disposition entered in Branch Maintenance, but can be changed if necessary.
      • Enter or select the Discount Schedule for the contract and assembly that will be created.
      • Enter the Program Schedule for the contract and assembly that will be created.
        • The Program Schedule will default in from the Purchase Program Schedule in Branch Item Maintenance Defaults, but can be changed if necessary.
      • Clear button will clear the window without saving changes.
      • Enter or lookup Market Zone.
      • Enter Market Zone Adjustment amount to be added to the Spot Contract.
      • OK button will save the spot information and mark the Spot Checkbox on the Ticket Assembly Move Entry window.
    • Spot Checkbox, gets marked when pricing information on Spot Price Entry is saved. When marked will create a Spot Contract on the fly when the Process button is selected.
  1. Redisplay button will fill the scrolling window with tickets based on the selected restrictions. Tickets will not display if:
    • The ticket is unposted.
    • There is an Unprocessed transfer associated to the ticket.
    • There is a Processed transfer associated to the ticket, i.e. there are unmatched negative ticket details on the ticket.
    • The ticket/assembly has been settled. Settled portions of tickets cannot be moved.
  2. The Move Quantity and To Assembly can be selected per ticket. The line detail includes the following information associated to the move:
    • To Adjust Qty, shrink based upon discount schedule on To Assembly Sheet.
    • To Net Qty, quantity to be moved to the To Assembly Sheet, editable.
    • Move Net, net quantity to be removed from the From Assembly Sheet.
  3. Move Quantity expansion button, within the scrolling window, opens the Summary Move Accounts window which provides the user with a rollup view of the selected tickets.

    • The top scrolling view displays a summary of the selected origination assemblies.
      • Net Quantity is from the selected assembly.
      • Warehouse, is the amount associated to warehouse receipts.
      • Available represents the amount available to move, Net Quantity less the Warehouse amount.
      • Move Quantity represents the To Net Qty from the Ticket Assembly Move Entry window.
      • Balance is Available less Move Quantity, if this amount is negative the user will not be allowed to process the move.
    • The middle scrolling view displays a summary of the selected destination assemblies.
    • The bottom scrolling view displays destinations based on the Contract Number. This will allow the user to see ahead of time if they are over-assigning bushels to a contract. If no contracts are present the screen is empty.
  1. Overruns:
    • When the Defaults Assembly To is populated and the Mark All checkbox is marked and the quantity selected exceeds the remaining contract quantity (including over run rules), user will be prompted "Ticket (number) will overrun the contract, move quantity reduced." The quantity on the ticket that over runs the contract will be reduced to fill the contract. The remaining tickets will not be selected.
    • When the user enters the assembly sheet and selects tickets on a line by line basis and the contract quantity selected exceeds the remaining contract quantity, user will be prompted "This move quantity will overrun Contract (number)." The quantity on the ticket will NOT be reduced.
    • The Summary Move Amounts window (blue expansion arrow in the Move Qty column header) provides summary information regarding the over run as well as other quantity information.
  2. Record locking – the same assembly/tickets cannot be selected in both the Assembly Ticket Move Entry screen and:
    • Ticket/Assembly Split
    • Assembly Apply
    • Assembly Transfer
    • Settlement Entry
  3. Footer Subtotals:
    • Total Gross Qty for the selected Assembly
    • Selected Move From Net Qty
    • Move To Gross Qty
    • Move To Net Qty
  4. Assembly/Ticket Split Button when selected will open the Assembly/Ticket Split Entry window.
    • The Customer, Commodity, Assembly Number will be populated from the Ticket Assembly Move Entry header information.
    • The Ticket Assembly Move Entry will be cleared when the Assembly/Ticket Split Entry window opens.
  5. Clear button will clear the window.
  6. Process button, when selected the following will occur:
    • If the move is from a storage assembly to a storage assembly:
      • No inventory posting will be done.
      • If the discount schedule is different the net quantity will be recalculated.
      • DPR effect, decrease to the storage disposition of the origination assembly sheet and an increase to the storage disposition of the destination assembly sheet.
    • If the move is from a purchase assembly to a storage assembly:
      • An inventory posting will be made to remove moved quantity from inventory.
        • General Ledger will be updated as part of the inventory posting. (Debit Accrued purchases, Credit Grain Inventory).
      • If 100% of the ticket is reversed, the system will generate a Cinch Grain Cost Variance report (IRGNDocUtilCostVariance).
      • If less than 100% of the ticket is reversed, the cost difference will be associated to the remaining quantity and treated as a purchase price variance when the ticket is settled.
      • If the discount schedule is different the net quantity will be recalculated.
      • DPR effect, decrease to Unpriced or Priced Company Owned and increase to the storage disposition.
        • If there is a net quantity change due to a discount schedule change, a DPR Physical Inventory Adjustment will also be made for the difference in net quantity.
    • If the move is from a storage assembly to a purchase assembly:
      • An inventory posting will be made to add moved quantity into inventory.
      • If the discount schedule is different the net quantity will be recalculated.
      • DPR effect – decrease to storage disposition and increase to the Unpriced Company Owned if the contract is unpriced or increase to the Priced Company Owned if the contract is priced.
        • If there is a net quantity change due to a discount schedule change, a DPR Physical Inventory Adjustment will also be made for the difference in net quantity.
      • If assembly from has Warehouse Receipt issued, only the available bushels can be moved.
    • If the move is from a storage assembly to a Spot contract:
      • A Spot Contract will be created and the moved ticket quantity will be applied. The Spot Contract will be closed.
      • An inventory posting will be made to add moved quantity into inventory.
      • If the discount schedule is different the net quantity will be recalculated.
      • DPR effect – decrease to storage disposition and increase to the Priced Company Owned.
        • If there is a net quantity change due to a discount schedule change, a DPR Physical Inventory Adjustment will also be made for the difference in net quantity.
    • If the move is from a purchase assembly and to purchase assembly:
      • If there is a quantity change due to difference in discount schedules which creates a quantity change, inventory will only be adjusted if the Branch Maintenance, Settlement IV Adjust checkbox is marked. The inventory adjustment will occur at settlement time.
  7. Miscellaneous processing notes:
    • Purchase Contract:
      • When moving from a Purchase contract, the delivered quantity for that delivery period and price records will be decreased by the quantity of the move. If contract was closed, system will re-open the contract.
      • When moving to a Purchase contract, the delivered quantity for that delivery period and price records will be increased by the quantity of the move. If contract is full, system will follow the overrun rules.
    • Ticket Details:
      • Negative ticket details will NOT be created. When the ticket or portion of the ticket is moved from a disposition or owner, the existing Ticket Detail will be recreated.
    • If the assembly has invoiced charges, user will be warned but the move will be allowed, but no Invoiced Program Charges or Discounts are transferred between the assemblies.
    • Program Charges calculated on the original Assembly will NOT be transferred to the Destination Assembly. System will calculate the program charges on the destination Assembly.

Storage Ownership Transfer

Transferring Storage OwnershipD2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual
  1. Open the Storage Ownership Transfer window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Assembly Sheets >>Assembly Ownership Entry)

This window limits the Assemblies that can be selected to Storage Type Assemblies. It provides the ability to select a joint assembly that requires splitting and it also allows for the Sale of stored grain to a 3rd party. The destination assemblies are created on the fly using the original assembly as a template.

  1. Select the assembly to transfer storage.

When an Assembly is selected that contains a grain split code the functionality to be performed will be limited to "Split the Assembly".

  1. The Origination information will default.
  2. Select the expansion button next to the Net Qty field in the Origination section to open the Tickets to Transfer window. This window gives the user an additional option to select the specific details to transfer to the 3rd party.

The "selected" details must EQUAL or exceed the quantity being transferred. Also, when transferring multiple tickets to a single "Transfer Ticket" it is possible to see a quantity variance, at the DPR level, for the transaction. As a way to keep assembly details in sync with the DPR a Rounding Adjustment entry may be made to the DPR Physical Inventory section. This adjustment is needed because of the zero decimal precision used in the DPR.

  1. The weighted average grades are displayed, and the destination values are editable and will be written to the Transfer Ticket applied to the destination assembly.
  2. Enter in the Transfer Qty
  3. Enter in the destination information.
  4. Select the process button to conduct the transfer.

Assembly Discount Schedule Maintenance

Changing Assemblies Discount Schedules
  1. D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualOpen the Assembly Disc Sched Maintenance window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Assembly Sheets >>Discount Schedule Change)

  1. Enter the Customer to change the discount schedule for.
  2. Enter the Commodity/Item that is on the assembly.
  3. Use the Assembly lookup or Assembly Select window to select the assembly(s) to change the discount schedule on.
  4. The scrolling window will fill with all of the tickets associated with the selected assemblies.
  5. Choose one of the following options:

To change only some of the tickets/assemblies discount schedules, enter or select the Disc Schedule to change directly in the Disc Schedule field on the line in the scrolling window.
 To do a mass change, and have all lines be the same discount schedule, enter or select a Discount Schedule in the Disc Schedule field at the top of the window. Select the Roll Down button. User will receive a prompt to roll down this Disc Sched. Say Yes to change the discount schedule on all of the tickets in the scrolling window.

  1. Choose Save to save the discount schedule changes. If the schedule change subtracted quantity from the assembly/ticket, the assembly will be automatically re-opened to allow the additional open quantity to be applied. If the quantity has been added to, the quantity overrun window will open asking if you want to apply it to the contract. Yes, when selected, the extra amount will be added to the contract. No, when selected the Contract Overrun window will be opened allowing user to apply it to a different assembly.

Grade Factor Average Entry

Entering Grade Averages or CompositesD2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

Allow Composite Grades and/or Grade Avg must be selected in the Branch Maintenance window in order to enter average/composite information for assemblies. For more information on the Branch Maintenance window, please see the CINCH Grain Software System Manual. User must also have selected the Allow Avg checkbox in Discount Detail Maintenance for the appropriate ranges.

  1. Open the Assembly Grade Factor Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Assembly Sheets >>Average Grades)

  1. Enter or select the Customer.
  2. Enter or select the Commodity.
  3. Ticket Date:
    • If no date is entered all tickets for the selected Assembly Sheet(s) will be displayed regardless of ticket date.
    • If a date is entered only tickets that meet the date restriction will be displayed allowing only those viewed to be averaged.
  4. Use the Assembly Lookup or choose the expansion button to open the Assembly Select window to choose the assemblies.

The Customer and Commodity/Item fields will be display only from the Assembly Grade Factor Average window.
The Available scrolling window will list all open and closed assemblies that have grain delivered against them.
Highlight the Assemblies to enter information for and choose Insert, or to use all of the assemblies, choose Insert All.
Choose OK to exit the window.

  1. Choose the Grade Factor to change from the drop down list provided.
  2. The scrolling window will fill with the selected assembly/ticket information. The original grade factors entered for the ticket will be displayed across the window. The lines will automatically be marked (x column) for averaging, but may be changed if necessary.

If a value is not in the range selected to Allow Avg in Discount Detail Maintenance, a ** will appear before the number and it will not be used in the averaging calculation.

  1. Choose one of the following options:

To Average, make sure all of the lines to average are marked, and choose Calculate Averages. The Average field at the bottom of the window will fill with each grade factor average value; the values in the scrolling window will stay at the originally entered values.
If Total Qty is selected as the Average Qty Option in the Branch Maintenance window, when averaging part of a split ticket, will receive a warning that the averages will be written to all of the split tickets, choose to exit or continue.
To enter Composite values, use the Composite fields at the bottom of each grade factor column to enter in the composite average.

  1. Mark the Use Value checkbox at the end of each column to use either the average or composite value.
  2. Choose Reset to go back to the original values.
  3. Choose Save to save changes.

Assembly Grade Discount Amount Adjustments

Adjusting Grade Discount Amounts
  1. D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualOpen the Discount Amount Maintenance window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Assembly Sheets>>Assembly Entry>>Expansion button next to the Net Discount Amount field)

  1. The Assembly, Item, Customer and Desc fields will default from the Assembly Entry window.
  2. The Reason and Comment fields will become available once an adjustment has been made.
  3. There are two ways to make adjustment.

To write off the full discount amount for a particular grade, simply choose the "0" checkbox.
To perform a partial discount adjustment, select a line in the scrolling window then select the expansion button next to Discount Adj field to open the Ticket Grade Discount Maintenance window. This window will display each ticket, attached to the assembly, with a discount amount for that grade and the ability to adjust multiple ticket discounts through an Adjustment roll down method to each individual ticket.

  • The Assembly, Customer, Grade Factor, Grade Desc, Item, and Desc will default from the Assembly Enter window.
  • Disc Adjust will default from the amount entered in the Discount Amount Maint, Discount Adj field.
  • Adjust How is a drop down list with the following options:
    • Grade Disc, the adjustment will be rolled down to each ticket base on the tickets share of the total discount. For example, if user enters an adjustment in the Discount Amount Maintenance window that represents say 30% of the discount amount then each tickets discount will be reduced by 30%.
      • The adjustment will occur on all tickets applied to the assembly only if the grade has a calculated discount or premium. If ticket has no discount calculated, then the pro-rated adjustment would be zero.
    • Net Qty, the adjustment will be rolled down to each ticket base on the tickets share of the total Net Quantity. For example, if user enters an adjustment in the Discount Amount Maintenance window that represents say $.02/ bushel (Adjustment amount / net Assembly delivered Qty) then each tickets discount will be reduced by $.02/ bushel.
      • The adjustment will occur on all tickets applied to the assembly regardless of the grade has a calculated discount or premium or no discount at all.
    • Rounding, the system will make the roll down equal to the Discount adjustment requested by adjusting the adjustment on one of the tickets to make the ticket total adjustment equal to the Assembly level adjustment requested.
    • User can override the rolled down adjustment on a ticket by ticket basis.
  • Select the Ok button to save and close this window.

If the Discount/Premium is based on a Commodity Grade, the system will display "QUALITY" in the Grade Factor column of the scrolling window.

  1. Select the Save button to save adjustments. The Net Disc Amt field, in the Assembly Entry window, will reflect the adjustments made.

Assembly/Ticket Split Entry

Splitting/Transferring a Ticket or Assembly after Delivery
  1. D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualOpen the Assembly/Ticket Split Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Scale Tickets >>Ticket Split)

  1. Enter or select the Customer.
  2. Enter or select the Commodity.
  3. Select Assembly or Ticket from the Document Type drop down list.
  4. Use the lookup to select the assembly or ticket.
  5. The Gross Qty will fill in when the ticket or assembly has been selected.
  6. Enter or select the batch to save this transaction to.
  7. Choose one of the following Transaction Types:

Percent Split (Available for both Assemblies and Tickets)

  • Enter or select the Split Code to use to split the transaction. The scrolling window will fill with the split information from the split code, showing the split percentage and quantities for each customer.
  • Conduct the following in the scrolling window:
  • Change the percentage amounts for the split customers. Split percentages must equal 100%.
  • Lookup and select the assembly to change for each split customer.
  • Choose Process to complete the split. User will receive the following warning message.

  • Quantity Split (Available only for Tickets)
  • Enter or select the Split Code to use to split the transaction. The scrolling window will fill with the split information from the split code, showing the split percentage and quantities for each customer.
  • Conduct the following in the scrolling window:
  • Change the split amounts for the split customers. Split amounts must equal 100%.

Lookup and select the assembly for each split customer.

  • Choose Process to complete the split. User will receive the same warning message as above.

Transfer (Available for both Assemblies and Tickets)

  • Enter or select the New Owner of the ticket/assembly. The scrolling window will fill with the new customer information.
  • Select the Assembly to assign the ticket to.
  • Choose Process to complete the transfer.
  1. Select the "X" button to close the window.

Scale Ticket Application and Posting

Scale Ticket Application and Posting

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualThis section explains the effects of scale ticket application to an assembly/contract and the scale ticket posting. This will include distribution accounts, inventory changes and DPR affects.

  1. Applying an Assembly to the Scale Ticket has the following affect:
    • The Assembly gross and net quantities are updated by the Scale Ticket amount.
    • If the Assembly has a Contract associated, the Contract delivered and remaining quantities are update by the Scale Ticket amount.
  2. Tickets must be posted from Batch Entry. (Transactions>Cinch Grain> Batch Entry). Posting the Scale Ticket has the following affects:
    • Creates an Inventory Adjustment Entry.
      • The Inventory account comes from the Item Account Maintenance for the item from the Scale Ticket. If this is not setup on the Item Account Maintenance the system will use the Inventory Control Account from the Posting Account Setup.
      • The Accrued Purchases account comes from Item Extensions Maintenance, Scale Accrued Purchase account for the item from the Scale Ticket.
    • Inventory on hand is increased by the posted Scale Ticket net amount.
    • DPR Receipts and In House Stock increase by the posted Scale Ticket net amount.
    • If the General Setup, Post Qty to Unit Account is set to Ticket Post, a PUnit entry will be created using the Purchase Unit Account from Item Extensions Maintenance, for the item from the Scale Ticket.
  3. When the Ticket Posting Process occurs, system will look at the Item Extensions, Non Grain Settlement checkbox.
    • When NON Grain Settlement checkbox is marked. An applied Assembly is NOT required for the ticket batch to be posted. It can have different functionalities:
      • Drop Ship, Inbound Ticket is marked as Direct Ship. (An Inbound Ticket created form the CinchX Excel Shipment Import 02 adapter). When the Ticket is posted the following will happen:
        • A GP Purchase Receipt will be created that can be matched to a POP Invoice.
        • The Inbound Ticket will be marked as Settled.
        • Inventory will not be increased because the Non Inventory flag on the GP Purchase Receipt line will be marked.
      • Purchase to Inventory, Inbound Ticket is not marked as Direct Ship. When the Ticket is posted the following will happen:
        • A GP Purchase Receipt will be created that can be matched to a GP Purchase Invoice.
        • The Inbound Ticket will be marked as Settled.
        • The Non Inventory flag on GP Purchase Receipt line will not be marked so when the GP Purchase Receipt is posted the Inventory will be updated.
      • Bulk Ticket has a Purchase Load Order associated to a Drop Ship Purchase Order the following will occur when the ticket is posted.
        • Inventory is updated. Cost will be the cost from the Drop Ship Purchase Order.
        • Inventory is updated. Cost will be the cost from the Drop Ship Purchase Order.
        • A GP Purchasing Invoice will be created and matched to the GP Purchasing Receipt.
    • When the NON Grain Settlement checkbox is not marked normal ticket posting process will occur. Inventory will be increased and the ticket will be settled.

Chapter 7:Storage

This chapter explains how to create warehouse receipts and perform assembly transfers to move grain from a storage disposition to a purchase disposition which will make it available for settlement. It also explains how to print warehouse receipts to provide proof of grain storage.
This chapter is divided into the following procedures:
Issuing a Warehouse Receipt

Canceling a Warehouse Receipt

Transferring an Assembly
D2HML|C1H Manual

Warehouse Receipt Entry

Warehouse Receipt EntryD2HML|C1H Manual

The Warehouse Receipt Entry window can be used to issue new or transfer existing warehouse receipts.

Issuing a Warehouse Receipt
  1. Open the Warehouse Receipt Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Warehouse Receipts)

  1. Choose a Receipt Type of Non Negotiable or Negotiable.
  2. Enter a Receipt Number.
  3. Enter or select the Customer.
  4. The expansion Button next to the customer name will open the Transfer History window. This window will display previous ownership transfers that may have taken place on a given warehouse receipt.

  1. Enter or select the Commodity Grade.
  2. Enter or select the Commodity.
  3. The Quality Class will default when the item is selected.
    • When assigned, the Quality Class defaults in from the Item Extensions Maintenance window.
  4. The Quality Sub Class field has been added for user selection.
    • The Quality Sub Class is validated with the Quality Class.
  5. To enter grade factor information that will be printed on the warehouse receipt, choose the expansion button next to the Desc field to open the Warehouse Receipts Grade window.

 The Grade Factors column will display all grade factors that are assigned to any tickets on the assemblies that make up the warehouse receipt. The Grade Factors will be displayed in entry order.
 The Apply Average Grades button will apply the values in the Average Grade column to the Grade Value column for each grade factor.
 Choose OK to exit and save changes.

  1. Highlight an Assembly in the Storage Assemblies scrolling window and click the Insert>> button to select the assembly for the Warehouse Receipt.
  2. Once an Assembly has been selected, the Receipt Qty can be changed in the Selected Assemblies scrolling window for a receipt not for the full assembly quantity
  3. Select a Quality Grade if applicable. If Commodity Grades have been set up to calculate Quality Grades, this field will populate automatically as assembly sheets are inserted into the Selected Assemblies scrolling window. The system will calculate a weighted average for the grade factors on the associated tickets and determine a Quality Grade. The Quality Grade field is editable by the user and the Quality Grade will be printed on the Warehouse Receipt.

In order for the Quality Grade to be calculated, the selected Assembly Sheets each need to have a discount schedule that contains discount details for each of the grades that are used in the quality grade calculations.

  1. Enter the Date Issued that will print on the receipt.
  2. Enter a Grain Deposit Date.
  3. Enter the Storage Paid date. The available assemblies will be displayed in the Storage Assemblies scrolling window. Choose the assembly to issue the receipt for and choose Insert.
  4. Choose Issue to issue the warehouse receipt.

Once a receipt has been issued, user will be unable to transfer the issued grain amount to a purchase assembly to make it available for settlement. Cancel the warehouse receipt to make it available.

  1. Choose the Printer icon to print two different warehouse receipts, if desired.
  2. Choose Transfer to transfer the current warehouse receipt to a different assembly with a different owner. The following window will open.

Transfer Date is the date on which the transfer is going to be made.
Transfer Assembly field is the storage assembly that the warehouse receipt is going to be reassigned to.
The Cancel button will just close the window with no changes being made.
The Process button will facilitate the transfer of ownership in the following way.

  • The transfer tickets records to move the quantities from one assembly to the other will be created.
  • The current warehouse receipt will be moved to history.
  • New records will be created to be placed in the open tables with the same warehouse receipt number but assigned to the new assembly and owner.
  • The warehouse receipt entry window will be refreshed with the new information and close the ownership transfer window.

The Transfer button will be disabled if the warehouse receipt is Non-Negotiable

Collateral Warehouse Receipt Entry

Issuing a Collateral Warehouse Receipt

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual A collateral warehouse receipt is created when a company issues a warehouse receipt to itself for the purpose of acquiring a bank loan. The warehouse receipt is issued against company owned grain and is tracked in the company owned section of the DPR.
Typically, Collateral Warehouse Receipts are used by the company itself to secure loans.

  1. Open the Collateral Warehouse Receipt Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Collateral
Warehouse Receipts)

  1. Choose a Receipt Type of Non Negotiable or Negotiable.
  2. Enter a Receipt Number.
  3. Enter or select a Customer Number. Typically the Customer will be the company itself for a Collateral Warehouse Receipt.
  4. Enter or select a Commodity.
  5. Enter or select a Commodity Grade of the commodity for the receipt.
  6. In the Receipt Quantity field, enter the quantity to be placed on the collateral receipt.
  7. Enter the Date Issued.
  8. Enter the Grain Deposit Date.
  9. Enter the Storage Paid Date.
  10. Enter or select a Comment ID which will print the pre-defined comment on the printed collateral receipt.
  11. In the Grade Factor scrolling window, enter the grade factor values for the commodity being put on collateral receipt.
  12. Click the Save button to save the collateral warehouse receipt.

No DPR transactions take place when the receipt is saved. The receipt must be issued for DPR transactions to take place.

  1. Click the Issue button to issue the collateral warehouse receipt. When the receipt is issued, the DPR will show an increase in the Whse Rcpts Collateral category of the Company Owned section.
  • After the receipt has been issued, the Issued checkbox will be displayed as checked.

Warehouse Receipt Cancellation

Canceling a Warehouse Receipt
  1. Open the Warehouse Receipt Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Warehouse Receipts)

  1. Lookup and select the warehouse receipt number to cancel.
  2. Choose Cancel. User will receive a message asking if you are sure you want to cancel the receipt. Choose OK to continue.

Canceling a Collateral Warehouse Receipt
  1. Open the Collateral Warehouse Receipt Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Collateral Warehouse Receipts)

  1. Lookup and select the receipt number to cancel.
  2. Choose Cancel. User will receive a message asking if you are sure you want to cancel the receipt. Choose OK to continue.

Transferring an Assembly

Please see Transferring an Assembly in Chapter 2: Scale Ticket & Assemblies.D2HML|C1H Manual

Chapter 8:Settlements

This chapter will explain how to create advances for customers. It will also show the different ways to create Settlements. There is the option to use Settlement Entry or Settlement Sweeps.
The Chapter is divided into the following sections:

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

Advance Entry

Advance EntryD2HML|C1H Manual

Advance Entry is used to calculate and process advances by Contract or for FSA advances. Advance will also include both Delivered and In Transit quantities to calculate the Advance Amount.

Creating an Advance
  1. Open the Advance Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Settlements>>Advance Entry)

  1. The Advance Number field will automatically display an advance number. This number was generated by the Next Number Maintenance function that was determined during setup.

See CINCH Grain Software System Manual for more information on document number maintenance.

  1. In the Customer field, enter or select a customer.
  2. A credit limit light icon will be displayed to help the user decide if to continue with the transaction.
  3. In the Contract Number field, enter or select an existing contract.
  4. Select the FSA check box, when an advance is to be created on behalf of the customer. When selected the Contract Number and Advance Percent fields become disabled because the advance is not be tied to a Contract, Price, or Delivered Quantity.
  5. Enter Comment, this will be printed on the check stub and is available for any type of advance.
  6. In the Batch Number field, enter or select a batch. The batch will be displayed in CINCH's Batch Entry window
  7. The Date field will display the User Date but it can be changed to indicate the correct date for the advance.
  8. Choose the Lien Holder button to open the Advance Lien Holder Maintenance screen.

  • This window will display any lien holders setup against the customer in Vendor Extensions Maintenance.
  • To remove a lien holder, highlight the one to remove and choose Edit>>Delete Row.
  1. Choose the Previous Payments button to open the Previous Advances and Settlements window. This window is display only showing any advances either in progress or posted. It also displays any posted or in progress settlements that may be occurring for the contract selected.

  1. The Contract Information Section is display only and displays information from the contract selected above.
    • Contract Item, displays the item assigned to the contract.
    • Contract Type, displays the contract type of the contract.
    • Contract Quantity, displays full quantity of the contract.
    • Delivered/In Transit Qty includes both Delivered and In Transit quantity applied to the contract.
    • The Delivered/In Transit Qty expansion button opens the Delivered/In Transit Quantities window.

            • Delivered Quantity is the delivered quantity, priced or unpriced, applied to the contract.
            • In Transit Quantity is the In Transit quantity, priced or unpriced, applied to the contract.
            • Total Delivered, displays the total of the Delivered and In Transit quantities.
    • Price/Multiple Prices,
      • If the contract has only one price line, this field will display the price of the contract.
      • If the contract has multiple price lines, this field will display an average of the priced lines.
    • Closed Date, displays the date the contract closed.
    • Contact Value, displays the value of the Contract Quantity multiplied by the Price or Multiple Prices value.
    • Delivered Value, displays the delivered priced value of the contract.
    • Max Advance Amt, displays the value of the Contract Value multiplied by the Maximum Percent value set in Advance Setup.
    • Previous Settlement, displays the value of settled quantities.
    • Previous Advances, displays the value of paid advances.
    • Net Dollars Due, displays the value of the Contract Value minus the Previous Settlement minus the Previous Advances.
    • Avail Advance Amount, displays the value of the Max Advance Amt minus the Previous Settlement minus the Previous Advances.
  1. The Advance Amount Section allows user to enter in the following information.
  • In the Advance Percent field, enter or accept the default percent to advance.
    • If the General Setup, Allow Advance Greater Than 100 Percent checkbox is marked, the user will receive a warning if the Advance Percent entered is higher than 100%.
  • In the Advance Amount field, enter or accept the default amount.
    • A negative or zero amount is not allowed.
    • The default amount is calculated based off the Net Dollars Due and the Advance Percent. If previous advances or settlements have been made and this amount does not suffice, the user can change the Advance Amount up to the Avail Advance Amt. If equal to the Avail Advance Amt and that amount is greater than the actual contract a warning is given when the save or post buton is selected to insure that it is what the user wants to do.
  • In the Remit to Vendor field, optionally enter an alternate vendor ID to identify the payee information. The voucher created will still be created for the customer. This field will replace the check name and address information on the check.
  • In the Check Name field, enter or accept the default name to use on the check. This name defaults to either the customer selected for the advance or the remit to customer.
  • In the Create a Check on the Fly checkbox, enter a check mark to create a check on the fly.
  1. The Net Dollars Due and Delivered Value will include Program Charges if the Include Program Charges is selected in Advance Setup
  2. Distribution button opens the Advance Accounts window to allow the user to enter/modify the accounts used when creating the advance check.
    • System will look for an item specific Advance account and AP account (Item Extensions Maintenance>Additional> Added Accounts), when present those accounts will be defaulted. If the Advance account is not defined per item the Advance Account from Advance Setup will be used.
  3. Click the Printer button to print an Advance Voucher.

For Advance Voucher printing options please refer to the CINCH Grain Software System Manual.

  1. Choose Save to save the advance to the batch.
  2. Choose Post to post the advance individually. If create a check on the fly is selected, the Payables Transaction Entry window will open and ask for the appropriate checkbook information to create the check.

Posted Advances create a Microsoft Dynamics GP Payables Transaction. For information on Microsoft Dynamics GP Payables please see the Microsoft Dynamics GP documentation.

Assembly Advance Entry

Assembly Advance EntryD2HML|C1H Manual

Assembly Advance Entry will be used to calculate and process advances by Assembly Sheet, it will include both Delivered and In Transit quantities to calculate Advance Amount.

Creating an Assembly Advance
  1. Open the Assembly Advance Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Settlements>> Advance by Assembly Entry)

  1. Advance Number, will automatically display an advance number, generated by the Next Number Maintenance function that was determined during setup.
    • Only Assembly based advances can be issued/modified from this screen.
  2. Enter or Select the Customer the advance is for.
    • Selecting customer will limit the Assembly lookup by customer.
  3. A credit limit light icon will be displayed to help user decide to continue with the transaction.
  4. Assembly Number, select an existing assembly the advance will be written against.
    • User will be warned if there are existing Contract Advances for the selected assembly.
  5. Contract Number will default from the selected Assembly if one exists.
  6. Barge – Voyage Nmbr is populated when Advance is associated to a Barge.
  7. Comment, is a user defined comment that will be printed on the check stub.
  8. Choose the Lien Holder button to open the Advance Lien Holder Maintenance screen.

  • The window will display any lien holders setup against the customer in Vendor Extensions Maintenance.
  • To remove a lien holder, highlight the one to remove and choose Edit>>Delete Row.
  1. Choose the Previous Payments button to open the Previous Advances and Settlements window. This window is display only showing any advances either in progress or posted. It also displays any posted or in progress settlements that may be occurring for the contract selected.

  1. Batch Number, the advance batch to assign the transaction to. The batch will be displayed in CINCH's Batch Entry window.
  2. Date, will display the User Date but it can be changed to indicate the correct date for the advance.
  3. Item will default from the selected Assembly.
  4. The Assembly Information section displays information from the selected assembly:
    • Delivered Quantity:
      • Priced, net quantity of inbound tickets assigned to the assembly that are associated with a contract price line that is priced.
      • Unpriced, net quantity of inbound tickets assigned to the assembly that does not have a contract price assigned to it.
    • In Transit Quantity:
      • Priced, net quantity of in transit tickets assigned to the assembly that are associated with a contract price line that is priced.
      • Unpriced, net quantity of in transit tickets assigned to the assembly that does not have a contract price assigned to it.
    • Total, displays the total of Delivered and In Transit Quantities.
    • Price:
      • Priced, if only one price is assigned to Total Priced quantity the price will be displayed. If there are multiple prices assigned to Total Priced quantity *Multiple* will be displayed.
      • Unpriced, user is allowed to enter a price to use for the Total Unpriced quantities to come up with an assembly value.
    • Assembly Value:
      • Priced, the Total Quantity multiplied by the Price.
      • Unpriced, the Total Quantity multiplied by the Price.
    • Total Assembly Value is the Assembly Price Value plus Assembly Unpriced Value.
    • Assembly Discounts, total of all ticket discounts for all tickets assigned to the assembly, both inbound scale tickets and in transit tickets.
    • Program Charges, all program charges assigned to the assembly that are not In Transit.
    • Previous Advances, will display the total Assembly Advances that may have already been made against the selected assembly.
    • Net Dollars Due, is the Total Assembly Value, less Assembly Discounts, Program Charges and Previous Advances.
  5. The Advance Amount section allows user to enter in the following information:
    • Advance Percent, enter the percent of the Net Dollars Due to advance.
    • Advance Amount:
      • This is calculated, Net Dollars Due times Advance Percentage, but user can override this by entering an amount.
      • User can enter an advance amount that exceeds the Net Dollars Due.
    • Remit to Vendor, optionally enter an alternate vendor ID to identify the payee information. The voucher created will still be created for the customer. This field will replace the check name and address information on the check.
    • Check Name, enter or accept the default name to use on the check. This name defaults to either the customer selected for the advance or the remit to customer.
    • Create a check on the fly checkbox:
      • Checkbox is available only if a Batch Number is not assigned.
      • When marked:
        • The Payables Transaction Entry window will open and ask for the appropriate checkbook information to create the check.
        • Allows a payable check to be created on-the-fly and post the payables batch through Accounts Payable.
  6. Distribution button opens the Advance Accounts window to allow the user to enter/modify the accounts used when creating the advance check.
    • System will look for an item specific Advance account and AP account Advance Account (Item Extensions Maintenance>Additional> Added Accounts), when present those accounts will be defaulted. If the Advance account is not defined per item the Advance Account from Advance Setup will be used.
  7. Save button will save a new advance or changes made to an existing advance.
  8. Clear button will clear any changes made and gets the window ready for a new entry.
  9. Delete button will delete an existing advance.
  10. Post button will post the advance on the fly and creates an AP transaction.

Posted Assembly Advances create a Microsoft Dynamics GP Payables Transaction. For information on Microsoft Dynamics GP Payables please see the Microsoft Dynamics GP documentation.

  1. Click the Printer button to print the Advance Voucher Assembly report.

Settlement Entry

Settlement EntryD2HML|C1H Manual

The Settlement Entry window can be used to create a settlement for a single customer. User also has the ability to create deferred settlements and split settlements. To do a partial settlement, it is recommended that user do one of the three following options:

  • Create an Advance for the desired dollar amount.
  • Perform a transfer on-the-fly by selecting the expansion button on the Net Amount field. This will allow user to do a settlement on a specific number of bushels.
  • Do a Split Settlement to settle a specific dollar amount for each customer

Creating a Settlement
  1. Open the Settlement Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Settlements>>Settlement Entry)

  1. The Settlement field will automatically display a settlement number. This number was generated by the Next Number Maintenance function that was determined during setup.

See the CINCH System Manual for more information on document number maintenance. For information on the Deferred checkbox see Creating a Deferred Settlement section.

  1. Select the Branch Level. Once the user makes a branch selection the screen will "remember" the user's preference during the Settlement Entry session. The drop down list options are:
    • Current Branch, this is the default selection.
    • My Branches or All Branches
      • If Branch Security is enabled – only assemblies will be displayed for the branches the user has access to.
      • If Branch Security is not enabled – assemblies for all branches will be displayed.
  2. Select the Print Opt, the Settlement Detail that will be printed. The setting defaults from the Purchase Contract User Setup. This drop down list options are:
  • Settlement – The system will default to this option if nothing is setup in the Purchase Contact User Setup.
  • Grain Detail – select this option to print a Detailed Grain Settlement.
  • Bulk Detail – select this option to print a Detailed Bulk Settlement.

A RW Function has been created that will provide the ability to include the lien holder(s) that will subsequently be printed on the grain check to be included on the settlement sheet. (Settlement, Grain Detail, and Bulk Detail reports) When printing the settlement sheet from Settlement Entry, up to three lien holders for the specified Vendor ID, Commodity, and date range will be included on the modified settlement sheet.

  1. Mark the Print Grain Summary checkbox, to have the Customer Grain Summary Report automatically printed when the Settlement Sheet report is printed.
  2. The Date field will display the User Date but may be changed if necessary.
  3. Enter or select a Customer.
    • The Customer Assemblies Exist visual indicator will display next to the credit limit icon if assemblies exist for the selected customer in other branches.
    • The Advances exist for this Customer visual indicator will display next to the Less Advanced field when the selected Customer has any open advances in any branch.
    • The Customer Lookup button will display a drop down list.
      • All – Opens the Grain Supplier Lookup window.
      • Open – Opens the Settlement Pending Growers window. This window displays all the customers that have assemblies that are pending settlement.
  4. A credit limit light icon will be displayed to help user decide to continue with the transaction.
  5. The Checkbook ID will default from Branch Maintenance when the Create Check checkbox is selected.
    • If Branch Maintenance is not setup the Checkbook ID will default from Payables Management Setup.
  6. Create Check checkbox:
    • Checkbox will only be available if the User Extensions, Post Settlements Through AP is enabled for the selected user.
    • When selected and posting from Settlement Entry, allows a payable check to be created on-the-fly and post the payables batch through Accounts Payable.
    • When selected and saved to a batch, the Checkbook ID and/or Create Check checkbox are not saved to the batch, they will need to be reselected there.
    • Branch Maintenance, Grain Check Print Option works in conjunction with the Branch Maintenance, Grain Check Report Option to determine if the report(s) will be printed, emailed or a combination of both during settlement check printing. Refer to Branch Maintenance within the Cinch Grain Software System Manual for more information.
  7. In the Batch field, enter or select a batch. A batch groups settlements for processing at a later date. The batch can be edited in CINCH's Batch Entry window. Use the Printer Icon to print a Batch Edit List.
  8. In the Check Name field, enter or accept the default name to use on the check when user chooses to post and create an AP check on-the-fly.
  9. Select the Filter by Commodity, All Commodities or Commodity.
    • All Commodities, this is the default selection.
    • Commodity:
      • When the Customer is selected the dropdown list will get populated with the commodities according to the listed Available Assemblies.
      • When an Assembly is selected to settle, the drop down list will automatically restrict to the commodity of the selected assembly.
      • If the Remove All button is selected, the drop down list will revert back to All Commodities.
      • If the Settlement Pending Grower lookup is used to select a Customer, the item of the selected line will be set in the Filter Commodity drop down.
  10. Mark the Include Zero Value Checkbox for Assemblies with gross dollars but a net value of zero to be displayed and available to settle.
  11. The Available scrolling window displays all available assemblies to be settled for the customer selected.
    • When Posted Quantity is less than the Net Qty indicates that unposted tickets exist on the Assembly.
  12. To settle an Assembly, highlight it and choose Insert, or to settle all assemblies in the available window, choose Insert All.
    • Insert Assembly process will check for In Transit Quantity applied to the selected assembly, if present the Delivered Quantity is required to be transferred to a new assembly prior to selecting the assembly for settlement.
  13. The To Settle scrolling window will fill with all assemblies selected.
  14. The Gross Amount, Discounts/Premiums, Programs Amount, Taxes, Advanced, and Net Settlement Amount fields will fill with the appropriate totals once assemblies are selected to be settled. User may choose one of the following options to view more information:
  • Choose the expansion button next to Programs Amount to open the Program Detail Inquiry window. This will display the details about the program, including if it was previously invoiced from the Invoice Grain Charges Entry window.

  • Choose the expansion button next to Taxes to open the Tax Details window.

  • Choose the expansion button next to Advanced to open the Advanced Amount Detail window.

  • Advances associated to the customer for all branches are displayed.
  • Assembly Number:
    • Will be populated if the Advance was created from Advance by Assembly.
    • Will not be populated if the Advance was created from Advance Entry.
  • The FSA checkbox will be marked to reflect a FSA Advance.
    • When creating a settlement the system will automatically select any FSA advance(s) up to the amount of the settlement for satisfaction by commodity and customer.
    • The Advance Comment can be viewed by expanding the line.
  • To settle an advance amount less than the full Advance amount; enter an amount in the Settle Amount field. User cannot enter an amount greater than the Advanced Amount.
  • Choose OK to save changes.
  1. Choose the Lien Holder button to open the Advance Lien Holder Maintenance screen. In this screen user can view/edit the lien holders the system has selected based on what was setup for the customer. To delete lien holders simply highlight the lien holder and select Edit>>Delete Row.
    • Settlements containing liens will alert the user by changing the Lien Holders button text to RED and BOLD.
    • Settlements without lien holders will remain the standard system color.
  2. Select the Print Icon to choose the appropriate report. Report list includes:
    • Assembly Sheet – All
      • Before printing, the Program Charges will be calculated so they are up to date.
    • Assembly Sheet – Inbound
      • Before printing, the Program Charges will be calculated so they are up to date.
    • Assembly Sheet – Net
      • Before printing, the Program Charges will be calculated so they are up to date.
    • Settlement Sheet
    • Deferred Contract
    • Edit List
    • Grain Summary, which prints the Customer Grain Summary report. Refer to Customer Grain Summary Report for more information on this report.

The Settlement must be saved to print the assembly or settlement sheet.

  1. To email a document, select the Email Icon and select the report to email.
    • Depending on how the Cinch Vendor E-mail Options is setup, e-mail addresses will be determined one of two ways:
      • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Enabled checkbox is marked and Settlements is marked, addresses will be based on the addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window.
        • If there are no addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window then the system will behave the same as if the Disabled checkbox is marked
      • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Disabled checkbox is marked and Settlements is marked, addresses will be determined based on the following:
        • When the Settlement Sheet is selected, the document will be emailed to the Vendor Maintenance, Purchase address ID.
        • If the user selects any of the Assembly reports, the selected document will be emailed to the Vendor Maintenance, Ship From address ID.
    • The email message and format of the attachment are based on the Vendor Maintenance, Cinch Vendor E-mail Options setup.
  2. To Post directly from Settlement Entry, select the Create Check checkbox to create a payable check on-the-fly.
    • With Create Check checkbox marked when the settlement is posted the following will occur:
      • Settlement Creates AP Voucher.
      • Assemblies and Tickets are updated.
      • Unit Accounts Journal is created.
      • Advances collected are cleared.
      • AP Batch is posted.
      • AP Journals print.
      • AP Check Batch is created on the fly.
      • Check(s) are created for the Vouchers created.
        • During the settlement post process, a check will be created for each split customer.
      • Print Payables Checks screen opens with an auto-generated batch, user is allowed to print and post the grain checks.
    • During check printing process the Settlement Sheet and the Grain Summary Report(s) that get printed are based on the Branch Maintenance, Grain Check Print Option setting.
      • Payables Transaction Entry and Payable Check Entry windows each have an Additional button with the following drop down options:
        • Print Settlement Docs, when selected the Settlement Sheet and the Grain Summary Report(s) that get printed are based on the Branch Maintenance, Grain Check Print Option setting.
          • If the check has not been printed the user will be prompted "The Settlement has not been paid and will be included in the Grain Summary Unpaid column."
        • Settlement/Advance Inquiry, when selected opens the Settlement Inquiry Zoom window for user to view the settlement associated to the voucher.
  3. Choose save to save the settlement to a batch.
  4. Choose Post to post the settlements individually.

The batch name must be removed to post the settlement manually.
In CINCH, it is possible to enter a zero dollar ($0.00) settlement to help clean up pending grain activities.

  1. Posting the settlement creates a Microsoft Dynamics GP Payables Transaction.
    • The distributions from the settlement are as follows:
      • The Inventory account comes from the Item Account Maintenance for the item from the Scale Ticket. If this is not setup on the Item Account Maintenance the system will use the Inventory Control Account from the Posting Account Setup.
      • The Accrued Purchases account comes from Item (Item Extensions Maintenance, Commodity Accounts) Scale Accrued Purchase account for the item from the Scale Ticket.
      • The Payables Account comes from the Item (Item Extensions Maintenance, Commodity Accounts) if the Payables Account is not defined for the item the vendor standard Accounts Payable account will be used.
      • The Advance Account comes from the Item (Item Extensions Maintenance, Commodity Accounts) if the Advance Account is not defined for the item the prepay account from Prepay Setup will be used.
      • The Program charge or premium accounts come from the Program Detail Maintenance setup for the selected Program ID.
      • In the event a settlement results in a debit memo, the Receivables Account comes from the Item (Item Extensions Maintenance, Commodity Accounts) if the Receivables Account is not defined for the item the customer standard Account Receivable account will be used.
    • Cross Branch Settlements will be handled as follows:
      • Distributions will be created as if the Assembly sheets were settled separately in their own branch.
      • Grade discounts will generate a GL distribution for the branch in which the applied assembly exists.
      • When an account does not exist at the branch level, existing functionality will be used to figure the GL distribution.
      • The Daily Position Report (DPR) will be affected by the net quantity of each assembly increasing the Deferred/Payable Balance and decreasing the Priced Balance of the given Branch.
    • If the General Setup, Post Qty to Unit Account is set to Settlement Post, a PUnit entry will be created using the Purchase Unit Account from Item Extensions Maintenance, for the item from the Scale Ticket

For information on Microsoft Dynamics GP's Payables please see the Microsoft Dynamics GP documentation.

Partial Settlement on a Basis or Price Later Contract

To complete a settlement on an assembly that you have only partially priced, use the Assembly Transfer Entry window to create a new assembly for the priced part of the assembly.

  1. Open the Settlement Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Settlements>>Settlement Entry)

  1. Enter the Settlement Date.
  2. Enter the Customer to settle with.
  3. Choose the arrow button next to the Net Amount column in the Available scrolling window to open the Assembly Transfer Entry window. Refer to Transferring an Assembly for more information on this window.
  4. After the Transfer has been processed the new assembly will now be available in Settlement Entry to finish settling. The original assembly will be adjusted to reflect the transfer.

Splitting a Settlement
  1. Open the Settlement Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Settlements>>Settlement Entry)

  1. Enter the Settlement Date.
  2. Enter the Customer to settle with.
  3. Choose the expansion button next to the customer to open the Customer Details window.

  • The Customer ID and Customer Name are display only and will show the original settlement customer.
  • The Tax Schedule ID will default from the Vendor Maintenance window, but may be changed if necessary. The expansion button will open the Tax Details window, to view detailed tax information.
  • Enter or select the Split ID. The expansion button will open the Settlement Splits window showing the check amount for each split partner and allowing user to adjust the name that will appear on the check. User is also able to enter a specific check amount for each split customer, thus creating a split on the fly if desired. A split on the fly, will display MANUAL back in the Customer Details window.

  1. Finish completing the steps to create the settlement.
    • When using customer/vendor account segments, during the posting process the vendor segment will be based on the vendor that owns the tickets for all split partners.

When printing the edit list, the split owners will be listed, and when the batch is posted, the multiple split checks will be ready to be printed from Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Report writer function RW_GetSettlementVoucher, can be used to return the Voucher for a split settlement. The parameters passed in are Settlement Number and Vendor ID.

Deferred Settlements

Deferred Settlements

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualThis section explains how to create and process Deferred Settlements.

Creating a Deferred Settlement

For deferred contracts and assemblies that have delivered grain against them, user can choose to create a deferred settlement, which will enable your customer to receive income in a different tax period.

  1. Open the Settlement Entry window.(Transactions>>Cinch Grain >>Purchase/Inbound/Settlements>>Settlement Entry)
  2. Enter or select the Settlement Date.
  3. Enter or select the Customer.
  4. Mark the Deferred checkbox to open the Deferred Contract Details window.

  • Enter the Deferred Contract Prefix
  • The Deferred Contract Numeric Segment will default in, but may be changed if necessary.
  • The Deferred Contract Number is display only and will be the Deferred Contract Prefix + the Deferred Contract Numeric Segment.
  • Enter the Deferred To Date.
  • Choose OK to save changes and close the window
  1. The Assembly Available scrolling window will now contain the deferred assembly. Choose to Insert it for settlement.
  2. Choose Post or Save as needed.
  • When a user saves a Deferred Settlement no DPR entries will be written. The DPR will only be affected if the Deferred Settlement is posted to the Deferred Settlement Process screen.
    • A settlement that is marked as Deferred cannot be split and a settlement that is split cannot be marked as Deferred.
  • When the user Posts a Deferred Settlement it creates a DPR transaction that reduces Unpaid Priced and increases Unpaid Deferred.
  • A General Leger transaction is created when the Deferred Settlement is posted. The Payables Transaction will not be created until the Deferred Settlement is processed.
    • The Inventory account comes from the Item Account Maintenance for the item from the Scale Ticket. If this is not setup on the Item Account Maintenance the system will use the Inventory Control Account from the Posting Account Setup.
    • The Deferred Payable account comes from Item Extensions Maintenance, Deferred AP Account for the item from the Scale Ticket.
    • The Program charge or premium accounts come from the Program Detail Maintenance setup for the selected Program ID.
  • If the General Setup, Post Qty to Unit Account is set to Settlement Post, a PUnit entry will be created using the Purchase Unit Account from Item Extensions Maintenance, for the item from the Scale Ticket.

Processing a Deferred Settlement

This allows users to create vouchers for all deferred settlements that have not been transferred to the accounts payable module.

  1. Open the Deferred Settlement Process window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Settlements>>Deferred Settlement Process)

  1. Batch Field can be entered or selected. This field must be populated before processing. This is an AP Batch that the vouchers will be created in.
  2. Create Check Field, this checkbox is for creating a check "on the fly" for a deferred settlement. The checkbox can only be selected if only one Settlement is selected in the scrolling window.
  3. Range Field, this drop down will allow users to select different restrictions that will limit what Settlements are shown in the scrolling window. Restriction options are Settlements, Deferred Date, and Customer.
  4. From and To Fields, these fields work in conjunction with the Range. They are what the starting and ending value will be for the Range entered.
  5. The Calculate Premium Adjustment values will default from the values entered in Branch Maintenance, Deferred Settlement Premium, but the values can be edited.
    • Premium Adjustments can be calculated for multiple transactions by selecting transactions and clicking the Calculate button in the header section or Premium Adjustments can be calculated per transaction by expanding the scrolling window and clicking the Calculate button on the line.
    • When the Calculate button is clicked the system will calculate the Adjustment Amount based off the values entered.
      • System will calculate on the Net Settlement Amount.
      • System will figure the number of days, not including the first day but will include the last day.
      • System will calculate using a 365 day year.
    • The calculated Adjustment Amount can be overwritten.
  6. Mark All button, this will select all Settlements shown in the scrolling window.
  7. Unmark All button, this will unselect all Settlements in the scrolling window.
  8. Scrolling window, this will allow the user to select specific Settlements and will have a Drill Back option on the Settlement Number. It will also allow the user to Expand the view and see amounts that relate to the Settlement.
  • Adjustment Amount, this is the amount of any adjustment that is needed to the settlement since it was originally deferred.
  • Adjustment Account, this is the General Ledger that the adjustment will be written to.
  • Description, this is used as the distribution reference for the adjustment distribution.
  • Lien Holder button, when the settlement is selected, the lien holder files will be checked to see if the customer has a lien on the commodity on the settlement. If there is a lien holder for the settlement the button will be enabled, otherwise it is not present.
  1. Process button, will take all the Settlements Selected and create an Account Payable voucher for them.
  • The Payables Transaction accounts, created from the process are as follows:
    • The Accrued Purchases account comes from Item Extensions Maintenance, Scale Accrued Purchase account for the item from the Scale Ticket.
    • The Deferred Payable account comes from Item Extensions Maintenance, Deferred AP Account for the item from the Scale Ticket.
  • When the account payable check is posted it creates a DPR transaction that reduces Unpaid Deferred and Increases Paid.
  1. Redisplay button, will take into account the Range restrictions and repopulate the scrolling window.
  2. Defaults button, will open the Adjustment Defaults window which is used to enter a default account and description for the adjustment distribution. This will be populated if an Adjustment Amount is entered on the scrolling window.

Settlement Sweeps

Settlement SweepsD2HML|C1H Manual

  1. Open the Settlement Sweeps Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Settlements>> Settlement Sweep)

  1. The scrolling window will automatically fill with all assemblies that are available to be settled that were entered on or before the user date.
  2. Enter or select a Settlement Batch that the settlements will be saved to.
  3. To narrow down the displayed settlements by Item or Customer, enter the restrictions and choose Refresh.
  4. Select a Payment Priority, to filter by the Vendor Maintenance Options, Payment Priority.
  5. Select the Spot Contracts Only checkbox to restrict the display to spot contracts.
  6. Select Complete Contracts Only checkbox to filter settlements to include only those assemblies tied to purchase contracts where the open quantity on the contract is negative or zero.
  7. Select Included Deferred to include Deferred Contracts.
  8. Mark the Select checkbox to choose which assemblies to settle, or use Mark All or Unmark All to choose every assembly.
  9. Choose Process to create the settlements.
    • Settlements will be created based on order of the Customer Number.
  10. Go to Batch Entry and print all of the Settlement Sheets that were created before posting the batch to Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Advance Repayments

Advance RepaymentsD2HML|C1H Manual

Advance Repayments will create a receivable debit memo for an advance repayment.

Advance Repayment Settlements
  1. Open the Settlement Entry window.

(Transactions>Purchase/Inbound>Settlements>Settlement Entry)

  1. Enter the Settlement Date.
  2. Enter the Customer to settle with.
  3. Choose the expansion button next to Advanced to open the Advanced Amount Detail window to select advance(s).
    • When the amount of the advance(s) selected exceeds the amount of the Assemblies being settled a warning will prompt the user, "The selected advances exceed the assemblies being settled. Do you want to recover the advance?"
      • Yes will return user to Settlement Entry with the advance selected. Net Settlement Amount will display a negative amount.
        • A Customer/Vendor relationship is required in order to process A/R Transactions. The user will be prompted if the relationship does not exist.
      • No returns user to the Advanced Amounts Details to select a different advance or remove advance selection.
  4. When a negative amount settlement is Posted, a Receivable Transaction will be created and placed in an A/R Batch.
  5. The Receivable Transaction created:
    • The Document Type is Debit Memo.
    • The Document Number will be the next available based on setup.
    • Description is Repaying Advances.
    • The Document Date is the Settlement Date.
    • Debit amount is the Net Settlement Amount.
    • The distributions for the debit memo are as follows:
      • Credit account – general ledger account on the advance.
      • Debit account – general ledger account, will use the following hierarchy:
        • Customer Account Maintenance/Accounts Receivable account, if empty:
        • Posting Account Setup/Sales/Accounts Receivable, if empty:
        • Leaves account empty.
      • If the selected settlement includes an assembly the settlement distributions will also be used.
    • When the receivables transaction is posted, it will write the debit memo number to the Settlement:
      • If the selected transaction also includes an Assembly the DPR will update and move the quantity from Deferred to Paid at the time of posting.
      • If no Assembly is included in the transaction no resulting DPR update will occur.
  6. When the advance is fully repaid the advance will be marked as settled and no longer available to be selected on a settlement.

Manual Payments

Manual PaymentsD2HML|C1H Manual

When a manual payment is made for a settlement, application to the settlement voucher needs to be made on the manual payment (not at a later time) in order for the settlement distributions to correctly populate the manual payment distributions.

Voiding a Settlement

Voiding a SettlementD2HML|C1H Manual

Settlement Void allows the voiding of a settlement without voiding the voucher. When a settlement is voided, a special advance is created for the customer that can then be applied to the new settlement. This process is intended for when changes of large dollar amounts are made requiring recalculation of program charges or discounts on assembly sheets after a settlement check has been cashed.

Voiding Settlements
  1. Open the Settlement Void Maintenance window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Routines>>Cinch Grain>> Settlement Void)

  1. In the Settlement Number field, select the settlement that is to be voided.
  2. The Customer field will automatically display the customer attached to the settlement selected.
  3. The AP Voucher field will automatically display the AP Voucher of the settlement being voided.
  4. In AP Offset Acct, select which account to use for the AP Offset Account is to be used, or use the default one provided.
  5. In GL Batch, select or enter a General Ledger Batch for the settlement void transaction.
  6. Settled On, Posted On, and Posted By fields will all be populated automatically with information from the selected settlement.
  7. Advance Cleared will display any advance amount that was cleared by the selected settlement.
  8. Net Settlement Amt will display the amount of the settlement being voided.
  9. The Assemblies that comprise the selected settlement will be displayed in the scrolling window.
  10. Select the Void button to process and void the selected settlement.

When the settlement is voided, an Advance for the amount of the voided settlement is created for the customer. After corrections and re-calculations of assembly sheets have been completed, the new Advance will be displayed in the Less Advanced field of the new Settlement in the Settlement Entry window. The original settlement amount (Less Advanced amount) will then be subtracted from the new gross amount to produce the new Net Settlement Amount for the corrected settlement.
Voided Settlements can be viewed in the Settlement Inquiry window. Any voided settlements will be displayed with an "*" behind the settlement number.

Corrections to Posted Settlements

Corrections to Posted Settlements

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualThe following are additional ways corrections can be made to posted settlements depending on the state of the transaction.

Deleting an Unposted Payables Voucher

In the event an error is found on the posted settlement, deleting an unposted Payables Transaction will also delete the posted settlement. This will allow the assemblies to be settled again. (Transactions>Purchasing> Transaction Entry).

Void Open Payables Transactions

In the event an error is found on a posted Payable Transaction prior to printing the check, voiding an Open Payables Transaction will also delete the posted settlement. This will allow the assemblies to be settled again. (Transactions>Purchasing> Void Open Payables Transaction).

Void Historical Payables Transactions

In the event an error is found on the Payables Transaction after the check is printed, deleting a Historical Payables Transaction will delete the check and move the Payable Transaction back to an open status. The check can be reprinted or the Open Payable Transaction can be voided to also delete the posted settlement. This will allow the assemblies to be settled again. (Transactions>Purchasing> Void Historical Transaction).
For information on Microsoft Dynamics GP Payables please see the Microsoft Dynamics GP documentation.

Chapter 9: Invoicing Grain Charges

This chapter will explain how to create to separately invoice grade factors or program charges. The chapter is divided into this section:

D2HML|C1H Manual

Invoice Charges Entry

Invoice Charges EntryD2HML|C1H Manual

The Invoice Charges Entry window can be used to create separate invoices for Grade Factors or Program Charges.

Invoicing Grade Factors or Program Charges
  1. Open the Invoice Charges Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Invoice Grain Charges)

  1. Choose one of the following options from the Change Type drop down list:

To invoice a Grade Factor, choose Grade Factor from the Charge Type drop down. Then enter or select the Grade Factor ID.
To invoice a Program Charge, choose Program Detail from the Charge Type drop down. Then enter or select the Program ID.

  1. The Assembly Status will default to Open & Closed but may be changed to include only open or closed assemblies as desired.
  2. Enter or select the SOP Batch Number that the charges will be saved to.
  3. Enter or select a Comment ID that will print on the invoice.
  4. The Billing Date will default with the system date, but may be changed if necessary.
  5. The Accrue to Date will default to the system date, but may be changed if necessary. This will allow user to invoice charges for an accruing storage charge before it has taken place.
  6. Enter the Minimum Invoice Amount, any amount smaller than this will not be invoiced at this time.
  7. Select the Shipping Method.
  8. The Site ID will default from Outbound Setup; if none is entered there it will look to General Setup. The Site entered will be validated against the item assigned to the program charge or discount being invoiced.
  9. If desired, user can enter range restrictions based on the following options:

Assembly Number
Assembly Date
 Commodity

  1. Choose Redisplay to show all available charges that can be invoiced.
    • There must be a Customer – Vendor Linking defined before the customer's charges will be displayed.
  2. Mark Show Zero Amounts to see Net Amounts of zero. This would show any assemblies with that have already been fully invoiced from this window.
  3. Mark Detailed Invoice for the invoice to be printed with ticket information. The system will print the invoice using the IRGNInvoiceTicketsForm layout instead of IRSOPBlankInvoiceForm or IRSOPLongInvoiceForm layouts. The last two layouts depend on settings in the Sales Setup window.
  4. Choose Calculate to show the charge amounts that need to be invoiced.
  5. If a charge had previously been partially invoiced, user may highlight the line and choose the expansion button in the Prev Invoiced field to open the Previously Invoiced Charges window. This window will display the invoice number, the date and the amount that was previously invoiced.

