CINCH Customer Documentation

CINCH 16.0 M15 What's New-04-Vendor_Return

CINCH Software
What's New – Vendor Return
Version 16.0 M15
March 10, 2017

Supported Version
Dynamics GP
Feed Mill Manager
Chapter 4: Vendor Return
Changes to Next Number Maintenance
Changes to Batch Entry
New Vendor Return Setup
New Vendor Return Entry
New Vendor Return Inquiry
New Vendor Return Inquiry Zoom
Changes to Inventory Transactions Inquiry
Changes to Payables Transaction Entry Zoom


What's New is your guide to enhancements in CINCH Software.
We add enhancements based on feedback we receive from customers, as well as on market research. Your willingness to help us build better products makes this a more complete solution, putting you in a better position to manage your organization successfully. We encourage you to share your thoughts and reactions with us at any time.
Some enhancements described in this documentation are optional and can be purchased through your CINCH software sales representative. If you currently have a license for one of these modules and have an active enhancement program, you will automatically receive the enhancements contained in that module.
This document describes enhancements that were added to CINCH Software since General Release 16.0.
Description of the enhancements in this chapter relate to
Chapter 4, "Vendor Return," describes the Vendor Return processes where a user can enter returns to a Vendor for product that has been transferred to other locations or sold to customers and returned.

Supported Version

The following is a list of the Dynamics GP version we will be supporting for this release.

Dynamics GP

Software Version: 16.0 (16.00.0579 R2)
Dex Version: (16.00.0034)


AgWorks AgOS v3

Feed Mill Manager

Is currently not supported.


Chapter 4: Vendor Return

This chapter describes the Vendor Return processes where a user can enter returns to a Vendor for product that has been transferred to other locations or sold to customers and returned. The new functionality automates the current process most Cinch customers perform today.
This chapter contains the following sections:


Changes to Next Number Maintenance

Next Number Maintenance has been modified to include the Module, Vendor Return.




        1. Open Next Number Maintenance

(Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools>Setup>Cinch Grain/Sales > Numbers Maintenance)




        1. Select Vendor Return to setup the document numbers to be used in Vendor Return Entry.

          1. Select the Document Prefix and Document Number to create for an individual Branch.


Changes to Batch Entry

Batch Entry has been modified to include the Module, Vendor Returns.

  1. Open Batch Entry

(Transactions>Cinch Sales>Batch Entry)

  1. Type, Vendor Returns has been added.

  2. Posting process has been updated for Vendor Return. See Posting Vendor Returns.

  3. Vendor Returns has been added to the Batch Print Options window.


    1. Print:

      1. Documents, when selected will print the Vendor Return Receipt.

      2. Edit List, when selected will print the Vendor Return Edit List.

    2. Include, will default to Vendor Returns marked.


New Vendor Return Setup

The Vendor Return Setup window allows the user to setup the user defined prompts that will display on the Vendor Return Entry window.

  1. Open Vendor Return Setup

(Microsoft GP > Tools > Setup > Cinch Sales > Vendor Return Setup)

  1. Two header user define prompts can be add to the Vendor Return Entry window.

  2. Two detail user define prompts can be add to the Vendor Return Entry window.


New Vendor Return Entry

The Vendor Return Entry window allows users to enter returns to a Vendor. The return will generate two transactions, an inventory adjustment for the quantity of the return and an accounts payable return for the dollar amount of the return.
This section is divided into the following:


Entering, Saving & Deleting a Vendor Return
  1. Open Vendor Return Entry

(Transactions > Cinch Sales > Vendor Return Entry)

  1. The Return Number will default in the next Vendor Return number based on the setup information entered in the Next Number maintenance window. The lookup button will open the Vendor Return Lookup window, which can be sorted by Return Number, Vendor ID or Date.

