Inventory Management (10.3.0)
AGRIS Customer Documentation
Inventory Management (10.3.0)
AGR-52592 Item Maintenance - Add New Item - Ability to copy Regular and Service items to other locations quickly and easily
This feature was added to save time and increase data consistency when managing multiple locations and products.
Benefits of this feature include:
- Works when adding Regular and Service items from the "add item feature" in item maintenance.
- Prompts the user when adding an item (i.e., "Do you want to copy to other locations?").
- Users can select one, many or all locations from a list to copy to.
- Once the user agrees with the locations to copy, AGRIS quickly adds the item to the selected locations and informs the user of its success.
- Ensures that User security is enforced (i.e., user can only copy items to locations they have security to access).
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