  1. Enter an Adjustment amount, if desired. This will increase/decrease the Net Amount that will be invoiced.
  2. The Net Amount will default with the full amount that needs to be invoiced, but to invoice a different amount, you may enter it. The Adjustment column will change appropriately.
  3. One Invoice Per Customer checkbox, when selected the process takes all of a customer's assemblies being billed and place them on a single invoice document.
  4. Choose Process to invoice the charges. A Microsoft Dynamics GP SOP Invoice has been created, and user is now able to print the invoice that will be sent to the customer.

Chapter 10:DRC Processing

This chapter contains information on DRC Processing. D2HML|C1H Manual

DRC Process

DRC Processing
  1. D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualOpen the DRC Process window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Contracts>>DRC Process)

  1. Enter or select a Customer.
  2. Enter or select a Batch.
  3. Enter a Price Date.
  4. The scrolling window is display only and will display contract and pricing information for the customer.
  5. Select the contracts to get price records for by marking the x column, or using Mark All or Unmark All.
  6. Choose Get Pricing to get prices for the contracts.
  7. Choose Process to create price records for the contracts.

Part 3:Sales Procedures

This part explains how to enter sales contracts, create load orders and shipments, and create invoices based off of the load shipments.
Chapter 11: Sales Contracts & Load Orders, explains how to enter and utilize sales contracts that will be used to generate loads and invoice shipments.
Chapter 12: Shipping, explains how to create load shipment tickets for single loads and unit trains.
Chapter 13: Cross Country Trading, explains how a cross country trading operation can use CINCH Grain to speed data entry.
Chapter 14: Invoicing & Advances, explains how to create invoices and advances based on shipments created in Load Shipping Entry.
Chapter 15: Bulk Transfers, explains how to use the Bulk Transfer Entry window to transfer inventory from one branch to another branch.

Chapter 11:Sales Contracts & Load Orders

This chapter explains how to enter and utilize sales contracts that will be used to generate loads and invoice shipments. It is divided into the following sections:
Sales Contracts – explains how to enter, save, post, amend, and delete and under fill contracts. It also shows how to use pre-defined contract price charges and substitute information for the contract item.
Sales Contract Price Later – explains to how to find un-priced load orders and shipments and how to quickly price and invoice them.

  • Load Orders – explains the different ways to enter loads into the system. This is an optional step depending on how you want to use the system. The Load Generator window can be used to automatically create loads based off of sales contracts or the Load Order Entry window can be used to create Load Orders, edit order information, and print Bill of Ladings.

  • Load Reassignment - allows the ability select loads that are assigned to a contract and reassign those loads and outbound shipments from one sales contract delivery/pricing line to another one. In addition Load Reassignment provides the ability to assign loads not currently assigned to a contract to a specific contract delivery line based on branch, customer and item.

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

Sales Contract Entry

Sales Contracts

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualThis section explains how to enter, save, post, amend, delete and underfill contracts. It also shows how to use pre-defined contract price charges and substitute information for the contract item.
Sales contracts are optional, and can only be created for one item at a time.
It is divided into these procedures:
Entering, Saving & Deleting a Sales Contract
Entering Delivery Information
 [ Posting Sales Contracts|#PostingSalesContracts]

Entering, Saving & Deleting a Sales Contract
  1. Open the Sales Contract Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Sales Contract Entry)

  1. The Contract field will default in the next sales contract number based on the setup information entered in the Next Number Maintenance window. User may keep this contract number, or enter a different one.
  2. The Posted checkbox is display only and will be check if the contract has been posted and unchecked if the contract is not posted.
  3. Mark the closed checkbox to close the sales contract.
    • When a contract is fully applied, posted and invoiced, the checkbox will automatically be marked. However, if the General Setup, Disable Sales Contract Auto Close checkbox is marked, the sales contracts will have to be manually closed.
  4. Mark the On Hold checkbox to place the contract on hold. The following will not be allowed once a contract is placed on hold, however placing the contract on hold will not affect existing loads or shipments:

Create a load for this contract in either Load Order Entry or in Load Generator.
Enter a shipment for this contract in either the Outbound Shipping Entry window, the Bulk Shipping Entry window, or the In Unit Train Shipment Entry window.
Take an order against this contract in the Sales Order Entry window.
 Contracts placed on hold cannot be applied to an invoice in either the Bulk Shipment Invoicing window, the Counter Sales Entry window, the Sales Order Entry window, or the Invoice Maintenance window.
The system will track the User ID that placed the Contract on Hold or removed the Contract from on Hold, and the Date the changes took place.

  1. Select the Contract Type from one of the following options:

Spot – Select if both the futures and basis have already been established for the contract.
Cash – Select if both the futures and basis have already been established for the contract. A cash contract typically has a price with a basis and a delivery period already decided.
Basis – Select if only the basis has been established for the contract.
Price Later – Select if neither the futures nor basis have been established for the contract.
Other – Select this if none of the other contract options apply.

  • Futures Fixed – Select if only the futures has been established for the contract. This lets the user lock in on a price but not a basis.
  • Maximum Price – Select if the contract is a maximum price contract.
  1. Enter a description for the contract.
  2. Enter the Date for the Contract. This will default in with the system date, but may be changed.
  3. Lookup or enter the Customer for the sales contract.
    • The Expansion Button next to the Customer Number is enabled if the General Setup setting Cross Customer Sales Contract is set to Allow Related.
    • Once the Customer Number is entered, the Customer Expansion Button will open the Contract Partner Entry, which allows the user to enter Partners that will be allowed to be assigned to the Sales Contract.

      • Multiple Partners can be specified for the contract.
      • Partners can be added after the Sales Contract has been posted.
      • If Partners are removed from the Sales Contract, the system will not validate customers on existing documents already applied to the contract.
  1. A credit limit light icon will be displayed to help the user decide to continue with the transaction.
    • If the setting in Credit Limit Setup Sales Contract Warning Level is anything but Don't Warn when the Contract Price has been added to the Delivery Period and the user tabs off the Delivery Line, the system will recalculate the Credit Limit values and redisplay the visual credit warning.
    • The Pending Transaction amount on the Credit Limit Inquiry represents the amount of the unsaved transaction.
    • The system will calculate the Contract Amount based on the Delivery Period Qty minus the Delivery Period Delivered Qty.
    • The user won't be prompted to override the Credit Limit until the Contract is saved.
    • When a user overrides a Credit Limit warning the system will record the information and can be viewed from Credit Limit Override Inquiry.
  2. Lookup or enter an Item for the contract. The system will ask which lookup to use;

The Commodity lookup will only display those items marked as a commodity in the Item Extensions Maintenance window.
The Item lookup will display all items.

  1. Hedge Item, view only field displaying:
    • If the selected Item has a hedge item(s) defined in Item Extensions Maintenance, Hedge Item Entry it will default.
    • If the selected Item has multiple hedge item(s) defined, Multiple will display in the Hedge Item field.
    • If the selected Item does not have a hedge item defined in Item Extensions Maintenance, Hedge Item Entry the item will be used as the hedge item with a factor of 1.00000 and percent of 100.00000.
  2. Hedge Item expansion button, opens the Hedge Item Entry window.

    • The hedge item(s) defined in Item Extensions Maintenance, Hedge Item Entry will default for the selected Item.
    • The user is allowed to make any changes to the Hedge Item Entry (Item, Hedge Factor, Percentage or Exclude from Price Calculator) for the selected contract however a hedge item is required for every contract. If the contract is not going to be hedged the Percentage value can be set to zero.
      • If an item is strictly for hedging purposes and will not be part of the price calculation (Price Calculator Entry) the Exclude from Price Calculator checkbox should be marked.
  1. Hedge Factor, view only field displaying:
    • If the selected Item has a hedge factor(s) defined in Item Extensions Maintenance, Hedge Item Entry it will default.
    • If the selected Item has multiple hedge item/factors(s) defined, the fields will be un-editable and 0.00 will be displayed in the field.
  2. Tank ID expansion opens Sales Contract Tank Entry.

    • Enter or Select Tank ID(s) to be assigned to the Sales Contract.
      • The system will validate the selected Tank ID is associated to the Contract Customer. If the Customer Number doesn't match a warning will be displayed.
      • The system does NOT validate the Item on the Tank to the Contract Item.
    • When a contract is selected on a SOP Document the SOP Line must also have a Tank ID that matches one of the Tanks assigned to the contract.
  1. Enter a Batch Number. A batch number is needed in order to save a contract.

For more information on posting please see the Posting chapter and/or Posting Sales Contracts.

  1. Lookup or enter a Comment for the sales contract.
  2. Note ID provides the user the ability to setup a note that can then subsequently be added to a sales contract and printed.
    • Drill back on Note ID opens the Note Maintenance window where the user can setup Notes.

      • Select Series, Purchase or Sales
      • Enter Note ID, the unique identifier for the note.
      • Enter the note, note can be up to 32K.
      • Select Save to save the note.
      • Clear will clear the window without saving changes.
      • Delete will delete the selected Note.
      • Cancel will clear the window without saving changes.
    • Lookup allows the user to lookup an existing Note ID.
      • Note Series must be Sales to be selected.
    • Note ID, Expansion opens the Note Edit window.

      • User can manually enter a note without selecting a Note ID.
      • User can edit a Note associated to the Contract being entered without updating master Note ID.
    • A visual indicator will be located before the Note ID field if a note was manually added or if the Note ID was edited.
    • Note is editable on both posted and un-posted contracts.
    • Contract report can be modified by adding a relationship to the IRGNSCNoteMSTR table then adding the note onto the report.
  1. Lookup or enter the Payment Terms for the sales contract.
  2. The Bill To and Ship To fields will default from their corresponding fields in the Customer Maintenance window, but may be changed as necessary.
  3. Enter or select the Discount Schedule that will be tied to the contract.
  4. Enter or select a Program Schedule
  5. Program Schedule Expansion button opens the Contract Programs Detail Entry window.

    • Sales Contract, Item and Program Schedule default from Sales Contract Entry.
    • Details assigned to the selected program schedule and pertain to the item selected will be displayed.
      • Program Details can be manually added/deleted as desired.
      • Only a Program Details marked as Invoiceable with a defined Item Number will/can be added.
      • Only Calculation Methods of Flat Rate Flat, Flat Amount, and % Rate will/can be added.
      • The contract primary & substitute items will be validated against the Program Detail, Allowed On Commodity.
        • Only details that match all sub items will be allowed on the contract.
    • Application to shipments:
      • The following records will generate Program Details when the contract is applied but will only be visible from the shipment invoicing windows:
        • Load Order Entry
        • Load Generator
        • Bulk Shipping Entry
        • Outbound Shipping Entry
        • Grain Shipment Invoicing
        • Bulk Shipment Invoicing
  1. Enter a PO Number if desired.
  2. In the Contract Qty field, enter the contract quantity or leave it blank. If left blank it will automatically be filled when the # of Loads and Load Size information is entered.
  3. The Contract UOM field will automatically be filled in with the selling unit of measure for the Item when the Item is selected. This may be changed if necessary.
  4. Enter the # of Loads the sales contract will be filled in.
  5. Enter the Load Size information.
  6. Mark the Load Based checkbox to have the contract automatically close after the number of loads entered in the # of Loads field has been delivered.
  7. The # Shipped field displays the number of load shipped for this contract.
  8. In the Weights field, select a Weights to Govern ID to determine where the final shipping weights will be taken.
    • The dropdown list will display the Weights to Govern ID's defined in the Weights to Govern Maintenance – Sales window entered via the General Setup window's Additional Setup.
      • If no Weights to Govern ID's have been setup Origination and Destination are the default values in the drop down list.
        • Origination is the default value but can be changed.
    • This field will be locked once a shipment has been applied to the contract.
  9. In the Grades field, select a Grades to Govern ID.
    • The dropdown list will display the Grades to Govern ID's defined in the Grades to Govern Maintenance – Sales window entered via the General Setup window's Additional Setup.
      • If no Grades to Govern ID's have been setup Origination and Destination are the default values in the drop down list.
        • Origination is the default value but can be changed.
    • This field will be locked once a shipment has been applied to the contract.
  10. The In Transit field is display only and will include origination quantities from all shipments assigned to the contract that have not had destination weights entered or have been invoiced.
    • The In Transit expansion button will open the Sales Contract Deliveries window to display In Transit shipments.

  1. The Shipped Qty field is display only and will display shipment quantities that have had destination weights entered or have been invoiced.
    • Shipped Qty expansion button will open the Sales Contract Deliveries window which displays shipments applied to the contract that have had destination weights entered or have been invoiced.
  2. The Canceled Qty field is display only and will show how much of the contract has been canceled. The expansion button will open the Contract Wash inquiry to display contract washes associated to the canceled quantity.
  3. The Remaining Qty field is display only and will be calculated by adding the In Transit and Shipped Qty and subtracting that amount from the Contract Quantity.
  4. Any of the four User Def String fields can be used to enter any additional information about the contract. This information could be used for reporting purposed if desired.
  5. Any of the four User Def List fields can be used to enter validated list items pertaining to the contract. This information could be used for reporting purposes if desired.
  6. Additional Info button opens the Additional Contract Information window.

  • Lookup or enter the Trader responsible for initiating the sale.
  • In the Commission field, select either amount or percent.
  • Enter a Commission Rate for the sale.
  • In the Commission Type field, select Net From Price, Payable or None.
  • Select the Sent checkbox when the confirmation has been sent to the customer. When the checkbox is selected the Sent date will automatically populate with the user date, this date can be edited.
  • Select the Returned checkbox when the signed confirmation has been returned from the customer. When the checkbox is selected the Return date will automatically populate with the user date, this date can be edited.
  • Price Confirmation button will print the Contract Pricing Confirmation report for the selected contract.

Mark the Allow Overrun checkbox to allow overruns on the contract; then enter a % or Qty limit to determine how much above the contract quantity is allowed.
Mark the Allow Under Run checkbox to allow under runs on the contract; then enter a % or Qty Limit to determine how much under the contract quantity is allowed.

  1. The Totals at the bottom will display the Remaining and Shipped Qty, left to right.
  2. Choose Save to save the contract or Post to post the contract directly from this window. See Posting Sales Contracts for more information.

If Prompt for Futures Close has been selected in Outbound Setup, user will receive a message stating "do you want to close Future Contracts for this item?" Selecting yes will open the Futures Contract Close Entry window.

  1. Choose Clear to clear the entered or selected sales contract.
  2. Choose Delete to delete the selected sales contract.
  3. Choose the Printer button to print the sales contract.
  4. Choose the Generate Loads button to open the Load Generator window to create loads based on the contract.

User will be required to save the contract before opening the Load Generator window. For more information on the Load Generator window, please see the section on Load Orders.

  1. Choose Copy to copy data from an existing Sales Contract to a new Sales Contract.
    • The Copy button becomes enabled once the Contract Number has been validated as New and remains active until the contract delivery information is entered.
    • Selecting the Copy button opens the Sales Contract Lookup window allowing user to select the contract to copy from. Once the copy from Contract has been selected the contract header information will be copied from the selected Sales Contract, but can be edited.
    • If the General Setup setting Cross Customer Sales Contract is set to Allow Related, the Related Partners will also be copied.
  2. If the Customer has an email defined, the Send document in E-mail icon will become active. When the Send document in E-mail icon is selected, the contract document will be emailed to the customer.
    • Depending on how the Cinch Customer E-mail Options is setup, e-mail addresses will be determined one of two ways:
      • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Enabled checkbox is marked and Sales Contracts is marked, addresses will be based on the addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window.
        • If there are no addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window then the system will behave the same as if the Disabled checkbox is marked.
      • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Disabled checkbox is marked and Sales Contracts is marked, addresses will be determined based on the Customer Maintenance, Bill To address ID.
    • The email message and format of the attachment are based on the Customer Maintenance, Cinch Customer E-mail Options setup.
    • The Sales Contact Report Definition determines the report that gets emailed.
  3. If the contract has been posted, the Amendment button will be active. See Sales Contract Amendments for more information.

Entering Delivery Information
  1. Open the Sales Contract Entry window. The scrolling window is used to enter delivery information.

  1. Lookup or enter a Delivery Period. Or choose the calendar button to open the Delivery Period Clock window to automatically create sequential delivery periods.
  2. The Start and End Dates will default in based on the selected Delivery Period, but may be changed as necessary.
  3. Enter the Delivery Qty for the period.
  4. Enter the # of Loads that will be picked up for the period.
  5. Ticker, Board, Basis and Zero Basis checkbox allows grain users the ability to enter the pricing components without using the price entry screen.
    • When the Delivery Period is entered, and the Item is setup or is associated to a product that is setup in Delivery Period Ticker Entry, the Ticker will default but is editable.
    • If the contract has multiple hedge items:
      • If the Hedge Items are setup or associated to a product setup in Delivery Period Ticker Entry, the Ticker will default.
      • If the Hedge Items are NOT setup or associated to a product setup in Delivery Period Ticker Entry, the Hedge Item Tickers will be based on the primary item's Default Ticker Symbol from the Sales Contract Price Setup.
    • The price fields will be un-editable if information is entered using Price Calculator Entry.
  6. Ticker Cont. displays the Ticker Information.
  7. Enter the Price for the period and/or conduct the following options by drilling down on the Price field. When a contract price is changed and an un-posted or posted shipment exists, user will be prompted to roll down the new price to pending SHIPMENTS. A change in price does NOT affect the price on any unshipped loads, however when the load is shipped the new contract price is used on the shipment. Contract price overrules the load price.

Go to the Sales Contract Price Entry window (Price>Price Entry) to view/select entered pricing information for the hedge item(s).

  • Items will default for the primary contract item and each item included in the hedge item entry for the selected contract.
    • If an item is updated/removed from the contract Hedge Item Entry, it will also be updated/removed from the price calculator screen.
    • By default the primary item will default with Exclude from Price marked on the price detail line.
    • A hedge item cannot be added to the scrolling window that is not already added to the hedge item screen on the main sales contract.
    • If adjustments are made to hedge item(s) from the Price Calculator Entry window the adjustments will not roll back to the Hedge Item Entry.
  • Ticker will default to all hedge items from the Sales Contract Price Setup, Default Ticker Symbol if one is defined for the primary contract item.
    • Each commodity can be assigned a ticker, market board, month and year. (This will drive the market position record).
  • % Total will default from the Hedge Item Entry Percentage but can be modified.
  • Quantity will be calculated by taking contract quantity times the hedge factor times the hedge item percentage.
  • Board is the Board Price for the hedge item.
  • Basis is the Basis Price for the hedge item.
  • Net Price is board + basis or user entered net price.
  • Adjustments is a sum of the 3 user defined price adjustments that are displayed on the item line detail.
    • These will default to all hedge items from the Sales Contract Price Setup, if defined for the primary contract item, but can be changed.
    • Adjusted Price calculation decimal precision will default from Sales Contract Price Setup, Adjusted Decimals. If this is not defined it will default to 5 decimals.
  • Base Price is net price + adjustments.
  • Item line detail includes:
    • Ticker Cont displays the Ticker Information.
    • Zero Basis checkbox determines if this item has a zero basis or not.
    • Exclude from Price Calculator checkbox, when marked this item will be strictly a hedge item only, it will not be included in the calculation of the Weighted Base Price.
    • The User Defined fields (Price and Comment) will display based on what was entered in Sales Contract Price Setup, these can be changed as necessary.
  • Weighted Base Price is the weighted sum of all the hedge items that are not marked Exclude from Price.
    • All hedge items not marked must be priced for the weighted base price to calculate.
    • The sum of the % Total * Base Price for each item.
    • Weighted Base Price decimal precision will default from Sales Contract Price Setup, Weighted Decimals. If this is not defined it will default to 5 decimals.
  • Net Price is calculated by adding the addition adjustments to the weighted base price.
    • Net Price decimal precision will default from Sales Contract Price Setup, Net Decimals. If this is not defined it will default to 5 decimals.
  • Provisional Invoicing Information, provides a way to create Provisional and Final Invoices for Bulk Shipments:

When using Provisional Price to create a Provisional Invoicing do not enter a price in the Sales Contract Entry for the Delivery Period.

    • Provisional Price checkbox. Mark to assign a Provisional Price to the selected Delivery Period.
      • When selected the Provisional Board, Basis, Net Price and by Date will be enabled.
      • If the Provisional Price checkbox is unmarked on a contract where shipments have been assigned user will be prompted.
    • Provisional Pricing:
      • Board Price and Basis Price will determine the Net Price.
      • These prices will default into the Bulk Shipment Invoicing when creating the Provisional Invoice.
    • Provisional by Date: This date indicates when the Contract Delivery Period should be priced via the Final Invoice.
    • Comment Line 1: When entered, will be displayed as the Provisional Price Comment at time of Final Invoice.
    • Comment Line 2: When entered, will be displayed as the Price Terms Comment at time of Final Invoice.
  • Choose Save to accept the Net Price.
  • Choose Clear to clear any manually entered prices, then the default prices will come in from Sales Contract Price Setup.
  • Choose Clear Pricing to clear out all values in the window and enter values from scratch.

Go to the Sales Contract Sub-Items (Price>Sub Items) window to enter substitute information for the item.

    • A Sub Item for each Customer and Partner Address ID, if assigned prior to entering a delivery period, will be auto created if the Customer Address Companion Entry, Exclude Sales Contract Adds checkbox is not selected. The Item, Customer UOM and Price will default to the Primary Contract Item when:
      • The delivery period start and end dates are entered on the Sales Contract.
      • The Load Order is created from Load Order Entry or Load Generator.
      • If there are Contract Partners associated to the contract a separate sub item will automatically be created for each Contract Partners, Customer Address.
    • The header information is display only and will display contract information.
    • The Primary Contract Item scrolling window displays the original item entered on the Sales Contract Entry window and is not editable.
    • Within in the Substitute Item scrolling window:
      • Select the Substitute Item to use.
      • The description is display only and comes in from the substitute item selected.
      • Select the Customer.
        • If General Setup, Cross Customer Sales Contract is set to Allow Related, Customer lookup opens Sales Contract Partner Lookup to allow user to select the Related Partner.
          • A substitute item must be setup for the related partner/Ship To, to allow it to be selected from the Sales Contract Delivery Lookup.
        • If General Setup, Cross Customer Sales Contract is set to Allowed – All, Customer lookup opens Customers to allow user to select the Customer.
          • Any Customer/Ship To combination can be added to the Sales Contract Sub Items.
        • If General Setup, Cross Customer Sales Contract is set to Not Allowed, substitute items can only be setup for the contract customer.
      • Select the Ship To for the substitute item.
      • Select the UOM for the substitute item.
      • Enter the Price for the item. User can also drill down to open the Sales Contract Sub-Item Price Entry window.
      • Choose OK to save the substitute item information.
    • Clicking the Copy button opens the Copy Contract Sub-Items window.

      • The Delivery Period Lookup button is used to open the Sales Contract Delivery Lookup which is filtered by the contract Item number.
        • If General Setup, Cross Customer Sales Contract is set to either Allowed – All or Allowed Related, selecting the Contract Partners checkbox will display the partners setup as a Sub Item for the selected Contract and Item.
        • Selecting the All Items and the Contract Partners will displayed all the partners and items setup as a Sub Items for the selected contract.
        • Include Closed Delivery Periods checkbox, when selected delivery periods that are closed will be included in the lookup scrolling window.
        • Open/Closed Contracts dropdown will default to Open Contracts but can be changed. The restriction allows coping sales contract sub items (Copy Contract Sub Items) for open or closed contracts.
        • Match Ship To restriction will default as marked. When selected the scrolling window will only display lines that have a Primary Ship To address code that match the Ship To address code from the transaction the calling window. If the passed in Ship To address code is blank, the Match Ship To checkbox will become unchecked, and all lines will be displayed.
      • Selecting the Contract/Delivery Period will return the Item Number, Customer Number, Ship To, Price UOM and Price for the Sales Contract Sub-Items for the selected contract.
      • Mark Include Pricing checkbox to include the prices when copying the Items to the Sales Contract Sub-Items. If not marked only the Sub Items, Ship To and Price UOM will be copied.
        • The price for the Sales Contract main item will not be affected by Including Pricing only the sub item prices will be copied.
      • Select the Copy button to copy the selected Sub Items to the Sales Contract Sub-Items window.
      • Select the Cancel button to discard selections and return to the Sales Contract Sub Item window.
    • Clicking the Price button opens the Sales Contract Sub-Item Price Entry window.

      • Enter the Board, Basis and Ticker information for the Sub item.
      • The User Defined fields will display based on what has been entered in the Sales Contract Price Setup, this can be changed as necessary.
      • Choose OK to accept the Net Price.
      • Choose Clear to clear all values in the window and enter values from scratch.
      • Choose Clear and Initialize to clear any manually entered prices, then the default prices will come in from Sales Contract Price Setup.
      • Sales Contract Sub-Item Price Entry records will not create a position record.
  • Go to the Position Entry (Price>Position Entry) window to view the current position records for this hedge item.

    • Hedge Item Previous and Next arrows – Allows the user to move through the hedge items setup on this contract.
    • Position records:
      • Each Position Entry, Position ID that has Sales Contracts selected to Create Position Records selected will be listed.
      • User is allowed to add, edit or delete the current position records.
    • Period is the month/period this record is currently positioned in.
    • Year is the year this record is currently positioned in.
    • The Hedge checkbox will always be default as marked but this can be unmarked.
      • If the Hedge check box is marked and the contract has a hedge item a position record will be created for each Position ID/Hedge item(s) combination.
      • The position records are used to determine in which month contract quantities are displayed on the Long Short Inquiry for the specified hedge item(s).
    • FMS Feed Contracts - to generate Long Short Inquiry position records for Sales Contracts created from FMS Integration, the user has the option of setting up a Position Entry that will automatically create position records based upon the delivery start or end date or opening up the Cinch Sales contract and adding a ticker or a position record for the market month of the pricing.
  1. Lookup or enter comments for the Delivery and Price.
  2. Ship Company, when user clicks into the Delivery Period the Ship Company will default from the Customer Address Maintenance, Shipping Method based on the selected Ship To address.
    • If the selected Shipping Method has Freight Default Values defined within Shipping Method Detail Maintenance, the Freight Rate and Freight UOM Type will also default.
    • If the user changes the Ship To after entering a delivery period, only new delivery periods will default the Ship Company for the new Ship To. Existing delivery periods will have to be manually updated.
  3. Lookup or enter FOB information.
    • When a FOB is inactive, user will not be allowed to select the FOB.
  4. In the Payment Resp. field, select one of the following:

Customer Pays Freight – This will disable the Invoice Freight checkbox.
Company Pays Freight – This will enable the Invoice Freight checkbox.

  1. The Market Zone will default from the Market Zone selected in Branch Maintenance, but can be changed if necessary.
  2. Enter an MTM Adjustments amount that needs to be made for the Market Zone.
  3. Freight In Price Per Unit is enabled if the Freight Setup, GL Freight In Price Adjustment checkbox is marked.
    • When entered, the amount will be used in the freight in price calculation that will reduce the sales amount and write a separate freight GL distribution when an invoice is created.
    • The Freight In Price UOM is the same as the contract UOM.
    • The freight in price calculation will occur from the following locations:
      • Bulk Shipment Invoicing
      • Sales Order Entry
      • Counter Sales Entry
      • Invoice Maintenance
      • Sales Return Entry
    • The amount can be adjusted after the invoice is created. However, the sales transactions will not be automatically updated. The user will need to un-apply and re-apply the contract for the changes to take place.
  4. The # Load Shipped field will show the number of loads shipped for the selected delivery period.
  5. The Freight Rate field and the Freight U of M will default from the selected FOB or Ship Company, whichever is entered first, but can be changed. If the FOB or Ship Company is changed, the existing Freight Rate and Freight U of M will not update automatically. The user will need to change these values manually.

When the customer is Invoiced for Freight, Misc Charges will not be included.

  1. Mark the Invoice Freight checkbox if the Freight is going to be invoiced out (Company Pays Freight is selected as the Payment Resp). This should be used when the company is responsible for freight, and they will charge the customer for freight. This will allow the invoiced rate to be different from the rate that is paid by the plant to the trucker.
  2. If the Invoice Freight checkbox is marked, use the expansion button to open the Invoice Freight Amount Entry window. The Freight Rate and Freight U of M will default in from the Freight Rate and Freight U of M on the Sales Contract Entry screen. Make changes as necessary and hit OK to save changes.

  1. Board Date defaults when the board price is entered the user is able to change it if needed.
  2. Basis Date defaults when the basis price is entered the user is able to change it if needed.
  3. Price Date defaults when the price is entered the user is able to change it if needed.
  4. The In Transit field is display only and will include origination quantities from all shipments assigned to the contract and have not had destination weights entered or have been invoiced
  5. The Del/Cancel Qty is display only and will show the quantity that has already been delivered (destination weights have been entered on the shipment, or shipment has been invoiced) or canceled for that period. The expansion button has a drop down list for Wash and Delivery Inquiry. Delivery Inquiry will open the Sales Contract Deliveries window which displays shipments applied to the period. Wash will open the Contract Wash Inquiry window if there is canceled quantity for the period.
  6. The Committed field displays the quantity unavailable to ship.
  7. The # Load Shipped field will show the number of loads shipped for the selected delivery period.
  8. The Closed checkbox will be marked when the period has been fully delivered. If the contract is closed prior to the delivery period being fully delivered the delivery period will be closed.
  9. The Net Open field displays the quantity available to ship. This would be the Remaining Qty or the quantity from unshipped loads.
  10. The Del. Qty field displays the delivered quantity for the period.
  11. The Can. Qty field displays the canceled quantity for the period.

Posting Sales Contracts

Sales Contracts must be posted in order to link them to any load, shipment or invoice. Two CINCH posting processes are available for sales contracts. They are transaction posting and batch posting.

  1. Transaction Posting.
    1. Open the Sales Contract Entry window.
    2. Enter or Select a Contract.
    3. Select the Posting button. The following items will be validated:
      1. Required fields
      2. Contract quantities versus delivery quantities
      3. Price information
    4. Select Yes or No to print or not print the sales contract.
    5. Close the Sales Contract Entry window. A Contract Posting Journal will be created and printed. If there are errors during the posting process, the contract will not be posted and an Edit List will be printed for review.
  2. Batch Posting, for more information on batch posting please see the Posting chapter.

Once the contract is posted, its status will change to Posted.

Sales Contract Amendments

Sales Contract AmendmentsD2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

Sales Contract Amendments allows the tracking of changes made on sales contracts and allows charging customers for those changes via the Sales Contract Amend window.

  1. Open the Sales Contract Amend window.

(Transactions>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>Sales Contract Amend or Transactions>Cinch Grain>Sales/Outbound>Sales Contract Entry, Amendment button)

  1. Contract, enter or lookup Contract Number.
    1. The following fields cannot be changed on a sales contract:
      1. Contract Type
      2. Contract Number
    2. All other fields can be changed at any time up until the contract has been fully invoiced.
      1. Changing the Item will require the user to reenter contract pricing.
      2. If a FOB or Ship Company is changed, the existing Freight Rate and Freight U of M will not update automatically. The user will need to change these values manually.
  2. Print drop down list contains the printing options available when the contract amendment is saved. Options are:
    1. Contract
    2. Contract Addendum
      1. NOTE: If the Contract Addendum is not printed at when the amendment is saved, it cannot be reprinted!
    3. None (Default)
  3. Amendment Options button is a drop down list containing:
    1. Enter Log and Amendment – when selected the Contract Log Entry window opens.
      1. The Contract Log Entry provides explanations for the changes made to a sales contract. It also allows the user to provide a text amendment for the contract.

      1. Contract defaults to the selected contract number being amended.
      2. Log Explanation, can be used to apply the same explanation to all the changes made.
        1. The Apply Explanation to All button, will set the Log Explanation entered to all lines in the scrolling window.
      3. Mark All will check the Print on Amendment for all lines in the scrolling window.
      4. Unmark All will uncheck Print on Amendment for all lines in the scrolling window.
      5. Scrolling window lists all the changes made in a contract amendment.
        1. T is the type of change, Contract or Delivery Period or Price.
        2. Field Name is the text description of the field that was changed.
        3. Old Value represents the previous value of the field.
        4. New Value represents the amended value of the field.
        5. Print on Addendum checkbox, when marked indicates the field change will show on the contract amendment.
        6. Log Explanation allows the user to enter a comment as to why the field was changed.
      6. Roll to Open Load checkbox provides the ability to roll the certain fields to the open load orders.
        1. The checkbox is located on the scrolling window line detail and is only active for changes that are available to roll to open loads.
      7. Roll to Open Shipment checkbox provides the ability to roll the certain fields to un-invoiced shipments.
        1. The checkbox is located on the scrolling window line detail and only displays on changes that are available to roll to un-invoiced shipments.
      8. Explanation to print on Contract Addendum allows the user to enter a description of the changes that will make up the contract amendment. This is 500 char text field.
    1. Enter Amend Fees – when selected the Amendment Fee Entry window opens.
      1. The Amendment Fee Entry window allows the user to add fees due to the sales contract amendment.

      1. Contract defaults to the selected contract number being amended.
      2. Fee Type is a drop down list
        1. No Fee – clears all fee fields and resets required status on the fee fields.
        2. Invoice – when selected, once the amendment is saved a sales invoice will be created for the total amount.
          1. When selected the Invoice Item, Batch Number, Shipping Method and Site are enabled and required.
          2. Quantity will default from the Sales Contract Amend and is used to calculate the Total.
          3. Unit Price this is the rate amount to be charge per Quantity.
          4. Total Amount is an editable field that will show the invoice amount.
  1. Save, when selected the contract will be updated with the amendments made. In addition, the amendments will be stored and the amended versions of a contract can be viewed from Sales Contract Amendment Inquiry.
  2. Clear, when selected any changes made will be cleared and the contract will not be updated.

Sales Contract Underfill Process

Sales Contract Underfill ProcessD2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

The Sales Contract Underfill process is used to create an invoice or payable transaction for the remaining quantity of a sales contract that will not be delivered.

  1. Open the Sales Contract Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Sales Contract

  1. Select the Contract lookup and select the sales contract that requires the underfill.
  2. Open the Sales Contract Underfill Entry window from the Sales Contract Entry window.

(Additional>>Underfill Contract)

  1. Select the Action.
  • Create Receivable – Creates an invoice if a charge is associated with underfilling the contract.
    • The system will use the Sales Account from the Item Account Maintenance for the selected underfill item. This choice enables the Customer field.
    • The system will use the Receivables Account based off the Underfill Item selected in the Underfill Entry screen. If the Receivables Account is not defined for the item the customer standard Account Receivable account will be used.
  • Create Payable – Creates a payables transaction if a payment is associated with underfilling the contract.
    • The system will use the Sales Return Account from the Item Account Maintenance for the selected underfill item. This choice enables the Vendor ID field.
    • The system will use the Payables Account based off the Underfill Item selected in the Underfill Entry screen. If the Payables Account is not defined for the item the vendor standard Accounts Payable account will be used.
  • Cancel and Close – Underfills the remaing quantity and closes the contract.
  1. Select a Customer if the Action is set to Create Receivable.
  2. Select a Vendor ID if the Action is set to Create Payable.
  3. Underfill Qty will display the remaining undelivered quantity from the sales contract.
  4. In the Price field, enter the unit price for the quantity being underfilled.
  5. In the Batch Number field, select a batch for the transaction being created.
  • Enter or select a Sales batch if the Action is set to Create Receivable.
  • Enter or select a Payables batch if the Action is set to Create Payable.
  1. Select a Shipping Method if the Action is set to Create Receivable. Shipping Method is required for a receivables transaction so that the taxes will calculate correctly.
  2. Select a Site if the Document Type is set to Create Receivable.
  3. In the Underfill Item field, select an item to be used on the invoice or voucher being created.
  4. Click the OK button to process the underfill and place the transaction in the specified batch.

Sales Contract Price Later

Sales Contract Price Later

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualSales Contract Price Later process provides the ability to find uninvoiced Outbound Shipments that use a Load Order and provide the user the ability to quickly price and invoice them via the Uninvoiced Shipments window.

Uninvoiced Shipments
  1. Open Uninvoiced Shipments

(Transactions>Cinch Grain>Sales/Outbound>Uninvoiced Shipments)

  1. Select Restrictions:
    • Contract Number, enter From and To numbers to restrict transactions by contract or All Contracts checkbox when marked will include all contracts.
    • Customer Number, enter From and To numbers to restrict transactions by customer or All Customers checkbox when marked will include all customers.
    • Item Number, enter From and To numbers to restrict transactions by item or All Items checkbox when marked will include all items.
    • Lookup Type dropdown selection determines which lookup will open, Item or Commodity.
    • Contract Price, enter From and To numbers to restrict transactions by contract price or All Items checkbox when marked will include all items.
    • Contract, Board or Basis selection determines the contract price to restrict by
  2. Redisplay button when selected will refresh the scrolling window based on the selected restrictions.
    • The scrolling window will display Uninvoiced shipments.
    • Shipment must be posted and assigned to a contract load to display.
  3. Clear button when selected will clear the restrictions and shipments.
  4. Load Reassignment button, when selected opens Load Reassignment window.

Load Orders

This section explains the different ways to enter loads into the system. This is an optional step depending on how you want to use the system. Use the Load Generator window to automatically create loads based off of sales contracts or use the Load Order Entry window to create Load Orders, edit order information, and print Bill of Ladings.
It is divided into these procedures:
Automatically Generating Loads
Entering Loads from Load Order Entry

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

Load Generator

Automatically Generating Loads
  1. Open the Load Generator window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Load Generator or Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Sales Contract Entry>>Generate Loads button)

  1. Lookup or enter a Customer. When entering Load Generator through Sales Contract Entry, the Customer will already be filled in.
    • Select a Customer marked Inactive will prompt the user and not be allowed.
      • If a customer is marked inactive after a contract is created, user is not allowed to select the contract.
  2. A credit limit light icon will be displayed to help user decide to continue with the transaction.
    • If the Credit Limit Setup Orders/Counter Sales checkbox is marked, when the Preview Button is clicked and the loads are generated the system will recalculate the Credit Limit values and redisplay the visual credit warning.
    • If the Credit Limit Setup Orders/Counter Sales checkbox is marked, Pending Transaction amount represents the amount of the new document being created after the preview button has been selected. If the Counter Sales checkbox is not marked, Pending Transaction amount will not be affected by the new document being created.
    • If the Credit Limit Setup, Load Order Warning is anything but Don't Warn the user will be prompted to override the Credit Limit when the Load Orders are saved.
    • When a user overrides a Credit Limit warning the system will record the information and can be viewed from Credit Limit Override Inquiry.
  3. Select to create the loads based off of a Contract, Assembly, Purchase Order or for Open Loads.
    • Purchase is only used when using the Purchase Loads feature.
      • For Drop Ship Purchase Loads to be associated to a Bulk Shipment refer to the Wholesale Transactions for more information.
      • For Purchase Loads to be associated to a Bulk Ticket refer to Cinch Sales – Seed Procedure, Purchasing for more information.
    • The Open Loads option allows the user to create multiple loads for a Customer and Item without having a Contract Number associated with it. This is the same manner as loads created in Load Order Entry only more than one can be created at a time.
  4. Lookup or enter the Contract, Assembly, or Purchase to create the load for.
    • A Contract can be selected if the specified item on the Load Generator is a Substitute Item on the selected Sales Contract.
    • If General Setup, Cross Customer Sales Contract is set to either Allowed – All or Allow Related, when the Contract Number lookup is selected the Sales Contract Delivery Lookup opens for the user to select the Contract/Delivery Period. User must select the contract from Sales Contract Delivery Lookup, (Delivery Period Lookup or Item Lookup). This will ensure the correct Ship To and Price from Sales Contract Sub-Items are placed on the order.
    • If General Setup, Cross Customer Sales Contract is set to Not Allowed, when the Contract number lookup is selected the Sales Contract Lookup opens for the user to select the Contract.
    • If General Setup, Cross Customer Sales Contract is set to either Allowed – All or Allow Related, selecting the Contract Partners checkbox will display the partners setup as a Sub Item for the selected Contract and Item.
    • Selecting the All Items and the Contract Partners will display all partners and items setup as a Sub Items for the selected contract.
    • Include Closed Delivery Periods checkbox, when selected delivery periods that are closed will be included in the lookup scrolling window.
  5. Enter or select the Customer Ship To address.
    • If the General Setup, Require Ship To checkbox is selected the Customer Ship To will be required.
    • The Primary Ship To Address Code will default from the Customer not the Sales Contract when the Customer is a Partner on the selected Sales Contract.
    • If the Customer on the load is the same as the primary Customer on the selected Sales Contract the Ship To Address Code will be used from the selected Sales Contract.
  6. Enter or select the Customer Bill To address.
    • The Primary Bill To Address Code will default from the Customer not the Sales Contract when the Customer is a Partner on the selected Sales Contract.
    • If the Customer on the load is the same as the primary Customer on the selected Sales Contract the Bill To Address Code will be used from the selected Sales Contract.
  7. Lookup or enter the SOP Batch Number to save the loads to.
    • SOP Batch Number will default from the Outbound Setup, Load Ord Batch, if defined.
      • If the default SOP Batch Number is changed within this window, the system will remember the changed SOP Batch Number and continue to display it when the load orders are saved. If the window is closed and reopened the default batch number from the Outbound Setup, Load Ord Batch, will display if defined.
  8. The Order Date will default with the system date, but may be changed as necessary.
  9. Enter the Customer PO Number.
  10. Increment checkbox:
    • When checkbox is marked the Customer PO Number will increment on each Load Order created in the scrolling window when Preview is selected.
      • The Custom PO Number must end with a numeric value for the PO Number to increment on each created order.
    • If the checkbox is not marked the Customer PO will default to all Load Orders created in the scrolling window when Preview is selected.
  11. The Item Number will display the item entered on the sales contract however the Lookup button remains active after the Contract has been selected allowing user to select a Sales Contract Sub Item. The following fields will be updated based on the selected Sub Item.
    • Item
    • Customer Ship To
    • Price
    • Price UOM
  12. Enter an Order Reference if necessary.
  13. Enter a Unit Train Number if necessary.
  14. Lookup and select the Delivery Period the loads will be for. The Delivery Periods available will come from the periods entered in Sales Contract Entry.
  15. Once the Delivery Period has been selected, the Quantity, Quantity Delivered, Open Quantity, From and To Date, Price and UOM fields will be filled in with information from the sales contract and selected item/substitute item.
  16. Quantity fields and # of Loads for each have been added for more clarification. #Loads fields will only be populated if the selected Contract is load based.
    • Quantity/#Loads – Represents the Qty and number of Loads for the selected Contract delivery period.
    • Qty Shipped/#Loads – Represents the quantity of shipments and the number of shipments (posted and un-posted) for the selected contract delivery period.
    • Open/#Loads – Represents the contract quantity that has not been shipped and the number loads that have not been created for the selected contract delivery period.
    • Unshipped Loads/#Loads – Represent the quantity and number of loads that have been created but not yet shipped for the selected contract delivery period.
    • Remaining/#Loads – Represents the remaining quantity and number of Loads that remain to be created for the selected contract delivery period.
  17. The Load Number Prefix, Number and Suffix will default in from the General Setup window.

For more information on General Setup, see the CINCH Grain System manual.

  1. The Increment Number By field will default with 1, but may be changed if necessary. This will increase the Load Number by the number entered.
  2. The Number of Loads will default with the same value as the Remaining Number of loads that remain to be created for the selected contract delivery period. If the user attempts to create more loads than the Remaining value the system will warn the user, but allow the loads to be generated.
  3. The Load Size will default in from the Load Size field in Sales Contract Entry, but may be changed.
  4. The Qty UOM defaults based the Sales Contract main item UOM but can be changed to the sub item UOM.
  5. The Loads Per Day will default to 1, but may be changed if planning to receive more than one load per day.
  6. Enter the Scheduled Ship Date/Time for the load that will default to all loads when preview is selected.
  7. The Increment Date By field will default to 1, but may be changed. This will increase the next scheduled ship date depending on the Number of Loads and the Loads per day.
  8. The Site will default in with the Default Site entered in General Setup, but may be changed.
  9. Inbound Assembly, if the load order is for a direct ship and the Purchase contract is known, the Assembly for that purchase contract can be entered.
    • When selected the Assembly will roll down to each Load Order created in the scrolling window when Preview is selected. The assembly can later be changed/deleted in the Preview window.
    • The Inbound Assembly is only enabled when the Shipment From is Contract.
    • The Assembly will default in as the purchase assembly on the Direct Ship-Single Ticket when the Load Number is selected.
  10. Freight button opens Load Generator Freight Entry. User is able to enter freight information that defaults to each Load Order created in the scrolling window when Preview is selected.

    • Depending on what is selected in Freight Setup, either Shipping Company or Vendor will display in the drop down list. Select the Shipping Company/Vendor that freight records will be created for.
    • Select an FOB if desired.
    • Select a Payment Liability of Customer Pays or Company Pays. This is required for the freight record to be saved. If Company Pays is selected, freight matching records will be created along with the Load Orders.
    • The Freight U of M, Freight Rate, Adjustment, Misc Amt, and Fuel Surcharge % will default from the Shipping Method Detail Maintenance window, but can be changed if necessary.
    • Net Quantities are not fully determined until transactions are saved, when the Freight U of M is set to Per Net Unit, the total freight amount may not be accurate until the transaction is saved
    • The Fuel Surcharge will automatically be calculated based on the Surcharge % entered.
    • If the Load Orders are being created for a Contract, the system will default in any Freight information that has been entered on the Contract Delivery Period.
      • If freight information needs modified, highlight the line in the scrolling window. The Shipping Company will display in the Header and enter the appropriate information. Choose Insert to change the line in the scrolling window.
    • Multiple freight records can be created for any of the Load Orders.
      • Choose Insert to add the record. Enter any additional freight lines as needed.
    • Choose OK to close the window.
      • It is required to choose OK to close the window to verify that all freight information has been entered. If OK is selected without inserting a line and there is information in the header, it will ask if you want to insert the information.
  1. Choose Preview to fill the scrolling window with load information. All of the fields will fill in based on the load information entered above. The Number of Loads being generated will be checked against the Remaining loads and warn the user if they are trying to generate more loads. This will only warn the user and will allow more loads to be generated.

 The Load Number, Scheduled Ship Date, and Quantity of any of the loads can be changed as necessary.
 Or lookup or enter the Vehicle Number information per load as needed.

  • Based on the General Setup setting, skip day(s) of the week, when the system calculates the next scheduled ship date if the ship date falls on a day of the week marked to skip, the system will increment to the next day available day to ship.
  • User may modify the Freight records for each Load Order individually by selecting the appropriate line and clicking the Load Order expansion button. The Load Order Freight Entry will open where user is able to edit the Freight record or add additional freight records for the selected Load Order.
  1. Choose Clear to clear the scrolling window and recreate load information as necessary.
  2. Choose Print to print the Load Generator Shipment list, which will list out all of the loads created for this contract and delivery period.
  3. Choose the Email Icon to enable the emailing of a Load Generator Shipments List.
    • Icon will be active if the Load Order & Generator checkbox is selected in the Customer's Cinch Customer E-mail Options window. When selected, a Load Generator Shipments List will be emailed to the customer.
      • Depending on how the Cinch Customer E-mail Options is setup, e-mail addresses will be determined one of two ways:
        • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Enabled checkbox is marked and Load Order & Generator is marked, addresses will be based on the addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window.
          • If there are no addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window then the system will behave the same as if the Disabled checkbox is marked.
        • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Disabled checkbox is marked and Load Order & Generator is marked, addresses will be determined based on the load's Bill To address ID.
      • If no email exists a Send Document Error window will be displayed stating that an e-mail address could not be found. The user will then be given the opportunity to print the report based on the users default report destination settings.
      • The email message and format of the attachment are based on the Customer Maintenance, Cinch Customer E-mail Options setup.
  4. Choose Save to save the load information. The loads saved here can then be viewed and edited from Load Order Entry.
    • Freight will flow to the created Load Order when saved.
    • Freight Matching Records will be created if the Require Shipment checkbox is not marked in Freight setup.
      • If the Quantities setting on the selected contract is Destination and Freight Setup, Calc Freight by Destination checkbox is selected the freight record will be created but the total will not be calculated since a Destination Quantity does not exist.
      • If the Freight Setup, Calc Freight by Destination checkbox is not selected the freight record will be created based on the Origination Quantity regardless of the Quantities setting on the contract.
      • If the user does not save the Load Orders, clicking Clear Loads or Clear, the freight records will not be created.
    • If the Customer Address Companion Entry, Exclude Sales Contract Adds checkbox is not selected, a Sales Contract Sub Item will be auto created for each Customer addresses.
      • If there are Contract Partners associated to the contract a separate sub item will automatically be created for each Contract Partners, Customer Address.

Load Order Entry

Entering Loads from Load Order Entry
  1. Open the Load Order Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Sales\Outbound>>Load Order Entry)

  1. Enter or lookup a Load Number; or click the expansion button next to Load Number to open the Load Number Entry window.

The Prefix, Number and Suffix will default in based on the information entered in General Setup.
Make changes as necessary and look at the Preview field to see what the Load Number will be.
Hit OK to accept the Load Number, the Load Number will then be displayed in the Load Number field.

  1. Selecting the On Hold checkbox allows the user to place a load order On Hold. This will prevent the user from shipping this load order.
  2. Enter the Scheduled Date for the load.
  3. Enter the Scheduled Time for the load, if none is entered, 12:00 am will default.
  4. Select Shipment From:
    • If creating the load from a Contract, select the contract. The following is how the Sales Contact lookup will react.
      • If General Setup, Cross Customer Sales Contract is set to either Allowed – All or Allow Related, when the Contract Number lookup is selected the Sales Contract Detail Lookup opens for the user to select the Contract/Delivery Period. User must select the contract to ensure the correct Ship To and Price from Sales Contract Sub-Items are placed on the order.
      • If General Setup, Cross Customer Sales Contract is set to Not Allowed, when the Contract number lookup is selected the Sales Contract Lookup opens for the user to select the Contract.
      • If General Setup, Cross Customer Sales Contract is set to either Allowed – All or Allow Related, selecting the Contract Partners checkbox will display the related partners setup as a Sub Item for the selected Contract and Item.
      • Selecting the All Items and the Contract Partners will displayed all the partner and items setup as a Sub Items for the selected contract.
      • Include Closed Delivery Periods checkbox, when selected delivery periods that are closed will be included in the lookup scrolling window.
    • If creating from an Assembly, select the Inbound Vendor and Inbound Assembly.
    • If creating from a Purchase, select the PO Number.
      • For Drop Ship Purchase Loads to be associated to a Bulk Shipment refer to the Wholesale Transactions for more information.
      • For Purchase Loads to be associated to a Bulk Ticket refer to Cinch Sales – Seed Procedure, Purchasing for more information.
  5. Enter or lookup the Customer.
    • The Primary Bill To and Ship To Address Codes from the Customer not the Sales Contract when the Customer is a Partner on the selected Sales Contract.
    • If the Load Customer is the same as the primary Customer on the selected Sales Contract the Bill To and Ship To Address Codes will be used from the selected Sales Contract.
  6. A credit limit light icon will be displayed to help user decide to continue with the transaction.
  • If the Credit Limit Setup Orders/Counter Sales checkbox is marked, when user enters values in the Qty and Price fields and an Extended Amount is calculated the system will recalculate the Credit Limit values and redisplay the visual credit warning.
  • If the Credit Limit Setup Orders/Counter Sales checkbox is marked, Pending Transaction amount represents the amount of the new document being created. If the Counter Sales checkbox is not marked, Pending Transaction amount will not be affected by the new document being created.
  • If the Credit Limit Setup, Load Order Warning is anything but Don't Warn the user prompted to override the Credit Limit when the Load Order is saved.
  • When a user overrides a Credit Limit warning the system will record the information and can be viewed from Credit Limit Override Inquiry.
  1. Enter or lookup the Item.
  • Once an Item is selected, the following fields will default but can be edited.
    • Quantity will default to One.
    • Price UOM will default from Item Extensions Maintenance, Sales Qty U of M.
    • Gross Price will default from Item Price Maintenance for the Default Price Level and Price UOM.
  • A Load Order can be created for a Sales Contract Sub Item and the associated Sales Contract.
  • Load Orders will be associated to the Sales Contract based on the contract items UOM. Therefore, if the selected sub item has a different Qty U of M than the Sales Contract item, the Load Order Qty will be converted to Sales Contract item UOM prior to applying it to the contract.
  • If an item number is changed on a saved load order, the system will not overwrite the Load Qty with the contract Qty if a quantity exists. It will also prompt the user if a Customer PO exists and is different than the PO Number on the contract. The user can either keep it as is or update it to the contract's PO Number.
  1. The Site will default in from the Default Location entered in General Setup.
  2. Enter or lookup a Contract, once selected, item default fields will be updated based on the contract.
  3. Lookup and select a Delivery Period for the contract, if desired. If the load was created in Load Generator, the Delivery Period will automatically default to that period.
  4. Select the No Charge checkbox if the load be shipped will not be invoiced. (Redelivery of stored grain, for example). When selected, the shipment will be moved directly to history upon posting.
  5. Enter or lookup the Payment Terms for the load.
  6. Enter the Quantity to be delivered in the load.
  7. The Qty U of M and Price U of M will default in as the base unit of measure for the item selected, but may be changed if necessary.
  8. Enter the Gross Price for the item.
    • If the load was created in Load Generator, the Quantity, Qty U of M, Gross Price and Price U of M will be filled in from the information entered there
    • If the load is not attached to a contract the Gross Price will default from Item Price Maintenance for the Default Price Level and Price UOM.
    • If the load is attached to a contract but the contract is not priced, the gross price will automaticcal display zero dollars.
    • Contract Pricing will override the load price. If you want the load price to rule, do not price your contract.
  9. Enter the Markdown for the item.
  10. The Net Price and Extended Amount fields will be automatically calculated based on the Quantity, Gross Price and Markdown.
  11. Lookup or enter the SOP Batch Number to save the loads to.
    • Batch will default from the Outbound Setup, Load Ord Batch if defined.
      • If the default Batch is changed, the system will remember the changed Batch and continue to display it when the load orders are saved. If the window is closed and reopened the default batch number from the Outbound Setup, Load Ord Batch, if defined.
  12. Enter any Comments for the load. These will be carried through and printed out on the invoice.
  13. The Order Number will fill in with the next number based on the SOP Next Order Number.
  14. Enter the Order Date.
  15. The Ship To and Bill To fields will default the Ship to address from the Customer Maintenance window, but may be changed if necessary.
  • Based on the General Setup setting, skip day(s) of the week, when the system calculates the next scheduled ship date if the ship date falls on a day of the week marked to skip, the system will increment to the next day available day to ship.
  1. Enter Vehicle/Car information. If the load was created in Load Generator and a vehicle ID was entered, it will be filled in here.
  2. Enter the Cust PO Number for the load. This is for information only and does not pertain to the PO Number when creating a Purchase Load.
  3. The Weights dropdown list will display the Weights to Govern ID's defined in the Weights to Govern Maintenance – Sales window.
    • The Weights to Govern ID will default from the selected contract and cannot be changed.
    • If no Weights to Govern ID's have been setup, Origination and Destination will be the default values in the drop down list.
      • Origination is the default value selected but can be changed.
  4. The Grades dropdown list will display the Grades to Govern ID's defined in the Weights to Govern Maintenance – Sales window
    • The Grades to Govern ID will default from the selected contract and cannot be changed
    • If no Grade to Govern ID's have been setup, Origination and Destination will be the default values in the drop down list.
      • Origination is the default value selected but can be changed.
  5. Inbound Assembly, if the selected assembly is from another branch, user will be prompted to duplicate the assembly for the load order branch.
    • The ability to duplicate assemblies is only permitted if Allow Cross Branch Ticket Apply is selected in General Setup.
    • If the Allow Cross Branch Ticket Apply is NOT selected user will not be allowed to select the assembly.
  6. Enter or select the Ship Company for the order.
  7. Select the Freight Entry button or expansion button next to Freight Total to open the Load Order Freight Entry window. If entered freight information that needs calculating, user will be required to come in to this window to complete freight entry information.

  • If a Shipping Company was entered on the main window, it will automatically be inserted in to the scrolling window.
  • The Load Number is display only and will default from the Ticket Entry window.
  • Depending on what was selected in Freight Setup, either Shipping Company or Vendor will display in the drop down list. Select the Shipping Company/Vendor to create freight records for.
  • Select an FOB if desired.
  • Select a Payment Liability of Customer Pays or Company Pays. This is required for the freight record to be saved. If Company Pays is selected, freight matching records will be created upon saving the Load Order.
  • The Freight U of M, Freight Rate, Adjustment, Misc Amt, and Fuel Surcharge % will default from the Shipping Method Detail Maintenance window, but can be changed if necessary.
  • Net Quantities are not fully determined until transactions are saved, when the Freight U of M is set to Per Net Unit, the total freight amount may not be accurate until the transaction is saved.
  • The Fuel Surcharge will automatically be calculated based on the Surcharge % entered.
  • If a Shipping Company was entered in Load Order Freight Entry that needs calculating, highlight the line in the scrolling window. The Shipping Company will display in the Header and the user can enter the appropriate information. Choose Insert to change the line in the scrolling window.
  • Choose Insert to insert the record that was created. Enter any additional freight lines as needed.
  • Choose OK to close the window. The Total Freight field will be updated with the newly calculated freight. It is required to choose OK to close the window to verify that all freight information has been entered. If OK is selected without inserting a line and there is information in the header, it will ask if you want to insert the information.
  • Regardless if the order is created form Load Order Entry or Load Generator, when a contract is associated to the order the system will check the Freight Setup.
    • If the Quantities setting on the selected contract is Destination and Freight Setup, Calc Freight by Destination checkbox is selected the freight record on the Load Order will be created but the total will not be calculated since a Destination Quantity does not exist.
    • If the Freight Setup, Calc Freight by Destination checkbox is not selected the freight record the Load Order will be created based on the Origination Quantity regardless of the Quantities setting on the contract.
  1. Mark the Invoice Freight checkbox if the Freight is going to be invoiced out (Customer Pays Freight is selected as Payment Resp.). This should be used when the company is responsible for freight, and they will charge the customer for freight. This will allow the invoiced rate to be different from the rate that is paid by the plant to the trucker. This will enable the expansion button that opens the Freight Invoice Entry window.

When the customer is Invoiced for Freight, none of the freight fields (adjustments, surcharge, tax or miscellaneous) are taken in to account.

  1. Enter or lookup the Trader responsible for the order.
  2. In the Commission field, select percent or amount.
  3. Enter a Commission Rate.
  4. In the Commission Type field, select Net From Price or Payable.
  5. The Commission Total will calculate based on the commission information entered.
  6. In the Unit Train Nmbr field, enter a unit number if applicable.
  7. In the Order Reference field, enter an order number if applicable.
  8. Mark the Stock in Other Elevators checkbox if the grain is SOE grain being shipped to a storage location.
  9. Choose Print and select the report to print, Load Order or Bill of Lading.
  10. Choose the Email icon and select the report to email, Bill of Lading or Load Order. The selected report will be emailed to the customer.
    • Cinch Customer E-mail Options, Load Order & Generator checkbox must be marked before a Load Order will be emailed.
    • Depending on how the Cinch Customer E-mail Options is setup, e-mail addresses will be determined one of two ways:
      • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Enabled checkbox is marked and Load Order & Generator is marked, addresses will be based on the addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window.
        • If there are no addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window then the system will behave the same as if the Disabled checkbox is marked.
      • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Disabled checkbox is marked and Load Order & Generator is marked, addresses will be determined based on the load's Bill To address ID.
      • If no email exists a Send Document Error window will be displayed stating that an email address could not be found. The user will then be given the opportunity to print the report based on the users default report destination settings.
  11. Choose Save to save the order information.
    • If the Customer Address Companion Entry, Exclude Sales Contract Adds checkbox is not selected, a Sales Contract Sub Item will be auto created for each Customer addresses.
      • If there are Contract Partners associated to the contract a separate sub item will automatically be created for each Contract Partners, Customer Address.
  12. Choose Clear to clear the window without saving the changes.
  13. Delete/Void the Load Order
    • Delete will be displayed if the Outbound Setup, Allow Delete Document checkbox is checked. When selected the load order will be deleted.
    • Void will be displayed if the Outbound Setup, Allow Delete Document checkbox is uncheck.
      • When the Void button is selected the user will be prompted to enter a Reason Code.
      • Once a Reason Code is selected and the Ok button pressed, the original load order will be moved from the work table to the history table.
      • The history record will record the date, time, reason code and the user who voided the transaction.

