AGRIS Customer Documentation
Discount Codes / Discount Tables - Ability to Create US Grade Discount Table as an actual Grade Factor (AGS-2959)
The AGRIS 18.3.0 release has added:
AGS-2959: Discount Codes / Discount Tables - Ability to Create US Grade Discount Table as an actual Grade Factor
Want to reduce time and effort to setup and enforce premium and discount calculations relating to a grade criteria (e.g., ability to link the oil content premium to the US Grade)?
This new feature:
Provides the ability for a discount to use the calculated U.S. Grade "table code" as the "grade factor" for retrieving the appropriate discount rate on another discount code as follows:
When a discount code is setup as "Use Grade Factor from Another Discount"; if that other discount does NOT actually have a Grade Factor (i.e. not one of the first 32), then use the table code instead of the grade factor. Convert the alphanumeric table code to a numeric grade factor.
When a discount table is setup to "Use This Table Only When" another discount/premium grade factor is at a certain level, and the other discount/premium does not have a grade factor, then the discount table code will be used as the grade factor. In this case, the discount table will also be converted from an alphanumeric table code to a numeric grade factor.
If the Discount Table code is not all numeric, then the grade factor will be zero.
Allows grade factors from other discount codes to include multiplication and division in addition to addition and subtraction. The operations will be processed in the order they are defined rather than using the mathematical rules of precedence (PEMDAS).
Applies to all discount codes and tables.
Setup: GRN > Commodity Tables > Discount Codes/Discount Tables
Set "Grade Factor Method" for desired Discount Code to "2 = Use Grade Factor From Other Discount".
Click "OK" and set the first entry to "US".
Set Table "Use This Table Only When" information.
Now everywhere that discounts/premiums are calculated, the set up on the discount table will govern whether or not to take the discount/premium, based on the discount table of the US Grade. If the US Grade is a letter, such as "S" for Sample Grade, then the grade factor will be zero.
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