INV - Allow manufacturing import to supply a zero cost for the component (AGS-22978)

AGRIS Customer Documentation

INV - Allow manufacturing import to supply a zero cost for the component (AGS-22978)


This allows manufacturing activity to be imported with zero cost so that the proper cost for the item may be recorded in a different way.

This would affect imports from AGY Blenders or Feed Mill systems. Anything that is a manufactured item importing into AGRIS.

Prior to this change, if a zero-cost was purposely imported at time of manufacturing, AGRIS would pull the cost from the inventory item avg cost or in the case of a commodity item, from the commodity code cash price.


When importing Inventory Activity (INVM records), unit cost (position Q. 105-117) and extended cost (position R. 118-130) may be expressly set to zero for Manufacture Transaction Type (type 3 in field B. 6).
See Note 8 in the file layout under INVMI record type.

Note 8 For INVMI Record Type


What to do if your import file is hardcoded to zero’s and you need AGRIS to use the item’s average cost.

Modify the Import template to blank out the UNIT COST and TOTAL COST fields. They must be blank for AGRIS to load average cost.

AGRIS > Maintenance > Import Maintenance > Select Import > Modify Button

Set the Unit Cost and The Total cost to Asterisk for the old value (wild card for any value) and new value to blank.

Upon import into AGRIS, these fields will be wiped out to blank and AGRIS will use the item’s cost as stored in the Inventory or Commodity Package.

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