Copying a Load Order

Copying a Load Order

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

  1. Open the Load Order Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Sales\Outbound>>Load Order Entry)

  1. Enter or lookup an existing Load Number.
  2. Copy button, when selected opens the Copy Load Number window allowing the user to create a copy of the selected load order.

    • Enter a Load Number; or use the expansion button to open the Load Number Entry window.
      • The Prefix, Number and Suffix will default in based on the information entered in General Setup.
      • Make changes as necessary and look at the Preview field to see what the Load Number will be.
      • Hit OK to accept the Load Number, the Load Number will then be displayed in the Load Number field.
    • Number of Copies, is the number of copies to create. This defaults to "1" but is editable.
      • The Number of copies being generated will be validated against the delivery line/row available quantity or loads. There is a difference between load based sales contracts and quantity based sales contracts:
        • Non Load Based Sales Contract, if the order quantity exceeds the available quantity, the system will only warn the user and will allow more loads to be generated.
        • Load Based Sales Contracts, if the order exceeds the available loads, the system will stop the user from creating too many loads.
    • Branch, is the branch the new load order(s) will be created in. It will default to the current branch but is editable.
    • Site, is the site the new load order(s) will be created for. It will default to the Main Inventory Site ID for the selected Branch but can be changed.
    • Batch, is the batch the new load order(s) will be saved to. It will default to the batch assigned to the original load order, but can be changed.
    • Contract Number/Delivery Period will default to the contract and delivery period assigned to the original load order, but can be changed. If changed, the available quantity or load validation will take place.
    • Delivery Period Lookup, when user clicks the delivery period lookup, and contract number does not yet exists, the Sales Contract Detail Lookup window will open.
    • Ship Company will default the from the original load order but can be changed.
      • If the Ship Company is changed, the freight record and Invoice Freight will be removed.
    • Customer Number and Customer Name will default from the load being copied.
    • Invoice Fright:
      • If the Ship Company is the same as the Ship Company from the original load order, the copy routine will copy the Invoice Freight information to the newly created Load Order.
      • If the Ship Company is NOT the same as the Ship Company from the original load order, the Invoice Freight will be removed and the checkbox unmarked.
      • The user will have ability to enter Invoice Freight in a manner similar to the way they can be entered in Load Order Entry. The copy routine will copy the Invoice Freight information to the newly created Load Order.
    • Void/Delete checkbox, is a visual switch dependent upon the Outbound Setup, Allow Delete Document checkbox.
      • The Delete checkbox will be displayed if the Outbound Setup, Allow Delete Document checkbox is checked. When selected the original load order will be deleted.
      • The Void checkbox will be displayed if the Outbound Setup, Allow Delete Document checkbox is uncheck. When selected the original load order will be voided.
      • If the checkbox is not selected the original load order will be saved.
    • Freight Entry:
      • If the Ship Company is the same as the Ship Company from the original load order, the copy routine will copy the freight records to the newly created Load Order.
      • If the Ship Company is NOT the same as the Ship Company from the original load order, the Freight record will be removed.
      • The User will have ability to enter freight records in a manner similar to the way they can be entered in Load Order Entry. The copy routine will copy the freight information to the newly created Load Order.
    • Reason Code, will be editable and required if the Void checkbox is selected.
    • Reason Description, is display only and will display the description of the selected Reason Code.
    • Copy button, when selected system creates the designated copies and either delete, void or save the original load order.
      • If the original load order is voided, if will be moved to history with the date, time, reason code and the user who voided the transaction.
    • Cancel button, closes the window without copying, voiding or deleting the original load order.

Load Number Changer

Changing a Load Number

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualThe Load Number Changer allows for the correction of an existing load number.

  1. Open the Load Order Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Sales\Outbound>>Load Order Entry; Additional, Change Load Number)

  1. Enter or lookup an existing Load Number.
  2. Select Additional; Change Load number to access the Load Number Changer window.

  1. The Load Number Changer screen opens with the current load number defaulted into the Load Number and New Load Number fields. User can then edit the new load number to make the correction.
  2. Click Process for the change to occur.
    • After the process button has been selected the revised load order is redisplayed in the Load Order Entry screen.
  3. Possible reasons for update failure:
    • Existing Load number is in use in another window.
    • New Load Number is in use in another window.
    • Existing Load Number is on a saved or posted shipment.

Load Reassignment

Load Reassignment

Load Reassignment allows the ability select loads that are assigned to a contract and reassign those loads and outbound shipments from one sales contract delivery/pricing line to another one. In addition Load Reassignment provides the ability to assign loads not currently assigned to a contract to a specific contract delivery line based on branch, customer and item.

Load Reassignment – Loads assigned to a contract
  1. Open Load Reassignment

(Transactions>Cinch Grain>Sales/Outbound>Uninvoiced Shipments; Load Reassignment) or (Transactions>Cinch Grain>Sales/Outbound >Load Reassignment)

  1. Select the contract number when the load is already associated to a contract.
    • When Load Reassignment is accessed from Uninvoiced Shipments the contract will default from the Uninvoiced Shipment selected line.
    • When Contract is selected Loads with No Contracts checkbox, Don't update Ship To checkbox and Assign to Contract lookup will be disabled.
  2. The contract information will be displayed for the selected contract.
  3. The delivery period scrolling window will display each delivery period and pricing associated to the selected contract.
    • Open and closed delivery periods will be displayed.
    • Load Shipments will be able to be moved as long as the contract is open, even if the contract row has been closed.
  4. When a delivery period is selected Load Numbers associated to the contract delivery period will be displayed.
    • Select checkbox selects the Load Number(s) to move.
  5. The Status Filter allows user to specify the loads to display:
    • All
    • Shipped
    • Unshipped
  6. Sort by, options are:
    • Load Number, the default selection.
    • Ship To
    • Ship Date
  7. Clear button when selected will clear the Load Reassignment window.
  8. Cancel button when selected will clear and close the Load Reassignment window.
  9. Move Selected Shipments is a dropdown with the following options for the selected shipments:
    • Move to New Delivery Row is used when a new delivery period pricing is created for the selected Load Shipments. When selected:
      • The Price Calculator Entry window opens to enter pricing information for the new delivery period.

        • Select the Reference, dropdown list is defined on the Price Index Setup window.
        • Select the Price Index, dropdown list is defined on the Price Index Setup window.
      • When the pricing is saved a new delivery period is created and the selected Load Shipments will be moved to the new delivery period pricing.
        • The Delivery Period ID will default from the selected load shipments.
        • The new delivery period will be closed.
        • The quantity will be the net quantity from the selected shipments.
        • The original delivery period quantity will be reduced by the selected shipments quantity.
    • Move to New Delivery Row Select New Delivery Row is used when a new delivery period and delivery period pricing is created for the selected Load Shipments. When selected:
      • The Select New Delivery Period window opens.

      • Select the Delivery Period and/or enter Start and End Dates for the new delivery period.
      • Select button when selected opens the Price Calculator Entry window for the user to enter pricing information for the new delivery period.
        • When the pricing is saved a new delivery period is created and the selected Load Shipments will be moved to the new delivery period pricing.
          • The Delivery Period ID will is based on the selected Delivery Period.
          • The new delivery period will be closed.
          • The quantity will be the net quantity from the selected shipments.
          • The original delivery period quantity will be reduced by the selected shipments quantity.
      • Cancel button when selected returns the user to the Load Reassignment window without making any changes to the Load Shipment or Contract.
    • Move to Existing Delivery Row is used to move the Load Shipments to an existing delivery period on the selected contract. When selected:
      • The Delivery Line Selection window opens.

        • Select the Delivery Period to move the Load Shipments to.
        • Select button when selected will move the selected Load Shipments to the selected delivery period pricing.
        • The originating delivery row quantity will be reduced by the selected shipment(s) quantities.
        • Cancel button when selected returns the user to the Load Reassignment window without making any changes to the Load Shipment.
    • Move to Another Contract or Ship To Address is used to move the Load Shipments to an existing delivery period on the selected contract. When selected:
      • The Sales Contract Delivery Lookup opens.

        • Select the Contract delivery period.
        • Selecting OK will move the Load Shipments to the selected Contract delivery period.
        • The originating delivery row quantity will be reduced by the selected shipment(s) quantities.
        • Cancel button when selected returns the user to the Load Reassignment window without making any changes to the Load Shipment.

Load Reassignment – Loads not assigned to a contract
  1. Open Load Reassignment

(Transactions>Cinch Grain>Sales/Outbound >Load Reassignment)

  1. Mark the Loads with No Contracts checkbox.
    • When marked the Contract Number will be disabled.
  2. Don't update Ship To checkbox:
    • Unchecked, the Ship To address ID on the load will be updated with the Ship To address ID assigned to the selected contract delivery line.
    • Checked, The Ship To address ID on the load will not be updated with the Ship To address ID assigned to the selected contract delivery line
  3. Select a Customer.
  4. Select an Item.
  5. Assign To Contract lookup is used to the lookup a contract delivery line from the Sales Contract Detail Lookup window filtered by branch, customer and item.
  6. Upper Scrolling window will display Loads without contract assigned.
    • Subtotal fields for selected loads, number of loads selected, total load quantity and gross shipped quantity
    • OVERRUN will display to warn the user when the selected Gross Qty will overrun the selected Assign To Contract.
  7. Lower Scrolling window will display the selected contract delivery line of the selected Assign to Contract.
  8. Redisplay when selected will fill the top scrolling window based on the Branch, Customer and Item restrictions.
  9. Assign when selected will assign the selected loads to the selected Assign To Contract:
    • If the selected loads are associated to Shipments and the Gross Qty will overrun the contract, the user will be prompted "This will overrun the selected contract, would you like to proceed?"
      • Yes, when selected will assign the load/shipment and overrun the contract.
      • No, when selected will return the user to Load Reassignment window to make edits.
    • Loads without a shipment will increase the committed quantity for the contract delivery line but will not warn the user of an overrun.
    • If a load has a Ship Company, it will remain otherwise the fright will be updated from the contract
    • Price, if a load has a Net Price, it will remain otherwise the price will be updated from the selected contract.

Chapter 12:Shipping

This chapter explains how to create load shipment tickets for single loads and unit trains.
Depending on the business type, all previous load order entry points (Sales Contract Entry, Load Generator, and Load Order Entry) could be skipped and the load can be created on the fly from Load Shipping Entry.
It is divided into the following sections:
Outbound Shipping Entry - this section explains how to create shipments for existing loads, shipments that will not be attached to loads or contracts, direct shipment options and what to do if a sales contract is overrun or under run.
Bulk Shipping Entry – this section explains how to create bulk shipments for existing loads, bulk shipments that will not be attached to loads or contracts and bulk direct shipment options.
Unit Train Shipment Entry – is used to quickly enter load information for unit trains.
Terminal Storage – this section explains how to ship grain to non-company owned terminals or elevators for storage. This grain is referred to as Stock in Other Elevators or SOE grain. The SOE grain can be sold to the storage elevator or redelivered back to the origination elevator.
To see the NTEP (National Type Evaluation Program) compliance rules that CINCH Grain follows in order to remain NTEP certified follow this link NTEP.D2HML|C1H Manual

Outbound Shipping Entry

Outbound Shipping EntryD2HML|C1H Manual

This section explains how to create shipments for existing loads, shipments that will not be attached to loads or contracts, direct shipment options and what to do if a sales contract is overrun or under run.
It is divided into the following procedures:
Creating Load Shipments for Existing Loads
Creating Load Shipments on the Fly
Creating a Direct Shipment

Overrunning a Sales ContractD2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

Creating Load Shipments for Existing Loads
  1. Open the Outbound Shipping Entry.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Outbound\Sales>>Load Shipping Grain)

  1. The Shipment # will default in based on the information entered in Next Number Maintenance. This cannot be changed but can be entered when pulling up existing shipment #.
  2. Shipment # expansion button will open the Inspection Maintenance window. Refer to Cinch Sales – Seed Procedure Manual, Certificate of Analysis (COA), for more information.
  3. Enter or lookup the Load to create the shipment for.
  • If a user attempts to select a Load Order that have been placed On Hold they will be prompted "The Load Order has been placed on Hold and cannot be shipped."
  • If a customer is marked inactive after a load order is created, user is not allowed to select the load order.
  1. The Ship Date will default in from the Load, or it will display the system date if no load is selected.
  2. The following fields will default in from the Load Order information and are display only:

PO Number

  1. A credit limit light icon will be displayed to help user decide if to continue with the transaction.
  2. The following fields will default in from the Load Order information and may be changed if necessary:

Ship Date
Ship To

  • Bill To

Delivery Period
License Plate
No. of Axles
Ship Company

  • Comment

Freight Information (Load Shipping Freight window), expansion button next to Ship Company.

  1. Enter or select Origination Quality Class (Class)
  2. Enter or select Origination Quality Sub Class (Sub Class). The Quality Sub Class is validated with the Quality Class.
  3. Enter or select the Sales Contract, if necessary.
    • If there are multiple delivery periods on the contract, after the contract is selected, the Sales Contract Delivery Period Lookup window will be displayed.

    • Select the Delivery Period to make the shipment for.
  • Choose Select to close the window.
  • If a customer is marked inactive after a contract is created, user is not allowed to select the contract.
  1. The Delivery Period field will be filled with the selected delivery period, but he lookup can be used to select a different one.
  2. Enter or select an Assembly, if necessary. Only storage assemblies can be selected and the Contract Number must be blank.
  3. Select the Direct Shipment checkbox if purchasing grain that is going to be delivered directly to the contracted buyer and the grain will physically never reside at your location. For more information see Creating a Direct Shipment.
  4. Scale – Weight in lbs section

Ticket - if the Outbound Scale has been selected as the number option in Outbound Setup, the Ticket field will automatically be filled with the next ticket number. If the number option is set to None, in Outbound Setup, enter the ticket number.
Driver on Scale - mark if the Driver was on the scale while it was weighed.
Weight - choose one of the following options when entering the scale ticket weights

  • If an electronic scale is setup, hit the Tare and Gross buttons to automatically pull in the weights from the scale at the appropriate times.
  • Manually enter the Gross and Tare weights.
    • If Outbound Setup, Single Weight Entry checkbox is selected, the Gross weight will be used as the net weight.
    • If the Outbound Setup Warning Weight is defined and the weight exceeds the Warning Weight user will be prompted that the gross vehicle weight is over the DOT maximum.

For more information on electronic scale setup, see the CINCH Grain System Manual.
Gross Qty – displays the gross quantity.

  1. Enter or select a Batch to save the shipment to, or leave the field blank to post directly from this window.
  2. Select a Discount Schedule for the shipment.
  3. Select the No Charge checkbox option if charges are not to be made for storage removal.
  4. Choose the expansion button next to the Seal Numbers field to open the Load Shipment Seal Entry window.

The Shipment number is display only from Outbound Shipping Entry.
Enter the Start Seal Number
Enter the Number of Seals
 Replace/Append dropdown list:

  • Replace, when selected, all existing seal numbers will be cleared and a new sequence will be created. Dropdown defaults to Replace.
  • Append when selected the current list will be retained and any new numbers will be added to the list. If there is any overlap the current information will be retained.
  • Choose Preview

The Scrolling window will fill with the sequential seal numbers based on the Start Seal Number and Number of Seals.
Enter any comments needed for each seal number.

  1. Grade Factors Section

 Choose the expansion button window next to Grade Factors to open the Load Shipment Grade Entry window.

  • The Shipment, Customer and Item information are display only from the Outbound Shipping Entry window.
  • The Destination Quality Class and will default from the Origination Quality Class that was entered in the Outbound Shipping Entry but the user will be able to override this.
  • The Destination Quality Sub Class will default from the Origination Quality Sub Class that was entered in the Outbound Shipping Entry but the user will be able to override this.
  • The Grade Factors will default from the Item Extensions Maintenance window, more can be added if desired.
  • Enter the Origin and/or Destination Values for the factors.
  • Mark the Zero checkbox next to Orig. Value or Dest. Value to indicate that a value of zero is the actual valid entry for the Grade Factor when calculating Quality Grades. If the Grade Factor is not used in calculating the Quality Grade, it is not necessary to mark the Zero checkbox.

The Zero value checkbox is necessary when the corresponding Grade Factor is being used to calculate the Quality Grade. In this case, the checkbox must be checked to indicate that the value of zero is to be used in the calculation. If the value is zero and the checkbox is un-checked, the calculated Quality Grade will be U.S. Sample

  • Choose OK to save the grade factor information.

For more information on setting up Quality Grades, see the Grade Maintenance section of the CINCH Grain Software System Manual.

  1. If using an electronic grain tester, choose the lookup next to Grade Factors to open the Grain Sample Lookup window.

    • Highlight the Sample ID and click Select place the results in the Load Shipment Grade Entry fields.
    • If receiving sample ID's from two grain testers, open the Grain Sample Lookup a second time and select the second sample ID.
    • Tester Restriction limits the display to samples based on the Purchase/Inbound User Setup, Tester 1 & Tester 2 assigned to the user.
      • My Tester – Unassigned, is the default setting, will display samples without a ticket assigned based testers assigned to the user.
      • My Tester – All, will display samples with and without a ticket assigned based testers assigned to the user.
      • All Results, will display samples for all testers regardless of the user setup.
  1. Select a Quality Grade if applicable. If Commodity Grades have been set up to calculate Quality Grades, this field will populate automatically once the required Grade Factors have been entered.
  2. COA Lot Number will tie the COA quality information to the item. Refer to Cinch Sales – Seed Procedure Manual, Certificate of Analysis (COA), for more information.
  3. To save this shipment to a Unit, enter the Unit Number in the Unit Number field and enter the Car Number.
  4. Mark the Stock in Other Elevators check box if the shipment is for SOE grain being shipped to a storage facility.

For more information on SOE shipments, please refer to the Terminal Storage section of this manual

  1. The Comments entered may be added to the billing of lading if desired, and will print out on the final invoice.
  2. Enter any User Defined information in User Defined 1 & 2. The prompts for these may be different depending on Outbound Setup.
  3. Enter a Weight Certificate number, if it exists, in the Weight Cert field.
  4. Enter a Grade Certificate number, if it exists, in the Grade Cert field.
  5. Choose Print and select report to Print. Options are:
  • Scale Ticket, will print the scale ticket for this shipment.
  • Bill of Lading, will print the Bill of Lading
  • Certificate of Analysis, is used with COA. Refer to Cinch Sales – Seed Procedure Manual, Certificate of Analysis (COA), for more information.
  • BOL and COA, is used with COA. Refer to Cinch Sales – Seed Procedure Manual, Certificate of Analysis (COA), for more information.
  1. Choose the Email icon and select the report to Email. The icon will only be active if the Customer has email defined.
    • Depending on how the Cinch Customer E-mail Options is setup, e-mail addresses will be determined one of two ways:
      • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Enabled checkbox is marked and Outbound Scale Ticket, Bill of Lading and Certificate of Analysis are marked, addresses will be based on the addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window.
        • If there are no addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window then the system will behave the same as if the Disabled checkbox is marked.
      • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Disabled checkbox is marked and Outbound Scale Ticket, Bill of Lading and Certificate of Analysis are marked, addresses will be determined as follows:
        • Scale Ticket, when selected the outbound scale ticket will be emailed to the customer's email address based on the document Ship To address ID.
        • Bill of Lading, when selected the document will be emailed to the customer's email address based on the document Ship To address ID.
        • Certificate of Analysis, when selected the document will be emailed to the customer's email address based on the document Bill To address ID.
          • Certificate of Analysis, is used with COA. Refer to Cinch Sales – Seed Procedure Manual, Certificate of Analysis (COA), for more information.
          • BOL and COA, is used with COA. Refer to Cinch Sales – Seed Procedure Manual, Certificate of Analysis (COA), for more information.
    • The email message and format of the attachment are based on the Customer Maintenance, Cinch Customer E-mail Options setup.
  2. Choose Save to save the shipment to a Batch.
    • If the Credit Limit Setup, Grain Shipment Warning is anything but Don't Warn and the customer is violating their credit terms the appropriate credit message will be displayed for the user to deal with.
      • When a user overrides a Credit Limit warning the system will record the information and can be viewed from Credit Limit Override Inquiry.
  3. Choose Clear to clear the shipment without saving any changes.
  4. Choose Delete to delete the selected shipment.
  5. Choose Post to post the shipment. Posting will update the delivered quantity and get the shipment ready for invoicing. You will also be asked if you want to print the scale ticket at this time.
    • If the Credit Limit Setup, Grain Shipment Warning is anything but Don't Warn and the customer is violating their credit terms the appropriate credit message will be displayed for the user to deal with.
      • When a user overrides a Credit Limit warning the system will record the information and can be viewed from Credit Limit Override Inquiry.

Creating Load Shipments on the Fly
  1. Open the Outbound Shipping Entry.
  2. Follow the above steps for creating a load shipment for an existing load, but do not select a load or contract.

Creating a Direct Shipment
  1. Open the Outbound Shipping Entry.
  2. Enter the information for the shipment as outlined above.
  3. Mark the Direct Shipment checkbox.
  4. Choose one of the following options:

If a corresponding Inbound Ticket has already been created that you want to link the shipment to, choose the expansion button next to Direct Shipment to open the Inbound Ticket Number window.

  • Enter or select the Vendor of the ticket.
  • Lookup and select the corresponding Inbound Ticket Number.
  • Choose OK to close the window.

 To create an Inbound Ticket on the fly, choose Save. The Inbound Scale Ticket Entry window will open; the following fields will be filled in from the Outbound Shipping Entry window:

  • Date
  • Item
  • UOM
  • Gross
  • Tare
  • Grade Factors
  • Driver
  • Vehicle
  • License Plate
  • No of Axles
  • Ship Company: Shipping Company will fill in, but the shipping rate will remain empty so the customer isn't charged twice for shipping.
  • Site
  • Bin
  • Discount Schedule

User may choose to cancel entering the Inbound Scale Ticket, but user will not be allowed to post the outbound shipment until it is linked to an inbound scale ticket.

  1. Once the Inbound Ticket has been created, a Direct Shipment checkbox will be place on the Inbound Scale Ticket Entry screen along with the corresponding Outbound Shipment number.

Creating an Outbound Shipment with a Spot Price
  1. Open the Outbound Shipping Entry.
  2. Enter the information for the shipment as outlined above.
  3. Choose the Spot button to open the Shipment Spot Contract Price Entry window.

The Shipment Number, Customer, Item and Price Qty are display only and will fill in from the Shipment window.

    • Currency will default to Functional Currency and is currently informational only.
      • Currency expansion button is currently not used.
    • Enter or lookup the Prog Schedule.
    • Enter or lookup a Ticker Symbol. The Board of Trade, Board Month and Board Year will be filled in when a Ticker is selected.
    • Enter a Board Price and Basis Price, Spot Price will be calculated based on the Board, Basis and Zero Basis checkbox.
    • If the Spot Price is entered not calculated, the Zero Basis checkbox will be marked.
    • Choose the Today's Price button to automatically fill in the Price fields from the Item Daily Price window.
    • Enter or lookup Market Zone.
    • Enter Market Zone Adjustment amount to be added to the Spot Contract.
    • Spot Contract will be populated once the Shipment is saved and the Spot Contract is created and applied to the Shipment.
    • Choose Save to save the price entry and return to the Shipment window.
  1. Upon saving the Shipment the following will occur:
    • A Sales Contract will automatically be created and posted with the follow data:
      • Contract Number is next available number.
      • Contract Type is Spot.
      • Description will include the Shipment Number.
      • Contract Date is User Date.
      • Customer is from the Shipment.
      • Item is from the Shipment.
      • Hedge Item is from the Item Extensions, Hedge Item Entry.
      • Contract Qty is based on Item Extensions Maintenance/Default Invoice Qty to Use along with the shipment gross and net quantities.
      • Quantities will be Origination.
      • Delivery Dates are the User Date for both Start and End Dates
    • A Long Short Reconcile record will be created.
  2. When removing the Spot Contract from the Shipment the following will occur:
    • User will be prompted "Removing this spot contract will delete spot pricing."
      • Selecting Cancel will return user to the shipment without removing the spot contract.
      • Select OK will remove and delete the Spot Contract.
        • A Long Short Reconcile record will be created to remove the Spot Contract.

Overrunning a Sales Contract

Overrunning a Sales Contract
  1. D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualOpen the Outbound Shipping Entry.
  2. Enter the information for the shipment as outlined above.
  3. If the shipment has a quantity greater than what is on the attached sales contract, when choosing to Post or Save the shipment, user will receive the following warning message.

Choose Yes to add the remaining quantity to the attached sales contract.
Choose No to open the Sales Contract Overrun window.

Choose one of the following options:

  • Spot Contract: This will create a new spot sales contract on the fly. When this is chosen, user will be able to enter the Discount Schedule, Market Zone, Market Zone Adj, Board, Basis and Contract Price for the new contract.
  • Existing Contract: This will fill the scrolling window with the customer's other contracts that user will be able to pick from.
  • Open/Apply Later: This will leave the overage quantity open with no contract or delivery period assigned to it.

Bulk Shipping Entry

Bulk Shipping EntryD2HML|C1H Manual

This section explains how to create bulk shipments for existing loads, bulk shipments that will not be attached to loads or contracts and bulk direct shipment options.
It is divided into the following procedures:
Creating Bulk Load Shipments for Existing Loads
Creating Bulk Load Shipments on the Fly
Creating a Direct Shipment from Bulk Shipping

Creating Bulk Load Shipments for Existing Loads
  1. Open the Bulk Shipping Entry.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Outbound\Sales>>Bulk Shipping)

  1. The Shipment # will default in based on the information entered in Next Number Maintenance. This cannot be changed, but an existing shipment # can be type it in.
  2. Shipment # expansion button will open the Inspection Maintenance window. Refer to Cinch Sales – Seed Procedure Manual, Certificate of Analysis (COA), for more information.
  3. Enter or lookup the Load to create the shipment for.
    • User is able to select a Load Orders created for a Sales Contract Sub Item and the associated Sales Contract.
    • If a user attempts to select a Load Order that have been placed On Hold they will be prompted "The Load Order has been placed on Hold and cannot be shipped."
    • If a customer is marked inactive after a load order is created, user is not allowed to select the load order.
  4. The Ship Date will default in from the Load, or it will display the system date if no load is selected.
  5. The following fields will default in from the Load Order information and are display only.


  1. A credit limit light icon will be displayed to help user decide to continue with the transaction.
  2. The following fields will default in from the Load Order information and may be changed if necessary:

Ship Date
Ship To

  • Bill To
    • Cust PO Number
    • Item

Delivery Period
License Plate
No. of Axles
Ship Company

  1. Enter or select the Sales Contract, if necessary. After selecting the contract, if there are multiple delivery periods the Sales Contract Delivery Lookup window will be displayed.
    • If a customer is marked inactive after a contract is created, user is not allowed to select the contract.
    • User is able to create a Bulk Shipment for a Sales Contract Sub Item and the associated Sales Contract.
    • Bulk Shipments will be applied to the Sales Contract based on the contract items UOM. Therefore, if the selected sub item has a different weight UOM than the Sales Contract item, the Bulk Shipment Qty will be converted to Sales Contract item UOM prior to applying it to the contract.
  2. The Delivery Period field will be filled with the selected delivery period, but the lookup can be used to select a different one.
  3. Enter the Tank Number up to 9 characters.
  4. Enter a Cert of Analysis up to 11 characters.
  5. Select the expansion button next to Total Freight or select the Freight Entry button to edit freight information.

  • If there was a shipping company entered previously, it will be displayed in the scrolling window.
  • The Shipment Number is display only and will default from the Bulk Shipment Entry window.
  • Depending on what was selected in Freight Setup, either Shipping Company or Vendor will display in the drop down list. Select the Shipping Company/Vendor to create freight records for.
  • Select an FOB if desired. For Inbound Tickets, the FOB Freight Calculation will override the Shipping Company defaults if any are setup.
  • Select a Payment Liability of Customer Pays or Company Pays. This is required for the freight record to be saved. If Company Pays is selected, freight matching records will be created upon ticket posting.
  • The Freight U of M, Freight Rate, Adjustment, Misc Amt, and Fuel Surcharge % will default from the Shipping Method Detail Maintenance window, but can be changed if necessary.
  • Net Quantities are not fully determined until transactions are saved, when the Freight U of M is set to Per Net Unit, the total freight amount may not be accurate until the transaction is saved.
  • The Fuel Surcharge will automatically be calculated based on the Surcharge % entered.
  • If a Shipping Company was entered in Bulk Shipment Entry that needs calculating, highlight the line in the scrolling window. The Shipping Company will display in the Header and user can enter the appropriate information. Choose Insert to change the line in the scrolling window.
  • Choose Insert to insert the created record. Enter any additional freight lines as needed.
  • Choose OK to close the window. The Total Freight field will be updated with the newly calculated freight. It is required to choose OK to close the window to verify that all freight information has been entered. If OK is selected without inserting a line and there is information in the header, it will ask if you want to insert the information.
  • If selected item is a Sales Contract Sub Item and has a different Price U of M than the Sales Contract Item, Total Freight will be calculated based upon the weight U of M when the Sales Contract Freight U of M is set to Per Unit.
  • When either a Load Order with an assigned Contract or a Contract is selected the system will check the Freight Setup.
    • If the Quantities setting on the selected contract is Destination and Freight Setup, Calc Freight by Destination checkbox is selected the freight record on the Shipment will be created but the total will not be calculated since a Destination Quantity does not exist.
    • If the Freight Setup, Calc Freight by Destination checkbox is not selected the freight record the Shipment will be created based on the Origination Quantity regardless of the Quantities setting on the contract.
  1. Select the Return checkbox to create a sales return document against the shipment.
  2. Select the Direct Shipment button when purchasing grain that is going to be delivered directly to the contracted buyer and the grain will physically never reside at your location. For more information see Creating a Direct Bulk Shipment.
  3. Scale – weight in lb Section

 If Outbound Scale was selected as the number option in Outbound Setup, the Ticket field will automatically be filled with the next ticket number. If the number option is set to None, enter the ticket number.
 Mark the Driver on scale checkbox if the Driver was on the scale while it was weighed.
 Choose one of the following options when entering the scale ticket weights.

  • If an electronic scale setup, hit the Tare and Gross buttons to automatically pull in the weights from the scale at the appropriate times.
  • Manually enter the Gross and Tare weights.
    • If Outbound Setup, Allow Save with Zero Weights checkbox is selected the shipment can be saved with zero weights. However, posting a Bulk Shipment is not allowed without a gross quantity.
    • If Outbound Setup, Warning Weight is defined and the weight exceeds the Warning Weight user will be prompted that the gross vehicle weight is over the DOT maximum.
    • If Outbound Setup, Single Weight Entry checkbox is selected, The Gross weight will be used as the net weight.
  • Gross Qty will display the gross quantity.
    • If Outbound Setup, Allow Gross Qty. Entry checkbox is marked the Gross Qty field will be enabled. This will allow the user to enter Gross Qty and the system will calculate Gross weight.
        • Gross Qty cannot be entered unless there is an Item Number on the shipment.
        • System will calculate Gross weight (Gross Qty * Weight Per Unit of measure for the selected Item).
        • System will calculate Tare weight (Net - Gross).
        • Changing the value of Tare or Gross weight will update the value of Gross Qty.

For more information on electronic scale setup, see the CINCH Grain System Manual.

  1. Enter or select a Batch to save the shipment to, or leave the field blank to post directly from this window.
  2. Choose the expansion button window next to Grade Factors to open the Load Shipment Grade Entry window.
  3. If using an electronic grain tester, choose the lookup next to Grade Factors to open the Grain Sample Lookup window.

  • Highlight the Sample ID and click Select place the results in the Load Shipment Grade Entry fields.
  • If receiving sample ID's from two grain testers, open the Grain Sample Lookup a second time and select the second sample ID.
  • Tester Restriction limits the display to samples based on the Purchase/Inbound User Setup, Tester 1 & Tester 2 assigned to the user.
    • My Tester – Unassigned, is the default setting, will display samples without a ticket assigned based testers assigned to the user.
    • My Tester – All, will display samples with and without a ticket assigned based testers assigned to the user.
    • All Results, will display samples for all testers regardless of the user setup.
  1. Choose the expansion button to Seal Numbers to open the Load Shipment Seal Entry window.
  2. If using a Meter select one of two things:

Select a meter that will electronically read the Gross and Net weights.
Select a Meter ID and/or a Meter Number and enter the Gross and Net weights. The Shrink is display only and will calculate from the Gross and Net.

  1. Avg Temperature is entered by the user and will be used to calculate the Gross and Net Qty values.
    • Scale – when measuring liquid items where Avg Temperature is used to determine Gross Qty (Gross – Tare) is actually Net and the Avg Temperature is used to determine the Gross Qty.
      • Net Meter Qty = Gross Meter Qty * ((1+ (CorrectToTemp – actual temperature)) * Temp Coefficient).
    • Meter – when using the Meter the system will calculate the Gross, Net and Shrink Quantities based on the Avg Temperature entered. The Gross Qty field will be the Gross Meter Qty.
      • Net Meter Qty = Gross Meter Qty * ((1+ (CorrectToTemp – actual temperature)) * Temp Coefficient).
    • If both Scale and Meter values exist, the Meter values will be the determining factor for Quantities.
    • The difference between Gross and Net Quantities calculated using Avg Temperatures will be written to the Load Shipment Detail (Contract expansion button) as an Adjustment Qty.
      • The Load Shipment Detail Adjustment Qty will be written to the Discount table so system can track the adjustment. It will be written with TEMPADJ as the Discount Detail ID and Grade Factors.
  2. Choose the RIN button to access the RIN Edit window, used to assist in tracking the RIN information.

    • Denaturant Percent will default from RIN Item Setup for the selected item but this value can be changed.
    • Denaturant Qty will default and be calculated based on Net Meter Qty times Denaturant Percent but this value can be changed.
    • RINs Transferred Qty:
      • If the RIN Item Setup, Default RINs Transferred Qty checkbox is marked, RINs Transferred Qty will default base on Net Meter Qty times Equivalence Value, but the value can be changed.
      • If the RIN Item Setup, Default RINs Transferred Qty checkbox is not marked, RINs Transferred Qty will be disabled.
  1. COA Lot Number, will tie the COA quality information to the item. Refer to Cinch Sales – Seed Procedure Manual, Certificate of Analysis (COA), for more information.
  2. To save this shipment to a Unit, enter the Unit Number in the Unit Number field and enter the Car Number
  3. The Comments entered may be added to the billing of lading if desired, and will print out on the final invoice.
  4. Enter a Previous Item if desired.
  5. Enter an Origin.
  6. Enter any User Defined information in User Defined 1 & 2. The prompts for these may be different depending on the Outbound Setup.
  7. Choose the Bulk Transfer button to open the Bulk Transfer Entry window.Choose the Inbound button to open the Inbound Scale Ticket Entry window.
  8. Choose Print and select report to print. Options are:
  • Choose Scale Ticket, to print the Scale Ticket for this shipment.
  • Choose Bill of Lading to print the Bill of Lading for the shipment. The system will look to the Outbound Setup window for the proper form to print. (Plain Paper or Pre Printed.)
  • Certificate of Analysis, is used with COA. Refer to Cinch Sales – Seed Procedure Manual, Certificate of Analysis (COA), for more information.
  • BOL and COA, is used with COA. Refer to Cinch Sales – Seed Procedure Manual, Certificate of Analysis (COA), for more information.
  • Choose Scale Ticket and BOL to print the Scale Ticket and the Bill of Lading for the ship.
  1. Choose the Email icon and select the report to Email. The icon will only be active if the Customer has email defined.
    • Depending on how the Cinch Customer E-mail Options is setup, e-mail addresses will be determined one of two ways:
      • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Enabled checkbox is marked and Outbound Scale Ticket, Bill of Lading and Certificate of Analysis are marked, addresses will be based on the addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window.
        • If there are no addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window then the system will behave the same as if the Disabled checkbox is marked.
      • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Disabled checkbox is marked and Outbound Scale Ticket, Bill of Lading and Certificate of Analysis are marked, addresses will be determined as follows:
        • Scale Ticket, when selected the outbound scale ticket will be emailed to the customer's email address based on the document Ship To address ID.
        • Bill of Lading, when selected the document will be emailed to the customer's email address based on the document Ship To address ID.
        • Certificate of Analysis, when selected the document will be emailed to the customer's email address based on the document Bill To address ID.
          • Certificate of Analysis, is used with COA. Refer to Cinch Sales – Seed Procedure Manual, Certificate of Analysis (COA), for more information.
          • BOL and COA, is used with COA. Refer to Cinch Sales – Seed Procedure Manual, Certificate of Analysis (COA), for more information.
    • The email message and format of the attachment are based on the Customer Maintenance, Cinch Customer E-mail Options setup.
  2. Choose Save to save the shipment to a Batch.
    • If the Credit Limit Setup, Grain Shipment Warning is anything but Don't Warn and the customer is violating their credit terms the appropriate credit message will be displayed for the user to deal with.
      • When a user overrides a Credit Limit warning the system will record the information and can be viewed from Credit Limit Override Inquiry.
    • The Save process will look to Outbound Setup, Require Seal Numbers checkbox, when marked.
      • If a seal number exists the user can save the shipment.
      • If a Seal Number does not exist user will be prompted "Seal Numbers must be entered. Do you wish to enter them now?"
        • Yes when selected will open the Load Shipment Seal Entry to allow user to enter the seal number(s).
        • No, when selected return the user to the Bulk Shipment Entry window.
  3. Choose Clear to clear the shipment without saving any changes.
  4. Choose Delete to delete the selected shipment.
  5. Choose Post to post the shipment. Posting will update the delivered quantity and get the shipment ready for invoicing. You will also be asked if you want to print the scale ticket at this time.
    • If the Credit Limit Setup, Grain Shipment Warning is anything but Don't Warn and the customer is violating their credit terms the appropriate credit message will be displayed for the user to deal with.
      • When a user overrides a Credit Limit warning the system will record the information and can be viewed from Credit Limit Override Inquiry.

Creating Bulk Load Shipments on the Fly
  1. Open the Bulk Shipping Entry.
  2. Follow the above steps for creating a load shipment for an existing load, but do not select a load or contract.

Creating a Direct Shipment from Bulk Shipping
  1. Open the Bulk Shipping Entry.
  2. Enter the information for the shipment as outlined above.
  3. Mark the Direct Shipment checkbox.
  4. Choose one of the following options:

If a corresponding Inbound Ticket has already been created that you want to link the shipment to, choose the expansion button next to Direct Shipment to open the Inbound Ticket Number window.
 To create an Inbound Ticket on the fly, choose Save. The Inbound Scale Ticket Entry window will open; the following fields will be filled in from the Bulk Shipping Entry window:

    • Date
    • Item
    • UOM
    • Gross
    • Tare
    • Grade Factors
    • Driver
    • Vehicle
    • License Plate
    • No of Axles
    • Ship Company: Shipping Company will fill in, but the shipping rate will remain empty so the customer isn't charged twice for shipping.
    • Site
    • Bin
    • Discount Schedule

User may choose to cancel entering the Inbound Scale Ticket, but user will not be allowed to post the outbound shipment until it is linked to an inbound scale ticket.

  1. Once the Inbound Ticket has been created, a Direct Shipment checkbox will be place on the Inbound Scale Ticket Entry screen along with the corresponding Outbound Shipment number.

Creating a Bulk Shipment with a Spot Price
  1. Open the Bulk Shipping Entry.
  2. Enter the information for the shipment as outlined above.
  3. Choose the Spot button to open the Shipment Spot Contract Price Entry window.

The Shipment Number, Customer, Item and Price Qty are display only and will fill in from the Shipment window.

    • Currency will default to Functional Currency and is currently informational only.
      • Currency expansion button is currently not used.
    • Enter or lookup the Prog Schedule.
    • Enter or lookup a Ticker Symbol. The Board of Trade, Board Month and Board Year will be filled in when a Ticker is selected.
    • Enter a Board Price and Basis Price, Spot Price will be calculated based on the Board, Basis and Zero Basis checkbox.
    • If the Spot Price is entered not calculated, the Zero Basis checkbox will be marked.
    • Choose the Today's Price button to automatically fill in the Price fields from the Item Daily Price window.
    • Enter or lookup Market Zone.
    • Enter Market Zone Adjustment amount to be added to the Spot Contract.
    • Spot Contract will be populated once the Shipment is saved and the Spot Contract is created and applied to the Shipment.
    • Choose Save to save the price entry and return to the Shipment window.
  1. Upon saving the Shipment the following will occur:
    • A Sales Contract will automatically be created and posted with the follow data:
      • Contract Number is next available number.
      • Contract Type is Spot.
      • Description will include the Shipment Number.
      • Contract Date is User Date.
      • Customer is from the Shipment.
      • Item is from the Shipment.
      • Hedge Item is from the Item Extensions, Hedge Item Entry.
      • Contract Qty is based on Item Extensions Maintenance/Default Invoice Qty to Use along with the shipment gross and net quantities.
      • Quantities will be Origination.
      • Delivery Dates are the User Date for both Start and End Dates
    • A Long Short Reconcile record will be created.
  2. When removing the Spot Contract from the Shipment the following will occur:
    • User will be prompted "Removing this spot contract will delete spot pricing."
      • Selecting Cancel will return user to the shipment without removing the spot contract.
      • Select OK will remove and delete the Spot Contract.
        • A Long Short Reconcile record will be created to remove the Spot Contract.

Creating a Spot Contract from Bulk Shipping Load Order
  1. Open Bulk Shipping Entry.
  2. A Spot Contract will be created for a single shipment when a Bulk Shipment is posted, providing it meets the following:
          • General Setup, Create Spot Contract is selected.
          • The shipment and load do not have a Contract assigned.
          • The shipment has a Load Number assigned.
          • The load has a Price associated with it.
  3. The Bulk Shipment will be updated with the Spot Contract.
  4. The Spot Contract will be created with the following values:
          • The contract type will be a Spot Contract.
          • The Contract Item Number will come from the Load Order.
          • The Contract Customer Number will come from the Load Order.
          • The Contract will be marked Posted and Closed.
          • The Contract Qty and Delivered Qty will equal the Shipment Qty.
          • The Delivery Period will not have an ID, but a Start and End Date that is the Shipment Date.
          • The Delivery Qty and Delivered Delivery Qty will equal the Shipment Qty.
          • The Delivery Period will be marked closed.
          • The Delivery Price will be the Net Price on the Load Order.
          • The Priced Qty and Price Delivered Qty will equal the Shipment Qty

Unit Train Shipment Entry

Unit Train Shipment EntryD2HML|C1H Manual

This section is used to quickly enter load information for unit trains.
It is divided into the following procedures:
Creating Load Shipments for Unit Trains
Unapplying Load Shipments for Un-posted Unit Trains

Creating Load Shipments for Unit Trains
  1. Open the Unit Train Shipment Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Unit Train Shipment)

  1. Enter the Unit Number.
  • Unit Numbers can be used across multiple branches and Unit Number that has already been shipped for the selected branch can be reused.
    • The Create Cross Branch button has been added to create the Unit Number in another branch. The Unit Train Shipment must be saved before using the Create Cross Branch button. The Cross Branch Create window opens.

      • Branch can be entered or selected from the Branch Lookup.
      • Clicking OK will return user to Unit Train Shipment Entry with the header information copied from the original Unit Train Shipment.
    • The Cross Branch Unit Inquiry button will appear next to the Create Cross Branch if the Unit Train exists for multiple branches. Clicking will open Load Shipment Inquiry for the selected Unit Train Number.
    • A Unit Number entered that has already been shipped for the selected branch will prompt "The Unit Number has already been shipped. Do you want to" "Reuse" "Cancel"?
      • Reuse allows user to continue entering information.
      • Cancel returns user to the Unit Number requiring a different number.
  1. Enter or select the Customer.
  2. The Ship To Address will default from the Customer, but can be changed if necessary.
  3. Enter the Commodity.
  4. Enter the Site.
  5. If there is a Sales Contract for this Unit Train, enter or select the Contract.
  6. The U of M will default with the Commodity's base U of M, but can be changed if necessary.
  7. Enter the Batch to save to.
  8. Enter the Scheduled Ship Date.
  9. Enter the date the Commodity was actually shipped on in the Ship Date field.
  10. Enter the Ship Company.
  11. To calculate the Freight Total, select the Freight Total expansion button or choose the Freight Entry button to open the Unit Train Freight Entry window.

  • If a Shipping Company was entered on the Unit Train Freight Entry window, it will automatically be inserted in to the scrolling window.
  • The Shipment Number is display only and will default from the Unit Train Shipment Entry window.
  • Depending on what was selected in Freight Setup, either Shipping Company or Vendor will display in the drop down list. Select the Shipping Company/Vendor to create freight records for.
  • Select an FOB if desired. For Inbound Tickets, the FOB Freight Calculation will override the Shipping Company defaults if any are setup.
  • Select a Payment Liability of Customer Pays or Company Pays. This is required for the freight record to be saved. If Company Pays is selected, freight matching records will be created upon ticket posting.
  • The Freight U of M, Freight Rate, Adjustment, Misc Amt, and Fuel Surcharge % will default from the Shipping Method Detail Maintenance window, but can be changed if necessary.
  • Net Quantities are not fully determined until transactions are saved, when the Freight U of M is set to Per Net Unit, the total freight amount may not be accurate until the transaction is saved.
  • The Fuel Surcharge will automatically be calculated based on the Surcharge % entered.
  • If a Shipping Company was entered in Unit Train Shipment Entry that needs calculating, highlight the line in the scrolling window. The Shipping Company will display in the Header and user can enter the appropriate information. Choose Insert to change the line in the scrolling window.
  • Choose Insert to insert the created record. Enter any additional freight lines as needed.
  • Choose OK to close the window. The Total Freight field will be updated with the newly calculated freight. It is required to choose OK to close the window to verify that all freight information has been entered. If OK is selected without inserting a line and there is information in the header, it will ask if you want to insert the information.
  1. If there is more than one delivery period for the Contract, the Sales Contract Delivery Period lookup will open, select the correct Delivery Period and choose Select.
  2. Enter the Car Number, Weight, Quantity and Grade Factor information for each car.
  3. Choose the expansion button to change the Contract, Discount Schedule, Seal Numbers, Site, Weight Certification, Grade Certification, Quality Grade, or Lot on a per line basis
  4. If a contract was selected above, choose Apply. Starting with the first car entered, the quantity will be applied to the contract until it is full. Another contract can be selected to apply the rest of the cars to.
  5. Choose Save to save the shipment information.

Unapplying Load Shipments for Un-posted Unit Trains
  1. Open the Unit Train Shipment Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Unit Train Shipment)

  1. Unit Number Lookup opens the Unit Train Lookup window.

  1. Select lookup restriction, Work, Open or History.
    • By default, Work checkbox will be selected to display Unposted Unit Trains.
    • Open and History checkboxes, when selected will display Posted Unit Trains. If the Unit Train has been posted the Posted checkbox will be populated.
      • Posted Unit Trains are viewable only within the lookup window. When a posted Unit Train is selected the user is prompted "The unit number has already been shipped. Do you want to reuse the number?"
  2. When an Unposted Unit Train is selected it will be viewable/editable within Unit Train Shipment Entry.
  3. Unapply button allows the contract to be changed. When selected the user is prompted "Do you want to unapply all shipments?"
    • When Yes is selected, the Contract will be removed from all shipments displayed in the scrolling window allowing for a new contract to be applied.
    • When No is selected, user is returned to the Unit Train Shipment Entry with no changes made.

Terminal Storage

Terminal StorageD2HML|C1H Manual

This section explains how to ship grain to non-company owned terminals or elevators for storage. This grain is referred to as Stock in Other Elevators or SOE grain. The SOE grain can be sold to the storage elevator or redelivered back to the origination elevator.
This section contains the following procedures:

SOE Outbound Shipping Entry
  1. Open the Outbound Shipping Entry window.
  2. Follow the steps outlined in the Outbound Shipping Entry section for creating a load shipment for an existing load with the following exceptions:
  • Only select a load if applicable.
  • Do not select a contract.
  • Mark the Stock in Other Elevators check box to specify that the shipment is SOE grain.

When the SOE shipment is posted, the Physical Inventory-Stock in Other Elevators-In Transit section of the DPR will be increased.
The Outbound Shipping loads must be processed through Grain Shipment Invoicing in order for the transactions to display in SOE Inquiry, SOE Settlement, and SOE Redelivery windows.
When the SOE shipment is processed in Grain Shipment Invoicing:

  • The Stock in Other Elevators--In Transit section of the DPR will decrease.
  • The Stock in Other Elevators--Increase section will increase.
  • The SOE On Hand balance will increase for the customer receiving the SOE grain.
  • Any freight charges that exist will be tracked in Freight Matching.
  • An Invoice is not created when the SOE shipment is processed.
  • The SOE shipment is moved to History.

The processed SOE shipments can be viewed in Load Shipment Inquiry. Select the SOE checkbox to include the SOE shipments in the display.

SOE Unit Train Shipment
  1. Open the Unit Train Shipment Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Unit Train

  1. Follow the steps outlined in the Unit Train Shipment Entry section for creating load shipments for unit trains with the following exceptions:
  • Do not select a Contract.
  • Mark the Stock in Other Elevators checkbox.
  1. Once the Unit Train Shipment is saved, post the batch that the shipments were saved to.

When the SOE Unit Train shipments are posted, the Physical Inventory-Stock in Other Elevators-In Transit section of the DPR will be increased.
The Outbound Shipping loads must be processed through Grain Shipment Invoicing in order for the transactions to display in SOE Inquiry, SOE Settlement, and SOE Redelivery windows.
When the SOE Unit Train shipments are processed in Grain Shipment Invoicing:

  • The Stock in Other Elevators--In Transit section of the DPR will decrease.
  • The Stock in Other Elevators--Increase section will increase.
  • The SOE On Hand balance will increase for the customer receiving the SOE grain.
  • Any freight charges that exist will be tracked in Freight Matching.
  • An Invoice is not created when the SOE shipment is processed.
  • The SOE shipment is moved to History.

SOE Redelivery

The SOE Redelivery process is used to receive SOE grain back into the company elevator from which the grain originated. In order to process a redelivery, an Inbound Scale Ticket for the customer who stored the grain must be created when the grain is delivered back to the elevator. The scale ticket cannot be assigned to an Assembly Sheet and should not be posted.

  1. Open the SOE Redelivery window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>SOE Redelivery)

  1. Select a customer that has an SOE balance. The SOE Customer Lookup will display Customers with balances, Item, Branch, Site, and Available Quantity.
  2. The Vendor field will display the Vendor name from the Customer/Vendor link information.
  3. Select an Item. This field will be populated if the Customer was selected from the SOE Customer Lookup.
  4. Select a Site. This field will be populated if the Customer was selected from the SOE Customer Lookup.
  5. Enter a DPR Date.
  6. Any available inbound scale tickets for the selected customer will be displayed in the scrolling window.
  7. Mark the Select checkbox to select a ticket for redelivery. When selecting tickets to apply against SOE, and the selected quantity overruns the SOE quantity, there will be two options available for the overrun amount:
  • Split – This will apply only the quantity against the ticket to relieve the remaining quantity on the customer's SOE, and place an "S" next to the selected checkbox to show the ticket will be split in the posting process. When the ticket is posted, the existing split detail will be reduced to the amount selected and a new split detail will be created that can be applied to an Assembly, posted, and then paid.
  • Write Off – This will select the total amount of the ticket and will display the amount to be written off in the Write Off field. A "W" will be displayed next to the selected checkbox to show that a write-off will take place. When the ticket is posted, the full quantity will post, but only the necessary quantity to zero out the Customer's SOE balance will be applied to the SOE balance.
  1. Click the Process button to process the selected tickets for SOE Redelivery.
  • When SOE grain is processed in the SOE Redelivery process:
  • The selected scale tickets will be posted.
  • The Stock in Other Elevators--Decrease section of the DPR will increase.
  • The SOE On Hand balance will decrease for the customer delivering the SOE grain.

SOE Settlement

The SOE Settlement process is used when SOE grain is sold to the SOE Customer that is storing the grain. This process will create Load Shipments that can be processed in Grain Shipment Invoicing.

  1. Open the SOE Settlement Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>SOE Settlement)

  1. The Shipment # will populate automatically. This number is set up in Next Number Maintenance using the module named SOE Invoice.

For information on Next Number Maintenance, please refer to the Document Number Maintenance section of the CINCH Grain Software System Manual.

  1. Select a customer from the SOE Customer Lookup.
  2. Item, Site, and Available Qty will populate automatically when the SOE Customer is selected.
  3. Enter a Ship Date.
  4. Select the Ship To address.
  5. Select a Ship Company.
  6. In the Net Qty Field, enter the net quantity being sold.
  7. Select or enter a Comment if applicable.
  8. Enter any Grade Factors and the Quality Grade of the grain.
  9. Click Post to create and post the shipment. After posting the shipment, it will be available for processing in Grain Shipment Invoicing.

When the SOE Settlement shipment is posted,

  • The quantity of the shipment will be allocated in the customer's SOE Balance.
  • DPR remains un-changed.

When the shipment is processed in Grain Shipment Invoicing,

  • The quantity will be cleared from the customer's SOE Balance.
  • In the DPR, Stock in Other Elevators will decrease and Paid Company Owned will decrease.

When the Invoice Sales Batch is posted, Inventory On Hand and Allocated
amounts will be adjusted.

Chapter 13:Cross Country Trading

Cross Country Trading, explains how a cross country trading operation can use CINCH Grain to speed data entry. It is divided into the following procedures.
Using the Direct Shipment – Single Ticket window
Receiving an Inbound Unit Train

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

Direct-Shipment Single Ticket

Using the Direct Shipment – Single Ticket window
  1. D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualOpen the Direct Shipment Single Ticket window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Direct Shipment – Single Ticket)

  1. Enter the Inbound Ticket information in the first column of the window. All of the fields will work similar to the Inbound Scale Ticket Entry window.
    • Seal Number Expansion – opens the Ticket Seal Entry window to enter seal numbers for the ticket.
  2. Based on the Item Number selected, the Ticket/Shipment Type will default into the window when creating a new Direct Shipment. This field will be editable for a new Ticket/Shipment allowing the user to override the default. Once the Ticket/Shipment has been saved this field will be locked. This information will be used in the following way:
    • Bulk
      • The Shipment will have a Shipment Type of 2 (Bulk Shipment).
      • The Ticket will have the IsBulkTicket flag marked as True.
    • Grain
      • The Shipment will have a Shipment Type of 1 (Grain).
      • The Ticket will have the IsBulkTicket flag marked as False.
  3. Based on the Item Number selected, the Button will default to the Direct Ship Weight Type from the Item Extensions Maintenance window. The user will be able to click the button to toggle to the other setting. The option on this button are:
    • Meter – when this option is selected the following fields will be displayed:
      • Gross – Gross Meter
      • Net – Net Meter
      • Shrink – Meter Shrink
      • Temperature – will be used to calculate 1) net if only gross is entered, 2) gross if only net is entered or 3) shrink adjustment if weights, but no meter values are entered.
    • Scale - when this option is selected the following fields will be displayed:
      • Gross – Gross Weight
      • Tare – Tare Weight
      • Net – Net Weight
    • User can enter both Weight and Meter values for Ticket/Shipment by clicking the Meter/Scale button.
      • The Gross Qty value will be calculated based on the Meter readings whenever meter values are entered.
      • Based on how the Gross Qty is calculated, the system will display the proper fields when an existing record is being displayed.
    • Meter Number – represents the Meter Ticket Number supplied by the Vendor and will be manually entered by the user.
  4. The middle section is for entering information that pertains to both the inbound and outbound transaction. Enter the necessary information.
    • Unit Number – will be used to track the Lead Car Number.
    • Choose the Freight Entry button or choose the expansion button on Total Freight to open the Ticket Freight Entry window.

  • If a Shipping Company was entered on the main window, it will automatically be inserted in to the scrolling window.
  • The Ticket Number is display only and will default from the Direct Ship-Single Ticket window.
  • Depending on what was selected in Freight Setup, either Shipping Company or Vendor will display in the drop down list. Select the Shipping Company/Vendor to create freight records for.
  • Select an FOB if desired. For Inbound Tickets, the FOB Freight Calculation will override the Shipping Company defaults if any are setup.
  • Select a Payment Liability of Customer Pays or Company Pays. This is required for the freight record to be saved. If Company Pays is selected, freight matching records will be created upon ticket posting.
  • The Freight U of M, Freight Rate, Adjustment, Misc Amt, and Fuel Surcharge % will default from the Shipping Method Detail Maintenance window, but can be changed if necessary.
  • Net Quantities are not fully determined until transactions are saved, when the Freight U of M is set to Per Net Unit, the total freight amount may not be accurate until the transaction is saved.
  • The Fuel Surcharge will automatically be calculated based on the Surcharge % entered.
  • If a Shipping Company was entered in Inbound Ticket Entry that needs calculating, highlight the line in the scrolling window. The Shipping Company will display in the Header and user can enter the appropriate information. Choose Insert to change the line in the scrolling window.
  • Choose Insert to insert the created record. Enter any additional freight lines as needed.
  • Choose OK to close the window. The Total Freight field will be updated with the newly calculated freight. It is required to choose OK to close the window to verify that all freight information has been entered. If OK is selected without inserting a line and there is information in the header, it will ask if you want to insert the information.
  1. Choose the RIN button to access the RIN Edit window, used to assist in tracking the RIN information.

    • Denaturant Percent will default from RIN Item Setup for the selected item but this value can be changed.
    • Denaturant Qty will default and be calculated based on Net Meter Qty times Denaturant Percent but this value can be changed.
    • RINs Transferred Qty:
      • If the RIN Item Setup, Default RINs Transferred Qty checkbox is marked, RINs Transferred Qty will default base on Net Meter Qty times Equivalence Value, but the value can be changed.
      • If the RIN Item Setup, Default RINs Transferred Qty checkbox is not marked, RINs Transferred Qty will be disabled.
  1. Enter the Outbound Shipping information on the right third side of the window. All of the fields will work similar to the Outbound Ticket Entry window.
  • When a Load Order is selected that has a freight record(s) where the Payment Liability is Company Pays or Customer Pays, the Ticket Freight Entry will be populated from the Load Order freight data providing none already exist on the direct shipment.
  • The Price Expansion button next to Contract can be used to enter a net price for the shipment. This will disable the Contract and Delivery Period fields.
  • The Price Expansion button will be disabled if a Contract and Delivery Period are entered.
  • Choose the Fill Dest button to fill the Destination Grade Factors on the outbound shipment from the Origination Grade Factors entered from the inbound ticket.
    • Once the Fill Dest button has been selected the only way to update the Destination Grade Factors is from the Load Shipment Grade Entry, accessed by clicking the Destination Grade Factor expansion button.
  1. Choose Print to print the Bill of Lading or Inbound or Outbound Scale Tickets.
  2. Choose Save to save the information. Upon saving, both the inbound and outbound tickets will be created.

Unit Train Inbound Entry

Receiving an Inbound Unit Train
  1. Open the Unit Train Inbound Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Scale Tickets >>Unit Train Ticket)

  1. Enter or select the Unit Number.
  2. Select the Customer selling the unit train.
  3. Select the Commodity that is on the rail car.
  4. The U of M will default from the weight unit of measure on the item and is display only.
  5. Select the Default Site for the inventory on the rail cars.
  6. If tracking lot numbers for the item, enter the Lot Number.
  7. Select the Batch to assign the inbound ticket to.
  8. Enter the Scheduled Date that the train is expected to arrive on.
  9. Enter the Ticket Date.
  10. Select the Ship Company that will be shipping the train.
  11. Select the Freight Entry button or the expansion button to open the Inbound Unit Train Freight Entry window.

