oneFreight 1.3.5

oneFreight / Transfer Plus/ oneTMS Customer Documentation

oneFreight 1.3.5

oneFreight / Transfer Plus 1.3.5 was made available on May 13, 2021. It contains usability enhancements and quality improvements to reduce time and effort to enter and view information.



What’s New in oneFreight 1.3.5

This release improves increases visibility to information and quality of the application.

The following enhancement and fixes are available in oneFreight 1.3.5.


My Shipments

  • Add a column in Weights and Grades window to display original outbound values. This enhancement reduces time and effort to see and analyze the original outbound weight and grade information. (FD-607)

  • Shipment Detail View - UOM for freight rate is not displayed when using bushels. (FD-638)

  • Shipment Detail View - New Weights & Grades Copy column is causing major performance issues when trying to open up a dispatch order. (FD-655)

  • After deleting all load orders from a Dispatch order, the user can edit the "empty" order and save it. (FD-675)

  • Opening Weights and Grades window on a transfer that has the outbound and inbound tickets back from Agris, there is a timeout error returning data. (FD-678)


  • Settings - Settings module is very slow to open (FD-652)

  • Settings - Save and Duplicate button visibility setting does not save (FD-657)

  • Transfer Plus - Save and Dispatch button does not work when creating a new Transfer Movement unless clicked multiple times (FD-658)

Installation instructions


New installation

If you need to install oneFreight on a new computer for the first time, please contact Greenstone Support for assistance (MySupport@Culturatech.com or 800-366-2474).


Upgrade from previous version

To upgrade from a previous version, please contact Greenstone Support for more information on how to receive a copy of the updated program files. This will be delivered in a file named: oneFreight 1.3.5.zip

  1. Right-click the oneFreight 1.3.5.zip file and click Properties. At the bottom, if there is a security section when a check box labeled Unblock, then check this box and click the Apply button. Finally, click the OK button.

  2. Extract the contents of the ZIP file into a folder on the same machine that the oneFreight service is already running. It does not matter where on this machine the files are extracted.

  3. Inside the extracted contents is a folder called deployment. Inside that folder are several folders and a batch file named ApplyUpdate.bat. Right-click this file and run as administrator.

  4. A Command Prompt window will launch and show a log of the progress of the update. Do not close this window as this script will handle the complete installation process; interrupting it may cause issues that can be fixed by running the script again from the beginning. This window will close automatically when the installation process is complete.

  5. Refer to the window to make sure that no errors appear, especially when copying the new program files to the program folder. There will be several files from the Client folder and from the ServerUpdate folder that will be copied.

    1. If an error such as “Sharing violation” is found in the script, then the update process may need to be run again later or the files from \deployment\Client and \deployment\ServerUpdate may need to manually copied to C:\oneSourceFDS\Client and C:\oneSource\FDS\Server, respectively.

    2. If no such error is presented, then all files can be assumed to have been copied successfully.

  6. After copying the program files, the install script will launch the server configuration file in a Notepad window, in case any new server configuration changes need to be made. No significant configuration changes were made in version 1.3.5, so it is safe to close this Notepad window, which will trigger the script to continue.

  7. When the script is complete, the Command Prompt window will close itself. This indicates the installation process is complete. The service has been restarted, and client installations will be upgraded when they are next launched by the user.


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