GAC 2500 to oneWeigh Interface NEWEST




This document assumes knowledge of setting up the grading interface definition within oneWeigh. Document does not cover the oneWeigh software setup as it is the same as all other hard-coded grading interfaces

General Notes:

  • Initial releases of the 2500 had software issues with output formats. You must check the software revision level of the meter as outlined in this document to confirm that it is running a new enough version of the software.

  • The 2500 features a touch screen for all functions including grain testing, diagnostics, and configuration

  • The 2500 has a single Serial port (9Pin) on the rear of the unit.

  • The 2500 also has an Ethernet connection and several USB ports – not for PC communications use at this time.

  • Test Weight and Moisture are calculated more quickly on the 2500 then on previous models


Physical Connection of GAC2500 to oneWeigh

  1. DCE9(f) attached to the computer

  2. DTE9(f) attached to the serial port on the back of the GAC

  3. Standard oneWeigh cable connection between the two

Confirm Software Version

From the Main Menu, tap the ? button – Top Right




  1. Verify Software Version listed is ENG1103_3_6,2.3,2.2 or newer

    1. If 3.6 or newer continue

    2. If older meter software must be updated by Dickey John before it can be interfaced with oneWeigh

Tap Home button to return to main menu

Configuration of the GAC2500

  1. From the Main Menu, tap the SETUP button

  2. If prompted for a Admin user name and password, enter it here and tap the ENTER button (tap the blue squares to open the on-screen keyboard)




Tap the SYSTEM button


  1. Tap the PRINTER button

  2. Configure this screen as follows:

    1. Check RS-232

    2. Set to 9600-N-8-1

    3. Set Output Format to CSV01

    4. Set Line Termination to CRLF

    5. Un-check CSV Verbose

    6. Check Auto Print Results

    7. Check and Set to include 1 line feed after print

  1. If necessary, tap TEST to send a test pattern to the oneWeigh computer

  2. Tap ENTER to save

  3. Tap the HOME button (lower left) to go to the main menu

  4. Tap ANALYZE to test a grain sample

  5. Select Product to test

  1. The sample number and customer ID is optional but can be entered here. Both are sent to the oneWeigh.

  2. Tap CHANGE PRODUCT to select a commodity other than the default.

  3. Tap the GREEN BUTTON to run the sample and send output to the oneWeigh computer. (output can be viewed on the PC but won’t apply to a ticket until the oneWeigh configuration is complete)

  4. Sample Number Setup on GAC 2500

    1. 2500 can be set to require a sample # or have it be an option. 2500 can also auto sequence the sample # each time a sample is run.

    2. To set sample # preference do the following:

      1. Navigate to Setup/System/More/More/Sample Setup

      2. Set ID required to ON or OFF

      3. Set Auto sequence to ON or OFF

      4. Enter to save settings