  • If a Shipping Company was entered on the Unit Train Freight Entry window, it will automatically be inserted in to the scrolling window.
  • The Shipment Number is display only and will default from the Unit Train Shipment Entry window.
  • Depending on what was selected in Freight Setup, either Shipping Company or Vendor will display in the drop down list. Select the Shipping Company/Vendor to create freight records for.
  • Select an FOB if desired. For Inbound Tickets, the FOB Freight Calculation will override the Shipping Company defaults if any are setup.
  • Select a Payment Liability of Customer Pays or Company Pays. This is required for the freight record to be saved. If Company Pays is selected, freight matching records will be created upon ticket posting.
  • The Freight U of M, Freight Rate, Adjustment, Misc Amt, and Fuel Surcharge % will default from the Shipping Method Detail Maintenance window, but can be changed if necessary.
  • Net Quantities are not fully determined until transactions are saved, when the Freight U of M is set to Per Net Unit, the total freight amount may not be accurate until the transaction is saved.
  • The Fuel Surcharge will automatically be calculated based on the Surcharge % entered.
  • If a Shipping Company was entered in Unit Train Inbound Entry that needs calculating, highlight the line in the scrolling window. The Shipping Company will display in the Header and user can enter the appropriate information. Choose Insert to change the line in the scrolling window.
  • Choose Insert to insert the created record. Enter any additional freight lines as needed.
  • Choose OK to close the window. The Total Freight field will be updated with the newly calculated freight. It is required to choose OK to close the window to verify that all freight information has been entered. If OK is selected without inserting a line and there is information in the header, it will ask if you want to insert the information.
  1. Select an Assembly to apply this ticket to an already existing assembly.
  2. Enter the car information in the scrolling window.

Car Number
Commodity – will default from the header.
Quantity – will calculate automatically based on shipping weight.
Enter any grade factor information.
Choose the expansion button to change the Assembly, Discount Schedule, Site, Bin, Weight Certification, Grade Certification, Quality Grade, or Lot on a per line basis.

  1. Choose Apply to apply the car quantities to the selected assembly selected.
  2. Choose the Outbound button to open the Create Outbound Train window. This will create an outbound train unit from the entered inbound information.

Select the Customer for the outbound unit train.
The Ship To will default from the customer, but can be changed if necessary.
Select the shipment batch that the unit train will be added to.
Choose OK to create the outbound ticket for this transaction.
This process can only be performed once, if a unit train already exists in outbound with the same train number, this button will be disabled.

  1. Choose Save to save the inbound unit train information. This will create an inbound ticket for each car entered.

Unapplying Un-posted Inbound Unit Trains
  1. Open the Unit Train Inbound Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Scale Tickets >>Unit Train Ticket)

  1. Unit Number Lookup opens the Inbound Unit Train Lookup window.

  1. Select lookup restriction, UnPosted or All.
    • By default, Unposted is selected and will display unposted Unit Trains.
    • If the Unit Train has been posted the Posted checkbox will be populated.
    • If a posted Inbound Unit Train is selected user is prompted "The unit number has already been posted. Do you want to reuse the number or view the existing record?"
      • Reuse returns the user to Unit Train Inbound Entry with the Unit Number populated, allowing the user to create another unit train.
      • View returns user to Unit Train Inbound Entry with the selected Unit Train allowing user to view all cars/tickets associated to the posted Unit Train.
        • When in view only mode the Save button is replaced with the Clear button allowing user to clear the window and select or enter another unit train.
      • Cancel, user is returned to the Unit Train Inbound Entry with no selection made.
  2. Unapply button, when selected user is prompted "Unapplying these Tickets will rewrite owner and detail records, continue?"
    • OK, when selected the Assembly will be removed from all tickets displayed in the scrolling window allowing a new assembly to be applied.
    • Cancel, when selected user is returned to Inbound Unit Train Entry with no changes made.

Unit Train Inbound Import

Importing an Inbound Unit Train

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualThe Unit Train In Import window is used to import a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet containing unit train car information to speed up the Unit Train Inbound Entry process.
There is a separate install required to install the Unit Train In Import components. The is available on the CINCH download site.

  1. Open the Unit Train Inbound Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Scale Tickets >>Unit Train

  1. Follow the steps outlined in the Receiving an Inbound Unit Train section of this manual to enter the following information before opening the Unit Train In Import Screen:
  • Unit Number
  • Customer
  • Commodity
  • Site
  • Batch
  • Schedule Date
  • Ticket Date
  • Shipping Method
  • Freight Entry
  • Assembly
  1. Open the Unit Train In Import Screen.

(Additional>>Ticket Inbound Import)

  1. In the File Path field, enter the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to be imported.
  2. In the Archive Path field, enter an archive directory. When a spreadsheet is imported successfully, the spreadsheet is moved to the archive directory and the date is appended to the filename.
  3. Select a Template to read the spreadsheet format.

The Template is a user-defined template which defines the format of the information contained in the spreadsheet. Please refer to the next section titled Creating Unit Train In Import Templates for instructions on creating templates.

  1. In the Page field, select a spreadsheet worksheet that contains the information to be imported.

A single spreadsheet can be made up of more than one worksheet containing unit train information.

  1. Click the Read button to read the spreadsheet information. The individual car information will be displayed in the lines of the scrolling window.
  • Total Records will display the number of lines to be imported at the bottom of the screen.
  • Weight Total will display the total weight of all the line to be imported.
  1. Click the View Errors button to view any errors that occurred while reading the spreadsheet.

Repair any errors in the spreadsheet data or the template before moving on to the next step.

  1. Click the Create Tickets button to process the records that have been read and create the individual tickets in the Unit Train Inbound Entry window.
  2. Choose Apply to apply the car quantities to the assembly selected.
  3. Choose Save to save the inbound unit train information. This will create an inbound ticket for each car entered.

Creating Unit Train In Import Templates
  1. To create a Unit Train In Import Template, the Unit Train In Import Screen must be open. Please follow steps 1-3 of the Importing an Inbound Unit Train.
  2. In the Unit Train In Import Screen, click the expansion button next to the Template drop down list to open the Unit Train In Import Template Creator.

  1. Click the New button to create a new template.
  2. Enter a Template Name.
  3. Select the fields to be imported from the list box on the left side of the Move buttons. Use the "Move All >>" and the ">>" buttons to move the selected fields to the list box on the right side of the buttons. The fields available are a combination of pre-defined fields and the Grade Factors that have been defined in Grade Factor Maintenance. The values imported for the selected fields will populate the scrolling window section of the Unit Train Inbound Entry window. The pre-defined fields are:
  • Car Number – (Required) this value will populate the Car Number column.
  • Grade Cert. – this value will populate the Grade Certification field.
  • OT (On Track) – this value will populate the OT column. This number represents the order of the cars.
  • Quality Grade – this value will populate the Quality Grade field.
  • Quantity – this value will populate the Quantity column.
  • Weight – (Required) this value will populate the Weight column.
  • Weight Cert. – this value will populate the Weight Certification field.

Car Number and Weight fields are required to create tickets. All other fields and available Grade Factors are optional.

  1. Enter a Start Row. Start Row is an integer value representing the first row to be imported from the spreadsheet.
  2. Enter an End Row. End Row is an integer value representing the last row to be imported from the spreadsheet.
  3. Enter the Column Options for each data field that has been selected and moved into the right side list box.
  • Click on the field name to select it. This will highlight the field.
  • In the Column Position field, under Column Options, enter the letter of the spreadsheet column that contains the corresponding data.

Integer and Decimal columns in the spread sheet can be added together in the Column Position field to produce a summed value, e.g., B+C.
String columns in the spreadsheet can be concatenated in the Column Position field to produce a combined value, e.g., A+D.

  • In the Column Type field, select the type of data that is in the spreadsheet column. The choices available are:
  • String
  • Integer
  • Decimal
  • In the "Yes" Parameter field, enter that value that represents a Yes value for a Yes/No Grade Factor. For example, there may be a column in the spreadsheet that contains the word "sour" to indicate the load smells sour. If this column is assigned to a yes/no grade factor, enter "sour" as the "Yes" Parameter.
  1. The Grid Preview will display the field headings that will be imported.
  2. Click Save to save the Template.

When importing U.S. Quality Grades from a spreadsheet, the value in the spreadsheet are required to be integer values 1 thru 6 where: 1 = U.S. No 1, 2 = U.S. No 2, 3 = U.S. No 3, 4 = U.S. No 4, 5 = U.S. No 5, 6 = U.S. Sample.

Contract Wash Entry

Contract Wash Process

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualAt times a company may have sales contracts and purchase contracts with the same customer for the same item within the same delivery period. Instead of shipping the item to the customer only to have them ship the product back, they simply agree to "Wash" the purchase and the sale against each other and "settle up" depending on the pricing of the corresponding contracts.

  1. Open the Contract Wash Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Contract Wash Entry)

  1. Select Customer / Vendor from dropdown, customer is selected if washing a sales contract. Vendor is selected if washing a purchase contract.
  2. Customer / Vendor can be entered manually or selected using the Lookup button.
  3. Contract Number can be selected using the Lookup Button. If washing one contract with many contracts, the contract with the larger quantity should be selected.
  4. Select the Delivery Period. If the contract selected has one delivery period it will default in. If the contract has multiple delivery periods the Delivery Period Lookup will open to allow the correct delivery period to be selected.
  5. Start Date will default in based on the selected delivery period.
  6. End Date will default in based on the selected delivery period.
  7. Date that represents the date of the wash. The user date will default in but this field is editable.
  8. Board Price value will default in based on the price record.
  9. Basis Price value will default in based on the price record.
  10. The Zero Basis checkbox will default based on the selected price record.
  11. Select the Contract Price. If the selected contract has only one price record it will default in when the delivery period is selected. If there is multiple price records for the delivery period the Price Lookup window will open to allow the correct price to be selected.
  12. Ticker value will default in based on the selected price record.
  13. Item Number will default in based on the selected Contract.
  14. Remaining Quantity will default in based on the remaining quantity of the selected contract price record.
  15. U of M will default in based on the selected contract.
  16. Enter the Wash Quantity. This will default in the same quantity as the Remaining Quantity but this value can be edited. The Wash Quantity can never be more than the Remaining Quantity.
  17. Market Zone will default in based on the selected contract.
  18. The Following describes the scrolling window section on the Contract Wash Entry window. This section is where the contracts used to wash the selected contract will be chosen.
  • The Customer / Vendor will display opposite of what was selected in the header section. The Customer / Vendor can be entered or selected using the Lookup button.

If the Contract Wash Setup setting, Required Customer / Vendor Link is checked, the linked Customer / Vendor will default in. For more information about Contract Wash Setup refer to Cinch Grain Software System Manual.
If washing multiple contracts the Customer / Vendor must be the same on all the lines in the scrolling window.

  • Contract will display the contract used to wash. It will be opposite of the contract in the header, i.e., if a sales contract is in the header a purchase contract will be in the scrolling window.

Unit of Measure for the item must match on the contracts.

  • Del Period is the delivery period used to wash. If the selected contract has only one delivery period it will be defaulted in. If the contract has multiple delivery periods the Delivery Period Lookup will open to allow the correct delivery period to be selected.
  • Price is the price used to wash. If the selected contract has only one price record it will default in when the delivery period is selected. If there are multiple price records for the delivery period the Price Lookup window will open to allow the correct price to be selected.

Contracts must match the pricing components on the contract header.

  • Wash Qty value will default based on the remaining quantity on the selected contract price record. If the remaining quantity is greater than the quantity in the header only the quantity needed to complete the wash will default. This is an editable field.
  • Wash Price is a calculated value, Sales Contract Price – Purchase Contract Price.
  • Adjustment value will adjust the Wash Price and is calculated per U of M.
  • Net Price is a calculated value, Wash Price + Adjustment. The Net Price can be entered and the adjustment will be calculated.
  • Wash Amt is a calculated value, Net Price + Remaining Qty.
  • Delivery Start Date is the start date of the delivery period and will default based on the selected Contract.
  • Delivery End Date is the end date of the delivery period and will default based on the selected Contract.
  • Priced Qty value will default based on the selected Price Record.
  • Remaining Qty value will default based on the remaining quantity on the selected contract Price Record.
  • The U of M will default based on the selected contract.
  • Board Price value will default based on the selected price record.

Contracts must match the pricing components of the contract in the header.

  • Basis Price will default based on the selected price record.

Contracts must match the pricing components on the contract in the header.

  • Ticker this value will default based on the selected price record.
  • Adjustment Reason is a user defined field that can be entered, 50 characters in length.
  • User Defined Fields is where information about the wash can be entered, 50 characters in length.
  • Selected Quantity is a calculation of the total Wash Qty for each line within the scrolling window.
  • Quantity Difference is a calculation of the different Select Quantity and the Wash Quantity in the header. Before the wash can be processed this value must be 0.
  • Wash Total is the amount of the transaction to be created in the Wash Process.
    • If the value is a positive amount a receivable is created.
    • If the value is a negative amount a voucher will be created.
  1. Print button will print a Wash Confirmation Report.
  2. Process Button opens the Additional Document Information window for final information needed prior to creating the invoice or voucher.

  • Wash Number is a system generated number assigned to the wash.
  • Wash Item is the Item Number that will be used on the invoice or voucher created during the wash process.

A default Wash Item can be setup per Item in the Item Extensions Maintenance window. For more information about Item Extension setup refer to Cinch Grain Software System Manual.

  • Batch Number is required to create the Dynamics GP document during the Wash Process.
  • If a receivable is to be created this will be a Sales Batch Number.
    • The system will use the Receivables Account based off the Wash Item selected. If the Receivables Account is not defined for the item the customer standard Account Receivable account will be used.
  • If a Payable is to be created this will be a Payables Batch Number.
    • The system will use the Markdowns Account based off the Wash Item selected. If the Markdowns Account is not defined for the Wash Item the vendor standard Accounts Payable account will be used. The Markdown Account can be overridden by selecting the AP Offset Account in the Contract Wash Process window.
  • Ship Method is required for the Invoice if creating a receivable. This will default in from the Sales Contract.
  • Site is required if for the invoice if creating a receivable.
  • Comment ID can be entered or selected and will be added to the document created from the Wash Process.
  • Payment Terms will be defaulted in from the Sales Contract if a payable is created.
  • Document Type is the type on transaction to be created from the Wash Process. This will default based on the Wash Total amount from the Contract Wash Entry window.
  • Document Amount is the amount of the transaction to be created from the Wash Process. This will default based on the Wash Total amount from the Contract Wash Entry window.

Contract Wash Void

Contract Wash Void Process

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualThis provides the ability for a Contract Wash to be voided once it has been created and the corresponding AR or AP transaction has been posted.
(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Contract Wash Void)

  1. Wash Number can be accessed from the Wash Number Lookup.
  2. Batch Number is required to create the Dynamics GP document during the Void Process.
  3. Void Button will void the Wash and the Contract, Delivery Period and Price records will update accordingly.

If voiding a wash document that has a posted corresponding AR invoice an offsetting Return will be created.
If voiding a wash document that has a posted corresponding AP Voucher an offsetting Debit Memo will be created.
If the AR or AP document has not been posted user will be prompted to remove the document in Dynamics GP, the Wash Void Process will take place without the need to return to the Wash Void window.

  1. The Voided checkbox will be checked if the Contract Washes has been washed.

Chapter 14:Invoicing & Advances

This chapter explains how to create invoices and advances based on shipments created in Load Shipping Entry. It is divided into the following procedures:

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

Shipment Advance Entry

Shipment Advance EntryD2HML|C1H Manual

Shipment Advanced Entry is used to calculate advances made on a customer's Unit Train Shipments.

Creating Advances against Unit Train Shipments
  1. Open the Shipment Advance Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Shipment Advance Entry)

  1. Advance Number is auto populated with the next available number.
  2. Enter a Description for the Advance Number.
  3. Unit Number when selected will populate the scrolling window with associated grain shipments.
    • Only posted Unit Train/Grain Shipments will be available for selection.
    • The system does NOT restrict the list to shipments not previously advanced. As such, it would be possible to request partial advances on the same Unit Number.
  4. Item will default based on the selected Unit Train.
  5. Customer will default based on the selected Unit Train.
    • Bill To Address will default based on the selected Unit Train, but can be edited.
  6. Advance Date will default to the user date but it is editable.
  7. Extended Amount is the total Extended Amt for selected shipments.
  8. Freight is the total Freight for selected shipments.
  9. Discounts is the total Discount Amt for selected shipments.
  10. Program Charges is the total Program Chg for selected shipments.
  11. Net is the sum of the Extended Amount, Freight, Discounts, and Program Charges.
  12. Advance Percentage, when entered, the system will calculate the Advance Amount.
  13. Advance Amount
    • Advance Amount will be calculated when Advance Percentage is entered, or the user can manually enter the Advance Amount.
      • Advance Amount is calculated by taking the Net times the Advance Percentage.
      • When Advance Amount is calculated it will be rounded to the nearest hundredth.
  14. Exact Amount if checked will not round the Advance Amount to the nearest hundred dollars, it will round to the currency decimal place.
  15. The scrolling window will be populated with the grain shipments assigned to the selected Unit Train.
    • Shipment is the shipment number.
    • Contract is the contract number assigned to the shipment.
      • If there are multiple contract assigned the field will be set to ** Multiple **.
    • Ticket is the ticket number assigned to the shipment.
    • Extended Amt is the shipment net quantity times the contract price for the shipment.
    • The Extended Amt expansion button when selected opens the Shipment Price Detail window.

      • The window displays the snap shot of the data from the shipment detail when it was selected for the advance.
    • Discount Amount is the total discounts taken on the shipment.
    • The Discount Amt expansion button when selected opens the Shipment Discount Detail window.

      • The window displays the snap shot of the data from the shipment grade table when it was selected for the advance.
    • Freight is the total Invoice Freight associated with the shipment.
    • Program Chg is the sum of all program charges on the shipment.
    • The Program Chg expansion button when selected opens the Shipment Program Detail window.

      • The window displays the snap shot of the data from the shipment program table when it was selected for the advance.
    • Net Amount is calculated by taking the Extended Amount + Discounts + Freight + Program Charges for the shipment.
    • Select check box is used to select shipments to be included on the advance.
    • The checkbox in the column header will mark all select checkboxes when it is marked or it will unmark all checkboxes when it is unmarked.
  1. Save Button when selected will save information on the window to the shipment advance.
    • Cash received from a Shipment Advance will be entered as a Prepay Cash Receipts. Refer to the Cinch Sales - Seed Software Procedures Manual for more information on this.
  2. Clear button when selected clear the window without saving changes.
  3. Delete button when selected will delete the selected shipment advance.
  4. Redisplay button when selected will clear and refresh the scrolling window.
  5. Synchronize button is used to update information on previously saved shipment advance where the shipment may have changed, for instance the quantities, program charges, freight, etc.
    • This allows corrections to be made on advances so that they can be updated and reprinted.
    • Once the receipt has been done for the advance it is no longer available for changes.
  6. Print button is a button drop down list with the following options:
    • Advance Summary displays the total quantities on the shipments and percentage used to calculate the request advance.

      • Line details will be grouped based on the Ship To address assigned to the shipments.
      • Items will be grouped by Item number and Unit Price.
      • Program charges will be totaled by Program ID.
      • Discounts will be totaled by the Invoiceable Item.
      • Report Totals:
        • Ext Price is the total of all commodity extended prices from the body of the report.
        • Discounts is a total of all discounts listed in the report.
        • Program charges is a total of all program charges / premiums in the report.
        • Freight is all freight for the shipments on the report.
        • Net Amount is the Ext Price less Discounts less Program charges less Freight.
        • Advance Percentage is the requested percentage from the advance.
        • Amount Requested is the Net Amount times the advance percent.
    • Advance Detail lists each shipment, its weights, grades, dockage, and charge amounts in a Shipment Advance Request.

      • The report will be subtotaled by Sales Contract Delivery Price Detail.
        • The price detail includes the contract pricing, total quantities, program amounts, discounts and freight.
        • The shipment details will be displayed for each of the shipments.
      • Report Totals:
        • Gross Amount is the total Gross Amount from the all Sales Contract Delivery Price Details.
        • Total Programs is the total Programs from the all Sales Contract Delivery Price Details.
        • Total Discounts is the total Discounts from the all Sales Contract Delivery Price Details.
        • Total Freight is the total Freight from the all Sales Contract Delivery Price Details.
        • Net Amount is the Gross Amount less Total Discounts less Total Programs and less Total Freight.
        • Advance Percentage is the requested percentage from the advance.
        • Amount Requested is the Net Amount times the Advance Percent.
    • Both, when selected, both the Advance Summary and Advance Detail reports will be printed.

Making Corrections to a Shipment Advance

In the event the Shipment Advance was applied to the wrong Prepay Receipt the following will provide a way to apply the Shipment Advance to a new Prepay Receipt.
Prepay Season Close

  1. Open Prepay Season Close

(Tools>Routines>Cinch Sales>Prepay Close)

  1. When the Prepay Season Close is processed the system will check if the selected prepay is associated to an open, not invoiced, Shipment Advance.
    • When there is an open shipment advance the system will move the shipment advance from the open to the work table allowing it to be applied to a new Prepay Receipt.
    • The credit memo created from the Prepay Season Close when posted which will give the customer a credit balance.
    • Proceed to Prepay Transfer.

Prepay Transfer

        1. Open Prepay Transfer

(Transactions>Cinch Sales>Prepay Transfer)

        1. Select Prepay Type AR to Prepay.
        2. Select Transfer From Customer
        3. Enter Transfer To
          • Customer
          • Transfer Amount
          • Prepay Type, select Document
          • Document Type will default to Advance
          • Select Shipment Advance
          • Post will create the new Prepay Receipt with the Shipment Advance.

Grain Shipment and Preliminary Invoicing

Grain Shipment InvoicingD2HML|C1H Manual

The Grain Shipment Invoicing window is used to create invoices for outbound grain shipments. Preliminary and Final invoices can be created for shipments that have a Unit Number. The Preliminary invoice allows for the billing of grain that is in transit. Once the customer receives the grain shipment, a Final Invoice can be created with the destination information.

Creating Shipment and Preliminary Invoices
  1. Open the Load Shipment Invoicing window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>> Grain Shipment Invoicing)

  1. Unit Train/Invoice
    • Select Unit Train, to create an invoice for a Unit Train. All shipments for the selected Unit Train will be displayed.
    • Select Invoice, to create a Final Invoice. See the Final Invoice section for more information.
  2. Select Customer to create an invoice for individual shipments.
  3. Mark the Stock in Other Elevators checkbox to display SOE shipments.

For more information on SOE shipments, please refer to the Terminal Storage section of this manual.

  1. Preliminary Invoice checkbox, works in conjunction with a Unit Train. To create a Preliminary Invoice for a shipment with a Unit Number, select the Preliminary Invoice checkbox.
    • If Preliminary Invoice is selected, enter a Percentage of the total invoice amount to bill the customer for the Preliminary Invoice.
    • If Preliminary Invoice is selected, select a Comment ID. This predefined comment will be displayed on the Preliminary Invoice.

Special consideration needs to be taken when setting up the comment of Comment ID. The comment will be parsed into four 50 character strings that will display on the Preliminary Invoice. The system will look for "%1" in the comment and replace it with the correct amount, based on the Percentage field, for the invoice being created. Example:

  1. Select All Branches or My Branches to display shipments for the branches the user has access to.
  2. Range, further filters the shipments displayed in the scrolling window. Leave the Range marked as All, or select the From and To Range for Item Number or Ship Date.
  3. Batch Number, enter or create a Microsoft Dynamics GP SOP Batch that the invoices will be saved to.
  4. Choose the # of Invoices to be created once the Process button is selected.
    • Choices are One per Customer, One per Shipment, or One per Cust Ship To.
    • Field will be locked as One per Customer if creating a Preliminary Invoice.
  5. The # of Invoices, expansion button, opens the Shipment Invoicing Grouping window.

    • This display only screen allows the user to see those fields associated with each of the selected shipments that will determine Invoice Grouping.
    • The Checkboxes above the fields indicate grouping criteria.
  1. DPR Date, enter or select the DPR Date.
  2. Variance Amount, to write off or add a dollar value to the invoices, enter in the Variance Amount. A Variance Item is required if an amount is entered.
  3. Variance Item, enter or select an item. The item, along with the amount entered in the Variance Amount will print as a line item on each invoice created.
  4. Sales Freight Item, works in conjunction with the Invoice Freight checkbox on the selected shipment and allows the user to invoice the freight out to the customer. This item will display on a separate line on the invoice. If a Freight Item is selected in Outbound Setup, it will automatically be displayed.
    • The Sales Freight Item is also on the Freight Invoice Entry window which is accessed via the Invoice Freight expansion button on the Grain Shipment Invoicing line. The Sales Freight Item is display only and will default based on the shipment item. If the Sales Freight Item is not setup for the selected item, the Grain Shipment Invoicing line will be blank.
    • If the Invoice Freight checkbox is checked on the Grain Shipment Invoicing selected line, during processing the following will be how the Sales Freight Item will be determined:
      • If the Sales Freight Items exists on the Item Extensions window for the shipment item, it will be used.
      • If the Sales Freight Items does not exist on the Item Extensions window for the shipment item, the Sales Freight Item from the Grain Shipment Invoicing header will be used.
      • If the Sales Freight Item on both the line and the header are blank, user will be prompted that a Sales Freight Item is needed.
      • The Sales General Ledger Account of the Sales Freight Item will continue to be used for the sales invoices that are created.
  5. Unload Date, enter or select an Unload Date.
  6. Cash Received, when a payment is received, enter the amount will then be placed on the invoice or dispersed across multiple invoices as the Amount Received.
  7. Difference, displays the Selected Total amount, less the Cash Received amount, plus the Variance Amount.
  8. Checkbook ID & Check Number, work in conjunction with the Cash Received field. If a Cash Received amount has been entered, the fields will become active allowing user to enter where to receive the money into.
    • Checkbook ID will default from one of the following locations:
      • Sales User Setup, if none then:
      • Customer, if none then:
      • Sales Order Processing, if none then:
      • Field will be left Blank
  9. Final Invoice checkbox, see the Creating Final Invoices section of this manual for more information.
  10. Unit Train Advance, if a Unit Train is selected and it has received shipment advances assigned to it, the advance amounts will be displayed in the Unit Train Advances section:
  • The Advance Expansion opens the Unit Train Advances window that shows the detail of the shipment advances.

    • The system will automatically select the full amount to be applied to the unit train but the Apply Amount is editable.
  • When the Process button is selected, document level prepay will be applied to the created Cinch Invoice.
  1. Program Charges button, choose to add a Program Charge to every shipment selected in the scrolling window. When selected the Shipment Program Entry window will open. Program Charges will automatically be figured on the shipment for Program Details that have the type of Charge, and are setup to calculate based on a Flat Rate, Flat Amount or Percent Rate.

  • Select the Type of Charge, Premiums are not currently available.
  • Enter or select a Program ID
    • Only Charge Program ID's setup with a Calculation Method of Flat Rate, Flat Amount or Percent Rate and have the Invoiceable checkbox marked along with an Item Number can be selected.
  • The Description will fill in from the Program ID selected.
  • Enter the Program Amount.
    • The calculated program amount will be calculated based on the selected shipments, however when saved the rolled down amount will be split equally between the individual shipments.
  • Choose Save to save the changes.

When the Program Charges button is selected, the system will display a warning that programs have already been applied. If Ok is selected, the Shipment Program Entry window will not display charges that have already added. At this time, either add additional charges and/or reselect the same charge previously used, edit the amount to redistribute amongst the shipments selected.

  1. For shipments applied to a destination quantity contract, enter Destination Wt. or Qty in the shipment invoicing line detail or choose the Destination Qty button to open the Outbound Shipment Destination Entry window. The Destination Qty button becomes enabled when the shipment is selected.

  • Enter a Destination Quantity for all of the selected shipments.
  • The Origination Quantity is display only and will display the original quantity for all of the selected shipments.
  • The Difference will display the Destination Quantity minus the Origination Quantity.
  • The Open Qty will display any quantity that is not applied to a contract.
  • Choose Apply Qty to fill the scrolling window with the Destination Quantity information.
    • The total Destination Qty will be prorated to the selected shipments. The user can optionally key the destination weight or qty for each individual shipment.
  • The Weights to Govern and Grades to Govern will default from the selected Sales Contract but can be changed and will roll down to each shipment when applied.
  • To assign a Contract to the shipment, enter or select one.
  • Select the Delivery Period for the contract.
  • Choose Apply to apply the contract to the shipments in the scrolling window. In order for the contract to be applied, the shipment must not already have a contract applied to it.
  • Remaining Qty will display any remaining quantity on the Sales Contract.
  • Overrun Qty will display the quantity that the destination amount overruns the Sales Contract.
  • If a destination quantity sales contract is overrun and closed during shipment(s) application, and the entry of destination weights result in the underfill of the contract, user is prompted that the contract was filled and an underage quantity exists and are given the option to Open the contract, leave the contract Closed or apply the underfill amount to another Shipment.
  • The Create Spot button will be enabled if an Overrun Qty exists. Click the Create Spot button to create a Spot Contract for the overrun amount.
  • The Sales Contract Entry window will open with most of the necessary information entered.
  • Enter the Delivery Period.
  • Enter the Price for the new Spot Contract.
  • Click Post in the Sales Contract Entry window.
  • The new Spot Contract number should appear in the Spot Contract field.
  • Click the Apply button to apply the spot contract to the shipments. **Multiple** will display in the Contract Number column for the shipment on which the spot contract is applied.
  • Choose Unapply to remove and "re-open" any contracts applied to the currently selected shipments, allowing the user to re-start the application process.
  • Click OK to close the Outbound Shipment Destination Entry window.
  1. The scrolling window will display all shipments that are ready to be invoiced based on the criteria selected. User can choose to expand a line on the scrolling window to view/enter more information for that shipment.

    • Sel (Select) checkbox, allows the user to select the shipments they wish to invoice.
    • Contract
      • To apply to a single contract use the contract lookup to select the contract.
      • To apply the shipment to multiple contracts (or assembly sheets) or edit the contract application information, choose the Contract expansion button to open the Load Shipment Detail Entry window.

      • Shipment, Customer, Item, Ship Date, Ship Gross Qty, and Qty UOM are display only based on the selected shipment.
      • Cntrct-Asmbly is the contract or assembly the shipment is applied to. This field can be edited by looking up and selecting a different contract or assembly.
        • Drill back on the Cntrct-Asmbly will open Sales Contract Entry for the selected Contract.
      • Del Period displays the delivery period for the selected contract. This field can be edited by looking up and selecting a different delivery period for the selected contract. If the contract is changed and there is only one delivery period for the contract it will default based on the selected contract. If the contract is changed and there are multiple delivery periods the Sales Contract Delivery Period Lookup window will open for the user to select the delivery period.
      • Disc Schedule displays the discount schedule for the selected contract. This field can be edited by looking up and selecting a different discount schedule. If the contract is changed the discount schedule will default from the selected contract.
      • Gross Qty displays the gross quantity applied to the selected contract. This field can be edited, if the amount entered is less than the shipment amount a new detail line will be created. If the amount entered is more than the shipment amount user will be prompted. If Net Qty is entered Gross Qty will be calculated based on Net Qty plus Adjustment Qty.
      • Adjustment Amount displays the quantity adjustment based on the discount schedule.
      • Net Qty displays the net quantity applied to the selected contract. This field can be edited, if the amount entered is less than the shipment amount a new detail line will be created. If the amount entered is more than the shipment amount user will be prompted. If Gross Qty is entered Net Qty will be calculated based on Net Qty minus Adjustment Qty.
        • To view the discount information select the Net Qty expansion button to open the Load Shipment Discount Inquiry window.
      • Qty UOM displays the Quantity UOM.
      • Extended Amount is a calculated field based on Net Qty times contract price.
    • Price, accept default or enter a new price for the shipment.
    • Item, displays the Item ID that was shipped.
    • Ship Date, displays the date the item was shipped.
    • Invoice Qty, displays the net quantity of the shipment.
    • Extended Amt, displays the calculation of Price times Invoice Qty.
    • SOP Invoice Amt, displays the calculation of ((Price – Markdown) * Invoice Qty) +/- Program Charges, Discount Amount and Invoice Freight.
    • Bill To, accept default or use the lookup to change the Bill To ID.
    • Delivery Period, displays the applied contract delivery period, use the lookup to select a different Delivery Period.
    • Load Number
      • To remove a load from the shipment, select the expansion button next to the Load. The system will ask the user if they would like to re-open the Load attached to the shipment. Click Ok to re-open the load or Cancel and the Load will be removed but not be re-opened.
      • To apply a load to the shipment user can use the lookup to select a load.
        • Users are able to select Load Orders created for a Sales Contract Sub Item and the associated Sales Contract.
        • When a Load is assigned, the system requires the Load Order Customer must be the same as the Customer on the Shipment.
    • Shipment Number displays the Shipment Number assigned to the ticket.
    • Payment Terms, accept default or use the lookup to select a different Payment Term
    • Grain Bank Qty displays the balance of item's grain bank associated to the selected assembly.
    • Region/Branch, displays the region/branch the shipment was shipped from.
    • The Wt to Govern dropdown list will display the Weights to Govern ID's defined in the Weights to Govern Maintenance – Sales window.
      • The Weights to Govern ID will default when the Sales Contract is applied and or the Load Order is applied. If the Load Order value is different than the Sales Contract the Wt to Govern ID will be used from the Load Order.
      • If a Weights to Govern ID defined as Origination is selected, the system will use the Origination Weights and Quantity as the Gross Quantity.
      • If a Weights to Govern ID defined as Destination is selected, the system will use the Destination Weights and Quantity as the Gross Quantity.
      • Shrink is based on Grades to Govern as calculated from the Discount Schedule and will be deducted from that Weights to Govern quantity to arrive at the Invoice Qty.
      • If no Weights to Govern ID's have been setup Origination and Destination are the default values in the drop down list.
      • Origination is the default value selected but can be changed.
    • Origination Wt., displays the weight entered on the initial shipment.
    • Origination Qty, displays the quantity on the initial shipment.
    • Destination Wt., enter the shipment's weight when it reached its destination. If the Destination Wt. is entered the Destination Qty will be calculated or if the Destination Qty is entered Destination Wt. will be calculated.
      • Destination weights can be entered per shipment or can be entered for all selected shipments form the Outbound Shipment Destination Entry window.
      • Destination Wt. expansion button will be active when a barge is associated with the shipment. When selected the system will assign the Destination Weight and Grade values from the barge to the shipment.
    • Destination Qty, enter the shipment's quantity when it reached its destination. If the Destination Wt. is entered the Destination Qty will be calculated or if the Destination Qty is entered Destination Wt. will be calculated.
    • Disc Schedule, displays the discount schedule for the selected contract. This field can be edited by looking up and selecting a different discount schedule. If the contract is changed the discount schedule will default from the selected contract.
    • Program Charges, default based on the selected contract.
      • At the time a shipment is selected or a contract is applied the program details from the contract will be added to the shipment.
    • Program Charges expansion button opens Load Shipment Program Entry.
      • Program Details can be added/deleted as desired.
        • Validation is done to ensure that the item on the shipment matches with the Allowed On Commodity on the Program Detail.
        • Only a Program Details marked as Invoiceable with a defined Item Number will/can be added.
        • Only Program Details that have the type Charge and Calculation Methods of Flat Rate, Flat Amount, and % Rate will/can be added.
      • If the shipment is unselected or a contract is unapplied, the program details from the contract will be removed.
      • If the user had manually added program details they would remain on the shipment.
    • Discount Amount displays the total discounts calculated from the Discount Details associated to the shipment.
    • Markdown, enter an amount to deduct from the price.
    • Price, defaults from the contract and/or load attached to the shipment but can be changed.
    • The Grades to Govern dropdown list will display the Grades to Govern ID's defined in the Grades to Govern Maintenance – Sales window.
      • The Grades to Govern ID will default when the Sales Contract is applied and or the Load Order is applied. If the Load Order value is different than the Sales Contract the Grades to Govern ID will be used from the Load Order.
      • If a Grades to Govern ID defined as Origination is selected, the system will use the origination grade values when the Discount Schedule is applied. The dollar dockages will be calculated and the shrink will be calculated based on the origination grade values.
      • If a Grades to Govern ID defined as Destination is selected, then the system will use the destination grade values when the Discount Schedule is applied. The dollar dockages will be calculated and the shrink will be calculated based on the destination Grade values.
      • If no Grades to Govern ID's have been setup Origination and Destination are the default values in the drop down list.
      • Origination is the default value selected but can be changed.
    • FOB, defaults based on the selected contract. This field can be edited by looking up and selecting a different FOB ID.
    • Ship Company, defaults based on the selected shipment number. This field can be edited by looking up and selecting a different Ship Company ID if a Freight Total doesn't exist. Once a Freight Total exist this field is locked and the use must edit the Ship Company via the Freight Entry button.
    • Freight Entry button, opens the Load Shipping Freight entry window. User can only edit freight lines if they have not been matched.

    • If a Shipping Company was entered in Grain Shipment Invoicing, it will be displayed in the scrolling window. Any freight information in Load Order Entry or Outbound Shipping Entry, will automatically be displayed; user can edit any previously entered information IF it has not been matched.
    • The Shipment Number is display only and will default from the Grain Shipment Invoicing window.
    • Depending on what was selected in Freight Setup, either Shipping Company or Vendor will display in the drop down list. Select the Shipping Company/Vendor to create freight records for.
    • Select an FOB if desired. For Inbound Tickets, the FOB Freight Calculation will override the Shipping Company defaults if any are setup.
    • Select a Payment Liability of Customer Pays or Company Pays. This is required for the freight record to be saved. If Company Pays is selected, freight matching records will be created upon processing shipment invoice.
    • The Freight U of M, Freight Rate, Freight Adjustment, Freight Misc Amt, and Fuel Surcharge % will default from the Shipping Method Detail Maintenance window, but can be changed if necessary.
    • Freight Amount is calculated based on Freight Rate and Freight UofM.
    • Net Quantities are not fully determined until transactions are saved, when the Freight U of M is set to Per Net Unit, the total freight amount may not be accurate until the transaction is saved.
    • The Fuel Surcharge will automatically be calculated based on the Surcharge % entered.
    • To change any existing Shipping entries, highlight the line in the scrolling window the Shipping Company will display in the Header and user can enter the appropriate information. Choose Insert to change the line in the scrolling window.
    • Choose Insert to insert the record that was created/edited. Enter any additional freight lines as needed.
    • Choose OK to close the window. The Total Freight field will be updated with the newly calculated freight. It is required to choose OK to close the window to verify that all freight information has been entered. If OK is selected without inserting a line and there is information in the header, a prompt to insert the information will be displayed.
    • Freight Total, displays the total freight for the shipment to be paid to the shipping company.
    • Invoice Freight, mark the checkbox to invoice freight to the customer.
      • Invoice Freight expansion button will open the Freight Invoice Entry window if the Invoice Freight checkbox is checked
        • Freight Invoice Rate, enter the rate to be used when calculating the freight.
        • Drop Down, select Per Load, Per Gross Unit or Per Net Unit.
        • Freight Invoice Total, displays the total that will be invoiced to the customer.
    • Grades expansion button opens the Load Shipment Grade Entry window and allows the user to enter destination values.
  • The Shipment, Customer and Item information are display only from the shipment.
  • The Destination Quality Class will default from the Origination Quality Class that was entered in Outbound Shipping Entry but the user will be able to override this.
  • The Destination Quality Sub Class will default from the Origination Quality Sub Class that was entered in Outbound Shipping Entry but the user will be able to override this.
  • The Grade Factors will default from the shipment, user can add more if desired.
  • Enter the Destination Values for the factors.
  • Mark the Zero checkbox next to Dest. Value to indicate that a value of zero is the actual valid entry for the Grade Factor when calculating Quality Grades. If the Grade Factor is not used in calculating the Quality Grade, it is not necessary to mark the Zero checkbox.

The Zero value checkbox is necessary when the corresponding Grade Factor is being used to calculate the Quality Grade. In this case, the checkbox must be checked to indicate that the value of zero is to be used in the calculation. If the value is zero and the checkbox is un-checked, the calculated Quality Grade will be U.S. Sample

  • Choose OK to save the grade factor information.

  1. Selected Total, displays the total of all SOP Invoice Amounts selected.
    • Selected Total expansion button open the Shipment Totals window which displays the totals of all selected shipments.
  2. Choose Process to create invoices through Microsoft Dynamics GP Sales Order Processing.
    • A Process exception report will print at the end of the Invoicing process that reports specific errors found in the shipments.
    • System will look for an item specific Receivables Account. If the Receivables Account is not defined for the item the customer standard Account Receivable account will be used.
    • Processing shipments from multiple branches are handled as follows:
      • Invoice / Counter Sale documents created from Grain Shipment Invoicing will be associated to the transactional branch regardless if shipments are for other branches. Inventory usage and general ledger distributions are based on the individual shipments.
      • The DPR date must be open for any branches that have selected shipments in order to Process the invoice(s).
      • The DPR (Company Owned In Transit.) is updated for the branches of the selected shipments.
    • The follow is the result of the Invoicing across multiple branches:
      • Account Receivable account will be determined by the transaction branch.
      • Sales Account – system will credit the item's sales account based on the branch (and/or site) that shipped the grain.
      • Inventory Account – system will credit the item's inventory record for the branch (and/or site) that shipped the grain.
      • Variance – will be determined by the transaction branch.
      • Program Charge – system will drive the program charge to the Branch that is on the LINE (i.e. shipment) to which the program charge is attached.
  3. Choose the Ok button to close the window.
    • If Cinch Customer E-Mail Options, Sales Invoice checkbox is selected, the system will display the following prompts:

      • Yes, when selected an email for each invoice who's Customer has email defined will be sent.
        • Depending on how the Cinch Customer E-mail Options is setup, e-mail addresses will be determined one of two ways:
          • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Enabled checkbox is marked and Sales Invoice is marked, addresses will be based on the addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window.
            • If there are no addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window then the system will behave the same as if the Disabled checkbox is marked.
          • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Disabled checkbox is marked and Sales Invoice is marked, addresses will be determined based on the customer's Bill To address ID.
      • No, when selected no emails will be sent.

      • All, when selected all shipment invoices will be printed, including those that have been emailed.
      • Non-Email, when selected only shipment invoices that were not emailed will be printed.
      • None, when selected no shipment invoices will be printed.
    • If Cinch Customer E-Mail Options, Sales Invoice checkbox is NOT selected the following message will be displayed:

A Report Writer function has been added to the Invoice Form. The function RWIRSOPInvoiceDiscSum can be added to the IRSOPBlankInvoiceForm to return the summary of discount dollar amounts from all shipments.

  • If No is selected, the window will close, and user will need to go to Sales Batch Entry or Invoice Maintenance to print and post your invoices.
  • Select Yes to print the invoices, the following prompt will be displayed:
    • Based on the Branch Maintenance Grain/Bulk Invoice Print Option, the Sales Settlement Sheet may print.

  • Choose Post SOP Invoice Batch Now to post the batch.
  • Choose Post Invoice Batch from Microsoft Dynamics GP SOP to post the batch at a later time.
  1. When a Preliminary Invoice is processed, the following occurs:
  • The invoice will be created and marked as Preliminary.
  • The comment from Comment ID will print at the bottom of the invoice in the comments section.
  • Preliminary Invoice is calculated for the selected shipments, even if across multiple branches.
  • The entire amount will be invoiced with a note stating the amount to be paid based on the preliminary percentage.
  • The DPR will be updated reducing the Company Owned.
  • The Long/Short Contract Position will be updated and any overrun on the preliminary invoice will remain in the long position as a negative sales contract quantity.
  • Inventory will be reduced.
  1. Freight Record created upon processing shipment invoice.
  • When the Apply Freight Amount by Destination (Freight Setup) is not selected, a Freight Payable is calculated based on the origination quantity.
  • When the Apply Freight Amount by Destination (Freight Setup) is selected, before the Destination Qty known an estimated Freight Payable is created based on the origination quantity. The Freight amount will be updated when a destination quantity is entered.
    • If the load spans more than one contract, it is assumed that all contracts assigned to the load with have the same Quantity to govern. System will look at the first contract to determine if origination or destination qty should be used.
    • If no sales contract is specified for a shipment, then the origination quantity will be used to determine the Freight amount on a "per Unit" freight calculation.

For more information about Sales Batch, please see the Microsoft Dynamics GP Sales Order Processing manual.

Grain Shipment Final Invoicing

Creating Final Invoices

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual After a preliminary invoice has been created and the customer has received the shipment, a Final Invoice can be created. The Final Invoice will be for the final invoice total minus the amount billed to the customer on the preliminary invoice.

  1. Open the Grain Shipment Invoicing window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Grain Shipment Invoicing)

  1. Choose either Invoice or Unit Train in the upper most drop down list. When Invoice is selected, the lookup will display only Preliminary Invoices.
  2. Using the lookup, select the Preliminary Invoice or Unit Train that to create a Final Invoice for.
  • User must have access to all shipment branches in order to complete a Final Invoice.
  • The Percentage field will display the percentage from the preliminary invoice.
  • The Final Invoice checkbox will be marked.
  • The Final Invoice button will be enabled.
  • The # of Invoices will be set to One per Customer
  1. Enter or create a Microsoft Dynamics GP SOP Batch that the invoices will be saved to.
  2. Enter a DPR date in the DPR Date field.
  3. Enter an Unload Date.
  4. For shipment applied to a destination quantity contract, enter Destination Wt. or Qty in the shipment invoicing line detail or click the Destination Qty button to enter destination weights and grades, and to create a Spot Contract for any sales contract overrun quantity.

  • Enter a Destination Quantity for all of the selected shipments.
  • The Origination Quantity is display only and will display the original quantity for all of the selected shipments.
  • The Difference will display the Destination Quantity minus the Origination Quantity.
  • The Open Qty will display any quantity that is not applied to a contract.
  • Choose Apply Qty to fill the scrolling window with the Destination Quantity information.
    • The total Destination Qty will be prorated to the selected shipments. The user can optionally key the destination weight or qty for each individual shipment.
  • The Weights to Govern and Grades to Govern will default from the selected Sales Contract but can be changed and will roll down to each shipment when applied.
  • To assign a Contract to the shipment, enter or select one.
  • Select the Delivery Period for the contract.
  • Choose Apply to apply the contract to the shipments in the scrolling window. In order for the contract to be applied, the shipment must not already have a contract applied to it.
  • Remaining Qty will display any remaining quantity on the Sales Contract.
  • Overrun Qty will display the quantity that the destination amount overruns the Sales Contract.
  • If a destination quantity sales contract is overrun and closed during shipment(s) application, and the entry of destination weights result in the underfill of the contract, user is prompted that the contract was filled and an underage quantity exists and are given the option to Open the contract, leave the contract Closed or apply the underfill amount to another Shipment.
  • The Create Spot button will be enabled if an Overrun Qty exists. Click the Create Spot button to create a Spot Contract for the overrun amount.
  • The Sales Contract Entry window will open with most of the necessary information entered.
  • Enter the Delivery Period.
  • Enter the Price for the new Spot Contract.
  • Click Post in the Sales Contract Entry window.
  • The new Spot Contract number should appear in the Spot Contract field.
  • Click the Apply button to apply the spot contract to the shipments. **Multiple** will display in the Contract Number column for the shipment on which the spot contract is applied.
  • Choose Unapply to unapply the contract information from the shipments and reset the contract quantities.
  • Click OK to close the Outbound Shipment Destination Entry window.
  1. Click the Final Invoice button to open the Shipment Final Invoicing window. Here user can enter any final charges that will be billed to the customer.

  • Destination Qty will display the net quantity from the destination site.
  • Origination Qty will display the origination quantity from the shipment(s) that was invoiced on the preliminary invoice.
  • Difference will display the difference between the Origination and Destination quantities.
  • Gross Final Amount will display the Gross Amount of the Final Invoice based the quantities and the contracts the shipments have been applied to.
  • Pre Invoice Amount will display the amount of the preliminary invoice.
  • Wire Amount Requested will display the amount that was calculated from the preliminary percentage, which is usually wired by the customer after receiving the preliminary invoice.
  • Wire Amount Received will default to the Wire Amount Requested but this amount can be edited to the actual amount received. An adjustment to the Wire Amount Received will update the Pre Invoice Balance and the Final Invoice Amount.
  • Pre Invoice Balance will display the difference between the Pre Invoice Amount and the Wire Amount.
  • In the scrolling window, enter any miscellaneous charges or premiums used in the calculations of the Final Invoice.
  • Enter or select a Branch to associate the branch of the final invoice.
  • Enter or select a Site to associate the site of the final invoice.
  • Enter an item number for any miscellaneous charge or premium.
  • Enter a quantity, U of M, and Price for the item.
  • Mark the Non Inventory checkbox if the quantity for the item should not affect inventory or the DPR.
  • Sub Total will display the total for the items entered into the scrolling window.
  • Final Invoice Amount will display the Pre Invoice Balance plus the Sub Total.
  • Enter any cash received from the customer into the Cash Total field. If an amount is entered here, it will be written back to the Cash Received field of the Grain Shipment Invoicing window.
  • Diff will display any difference between Final Invoice Amount and Cash Total.
  • Click OK to close the Final Invoice window.
  1. Choose Process to create invoices through Microsoft Dynamics GP Sales Order Processing.
  • The Final Invoice Report (IRSOPFinalInvoiceFrom) Less Wire Amount represents the Wire Amount Received.

Grain Shipment Invoicing with a Spot Price

Creating Grain Shipment Invoices with a Spot Price

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual Grain Shipment Invoicing with a Spot Price allows the user to enter spot pricing information in order for a spot contract to be auto created and applied to the shipment.

  1. Open the Grain Shipment Invoicing window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Grain Shipment Invoicing)

  1. Choose Unit Train in the upper most drop down list.
  2. Enter or select the Customer to create the invoice for.
  3. Select All Branches or My Branches to display shipments for the branches the user has access to.
  4. Leave the Range marked as All, or select the From and To Range for Item Number or Ship Date.
  5. Enter or create a Microsoft Dynamics GP SOP Batch that the invoices will be saved to.
  6. The scrolling window will display all shipments that are ready to be invoiced based on the selected criteria. User can choose to expand a line on the scrolling window to view/enter more information for that shipment.

  1. Choose the Spot button to open the Shipment Spot Contract Price Entry window.

    • The Shipment Number, Customer, Item and Price Qty are display only and will fill in from the Shipment window.
    • Enter or lookup the Prog Schedule.
    • Enter or lookup a Ticker Symbol. The Board of Trade, Board Month and Board Year will be filled in when a Ticker is selected.
    • Enter a Board Price and Basis Price, Spot Price will be calculated based on the Board, Basis and Zero Basis checkbox.
    • Enter or lookup Market Zone.
    • Enter Market Zone Adjustment amount to be added to the Spot Contract.
    • If the Spot Price is entered and not calculated, the Zero Basis checkbox will be marked.
    • Choose the Today's Price button to automatically fill in the Price fields from the Item Daily Price window.
    • Spot Contract will be populated once the Shipment is saved and the Spot Contract is created and applied to the Shipment.
    • Choose Save to save the price entry and return to the Shipment Invoicing window.
  1. Upon saving the Shipment Spot Contract Price the following will occur:
    • A Sales Contract will automatically be created and posted with the follow data:
      • Contract Number is next available number.
      • Contract Type is Spot.
      • Description will include the Shipment Number.
      • Contract Date is User Date.
      • Customer is from the Shipment.
      • Item is from the Shipment.
      • Hedge Item is from the Item Extensions, Hedge Item Entry.
      • Contract Qty is based on Item Extensions Maintenance/Default Invoice Qty to Use along with the shipment gross and net quantities.
      • Quantities will be Origination.
      • Delivery Dates are the User Date for both Start and End Dates.
    • A Long Short Reconcile record will be created.
  2. If a Price is present on the Invoicing window the shipment is considered priced, user is not allowed to access the Shipment Spot Contract Price Entry.
    • User is prompted "A price has been entered already for this shipment, clear current price to enter Spot Contract Pricing." Ok returns user to the Invoicing window with no changes made.
    • Clearing the Price field will allow user to open the Shipment Spot Contract Price Entry.
  3. When removing the Spot Contract from the Shipment the following will occur:
    • User will be prompted "Removing this contract will delete spot pricing."
      • Selecting Cancel will return user to the shipment without removing the spot contract.
      • Select OK will remove and delete the Spot Contract. Price will be removed from the shipment and the Extended Amount will be recalculated.
        • A Long Short Reconcile record will be created to remove the Spot Contract.
  4. To apply the shipment to multiple contracts (or assembly sheets) or edit the contract application information, choose the Contract expansion button to open the Load Shipment Detail Entry window.

    • Shipment, Customer, Item, Ship Date, Ship Gross Qty, and Qty UOM are display only based on the selected shipment.
    • Cntrct-Asmbly is the contract or assembly the shipment is applied to. This field can be edited by looking up and selecting a different contract or assembly.
      • Drill back on the Cntrct-Asmbly will open Sales Contract Entry for the selected Contract.
    • Cntrct-Asmbly expansion button when selected opens the Shipment Spot Contract Price Entry window.

      • The Shipment Number, Customer, Item and Price Qty are display only and will fill in from the Shipment window.
      • Enter or lookup the Prog Schedule.
      • Enter or lookup a Ticker Symbol. The Board of Trade, Board Month and Board Year will be filled in when a Ticker is selected.
      • Enter a Board Price and Basis Price, Spot Price will be calculated based on the Board, Basis and Zero Basis checkbox.
      • If the Spot Price is entered not calculated, the Zero Basis checkbox will be marked.
      • Choose the Today's Price button to automatically fill in the Price fields from the Item Daily Price window.
      • Enter or lookup Market Zone.
      • Enter Market Zone Adjustment amount to be added to the Spot Contract.
      • Spot Contract will be populated once the Shipment is saved and the Spot Contract is created and applied to the Shipment.
      • Choose Save to save the price entry and return to the Shipment Invoicing window.
    • Upon saving the Shipment Spot Contract Price the following will occur:
      • A Sales Contract will automatically be created and posted with the follow data:
        • Contract Number is next available number.
        • Contract Type is Spot.
        • Description will include the Shipment Number.
        • Contract Date is User Date.
        • Customer is from the Shipment.
        • Item is from the Shipment.
        • Hedge Item is from the Item Extensions, Hedge Item Entry.
        • Contract Qty is based on Item Extensions Maintenance/Default Invoice Qty to Use along with the shipment gross and net quantities.
        • Quantities will be Origination.
        • Delivery Dates are the User Date for both Start and End Dates.
      • A Long Short Reconcile record will be created.
    • If a Price is present on the Load Shipment Detail Entry window the shipment is considered priced, user is not allowed to access the Shipment Spot Contract Price Entry.
      • User is prompted "A price has been entered already for this shipment, clear current price to enter Spot Contract Pricing." Ok returns user to the Load Shipment Detail Entry window with no changes made.
      • Clearing the Price field will allow user to open the Shipment Spot Contract Price Entry.
    • When removing the Spot Contract from the Shipment the following will occur:
      • User will be prompted "Removing this contract will delete spot pricing."
        • Selecting Cancel will return user to the shipment without removing the spot contract.
        • Select OK will remove and delete the Spot Contract. Price will be removed from the shipment and the Extended Amount will be recalculated.
          • A Long Short Reconcile record will be created to remove the Spot Contract.
    • Del Period displays the delivery period for the selected contract. This field can be edited by looking up and selecting a different delivery period for the selected contract. If the contract is changed and there is only one delivery period for the contract it will default based on the selected contract. If the contract is changed and there are multiple delivery periods the Sales Contract Delivery Period Lookup window will open for the user to select the delivery period.
    • Disc Schedule displays the discount schedule for the selected contract. This field can be edited by looking up and selecting a different discount schedule. If the contract is changed the discount schedule will default from the selected contract.
      • Drill back on the Disc Schedule will open Discount Schedule Maintenance for the selected Discount Schedule.
    • Gross Qty displays the gross quantity applied to the selected contract. This field can be edited, if the amount entered is less than the shipment amount a new detail line will be created. If the amount entered is more than the shipment amount user will be prompted. If Net Qty is entered Gross Qty will be calculated based on Net Qty plus Adjustment Qty.
    • Adjustment Amount displays the quantity adjustment based on the discount schedule.
    • Net Qty displays the net quantity applied to the selected contract. This field can be edited, if the amount entered is less than the shipment amount a new detail line will be created. If the amount entered is more than the shipment amount user will be prompted. If Gross Qty is entered Net Qty will be calculated based on Net Qty minus Adjustment Qty.
      • To view the discount information select the Net Qty expansion button to open the Load Shipment Discount Inquiry window.
    • Qty UOM displays the Quantity UOM.
    • Extended Amount is a calculated field based on Net Qty times contract price.
  1. Mark the Select checkbox on the lines to create invoices for.
  2. Choose Process to create invoices through Cinch Ag Sales Processing.
    • A Process exception report will print at the end of the Invoicing process that reports specific errors found in the shipments.

Bulk Shipment Invoicing

Bulk Shipment InvoicingD2HML|C1H Manual

The Bulk Shipment Invoicing window is used to create invoices for shipments that were created in Bulk Shipping Entry.

Creating a Bulk Shipment Invoice

1.Open the Bulk Shipment Invoicing window.
(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Bulk Shipment Invoicing)

  1. Select All Branches or My Branches to display shipments for the branches the user has access to.
  2. Select the Microsoft Dynamics GP SOP Batch that the invoices will be created in.
  3. DPR Date defaults from the user date, but can be changed. If the item on the shipment is a commodity, the DPR date will be used for the DPR transaction that is created.
  4. Mark the One Invoice per Customer checkbox to create one invoice per customer instead of one invoice per load.
  • The grouping criteria for putting shipments on the same document are:
    • Customer
    • Payment Terms
    • Bill To Address
    • Ship To Address
    • Shipping Method
    • Location Code – location code is necessary because pickup statements get the tax schedule from the location code.
  1. Combine Ship To's checkbox works in conjunction with invoice grouping. If this checkbox is checked, invoices will not be grouped by Ship To address IDs.
  2. The Invoice Grouping button opens the Shipment Invoice Grouping window.

    • This display only screen allows the user to see those fields associated with each of the selected shipments that will determine Invoice Grouping.
    • The Checkboxes above the fields indicate grouping criteria. The criteria, is dependent on the Combine Ship To checkbox.
  1. Use System Prices checkbox
    • When checked, it allows a zero priced shipment to be processed/invoiced by using the system's price for the item shipped.
    • When unchecked, the system will warn the user that the shipment is not fully priced and ask if it should apply system prices.
  2. Range, allows the user to filter the shipments in the scrolling window by Customer Number, Item Number, Ship Date, Currency, Customer Class, Payment Terms or Priority.
    • Priority when selected will filter based on the Customer Maintenance, Priority setting.
  3. Sales Freight Item, works in conjunction with the Invoice Freight checkbox on the selected shipment and allows the user to invoice the customer for freight. This item will display on a separate line on the invoice. If a Freight Item is entered in Outbound Setup, it will automatically default here.
  • The Sales Freight Item is also on the Freight Invoice Entry window which is accessed via the Invoice Freight expansion button on the Bulk Shipment Invoicing line. The Sales Freight Item is display only and will default based on the shipment item. If the Sales Freight Item is not setup for the selected item, the Bulk Shipment Invoicing line will be blank.
  • If the Invoice Freight checkbox is checked on the Bulk Shipment Invoicing selected line, during processing the following will be how the Sales Freight Item will be determined:
    • If the Sales Freight Item exists on the Item Extensions window for the shipment item, it will be used.
    • If the Sales Freight Item does not exist on the Item Extensions window for the shipment item, the Sales Freight Item from the Bulk Shipment Invoicing header will be used.
    • If the Sales Freight Item on both the line and the header are blank, user will be prompted that a Sales Freight Item is needed.
    • The Sales General Ledger Account of the Sales Freight Item will continue to be used for the sales invoices that are created.
  1. Provisional Invoice CB, see the Provisional Bulk Shipment Invoicing section for more information.
  2. Sel checkboxes allow the user to select the shipments to be processed.
  3. R checkboxes indicate returned shipments created via the Bulk Shipping Entry window and are display only.
  4. Load
    • To remove a load from the shipment, select the expansion button next to the Load. The system will ask the user if they would like to re-open the Load attached to the shipment. Click Ok to re-open the load or Cancel and the Load will be removed but not be re-opened.
    • To apply a load to the shipment user can use the lookup to select a load.
      • Users are able to select Load Orders created for a Sales Contract Sub Item and the associated Sales Contract.
        • When a Load is assigned, the system requires the Load Order Customer must be the same as the Customer on the Shipment.
  5. Item, the item on the shipment.
  6. Origination Qty, displays the origination quantity.
  7. Destination Qty, is editable. If a destination quantity sales contract is overrun and closed during shipment(s) application, and the entry of destination weights result in the underfill of the contract, user is prompted that the contract was filled and an underage quantity exists and are given the option to Open the contract, leave the contract Closed or apply the underfill amount to another Shipment.
  8. Wt to Govern dropdown list will display the Weights to Govern ID's defined in the Weights to Govern Maintenance – Sales window.
    • The Weights to Govern ID will default when the Sales Contract is applied and or the Load Order is applied. If the Load Order value is different than the Sales Contract the Wt to Govern ID will be used from the Load Order.
    • If no Weights to Govern ID's have been setup Origination and Destination are the default values in the drop down list.
      • Origination is the default value selected but can be changed.
  9. The Prepay column will be used as a visual indicator and be populated with the Prepay Type if there is an open prepay for the customer/item.
    • If there is not prepay the field will be blank.
    • The different prepay types are as follows:
      • PO – Open type prepay is available
      • PI – Item type prepay is available
      • PC – Prepay Class type prepay is available
      • PD – Deposit type prepay is available
      • PP – Product type prepay is available
  10. The expanded line can be used to view and add/edit information for each shipment.

  1. Users are allowed to select a Contract to apply the shipment to providing the shipment item matches either the Sale Contract Item or a Contract Sub Item.
    • Bulk Shipments will be applied to the Sales Contract based on the contract items UOM. Therefore, if the selected sub item has a different weight UOM than the Sales Contract item, the Bulk Shipment Qty will be converted to Sales Contract item UOM prior to applying it to the contract.
    • If the Shipment Item is a Sales Contract Sub Item the U of M, Price U of M, Gross Price and Ship To will be based on the selected sub item.
    • If the Sales Contract Sub Item has a different Price U of M Markdown, Commission Total Freight Total and Invoice Freight will be calculated based on the Sub Item Price U of M.
    • When a Contract is assigned, the system will validate the Customer Number on the Shipment is a Partner on the Contract when the contract is assigned.
      • If Customer is a Related Partner, the Bill To and Ship To address codes will not be updated from the Sales Contract.
  2. Choose the Contract expansion button to open the Load Shipment Detail Entry window to apply the shipment to multiple contracts (or assembly sheets) or edit the contract application information.

    • Shipment, Customer, Item, Ship Date, Ship Gross Qty and Qty UOM are display only based on the selected shipment.
    • Cntrct-Asmbly is the contract or assembly the shipment is applied to. This field can be edited by looking up and selecting a different contract or assembly.
      • Drill back on the Cntrct-Asmbly will open Sales Contract Entry for the selected Contract.
    • Del Period displays the delivery period for the selected contract. This field can be edited by looking up and selecting a different delivery period for the selected contract. If the contract is changed and there is only one delivery period for the contract it will default based on the selected contract. If the contract is changed and there are multiple delivery periods the Sales Contract Delivery Lookup window will open for the user to select the delivery period.
    • Disc Schedule displays the discount schedule for the selected contract. This field can be edited by looking up and selecting a different discount schedule. If the contract is changed the discount schedule will default from the selected contract.
    • Gross Qty displays the gross quantity applied to the selected contract. This field can be edited, if the amount entered is less than the shipment amount a new detail line will be created. If the amount entered is more than the shipment amount user will be prompted. If Net Qty is entered Gross Qty will be calculated based on Net Qty plus Adjustment Qty.
    • Adjustment Amount displays the quantity adjustment based on the discount schedule.
    • Net Qty displays the net quantity applied to the selected contract. This field can be edited, if the amount entered is less than the shipment amount a new detail line will be created. If the amount entered is more than the shipment amount user will be prompted. If Gross Qty is entered Net Qty will be calculated based on Net Qty minus Adjustment Qty
      • To view the discount information select the Net Qty expansion button to open the Load Shipment Discount Inquiry window.
    • Extended Amount is a calculated field based on Net Qty times contract price.
  1. Program Charges will default based on the selected contract.
    • At the time a shipment is selected or a contract is applied the program details from the contract will be added to the shipment.
  2. Program Charges expansion opens Bulk Shipment Program Entry.
    • Program Details can be added/deleted as desired.
    • Validation is done to ensure that the item on the shipment matches with the Allowed On Commodity on the Program Detail.
    • Only a Program Details marked as Invoiceable with a defined Item Number will/can be added.
    • Only Program Details that have the type Charge and Calculation Methods of Flat Rate, Flat Amount, and % Rate will/can be added.
        • If the shipment is unselected or a contract is unapplied, the program details from the contract will be removed.
        • If the user had manually added program details they would remain on the shipment.
  3. The Grades to Govern dropdown list will display the Grades to Govern ID's defined in the Grades to Govern Maintenance – Sales window.
    • The Grades to Govern ID will default when the Sales Contract is applied and or the Load Order is applied. If the Load Order value is different than the Sales Contract the Grades to Govern ID will be used from the Load Order.
    • If no Weights to Govern ID's have been setup Origination and Destination are the default values in the drop down list.
      • Origination is the default value selected but can be changed
  4. Invoice Qty to Use – specifies what Qty to use when invoicing the shipment. The system will use default values from Item Extension Maintenance if no State Exceptions are entered. User will be able override the settings that default in from the Item Extension Maintenance. The options are:
    • Gross
    • Net – If no defaults are entered for the item, the values will be set to Net.
  5. Inventory Qty to Use – specifies what Qty to use to relieve inventory for the shipment. The system will use default values from Item Extension Maintenance if no State Exceptions are entered. User will be able override the settings that default in from the Item Extension Maintenance. The options are:
    • Gross – If no defaults are entered for the item, the values will be set to Gross.
    • Net
    • If the Inventory Qty is different than the Invoice Qty the system will create an inventory adjustment.
  6. Choose the Freight Entry button or expansion button next to Freight Total to open the Load Shipping Freight Entry window to change or enter Freight information. Freight lines can only be edited if they have not been matched.

    • The Shipping Company entered in Bulk Shipment Entry or Bulk Shipment Invoicing will be displayed in the scrolling window. Any freight information entered in Load Order Entry or Bulk Shipment Entry will automatically be displayed; any previously entered information can be edited IF it has not been matched.
    • The Shipment Number is display only and will default from the Bulk Shipment Invoicing window.
    • Depending on what was selected in Freight Setup, either Shipping Company or Vendor will display in the drop down list. Select the Shipping Company/Vendor to create freight records for.
    • Select an FOB if desired. For Inbound Tickets, the FOB Freight Calculation will override the Shipping Company defaults if any are setup.
    • Select a Payment Liability of Customer Pays or Company Pays. This is required for the freight record to be saved. If Company Pays is selected, freight matching records will be created upon ticket posting.
    • The Freight U of M, Freight Rate, Adjustment, Misc Amt, and Fuel Surcharge % will default from the Shipping Method Detail Maintenance window, but can be changed if necessary.
    • Net Quantities are not fully determined until transactions are saved, when the Freight U of M is set to Per Net Unit, the total freight amount may not be accurate until the transaction is saved.
    • The Fuel Surcharge will automatically be calculated based on the Surcharge % entered.
    • To change any existing Shipping entries highlight the line in the scrolling window, the Shipping Company will display in the Header and user can enter the appropriate information. Choose Insert to change the line in the scrolling window.
    • Choose Insert to insert the record that was created/edited. Enter any additional freight lines as needed.
    • Choose OK to close the window. The Total Freight field will be updated with the newly calculated freight. It is required to choose OK to close the window to verify that all freight information has been entered. If OK is selected without inserting a line and there is information in the header, a prompt to insert the information will be displayed.
  1. Freight Record
    • When the Freight Setup, Calc Freight by Destination checkbox is not selected, a Freight Payable is calculated based on the origination quantity.
    • When the Freight Setup, Calc Freight by Destination checkbox is selected the freight record on the Shipment will be created but the total will not be calculated until the Destination Quantity is entered then it will be calculated on that.
      • If the load spans more than one contract, it is assumed that all contracts assigned to the load with have the same Quantity to govern. System will look at the first contract to determine if origination or destination qty should be used.
      • If no sales contract is specified for a shipment, then the origination quantity will be used to determine the Freight amount on a "per Unit" freight calculation.
  2. Freight In Price Per Unit is the amount used in the freight in price calculation.
    • The price is view only and defaults from the selected sales contract delivery period.
    • The following is required for the Freight In Price Per Unit to be populated:
      • Freight Setup, GL Freight In Price Adjustment checkbox must be marked.
      • Transaction must be applied to a sales contract that has a Freight In Price Per Unit price entered on the selected delivery period.
  3. Freight In Price Amount is the dollar amount of freight included in the price of the item.
    • The amount is view only and is system calculated (Freight per Unit * Origination Qty).
    • When Processed the Freight In Price Per Unit and Freight In Price Amount will flow to the Invoice or Counter Sale and be used in the freight in price calculation that will reduce the sales amount and write a separate freight GL distribution.
  4. Choose the RIN button to access the RIN Edit window, used to assist in tracking the RIN information.

    • Denaturant Percent will default from RIN Item Setup for the selected item but this value can be changed.
    • Denaturant Qty will default and be calculated based on Net Meter Qty times Denaturant Percent but this value can be changed.
    • RINs Transferred Qty:
      • If the RIN Item Setup, Default RINs Transferred Qty checkbox is marked, RINs Transferred Qty will default base on Net Meter Qty times Equivalence Value, but the value can be changed.
      • If the RIN Item Setup, Default RINs Transferred Qty checkbox is not marked, RINs Transferred Qty will be disabled.
  1. Choose Process and select Invoice or Counter Sale to complete the invoicing process. User can then go to either Invoice Maintenance or Counter Sales to view the sales document.
    • System will look for an item specific Receivables Account. If the Receivables Account is not defined for the item the customer standard Account Receivable account will be used.
    • Processing shipments from multiple branches are handled as follows:
      • Invoice / Counter Sale documents created from Grain Shipment Invoicing will be associated to the transactional branch regardless if shipments are for other branches. Inventory usage and general ledger distributions are based on the individual shipments.
      • The DPR date must be open across all branches for the selected shipments in order to Process the invoice.
      • The DPR (Company Owned In Transit.) is updated for the branches of the selected shipments.
      • Invoicing Returns are also supported across branches.
    • The follow is the result of the Invoicing across multiple branches:
      • Account Receivable account will be determined by the transaction branch.
      • Sales Account – system will credit the sales account based on the branch (and/or site) that shipped the grain.
      • Inventory Account – system will credit the inventory record for the branch (and/or site) that shipped the grain.
      • Variance – will be determined by the transaction branch.

User will only be able to access Counter Sales if CINCH Sales has been purchased.

  1. Choose OK to close the window.
    • If Cinch Customer E-Mail Options, Sales Invoice checkbox is selected, the system will display the following prompts:

      • Yes, when selected an email for each invoice who's Customer has email defined will be sent.
        • Depending on how the Cinch Customer E-mail Options is setup, e-mail addresses will be determined one of two ways:
          • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Enabled checkbox is marked and Sales Invoice is marked, addresses will be based on the addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window.
            • If there are no addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window then the system will behave the same as if the Disabled checkbox is marked.
          • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Disabled checkbox is marked and Sales Invoice is marked, addresses will be determined based on the customer's Bill To address ID.
      • No, when selected no emails will be sent.

      • All, when selected all shipment invoices will be printed, including those that have been emailed.
      • Non-Email, when selected only shipment invoices that were not emailed will be printed.
      • None, when selected no shipment invoices will be printed.
    • If Cinch Customer E-Mail Options, Sales Invoices checkbox is NOT selected the following message will be displayed.

      • If No is selected, the window will close, and user will need to go to Sales Batch Entry or Invoice Maintenance to print and post the invoices.
      • Select Yes to print the invoices, the following prompt will be displayed:
        • Based on the Branch Maintenance Grain/Bulk Invoice Print Option, the Sales Settlement Sheet may print.

  • Choose Post SOP Invoice Batch Now to post the batch.
  • Choose Post Invoice Batch from Microsoft Dynamics GP SOP to post the batch at a later time.

For more information about Sales Batch, please see the Microsoft Dynamics GP Sales Order Processing manual.

Bulk Shipment Invoicing with a Spot Price

Creating Bulk Shipment Invoices with a Spot Price

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualBulk Shipment Invoicing with a Spot Price allows the user to enter spot pricing information in order for a spot contract to be auto created and applied to the shipment.

  1. Open the Bulk Shipment Invoicing window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Bulk Shipment Invoicing)

  1. Select All Branches or My Branches to display shipments for the branches the user has access to.
  2. Select the Microsoft Dynamics GP SOP Batch that the invoices will be created in.
  3. DPR Date defaults from the user date, but can be changed. If the item on the shipment is a commodity, the DPR date will be used for the DPR transaction that is created.
  4. The scrolling window will display all shipments that are ready to be invoiced based on the selected criteria. User can choose to expand a line on the scrolling window to view/enter more information for that shipment.

  1. Choose the Spot button to open the Shipment Spot Contract Price Entry window.

    • The Shipment Number, Customer, Item and Price Qty are display only and will fill in from the Shipment window.
    • Enter or lookup the Prog Schedule.
    • Enter or lookup a Ticker Symbol. The Board of Trade, Board Month and Board Year will be filled in when a Ticker is selected.
    • Enter a Board Price and Basis Price, Spot Price will be calculated based on the Board, Basis and Zero Basis checkbox.
    • If the Spot Price is entered not calculated, the Zero Basis checkbox will be marked.
    • Choose the Today's Price button to automatically fill in the Price fields from the Item Daily Price window.
    • Enter or lookup Market Zone.
    • Enter Market Zone Adjustment amount to be added to the Spot Contract.
    • Spot Contract will be populated once the Shipment is saved and the Spot Contract is created and applied to the Shipment.
    • Choose Save to save the price entry and return to the Shipment Invoicing window.
  1. Upon saving the Shipment Spot Contract Price the following will occur:
    • A Sales Contract will automatically be created and posted with the follow data:
      • Contract Number is next available number.
      • Contract Type is Spot.
      • Description will include the Shipment Number.
      • Contract Date is User Date.
      • Customer is from the Shipment.
      • Item is from the Shipment.
      • Hedge Item is from the Item Extensions, Hedge Item Entry.
      • Contract Qty is based on Item Extensions Maintenance/Default Invoice Qty to Use along with the shipment gross and net quantities.
      • Quantities will be Origination.
      • Delivery Dates are the User Date for both Start and End Dates.
    • A Long Short Reconcile record will be created.
  2. If a Price is present on the Invoicing window the shipment is considered priced, user is not allowed to access the Shipment Spot Contract Price Entry.
    • User is prompted "A price has been entered already for this shipment, clear current price to enter Spot Contract Pricing." Ok returns user to the Invoicing window with no changes made.
    • Clearing the Price field will allow user to open the Shipment Spot Contract Price Entry.
  3. When removing the Spot Contract from the Shipment the following will occur:
    • User will be prompted "Removing this contract will delete spot pricing."
      • Selecting Cancel will return user to the shipment without removing the spot contract.
      • Select OK will remove and delete the Spot Contract. Price will be removed from the shipment and the Extended Amount will be recalculated.
        • A Long Short Reconcile record will be created to remove the Spot Contract.
  4. Choose the Contract expansion button to open the Load Shipment Detail Entry window to apply the shipment to multiple contracts (or assembly sheets) or edit the contract application information.

    • Shipment, Customer, Item, Ship Date, Ship Gross Qty, and Qty UOM are display only based on the selected shipment.
    • Cntrct-Asmbly is the contract or assembly the shipment is applied to. This field can be edited by looking up and selecting a different contract or assembly.
      • Drill back on the Cntrct-Asmbly will open Sales Contract Entry for the selected Contract.
    • Cntrct-Asmbly expansion button when selected opens the Shipment Spot Contract Price Entry window.

      • The Shipment Number, Customer, Item and Price Qty are display only and will fill in from the Shipment window.
      • Enter or lookup the Prog Schedule.
      • Enter or lookup a Ticker Symbol. The Board of Trade, Board Month and Board Year will be filled in when a Ticker is selected.
      • Enter a Board Price and Basis Price, Spot Price will be calculated based on the Board, Basis and Zero Basis checkbox.
      • If the Spot Price is entered not calculated, the Zero Basis checkbox will be marked.
      • Choose the Today's Price button to automatically fill in the Price fields from the Item Daily Price window.
      • Enter or lookup Market Zone.
      • Enter Market Zone Adjustment amount to be added to the Spot Contract.
      • Spot Contract will be populated once the Shipment is saved and the Spot Contract is created and applied to the Shipment.
      • Choose Save to save the price entry and return to the Shipment Invoicing window.
    • Upon saving the Shipment Spot Contract Price the following will occur:
      • A Sales Contract will automatically be created and posted with the follow data:
        • Contract Number is next available number.
        • Contract Type is Spot.
        • Description will include the Shipment Number.
        • Contract Date is User Date.
        • Customer is from the Shipment.
        • Item is from the Shipment.
        • Hedge Item is from the Item Extensions, Hedge Item Entry.
        • Contract Qty is based on Item Extensions Maintenance/Default Invoice Qty to Use along with the shipment gross and net quantities.
        • Quantities will be Origination.
        • Delivery Dates are the User Date for both Start and End Dates.
      • A Long Short Reconcile record will be created.
    • If a Price is present on the Load Shipment Detail Entry window the shipment is considered priced, user is not allowed to access the Shipment Spot Contract Price Entry.
      • User is prompted "A price has been entered already for this shipment, clear current price to enter Spot Contract Pricing." Ok returns user to the Load Shipment Detail Entry window with no changes made.
      • Clearing the Price field will allow user to open the Shipment Spot Contract Price Entry.
    • When removing the Spot Contract from the Shipment the following will occur:
      • User will be prompted "Removing this contract will delete spot pricing."
        • Selecting Cancel will return user to the shipment without removing the spot contract.
        • Select OK will remove and delete the Spot Contract. Price will be removed from the shipment and the Extended Amount will be recalculated.
          • A Long Short Reconcile record will be created to remove the Spot Contract.
    • Del Period displays the delivery period for the selected contract. This field can be edited by looking up and selecting a different delivery period for the selected contract. If the contract is changed and there is only one delivery period for the contract it will default based on the selected contract. If the contract is changed and there are multiple delivery periods the Sales Contract Delivery Period Lookup window will open for the user to select the delivery period.
    • Disc Schedule displays the discount schedule for the selected contract. This field can be edited by looking up and selecting a different discount schedule. If the contract is changed the discount schedule will default from the selected contract.
      • Drill back on the Disc Schedule will open Discount Schedule Maintenance for the selected Discount Schedule.
    • Gross Qty displays the gross quantity applied to the selected contract. This field can be edited, if the amount entered is less than the shipment amount a new detail line will be created. If the amount entered is more than the shipment amount user will be prompted. If Net Qty is entered Gross Qty will be calculated based on Net Qty plus Adjustment Qty.
    • Adjustment Amount displays the quantity adjustment based on the discount schedule.
    • Net Qty displays the net quantity applied to the selected contract. This field can be edited, if the amount entered is less than the shipment amount a new detail line will be created. If the amount entered is more than the shipment amount user will be prompted. If Gross Qty is entered Net Qty will be calculated based on Net Qty minus Adjustment Qty.
      • To view the discount information select the Net Qty expansion button to open the Load Shipment Discount Inquiry window.
    • Qty UOM displays the Quantity UOM.
    • Extended Amount is a calculated field based on Net Qty times contract price.
  1. Mark the Select checkbox on the lines to create invoices for.
  2. Choose Process to create invoices through Cinch Ag Sales Processing.
    • A Process exception report will print at the end of the Invoicing process that reports specific errors found in the shipments.

Provisional Bulk Shipment Invoicing

Creating Provisional Bulk Shipment Invoices

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual A Provisional Invoice can only be created for Bulk Shipments applied to a Sales Contract that has Provisional Pricing checkbox marked on Sales Contract Price Entry.

  1. Open the Bulk Shipment Invoicing window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Bulk Shipment Invoicing)

  1. Select All Branches or My Branches to display shipments for the branches the user has access to.
  2. Select the Microsoft Dynamics GP SOP Batch that the invoices will be created in.
  3. DPR Date defaults from the user date, but can be changed. If the item on the shipment is a commodity, the DPR date will be used for the DPR transaction that is created.
  4. Provisional Invoice Checkbox, when selected the Contract Number, Delivery Period and Provisional price fields become enabled and existing restriction fields will be cleared and disabled.
  5. Select a Contract Number from the Provisional Sales Contract Delivery Lookup.

    • The scrolling window lists Contract Delivery Periods that have the Provisional Price checkbox marked on Sales Contract Price Entry and that have Shipments assigned to them.
    • Include Contracts with Empty Provisional Price, when selected will include Contract Delivery Periods that have the Provisional Price checkbox marked on Sales Contract Price Entry, but the Provisional Net Price is zero, and that have Shipments assigned to them.
    • When the contract is selected, the Bulk Shipment Invoicing scrolling window will be populated with the shipments assigned to the selected contract.
  1. Delivery Period ID, will be returned with the selected Contract Number.
  2. Provisional Price, will default from the Sales Contract Price Entry for the Selected Contract Delivery Period, but can be edited.
  3. Provisional Price Expansion button opens the Provisional Price Entry window.

    • The Provisional Board, Basis and Price will default from the Sales Contract Price Entry or can be entered and/or updated.
  1. The Roll Down Price to Shipments button, , will roll the Provisional Price to the Shipments Gross Price.
    • Shipments must be selected to roll the price down.
  2. When the Provisional Invoice is processed the following will occur:
    • An Invoice will be created for the selected shipments.
    • Taxes will be calculated on the Invoice.
    • Inventory will be relieved for the quantities being invoiced when the sales batch is posted.
    • Shipments will be marked as Provisionally Invoiced.

Provisional Bulk Shipment Final Invoicing

Creating Provisional Bulk Shipment Final Invoices

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualThe Final Invoicing Screen will allow the user to create a Final Invoice for Bulk Shipments that have been previously Provisionally Invoiced. Only posted Provision Invoices will be available for Final Invoice.

  1. Open the Final Invoicing window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Final Invoicing)

  1. Customer Number, is used to restrict the Provisionally Invoiced shipments within the Bulk Shipment Final Invoice Lookup.
    • Final Invoice will be based on a single customer.
  2. Item Number, is used to restrict the Provisionally Invoiced shipments within the Bulk Shipment Final Invoice Lookup.
  3. Select the Contract Number, Provisionally Invoiced shipments will be displayed based upon the selected Contract Number.
    • If user only selects a Contract Number the Customer and Item restrictions will default from the selected Contract.
  4. Delivery Period ID and the Start and End Dates will default based on the Selected Contract.
    • If a shipment is applied to multiple provisional delivery periods, a Final Invoice will need to be completed and posted for the first shipment detail prior to doing the Final Invoice for the second shipment detail on the provisional contract.
  5. Price By Date will default from the Sales Contract Price Entry for the selected Contract Delivery Period, this is for informational purposes only.
  6. Enter the Batch Number the Final Invoice will be saved in.
  7. Bill To Address, the Customer's Bill To Address ID defaulted from the selected Sales Contract.
  8. Ship Method will be used by system to calculate taxes on Final Invoice.
    • Ship Method will default from the Contract Delivery Period, if not present it will default from Customer Maintenance for the selected customer, if not present it will default from the Sales User Setup.
  9. Location Code will default from Branch Maintenance, Main Inventory Site based on the Branch for the selected Contract Number.
  10. Invoice Item is the item that will be used on the Final Invoice.
    • It is recommended that the Invoice Item be a Non Inventory Item since the Inventory has already been adjusted for the Item on the Shipment when the Provisional Invoice was created.
  11. Board Price, when entered will be used to calculate the Final Price and will roll down to the Board Price for the selected shipments in the scrolling window.
    • If the selected Sales Contract has been priced, the price will default from the Sales Contract Delivery Period, but can be edited.
  12. Basis, when entered will be used to calculate the Final Price and will roll down to the Basis Price for the selected shipments in the scrolling window.
    • If the selected Sales Contract has been priced, the price will default from the Sales Contract Delivery Period, but can be edited.
  13. Final Price, will be calculated based on the Board and Basis Price. If entered the Board and Basis will be set to zero.
    • If the selected Sales Contract has been priced, the price will default from the Sales Contract Delivery Period, but can be edited.
  14. Roll Down Price button, when selected will roll the Board, Basis and Final Prices to the selected shipments in the scrolling window.
    • If a rounding difference occurs the system will warn the user and display what the amount difference will be.
  15. Scrolling Window will display the following information on the Provisionally Invoiced Shipments.
    • Item Number: from the shipment
    • Quantity: from the shipment
    • UOM: from the shipment
    • Provisional Price: The price used when the shipment was Provisionally Invoiced.
    • Board, Basis and Final Price: Fields get populated from Final Price in the header when the user clicks the Roll Down Price button.
      • Prices can also be manually entered per line.
    • Net Price: Is Final Price – Provisional Price = Net Price
    • Extension: Is Net Price * Quantity = Extension
    • Shipment: Shipment Number being Final Invoiced
      • Select the Shipments to be included on the Final Invoice by marking the Select CB.
      • The shipment records listed in the scrolling window will be based upon Shipment Detail, since Shipments can span multiple contracts. The same shipment could be listed multiple times.
    • Provisional Invoice: The Provisional Invoice number
    • Date: The date from the Provisional Invoice
    • Provisional Price Comment: Defaults from the Sales Contract Price Entry, Comment Line 1 for the selected Contract.
    • Price Terms Comment: Defaults from the Sales Contract Price Entry, Comment Line 2 for the selected Contract.
  16. Invoice Button has a dropdown selection:
    • Invoice:
      • The Final Invoice will be created without the Invoice Entry/Return Entry screen being opened.
    • Open Invoice Maintenance:
      • The Final Invoice will be created and the Invoice Entry/Return Entry screen will be opened where the user will be able to enter additional lines for any additional charges.
  17. The following processes will occur when the Final Invoice is processed:
    • Shipments will be rolled into a single line on the Final Invoice.
      • The Unit Price for the Return or Invoice will be calculated by dividing the Document Amount by the Total Qty.
    • If Final Price and Provisional Price create a negative extension the system will create a Return Document.
    • The Final Invoice Detail Report will be printed that shows the detailed information used to create the line on the Final SOP Invoice.
      • The report can be reprinted from Sales History Inquiry for any posted Invoice, Final Invoice Detail has been added to the Print dropdown list.
      • The report can be reprinted from Sales Inquiry for any un-posted Invoice, Final Invoice Detail has been added to the Print dropdown list.
    • User will be prompted if they wish to update the Contract with the new Final Price. If yes, a Price Record is created for the Contract Delivery Period with the Final Price entered in the Final Invoicing screen.

If the user changes the price on the Final Invoice using Invoice Maintenance, that price will NOT be updated on the Sales Contract Delivery Period. Therefore, the user should delete the Final Invoice and recreate the correct Final Invoice.

  1. Clear Button, when selected will clear the Final Invoicing window without saving any changes to the selected shipments.
  2. Redisplay Button, when selected will display any Provisionally Invoiced Shipments that have not been Final Invoiced in the scrolling window after the restrictions are entered.

Corrections allowed for Provisional and Final Invoices

Creating Corrections to Provisional and Final Invoices

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual System allows the user to correct mistakes on both the Provisional and Final Invoices.

  1. Provisional Invoice
    • Un-posted Invoice:
      • From Invoice Maintenance, delete the incorrect Provisional Invoice. System will prompt user if they wish to delete the shipments associated with the invoice.
        • Yes, the Shipments associated to the Provisional Invoice will be deleted.
        • No, the Shipments will be "reopened" and the user will be allowed to Provisionally Invoice the shipments again from Bulk Shipment Invoice.
    • Posted Invoice:
      • From Shipment Invoice Returns return the incorrect Provisional Invoice. The system will create a return shipment and a re-bill shipment. The user will be allowed to Provisionally Invoice the re-bill shipments from Bulk Shipment Invoicing.
  2. Final Invoice
    • Un-posted Invoice:
      • From Invoice Maintenance, delete the incorrect Final Invoice. System will prompt user to see if user wishes to delete the shipments associated with the invoice.
        • Yes, user is prompted the shipments have already been Provisionally Invoiced and cannot be deleted. The shipments will be "reopened" on the Final Invoice allowing the user to Final Invoice the shipments again from Final Invoicing.
        • No, the shipments will be "reopened" on the Final Invoice allowing the user to Final Invoice the shipments again from Final Invoicing.
    • Posted Invoice:
      • From Sales Returns Entry create a Return document for the incorrect Final Invoice. The shipments associated with the Final Invoice will be "reopened" allowing the user to Final Invoice the shipments again from Final Invoicing.

Shipment Return Re-bill

Shipment Return and Re-bill

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualThe Shipment Invoice Return is used to reverse a posted invoice originating from Grain Shipment Invoicing or Bulk Shipment Invoicing. The Shipment Invoice Return process will generate two shipments a return shipment that reverses the invoiced shipment and a shipment that can be edited and re-billed.

Creating a Shipment Invoice Return
  1. Open the Shipment Invoice Returns window.

(Transactions >> Cinch Grain >> Sales/Outbound >> Shipment Return Entry)

  1. A Shipment Invoice must be entered to create a shipment return.
  • Enter or select the Shipment Invoice from the Shipment Invoice Lookup window.
  • When the Shipment Invoice is selected all shipments associated to the shipment invoice will be listed in the scrolling window.
  • Shipments can be returned multiple times; however, the user will be prompted if the Shipment Invoice has already been returned.
  1. DPR Date is required if the selected shipment is for a commodity.
  2. Return Batch is a SOP Batch and must be entered before the shipment return can be processed.
  3. Reason Code is an optional field that helps track why the shipment invoice had to be returned.
  4. Return Variance displays the variance amount associated with the Shipment Invoice. The variance amount is edited allowing user to return only a portion of the variance.
    • The user must check the checkbox in order to return the variance.
      • When the Return Invoice is created a separate line will be created for the associated Variance Item and amount.
    • The checkbox will be disabled if a Variance was not associated to the original Shipment Invoice.
  5. Mark All will select all shipments displayed in the scrolling window.
  6. Unmark All will unselect all shipments displayed in the scrolling window.
  7. Scrolling Window displays all shipments associated to the Shipment Invoice.
  • The first checkbox on the scrolling window line is to select the shipment.
  • The second checkbox on the scrolling window line is to select the associated load order to be reopened.
    • Re-opening a load order returns the load order to an open state allowing it to be used again.
  • Single or multiple shipments can be selected for return.
  • Drill back on Shipment Number opens the Shipment Inquiry Zoom window.
  1. The Return button will process the following:
  • A return is created for the selected shipment.
  • DPR is updated for the appropriate items being returned.
  • Return and Re-bill shipments are generated.
  • Return shipment is a history record created to offset the original shipment.
  • Re-bill shipment is created as a posted shipment. Edits for contract application or weights and/or grade changes will be made from Grain or Bulk Shipment Invoicing.
  • When a shipment is returned that has a Shipment Advance associated, prepay will be unapplied but since the rebill shipment numbers (-2) will be different than the original shipment advance, the applied amount and status of the Shipment Advance will not be updated. The user will have to manually apply the remaining prepay to the new invoice using the Prepay Apply window.
  1. For Audit purposes the shipments created are created as follows:
  • The shipment number for the return shipment will be "original shipment-1".
  • The shipment number for the re-bill shipment will be "original shipment-2".
  • The shipment is returned multiple times the shipment number will continue to increment. Return shipment will be "original shipment -3" and re-bill shipment will be "original shipment-4".
  • Below the Load Shipment Inquiry window displays the Return and Re-bill Shipments.

Chapter 15:Bulk Transfers

This chapter explains how to use the Bulk Transfer Entry to transfer inventory from one branch to the next.D2HML|C1H Manual

Bulk Transfer Entry

Bulk Transfer Entry
  1. D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualOpen the Bulk Transfer Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Bulk Transfer Entry)

  1. The Transfer Number will default from the Next Number Maintenance window.
  2. The Transfer Number expansion button to open Inspection Maintenance. Refer to Cinch Sales – Seed Procedure Manual, Certificate of Analysis (COA), for more information.
  3. The Transfer Date will default with the system date, but can be changed if necessary.
  4. The DPR Date will default with the system date, but can be changed if necessary.
  5. The Received Date is the date the transfer reaches the destination site and will be required when posting destination quantities.
  6. Select the Commodity to transfer.
  7. Select the Origination Site.
    • Origination Site cannot be changed after the origination side has posted.
    • Origination Site can be the same as the Destination Site. Users will be warned but allowed to continue.
  8. In Transit Site will default from Bulk Transfer User Setup but can be changed.
    • In-Transit Site cannot be changed after the origination side has posted.
  9. Select the Destination Site.
    • Destination Site can be changed after the origination side has posted.
    • Destination Site can be the same as the Origination Site. Users will be warned but allowed to continue.
  10. The Dest Branch will display the branch assigned to the selected Destination Site and is display only.
  11. Select the Ship Company if one is being used.
  12. Select the Driver, Vehicle, License Plate and No. of Axles.
  13. Enter a Comment for the transfer and any user defined information.
  14. Choose to receive the weights from the Origination or Destination Site. The default will display the option selected in Bulk Transfer Setup.
  15. Choose the Weigh button to get the Gross and Tare weights. If Allow Weight Change has been selected in Bulk Transfer Entry within the User Extensions Maintenance window, user will be able to manually enter the weights if desired.
    • When the Bulk Transfer User Setup, Allow Single Weight Entry checkbox is marked and the user enters a Gross Weight, the system will automatically set the Net Weight to the Gross Weight and calculate a Gross Qty and Net Qty.
      • The Bulk Transfer record will have a single weight flag on it that will be marked when the Transfer is saved with a single weight.
        • This flag will not be editable by the user. If a user that is not marked to Allow Single Weight Entry tries to update supplemental information on an existing Transfer, the changes can be made and saved without problems. This also helps when origination and destination values are entered and single weight flags are set differently in other branches in the Transfer.
        • The CinchX AgXML Bulk Transfer will set the single weight flag when importing a transaction with only a single weight.
    • When the Bulk Transfer User Setup, Allow Single Weight Entry checkbox is not marked:
      • The system will not allow the user to post the Bulk Transfer until both a Gross and Tare weight are entered.
      • If the user attempts to post a batch from Batch Entry and the batch contains a single weight Bulk Transfer transaction(s) the single weight transaction(s) will not be posted, but any other transactions in the batch that have both a Gross and Tare weight will posted.
      • The Bulk Transfer Edit List will print a warning *** The User cannot post a single weight Bulk Transfer.
    • When Bulk Transfer User Setup, Allow Gross Qty. Entry checkbox is marked the Gross Qty field will be enabled. This will allow the user to enter Gross Qty and the system will calculate Gross weight.
      • Gross Qty cannot be entered unless there is an Item Number entered.
      • System will calculate Gross weight (Gross Qty * Weight Per Unit of measure for the selected Item).
      • Changing the value of Gross weight will update the value of Gross Qty.
  16. Select the Weight/Grades from, (Origination or Destination) that will be used for the transfer.
    • When the Bulk Transfer Setup, Allow Separate Posting checkbox is marked, the Use Weights/Grades from field will be locked. Origination quantities will always be used.
  17. Enter the Ticket Number.
  18. Select the Disposition for the transfer.
  19. Select the Lot Number for the item being transferred.
  20. Select the COA Lot Number to tie COA quality information to the item. Refer to Cinch Sales – Seed Procedure Manual, Certificate of Analysis (COA), for more information.
  21. Enter any user defined information.
  22. Select the Discount Schedule for the transfer.
  23. Enter the Grade Factors for the transfer. The following options are available for entering Grade Factor information:
  • Enter the Grade Factor values directly into the Bulk Transfer Entry window.
  • Choose the Grade Factor Expansion button to open the Bulk Transfer Grade Entry window and enter Origination and/or Destination Values.
  • If using an electronic grain tester, choose the Grade Factor Lookup button to open the Grain Sample Lookup window.

  • Highlight the Sample ID and click Select place the results in the Bulk Transfer Grade Entry fields.
  • If receiving sample ID's from two grain testers, open the Grain Sample Lookup a second time and select the second sample ID.
  • Tester Restriction limits the display to samples based on the Purchase/Inbound User Setup, Tester 1 & Tester 2 assigned to the user.
    • My Tester – Unassigned, is the default setting, will display samples without a ticket assigned based testers assigned to the user.
    • My Tester – All, will display samples with and without a ticket assigned based testers assigned to the user.
    • All Results, will display samples for all testers regardless of the user setup.
  1. Choose the Freight button to open the Transfer Freight Entry window to calculate freight information.

  • If a Shipping Company is entered on the main window, it will automatically be inserted into the scrolling window.
  • The Transfer Number is display only and will default from the Ticket Entry window.
  • Depending on what was selected in Freight Setup, either Shipping Company or Vendor will display in the drop down list. Select the Shipping Company/Vendor create freight records for.
  • Select the Freight Allocation to Add to Item Cost or Expense the Cost.
  • The selected Branch Expense, Origination or Destination, will determine which branch will be charged when the transactions is posted. This will default to Origination but can be changed.
  • Origination Qty is view only and will default from Branch Bulk Transfer Entry.
  • Destination Qty is view only and will default from Bulk Transfer Entry.
  • Use Quantity this will default from Bulk Transfer Entry, Use Weights/Grades from.
  • The Freight U of M, Freight Rate, Adjustment, Misc Amt, and Fuel Surcharge % will default from the Shipping Method Detail Maintenance window, but can be changed if necessary.
  • Net Quantities are not fully determined until transactions are saved, when the Freight U of M is set to Per Net Unit, the total freight amount may not be accurate until the transaction is saved.
  • The Fuel Surcharge will automatically be calculated based on the Surcharge % entered.
  • If a Shipping Company was entered in Bulk Transfer Entry that needs calculating, highlight the line in the scrolling window. The Shipping Company will display in the Header and user can enter the appropriate information. Choose Insert to change the line in the scrolling window.
  • Choose Insert to insert the created record. Enter any additional freight lines as needed.
  • Choose OK to close the window. The Total Freight field will be updated with the newly calculated freight. It is required to choose OK to close the window to verify that all freight information has been entered. If OK is selected without inserting a line and there is information in the header, it will ask if you want to insert the information.
  1. Choose the Cost window to open the Bulk Transfer Item Cost Entry window.

Choose to Adjust By Per Unit, Flat Amount or Percent.
Enter the Adjust By Amount.
Choose to charge the Freight Per Unit or Per Load.
Enter the Freight Amount.
Choose to Add the amount to the Item Cost or Expense the Cost out.
The New Unit Cost and Total will be displayed.
Choose OK to save the item cost entry.

  1. Choose the Discounts button to open the Bulk Transfer Discount Inquiry window. This is display only and will show any discounts attached to the bulk transfer.
  2. Choose the Distribution button to open Distribution Accounts window.

    • The Inventory Account will come from the Item.
      • The Site Account segment modification for the Destination IV Account will be based on the Destination Site.
    • Clearing Account and Cost Adjustment Account will from Bulk Transfer Setup. They will be modified for the Site Account segment modifier.
    • Branch segment modification will NOT be performed on the accounts.
  1. Choose Print to print the scale tickets. User will be able to choose to print the tickets from the Origination, Destination or a Combined Scale Ticket.
  2. Choose BOL/COA button to select the report to print. Options are:
    • Bill of Lading
    • BOL and COA, refer to Cinch Sales – Seed Procedure Manual, Certificate of Analysis (COA), for more information.
    • Certificate of Analysis, refer to Cinch Sales – Seed Procedure Manual, Certificate of Analysis (COA), for more information.
  3. Choose Save to save the Transfer information to complete at a later date.
  4. Choose Post to complete the transfer of inventory.
    • When the Bulk Transfer Setup, Allow Separate Posting checkbox is NOT marked, when the Post button is selected the system will do a single step posting.
    • When the Bulk Transfer Setup, Allow Separate Posting checkbox is marked, the Post button will have the following options:
      • Both, when selected the system will post both the origin and destination quantities.
        • Received date must be entered.
        • Quantity must be specified to post, if origination is zero the system will not post the transfer.
        • Both the Origination and Destination records will be moved to history.
      • Origination, when selected only the Origin to In-Transit will be posted.
        • Shipped/Transfer date must be entered.
        • Origination Gross weight must be entered.
      • Destination, when selected only the Destination will be posted.
        • Received date must be entered.
        • The destination can only be posted after the Origin has been posted and will always use the Origination quantities.
        • Both the Origination and Destination records will be moved to history.
      • Batch posting will continue to be a single step posting regardless of the Bulk Transfer Setup, Allow Separate Posting checkbox setting.

Part 4:Freight Charge Matching

This part explains how to match incoming freight invoices against the record of shipments (inbound or outbound). This allows user to verify that what you are being billed for actually reflects what you have recorded.
Chapter 16: Freight Charge Matching, explains how the user can match incoming freight invoices with loads that have come in or gone out.D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

Chapter 16:Freight Charge Matching

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualFreight Charge Matching

This chapter explains how the user can match incoming freight invoices against your shipments (inbound or outbound). This allows user to verify that what they are being billed for actually reflects what has been recorded.
The Chapter is divided into the following sections:

Matching Freight Charges
  1. Open the Freight Charges Matching Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Freight Matching)

  1. Enter or select the Shipping Company or Vendor.

The selected Freight Company must be set up as a vendor.

  1. Check to Include Outbound Shipments, Inbound Tickets, Bulk Transfers, Branch Transfers, Direct Shipments, Inbound In Transit Tickets or Invoices. All checkboxes will be marked by default.
    • Include Outbound Shipment checkbox includes Load Orders. Freight records created for Load Orders that do not have a shipment associated will display if the Freight Setup, Require Shipment Number checkbox is not marked.
    • Invoices checkbox includes records originating from Invoices. Refer to Cinch Sales – Seed Procedure Manual, Entering Sales Freight for more information Invoice freight.
  2. Enter the range criteria to search for; Document Number, Unit Number, Car Number, Document Date, Vehicle, Driver or Load Order Number.
  3. Choose Redisplay to view all of the documents that match the criteria.
  4. Enter or select the Payables Batch to save to.
  5. Enter the Vendor Invoice Number.
  6. Enter the Invoice Description.
  7. Enter the Vendor Invoice Date.
  8. Mark the Create Individual Invoice checkbox to create an individual AP Invoice for each freight matching record rather than grouping together. When selected, the AP Voucher description will be the transaction origin – Transaction number – FRT. For example, STKT-WIL40182-FRT, for Scale Ticket #40182. The Document Number on the voucher will display the transaction number.
  9. Mark the Create a Check on the fly checkbox to create an accounts payable check for freight "on the fly".
  • If the Check on the fly checkbox is selected:
    • The Create Individual Invoice checkbox will be disabled.
    • A payable voucher will be created.
    • The Print Payable Transaction Check window will open allowing the user to print the check.
  • If the Check on the fly checkbox is not selected, only the payable voucher will be created.
  1. The scrolling window will fill with transactions that match the search criteria and freight company.
    • If Require Shipment Number has been selected in Freight Setup, any freight records that do not have a shipment number will not be displayed.
    • Contract Number on the line detail:
      • When Outbound Shipments are posted, the field will contain the sales contract number that was used (by examining the Freight Responsibility field "Company Pay", "Customer Pays") to determine if a freight record is created.
      • When Inbound Tickets are posted, the field will contain the purchase contract number that was used (by examining the Freight Responsibility field "Company Pay", "Customer Pays") to determine if a freight record is created.
      • Multiple Contracts, both outbound shipment and inbound tickets could have more than one contract per ticket, system will display Multiple in the Contract Number field.
    • Add Missing checkbox on the line detail:
      • When checkbox is marked this indicates the freight record was created via the Freight Record Maintenance window.
      • When checkbox is not marked, the freight record was created as due to posting of a branch transfer, bulk transfer, scale ticket, outbound shipment or bulk shipment. Or it was created at Shipment (grain or bulk) Invoicing time.
    • Inbound In Transit Records:
      • Doc Number is the Inbound In Transit Ticket Number, Trx Source will be Inbound In Transit.
      • Freight for Inbound In Transit Tickets is calculated on the origination weights since destination weights are not known.
      • Freight entered on the In Transit Ticket will be transferred to the Inbound Scale Ticket when unloaded.
    • Invoice Records:
      • Doc Number = Invoice Number.
      • Sales Number = the Invoice Number or the Order Number if one is associated to the Invoice freight record.
  2. Mark the Dispute checkbox to flag the freight record as disputed. The record will not be invoiced, and the Dispute checkbox will remain checked until the checkbox is un-marked.
  3. Mark the Select checkbox to match the invoice entered and the transaction.
  • If the Freight Setup, Calc Freight by Destination checkbox is selected:
    • If the Destination quantity has been entered when the record is selected the system will calculate the Freight Amount.
    • If the Destination quantity has not been entered when the record is selected he system warn the user Freight will be calculated at zero.
  • If the Freight Setup, Calc Freight by Destination checkbox is not selected when the record is selected the system will calculate the Freight Amount.
  • The user is allowed to manually adjust the Freight Amount.
  1. If an invoice is received but there is not a transaction match for it, choose Add Missing to open the Freight Record Maintenance window.

Choose the Source Module of Scale Ticket, Shipment, Branch Transfer, Bulk Transfer, Load Order, Inbound In Transit, Invoice or Order.
Enter or select the Document Number. If multiple documents are selected **Multi Selected will be displayed.

  • Document Number expansion button opens the Document List window which will provide the ability to generate multiple freight records. The expansion button will be disabled when the Source Module is Invoice or Order.

    • Select Range:
      • Customer/Vendor/Site
        • If selected source is Scale Ticket, user can select a range of Vendors.
        • If selected source is Inbound In Transit, user can select a range of Vendors.
        • If selected Source is Shipment or Load Order, user can select a range of Customers.
        • If selected Source is Branch Transfer or Bulk Transfer, user can select a range of "Transfer From Sites". System will then restrict to just bulk transfers that have a "From Site" that is included in the range.
      • Item
      • Contract Number, only available if Source is Scale Ticket, Inbound In Transit, Shipment or Load Order.
        • If selected source is Scale Ticket or Inbound In Transit, user can select a range of Purchase Contracts.
        • If selected Source is Shipment or Load Order, user can select a range of Sales Contracts.
      • Transaction Date
      • Unit Train, only available if Source is Scale Ticket, Inbound In Transit, Shipment or Load Order.
    • Source displays the Source Module selected on the Freight Record Maintenance window.
    • Select Branch restriction.
    • Select Sort By option, Doc Number, Date, Cust/Vend/Site, Item or Contract Number.
    • Scrolling Window will display the documents that meet the selected restrictions.
    • Number of records displays the number of selected records.
    • Clear button clears the window.
    • Redisplay refreshes scrolling window.
    • OK button closes the window and signifies that the current scrolling window contents are the ones to be used in the Freight Record Maintenance window.

The Document Date will fill in from the selected document number, but may be changed if necessary.
Enter or select the Shipping Company.

  • Mark the Disputed checkbox to flag the freight record as disputed. The record will not be invoiced, and the Dispute checkbox will remain checked until the checkbox is un-marked.

Enter the Freight Information, including Freight U of M, Freight Rate, Adjustment, Fuel Surcharge, and Misc Amounts.

  • The Freight U of M will be disabled when the Source Module is Invoice or Order.
    • Since an Invoice/Order can contain multiple units of measure, the system only supports Per Load Freight UofM. A load is considered all items/lines on the document.
  • Net Quantities are not fully determined until transactions are saved, when the Freight U of M is set to Per Net Unit, the total freight amount may not be accurate until the transaction is saved.

The Freight Total will display the sum of all of the freight fields entered.

  • Shipments with Freight set to Calculate on Destination will use the Destination Qty in order to calculate per unit freight amounts.

The Gross Qty will display the transaction's gross quantity.
The Load Number field will display any loads attached to the transaction.

    • The PO Number field will display the Microsoft Dynamics GP PO Number when doing freight matching as a part of the Purchase Loads process.
    • Enter a Customer PO Number if one exists.
    • Contract Number, Purchase or Sales contract.
      • The contract lookup window that opens will depend on the selected Source Module.
    • The Net Qty will display the transaction's net qty.

The Vendor ID is display only and will display based on the Shipping Company selected.

  • Use Branch From Document checkbox:
    • Will be disabled when a single document is selected.
    • Will default to marked when multiple documents are selected, but can be unmarked.
      • When marked the freight records will be created in the branch on selected documents.
      • When not marked the freight records will be created in the branch entered in the Branch ID field on the window.

Enter the Branch, Region and Vehicle Information
Enter the Unit Train that the record is associated with.
The BOL, Ticket Number and/or Meter Number will display based on the document number selected.

  • Choose Save to save the information and create the freight record(s).
  1. Choose Post to create a payable voucher for the shipments selected.
  2. Delete button, will delete all selected freight records. User will be prompted "Delete selected records?"
    • Yes, when selected will delete all selected records and redisplay the window.
    • No, when selected will cancel and return user to the window.
  3. Based on the Freight Setup setting, Retain on Post, the following fields will remain when the window is refreshed on Post.
    • Shipping Company
    • Restrictions
    • Ranges
    • Payables Batch
    • Invoice Description
    • Vendor Invoice Date
    • Sort By

Deleting a Freight Payable Transaction

Payable Transaction Entry, Delete process allows a Freight record to be reprocessed.
(Transactions>Purchasing>Transaction Entry)

  1. The Payable Transaction, Delete process will update the following:
          • When an un-posted Payable Voucher is deleted the Voucher Number is removed from the Freight record.
          • The Freight record will be redisplayed in Freight Matching and available for reprocessing.

Voiding an Open Freight Payable Transaction

Void Open Payable Transactions, process allows a Freight record to be reprocessed.
(Transactions>Purchasing> Void Open Transactions)

  1. The Void Open Payable Transactions, Void process will update the following:
          • When the Payable Voucher is voided the Voucher Number is removed from the Freight record.
          • The Freight record will be redisplayed in Freight Matching and available for reprocessing.

Voiding a Historical Freight Payable Transaction

Void Historical Payable Transaction, process allows a Freight record to be reprocessed
(Transactions>Purchasing> Void Historical Transactions)

  1. The Void Historical Payable Transactions, Void process will update the following:
          • When the Payable Voucher is voided the Check Number is removed from the Voucher record.
          • The Voucher is moved from the history table back to the open table.
          • The Voucher available for the check to be re-issued or the voucher can be voided (Void Open Payable Transactions).

Part 5:Posting & DPR Care

This part contains information on how to post activity, how to create DPR inventory adjustments and perform a DPR date close.
It is divided into the following chapters:
Chapter 17: Posting, explains how to make CINCH transactions part of the company's permanent records.
Chapter 18: DPR Care, explains how to create DPR inventory adjustments and perform a DPR date close.

Chapter 17:PostingD2HML|C1H Manual

Batch Entry

This chapter explains how to make the CINCH transactions part of the company's permanent records. Until they are posted, transactions can be changed or deleted. Once they have been posted, they cannot be changed in any way, though transactions can be entered to correct errors.
CINCH uses three levels of posting:
Transaction-level Posting – This type of posting (sometimes called "real-time" posting) allows the user to enter and post transactions without ever having to create a batch. Sales and inventory information will be up to date when posting using this method, because transactions are posted or deleted immediately.
Batch-level Posting – This type of posting allows the user to post one batch at a time from either the Batch Entry window or the Sales Batch Entry window. The first window "Batch Entry" is a CINCH window the second window "Sales Batch Entry" is a Microsoft Dynamics GP window. The following shows which transactions use which window.
Batch Entry window (CINCH) – Inbound Scale Tickets, Purchase Contracts, Sales Contracts, Shipments, Branch Transfers, and Bulk Transfers
Sales Batch Entry window (Microsoft Dynamics GP) - Bookings, Counter Sales, Invoices, Returns, and Sales Orders
When a sales batch is posted that was created in the Sales Batch Entry window, the Receivables Management and Inventory Control (if applicable) records will be updated to reflect the information from the transactions. The General Ledger accounts will be updated, depending on the posting setup selections.

  • Grain Series Posting – This type of posting allows users to select and post batches post by series. Available series are Inbound Tickets and Outbound Shipments, only selected batches will be posted. Series posting is performed as a background process, so users can enter, add, edit or delete transactions while posting is underway; however, they can't enter transactions in batches that currently are being posted, that are marked for posting, or that are being edited.

Transaction-level Posting

Transaction-level posting is optional and can be selected in the Users Extensions Setup window for some modules and Microsoft Dynamics GP Posting Setup window for others. If the system has been set up to allow transaction-level posting, user will be able to enter and post transactions directly. If the system doesn't allow individual transaction entry, user will need to create a batch before saving transactions.

  1. Open a CINCH Grain Entry window. (i.e. Purchase Contract Entry, Purchase Contract Price Entry, etc.)
  2. Enter or select a transaction. For new transactions, leave the Batch ID field blank. For existing transactions that were previously entered in a batch, clear the Batch ID field.
  3. Choose Post to post the transaction.
  4. Close the window. The Posting Journals will be printed if y this audit trail report was selected when Microsoft Dynamics GP was setup.

When posting transactions individually, the user ID will appear on reports as a batch ID.

Batch-level Posting (CINCH)

Batch-level posting is optional for some CINCH modules and can be selected in the Users Extensions Setup window. If user cannot post batches, they will need to contact the system administrator in order to post a batch.

  1. Open the Batch Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Batch Entry)

  1. In the Type field, select the type of batch to post.
  2. In the Batch field, enter the batch name, or use the lookup next to Type to select the Batch.
  3. The Comment field will display the previously save comment that describes the batch.
  4. Check the Approved checkbox to indicate the batch was approved prior to posting. This function is optional. If this checkbox is checked the system will keep track of the user ID and approval date. Once approved, a batch can't be edited unless Approved is unmarked.
  5. In the Posting Date field, enter in the date or a date the batch was or should be posted.
  6. The DPR field is only available for the batch type of "Ticket." In the DPR Date field, enter the date the transactions in the batch will have an effect on the DPR Report. For the batch type of "Shipment" the system will use the Ship Date as the DPR date.
  7. The No. of Trx field, is display only, it indicates the number of transactions the batch includes.
  8. In the Batch Total field, enter a control amount for the batch if desired.
  9. Create Check checkbox when selected will post the payables batch through Accounts Payable.
    • Create Check checkbox will only be available if the User Extensions, Post Settlements Through AP is enabled for the selected user and the batch type is settlement.
    • When selected, the following will occur from the batch post process.
      • Settlements are posted.
      • AP Batch is posted.
      • Grain Vouchers are selected for Payment.
      • Print Check Batch screen is opened for Edit List and Check Printing.
    • Branch Maintenance, Grain Check Print Option works in conjunction with the Branch Maintenance, Grain Check Report Option to determine if the report(s) will be printed, emailed or a combination of both during settlement check printing. Refer to Branch Maintenance within the Cinch Grain Software System Manual for more information.
  10. The Checkbook ID will default from Branch Maintenance when the Create Check checkbox is selected.
    • Checkbook ID will only be available if the batch type is settlement.
  11. Choose the Printer Icon to access the Batch Print Options window. Window can be used to print edit lists or documents associated to the selected batch. In addition if Cinch e-mail functionality has been setup, purchase contracts, inbound tickets, settlements and shipments can e-mailed.

  • Select Options:
  • Print
    • Documents, when selected the documents associated to the selected batch can be printed.
    • Edit List, when selected an edit list can be printed for the batch to verify the accuracy of the transactions in the batch and to look for any errors before posting.
  • Include, by default the transaction type of the batch will be selected.
    • When Edit List is selected and Cinch E-mail Setup, Enable checkbox is marked for Outbound Scale Tickets, Inbound Scale Ticket, Purchase Contracts or Settlement Sheet and that batch type is selected the Pre E-Mail List checkbox will be enabled.
      • When Pre E-Mail List checkbox is marked, the Pre-Email Report List will be printed. The report lists all documents within the batch and indicates if a document is eligible for email. When eligible the email address/addresses will be listed on the report.
      • When Pre E-Mail List checkbox is NOT marked the Pre-Post Edit List will be printed.
    • When Documents is selected and a Settlement Batch type is selected the Detailed Report becomes active.
      • When Detailed Report checkbox is NOT marked the Settlement Sheet Report will be printed.
      • When Detailed Report checkbox is marked the Settlement Sheet Detail Report will be printed.
  • Destination, by default the Print Documents will be selected.
    • When Documents is selected and Cinch E-mail Setup, Enable checkbox is marked for Outbound Scale Tickets, Inbound Scale Ticket, Purchase Contracts or Settlement Sheet and that batch type is selected the Destination section will be enabled.
      • When only Print Documents is selected, all documents associated to the selected batch will be printed.
      • When both the Print Documents and Send Document in E-mail are selected:
        • Documents associated to the selected batch that are NOT setup to e-mail will be printed.
        • Documents associated to the selected batch that are setup to e-mail will be e-mailed.
        • The Documents Sent to Email Report will be printed. The report lists all documents, however if the document was setup to email the email addresses will be included with the document.
      • When only Send Documents in E-mail is selected:
        • Documents associated to the selected batch that are setup to e-mail will be e-mailed.
        • The Documents Sent to Email Report will be printed. The report lists all documents, however if the document was setup to email the email addresses will be included with the document.
  1. Choose Post to post the batch. Posting Journal(s) will be printed if this audit trail report was selected when Microsoft Dynamics GP was setup.

Posting a Batch – Sales Batch Entry (Microsoft Dynamics GP)
  1. Open the Sales Batch Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Sales>>SOP Batch Entry)

  1. In the Batch field, enter the batch name, or use the lookup to select the Batch.
  2. Choose Additional>Print Bill of Ladings to print Bill of Ladings associated to each transaction within the batch.
  3. Choose the Printer Icon. The Sales Document Print Options window will appear. Use it to print and/or email the sales documents or print the edit lists for sales documents.

The first four options to print (document, alignment form, edit list, and batch list) are Microsoft Dynamics GP documents. The last three options to print (Batch Sales Edit Detail, Batch Sales Edit Summary, and Batch Edit Inventory) are CINCH documents.

  1. Select Invoices within the Include/Format section.
    • The Format, should be Blank Paper. The forms printed/emailed for the Cinch Invoices will depend on the Sales Setup, Invoice Use Forms and Grain Form settings.
  2. Select the Destination.
    • Print Document checkbox:
      • Selected by itself will print each invoice within the selected batch.
      • Selected with the Send Document in Email checkbox:
        • Invoices will be printed for Customers that do NOT have Cinch Customer E-mail Setup, Sales Invoice checkbox selected.
        • Invoices will be emailed to Customers that have Cinch Customer E-mail Setup, Sales Invoice checkbox selected. E-mail addresses will be determined based on the Email Address Based On Doc Type, Enabled/Disable checkbox, see below.
    • Send Document in Email checkbox:
      • Checkbox is only enabled when an Include checkbox is selected.
      • Selected by itself only invoices, within the selected batch, whose customers have Cinch Customer E-mail Setup, Sales Invoice checkbox selected.
        • Depending on how the Cinch Customer E-mail Options is setup, e-mail addresses will be determined one of two ways:
          • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Enabled checkbox is marked and Sales Invoice is marked, addresses will be based on the addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window.
            • If there are no addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window then the system will behave the same as if the Disabled checkbox is marked.
          • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Disabled checkbox is marked and Sales Invoice is marked, addresses will be determined based on the customer's Bill To address ID.
      • Selected with the Print Document checkbox:
        • Invoices will be printed for Customers that do NOT have Cinch Customer E-mail Setup, Sales Invoice checkbox selected.
        • Invoices will be emailed to Customers that have Cinch Customer E-mail Setup, Sales Invoice checkbox selected. E-mail addresses will be determined based on the Email Address Based On Doc Type, Enabled/Disable checkbox, see above.

The system will not validate if an email has already been sent. Regardless if the Reprint Previously Printed/Sent checkbox is selected or not, Customers could receive multiple emails.

  1. Choose Post. One or more posting journals will be printed, depending on how the system is set up. A Report Destination window might appear for each posting journal that is printed.
  2. If one of the Batch Sales Edit reports was selected, the Batch Sales Edit window will open:

Grain Series Posting (CINCH)
  1. Open the Grain Series Post window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Grain Series Post)

  1. Select the batches to display, Inbound Tickets and and/or Outbound Shipments. By Default both will be selected.
  2. Select the Display Batches, All or Marked for posting.
  3. Select batches to post:
    • Mark All will select all displayed batches.
    • Unmark All will unselect all batches.
    • Select individual batches from the scrolling window.
  4. Select the Branch restriction, Current Branch, My Branches or All Branches.
  5. Scrolling window:
    • Batch ID, displays the ID for each batch created.
    • Drilldown on the Batch ID will open the Batch Entry window.
    • Origin, indicates the batch type, Inbound Ticket or Outbound Shipment.
    • Status, the posting status of the batch.
      • Available indicates that the batch is available to be marked for posting.
      • Marked indicates that the batch has been marked for posting.
      • No Transactions indicates that the batch doesn't have any transactions to post.
      • Busy indicates that the batch is in use.
      • Post Failed on MMDDYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM indicates that someone attempted to post the batch, but wasn't completely posted.
    • Comment, displays any comments for the batch.
    • User ID, the user who originally created the batch.
    • No of Trx, the number of transactions in each batch.
    • DPR Date, the date that the transactions will effect on the DPR Report.
  6. Sorting Options:
    • By Batch ID, sorts batches in alphabetical order by Batch ID.
    • By Origin, sorts batches in alphabetical order by Origin.
  7. Post, when selected will post all selected Batch IDs.
  8. Redisplay, when selected will update the scrolling window, displaying any information that has been added or changed by the user or another user since the window was opened.

Chapter 18:DPR Care

This chapter explains how to create DPR inventory adjustments and perform a DPR date close. It is divided into the following procedures:

  • DPR Correction Entry window has been designed to add correcting entries to the DPR due to any previous rounding issues and to keep the DPR in sync if corrections are needed in the future.

  • DPR Date Close window is used to close dates so the information for those dates will show up on the DPR Report.

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

DPR Inventory Adjustments

DPR Inventory Adjustments
  1. D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualOpen the DPR Inventory Adjustment Entry window.

(Transactions>>Inventory>>Transaction Entry>>Additional>>DPR Adjustment Entry)

  1. Select an Adjustment Type of Weigh Up, Shrinkage or Other.
  2. Enter a Description for the Adjustment.
  3. Enter the DPR Date.
  4. The DPR Quantity, DPR U of M, and IV Quantity fields will fill in from the Item Transaction Entry window and are display only.
  5. Choose Save to save the adjustment information.

DPR Corrections Entry

DPR Corrections Entry

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualThe DPR Correction Entry window has been designed to add correcting entries to the DPR due to any previous rounding issues and to keep the DPR in sync if corrections are needed in the future. This can only be used until the DPR is closed for the date of correction.
1.Open the DPR Corrections Entry window.
(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Routines>>Cinch Grain>>DPR Correction)

2. The Branch will default with the current branch the user is logged in to. User can change the branch if to make a correction to a branch they are not logged in to.
3. Select the Item Number to make the correction for.
4. Select which DPR Section needs the correction.
5. Select which Subsection of the DPR needs the correction. When viewing in the DPR in Detail mode, this represents the physical line of the selected DPR Section.
6. If the selected Subsection is Storage or Company Owned, select the Line that needs the correction. When viewing in the DPR in Detail mode, this represents the physical line of the selected DPR Subsection.
7. If the selected Subsection is Inbound In Transit, adjustments will be made to the Physical Inventory, Inbound In Transit section of the DPR.

  • Save process will create an Inbound In Transit correction record, Increase record will be created for a positive correction, or a Decrease record will be created for a negative correction for the selected item.

8. Enter the DPR Date, Quantity and Description of the correction.
9. Choose Save to complete the entry.

DPR Date Close

DPR Date Close
  1. D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualOpen the DPR Date Close window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>DPR Day Close)

  1. All dates available to be closed will be listed in the window by branch.
  2. Mark the Close checkbox for the branches/days to close.
  3. Mark All checkbox, when marked will validate if a Branch has unposted transactions.
  • If there are no unposted transactions the Close checkbox will be marked on all Branches.
  • If there are any unposted transactions on a Branch, user will be prompted and none of the Close checkboxes will be marked.
  1. Choose Process to close the day selected.

See the report section for information on the following reports; DPR Company Owned, DPR Storage, DPR Audit Report, and DPR Detail/Summary.

Part 6:Wholesale

CINCH Grain allows the user to create wholesale loads based off of Microsoft Dynamics GP Purchase Orders. Load Matching can also be used to match loads against sales contracts. The information is divided in to the following chapters:

  • Chapter 21: Wholesale Inquiries & Reports. Describes which reports are available that contain wholesale transaction information.h2. Chapter 19:Wholesale SetupD2HML|C1H Manual

    Wholesale Setup

    This section describes what setup information needs to be entered in order to complete wholesale transactions. The chapter is divided in to the following sections:
  • General Setup
  • Outbound Setup

General Setup

1.Open the General Setup window.
(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Setup>>Cinch Grain>>General Setup)

2.Enter all of the required setup information.
3.Enter a Purchase Load Batch. This batch will be used in Microsoft Dynamics GP to write Purchase Invoices.

Outbound Setup

1.Open the Outbound Setup window.
(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Setup>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound User)

2.In the Number field, user has the option to Use Load Number. The Load Number selected will automatically fill in for the Ticket Number.
3.Mark the Single Weight Entry checkbox to allow the user to enter a single weight.
4. Mark the Allow Save with Zero Weights checkbox to allow Bulk Shipments to be saved with zero weights.
5. Require Seal Numbers checkbox, when marked Bulk Shipments will not be allowed to be saved until a Seal Number is entered.
6. To invoice the freight to the customer, enter a default Freight Item. This item will appear in Bulk Shipment Invoicing in the Sales Freight Item field.

Chapter 20:Wholesale TransactionsD2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

Wholesale Transactions

This section describes how to enter wholesale transactions, starting with entering Purchase Orders and ending with creating cash receipts. The chapter is divided in to the following sections.

Purchase Order Entry

The Microsoft Dynamics GP Purchase Order Entry window is used to create the purchase orders that will be used in the CINCH Wholesale process.

Entering a Microsoft Dynamics GP Purchase Order

1.Open the Purchase Order Entry window.
(Transactions>>Purchasing>>Purchase Order Entry)

2. For the Type, Drop-Ship must be selected.
3. The PO Number will default.
4.Enter a Vendor ID. The Enter Drop-Ship Customer window will be displayed. We suggest a generic customer be set up and assigned to all drop-ship purchase orders. This customer will be changed to the customer selected during the load matching process.
5.Enter the rest of the purchase order information.
6. Open the Load Generator window to create loads from the purchase order by selecting Additional>>Generate Loads.
7. Open the Purchase Load Inquiry window to view information about any drop-ship purchase load entered in the system by selecting Additional>>Load Inquiry.
8.Choose Save to complete the purchase order. User is now ready to create loads for the purchase order.

Load Generator & Load Order Entry

The next step in the wholesale process is to create loads based on the purchase orders created. This can be done either in Load Generator or Load Order Entry.

Creating Wholesale Loads

1.Open the Load Generator or Load Order Entry window.
(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Load Generator or Load Order Entry)
2. From Load Order Entry, select the Load Number.
3.Select the Customer.
4.Use the Shipment From drop down list to select Purchase.
5.The PO Number field will become required (in Load Generator, it is the field next to the shipment drop down). Select the PO Number to create the load for.
6.Continue entering/generating the load information as described in the Load Order section above.

Sales Contract Entry & Load Matching

Sales Contract Entry is used to create sales contracts, which can then be matched up against the wholesale loads created above.

Entering a Sales Contract

1.Open the Sales Contract Entry window.
(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Sales Contract Entry)
2.Enter the Sales Contract information.
3.Choose Additional>>Load Matching to open the Load Matching window. Or choose Save to save the contract and complete load matching at a later time.

Matching Wholesale Loads with Sales Contracts

1.Open the Purchase Load Matching Entry window.
(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Load Matching or Additional>>Load Matching via Sales Contract Entry)

2.Select the Sales Contract. When entered from Sales Contract Entry, it will automatically be filled in with the displayed contract.
3.The Item and Customer will fill from the contract and are display only.
4.Select the Delivery Period on the Sales Contract to match against. When entered from Sales Contract Entry, user will be required to select the delivery period in Sales Contract Entry and that period will be displayed.
5.All Available Purchase Loads will be displayed in the Available Loads scrolling window. Select the loads to assign to the contract and choose Insert. User can also choose Auto Insert to automatically assign loads to the contract. The process will keep assigning loads to the contract until the delivery period is full.
6. Choose Remove or Remove All to un-assign any loads that are assigned to the contract.
7. Select the Load Generator window to create any purchase loads that were not previously created.
8.Choose OK to close the window and save the matching records.

Bulk Shipping & Bulk Shipment Invoicing

The Bulk Shipping Entry window is used to ship the purchase load that was created above. After load has been shipped, the Bulk Shipment Invoicing window is used to create the invoice.

Shipping Wholesale Loads

1.Open the Bulk Shipping Entry window.
(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Bulk Shipping)
2.The Shipment Number will default with the next available shipment number.
3.Select the Purchase Load that was created from the Load Generator or in Load Order Entry.
4.Finish entering the shipping information as described in the Bulk Shipping Entry section.
5.Choose Post to complete the shipment, or save it to a batch to post at a later time. Once the shipment is posted, it is ready for invoicing.

Invoicing Wholesale Loads

1.Open the Bulk Shipment Invoicing window.
(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Bulk Shipment Invoicing)

  1. Complete the Bulk Shipment Invoicing process. User now has the option to match invoices with vendor invoice numbers and complete freight matching.

Purchase Invoice Entry, Freight Matching

The Microsoft Dynamics GP Purchase Invoice Entry window can be used to match and change the document number to match with the vendor invoice number that was received and create an accounts payable transaction. The Freight Matching window can be used to select the purchase loads that have freight that needs to be matched and paid.

Purchase Order Invoice Matching

1.Open the Purchase Invoice Entry window.
(Transactions>>Purchasing>>Enter/Match Invoices)
2.Select the Receipt Number that was created when the shipment was invoiced. This will be held in the Purchase Load Batch selected in General Setup.
3.The Vendor Doc Number will display the Load Number that was used for the purchase load. User can change it to match the vendor invoice number that was received.
4.Compare the quantity and cost information with the invoice that was received.
5.Choose Save to save the changes or remove the batch to post the transaction on-the-fly. It is recommended that user change the batch id to save the transaction to post at a later time.

Freight Matching against Wholesale Loads

1.Open the Freight Matching Entry window.
(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Freight Matching)
2.Complete the Freight Matching as described above.

Apply Sales Documents

The Microsoft Dynamics GP Apply Sales Documents window allows the user to match the payment with the correct invoice.

Creating Cash Receipts for Wholesale Loads

1.Open the Cash Receipts Entry window.
(Transactions>>Sales>>Cash Receipts)
2.Enter the Receipt information.
3.Select Apply to open the Apply Sales Documents window.
4.The scrolling window should display the invoices created from the purchase loads.
5.Apply the payment entered in the cash receipts window.

Chapter 21:Wholesale Inquiries & Reports

This chapter describes inquiries and reports that can be used to obtain information about Wholesale Loads in the system. The chapter is divided into the following sections:[

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Wholesale Inquiries

Wholesale InquiriesD2HML|C1H Manual

The following is a list of inquiries that may be used throughout the wholesale process that can be used to view contract, load, shipment, or invoice information. The inquiries can be found at Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound.

Wholesale Reports

Wholesale ReportsD2HML|C1H Manual

The following is a list of reports that may be used throughout the wholesale process that can be used to view contract, load, shipment, or invoice information. The reports can be found at Reports>>Cinch Grain.

Part 7:Barge Trade

This section describes the Barge Trade Transaction feature.

  • Chapter 22: Barge Setup. Describes what setup information needs to be entered in order to process barge transactions.

Barge Location Maintenance

Barge Location Maintenance has been created to enter and maintain barge handling locations that can be assigned to barge regions and barge transactions
1. Open Barge location Maintenance
(Cards>>Barge>>Barge Location Maintenance)

  1. Enter Location ID.
  2. Enter Description for the Location.
  3. Enter City for the location.
  4. Enter State for the location.
  5. Enter Tariff Rate for the location.
  6. Inactive check box when marked flags the location as inactive and will not show in the lookups, or selection drop down lists.
  7. Save button when selected will save the location information.
  8. Clear button selected will clear window without saving changes.
  9. Delete button when selected will delete the selected location.
    • Delete button is disabled if the location has been used on a Barge.

Barge Region Maintenance

Barge Region Maintenance has been created to group barge locations into regions.

  1. Open Barge Region Maintenance

(Cards>>Barge>>Barge Region Maintenance)

  1. Enter Region ID.
  2. Enter Description for the Region.
  3. Tariff Rate, is informational only.
  4. Inactive check box will flag the barge region as inactive. When marked the region will not show in the lookups, or selection drop down lists.
  5. Available Locations is a list of locations setup in the Barge Location Maintenance window.
    • If a location has been selected it will no longer display in the Available Locations, instead it will display as Selected.
    • If a location has been marked as inactive it will not display in this list.
  6. Insert button when selected will move a selected Location ID from the Available Locations list to the Selected Locations list.
  7. All button when selected will move all locations from the Available list to the Selected list.
  8. Remove button when selected will move a selected Location ID from the Selected Locations list to the Available Locations list.
  9. Remove All button will remove all Location ID's from the Selected Locations list to the Available Locations list.
  10. Save button when selected will save region information.
  11. Clear button selected will clear window.
  12. Delete button when selected will delete the selected region.
    • Delete button is disabled if the region has been used on a Barge.

Barge Setup

Barge Setup has been created to define the user defined prompts on the Barge Entry window.

  1. Open Barge Setup

(Tools>>Setup>>Barge>>Barge Setup)

  1. User Defined 1 through 4 are the prompts for the user defined string fields.
  2. User Defined Checkbox 1 and 2 are the prompts for the user defined checkboxes.
  3. OK button when selected saves the changes and closes the window.

Chapter 23:Barge TransactionsD2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

Barge Transactions

Barge Entry describes how to enter and store barge information and manage various barge related transactions in the system

Barge Entry

1. Open Barge Entry
(Transactions>>Barge>>Barge Entry)

  1. Select the Barge-Voyage Nmbr
    • When the Barge number is entered the Voyage number will default to the next available number.
    • The voyage number can be overridden if a different sequence number is desired or if a barge has been reopened so there are two barges with different voyage number in the work table so that the desired voyage can be displayed.
  2. Select Barge Line, a Shipping Method with a Shipping Category of Barge.
  3. Enter Origin Shipper, a valid Vendor ID.
  4. Enter Item, a valid GP Item.
  5. Applied Date
  6. Description is a 50 character string used to store a description of the barge.
  7. Trade String is a string of 255 characters to track trade information.
  8. BOL/Unload Date.
    • BOL is the Originating Bill of Lading date.
    • Unload Date is the Destination unload date.
  9. Barge Region is a drop down list filled with all Barge Region ID's from Barge Maintenance.
    • None is used if no region is to be stored/used on the Barge.
  10. Location is drop down list that will fill with either the Barge Location ID assigned to the selected Barge Region or will be filled with all Barge Locations ID that have been entered through Barge Location Maintenance.
  11. Weight is either the Origination weight or Destination weight for the barge.
    • If a Quantity is entered the Weight will be backfilled.
  12. Quantity is the Origination and Destination quantity for the barge.
    • If a weight is entered the quantity will be filled.
  13. Unit of Measure will default from the item's base unit of measure.
  14. Details button has the following options.
    • Document Detail, when selected will zoom to transaction details for the selected transaction in the list view.
    • Contract, when selected will zoom to the Sale Contract associated to the transaction. If there is not a contract associated to the transaction line the button will be disabled.
  15. There are four user defined are user definable string fields. The corresponding prompts are setup in Barge Setup.
  16. There are two user defined checkboxes. The corresponding prompts are setup in Barge Setup.
  17. Grade Cert requested checkbox.
  18. Reconsigned requested checkbox.
  19. Rollup requested checkbox
  20. Quality Grade section is the origination quality grade and the destination quality that will be set based off of the entered grades.
  21. Grade scrolling window contains both the origination and destination grades.
  22. Transactions is a list view displaying transactions related to the barge.
    • Transaction Type will display one of the following descriptions:
      • Inbound In-Transit
      • Purchase Advance
      • Outbound Shipment
      • Sales Advance Request
      • Sales Advance Received
      • Inbound Ticket
      • Invoice
    • Document Number
    • Date is the document date.
    • Gross Qty
    • Orig Trx Amount
    • Customer/Vendor will be the appropriate short name.
    • Branch
    • Contract
  23. Save button will save the barge information and clear the window.
    • If there are no Inbound In Transit or Shipments associated with the barge message prompt will be display No transaction exist for this Barge and the Barge will be removed.
      • Cancel when selected will stop the process and return the user to the screen.
      • OK when selected the barge will be removed from the system and the window cleared.
    • If destination weights and quantities have been entered on the barge and no unloads have occurred, a message prompt will display stating "Destination information has been entered. Unloads should be processed. Would you like to enter the unloads or clear destination values?"
      • Enter Unload, when selected will return the user to the window.
      • Clear when selected, will clear the destination weight/quantity from the barge record and clear the window.
  24. Clear button when selected clears the window and does not save any changes. If an action has been completed any transaction created or changed will not be cleared using this button.
  25. Delete button when selected will remove the barge information.
    • A barge can only be deleted if no transactions are associated with it.
  26. Actions button will allow the user to create transactions or quickly zoom to the transactions associated with a barge. The following actions can be accomplished from this button:
    • Inbound In Transit
      • When selected the Create In Transit Ticket window will open.

      • Receiving Branch, the branch used when creating the Inbound In Transit Ticket. This will default to the barge branch but can be changed.
      • Ticket Date, the date to be placed on the In Transit Ticket.
      • Vendor, a valid vendor that the In Transit Ticket will be assigned to. If a contract is entered first the vendor will default from the contract.
      • Purchase Contract, a valid contract to be assigned to the Inbound In Transit Ticket.
        • Use Origination Weight checkbox when marked will flow to the In Transit Ticket.
        • Use Origination Grade checkbox when marked will flow to the In Transit Ticket.
      • Assembly, assigned to the contract delivery period.
      • Delivery Period, assigned to the contract.
      • Site, to create the ticket for.
        • Site will default from Branch Maintenance, Main Inventory Site ID if defined.
      • Direct Shipment checkbox, if marked will require the outbound information to be entered.
        • Customer a valid customer that the Outbound Shipment will be assigned to. If a contract is entered first then the customer will default from the contract
        • Ship To, for the selected customer.
        • Ship Method, to assign to the shipment. This will default from the Barge Entry, Barge Line but can be changed.
        • Sales Contract, a valid contract to be assigned to the shipment.
        • Delivery Period, assigned to the contract.
      • Create button
        • An Inbound In Transit Ticket will be created with information from the barge origination quantity and grades and assigned to the selected contract/assembly.
          • If the selected branch is different than the contract branch, a cross branch assembly will be created.
        • If the Direct Ship checkbox is marked an Outbound Shipment will be created and assigned as a Direct Ship to the Inbound In Transit Ticket.
          • When the shipment is created it will be posted immediately.
        • Created transaction will display within the Barge Entry, Transactions list with Inbound In Transit, Transaction Type
    • Purchase Advance Request
      • When selected the Assembly Advance Entry window will open.

      • Select the Inbound In Transit prior to selecting Purchase Advance Request.
      • The Barge - Voyage Number, Customer, Assembly and Assembly Information will default.
      • When the Assembly Advance is saved or posted the transaction will display within the Barge Entry, Transactions list with Purchase Advance, Transaction Type.
    • Create Shipment
      • When selected the Create Load Shipment will open.

      • Ship Branch, the branch used when creating the Outbound Shipment. This will default to the barge branch but can be changed.
      • Ship Date, the date to be placed on the Outbound Shipment.
      • Customer a valid customer that the Outbound Shipment will be assigned to. If a contract is entered first the customer will default from the contract.
      • Ship To, for the selected customer.
      • Ship Method, to assign to the shipment. This will default from the Barge Entry, Barge Line but can be changed.
      • Contract, a valid sales contract to be assigned to the shipment.
      • Delivery period of the sales contract.
      • Site, to create the shipment for.
        • Site will default from Branch Maintenance, Main Inventory Site ID if defined.
      • Create button when selected the system will create and post the outbound shipment.
      • Created transaction will display within the Barge Entry, Transactions list with Outbound Shipment, Transaction Type.
    • Shipment Advance Request
      • When selected the Shipment Advance Entry window will open.

      • Select the Outbound Shipment prior to selecting Shipment Advance.
      • The Barge Number will default to the Unit Number and the window will default the shipment information.
      • When the Assembly Advance is saved the transaction will display within the Barge Entry Transactions list with Shipment Advance Transaction Type.
    • In Transit Unload
      • Enter destination weigh and grade information prior to selecting In Transit Unload.
      • When selected the In Transit Unload window opens.

      • Enter Unload Date and Ticket Batch.
      • Select Ok and the process will go through the open inbound in transit tickets and run the unload process (i.e. creating inbound scale tickets), assigning the entered destination weights and grades from the barge entry window.
        • If the Unload overruns the contract, the user will be prompted about the overrun. If user selects not to overrun the contract the Contract Overrun window opens to address the overrun quantity.
      • The created transaction will display within the Barge Entry Transactions list with Inbound Transaction Type.
    • Find Contract Overfills
      • When selected the system will look for any purchase contract overfills that may have occurred in the unload process and will open the Contract Overrun window.

      • If there are multiple over fills the system will open the overrun window for each one of the over fills that have occurred.
    • Purchase Settlement
      • Select either an Inbound Ticket or Purchase Advance transaction prior to selecting Purchase Settlement.
      • When selected will open the Settlement Entry window and default the customer and item for the selected transaction.
    • Shipment Invoicing
      • Select an Outbound Shipment transaction prior to selecting Shipment Invoicing.
      • When selected will open the Grain Shipment Invoicing window with the unit number set and the window initialized for the selected shipment customer.

      • On the Grain Shipment Invoicing line detail, the button next to the Destination Wt field will be active when a barge is associated with the shipment. When selected system will assign the Destination Weight and Grade values from the barge to the shipment.
    • Purchase Contract
      • When selected will open the Purchase Contract Entry window to enter a new contract.
    • Sales Contract
      • When selected will opens the Sales Contract Entry window to enter a new contract.
    • Assembly Apply
      • When selected will open the Assembly Apply Entry window, if an Inbound Transit transaction is selected the window will open and default the customer, item and assembly information.
    • Barge Close
      • When selected the barge records will be moved from work to history.
      • When the barge is closed no further changes can be done to it and can only be viewed in the inquiry window.

Chapter 24: Barge Inquiries

This chapter describes inquiries that can be used to obtain information about barge transactions in the system. The chapter is divided into the following sections:

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual;target=Manual

Barge Inquiries

Barge Inquiry List

Barge Inquiry List will list barge transactions.

  1. Open Barge Inquiry List

(Inquiry>>Barge >>Barge Inquiry List)

  1. Range, options are:
    • Barge Number
    • Barge Line
    • Origin Shipper
    • Item
    • BOL Date
    • Unload Date
  2. Include checkboxes, options are:
    • Pending will include barges that are currently in process and located in the barge work table.
    • History will include barges that have been closed and information moved to the history table.
  3. Barge Number – Voyage drill back will open the Barge Inquiry for the selected Barge.
  4. Ok button when selected will close the window.
  5. Clear button when selected will clear the window and restrictions.
  6. Redisplay button when selected will refresh the scrolling window based on selected restrictions.
  7. Export button when selected will export the displayed transactions to Excel.
  8. Reopen button will become active when a closed barge is selected.
    • When selected the system will move the barge records from the history back to work.

Part 8:Inquiries and Reports

Inquiries and reports can be used to analyze the information entered into the system. User can analyze the activity and transaction information, and display the information either on the computer screen or on a report. This information includes the following topics:

  • Chapter 25: Inquiries allow the user to view existing information. This chapter explains how to view inquiries within CINCH Grain.

  • Chapter 26: Reports explains how to view reports within CINCH. A list of all of the reports in CINCH Grain is also provided.

Chapter 25:Inquiries

Inquiries allow the user to view existing information. This chapter explains how to view inquiries within CINCH. It is divided into the following sections:
Bulk Transfers Inquiry – This inquiry allows the user to view pending or posted bulk transfers.
Bulk Transfer Discount Inquiry – This inquiry allows the user to display and show any discounts attached to a bulk transfer.
Contract Position - This inquiry allows the user to view the risk position by delivery month of the contracts with the ability to add a projection of what is expected to be produced or consumed in the coming months.

Customer Summary Inquiry – This inquiry allows the user to quickly view all open activity in the system for a particular customer.
DPR - The Daily Position Report window is used to view the daily position report.
Email Inquiry – This inquiry allows the user to view Cinch emails that have been sent or have failed to send.

  • Freight Inquiry List – This inquiry allows the user to view the unpaid or paid freight transactions that have been recorded on scale tickets, shipments or transfers.

Inventory Transaction Inquiry – This inquiry allows the user to view the individual transactions that have been entered for a specific inventory item.
Invoice Charges Inquiry – This inquiry allow the user to quickly view information about program or grade factor charges that have been invoiced through the Invoice Charges Entry window.
Long Short Report – This inquiry explains how to run the Long/Short Report which allows the user to view the inventory position based on inbound and outbound transactions. Position records are viewed and/or reported on based on the Market Month. Items with multiple hedge items are displayed with the quantity displayed for the first hedge item, using the hedge factor but not the hedge percent.

  • Long Short Inquiry – Long Short Inquiry allows the user to view the inventory position based on inbound and outbound transactions. Position records to be viewed and/or reported on by the Contract Delivery Period and Year or Market Month depending on the report setup.
  • Grain Bank Allocation – This inquiry allows the user to view grain bank allocated quantity by transaction

Number System Inquiry– This inquiry allows the user to view information regarding whether the document is active, deleted or voided.
Purchase/Inbound Inquiries – This section will display all of the Purchase/Inbound Inquiries.
Advance Inquiry – This inquiry allows the user to view the Advance Inquiry window
Assembly Inquiry – This inquiry allows the user to view the assembly sheets that are available in the system.

Inbound In Transit Inquiry – This inquiry is used to display In Transit Tickets, Pending or History records.

Purchase Contract Inquiry – This inquiry allows the user to view the purchase contracts that have been created.
Purchase Contract Inquiry Zoom – This inquiry allows the user to drill back to the contract data without being able to make any changes.

 [ Advance Risk Inquiry|#PurchaseContractAdvanceRiskInquiry] – This inquiry allows the user to view the potential risk that the company is exposed to when advancing dollars against un-priced purchase contracts.
Purchase Contract Shipment Status List – This inquiry allows the user to view the status of purchase contracts.
Settlement Inquiry – This inquiry allows the user to view the settlements that have been created.
Settlement Inquiry Zoom – This inquiry allows the user to drill back to the settlement information without being able to make any changes.

Ticket Scale Inquiry – This inquiry allows the user to view the ticket information as related to the primary owner on the ticket(s).
Warehouse Receipt Inquiry – This inquiry allows the user to view the warehouse receipts that have been entered in the system.
Sales/Outbound Inquiries – This is a selection for getting to inquiries related to outbound activity.
Invoice Load Inquiry – This inquiry allows the user to view invoice information about outbound shipments.
Load Inquiry – This inquiry allows the user to view information about loads in the system.
Load Shipment Inquiry – This inquiry allows the user to view the outbound shipments that have been entered in the system.
Sales Contract Inquiry – This inquiry allows the user to view the sales contracts that have been entered in the system.

  • Sales Contract Quantity Inquiry – This inquiry allow the user to see contract quantities in a more detailed view.
  • Shipment Advance Inquiry List – This inquiry allows the user to view shipment advances.
  • SOE Balance Inquiry – This inquiry allows the user to view the Stock in Other Elevators balances that exist for any customers.
  • Purchase Load Inquiry – This inquiry allows the user to view the Purchase Loads that have been entered in the system.
  • Credit Limit Override Inquiry – This inquiry allows the user to view the Credit Limit warnings users have accepted.
  • Direct Ship Margin Inquiry – This inquiry displays the same information that is shown on the Direct Ship Margin Reports, except that it will be seen in an inquiry and easily exported to Excel.
  • Inventory Inquiry – This section can be used to more clearly display the item inventory quantities and break out, in detail, the allocated quantities and quantities not posted.

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

Grain Inquiries

Bulk Transfers Inquiry

Bulk Transfers InquiryD2HML|C1H Manual

This section allows the user to view pending or posted bulk transfers.

  1. Open the Bulk Transfers Inquiry window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Bulk Transfer Inquiry)

  1. Select from the following range options; Transfer Number, Item Number, Transfer Date, Origination Site, Destination Site, or Serial/Lot Number.
  2. Select to include Unposted, Posted or Both.
    • Unposted will include partially posted transfers, only the Origin has been posted (Origination to In-Transit).
    • History, both the Origin and Destination records must be posted to be moved to history.
  3. Select the Redisplay button to view the bulk transfers. All information is display only.
  4. The expansion button next to the number field in the scrolling window opens the Bulk Transfer Inquiry Zoom window.

  1. Select OK to close the window.

Bulk Transfer Discount Inquiry

Bulk Transfer Discount InquiryD2HML|C1H Manual

This window allows the user to display any discounts attached to a bulk transfer.

  1. Open the Bulk Transfer Discount Inquiry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Bulk Transfer Entry>> Discounts button)

  1. The window is display only and will show any discounts attached to the bulk transfer.
  2. Select OK to close the window.

Contract Position

Contract PositionD2HML|C1H Manual

This inquiry/report allows the user to view the risk position by delivery month of the contracts with the ability to add a projection of what is expected to be produced or consumed in the coming months.

  1. Open the Contract Position Report window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Contract Position)

  1. Select the report options to view and press redisplay.
  2. The print button allows the user to print a report of the inquiry.
  3. Select OK to close the window.

Contract Wash Inquiry

Contract Wash Inquiry

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualThis inquiry allows the user to view Contracts that have been washed.

  1. Open the Contract Wash Inquiry Zoom window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Contract Wash Inquiry)

  1. Wash Number can be entered or selected from the Wash Number Lookup
  2. The Voided Checkbox will be selected if the Contract Wash has been voided.
  3. Print Button will reprint the Wash Confirmation Report.

Customer Summary Inquiry

Customer Summary InquiryD2HML|C1H Manual

This inquiry allows the user to quickly view all open activity in the system for a particular customer or vendor.

  1. Open the Customer Summary Inquiry List window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Customer Summary)

  1. Choose to view Customer or Vendor information. Select the person to view information for.
    • The expansion arrow next to the Grain Supplier/Customer is a new drop list with the following options:
      • Customer, when selected opens the Customer Maintenance window.
      • Grain Supplier, when selected opens the Vendor Maintenance window.
    • The Visual icon will display if the selected Grower has unexpired Liens on any commodity.
      • Clicking the icon will open the Vendor Extension Maintenance allowing user to edit or view the assigned Liens.
  2. Select the Qty Decimal Precision List to set the decimal precision on a scale of 0 to 5 decimals to be displayed.
  3. Choose the display restrictions:
  • The Position checkbox, when selected will display the Customer's open Grain Position.
  • The Grain checkbox, when selected, will display the customer's contract, grain bank and storage information.
  • The Sales checkbox, when selected, will display the open sales transactions by Cinch document type.
  1. The left side will display a tree view sorted by the display restriction, then by commodity, then by transaction type. User can drill down as far as needed and click to see specific details in the scrolling window.
  2. Only Open transactions will be displayed.
    • All column heading drill backs with the exception of Deferred opens the Document Inquiry which contain the following data:
      • Document Type
      • Document Number, which provides additional drill back based on the selected document type.
      • Document Date
      • Quantity
    • The Deferred heading drill back opens the Deferred Document Inquiry which contains the following data:
      • Document Type
      • Settlement Number, which provides additional drill back based on the selected document type.
      • Document Date
      • Quantity
      • Deferred To date
      • Deferred Contract
  3. Print provides a report drop down list with the following reports:
  • The Summary Inquiry Report, which provides a listing of all the customer's open grain contracts and open storage assembly sheets.
  • The Customer Grain Status Report, which provides the customer a summary of what grain they have in the elevator.
    • The report is sorted by Customer, then Commodity, then Branch.
    • The report will be subtotaled, one line per branch per commodity and totaled by commodity.
  • The Customer Grain Summary Report, which provides the customer with listing of what grain they have in the elevator. This report is divided into three parts, the first part displays the grain that has been delivered, the second part displays unpaid assemblies/contracts and the third part lists the grain that is contracted and yet to be delivered.
    • If a range of customers are selected, there will be no total of Unpaid Grain quantities or dollars. If a single customer is selected the dollars are a total of the individual currencies, not the functional currency.
    • The report is sorted by Commodity, Branch, Contract Number and Delivery Date.
    • The following defines what is included in each column:
      • Unapplied – Tickets that are not applied to an assembly.
      • Open Storage – Tickets applied to Storage Disposition types less any quantity on an open Warehouse Receipt.
      • Warehouse Receipts – the total of open Warehouse Receipts.
      • Grain Bank - Tickets applied to Grain Bank Disposition types.
      • Hold – Tickets applied to Disposition ID's defined in the Customer Summary Inquiry Setup. Any quantities in this column will not be duplicated in another column. Care should be taken to properly setup Disposition ID's to avoid confusion on the "position" of the grain.
      • Unpriced – Tickets applied to Assemblies 1) with a purchase disposition with no contract on the assembly sheet and 2) where the Contract Price record has not been priced, i.e. Price Later, Basis and Futures Fixed.
      • Deferred – Tickets applied to an Assembly where the Settlement has been marked as deferred and posted.
      • Unpaid – Tickets applied to Assemblies that have been Priced but not Paid. Priced quantities will remain in this column until the check has been posted, with the exception of when the report is generated at the same time as when the check is printed.
        • If there are pending Settlements it will be noted on the report and these transactions will be included in the unpaid column.
        • Net Amount is based on the last updated date for assemblies that have an accrual program.



The Daily Position Report/Inquiry window is used to view the daily position report.

  1. Open the Daily Position Report window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>DPR)

  1. If All Branches or My Branches has been selected from the Branch drop down list at the bottom of the window the user have access to more than one branch, the Range field will be available to restrict by Branch or Region.
  2. Choose one of the following options for DPR Date:

Current: The system will go back to the last day closed for each branch on the DPR to get the beginning balance and then include all transactions for days that have not been closed.
 Day To Close: The system will display all transactions up to the last day closed.

    • Closed: The system will display information for only the closed date entered.
  1. Choose to display by Commodity or Group.
  2. Choose to View by Summary or Detail.
  3. The Date will display the date the report is displaying up to.
  4. Select the number of Decimal Places to display on the report, up to 5 depending on the Item Extensions Maintenance setup.
  5. Choose Redisplay to see the Daily Position report.
    • The Physical Inventory, Inbound In Transit is the origination net quantity of all Inbound In Transit tickets that are applied to an assembly. The inbound in transit is memo only, it is not used in calculating any balances on the Daily Position Report.
      • When the unload scale ticket (created from In Transit Ticket unload) is set to use destination weight, prior to posting the inbound scale ticket the DPR will not be adjusted it will always display the origination quantities.
      • When the In Transit Ticket is unloaded and the scale ticket is posted, the Inbound In Transit line will be reduced by the origination quantity and the Physical Inventory Receipts and Company Owed Unpriced or Priced line will be increased by the quantity posted on the scale ticket based upon the whether origination or destination quantities are used.
    • From Detail view, Inbound In Transit drill downs on the Increase and Decrease lines will open the DPR Inbound In Transit Ticket Inquiry.
  6. The Next buttons will become available if there are more than six commodities printing on the report.
  7. Choose Print and choose one of the following options.

Audit Report

  • Audit Report with Options, when selected opens the DPR Audit Restriction window.

    • Enter or Select an Item, this will limit the audit report to only print information for the selected item.
    • Select Section, this will limit the audit report to only print transactions that affect the selected restriction. Valid sections from the drop down list are:
      • Physical Inventory
      • Storage
      • Company Owned
      • No Restriction – all sections of the audit report will be printed.
    • Select Print to print the DPR Audit Report for the selected restrictions.
      • If no restrictions are entered the regular DPR Audit report will print.
    • Select Cancel to return to the Daily Position Report.
  • Daily Summary, when selected the Daily Position Report Summary window opens.

    • Select the report to be printed. More than one report can be selected to generate at a time.
      • Daily Summary, which includes sections for Stock on Hand, Storage Liability and Company Owned.
      • Daily Summary Storage, which includes sections for Storage, Grain Bank, Neg Warehouse Receipts and Non Neg Warehouse Receipts.
      • Daily Summary Company Owned, which includes sections for Unpriced, Priced, Deferred and Paid.
    • Restrict by either Commodity or Group.
    • Select or enter Item
    • Select Date From and Date To.
      • System will default beginning date to first day of month based on the User Date but can be edited.
      • System will default ending date to last day of month based on the User Date but can be edited.
      • The report will print one row/line for each day.
    • Select the Branch Level, the report will be based on.
    • Enter or select the From and To Region, or leave the All Regions checkbox marked.
    • Enter or select the From and To Branch, or leave the All Branches checkbox marked.
    • Displayed information on the report:
      • Deferred, grain will move from Priced Company Owned to Paid Company Owned when the Dynamics GP check is posted.
      • System will examine transactions for ticket details, tickets with an in and out in the same DPR day for the same DPR bucket will be eliminated. For example, if user unapplies scale tickets from unpriced contract A and re-applies those tickets to unpriced contract B on the same DPR Day, system will recognize that and not include that transaction in the "In" and "Out" columns for that day.
      • Grain in Transit will be considered a shipment the date that the shipment is posted with an adjustment, if any, recorded when the shipment is invoiced.
      • Stock in Other Elevators will be included in the Stock on Hand portion of the Daily Summary Report.
        • When there is an increase to Stock in Other Elevators the process will reduce shipments so that there will not be a reduction in physical inventory.
        • When Stock in Other elevators is invoiced / settled it will show up as a shipment when they are invoiced and reduce physical inventory.
      • Unsigned Price Later contracts: To conform to any state's DPR requirements user can implement a policy where unsigned price later contracts are not "Posted" until they are signed. Once contract is posted, the system will create an assembly and grain can be applied to it.
    • Select Print to print the selected Daily Summary report.
    • Select Clear to clear selected restrictions.
  1. Choose Excel to export the Summary or Detail DPR information based on the View options selected.
    • Summary View, the exported spread sheet will be similar to the Daily Position Report Summary report.
    • DPR Detail View, The exported spread sheet will be similar to the Daily Position Report Detail report.
  2. Choose OK to close the window.

Email Inquiry

Email InquiryD2HML|C1H Manual

The Email Inquiry window is used to view Cinch emails that have been sent or have failed to send to customers/vendors.

  1. Open the Email Inquiry window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>> Email Inquiry)

  1. Display:
    • All, displays all Cinch documents that the current logged in user has emailed, for the date selected, whether by batch or individually.
    • Failed Batch Emails, displays Cinch documents that the current logged in user sent to email via a batch but have failed to email.
      • Only documents with the following Cinch Batch Entry Types will be displayed when Failed Batch Emails is selected: Ticket, Settlement, Purchase Contract (Purchase) and Shipment.
  2. Date, defaults to the system date but can be changed.
  3. Redisplay, when selected will fill the scrolling window with documents that match the selected restrictions.
  4. Ok, when selected will close the window.
  5. The Email button is only visible when Failed Batch Emails is selected. When selected will resend selected failed emails.

Freight Inquiry List

Freight Inquiry ListD2HML|C1H Manual

This inquiry allows the user to view the unpaid or paid freight transactions that have been recorded on scale tickets, shipments or transfers.

  1. Open the Freight Inquiry List window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Freight Inquiry)

  1. This window can also be viewed through the following window's Additional drop-down list. However, if the selected voucher did not originate from Freight Matching, the user will be prompted that the selected record is not a Freight voucher and the Freight Inquiry List will not open.
    • Payables Transaction Inquiry – Document
    • Payables Transaction Inquiry – Vendor
    • Payables Transaction Entry
  2. Select Range restrictions:
    • Freight Company
    • Document Number
    • Unit Train
    • Document Date
    • Vehicle
    • Driver
    • Freight Vendor
    • Item
    • Customer, if this restriction is used, display will be restricted to outbound shipments.
    • Ticket Vendor, if this restriction is used, display will be restricted to inbound scale tickets.
    • Site, if this restriction is used, display will be restricted to transfers.
    • Purchase Contract, if this restriction is used, display will be restricted to inbound scale tickets.
    • Sales Contract, if this restriction is used, display will be restricted to outbound shipments.
    • Order, if this restriction is used, display will be restricted to invoices.
  3. Choose to Include Unpaid, Paid and/or Disputed Freight transactions. Unpaid and Disputed will be marked by default.
  4. Choose to Include Shipments, Tickets, Transfers, In Transit Ticket or Invoices/Orders freight transactions. All will be marked by default.
  5. On the line detail:
    • Voucher Post, is the date the voucher was posted.
    • Check, is the date the check was printed.
    • Trx Source will Inbound In Transit for records created from Inbound In Transit Tickets.
    • The Bill of Lading will only be populated when TRX Source is Scale Ticket.
  6. Select the OK button to close the window.

Inventory Transaction Inquiry

Inventory Transaction InquiryD2HML|C1H Manual

This inquiry allows the user to view the individual transactions that have been entered for a specific inventory item.

  1. Open the Inquiry Transaction Inquiry window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Item Transaction Inquiry)

  1. Select the Item Number to inquiry
  2. Choose Redisplay to view all records or enter the following Range restrictions: Document Number, Document Type, CINCH Module, Microsoft Dynamics GP Module, Site ID and Reference Number.
  3. Enter a Document Date Range if desired.
  4. Mark the Include In-Transit Location Transactions to view transactions that are assigned to the In-Transit location.
  5. Choose Redisplay to view the transactions.
  6. For transaction that reduce inventory click the Cost Inquiry button to open Cost Allocation Inquiry window. The cost layers associated to the selected transaction are displayed.

    • Vendor/Customer Name, Bill of Lading Number will be populated for inbound tickets only.
    • Load Number will be populated for Invoices and Direct Ship Inbound Tickets.
  1. Select the OK button to close the window.

Invoice Charges Inquiry

Invoice Charges Inquiry

D2HML|C1H ManualThis inquiry allows the user to quickly view information about program or grade factor charges that have been invoiced through the Invoice Charges Entry window.

  1. Open the Invoice Charges Inquiry window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Grain Charges)

  1. Select the Range criteria to search for.
  2. Check to include Work or History Invoice Charges. Both will be marked by default.
  3. Choose Redisplay to fill the scrolling window with settlements that match the range options.

Long Short Report

Long Short Report

D2HML|C1H ManualThe Long Short Report allows the user to view the inventory position based on inbound and outbound transactions. Position records are viewed and/or reported on based on the Market Month. Items with multiple hedge items are displayed with the quantity displayed for the first hedge item, using the hedge factor but not the hedge percent.
This report has been replaced by the Long Short Inquiry and the Item Long Short Inquiry. Please refer to the Cinch Sales –Seed Procedure manual for more information on the Item Long Short Inquiry.

  1. Open the Long Short Report window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Long/Short)

  1. Enter or select a Report ID.
  • The default Report ID for each user can be set up in the Purchase Contract User Setup window.
  • The Long/Short Report settings and restrictions are set up in the Long Short Report Options window.

For more information on the Long/Short Report Options and Purchase Contract User Setup windows, please see the CINCH Grain Software System Manual.

  1. Choose Redisplay to display the information. The commodities that are displayed will depend on the commodities selected in the Long Short Report Options window.
  2. The left pane will be filled with a tree view sorted by commodity. User can choose to drill down from there to see more detailed information in the scrolling window.
  3. Export will export the displayed data to Excel.
  4. Print will print the Long Short Report (IRGNLongShortSummary) for the selected report ID.

Long Short Inquiry

Long Short Inquiry

D2HML|C1H Manual Long Short Inquiry allows the user to view the inventory position based on inbound and outbound transactions. Position records to be viewed and/or reported on by the Contract Delivery Period and Year or Market Month depending on the report setup.

  1. Open the Long/Short Report window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Long/Short Inquiry)

  1. Enter or select a Report ID.
    • This will default from the Purchase Contract User Setup, Long Short Report ID if defined.
    • The Long/Short Report settings and restrictions are set up in the Long Short Report Options window.

For more information on the Long/Short Report Options and Purchase Contract User Setup windows, please see the CINCH Grain Software System Manual.

  1. Report ID lookup, Saved or New.
    • Saved allows user to lookup a saved Long Short Inquiry.
      • Lookup includes the Report ID the system date and time the report was created/saved.
    • New will create a new Long Short Inquiry for the selected Report ID.
  2. Report Description will default based on the selected Report ID.
  3. Item, select the item from the drop down list.
    • The drop list will be filed with selected commodities from the select Report ID.
    • Position records will only be displayed for one item at a time.
    • , will be displayed next to the Item drop down if contracts exist without position records. Drill back on the icon will open the Unpositioned Contract Inquiry listing all contracts that do not have a position period or have the position period created but the month or year is blank.

      • Export will export displayed data into Excel.
      • Details will open the contract entry window to allow user to make edits to the contract that will generate the position records.
  1. Start Month, will default to the current month based off of the user date, but can be changed. It will be the first period to display detail information for.
  2. Year, will default to the year from the user date, but can be changed. It will be the year to display detail information for.
  3. Details button is a drop down list that contains each of the scrolling window column headings.
    • When the user has a position type selected in the scrolling window and they select a period from the details drop list an inquiry list window will open to display the details for the long short position quantity selected.
    • The user can also double click over a value in the list boxes and it will run the Details button scripts and show the drill back for the value clicked on.
    • When a Purchase or Sales contract position is selected an inquiry similar to this will be displayed listing the contracts that make up the value.

      • Report ID, Date and Time will default from the Long Short Inquiry.
      • The top scrolling window will list the detail records for the selected position type.
        • If multiple hedge items are setup for primary transaction item, a separate detail record will exist for each hedge item.
          • The Contract Qty displays the full contract amount.
          • The Price Qty and Position Qty will be calculated by taking contract quantity times the hedge factor times the hedge item percentage.
      • The bottom scrolling window can be used to view current (new/changed) records since the original report was run or records from a previously saved report. Click the Get Current button to get the current position records or do a lookup to retrieve saved records.
      • Export will export the displayed records into Excel.
      • Reconcile will open Long Short Reconcile and display the reconcile records for the selected record.
      • Details will open the inquiry zoom for the selected record.
    • When a futures and option position is selected the Futures & Options Inquiry will be displayed.

      • Details will open the Trade Inquiry Zoom for the selected record.
    • When the Company Owned position is selected the Company Owned Inquiry will be displayed. Inbound In Transit net quantity is included in the Company Owned amount.

      • Allows the user the ability to see the DPR Company Owned to Long/Short Company Owned adjustments, i.e. pending records for DPR dates that have not been closed.
        • Posted & Unposted Scale Tickets Applied to a priced purchase contract, with detail drill back to the tickets.
        • Unposted Shipment applied to a priced sales contract, with detail drill back to the shipments.
        • Unposted Cinch Sales Invoices, with detail drill back to Sales Invoices lines that are applied to a sales contract but not posted.
        • In Transit tickets will have description of Open DPR Inbound In Transit. Unloaded In Transit tickets that are not yet posted tickets will have description of Unloaded In Transit.
      • The Rollup checkbox will determine the display in both the scrolling windows.
        • When marked will display records grouped by description. All transactions with the same Description will be combined in the following columns.
          • Description
          • Item – if grouped will use the item selected as the group item.
          • Position Qty, combined quantity for the rolled up description.
        • When unmarked will display by individual transactions. By default checkbox will be unchecked.
      • System will suppress the zero position quantity records from being inserted into the long short report tables.
  1. Scrolling window display:
    • Description is the description of each long short position type.
    • Total is the total overall position for the long short position type.
    • Previous is the sum of any quantities previous to the start month and year.
    • Month Year details is a scrolling window list that will display each month/year that have position records.
  2. Save will save the report and all related records that make up the Long Short Inquiry.
  3. Export button is a drop down list, with the following options:
    • Single Item, when selected the reports selected item will be exported to excel.
    • All Items, when selected all commodities or commodity groups specified for the selected report ID will be exported to excel.
  4. Print will print the Long Short Report (IRGNLongShortSummaryMI) for the selected report ID.
    • The report looks very similar to the existing Long Short Report accessed from Long Short Report window, except the total column will be the first column, like in the Long Short Inquiry window.
      • The previous column is a total everything prior to the first month/year displayed on the report.
      • The future column is a total of everything beyond the last month/year displayed on the report.
      • The report will generate a new page per item.

Grain Bank Allocated

Grain Bank Allocation

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualGrain Bank Allocated allows the user to view grain bank allocated quantity by transaction.

  1. Open the Grain Bank Allocated window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Grain Bank Allocation)

  1. Select the Customer Number the allocations will be viewed by.
  2. Select the Item Number the allocations will be viewed by.

Number System Inquiry

Number System Inquiry

D2HML|C1H ManualThis inquiry allows the user to view information regarding whether the document is active, deleted or voided.

  1. Open the Number System Inquiry window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Document Numbers)

  1. Enter or select a Module.
  2. Choose Redisplay to view the documents that match the criteria.
  3. Select the ok button to close the window.

Purchase/Inbound Inquiries

This section contains the following Inquiry windows:

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

Advance Inquiry

Advance Inquiry

D2HML|C1H ManualThe Advance Inquiry window can be used to quickly view information about current or historical advances, contract and assembly.

  1. Open the Advance Inquiry window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Advance Inquiry)

  1. Select the Range criteria to search for.
  2. Advance Status restriction is a drop down list with the following options:
    • Open Only – will display the open advances.
    • Settled Only – will display the completely settled advances.
    • Both – will display both types.
  3. Check to include Work or History Advances. History will be checked by default.
  4. Choose Redisplay to fill the scrolling window with advances that match the range options.
    • Assembly column will be populated if the Advance was created from Advance by Assembly.
  5. Use the expansion button next to the Advance field to open the Advance Inquiry Zoom or the Assembly Advance Inquiry Zoom.

  • Click the Printer button to print an Advance Voucher.
  • Assembly will only be populated if the Advance was created from Advance by Assembly.
    • Assembly expansion button when selected will open Assembly Inquiry Zoom.
  1. Use the expansion button next to the Settlement field to open the Settlement Inquiry window.
  2. Use the expansion button next to the Voucher field to open a Microsoft Dynamics GPs' Payables Transaction Entry Zoom window.
  3. Choose the Export button to export the information to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Assembly Inquiry

Assembly InquiryD2HML|C1H Manual

This inquiry allows the user to view the assembly sheets that are available in the system.

  1. Open the Assembly Inquiry window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Assembly Inquiry)

  1. Select the Range criteria to search for.
  2. Check to include Open, Closed and/or Settled assemblies. Open will be checked by default.
  3. Choose to include Deferred and/or Not Deferred assemblies. Both will be checked by default.
  4. Choose Redisplay to fill the scrolling window with assembly sheets that match the range options.
  5. Select an assembly sheet record and choose the expansion button next to Assembly field in the scrolling window to open the Assembly Inquiry Zoom window.
  6. Select an assembly sheet record and choose the expansion button next to Contract field in the scrolling window to open the Purchase Contract Inquiry Zoom window.
  7. Select an assembly sheet record and choose the expansion button next to Settlement field in the scrolling window to open the Settlement Inquiry Zoom window.
  8. Choose the Export button to export the information to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Assembly Inquiry Zoom

Assembly Inquiry ZoomD2HML|C1H Manual

This inquiry explains how to view one assembly at a time.

  1. Open the Assembly Inquiry Zoom window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Assembly Inquiry>>Expansion button next to the Assembly field in the scrolling window)

  1. Select or look up an assembly. Information in this window is display only.
  2. Use the Net Qty drill down to open the Assembly Apply Zoom window.

    • Applied tickets for the selected Assembly will be displayed.
  1. Use the expansion button next to the Programs Amt field to open the Assembly Program Inquiry window.

  1. Use the expansion button next to the Net Disc Amt field to open the Assembly Discount Summary Inquiry window.

  1. Choose the Print button and select the assembly report to print.
  2. When the E-mail icon is selected, and the user selects an assembly report, the selected document will be emailed to the Customer.
    • Depending on how the Cinch Customer E-mail Options is setup, e-mail addresses will be determined one of two ways:
      • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Enabled checkbox is marked and Assembly Sheet is marked, addresses will be based on the addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window.
        • If there are no addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window then the system will behave the same as if the Disabled checkbox is marked.
      • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Disabled checkbox is marked and Assembly Sheet is marked, addresses will be determined based on the Vendor Maintenance, Ship From address ID.

Inbound In Transit Inquiry

Inbound In Transit Inquiry D2HML|C1H Manual

Inbound In Transit Inquiry is used to display In Transit Tickets, Pending or History records.

  1. Open the Inbound In Transit Inquiry window.

(Inquiry>Cinch Grain>Purchases/Inbound>In Transit Ticket Inquiry List)

  1. Select the Range criteria to search for.
    • Train Number, Vendor, Item, ETA Date, or Contract.
  2. Check to include Pending or History tickets. By default, Pending will be checked.
    • Pending tickets are currently In Transit or unloaded but the scale ticket batch has not been posted.
    • History tickets, have been unloaded and the scale ticket batch posted.
    • Both can be marked at the same time and will display all records matching the range restrictions in the list view.
  3. Choose Redisplay to fill the scrolling window with tickets that match the range options.
  4. Ticket Entry becomes enabled when the In Transit Ticket is selected and if it hasn't been unloaded. When selected it will open the Inbound In Transit Ticket Entry for the selected ticket.
  5. Doubling clicking on a selected line will open the Inbound In Transit Ticket Inquiry Zoom.
  6. Choose OK button to close the window.
  7. Choose Clear button to the clear the contents of the window and reset default values.
  8. Choose the Export button to export the displayed information to Excel.

Inbound In Transit Inquiry Zoom

Inbound In Transit Inquiry Zoom D2HML|C1H Manual

Inbound In Transit Ticket Inquiry Zoom is used to display In Transit Ticket, Pending or History.

  1. Open the Inbound In Transit Inquiry window.

(Inquiry>Cinch Grain>Purchases/Inbound>In Transit Ticket Inquiry List: drill back on selected line)

  1. Select Owner expansion to access the Inbound In Transit Owner Inquiry window.

  1. Select the Total Freight expansion to access the In Transit Ticket Freight Inquiry window.

  1. Select Detail Status to access the Inbound In Transit Ticket Detail Inquiry window.

  1. Select Grade Factor expansion to access the Inbound In Transit Ticket Grade Factor Inquiry window.

    • Select Discounts button to access the Inbound In-Transit Ticket Discount Inquiry window.

  1. Select the Scale Tkt expansion to access the Inbound Scale Ticket Inquiry Zoom generated from the In Transit Ticket unload process.
    • This field is not present if the ticket has not been unloaded.
  2. Direct Shipment checkbox will be displayed, under the Comment field, with the associated Shipment Number when the In Transit ticket has an outbound shipment associated.

Inbound Ticket Detail Inquiry

Inbound Ticket Detail Inquiry

D2HML|C1H ManualThis inquiry allows the user to view the ticket information as related to the individual owners of the grain.

  1. Open the Inbound Ticket Detail Inquiry window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Detail Inquiry)

  1. Select the Range criteria to search for.
  2. Check to include Posted or Unposted tickets. Posted will be checked by default.
  3. Choose Redisplay to fill the scrolling window with tickets that match the range options.
  4. Select a ticket and choose any of the following buttons to open their corresponding inquiry windows:

The Assembly button opens the Assemblies Inquiry Zoom window.

    • If the Ticket has been settled, the Settlement button will become available and will open the Settlement Inquiry Zoom window.

The Grades button opens the Ticket Grade Factor Inquiry window.
The Discounts button opens the Inbound Ticket Discount Inquiry Zoom window.

 The Ticket Price Detail button opens the Inbound Ticket Detail Price Inquiry window.

    • The Trx Source button will open the Transaction Source Inquiry window to provide more detail about the transaction.
  1. Use the expansion button next to the Ticket field, in the scrolling window, to open the Inbound Scale Ticket Inquiry Zoom window.
  2. Use the expansion button next to the Contract field, in the scrolling window, to the Purchase Contract Inquiry Zoom window.
  3. Choose the Export button to export the information to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Purchase Contract Inquiry

Purchase Contract Inquiry

D2HML|C1H ManualThis inquiry allows the user to view the purchase contracts that have been created.

  1. Open the Purchase Contract Inquiry window.

(Inquiries>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Contract Inquiry)

  1. Select the Range criteria to search for.
  2. Check to include Open, Posted, Closed and/or Settled contracts. Open will be checked by default.
  3. Check to include Deferred and/or Not Deferred contracts. Both will be checked by default.
  4. Choose Redisplay to fill the scrolling window with contracts that match the range options.
    • In Transit quantity is the net quantity of all Inbound In Transit tickets assigned to the selected contract.
    • Wt to Govern displays the selected value from the contract. This is informational only.
    • Grade to Govern displays the selected value from the contract. This is informational only.
    • Remaining Qty is calculated by taking the Contract Qty – In Transit Qty – Delivered Qty - Canceled Qty.
    • Del/Cancel/IT quantity includes the Delivered Qty, Canceled Qty and In Transit Qty.
  5. Select a contract record and choose the expansion button next to the Contract field to open the Purchase Contract Inquiry Zoom window.
  6. Select a contract record and choose the expansion button next to Del/Cancel/IT to select:
  7. Select the User Defined button to open the Purchase Contract User Defined Inquiry window.

  1. Select the Assemblies button to open the Assembly Inquiry window.
  2. Select the Supplementals button to open the Contract Supplemental Inquiry window and view supplemental transactions for the selected contract.
  3. Choose the Export button to export the information to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Purchase Contract Inquiry Zoom

Purchase Contract Inquiry Zoom

D2HML|C1H ManualThis inquiry allows the user to view drill back to the contract data without being able to make any changes.

  1. Open the Purchase Contract Inquiry Zoom window.

(Inquiries>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Contract Inquiry>>Expansion button next to the Contract field.)

  1. Select or look up the Contract. Information in this window is display only.
  2. Use the expansion button next to Note ID to open the Note Inquiry window to view the Note added to the selected contract. A visual indicator is located before the Note ID field if a note was manually added or if the Note ID was edited.

  1. Use the expansion button next to the Customer field to open the Contract Partner Inquiry window.

  1. Use the expansion button next to the Hedge Item to open the Hedge Item Inquiry, which will display the Hedge Items associated to the selected item.

  1. Use the expansion button next to the Contract Qty field to open the Acre Info Inquiry window, which will display the farm and field information.

  1. Use the expansion button next to the In Transit field to open the Inbound In Transit Inquiry displaying In Transit Tickets assigned to the selected contract.
  2. Use the expansion button next to the Del/Canceled field select Delivered Qty or Canceled Qty.
    • Delivered Qty opens the Assembly Inquiry window displaying assemblies associated to the contract.
    • Canceled Qty open the Contract Wash Inquiry displaying Contract Washes associated to the contract.
  3. Remaining Qty is calculated by taking the Contract Qty – In Transit Qty – Del / Canceled Qty.
  4. Use the expansion button next to the Delivery field to open the Purchase Contract Delivery Inquiry Zoom window, which will display all the delivery periods for the contract.

  1. Use the expansion button next to the Pricing field to select Price Inquiry or Position Inquiry.
    • Select Price Inquiry to open the Purchase Contract Price Inquiry Zoom window, which will display pricing information available for the contract.

      • Remaining Qty on the line is calculated by taking the Price Qty – Delivered Qty - In Transit Qty – Canceled Qty.
    • Select Position Inquiry to open the Purchase Contract Position Inquiry which displays position records associated to the hedge item.

      • Previous and next arrow allows the user to move between the hedge items associated to the contract.
  1. Use the Additional Info button to open the Additional Information window.

  1. Use the Settlements button to open Purchase Contract Settlements window.

    • The inquiry screen will display Settlements for the selected contract as well as the check date and check number for the settlement.
    • When multiple checks have been written a drill down is provided to the Settlement Inquiry screen so that the additional details can be viewed.
  1. The Print button will print the contract.
  2. When the Send document in E-mail icon is selected, the selected document will be emailed to the Customer.
    • Depending on how the Cinch Customer E-mail Options is setup, e-mail addresses will be determined one of two ways:
      • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Enabled checkbox is marked and Purchase Contracts is marked, addresses will be based on the addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window.
        • If there are no addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window then the system will behave the same as if the Disabled checkbox is marked.
      • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Disabled checkbox is marked and Purchase Contracts is marked, addresses will be determined based on the Vendor Maintenance, Ship From address ID
  3. Select (Supplemental>>Supplemental Inquiry) to display the Supplemental Inquiry window.

  1. Select (Supplemental>>Underfill Entry) to display the Purchase Contract Underfill window.

Purchase Contract Amendment Inquiry

Purchase Contract Amendment Inquiry

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualThe Purchase Amendment Inquiry allows the user to see Purchase Contracts that have been Amended and the amended versions of a contract. The user is allowed to drill down on a particular version to see the details of the contract for the selected version.

        1. Open Purchase Contract Amendment Inquiry

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Contract Amendment Inquiry)

        1. Range Restrictions are:
          • Contract
          • Contract Type
          • Customer
          • Item
          • Amendment User
          • Amendment Date
        2. Redisplay will display Amended Contracts that meet the restriction criteria.
        3. Scrolling window displays the Amended Contract and Amended Version number.
          • Version number will increment from 1 – Cur (current). This will allow the user to select the particular version to view.
        4. Contract Expansion allows the user to open the Purchase Contract Version Inquiry.
        5. Select the User Defined button to open the Purchase Contract User Defined Inquiry window.

        1. Export button allows the user to export the displayed records to Excel.

Purchase Contract Version Inquiry

Purchase Contract Version Inquiry

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualThe Purchase Contract Version Inquiry allows a user to see a specific version of a contract amendment.

        1. Open Purchase Version Inquiry

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Contract Amendment Inquiry: Contract Expansion)

        1. Version number will be incremented from 1 to xx as changes are made with the effective version labeled as Cur (current). This will allow the user to view the contract states with each amendment. 1 represents the contract in the original state. Cur represents the current state of the contract.
        2. Amendment Options button is a drop down list containing:
          • View Log and Amendment – when selected the Contract Log Entry window opens allowing the user to view the log of edits and explanations associated contract version.
          • View Amend Fees – when selected the Amendment Fee Inquiry window opens allowing the user to view the invoice fees or program charges associated to the contract version.
        3. Customer Expansion opens the Contract Partner Amend allowing user to view the Partners associated to the contract version.
        4. Note ID Expansion opens Purchase Contract Amendment Note Inquiry allowing user to view the Note associated to the contract version.
        5. Delivery Expansion opens Purchase Contract Delivery Amendment Inquiry allowing user to view the Delivery Periods associated to the contract version.
        6. Pricing Expansion opens Purchase Contract Price Amendment Inquiry allowing user to view the Prices associated to the contract version.

Advance Risk Inquiry

Advance Risk Inquiry

D2HML|C1H ManualThe Advance Risk Inquiry window can be used to view how much grain has been contracted, advanced, and what the risk is for each contract.

  1. Open the Advance Risk Inquiry window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Advance Risk Inquiry)

  1. Select the Range criteria to search for.
  2. Select a Status of Open, Closed or Both. Both will be selected by default.
  3. Select a Price Status of Priced/Partial Priced, Un-Priced or Both. Both will be marked by default.
    • Priced/Partial Priced, when selected includes fully-priced contracts, and partially-priced contracts.
    • Un-Priced, when selected displays unpriced contracts.
    • Both, when selected, priced, partially-priced, and un-priced contracts will all be displayed.
  4. Risk Calculated On:
    • Contract Qty, when selected calculates the Advance Risk based on the entire contract value.
      • Advance Risk amount, is (Contract Qty – Settled Qty x Avg Price (or user provided price if contract is unpriced) – Advance Settled.
    • Delivered Qty, when selected calculates the Advance Risk based on contracts delivered quantity.
      • Advance Risk amount, is (Delivered Qty – Settled Qty x Avg Price (or user provided price if contract is unpriced) – Advance Settled.
  5. If a Price Status of Un-Priced or Both has been selected, enter the price information in Board Price and Basis, or choose Today's Price to get the price from the Item Daily Price window. This price will then be used in calculating the Advanced Risk.
  6. Choose Redisplay to fill the scrolling window with contracts that match the range options.
  7. Contract Value Calculation, each pricing record of the contract will be examined to determine if it is considered Priced or UnPriced
    • Priced calculation is Contract Price * Price Qty.
    • UnPriced calculation is based on the contract type:
      • Futures Fixed calculation is (Board Price + User Entered Basis Price) * Price Qty.
      • Basis calculation is (User Entered Board Price + Basis Price) * Price Qty.
      • Price Later calculation is User Entered Board Price * Price Qty.
  8. Delivered value calculation, each pricing record of the contract will be examined to determine if it is considered Priced or UnPriced. The difference is that Delivered Qty will be used in the calculations.
    • Priced calculation is Contract Price * Delivered Qty.
    • UnPriced calculation is based on the contract type:
      • Futures Fixed calculation is (Board Price + User Entered Basis Price) * Delivered Qty.
      • Basis calculation is (User Entered Board Price + Basis Price) * Delivered Qty.
      • Price Later calculation is User Entered Board Price * Delivered Qty.
  9. Contracted value is the total of the selected Risk calculation value.
  10. Advanced Value – is the total advances associated to the contract. This includes advances generated from Assembly Advance Entry and Advance Entry.
  11. The Advance Risk amount is calculated by subtracting the Contracted amount from the Advanced amount.
    • The Settled Amt will be deducted from the Contract. The Settled Amt is the sum of settlement Gross Amount's for the Contract.
  12. The expanded line detail includes:
    • Settled Qty, is the sum of settlements Net Qty for the Contract.
    • Delivered Priced, displays the quantity that has been delivered against the contract and is priced.
    • Delivered UnPriced, displays the quantity that has been delivered against the contract but is not yet priced.
    • In Transit Qty displays In Transit quantity applied to the contract. This amount is display only and has no effect on the Advance Risk.

Purchase Contract Shipment Status List

Purchase Contract Shipment Status List

D2HML|C1H Manual

  1. Open the Purchase Contract Shipment Status List Inquiry window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Shipment Status)

  1. Select the report options to view and press redisplay.
  2. Select the ok button to close the window.

Purchase Load Inquiry

Purchase Load Inquiry

D2HML|C1H Manual

  1. Open the Purchase Load Inquiry window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Load Inquiry)

  1. Enter the Range criteria to search for. Options include Vendor, Item, Contract, Scheduled Date, or Load Number.
  2. Include restrictions, all boxes will default as marked:
    • Undelivered or Delivered.
      • Load is considered Delivered when there is a ticket associated to the load.
    • Open Contracts, Closed Contracts or No Contract.
      • Closed is based on the Contract Status that the Load is associated to
  3. Choose the On Hold Status from the drop down list:
    • Available, when selected displays loads not placed on hold. This is the default setting.
    • On Hold, when selected displays loads placed on hold.
    • Both, when selected will display Available and On Hold loads.
  4. Choose the void restriction. Options are Hide Voids, Include Voids or Voids Only.
    • The On Hold (H) checkbox will be marked if the load is on Hold.
    • The Voided (V) checkbox will be marked if the load has been voided.
    • If there is a Split ID associated to the load the Load Number will display multiple times for each split Vendor, Contract associated to the load.
    • Load Number expansion button will open the Purchase Load Inquiry Zoom.

  1. Choose the Contracts buttons to go to the Purchase Contract Inquiry.
  2. Select OK will close the window.
  3. Select Clear will clear the restrictions allowing user to start over.
  4. Select Redisplay to update the scrolling window with loads that meet the range criteria.
  5. Select Export to export the displayed loads to Excel.

Settlement Inquiry

Settlement Inquiry

D2HML|C1H ManualThis inquiry allows the user to view the settlements that have been created.

  1. Open the Settlement Inquiry window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Settlement Inquiry)

  1. Select the Range criteria to search for.
  2. Check to include Work, Paid, Voided Settlements or Unpaid. Paid will be checked by default.
  3. Check to include Deferred, Not Deferred or All Settlements. All will be checked by default.
  4. Choose Redisplay to fill the scrolling window with settlements that match the range options.
  • When a Settlement Voucher is satisfied with a Credit Memo rather than a payable check, the Credit Memo number will display in the Check Number field and the Settlement will be marked as paid.
  • When a Settlement generated a Debit Memo for an advance repayment, the debit number will be displayed in the Voucher/Debit Memo field. AR/AP Trade will display in the Check No/Payment No field.
      • Transaction Inquiry Zoom for the specified debit memo.

Settlement Inquiry Zoom

Settlement Inquiry Zoom

D2HML|C1H ManualThis inquiry allows the user to drill back to the settlement information without being able to make any changes.

  1. Open the Settlement Inquiry Zoom window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Assembly Entry>>Expansion button next to the Last Settlement field or Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Assembly Inquiry)

  1. Assemblies will be displayed for all branches included on the settlement.
    • If the Settlement posting generated a Debit Memo for an advance repayment, the debit number will be displayed in the Voucher/Debit Memo field.
  2. Select the Print button and select report to print.
  3. Select the Email button and select a report, the selected document will be emailed to the Customer.
    • Depending on how the Cinch Customer E-mail Options is setup, e-mail addresses will be determined one of two ways:
      • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Enabled checkbox is marked and Settlement Sheet is marked, addresses will be based on the addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window.
        • If there are no addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window then the system will behave the same as if the Disabled checkbox is marked.
      • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Disabled checkbox is marked and Settlement Sheet is marked, addresses will be determined based on the Vendor Maintenance, Purchase address ID.
  4. Select the ok button to close the window.

Ticket Assembly Move Inquiry

Ticket Assembly Move Inquiry

D2HML|C1H ManualThis inquiry provides a listing of move transactions that have occurred.

  1. Open the Ticket Assembly Move Inquiry window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Ticket Move Inquiry)

  1. Select the Range criteria to search for.
  2. Select the Display by sort restriction:
    • Move Order, is the Move #
    • Assembly
    • Move Date
    • Vendor
  3. Drill down on Move # opens the Ticket Move Detail Inquiry.

    • The Origination Tickets section will displays all tickets selected from the move transaction.
    • The Destination Tickets section displays all ticket details generated from the moved transactions.

Ticket Scale Inquiry

Ticket Scale Inquiry

D2HML|C1H ManualThis inquiry allows the user to view the ticket information as related to the primary owner on the ticket(s).

  1. Open the Ticket Scale Inquiry window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Ticket Inquiry)

  1. Select the Range criteria to search for.
  2. Check to include Posted or Unposted tickets. Posted will be checked by default.
  3. Choose to Include, Exclude or only display Direct Shipments. Include will be chosen by default.
  4. Choose Redisplay to fill the scrolling window with tickets that match the range options.
    • The following fields on the line expansion and will be populated if the ticket originated from Inbound In Transit.
      • Orig Gross Qty
      • Origination fields:
        • Gross Wt
        • Tare Wt
        • Net Wt
        • Gross Wt Date/Time
        • Tare Wt Date/Time
    • The following fields will be populated regardless if the ticket originated from Inbound In Transit.
      • Destination fields:
        • Gross Wt
        • Tare Wt
        • Net Wt
        • Gross Wt Date/Time
        • Tare Wt Date/Time
  5. Select Send SMS Text Message Icon to send a text message to the cell numbers setup for the selected scale tickets owner(s).
    • A text message will be sent to the ticket owner(s) setup within SMS Grower Setup that have a valid cell number.
  6. Select a ticket and any of the following buttons to open their corresponding inquiry windows:

 The Grades button opens the Ticket Grade Factor Inquiry window.

 The Owners button opens the Ticket Owner Inquiry window.

The expansion button next to the Split Qty field will display the Inbound Ticket Detail Inquiry window.
 The Details button opens the Inbound Ticket Detail Inquiry window.
 The Assemblies button opens the Assembly Inquiry window.
 The Contracts button opens the Purchase Contract Inquiry window.
 The Settlements button opens the Settlement Inquiry window.

  1. Use the expansion button next to the Ticket field, in the scrolling window:
  • If the IsBulkTicket flag is False, the Inbound Scale Ticket Inquiry Zoom window opens.

    • When the Send document in E-mail icon is selected, the scale ticket report will be emailed to the Customer.
      • Depending on how the Cinch Customer E-mail Options is setup, e-mail addresses will be determined one of two ways:
        • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Enabled checkbox is marked and Inbound Scale Ticket is marked, addresses will be based on the addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window.
          • If there are no addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window then the system will behave the same as if the Disabled checkbox is marked.
        • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Disabled checkbox is marked and Inbound Scale Ticket is marked, addresses will be determined based on the Vendor Maintenance, Ship From address ID.
    • The following fields will only display if the ticket originated from Inbound In Transit.
      • Origination button when selected will open the Inbound Origination Information window.

        • The window displays origination weights and grade information from the Inbound In Transit ticket.
      • Use Origination Weight checkbox:
        • When marked the Scale Ticket Origination weights will be used to calculate discounts and apply to the contract.
        • When not marked, Scale Ticket destination weights will be used to calculate discounts and apply to the contract.
      • Use Origination Grade checkbox:
        • When marked the Scale Ticket Origination grades will be used to calculate discounts.
        • When not marked, Scale Ticket destination grades will be used to calculate discounts.
      • IT Tkt # displays the Inbound In Transit Ticket Number and will only display if ticket originated from Inbound In Transit.
      • IT Tkt # expansion button when selected opens Inbound In Transit Ticket Inquiry Zoom.
  • If the IsBulkTicket flag is True, the Bulk Ticket Inquiry Zoom window opens.

  • When the Send document in E-mail icon is selected, the scale ticket report will be emailed to the Customer.
    • Depending on how the Cinch Customer E-mail Options is setup, e-mail addresses will be determined one of two ways:
      • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Enabled checkbox is marked and Inbound Scale Ticket is marked, addresses will be based on the addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window.
        • If there are no addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window then the system will behave the same as if the Disabled checkbox is marked.
      • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Disabled checkbox is marked and Inbound Scale Ticket is marked, addresses will be determined based on the Vendor Maintenance, Ship From address ID.
  • When the Meter, Email button is selected the bulk ticket report will be emailed to the Customer based on the Cinch Customer E-mail Options E-mail Options noted above.
  • To view the freight information on the scale ticket choose the Freight total expansion button to access the Ticket Freight Inquiry window.

  1. Choose the Export button to export the information to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Warehouse Receipt Inquiry

Warehouse Receipt Inquiry

D2HML|C1H ManualThis inquiry allows the user to view the warehouse receipts that have been entered in the system.

  1. Open the Warehouse Receipt Inquiry window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Warehouse Receipts Inquiry)

  1. Select to include Open, History, Warehouse Receipt, and/or Collateral Warehouse Receipt and press redisplay.
  2. Select a Type of Non Negotiable, Negotiable, or Both.
  3. Select the ok button to close the window.

Sales/Outbound Inquiries

This section contains the following Inquiry windows:

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

Invoice Load Inquiry

Invoice Load Inquiry

D2HML|C1H ManualThis inquiry allows the user to view invoice information about outbound shipments.

  1. Open the Invoice Load Inquiry window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Sales Invoice Inquiry)

  1. Enter the range criteria to search for. This may include Load, Invoice, Customer, Invoice Date, Unit Train Number, Unit Car Number, Item, Contract or Shipment.
  2. Choose to Include, Exclude or Only see Direct Shipments.
  3. Choose to include Standard shipments, SOE shipments, or both.
  4. Choose the status of invoices to display by setting Invoice Status to either Preliminary/Provisional or Final.
    • When Preliminary/Provisional is selected Grain Shipment Preliminary or Bulk Shipment Provisional Invoices will be displayed that have not been Final Invoiced.
  5. Choose Redisplay to fill the scrolling window with invoices that match the criteria.
    • Invoice Load Inquiry will display shipments from all branches that are included in the Invoice. The user will only be allowed to drill back to the Shipment Inquiry Zoom for branches they have access to.
  6. The PreInvoice button when selected will open the Sales Inquiry or Sales History Inquiry to display the Grain Shipment Preliminary or Bulk Shipment Provisional Invoices associated to the Final Invoice.
  7. The Sales Settlement Sheet button when selected the Settlement Sheet Detail will be printed for the selected Invoice.

Load Inquiry

Load InquiryD2HML|C1H Manual

This inquiry allows the user to view information about loads in the system.

  1. Open the Load Inquiry window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Load Order Inquiry)

  1. Enter the Range criteria to search for. This may include Customer, Item, Contract, Scheduled Date, Assembly Number, or Load Number.
  2. Choose to include Un-Shipped, Shipped, Invoiced, Standard, or SOE loads, Open Contracts, Closed Contracts or No Contract. All boxes except SOE will default as marked.
    • Contract Status is based on the Delivery Period Status that the Load is associated to.
    • Voided load orders will be displayed within the scrolling window when the UnShipped checkbox is marked.
  3. Choose the On Hold Status from the drop down list:
    • Available displays loads not placed on hold. This is the default setting.
    • On Hold displays loads placed on hold.
    • Both will display Available and On Hold loads.
  4. Choose the voided loads restriction. Options are Hide Voids, Include Voids or Voids Only.
  5. Hit Redisplay to see all of the loads that are in the range criteria.
  6. Within the scrolling window:
    • The On Hold Checkbox will be marked if the load is on Hold.
    • Shipped Dated, within the line detail, will be populated if the outbound shipment detail exists for the load order.
      • If multiple Shipments exist for the load order, due to return/return re-bill, the last date of the shipment will be used.
    • Load Number expansion button will open the Load Order Inquiry Zoom.

      • The Void checkbox will be marked if the Load Order was voided.
  1. Choose the Assembly, Contracts, or Shipments buttons to go to the Assembly Inquiry, Sales Contract Inquiry, or Load Shipment Inquiry screens to quickly view more information about the load.

Load Shipment Inquiry

Load Shipment InquiryD2HML|C1H Manual

This inquiry allows the user to view the outbound shipments that have been entered in the system.

  1. Open the Load Shipment Inquiry window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Load Shipment Inquiry)

  1. Select the Range criteria to search for. This can include Contract, Ticket, Meter, Customer, Item or Shipment, Ship Date, Load Number, Unit Train Number, Unit Car Number.
  2. Choose to include Work, Open, History, Standard, or SOE. All boxes except SOE will be checked as default.
  3. Choose to Include, Exclude or Only see Direct Shipments.
  4. Choose Redisplay to show all load shipments that match the criteria.
  5. Within the scrolling window, line detail:
    • If the Load Shipment Inquiry is based on shipment details:
      • Delivery Period ID is the sales contract delivery period that the shipment is applied to. This field will be blank if the shipment is not applied.
      • Net Price is the net price of the sales contact delivery period that the shipment is applied to.
  6. Shipment Expansion button opens either the Bulk Shipping Inquiry Zoom or Load Shipping Inquiry Zoom depending on where the shipment was created.

    • This inquiry allows the user to view the shipment information without being able to make any changes.
    • When the Print button is selected, and when Reprint is selected the Scale Ticket will be printed if a Ticket Number exists and a Meter Ticket will be printed if a Meter Number exists. If a Ticket Number and Meter Number exist on the ticket both the Scale Ticket and the Meter Ticket will both print.
      • If the selected Meter ticket resides in the WORK table, the report, IRGNMeterTicketOutboundGeneric will be printed and labeled as a REPRINT.
      • It the selected Meter ticket resides in the OPEN table, the report IRGNMeterTicketOutboundGenericO will be printed and labeled as a REPRINT.
      • It the selected Meter ticket resides in the HIST (history) table, the report IRGNMeterTicketOutboundGenericH will be printed and labeled as a REPRINT.
    • When the Email icon is selected:
      • If the user selects Reprint the outbound scale ticket will be emailed to the customer.
        • Depending on how the Cinch Customer E-mail Options is setup, e-mail addresses will be determined one of two ways:
          • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Enabled checkbox is marked and Outbound Scale Ticket is marked, addresses will be based on the addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window.
            • If there are no addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window then the system will behave the same as if the Disabled checkbox is marked.
          • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Disabled checkbox is marked and Outbound Scale Ticket is marked, addresses will be determined based on the Customer Maintenance, Ship To address ID.
      • If the user selects Bill of Lading the document will be emailed to the customer.
        • Depending on how the Cinch Customer E-mail Options is setup, e-mail addresses will be determined one of two ways:
          • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Enabled checkbox is marked and Bill of Lading is marked, addresses will be based on the addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window.
            • If there are no addresses selected within the Email Address Based On Doc Type window then the system will behave the same as if the Disabled checkbox is marked.
          • If Email Address Based On Doc Type, Disabled checkbox is marked and Bill of Lading is marked, addresses will be determined based on the Customer Maintenance, Ship To address ID.
    • Return & Rebill when checked signifies the shipment was created from Shipment Invoice Returns.

Sales Contract Inquiry

Sales Contract InquiryD2HML|C1H Manual

This inquiry allows the user to view the sales contracts that have been entered in the system.

  1. Open the Sales Contract Inquiry window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Contract Inquiry)

  1. Choose the Range criteria to search for. Options to choose from are Contract, Contract Type, Customer, Item, Delivery Date, Contract Date or Item Class.
  2. Choose to Include Open and/or Closed Sales Contracts. It will default to include Open contracts.
  3. Mark the Negative Remaining checkbox to display Sales Contracts that have a negative Remaining Qty.
  4. Choose the expansion button next to the Range drop down list to open the Current Restrictions window to display the selected range restrictions used to filter the displayed data.

  1. Hit Redisplay to display the selected range in the scrolling window.
  2. Choose the expansion button next to Contract to zoom back to the Sales Contract Inquiry zoom window to show more details about a specific contract.
  3. Choose the expansion button next to Del/Cancel/IT to zoom back:
    • Delivered Inquiry opens the Sales Contract Deliveries window and displays information based upon Shipment.
    • Cancelled Inquiry opens the Contract Wash Inquiry window.
    • In Transit Inquiry opens the Sales Contract Deliveries window and displays information based upon In Transit.
  4. Within the line detail:
    • The Del/Cancel/IT field includes Delivered, Canceled and In Transit quantity.
    • In Transit quantity will include origination quantities from all shipments assigned to the contract and have not had destination weights entered or been invoiced.
    • Delivered quantity will include shipment quantities that have had destination weights entered or have been invoiced.
  5. Click OK to close the Sales Contract Inquiry window.

Sales Contract Quantity Inquiry

Sales Contract Quantity InquiryD2HML|C1H Manual

This inquiry allows the user to see contract quantities in a more detailed view.

  1. Open the Sales Contract Quantity Inquiry window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Sales Contract Quantity Inquiry)

  1. Choose the Range criteria to search. Options to choose from are Contract, Contract Type, Customer, Item, Delivery Date, Contract Date or Item Class.
  2. Choose to Include Open and/or Closed Sales Contracts. It will default to include Open contracts.
  3. Choose the Negative Remaining checkbox to include contracts with negative remaining amounts.
  4. Select the Load Shipments button to view the Load Shipment Inquiry for the selected contract.
  5. Select the Sales Order button to view the Sales Detail Inquiry List for the selected contract.
  6. Select the Sales Invoices button to view the Sales Detail Inquiry List for the selected contract.
  7. Scrolling window will display the following quantities:
    • Net Qty is the Contract Qty.
    • Del/Canceled is the net quantity of Shipments (posted or unposted), Invoices, and Counter Sales plus any cancelled quantities
    • Remaining Qty will equal the Net Qty subtracted from the Del/Canceled Qty.
    • Ord Not Shpd is the total quantity of created Load Orders that have not been shipped yet.
    • Remain To Order will equal the Remaining Qty subtracted from the Ord Not Shpd Qty.
    • Shpd Not Invcd will equal the net of Posted Bulk Shipments, Posted Grain Shipments, and Counter Sales.
    • Invoiced Qty is the total Invoices (unposted or posted).
    • The expanded view in the scrolling window will contain the Total Ordered Qty.
  8. Choose the expansion button next to the Range drop down list to open the Current Restrictions window to display the selected range restrictions used to filter the displayed data.

  1. Choose the Contract expansion button to open the Sales Contract Inquiry zoom window to show more details about a specific contract.
  2. Choosing the Del/Canceled expansion button has the following options:
    • Delivered Inquiry
    • Cancelled Inquiry
  3. OK, when selected, will close the window.
  4. Clear, when selected, will clear the window.
  5. Redisplay, when selected, will refresh the scrolling window based on selected restrictions.
  6. Export, when selected, will export the displayed records to Excel.

Sales Contract Amendment Inquiry

Sales Contract Amendment InquiryD2HML|C1H Manual

Sales Contract Amendment Inquiry allows the user to see sales contracts that have been amended and the amended versions of a contract. The user is allowed to drill down on a particular version to see the details of the contract for the selected version.

  1. Open Sales Contract Amendment Inquiry.

(Inquiry>Cinch Grain>Sales/Outbound>Sales Contract Amendment Inquiry)

  1. Range Restrictions are:
    1. Contract
    2. Contract Type
    3. Customer
    4. Item
    5. Amendment User
    6. Amendment Date
  2. Redisplay will display Amended Contracts that meet the restriction criteria.
  3. Scrolling window displays the Amended Contract and Amended Version number.
    1. Version number will increment from 1 – Cur (current). This will allow the user to select the particular version to view
  4. Contract Expansion allows the user to open the Sales Contract Amendment Inquiry Zoom or the Sales Contract Inquiry Zoom.
  5. Select the User Defined button to open the Sales Contract User Defined Inquiry window.

  1. OK, when selected will close the window.
  2. Clear, when selected will clear the window and the selected restrictions.
  3. Redisplay, when selected will update the scrolling window based on the selected restrictions.
  4. Export button, when selected the displayed records will be exported to Excel.

Sales Contract Amendment Inquiry Zoom

Sales Contract Amendment Inquiry ZoomD2HML|C1H Manual

Sales Contract Amendment Inquiry Zoom allows a user to see a specific version of a contract amendment.

  1. Open Sales Contract Amendment Inquiry Zoom.

(Inquiry>Cinch Grain>Sales/Outbound>Sales Contract Amendment Inquiry: Contract Expansion)

  1. Version number will be incremented from 1 to xx as changes are made with the effective version labeled as Cur (current). This will allow the user to view the contract states with each amendment. 1 to xx represents the contract in the original state. Cur represents the current state of the contract.
  2. Amendment Options button is a drop down list containing:
    1. View Amend Fees – when selected the Amendment Fee Inquiry window opens allowing the user to view the invoice fees and Invoice Number associated to the contract version.
    2. View Log and Amendment – when selected the Contract Log Inquiry window opens allowing the user to view the log of edits and explanations associated contract version.

Shipment Advance Inquiry List

Shipment Advance Inquiry ListD2HML|C1H Manual

This inquiry allows the user to view Shipment Advances.

  1. Open Shipment Advance Inquiry List

(Inquiry>Cinch Grain>Sales/Outbound>Shipment Advance Inquiry List)

  1. Select Range Restriction:
    • Unit Number
    • Advance
    • Customer
    • Item
  2. Select Advance Status Restriction:
    • Requested, shipment advances in which a request has been made.
    • Received, advances that have had money received against them.
    • Satisfied:
      • Shipment advances where Amount Received has been fully applied.
      • Shipment advances where there are no remaining shipments on the unit train, even if the Amount Received has not been fully applied.
  3. Advance expansion will open the Shipment Advance Inquiry Zoom to view the detail of the Shipment Advance request.

SOE Balance Inquiry

SOE Balance InquiryD2HML|C1H Manual

This inquiry allows the user to view the Stock in Other Elevators balances that exist for any customers

  1. Open the SOE Balance Inquiry window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Sales Outbound>>SOE Balance Inquiry)

  1. Select a Customer by using the SOE Customer Lookup.
  2. Select an Item that to view balances for.
  3. In the View By field, select either Branch or Location.
  4. The SOE Balances will be displayed in the scrolling window.

Purchase Load Order Inquiry

Purchase Load Order InquiryD2HML|C1H Manual

This inquiry allows the user to view the Purchase Load Orders that have been entered in the system.

  1. Open the Purchase Load Order Inquiry window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Sales Outbound>>Purchase Load Order Inquiry)

  1. Choose the Range criteria to search for. Options to choose from are Load Number, Vendor, Item, Purchase Order or Ship Method.
  2. Choose to Include UnShipped, Shipped and/or Invoiced.
  3. Choose a Load Type of Assigned, Unassigned, or Both.
  4. Click Redisplay to show the matching Loads in the scrolling window.
  5. Click the Bulk Ticket button to view the Inbound Bulk Ticket associated to the Load.
  6. Click the Shipment button to view the Shipment associated with a Load.
  7. Click the Contract button to view the Contract associated with a Load.
  8. Click the Invoice button to view the Invoice associated with a Load.
  9. Click the Purch Invoice button if there is a POP Receipt Number associated with the load to open the Purchase Invoice Inquiry Zoom window.

Credit Limit Override Inquiry

Credit Limit Override Inquiry

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualWhen a user overrides a Credit Limit warning the system will record the information and can be viewed from the new Credit Limit Override Inquiry.

        1. Open Credit Limit Inquiry

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Credit Limit Override Inquiry or Inquiry>>Cinch Sales>>Credit Limit Override Inquiry)

        1. Select the Range to restrict records to be displayed.
          • Date
          • User
          • Customer
        2. Credit Limit Warning overrides by the user will be displayed in the Credit Limit Override Inquiry. Warnings from the following windows will be recorded:
          • Sales Contract Entry
          • Load Order Entry
          • Load Generator
          • Sales Order Entry
          • Counter Sales Entry
          • Bookings
          • Invoice Maintenance
        3. The system basically creates a snapshot of the customer's credit and A/R status at the time the message was overridden.
          • Password Created, tracks the user that created the One Time Password.
        4. Export button allows the user to export the displayed records to Excel.

Direct Ship Margin Inquiry

Direct Ship Margin Inquiry

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualDirect Ship Margin Inquiry displays the same information that is shown on the Direct Ship Margin Reports, except that it will be seen in an inquiry and easily exported to Excel.

  1. Open Direct Ship Margin Inquiry

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Direct Ship Margin Inquiry)

  1. Select the Range to restrict records to be displayed.
          • Customer
          • Vendor
          • Item
          • Shipment
          • Ship Date
          • Lot Number
          • Ticket Number
  2. Select to include Work, Open or History records.
  3. Select Redisplay to populate the scrolling window.
  4. Shipment expansion button opens Shipping Inquiry Zoom (Load or Bulk depending on the shipment type).
  5. Item expansion button opens Item Maintenance.
  6. Customer expansion button opens Customer Maintenance.
  7. Vendor expansion button opens Vendor Maintenance.
  8. Ticket expansion button opens Inbound Ticket Inquiry Zoom (Scale or Bulk depending on the ticket type).
  9. Excel button will export displayed data to Excel.

Inventory Inquiry

Inventory Inquiry

D2HML|C1H ManualInventory Inquiry can be used to more clearly display the item inventory quantities and break out, in detail, the allocated quantities and quantities not posted.

  1. Open Inventory Inquiry

(Inquiry>Cinch Sales>Inventory Inquiry)

  1. Restriction fields limit the data that is displayed in the list view portion of the window:
    • Item Range, enter the From item and To Items.
    • Results to Return, defaults to 256, limits the number of results that are displayed in the list view of the window.
    • Zero Quantities, when checked, allows the user to show results with zero quantities.
    • Quantity Unit of Measure to Display, determines the unit of measure that is used when displaying quantities in the results view. The selling unit of measure is the default option but it can be changed to the base unit of measure.
    • Branch defaults to the user's branch but can be changed.
  2. Details to Display controls how the quantities for items are summarized and displayed.
    • Item, one column summarizes all lot and site quantities per item. Any lot tracked items that have quantities not assigned will be included in the summarization.
    • Site, columns will display depending on what has been selected within the Branch dropdown field. Each column will summarize the quantities for each item and site combination. Any lot tracked items that have quantities not assigned will be included in the summarization.
    • Lot, columns will display depending on what has been selected within the Branch dropdown field and if the items has multiple lot numbers. Each column will summarize the quantities for each item, site and lot number combination. Any lot tracked items that have quantities not assigned to lots will not be included in this summarization.
  3. List View, contains quantity information for all items matching the restriction criteria and scrolls vertically.
    • On Hand displays the quantity available plus quantity allocated for the item.
    • Un-Posted Incoming Quantities:
      • Purchase Receipts displays the total of inventory for all un-posted Purchase Receipts.
      • Scale Tickets displays the total of inventory for all scale tickets that have not been posted.
      • Mfg. Receipts displays the total of inventory for all un-posted Mfg. Receipts.
      • Returned Not Posted displays the total of inventory for all un-posted returns.
      • Sub-Total displays the total of all Un-Posted Incoming Quantities.
    • Un-Posted Outgoing Quantities:
      • Committed to Mfg. displays the total of all inventory committed to manufacturing.
      • Shipped Not Posted displays the total of all inventory (Grain and Bulk Shipments) shipped but not yet posted.
      • Shipped Posted Not Invoiced displays the total of all inventory (Grain, Bulk and Shipment Invoicing shipments) shipped and posted but not yet invoiced.
      • Counter Sales not Posted displays the total of all inventory sold via the Counter Sales Entry window but not yet posted.
      • Invoiced not posted displays the total of all inventory sold via the Invoice Maintenance window but not yet posted.
      • Sub-Total displays the total of all Un-Posted Outgoing Quantities.
    • IV Adjustments Not Posted displays the total of inventory for all un-posted inventory adjustments.
    • IV Transfers Not Posted displays the total of inventory for all un-posted inventory transfers.
    • Sub-Total displays the total of all inventory adjustment and transfers.
    • Grand Total displays the total of On Hand plus Un-Posted Incoming Quantities minus Un-Posted Outgoing Quantities plus all inventory adjustments and transfers.
    • Committed to Sales Orders displays the total of all inventory committed via the Sale Order Entry window.
  4. Clear, when selected will clear the screen.
  5. Redisplay, when selected will update the display based on selected criteria.
  6. Print, when selected will print the Sales Inventory Position Report.
  7. Export, when selected will export the results to Microsoft Excel.

Chapter 26:Reports

CINCH Grain supplies the user with several options for printing reports. A report can be printed to the printer, screen or to a file. The user can use the default reports that come with CINCH, or they can create custom reports using Report Writer or Crystal Reports.
A report can be printed in its entirety, or enter range restrictions to print only the range of information selected. Printing in CINCH is a background process—once it has started printing, user can continue with other activities, without waiting for the reports to finish printing. For example, user could print an edit list, and then begin entering transactions in a new batch while the edit list was being printed.
Please refer to Microsoft Dynamics GP Manuals for more information on printing reports, grouping reports, and customizing reports.
This Chapter is divided into the following sections:

  • Accounting Reports – This section explains how to print accounting reports. It also gives a brief overview of each accounting report, how to locate each report.

  • Assembly Reports – This section explains how to print assembly reports. It also gives a brief overview of each assembly report, how to locate each report.

  • DPR Report – Inquiry – This section explains how to print DPR reports. It also gives a brief overview of each DPR report/inquiry, how to locate each report.

  • Freight Reports – This section explains how to print Freight reports. It also gives a brief overview of each freight report, how to locate each report.

  • Inbound Ticket Reports – This section explains how to print inbound ticket reports. It also gives a brief overview of each inbound ticket report, how to locate each report.

  • Lien Holder Report – This section explains how to print lien holder reports. It also gives a brief overview of each lien holder report, how to locate each report.

  • Load Order Report – This section explains how to print load order reports. It also gives a brief overview of each load order report, how to locate each report.

  • Load Shipping Report – This section explains how to print load shipping reports. It also gives a brief overview of each load shipping report, how to locate each report.

  • Program Charges/Premiums Reports – This section explains how to print program charges/premium reports. It also gives a brief overview of each program charge/premium report, how to locate each report.

  • Purchase Contract Reports – This section explains how to print purchase contract reports. It also gives a brief overview of each purchase contract report, how to locate each report.

  • Sales Contract Reports – This section explains how to print sales contract reports. It also gives a brief overview of each sales contract report, how to locate each report.

  • Settlement Reports – This section explains how to print settlement reports. It also gives a brief overview of each settlement report, how to locate each report.

  • Ticket Grade Average Report – This section explains how to print the Ticket Average Report. It also gives a brief overview of the report, how to locate the report.

Reports Available in CINCH Grain

This section allows the user to see, at a glance, the reports available within CINCH Grain. The following table lists the reports by narrowing it down first by Report Type than Report followed by the Report's Technical Name. The information in the sections following will give a brief overview of each report and will list the tables accessed to obtain the report, which user might need to know if user chooses to customize the report using Report Writer or Crystal Reports.

Report Type



Unpaid Scale Tickets by Customer
Freight – Unmatched by Vendor
Customer Transaction Activity
Grain Payables Detail
Grain Payables Summary
Vendor 1099 List
DPR Company Owned – Detailed
DPR Company Owned – Summary
DPR Storage – Summary
Grade Discount Summary
Grade Discount Detail
Unpaid Scale Tickets by Item
Contract Wash Listing
Contract Wash Listing by Qty
Contract Wash Listing by Amt


Assembly List By Disposition
Assembly list By Date
Assembly List Not Paid
Assembly List Not Paid By Customer
Assembly List – Paid
Warehouse Receipt Audit
Assembly Discount Adjust Audit
Assembly Wtd Avg Grade by Assembly
Assembly Wtd Avg Grade by Customer
Assembly List Paid by Check Date
Assembly Audit List w/Grades
Assembly Audit List w/Quality Grades


Daily Position Audit Report
Daily Position Report – Summary
Daily Position Report – Detail
DPR with Options
Daily Summary
Daily Summary Storage
Daily Summary Company Owned


Freight Variance
Freight – Unmatched by Vendor

Inbound Ticket

Scale Tickets By Number – Summary
Scale Tickets By Number – Detail
Scale Tickets By Customer – Summary
Scale Tickets By Customer – Detail
Scale Tickets By Date – Summary
Scale Tickets By Ship Method
Scale Tickets By Farm and Field
Unapplied Scale tickets
Unposted Scale Tickets
Unload Summary
Scale Ticket Date Vs. DPR Date
Daily Receiving
Daily Grade Summary
Scale Ticket by Owner – Summary
Scale Ticket by Owner - Detail
Ticket Audit List

Lien Holder

Lien Holder Report

Load Order

Load List by Load Number
Load List by Sched Date
Load List by Contract Number
Load List by Assembly Number
Load List by Purchase Number
Load List by Load - Purchase

Load Shipping

Load Shipments by Ticket Number
Load Shipments by Shipment Number
Load Shipments by Item Number
Load Shipments by Customer Number
Load Shipments Uninvoiced by Item
Load Shipments by Meter Number
Direct Shipment - Gross Margin by Vendor Number
Direct Shipment - Gross Margin by Customer Number
Direct Shipment - Gross Margin by Item Number
Load Shipment by Site
Load Shipments by Site – Summary
Direct Shipment – Gross Margin by Bill of Lading

Program Charge/ Premium

Programs by Program ID
Programs by Assembly

Purchase Contract

Contracts By Customer – Summary
Contracts By Customer – Detail
Contracts By Number
Contracts By Number – Detail
Contracts By Date – Summary
Contracts Sent Not Returned
Contracts by Delivery Date
Contracts by Delivery Date & Customer - Detail
Contracts By Delivery Date – Priced – Detail
Contracts By Delivery Date – Unpriced – Detail
Contracts By Delivery Date – Ave Price – Summary
Contracts By Delivery Date – Ave Price - Detail
Contracts By Market Month – Priced Detail
Contracts By Market Month – Ave Price Summary
Contracts By Market Month – Ave Price Detail
Unposted Contracts
Unposted Contract Pricings
Contract by Delivery Market Zone
Contract by Delivery Contract Analysis
Contract Supplementals

Sales Contract

Contracts By Customer – Summary
Contracts By Customer – Detail
Contracts By Number - Summary
Contracts By Number – Detail
Contracts By Date – Summary
Contracts by Delivery Date - Summary
Contracts By Delivery Date – Detail
Contracts Send not Returned


Settlements By Number
Settlements By Customer Class
Advances By Date
Advances By Customer
Deferred Settlement List by Customer
Deferred Settlement List by Item
Settlement Discounts by Item
Deferred Settlement List

Ticket Grade Average Report

Scale Ticket Grade Average

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

Grain Reports

Accounting Reports

Accounting ReportsD2HML|C1H Manual

This section explains how to print accounting reports. It also gives a brief overview of each accounting report, and how to locate each report.
It is divided into the following procedures:

Printing Accounting Reports
  1. Open the Accounting Reports window.

(Reports>>Cinch Grain>>Accounting)

  1. Select the report to print.
  2. Select the Destination of the report.
  3. Enter the Restrictions for the report.
  • Check to Include Posted, Unposted, Applied, Unapplied, Priced or Unpriced. The Applied checkbox will be marked by default. If any of the DPR Reports are printed, the Posted checkbox will be marked by default.
  • When printing the Grade Discount Summary or Detail report, select to display UnSettled or Settled grade discounts from the drop down list. Enter the Grade Factor From and To, or leave the All Grades checkbox marked.
  • When printing Unpaid Scale Tickets -By Customer and Unpaid Scale Tickets, by default the Priced and Unpriced checkboxes are marked but can by changed.
      • Priced Checkbox – when marked tickets that have a contract price assigned will be included on the report.
      • Unpriced Checkbox – when marked tickets that do not have a contract price assigned will be included on the report.
  • Enter the Posted/Settled Date From and To dates, or leave the All Dates checkbox marked.
  • Enter the Ticket Number From and To, or leave the All Ticket Numbers checkbox marked.
  • Enter the Item From and To, or leave the All Items checkbox marked.
  • Enter the Customer/Vendor From and To, or leave the All Customer checkbox marked.
  • If printing the Vendor 1099 report, choose a 1099 Type of Interest or Miscellaneous and enter the Tax Year.
  • If printing the Contract Wash Listing, Contract Wash Listing by Qty or Contract Wash Listing by Amt reports, enter the Contract From and To, or leave the All Contracts checkbox marked.
  • If printing the Unpaid Scale Tickets by Customer or Item reports, select the Include Rejected Tickets checkbox to include rejected scale tickets.

Overview/Location of all Accounting Reports

Unpaid Scale Tickets by Customer



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Accounting >> Unpaid Scale Tickets by Customer


Used to balance the accrued purchases account for unpaid grain.

Freight – Unmatched by Vendor



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Accounting >> Freight – Unmatched by Vendor


Used for showing how much is owed to a freight company.

Customer Transaction Activity



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Accounting >> Customer Transaction Activity


Summary of the grain that has been delivered and how much of it has been sent

Grain Payables Detail



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Accounting >> Grain Payables Detail


Assembly list of the grain that has been priced and available to be paid.

Grain Payables Summary



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Accounting >> Grain Payables Summary


Contract list of the grain that has been priced and available to be paid.

Vendor 1099 List



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Accounting >> Vendor 1099 List



DPR Company Owned – Detailed



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Accounting >> DPR Company Owned – Detailed


Ticket list with quantity breakdown for Un-Priced, Priced and Deferred. Used to balance the DPR.

DPR Company Owned – Summary



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Accounting >> DPR Company Owned – Summary


Assembly list with quantity breakdown for Un-Priced, Priced and Deferred. Used to balance the DPR.

DPR Storage – Summary



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Accounting >> DPR Storage – Summary


Assembly list with quantity breakdown for storage dispositions and warehouse receipts. Used to balance the DPR.

Grade Discount Summary



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Accounting >> Grade Discount Summary


Assembly list of the calculated discounts, adjustments and net discounts charged.

Grade Discount Detail



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Accounting >> Grade Discount Detail


Ticket list of the calculated discounts, adjustments and net discounts charged.

Unpaid Scale Tickets by Item



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Accounting >> Unpaid Scale Tickets by Item


Used to balance the accrued purchases account for unpaid grain.

Contract Wash Listing



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Accounting >> Contract Wash Listing


Contract Wash list of purchase and sale contracts, wash quantity and wash amount.

Contract Wash Listing by Qty



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Accounting >> Contract Wash Listing


Contract Wash list of purchase and sale contracts, wash quantity and wash amount order by quantity.

Contract Wash Listing by Amt



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Accounting >> Contract Wash Listing


Contract Wash list of purchase and sale contracts, wash quantity and wash amount order by wash amount.

Assembly Reports

Assembly ReportsD2HML|C1H Manual

This section explains how to print assembly reports. It also gives a brief overview of each assembly report and how to locate each report.
This section is divided into the following procedures:
Printing an Assembly Report
Overview/Location of all Assembly Reports

Printing an Assembly Report
  1. Open the Assembly Reports window.

(Reports>>Cinch Grain>>Assembly)

  1. Select the report to print.
  2. Select the Destination of the report.
  3. Enter the Restrictions for the report.
  • Select Open, Closed or Both for the Assembly Status.
  • Mark the Exclude 0 Qty Assembly checkbox to leave off all assemblies that have a quantity of 0.
  • Mark the Warehouse Receipts Only checkbox to include Assemblies with Warehouse Receipt quantity associated.
  • Enter the Date From and To dates, or leave the All Dates checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Assembly number, or leave the All Ticket Numbers checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Item, or leave the All Items checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Customer, or leave the All Customer checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Disposition, or leave the All Dispositions checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Grade, or leave the All Grades checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Crop Year, or leave the All Crop Years checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Farm, or leave the All Farms checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Field, or leave the All Fields checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a Comment 1 & 2 From and To, or leave the All Comment 1's & 2's checkboxes marked.
  • Check Date is only enabled when Assembly List Paid by Check Date report is selected and will limit report to the transactions that fall between the check from and to dates.

Overview/Location of all Assembly Reports

Assembly List By Disposition



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Assembly >> Assembly List By Disposition


Used for reporting the ticket quantities that has been applied to specific assembly sheets sorted by disposition.

Assembly list By Date



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Assembly >> Assembly List By Date


Used for reporting the ticket quantities that has been applied to specific assembly sheets sorted by date.

Assembly List Not Paid



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Assembly >> Assembly List Not Paid


Used for reporting the ticket quantities that have been applied to specific assembly sheets and generated to show what has not been paid.

Assembly List Not Paid By Customer



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Assembly >> Assembly List Not Paid By Customer


Used for reporting the ticket quantities that have been applied to specific assembly sheets and generated to show what has not been paid. Sorted by customer.

Assembly List – Paid



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Assembly >> Assembly List – Paid


Used for reporting the ticket quantities that have been applied to specific assembly sheets and generated to show what has been paid.

Warehouse Receipt Audit



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Assembly >> Warehouse Receipt Audit


Warehouse Receipt number listing that shows the numbers that have been entered in CINCH and any gaps that exist.

Assembly Discount Adjust Audit



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Assembly >> Assembly Discount Adjust Audit


Assembly list of the calculated discounts, adjustments and net discounts charged sorted by grade factor.

Assembly Wtd Avg Grade by Assembly



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Assembly >> Assembly Wtd Avg Grade by Assembly


Assembly list that includes a weighted average grade column by assembly.

Assembly Wtd Avg Grade by Customer



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Assembly >> Assembly Wtd Avg Grade by Customer


Assembly list that includes a weight average grade column by customer.

Assembly List Paid by Check Date



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Assembly >> Assembly List Paid by Check Date


Used for reporting the ticket quantities that have been applied to specific assembly sheets and generated to show what has been paid, sorted by check date.

Assembly Audit List w/Grades



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Assembly >> Assembly List w/Grades


The main purpose of the report is to balance/prove the DPR (Storage and Grain Bank Type Dispositions). In addition, the report will provide the auditor (or user) with average Quality of grain placed in storage disposition.

Assembly Audit List w/Quality Grades



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Assembly >> Assembly Audit List w/Quality Grades


Provides a listing of Assemblies by customer of the Assemblies and the Quality Grade quantities. Example; if an auditor restricts by a "Storage Disposition" the total line will provide the quantities of #1, #2, etc. in storage, by customer.

DPR Report – Inquiry

DPR Report – InquiryD2HML|C1H Manual

This section explains how to print DPR reports. It also gives a brief overview of each DPR report/inquiry and how to locate each report.
This section is divided into the following procedures:
Printing a DPR Report
Overview/Location of DPR Reports

Printing a DPR Report
  1. Open the Daily Position Report window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>DPR)

  1. If the All Branches or My Branches is selected from the Branch drop down list at the bottom of the window and the user have access to more than one branch, the Range field will be available to restrict by Branch or Region.
  2. Choose one of the following options for DPR Date:
  • Current: The system will go back to the last day closed for each branch on the DPR to get the beginning balance and then include all transactions for days that have not been closed.
  • Day To Close: The system will display all transactions up to the last closed date.
  • Closed: The system will display information for only the closed date entered.
  1. Choose to display by Commodity or Group.
  2. Choose to View by Summary or Detail.
  3. The Date field will display the date the report is printing to.
  4. Select the number of Decimal Places to display on the report. The data will only show up to the precision selected in Item Extension Maintenance.
  5. Choose Redisplay to see the Daily Position report.
    • The Physical Inventory, Inbound In Transit is the origination net quantity of all Inbound In Transit tickets that are applied to an assembly. The inbound in transit is memo only, it is not used in calculating any balances on the Daily Position Report.
      • When the unload scale ticket (created from In Transit Ticket unload) is set to use destination weight, prior to posting the inbound scale ticket the DPR will not be adjusted it will always display the origination quantities.
      • When the In Transit Ticket is unloaded and the scale ticket is posted, the Inbound In Transit line will be reduced by the origination quantity and the Physical Inventory Receipts and Company Owed Unpriced or Priced line will be increased by the quantity posted on the scale ticket based upon the whether origination or destination quantities are used.
  6. The Next buttons will become available if there are more than six commodities printing on the report.
  7. Choose Print and choose one of the following options
  • Audit Report
  • DPR
  • Audit Report with Options
  • Daily Summary

Refer to Inquiry, DPR for more information on the restrictions and print these reports.

  1. Choose OK to close the window.

Overview/Location of DPR Reports

Daily Position Audit Report



Inquiry >> Cinch Grain >> DPR >> Print>>Audit Report


Ticket details for each DPR transaction.

Daily Position Report – Summary



Inquiry >> Cinch Grain >> DPR >> Print >> DPR


Reporting of the ownership status of the commodities. Quantity totals for Physical Inventory, Storage and Company Owned statuses.

Daily Position Report – Detail



Inquiry >> Cinch Grain >> DPR >> Print >> DPR


Reporting of the ownership status of the commodities. Quantity totals for Physical Inventory and Quantity increase/decrease for the Storage and Company Owned statuses.

DPR with Options



Inquiry >> Cinch Grain >> DPR >> Print >> Audit Report with Options


Reporting of the ownership status of the commodities using item and/or section restrictions.

Daily Summary



Inquiry >> Cinch Grain >> DPR >> Print >> Daily Summary: Daily Summary


Reporting of the ownership status of the commodities on a daily recap basis. Quantity totals for Stock on Hand, Storage Liability and Company Owned.

Daily Summary Storage



Inquiry >> Cinch Grain >> DPR >> Print >> Daily Summary: Daily Summary Storage


Reporting of the ownership status of the commodities on a daily recap basis. Quantity totals for Storage, Grain Bank, Neg Warehouse Receipts and Non Neg Warehouse Receipts.

Daily Summary Company Owned



Inquiry >> Cinch Grain >> DPR >> Print >> Daily Summary: Daily Summary Company Owned


Reporting of the ownership status of the commodities on a daily recap basis. Quantity totals for Unpriced, Priced, Deferred and Paid.

Freight Reports

Freight Reports

D2HML|C1H ManualThis section explains how to print freight reports. It also gives a brief overview of each futures contract report and how to locate each report.
This section is divided into the following procedures:
Printing a Freight Report
Overview/Location of all Freight Reports

Printing a Freight Report
  1. Open the Freight Report window.

(Reports>>Cinch Grain>>Freight Reports)

  1. Select the report to print.
  2. Select to include Shipments, Tickets or Transfers.
  3. Select the destination of the report.
  4. Enter the Restrictions for the report.
  • Enter or select a From and To Date, or leave the All Dates checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select the Ship Company From and To or leave blank for All Ship Companies.
  • Enter or select the Freight Vendor From and To, or leave blank for all Freight Vendors.
  • Use the drop down to restrict by Bulk Transfer, Branch Transfer, Shipment or Scale Ticket and enter the From and To transaction number.
  • Enter or select the Load Number From and To, or leave blank for all Load Numbers.
  • Enter or select the Unit Train From and To, or leave blank for all Unit Trains.
  • Enter or select the Item Number From and To, or leave blank for all Items.

Overview/Location of all Freight Reports

Freight Variance



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Freight Reports >> Freight Variance


The report will display the actual freight costs paid versus the freight costs entered into the system. Only freight records with a different paid for amount that then original will be shown.

Freight – Unmatched by Vendor



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Freight Reports >> Freight – Unmatched by Vendor


Used to show the freight records in the system that have not been matched with incoming vendor freight bills. When Calc Freight by Destination (Freight Setup) is enabled, records where destination quantity has not been entered will be denoted with an asterisk to symbol the freight amount is an estimate.

Inbound Ticket Reports

Inbound Ticket ReportsD2HML|C1H Manual

This section explains how to print inbound ticket reports. It also gives a brief overview of each inbound ticket and how to locate each report.
This section is divided into the following procedures:
Printing an Inbound Ticket Reports
Overview/Location of all Inbound Ticket Reports

Printing an Inbound Ticket Reports
  1. Open the Scale Ticket Reports window.

(Reports>>Cinch Grain>>Inbound Tickets)

  1. Select the Report to print.
  2. Select the Destination of the report.
  3. Enter the Restrictions for the report.
  • Enter the Ticket Date From and To dates, or leave the All Dates checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Ticket Number, or leave the All Ticket Numbers checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Item, or leave the All Items checkbox marked.
  • If restricting by Item, choose the Grade Factor expansion button to open the Grade Factor Selection window to restrict by Grade Factors.
  • Mark the Exclude Transfers checkbox to exclude transfer transactions.
  • Enter or select a From and To Customer, or leave the All Customer checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Farm, or leave the All Farms checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Field, or leave the All Fields checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Site, or leave the All Sites checkbox marked.
  • Choose to Total By All Sites, Site or Bin. All Sites will be checked by default.
  • Choose to Include, Exclude or only see Direct Shipments. Include will be checked by default.

5. To run IP (Identity Preservation) Reports, select the IP Reports button to open the IP Reports window.

  • Select the Report to print.
  • Select the Site and Item to report.
  • The Use Site Empty Date will be marked be default as the From Date. Unmark it to manually enter a From Date.
  • Enter a To Date.
  • Enter a From and To Lot if tracking lot information.

Overview/Location of all Inbound Ticket Reports

Scale Tickets By Number – Summary



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Inbound Tickets >> Scale Tickets By Number – Summary


Listing of Scale Tickets sorted by number. Report does not display grade factors.

Scale Tickets By Number – Detail



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Inbound Tickets >> Scale Tickets By Number – Detail


Listing of Scale Tickets sorted by number. Report displays grade factors.

Scale Tickets By Customer – Summary



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Inbound Tickets >> Scale Tickets By Customer – Summary


Listing of Scale Tickets sorted by customer. Report does not display grade factors.

Scale Tickets By Customer – Detail



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Inbound Tickets >> Scale Tickets By Customer – Detail


Listing of Scale Tickets sorted by customer. Report displays grade factors.

Scale Tickets By Date – Summary



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Inbound Tickets >> Scale Tickets By Date – Summary


Listing of Scale Tickets sorted by date. Report does not display grade factors.

Scale Tickets By Ship Method



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Inbound Tickets >> Scale Tickets By Ship Method


Listing of Scale Tickets sorted by shipping method. Report displays grade factors.

Scale Tickets By Farm and Field



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Inbound Tickets >> Scale Tickets By Farm and Field


Listing of Scale Tickets sorted by farm and field. Report displays grade factors.

Unapplied Scale Tickets



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Inbound Tickets >> Unapplied Scale tickets


Listing of the tickets that need to be applied to assembly sheets in order to update contacts and make the tickets available to post.

Unposted Scale Tickets



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Inbound Tickets >> Unposted Scale Tickets


Lists scale tickets that have not been posted.

Unload Summary



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Inbound Tickets >> Unload Summary


Used to provide the quality of grain that has been delivered to the elevator during a specific time period.

Scale Ticket Date Vs. DPR Date



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Inbound Tickets >> Scale Ticket Date Vs. DPR Date


Used to find when a ticket affected the DPR.

Daily Receiving



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Inbound Tickets >> Daily Receiving


Used to manage the quantity and grades of a commodity being received.

Daily Grade Summary



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Inbound Tickets >> Daily Grad Summary


Used to view the grades and daily grade averages of a commodity being received.

IP Report by Site – Summary



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Inbound Tickets >> IP Reports button


Used to view Identity Preservation information for an Item

IP Report by Site – Detail



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Inbound Tickets >> IP Reports button


Used to view detailed Identity Preservation information for item sorted by Site.

Scale Ticket by Owner – Summary



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Inbound Tickets >> Scale Ticket by Owner - Summary


Listing of Scale Tickets sorted by ticket owner. Report does not display grade factors.

Scale Ticket by Owner – Detail



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Inbound Tickets >> Scale Ticket by Owner - Detail


Listing of Scale Tickets sorted by ticket owner. Report displays grade factors.

Ticket Audit List



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Inbound Tickets >> Tickets Audit List


Listing of all the scale tickets in sequential order including voided, deleted and denotes a gap in the number sequence.

Lien Holder Report

Lien Holder ReportD2HML|C1H Manual

This section explains how to print lien holder reports. It also gives a brief overview of each lien holder report and how to locate each report.
This section is divided into the following procedures:
Printing a Lien Holder Report
Overview/Location of the Lien Holder Report

Printing a Lien Holder Report
  1. Open the Lien Holder Report window.

(Reports>>Cinch Grain>>Lien Holder)

  1. Select the Destination of the report.
  2. Enter the Restrictions for the report.
  • Enter the Customer From and To, or leave the All Customers checkbox marked.
  • Enter the Item From and To, or leave the All Items checkbox marked.
  • Enter the Start Date From and To, or leave the All Start Dates checkbox marked.
  • Enter the End Date From and To, or leave the All End Dates checkbox marked.
  • Enter the Lien Holder From and To, or leave the All Future Lien Hold checkbox marked.

Overview/Location of the Lien Holder Report

Lien Holder Report



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Lien Holder


Used to verify the lien holders that have been entered for customers' grain purchases.

Load Order Report

Load Order ReportD2HML|C1H Manual

This section explains how to print load order reports. It also gives a brief overview of each load order report and how to locate each report.
This section is divided into the following procedures:
Printing a Load Order Report
Overview/Location of all Load Order Reports

Printing a Load Order Report
  1. Open the Load Reports window.

(Reports>>Cinch Grain>>Load Order

  1. Select the report to print.
  2. Select the Destination of the report.
  3. Enter the Restrictions for the report.
  • Choose to Include Unshipped, Shipped, Invoiced, Standard, and/or SOE Loads. All boxes except SOE will be marked by default.
  • Choose the On Hold Status for reports, Load Lists by Load Number, Load List by Sched Date or Load List by Contract Number.
      • Available displays loads not placed on hold. This is the default setting.
      • On Hold displays loads placed on hold.
      • Both will display Available and On Hold loads.
  • Select a Ship From restriction from the drop down list. Choose from All, Contract, Assembly or Purchase Order.
  • Enter or select a From and To Load number, or leave the All Loads checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Schedule Date, or leave the all Dates checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Item, or leave the All Items checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Customer, or leave the All Customer checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Vendor, or leave the All Vendors checkbox marked.
  • When running the Load List By Purchase Number report, enter a From and To PO Number or leave the All PO Numbers checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Ship Company, or leave the All Ship Companies checkbox marked.

Overview/Location of all Load Order Reports

Load List by Load Number



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Load Order >> Load List by Load Number


Used to provide the loads that are to ship or have shipped.

Load List by Sched Date



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Load Order >> Load List by Sched Date


Used to help dispatch loads, either to line up trucks or to know when to expect trucks.

Load List by Contract Number



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Load Order >> Load List by Contract Number


Used to determine the loads that have been shipped for a specific contract.

Load List by Assembly Number



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Load Order >> Load List by Assembly Number


Used to determine the loads that have been shipped for a specific assembly.

Load List by Purchase Number



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Load Order >> Load List by Purchase Number


Used to determine the loads that have been shipped for a specific purchase order.

Load List by Load - Purchase



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Load Order >> Load List by Load - Purchase


Lists the shipped loads by load for purchase orders

Load Shipping Report

Load Shipping ReportD2HML|C1H Manual

This section explains how to print load shipping reports. It also gives a brief overview of each load shipping and how to locate each report.
This section is divided into the following procedures:
Printing a Load Shipping Report
Overview/Location of all Load Shipping Reports

Printing a Load Shipping Report
  1. Open the Load Shipment Reports window.

(Reports>>Cinch Grain>>Load Shipping)

  1. Select the report to print.
  2. Select the Destination of the report.
  3. Enter the Restrictions for the report.
  • Choose to Include Work, Open, History, Standard, and/or SOE shipments. All boxes except SOE will be marked by default.
  • Choose to Include, Exclude or Only see Direct Shipments. Include will be marked by default.
  • Enter or select a From and To Ticket Number, or leave the All Ticket Numbers checkbox marked.
  • Enter a From and To Shipment Number, or leave the All Shipments checkbox marked.
  • Enter a From and To Ship Date, or leave the All Ship Dates checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Unit Train, or leave the All Unit Trains checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Item, or leave the All Items checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Customer, or leave the All Customer checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Vendor, or leave the All Vendors checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Site, or leave the All Sites checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Lot, or leave the All Lots checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To BOL number, or leave the All Bill of Ladings checkbox marked.

Overview/Location of all Load Shipping Reports

Load Shipments by Ticket Number



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Load Shipping >> Load Shipments by Ticket Number


This load shipments report contains information regarding the outbound shipments, i.e. contracts, loads, quantities, etc. sorted by ticket number.

Load Shipments by Shipment Number



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Load Shipping >> Load Shipments by Shipment Number


This load shipments report contains information regarding the outbound shipments, i.e. contracts, loads, quantities, etc. sorted by shipment number.

Load Shipments by Item Number



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Load Shipping >> Load Shipments by Item Number


This load shipments report contains information regarding the outbound shipments, i.e. contracts, loads, quantities, etc. sorted by Item number.

Load Shipments by Customer Number



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Load Shipping >> Load Shipments by Customer Number


This load shipments report contains information regarding the outbound shipments, i.e. contracts, loads, quantities, etc. sorted by customer number.

Load Shipments Uninvoiced by Item



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Load Shipping >> Load Shipments Uninvoiced by Item


Used to show the loads that need to be billed to customers.

Load Shipments by Meter Number



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Load Shipping >> Load Shipments by Meter Number


This load shipments report contains information regarding the outbound shipments, i.e. contracts, loads, quantities, etc. sorted by meter number.

Direct Shipment - Gross Margin by Vendor Number



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Load Shipping >> Direct Shipment -Gross Margin by Vendor Number


This direct shipment report contains information regarding how much money was made (or lost) on direct shipments, sorted by vendor number.

Direct Shipment - Gross Margin by Customer Number



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Load Shipping >> Direct Shipment - Gross Margin by Customer Number


This direct shipment report contains information regarding how much money was made (or lost) on direct shipments, sorted by customer number.

Direct Shipment - Gross Margin by Item Number



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Load Shipping >> Direct Shipment - Gross Margin by Item Number


This direct shipment report contains information regarding how much money was made (or lost) on direct shipments, sorted by item number.

Load Shipments by Site



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Load Shipping >> Load Shipments by Site


This load shipments report contains information regarding the outbound shipments, i.e. contracts, loads, quantities, etc. sorted by site.

Load Shipments by Site - Summary



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Load Shipping >> Load Shipments by Site - Summary


This load shipments report contains information regarding the outbound shipments, i.e. contracts, loads, quantities, etc. summarized by site.

Direct Shipment – Gross Margin by Bill of Lading



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Load Shipping >> Direct Shipment – Gross Margin by Bill of Lading


This direct shipment report contains information regarding how much money was made (or lost) on direct shipments, grouped by bill of lading number and item. Only Direct Shipments that have been invoiced are included on the report.

Program Charges/Premiums Reports

Program Charges/Premiums ReportsD2HML|C1H Manual

This section explains how to print program charges/premiums reports. It also gives a brief overview of each program charges/premiums report and how to locate each report.
This section is divided into the following procedures:
Printing a Program Charges/Premiums Report
Overview/Location of all Program Charges/Premiums Reports

Printing a Program Charges/Premiums Report
  1. Open the Program Reports window.

(Reports>>Cinch Grain>>Program Charges/Premiums)

  1. Select the report to print.
  2. Select the Destination of the report.
  3. Enter the Restrictions for the report.
  • Exclude $0 Net Assembly Amounts checkbox when checked, assemblies with a net amount of $0.00 will be excluded from the generated report.
  • Exclude Zero Quantity Assemblies checkbox when checked, assemblies with a zero quantity will be excluded from the report.
  • Choose to Include Unsettled or Settled Status.
  • Mark the Calculate checkbox to get an updated list of charges/premiums as of the report print date.
  • Enter the Program ID From and To, or leave the All Programs checkbox marked.
  • Enter the Item From and To, or leave the All Items checkbox marked.
  • Enter the Customer From and To, or leave the All Customers checkbox marked.
  • Enter the Settle Date From and To, or leave the All Settle Dates checkbox marked.

Overview/Location of all Program Charges/Premiums Reports

Programs by Program ID



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Program Charges/Premiums >> Programs by Program ID


Shows the amount that has (or needs to be) collected from customers for grain charges, i.e. storage, checkoff, contract charges, etc. and sorted by program ID.

Programs by Assembly



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Program Charges/Premiums >> Programs by Assembly


Shows the amount that has (or needs to be) collected from customers for grain charges, i.e. storage, checkoff, contract charges, etc. and sorted by assembly.

Purchase Contract Reports

Purchase Contract ReportsD2HML|C1H Manual

This section explains how to print purchase contract reports. It also gives a brief overview of each purchase contract report and how to locate each report.
This section is divided into the following procedures:
Printing a Purchase Contract Report
Overview/Location of all Purchase Contract Reports

Printing a Purchase Contract Report
  1. Open the Contract Reports window.

(Reports>>Cinch Grain>>Purchase Contract)

  1. Select the report to print.
  2. Select the Destination of the report.
  3. Enter the Restrictions for the report.
  • Select Open, Closed or Both for the Contract Status.
  • Deferred checkbox, by default is marked. When marked will print Deferred Purchase Contracts.
  • Not Deferred checkbox, by default is marked. When marked will print Purchase Contracts that are not Deferred.
  • Enter the Date From and To dates, or leave the All Dates checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Contract Number, or leave the All Contract Number checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Item, or leave the All Items checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Customer, or leave the All Customer checkbox marked.
  • Enter a From and To Deliver Start Date, or leave the All Delivery Dates checkbox marked.
  • Select a Contract Type From and To from the drop down list, or leave the All Types checkbox marked.
  • Select a Supplemental Type From and To from the drop down list, or leave the All Supplemental Types checkbox marked.

Overview/Location of all Purchase Contract Reports

Contracts By Customer – Summary



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Purchase Contracts >> Contracts By Customer – Summary


Shows the contract quantity, how much has been delivered, the quantity remaining to be delivered and the average price.

Contracts By Customer – Detail



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Purchase Contracts >> Contracts By Customer – Detail


Shows the contract delivery periods, delivery quantities and prices.

Contracts By Number



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Purchase Contracts >> Contracts By Number


Shows the contract quantity, how much has been delivered, the quantity remaining to be delivered and the average price

Contracts By Number – Detail



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Purchase Contracts >> Contracts By Number – Detail


Shows the contract delivery periods, delivery quantities and prices.

Contracts By Date – Summary



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Purchase Contracts >> Contracts By Date – Summary


Shows the contract quantity, how much has been delivered and the quantity remaining to be delivered.

Contracts Sent Not Returned



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Purchase Contracts >> Contracts Sent Not Returned


Indicates contracts that have been sent to customers but not been signed and returned.

Contracts by Delivery Date



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Purchase Contracts >> Contracts by Delivery Date


Shows the contract quantity, how much has been delivered and the quantity remaining to be delivered.

Contracts by Delivery Date & Customer - Detail



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Purchase Contracts >> Contracts by Delivery Date & Customer - Detail


Shows the contract quantity, how much has been delivered and the quantity remaining to be delivered.

Contracts By Delivery Date – Priced – Detail



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Purchase Contracts >> Contracts By Delivery Date – Priced – Detail


Shows the contract delivery periods, delivery quantities and prices.

Contracts By Delivery Date – Unpriced – Detail



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Purchase Contracts >> Contracts By Delivery Date – Unpriced – Detail


Shows the contract delivery periods, delivery quantities, priced quantity and unpriced quantity.

Contracts By Delivery Date – Ave Price – Summary



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Purchase Contracts >> Contracts By Delivery Date – Ave Price – Summary


Shows a summary of the contract quantities and average for each price component for each delivery period.

Contracts By Delivery Date – Ave Price - Detail



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Purchase Contracts >> Contracts By Delivery Date – Ave Price - Detail


Shows each contract quantity and average for each price component for each delivery period.

Contracts By Market Month – Priced – Detail



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Purchase Contracts >> Contracts By Market Month – Priced – Detail


Shows the contract market month, market quantities and prices.

Contracts By Market Month – Ave Price – Summary



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Purchase Contracts >> Contracts By Market Month – Ave Price – Summary


Shows a summary of the contract quantities and average for each price component for each market month.

Contracts By Market Month – Ave Price – Detail



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Purchase Contracts >> Contracts By Market Month – Ave Price – Detail


Shows each contract quantity and average for each price component for each market month.

Unposted Contracts



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Purchase Contracts >> Unposted Contracts


Shows the contracts that are unposted and therefore not eligible to be used in ticket application.

Unposted Contract Pricings



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Purchase Contracts >> Unposted Contract Pricings


Shows the prices that have been entered on contracts that have not been updated.

Contract by Delivery Market Zone



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Purchase Contracts >> Contract by Delivery Market Zone


Show the contract quantity, how much has been delivered and the quantity remaining to be delivered.

Contract by Delivery Contract Analysis



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Purchase Contracts >> Contract by Delivery Contract Analysis


Shows the contract quantity, how much has been delivered, the quantity remaining to be delivered and the effect of the over/under delivery.

Contract Supplementals



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Purchase Contracts >> Contract Supplementals


Shows information regarding Purchase Contract Supplemental transactions including the Amount, Customer, Voucher, etc.

Sales Contract Reports

Sales Contract Reports

D2HML|C1H ManualThis section explains how to print sales contract reports. It also gives a brief overview of each sales contract report and how to locate each report.
This section is divided into the following procedures:
Printing a Sales Contract Report
Overview/Location of all Sales Contract Reports

Printing a Sales Contract Report
  1. Open the Sales Contract Reports window.

(Reports>>Cinch Grain>>Sales Contracts)

  1. Select the report to print.
  2. Select the Destination of the report.
  3. Enter the Restrictions for the report.
  • Select Open, Closed or Both for the Contract Status.
  • Enter the Contract Type From and Contract Type To, or leave the All Contract Types checkbox marked.
  • Enter the Date From and To dates, or leave the All Dates checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Contract Number, or leave the All Contract Number checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Item, or leave the All Items checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Item Class, or leave the All Item Classes checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Customer, or leave the All Customer checkbox marked.
  • The Delivery Start From and To are only available if one of the Delivery Date reports are selected. The All Delivery checkbox will default as checked.

Overview/Location of all Sales Contract Reports

Contracts By Customer – Summary



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Sales Contracts >> Contracts By Customer – Summary


Shows the contract quantity, delivered quantity, open quantity and average price.

Contracts By Customer – Detail



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Sales Contracts >> Contracts By Customer – Detail


Shows the contract quantity, delivered quantity, open quantity, price for each delivery period.

Contracts By Number - Summary



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Sales Contracts >> Contracts By Number - Summary


Shows the contract quantity, delivered quantity and open quantity.

Contracts By Number – Detail



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Sales Contracts >> Contracts By Number – Detail


Shows the contract quantity, delivered quantity, open quantity, price for each delivery period.

Contracts By Date – Summary



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Sales Contracts >> Contracts By Date – Summary


Shows the contract quantity, delivered quantity and open quantity.

Contracts by Delivery Date - Summary



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Sales Contracts >> Contracts by Delivery Date - Summary


Shows the contract quantity, delivered quantity and open quantity.

Contracts By Delivery Date – Detail



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Sales Contracts >> Contracts By Delivery Date – Detail


Shows the contract quantity, delivered quantity, open quantity, price for each delivery period.

Contracts Sent Not Returned



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Sales Contracts >> Contracts Sent Not Returned


Indicates contracts that have been sent to customers but not been signed and returned.

Settlement Reports

Settlement ReportsD2HML|C1H Manual

This section explains how to print settlement reports. It also gives a brief overview of each settlement report and how to locate each report.
This section is divided into the following procedures:
Printing a Settlement Report
Overview/Location of all Settlement Reports

Printing a Settlement Report
  1. Open the Settlement Reports window.

(Reports>>Cinch Grain>>Settlements)

  1. Select the report to print.
  2. Select the Destination of the report.
  3. Enter the Restrictions for the report.
  • Enter the Date From and To dates, or leave the All Dates checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Settlement Number, or leave the All Settlement #'s checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Deferred Contract Number, or leave the All Deferred checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Due Date, or leave the All Due Dates checkbox marked.
  • From the Deferred Status, select Open Only, Settled Only or Both.
  • When printing Settlement by Number, Settlement by Customer Class, Deferred Settlement List by Customer, and Deferred Settlement List by Item, mark the Payment Status Unpaid only check box to display settlements that have not had an Accounts Payable check issued and posted. When it is left unmarked user will see all the settlements not just the unpaid settlements.
  • Enter or select a From and To Item, or leave the All Items checkbox marked.
  • Enter a From and To Advance number, or leave the All Advance #'s checkbox marked.
  • For the Advance status, select Open Only, Settled Only or Both.
  • Assembly Based Advances Only checkbox, when selected only Assembly based Advances will be on the Advance by Date and Advance by Customer reports.
  • By default when either the Advances by Date or Advances by Customer report is selected both FSA and Non-FSA checkboxes are selected. User can mark/unmark the checkbox(s) as needed.
      • If any other report is selected, FSA and Non-FSA checkboxes are disabled and are not selected.
      • If the Advance is a FSA Advance "FSA" will be displayed on the report after the Check Date.

When the Settlements By Number or Settlements By Customer Class is selected, the Item and Advance restrictions will be disabled.

Overview/Location of all Settlement Reports

Settlements By Number



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Settlement Reports >> Settlements By Number


Shows the check number and assembly summary information for paid grain sorted by number.

Settlements By Customer Class



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Settlement Reports >> Settlements By Customer Class


Shows the check number and assembly summary information for paid grain sorted by customer class.

Advances By Date



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Settlement Reports >> Advances By Date


Shows when advances were created and the settlement that deducted the advance sorted by date.

Advances By Customer



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Settlement Reports >> Advances By Customer


Shows when advances were created and the settlement that deducted the advance sorted by customer.

Deferred Settlement List by Customer



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Settlement Reports >> Deferred Settlement List by Customer


Print a list of the settlements that are being deferred for a future month and/or year sorted by customer.

Deferred Settlement List by Item



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Settlement Reports >> Deferred Settlement List by Item


Print a list of the settlements that are being deferred for a future month and/or year sorted by item.

Settlement Discounts by Items



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Settlement Reports >> Settlement Discounts by Items


Shows the amount of grade shrinkage discounts on each ticket.

Deferred Settlement List



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Settlement Reports >> Deferred Settlement List


All deferred contracts will be displayed regardless of the status and including voided and deleted contracts.

Ticket Grade Average Report

Ticket Grade Average ReportD2HML|C1H Manual

This section explains how to print the Ticket Grade Average Report. It also gives a brief overview of the report and how to locate the report.
This section is divided into the following procedures:
Printing the Ticket Grade Average Report
Overview/Location of the Ticket Grade Average Report

Printing the Ticket Grade Average Report
  1. Open the Ticket Grade Average Report window.

(Reports>>Cinch Grain>>Ticket Grade Average)

  1. Scale Ticket Grade Average is the only Report option available in the dropdown list.
  2. Select the Destination of the report.
  3. Enter the Restrictions for the report.
  • Enter or select the Commodity that will be displayed on the report
  • Enter or select the From and To Ticket Dates, or leave the All Dates checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Owner, or leave the All Owners checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Assembly, or leave the All Assembly checkbox marked.
  • The Grade Factors expansion arrow opens the Grade Factor Selection window. This allows restrictions to be defined by Grade Factor to limit Tickets that will be included in the averaging. This is a system wide setting and the values entered for report generation will be remembered the next time that the report is created.

      • Grade - all Grade Factors assigned to the selected item will be displayed.
      • Min Value – represents the minimum grade value needed for the Ticket to be included in the averaging.
      • Max Value – represents the maximum grade value needed for the Ticket to be included in the averaging.
      • Average checkbox – when selected the Grade Factor will be used in the weighted average calculation.
      • Avg Non Purch Type checkbox - If this checkbox is marked the grade factor will be averaged for all disposition types (Purchase, Storage & Grain Bank). If this checkbox is not marked the grade factor will only be averaged for Purchase disposition types.
        • A ticket that is not assigned to an assembly or the disposition is not defined will be assumed to be a Purchase disposition and be included in the averaging.
  1. Scale Ticket Grade Average report will display the following:
  • The gross quantity will be used for the weighted average calculation.
  • The tickets grade number will be followed by Y or N to indicate if it was included in the averaging or not.
  • Grade Factor Shrink Amount:
      • Shrink will be displayed below the ticket's appropriate Grade Factor(s).
      • The shrink field will be blank unless there is a shrink amount, zeros will not be displayed.
      • Shrink will be displayed and included in the Total Shrink amount regardless if the USE flag is Y or N.
      • Shrink will be prorated based on the transferred ticket quantity.
  1. The Average is based on the weighted average of the percent ownership for each ticket included.
  2. All settled tickets will be excluded from the grade averaging report.

The report is for display purposes only and no updates will be generated within the system based on the weighted averages calculated on this report.

Overview/Location of the Ticket Grade Average Report

Scale Ticket Grade Average



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Ticket Grade Average


Displays weighted averages for tickets.

Part 9:3rd Party Integration

This part describes how different 3rd party applications will integrate with CINCH.
This Part is divided into the following Chapters:
Chapter 27: Treeno Integration, explains how various windows will interface with Treeno Software's Electronic Document Management.D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

Chapter 27: Treeno Interface

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualTreeno Interface

This chapter explains how various windows will interface with Treeno Software's Electronic Document Management once the setting Treeno Enable is selected within the Sales Set window.
The chapter is divided into the following sections:

Customer Maintenance

  1. Open Customer Maintenance.


  1. Enter a Customer ID, the title of the window changes and will display the original title and the following fields separated by a semi colon ((wink) and inserted between curly brackets ({}). If any of the fields are, blank nothing displays between semi colons.
    • Customer ID
    • Name
    • Address 1
    • Address 2
    • City
    • State
    • Tax Registration

Vendor Maintenance

  1. Open Vendor Maintenance.


  1. Enter a Vendor ID, the title of the window changes and will display the original title and the following fields separated by a semi colon ((wink) and inserted between curly brackets ({}). If any of the fields are, blank nothing displays between semi colons.
    • Vendor ID
    • Vendor Name
    • Address 1
    • Address 2
    • City
    • State
    • Tax ID

Purchasing Invoice Entry

  1. Open Purchasing Invoice Entry.

(Transactions>>Purchasing>>Entry/Match Invoices)

  1. Enter a Receipt Number, the title of the window changes and will display the original title and the following fields separated by a semi colon ((wink) and inserted between curly brackets ({}). If any of the fields are, blank nothing displays between semi colons.
    • Receipt Number
    • Vendor Doc. Number
    • Invoice Date
    • Vendor ID
    • Vendor Name
    • Document Amount

Payables Transaction Entry

  1. Open Payables Transaction Entry.

(Transactions>>Purchasing>>Transaction Entry)

  1. Select a Voucher No., the title of the window changes and will display the original title and the following fields separated by a semi colon ((wink) and inserted between curly brackets ({}). If any of the fields are, blank nothing displays between semi colons.
    • Voucher Number
    • Vendor ID
    • Document Amount
    • Document Date
    • P.O. Number

Payables Transaction Inquiry Zoom

  1. Open the Payables Transaction Inquiry Zoom.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Settlement Inquiry; Expansion button for Voucher/Debit Memo)

  1. Enter a Voucher No., the title of the window changes and will display the original title and the following fields separated by a semi colon ((wink) and inserted between curly brackets ({}). If any of the fields are, blank nothing displays between semi colons.
    • Voucher No.
    • Vendor ID
    • Purchases
    • Document Date
    • PO Number
    • Document Number

Purchase Order Processing Document Inquiry

  1. Open Purchase Order Processing Document Inquiry

(Inquiry>>Purchasing>>Purchase Order Documents)

  1. Select a document in the scrolling window. If Sales Setup, Treeno Enabled is checked and the document includes a Receipt No. the title of the window will include the original title and the following fields separated by a semi colon ((wink) and inserted between curly brackets ({}). If any of the fields are blank nothing will display between the semi colons.
    • Vendor ID
    • Vendor Name
    • Vendor Document Number
    • Receipt No.
    • Invoice Date

Receivings Transaction Entry

  1. Open the Receivings Transaction Entry.

(Transactions>>Purchasing>>Receivings Transaction Entry)

  1. Enter a Receipt No., the title of the window changes and will display the original title and the following fields separated by a semi colon ((wink) and inserted between curly brackets ({}). If any of the fields are, blank nothing displays between semi colons.
    • Receipt No.
    • Vendor Doc. No.
    • Date
    • Vendor ID
    • Name
    • Total

Part 10:Routines

CINCH Grain has routines which allow the user to delete or reverse a document and switch customer on unit trains. It is divided into the following sections:

D2HML|C1H Manual

Grain Routines

Document Utility

Document Utility

D2HML|C1H ManualThe user can use the Document Utility window to delete assemblies, purchase contracts, scale tickets and shipments. Scale Tickets may also be reversed so numerous ticket details can be edited.

Deleting or Reversing a document
  1. Open the Document Utility.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Routines>>Cinch Grain>>Document Utility)

  1. Use the Doc Type drop down list to select from Assembly, Purchase Contract, Scale Ticket or Shipment.
  2. If Assembly, Purchase Contract or Shipment is selected, the Action will automatically be set to Delete.
  3. If Scale Ticket is selected, user can choose Delete or Reverse.
    • The bottom section of the window becomes enabled when the Document Type = Scale Ticket and Action = Reverse.
      • The Open After Processing check box defaults as checked.
      • When selected will open the Inbound Scale Ticket Entry with the selected allowing additional changes after it has been reversed.
      • When not selected the Inbound Scale Ticket will be saved but the window will not be opened.
      • The Unapply check box:
        • Becomes enabled if the selected ticket still has assemblies applied.
        • If the ticket is applied and the box isn't checked when clicking Process, a message stating that the Scale Ticket is not fully unapplied, Do you wish to Unapply this ticket? Answer Yes and the ticket will be unapplied answer No and user will return to the window.
        • If the selected ticket is posted but has no assemblies applied it remains disabled.
      • Item:
        • Current Item displays the Item from the selected Ticket.
        • New Item will default to the Current Item but the user can change this.
        • If the change to the Item results in a different UofM the system will recalculate the quantities accordingly.
      • The Current Grade Factors scrolling list displays the grades for the selected ticket.
      • New Grade Factors scrolling list will default with the Current Grade Factors but they can be modified.
        • If the Item is changed, the grades will remain for matching Grade Factors, but can be changed.
      • Process will generate the following:
        • An Inventory Adjustment Transaction will be created reversing the ticket from inventory at inventory cost layer found.
        • A Cost variance report will be created for the difference in the Original cost and the Void cost if a there is a variance present.
        • If the Unapply checkbox is selected:
        • The Ticket will be unapplied from the Contract and Assembly.
  4. Select the Reuse Doc Number checkbox to reuse the document number after it has been deleted.
    • If the user has selected to reverse a Scale Ticket, they will not be able to check this box.
    • If the user has selected to Delete a Purchase Contract when the Reuse Doc Number is selected the New Contract button becomes active.
      • When New Contract is selected Contract Re-Create Details window opens.

      • The Contract Re-Create Details will be populated from the selected contract, but can be edited.
      • When Re-Create Contract checkbox is selected an un-posted Contract will be created when Document Utility is processed.
  1. Select the Customer that the document is for. User can choose to use either the Customer or Grain Supplier lookup.
  2. Lookup and select the Document Number to delete or reverse.
  3. Lookup and select the Reason code that will explain why the document is being deleted.
  4. Lookup or select a comment to attach.
  5. Choose Process to complete the deletion/reversal process.

Shipment Customer Switch

Shipment Customer Switch

D2HML|C1H ManualThe Shipment Customer Switch window can be used to switch the customer from the current customer to another customer. This will be helpful in case the outbound train is rerouted to another customer.
Customer Switch can be performed on Outbound Trains and Shipments that have not been invoiced.

Switching a Shipment Customer
  1. Open the Shipment Customer Switch window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Routines>>Cinch Grain>>Shipment Customer Switch)

  1. Select a Type. The two options are:
  • Unit Train
  • Shipment
  1. Select a Unit Number if the Type selected is Unit Train, or select a Shipment if the Type selected is Shipment.
  2. Select the Status of Non-Shipped (un-posted) or Shipped (posted but not invoiced).
  3. The Current Customer is display only and will show the customer currently attached to the unit train or shipment.
  4. Select the New Customer to assign the unit train to.
  5. Choose OK to complete the customer switch. Any allocations that were on the current customers' sales contracts will be removed. It will then assign the unit train or shipment to the new customer, but no contract allocations will be made.
  6. Choose OK to close the window

Grain Bank Overage Maintenance

Grain Bank Overage Maintenance

D2HML|C1H ManualThe Grain Bank Overage Maintenance window is used to assign grain bank overages from invoices to grain bank assembly sheets. This would happen in Counter Sales or Invoice Maintenance and there is not enough grain delivered against the linked vendor's grain bank assembly sheets.

Applying Grain Bank Overage Quantities

1.Open the Grain Bank Overage Maintenance window.
(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Routines>>Cinch Grain>>Grain Bank Overage)

2.Any invoices that had a shortage on the grain bank assembly will be displayed in the scrolling window.
3. To select a different vendor, use the lookup button to select a different vendor.
4.If more grain was delivered against any grain bank assembly sheets will be displayed for the selected vendor.
5. Select a Grain Bank Assembly. The Branch and Customer on the selected Assembly must be the same as the overage transaction.
6.Choose Process to assign the Quantity to any open grain bank assembly sheet amounts. If the amount open on the assembly sheet is less than the quantity displayed, the record will be redisplayed with the new overage quantity.

Grain Bank Statements

Grain Bank Statements

D2HML|C1H ManualThe Grain Bank Statements window is used to produce monthly Grain Bank Statements to be sent to customers. The statements produced can be automatically emailed to customers if desired.

Producing Grain Bank Statements
  1. Open the Grain Bank Statements window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Routines>>Cinch Grain>>Grain Bank Statements)

  1. Enter or select an Option Name. The Grain Bank Statements options can be saved under an Option Name to be recalled each time statements are to be produced.
  2. Enter an Option Desc to describe the selected statement options.
  3. Select a Company Address to be displayed on the statements.
  4. Select the Send Email Statements checkbox for statements to be automatically emailed to the customer.
  • Must have a PDF Writer recognized by Microsoft Dynamics GP and a MAPI compliant email application installed on the workstation producing the statements for the Send Email Statements functionality to work.
  • The Email Grain Bank Statements checkbox in Customer Extensions Maintenance must be checked for each customer to email statements to.
  • The Customer's email address must be entered in the Customer Maintenance window.
  1. Enter a Customer From and To for a range of customers to print.
  2. Enter an Assembly From and To for a range of assemblies to print.
  3. Enter a Commodity From and To for a range of commodities to print.
  4. Select a Summarize To Date to determine at what point to summarize previous transactions to.
  • Choose User Entered Date to enter a date manually.
  • Choose Beginning of Month to use the date of the first day of the current month.
  • Choose Beginning of Previous Month to use the date of the first day of the previous month.
  1. Select a Cutoff as of Date to determine the cutoff date of transactions to include in the statements.
  • Choose User Entered Date to enter a date manually.
  • Choose End of Month to use the date of the last day of the current month.
  • Choose End of Previous Month to use the date of the last day of the previous month.
  1. Click Save to save the current options under the current Option Name.
  2. Click Print to produce the Grain Bank Statements.

Lien Holder Import

Lien Holder Import

D2HML|C1H ManualThe Lien Holder Import window enables the import of lien holder information from states that provide electronic lien files. Three states are currently supported; MN, ND, and OK. Lien information for existing CINCH Vendors will be recognized and validated.

Importing State Lien Holder Files
  1. Open the Lien Holder Import window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>Tools>>Routines>>Cinch Grain>>Lien Holder Import)

  1. Select a state from the State drop down list. Three states are currently supported.
  • Minnesota – Provides a comma delimited (.csv) file.
  • North Dakota - Provides a comma delimited (.txt) file.
  • Oklahoma – Provides a Microsoft Access (.mdb) database file.
  1. Select a file to import in the File to Import field.
    1. MN files will look similar to this: CNS_20180630_C_COMPLETE_Job9_RunOn20180702.CSV
  2. Select an Item X-Ref Type which links the lien items being imported to CINCH items.
    1. The Minnesota import file:
              1. Column A divides the document into four sections (1,2,3 & 5)
              2. Section 3 - Column T holders the Vender X-Ref #
              3. Section 5 – Column I holders the Item X-Ref #
      1. If the user just wants "All Crops" they don't need to add "XXX All Crops" to each Item but they will still need an Item X-Ref Type to import and process.
    2. A North Dakota import will not use the Item X-Ref Type.
  3. Select a Vendor X-Ref Type which links the lien holder vendors being imported to CINCH vendors.
    1. The Vendor X-Ref Type is only enabled when the State is MN.
    2. The Minnesota import file:
              1. Column A divides the document into four sections (1,2,3 & 5)
              2. Section 3 - Column T holders the Vender X-Ref #
              3. Section 5 – Column I holders the Item X-Ref #
      1. If the user just wants "All Crops" they don't need to add "XXX All Crops" to each Item but they will still need an Item X-Ref Type to import and process.
  4. Enter a date in the Expiration Date field to assign a lien expiration date to imported liens.
    1. When importing the Oklahoma database file, the lien Expiration Date will be imported from the file.
  5. Click the Read File button. The system will parse the lien file and display liens for existing CINCH Vendors.
  • ND and OK import will validate Vendors using either the Social Security # or the Employer ID # which exist in Vendor Extensions Maintenance records for each Vendor.
  • MN import will validate Vendors using the Vendor X-Ref referenced in the selected Vendor X-Ref Type.
  1. Click the Missing Items button to see any lien items that are not cross referenced.
  • Click the Item X-Ref Type link to open the Item X-Ref Entry window.
  • Scroll to the correct CINCH item and enter the lien item name into the X-Ref Item column and click Save.
  • Click the Read File button again to recognize the newly cross referenced items.
  1. When the system is done reading the lien file, the scrolling window will display the liens for the Vendors.
  • Existing lien records for Vendors will also be displayed with the imported liens. The Imported checkbox will be unchecked for existing lien records.
  • Any existing lien records that have been previously imported will be displayed and marked to delete.
  • Any existing lien that has been manually entered and has an expiration date less than the current user date will be displayed and marked to delete.
  • The Vendor field will display the CINCH Vendor name to which the lien is against.
  • The SSN field will display the Social Security Number of the CINCH Vendor which is used to link the imported liens. MN uses the Vender X-Ref.
  • The Item Number field will display the CINCH Item that a lien is against based on the Item X-Ref Type.
  • The Fed ID field will display the Vendor's Federal ID number if it exists in the Vendor Extensions Maintenance records.

The Fed ID can be used to link the imported lien to the CINCH Vendor instead of SSN for the ND & OK imports. The Federal ID number in the lien file can be linked to the Employer ID # in Vendor Extensions Maintenance.

  • The All column checkbox will be marked if the imported lien is for All Crops. An Item X-Ref is not needed if All Crops is listed for a lien.
  • Start Date will be populated if a lien start date exists in the lien file. The start date will also be displayed for existing liens.
  • End Date will display either the lien end date found in the lien file, or the Expiration Date entered by the user performing the import.
  • Lienholder Name will display where the lien is held.
  • The Imported column checkbox will be marked if the lien has been imported and will be un-marked if the lien has been entered manually.
  • The Delete column checkbox will be marked on liens that previously exist for a crop and state being imported. Users can check or uncheck the box manually. This allows user the ability to prevent an imported lien from being processed or an existing lien from being deleted during processing.
  • The UCC Filing Number column will display the filing number imported from the lien file.
  • The Dup column will display a "?" if multiple CINCH Vendors have the same SSN or Employer ID # in the Vendor Extensions Maintenance records. A message will warn the user if this situation exists.
  1. Click the Process button to finish the import of new liens and deletion of any liens marked for deletion. The Imported liens will now exist in the Vendor Extensions Maintenance records for the CINCH Vendors.

Scale Data Export

Scale Data Export

D2HML|C1H ManualThe EMI CINCH Data Import/Export provides the ability to export and import data between CINCH and CINCH Remote Scale.
The EMI CINCH Data Import Export is a separate installation file. Refer to the Cinch Install Guide for more information on the install

Scale Data Export
  1. Open the Scale Data Import Export window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>Tools>Routines> Cinch Grain>Scale Data Export)

  1. Click the … button to select export file name and location.
  2. Select a file(s) to export.
  • Select file and the '>' button to select a single file to export. File will be moved to the pane on the right.
  • Select the '>>' to select all available files to export. Files will be moved to the pane on the right.
  • Select file and the '<' button to remove a single file from the export list. File will be removed from the pane on the right.
  • Select the '<<' to remove all available files from the export list. Files will be removed from the pane on the right.

Customer, Vendor and Item exports have no filters on the export data, all records that exist in CINCH will be exported. The data is exported to an access database, this can be used to view and potentially remove unwanted data prior to importing into the CINCH Remote Scale. Or these records can be exported/imported using CINCH Document Exchange.

  1. Select the Export button to export the files.
  • Status will show Export Complete when complete.
  1. Clear Data will remove export data from the data files.
  2. Refer to CINCH Remote Scale Manual for further information about the available files that can be exported.

Ticket Aging

Ticket Aging

D2HML|C1H ManualTicket Aging and provides the ability to age by Purchase Contract or Assembly.

Ticket Aging, Age on Purchase Contract

The Ticket Aging, Age on Purchase Contract displays Contracts, Delivered Qty's along with the Earliest and Latest ticket dates, and the Earliest and Latest ticket ages in days for the selected Contract Type.

  1. Open the Ticket Aging window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>Tools>>Routines>>Cinch Grain>>Ticket Aging)

  1. Age On, select Purchase Contract
  2. Select the restrictions.
  • Age As of Date defaults to user Date, but can be changed.
  • Contract Type defaults to Price Later but can be changed.
  • Range restrictions can be set for Customer and/or Item.
  • Select Include restrictions:
    • Unsent, when selected will include any contracts that have not been printed and sent.
      • By default this checkbox is marked when the window is opened.
      • Sent, when selected will include any contracts that have been printed and marked as sent but have not been marked as returned.
      • Returned, when selected will include any contracts that have been marked as returned.
      • Open, when selected will include any open contracts.
        • By default this checkbox is marked when the window is opened.
      • Close, when selected will include any closed contracts.
  • Select the Branch Restriction.
  1. Scrolling window:
  • Customer will default to the Customer ID assigned to the displayed Contract.
  • Contract Number:
      • Contracts that have tickets applied that meet the restriction criteria and the ticket date falls on or before the Age As of Date will be displayed.
      • A Contract will be displayed in total regardless if there are multiple delivery periods or assemblies across multiple branches.
  • Contract Number expansion button will open the Purchase Contract Inquiry Zoom for the selected Contract.
  • Item will default to the Item assigned to the displayed Contract.
  • Delivered Qty displays the total Contract Delivered Qty.
  • Earliest Date displays the date of earliest Ticket applied to the Contract.
  • Latest Date displays the date of latest Ticket applied to the Contract.
  • Earliest Age calculates the age of the earliest Ticket applied to the Contract. (Age As of Date – Earliest Ticket Date).
  • Latest Age calculates the age of the latest Ticket applied to the Contract. (Age As of Date – Latest Ticket Date.
  • Select checkbox allows the user to select/unselect a Contract.
  1. Process button, select process option from the drop down list (Print and Mark Contract(s) as Sent or Mark Contract(s) as Returned):
  • Print Only when selected the report for the selected Print Options will be printed. No updates will be done to the selected contract(s).
  • Print and Mark Contract(s) as Sent when selected the following will happen to the selected contracts:
      • Contract will be printed.
      • Sent fields will be updated:
        • Sent Flag gets marked.
        • Sent Date gets set to user date.
        • Last Modified User, Date and Time will be updated.
    • Contract will be marked as manually closed.
        • If the contract is a Floating Qty contract with a Remaining Qty, the user will be prompted that the contract cannot be manually closed, and that the Underfill window will need to be used for that contract.
      • Assemblies will be closed for the contract being close.
  • Mark Contract(s) as Returned when selected the following will happen to the selected contracts:
      • Return fields will be updated.
        • Returned flag gets marked.
        • Return Date gets set to the system date.
  1. Print Options, select the report that will print when processed:
    • Contract:
      • When selected the Purchase Contract defined within Purchase Contract Report Definition will print or the selected contract type.
      • When selected, the print detail options do not apply.
    • Assemblies, when selected, select the Assembly details to be included in the assembly report; All, Inbound or Net.
    • Both, when selected both the Contract report and the assembly report for the specified details will be printed for the selected contract(s).
  2. Export button, when clicked the contents of scrolling window will be exported to Excel along with the addition of Vendor Name.

Ticket Aging, Age on Assembly

The Ticket Aging, Age on Assembly allows the user to correct and move tickets from assembly to assembly WITHOUT moving the program charges, discounts and WITHOUT affecting the ability to split the ticket later.

  1. Open the Ticket Aging window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>Tools>>Routines>>Cinch Grain>>Ticket Aging)

  1. Age On, select Assembly
  2. Select the restrictions.
  • Age As of Date defaults to user Date, but can be changed.
  • Disposition ID defaults to blank but can be selected.
  • Range restrictions can be set for Customer and/or Item.
  • Select Include restrictions:
      • Open, when selected will include any open assemblies.
        • By default this checkbox is marked.
      • Close, when selected will include any closed assemblies.
  • Select the Branch Restriction.
  1. Scrolling window:
  • Customer will default to the Customer ID assigned to the displayed Assembly.
  • Assembly Number:
      • Assemblies that have tickets applied that meet the restriction criteria and the ticket date falls on or before the Age As of Date will be displayed.
  • Assembly Number expansion button will open the Assembly Inquiry Zoom for the selected Assembly.
  • Item will default to the Item assigned to the displayed Assembly.
  • Delivered Qty displays the Gross Quantity from the selected Assembly.
  • Earliest Date displays the date of earliest Ticket applied to the Assembly.
  • Latest Date displays the date of latest Ticket applied to the Assembly.
  • Earliest Age calculates the age of the earliest Ticket applied to the Assembly. (Age As of Date – Earliest Ticket Date).
  • Latest Age calculates the age of the latest Ticket applied to the Assembly. (Age As of Date – Latest Ticket Date.
  • Select checkbox allows the user to select/unselect an Assembly.
  1. Move Entry button when selected will open the Ticket Assembly Move Entry window.
    • When an assembly is selected window will open with the Customer From, Item and Assembly From populated from the selected assembly.
  2. Print Options, will default to Assemblies:
    • Select the Assembly details to be included in the assembly report; All, Inbound or Net.
  3. Export button, when clicked the contents of scrolling window will be exported to Excel along with the addition of Vendor Name.

Customer Grain Reports

Customer Grain Reports

D2HML|C1H ManualThe Customer Grain Reports provides the ability to print the Grain Status Report by Customer, Grain Status Report by Branch and Grain Summary Report based on selected customer and item restrictions.

Customer Grain Reports
  1. Open the Customer Grain Reports window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>Tools>>Routines>>Cinch Grain>> Customer Grain Reports)

  1. Select the Report:
  • Grain Status Report by Customer – a separate Customer Status Report will be printed for each customer grouped by Customer, Commodity, Branch, and based on the selected restrictions. Refer to Customer Grain Status Report for more information on this report.
  • Grain Status Report by Branch – a report grouped by Branch, Commodity and Customer will be printed based on the selected restrictions. Refer to Customer Grain Status Report for more information on this report.
  • Grain Summary Report – a separate report will be printed for each customer based on the selected restrictions. Refer to Customer Grain Summary Report for more information on this report.
  1. Select report restrictions:
  • Enter or select a From and To Customer, or leave the All Customers checkbox marked.
  • Enter or select a From and To Item, or leave the All Items checkbox marked.
  • Select the Branch restriction.
  1. Click Print to print the selected report.

Promotional Program Processing

Promotional Program Processing

D2HML|C1H ManualPromotional Program Processing provides the ability to produce a report that can be used to complete the monthly promotion filing and to assist with auditing the collection of these fees. The form provides a means to select settlement records up to an entered date that have not been reported to the promotion council.

Promotional Program Processing
  1. Open the Promotional Program Processing window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>Tools>Routines>Cinch Grain>Program Settlement Audit)

  1. Select the Program Type, options are Charge and Premium.
  2. Program Type Lookup opens the Processed Program Lookup window to display previously processed reports.

  • Find by Program ID, enter the Program ID to find.
  • Scrolling Window displays previously processed reports.
    • Displayed are the report restrictions selected at processing time.
      • Program ID
      • User, that ran the report
      • Branch Level restriction
      • Branch, user was logged in to as time of the report.
      • Process Date displays selected Date Through selected on the report.
    • Reports can be sorted by Program ID and/or Process Date.
      • By default reports are stored by Program ID then by Process Date in descending order.
    • Selecting a previously processed report and clicking Select will populate the Promotional Program Processing with the transactions included in the selected report.
  1. Program ID, enter or lookup the Program ID.
  2. Branch Level; select the branch restriction for the report. Options are Current Branch, My Branches and All Branches.
  3. Mark Create Voucher checkbox to create a payable voucher. When the checkbox is marked the following fields become active.
    • Vendor ID, enter vendor for the payable voucher.
    • Batch Number, enter the Payable Batch ID.
  4. Start Date, represents the beginning date since the report was last run for the selected program id.
  5. Date Through is the ending date of the report. This will default to the previous month end date but can be changed.
    • All statements that have not been processed and the settlement date is less than or equal to the selected date will be displayed.
  6. Detail Display restriction, drop down list options are:
    • All – all settlements that have not been processed.
    • No Amount – all settlements that have not been processed and have the program amount is zero.
    • Voided - all settlements that have not been processed and have a status of voided.
    • With Amount – all settlements that have not been processed and have the program amount is not zero.
  7. Display By is a sort order restriction. The options are:
    • Settlement – displayed transactions will be sorted by Settlement number.
    • State – displayed transactions will be sorted by State.
  8. Scrolling window will display all settlements that meet the restrictions and have not been processed.
    • State is determined from the Vendor Maintenance, Ship From address id. If the Ship From Address ID is missing the system will revert to the state recorded for the customers primary address code.
    • Supplier is the customer name.
    • Settlement is the settlement number. The drill back opens the Settlement Inquiry Zoom for the selected settlement.
      • Only posted settlements will be displayed.
      • User will be warned if unposted settlements exist in the date range being requested.
    • Settle Quantity is the total settlement quantity. The Program Detail Maintenance, Calculate On (Gross Amount or Net Amount) determines how the program is calculated and therefore what amount is displayed.
    • Settle Amount is the total settlement amount (dollars). The Program Detail Maintenance, Calculate On (Gross Amount or Net Amount) determines how the program is calculated and therefore what amount is displayed.
    • Program Amt displays the total amount from the settlement for the selected program id.
    • Status displays Voided if the settlement has been voided.
      • Settlements deleted from the Payables or deleted from Cinch Settlement Void, the settlement detail will be retained for reporting purposes.
    • Trx Date
  9. Redisplay, will fill the scrolling window based on the selected restrictions.
  10. Print will print the Settlement Program Audit Report for the selected/displayed transactions.
    • The Settlement Program Audit Report displays all settlements and the amount of the selected program collected or paid based for a given period of time.
      • The Settle Qty and Assessed Qty are always going to be the same when an assessment has been collected. If the assessment has not been collected the Assessed Qty will be 0 when the Assessed Amount is 0.
        • Assessed Qty and Assessed Amount are simply visual indicators to quickly see if they match the settlement amounts. If they don't match they can double check the settlement to see if assessment should have been collected.
        • Program $ represents the assessment amount withheld from the Settlement.
        • Settle Qty and Settlement Amount will be display Gross or Net Settlement values based on the Program Detail Maintenance Calculate On setting.
      • Status displays voided for settlements that has been voided.
        • A settlement that is created and voided within the same reporting period will both display on the report.
      • Report is sorted by Program, State of Origin, Supplier ID, Settlement Number and Transaction Date.
      • Report displays sub totals by State and a grand total.
    • If a previously processed report was selected the report will display *REPRINT* in the header.
  11. Process when selected will mark the transactions as processed and print the Settlement Program Audit Report for the selected transactions.
    • The process button is only enabled if the selected Program Id is marked as a Promotional Program on Program Detail Maintenance.
    • If the Create Voucher checkbox is marked, the payable voucher will be created. The distributions debit will be from the program detail and payable (credit) will come from the vendor.
    • The window can be used to view non promotional programs but the process will be disabled.
    • Once a user processes the assessment it cannot be redone, therefore the user will be prompted before processing "Are you sure you want to close the selected Settlements for Promotional Processing?"

Delivery Statement

Delivery Statement

D2HML|C1H ManualThe Delivery Statement window has been created to support FSA reporting. The Farm/Field/Crop Year data can be populated in mass for those who do not collect Farm/Field/Crop Year data on each inbound scale ticket. Filters are available to assist the user in selecting the proper tickets to include on the report.

Delivery Statement
  1. Open the Delivery Statement window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>Tools>Routines>Cinch Grain>Delivery Statement)

  1. Restrictions include:
  • Send To is the customer the Grain Delivery Statement will be sent to.
  • Customer, defaults with All customers selected, but this can be changed to a single customer.
  • Item, defaults with All items selected, but this can be changed to a single item.
  • Crop Year, defaults with All crop years selected, but this can be changed to a single crop year.
  • Date From and To, defaults with All dates selected, but this can be changed to a date range.
  • If the Farm/Field restriction is selected:

      • When Customer is selected Farm and Field restrictions become enabled.
      • Driver, Vehicle, User Def 1 and User Def 2 fields help restrict the displayed tickets.
      • System looks at Ticket Master Vendor ID to determine if Ticket is to be included in the display.
  • If the Split ID restriction is selected:

    • When Customer is selected Split ID restriction becomes enabled.
      • Enter a Split ID to help restrict the displayed tickets.
    • Driver, Vehicle, User Def 1 and User Def 2 fields help restrict the displayed tickets.
    • System looks at owner record (not Ticket Master Vendor) to determine if Ticket is to be included in the display.
  • If the Owners restriction is selected:

    • Enter Owner(s), tickets will be displayed for the selected owner(s).
      • System looks at owner record (not Ticket Master Vendor) to determine if Ticket is to be included in the display.
      • If multiple owners are specified, any tickets that include selected owners are included. Additional owner can also be assigned to the ticket.
      • Customer restriction does not apply to the Owner restriction and will be disabled.
    • Query Exclusively checkbox when selected will only display tickets where the owners selected are the only owners on the ticket.
  • If the Assemblies restriction is selected:

    • Enter Assembly(s), tickets will be displayed for the selected assembly(s).
      • System looks at owner record (not Ticket Master Vendor) to determine if Ticket is to be included in the display.
    • Customer and Item restriction do not apply to the Owner restriction and will be disabled.
  • Branch restriction drop down list includes Current Branch, My Branches and All Branches.
  1. Scrolling Window includes the following scale ticket information:
  • Select ticket checkbox
  • Ticket Number
  • Ticket Date
  • Customer
  • Split ID
  • Item
  • Farm Description
  • Field Description
  • Gross Quantity
  • Driver
  • Vehicle
  • Crop Year
  • Site
  • User Def 1
  • User Def 2
  • Grade Cert
  • Owner(s)
  • Grade Factor and Value.
    • Grade information will be displayed in the Grade Factor scrolling window for a selected ticket.
  1. Totals, displays the total gross quantity of selected tickets.
  2. Number of Tickets displays the total number of selected tickets.
  3. Message "Tickets belong to Multiple Customers" will display on the bottom of the window if ticket are selected for different customers.
  4. Redisplay, when selected will update the scrolling window based on the selected restrictions.
  5. Update button:
    • When the Sent To Customer and/or Customer is defined and a ticket(s) are selected in the scrolling window the Update button becomes enabled.
    • When selected the Update Farm/Field/Crop Year window opens:
      • The Farm/Field/Crop Year window can be used to update all the selected ticket(s) with the correct Crop Year and/or Farm and/or Field information. Updating the inbound ticket is allowed on posted and un-posted tickets.

      • Number of Tickets to be updated defaults from the Delivery Statement, Number of Tickets.
      • Customer ID will default from the Delivery Statement if specified but can be changed.
      • Customer Name defaults for the selected Customer.
      • Assign selected Tickets to:
        • Crop Year:
          • The Crop Year will default from Branch Maintenance if defined. The update checkbox will be marked when the crop year is selected.
        • Farm:
          • Farm is only allowed (enabled) for a single customer.
          • Select the Farm to be placed on the selected tickets. Update checkbox will be marked when the farm is selected.
        • Field:
          • Is only allowed (enabled) for a single customer.
          • Select the Field to be placed on the selected tickets. Update checkbox will be marked when the field is selected.
        • User will be warned when attempting to update a ticket that already has farm or field or crop year.
          • User can cancel the operation or override the existing farm/field/crop year information.
  1. Print button:
    • When the Sent to Customer is defined and a ticket(s) are selected in the scrolling window the print button becomes enabled.
    • When selected the Grain Delivery Statement report is printed.
      • Tickets are sorted by Commodity, Crop Year and Ticket Date.
      • Will print one page per Commodity.
        • Tickets will be subtotaled per Crop Year.
        • All ticket owners will be listed per commodity, crop year.

Remote Scale Reconciliation

Remote Scale Reconciliation

D2HML|C1H ManualThe Remote Scale Reconciliation provides the ability to run summary and detail reports for inbound tickets, outbound shipments and/or bulk transfers to assist in the daily reconciliation process between CINCH and CINCH Remote Scale.

Remote Scale Reconciliation
  1. Open the Remote Scale Reconciliation window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>Tools>Routines> Cinch Grain> Remote Scale Reconciliation)

  1. Select the report to print from the report drop down list:
  • Remote Ticket Reconciliation – Summary, report is sorted by branch, and summarized by transaction type (Inbound, Outbound and/or Transfers).
  • Remote Ticket Reconciliation – Detail, report is sorted by branch, and provides a list of each transaction (Inbound, Outbound and/or Transfers) that meets the selected restrictions.
  1. Select the Destination of the report.
  2. Enter the Restrictions for the report:
    • Choose the Branch restriction, will default to the Current Region Branch Default Report/Inquiry Branch Level setting.
    • Choose to Include Inbound, and/or Outbound tickets. All boxes will be marked by default.
    • Enter a From and To Date, will default to user date but can be changed.
    • Enter or select a From and To Item, or leave the All Items checkbox marked.
    • Enter or select a From and To Site, or leave the All Sites checkbox marked.
    • Enter or select a From and To Batch, or leave the All Branches checkbox marked.
  3. Click Print to print the selected report.

Mass Load Order Void/Delete

Mass Load Order Void/Delete

D2HML|C1H ManualThe Mass Load Order Void/Delete provides the ability void or delete a group of Load Orders and the related GP Sales Order.

Mass Load Order Delete
  1. Open the Mass Load Order Void/Delete window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>Tools>Routines>Cinch Grain>Load - Mass Void/Delete)

  1. Window name Mass Load Order Void or Delete:
    • Mass Load Order Delete will be displayed if the Outbound Setup, Allow Delete Document checkbox is checked.
    • Mass Load Order Void will be displayed if the Outbound Setup, Allow Delete Document checkbox is unchecked.
  2. Select Range Restrictions:
    • Customer
    • Item
    • Contract
    • Scheduled Date
    • Assembly Number
    • Load Number
    • Customer PO Number
  3. Choose to include Standard, or SOE, Open Contracts, Closed Contracts or No Contract. All boxes except SOE will default as marked.
    • Open Contracts and Contract Status are based on the Delivery Period Status that the Load is associated to.
  4. Choose the On Hold Status from the drop down list:
    • Available displays loads not placed on hold. This is the default setting.
    • On Hold displays loads placed on hold.
    • Both will display Available and On Hold loads.
  5. Hit Redisplay to see all of the loads that are within the range criteria in the Scrolling window.
    • On Hold Checkbox will be marked if the load is on Hold.
    • Load Number expansion will open the Load Order Inquiry Zoom.
    • Customer expansion button will open Customer Maintenance.
    • Ship To expansion button will open Customer Address Maintenance.
    • Item expansion button will open Item Maintenance.
    • Contract Number expansion will open Sales Contract Inquiry Zoom.
    • Select checkbox:
      • When selecting the load for Delete, if another user has selected the load on a shipment the user will be advised and the load cannot be selected.
      • In addition, if a load is marked, it cannot be selected on a Bulk Shipment or Grain Shipment.
  6. The Process Button performs the mass delete of the selected Load Orders and the related GP Sales Order (Outbound Setup, Allow Delete Document checkbox is checked).
  7. The Process Button performs the mass void of the selected Load Orders and the related GP Sales Order (Outbound Setup, Allow Delete Document checkbox is unchecked):
    • Reason Code will be required.
    • The load order(s) will be moved from the work table to the history table.
    • The history record will record the date, time, reason code and the user who voided the transaction.

Inbound In Transit Delete Utility

Inbound In Transit Delete Utility

D2HML|C1H ManualInbound In Transit Ticket Delete Utility provides the ability to delete a group of Inbound In Transit Tickets.

Inbound In Transit Delete Utility
  1. Open the Inbound In Transit Ticket Delete Utility window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>Tools>Routines> Cinch Grain>In Transit Ticket Utility)

  1. Select Range Restrictions:
    • Ticket Number
    • Orig Ticket Number
    • Ticket Date
    • Customer
    • Item Number
    • Unit Train Number
    • Unit Car Number
    • ETA Date
  2. Redisplay button fills the scrolling window based on the selected restrictions.
    • Ticket expansion will open the Inbound In Transit Ticket Inquiry Zoom.
  3. OK button closes the window.
  4. Clear button clears the contents of the window and resets default values.
  5. Delete button when selected:
    • If the In Transit Ticket Freight has been paid on a selected ticket, deletion will not be allowed.
    • The selected In Transit Ticket(s) will be unapplied and then moved to the history.
      • The records will be marked as deleted and the last modified user, date, and time will be set.

Inventory Adjustment Import

Inventory Adjustment Import

D2HML|C1H ManualInventory Adjustment Import provides the ability to import a CSV file and create Dynamics GP Inventory adjustments and Cinch DPR Adjustments.

Import File Definition

The ASCII File is a CSV file.


Field Description

Map to Dynamics GP Field

Data Type




Item ID


Must be a valid Dynamics GP Item ID.




Numeric. (variable decimal precision based on item setup)

Support both positive + and negative - Quantities



Unit Cost

Numeric. (variable decimal precision based on item setup)

use when Qty is +, ignore when Qty is -



Site ID


Must be a valid Dynamics GP Site ID.


Unit of Measure



Must be a valid Dynamics GP Unit of measure for the specified item.


Date/Time Or just



If field contains both date and time, Truncate time portion else use Date as the Transaction Date AND the DPR Date

Inventory Adjustment Import
  1. Open Inventory Adjustment Import.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>Tools>Routines>Cinch Grain>Inventory Adjustment Import)

  1. Import File, select the path where the CSV file formatted Import File has been placed. This is a required field.
    • System does NOT validate that a file has been previously imported. User will be responsible to insure that a file has not previously imported.
  2. Archive Path, select the path where the system will place an archived file once it has been imported. This is a required field.
    • All records need to import without errors before the system places the file in the Archive Folder.
  3. IV Batch Number, select an IV Batch where the system will place the IV transactions being created. This is a required field.
    • If the batch does not exist, user will be prompted to add the batch.
  4. IV Document Type, select the Document Type for the IV Transaction to be created. This is a required field. The options are:
    • Adjustment
    • Variance, the system will default to this option, but can be changed.
  5. DPR Adjustment Type, select an adjustment type for the DPR Adjustment to be created. This is a required field. The options are:
    • Weigh Up
    • Shrinkage
    • Other
  6. DPR Adjustment Description, enter a Description for the DPR adjustment(s) being created.
  7. Click the Read File, the system will read the comma delimited file and save the information into a TEMP table that will be used to create the IV Transactions. The following information will be read and validated:
    • Item Number, must be a valid Dynamics GP Item ID.
    • Quantity, can be either a positive or negative quantity. Zero quantity in the file will cause the line to error.
    • Cost, when the line has a positive quantity a Cost must exist on the line.
    • Site, must be a valid Dynamics GP Site ID and must be assigned to the Item.
    • U of M, must be a valid Dynamics GP Unit of Measure Schedule and assigned to the Item.
    • Date
  8. If any of the lines in the Import file has a validation error, the error will be listed in the Import Errors list box.
    • During the Read File process, if an error is encountered on one line, the system will continue with reading the file until all lines have either successfully read or have failed.
      • Items with a zero dollar cost or a closed Fiscal Period will be display as a warning, but import is still allowed.
    • Once the errors are corrected the user will be able to click Read File again.
    • When the file reads without errors the system will be ready to process which will create the IV and DPR Transactions.
  9. Click the Preview button to open the Imported IV Transactions window to view the successfully read transactions.

  1. Process Button, when selected the system will do the following:
    • Group the imported adjustments based on the Date and create the Item Transaction Entry.
      • General Ledger Distributions will default from the item.
        • Variance transaction will use the Variance account.
        • Adjustment transaction will use the Cost of Goods Sold.
      • Serial Lot numbers are NOT supported.
    • Create a DPR Adjustment for each of the lines where the Item is marked as a Commodity on Item Extensions Maintenance.
      • System will look to the site to determine the Cinch Branch in which to create the adjustment.
  2. Imported transactions can be viewed from
    • Imported transactions can be viewed from Item Transaction Entry, including the DPR Adjustment Entry.
    • The Inventory Edit List can be printed for the Inventory Batch to view the transactions to ensure they are correct before posting the batch.
  3. Posting the Inventory batch will update inventory and the DPR.
    • DPR Adjustments will be included in the DPR Physical Inventory, Adjustment & Company Owned Paid Increase or Decrease amount for the selected item. Drill back to the DPR Inventory Transaction Inquiry will display each adjusting transaction.

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