  1. Return Date will default to the user date.

  2. Enter a description for the Vendor Return.

  3. Enter a Batch Number.

  4. Lookup or enter the Vendor ID for the return.

  5. Vendor Name will default for the selected Vendor.

  6. Lookup or enter the Currency for the return. The expansion button will open the Currency Info window.

  7. Enter an Authorization Number for the return.

  8. Lookup or enter a Shipping Method for the return.

  9. Lookup or enter a Reason Code for the return.

  10. Tax Schedule defaults to the Tax Schedule assigned to the Vendor and is used only to default a Tax Schedule to the lines. If it is removed, the system will look to the vendor when calculating taxes.

  11. Enter or select the Location/Site the return will be returned from. This site will then default to each line item but can be changed.

  12. Address defaults to the vendor's Primary Address ID.

  13. Header User Defined Prompt 1

  14. Header User Defined Prompt 2

  15. Lookup or enter an Item Number. Item Number and Vendor Item Number work in conjunction with each other. If an Item Number matches the Vendor's Item Number it will default. The lookup button will present a drop list with the following options:

    1. Item Lookup opens the Item window and allows the user to select from all items.

    2. Receipt Lookup opens the Purchase Receipt Item Lookup window and will default all purchase receipts for the selected vendor created in the past six months.



      1. Enter or select a Receipt Date.

      2. Enter or select a Receipt Type. Defaults to Both but can be changed to Work (open receipts) or History (posted receipts).

  2. Lookup or enter a Vendor Item Number. Vendor Item Number and Item Number work in conjunction with each other. If a Vendor Item Number matches an Item Number, it will default. The lookup button will present a drop list with the following options:

    1. Vendor Item Lookup opens the Vendor Items window and will display all items attached to the Vendor ID.

    2. Receipt Lookup opens the Purchase Receipt Item Lookup window and will default all purchase receipts for the selected vendor created in the past six months.

  3. Enter the Qty to return, defaults to one.

  4. Enter or select the U of M, defaults to the Purchasing U of M within Item Purchasing Options Maintenance window.

  5. Cost defaults to the item's current cost.

  6. Price defaults to the item's current cost but can be changed.

  7. Enter or select the Price UOM, defaults to the Purchasing U of M within Item Purchasing Options Maintenance window.

  8. Return Amount is calculated by taking the Qty * Price but can be edited.

  9. Enter or select the Location/Site the return will be taken from. Defaults to the location selected in the header but can be changed and is required.

  10. Extended Cost is calculated by taking the Qty * Cost and is not editable.

  11. Lot Number, optional field, enter or lookup a lot number.

  12. Tax Schedule ID, optional field, defaults to the Purchase Tax Schedule ID for the item.

  13. Detail User Defined Prompt 1, the label will come from User Def Prompt 1 in the detail section on the Vendor Return Setup window.

  14. Detail User Defined Prompt 2, the label will come from User Def Prompt 2 in the detail section on the Vendor Return Setup window.

  15. Comment ID, enter or select a Comment ID.

  16. Subtotal equals the total of all the line items entered for the return before taxes, freight and miscellaneous charges are added to the costs and the trade discounts are subtracted from the costs.

  17. Trade Discount, enter a discount to be deducted from the Total.

  18. Freight Amount, enter a freight expense to be added to the Total.

  19. Misc Amount, enter additional deductions to be added to the Total.

  20. Tax Amount displays the amount of tax that was calculated for the document. The expansion button opens the Vendor Return Tax Entry window, where you can view or change the amounts distributed to individual tax details.

  1. Total, displays the total document amount, including the subtotal, trade discount, freight, miscellaneous and tax amounts. The total is calculated as follows: Subtotal – Trade Discount + (Freight + Miscellaneous + Tax).

  2. Distributions opens the Vendor Return Distributions window.

    1. User will not be able to change Debit or Credit amounts.

  3. Save, saves the changes you've made in this window.

  4. Delete, deleted the vendor return.

  5. Post, see Posting Vendor Returns

  6. Print Icon, prints either the Vendor Return Receipt or a batch edit list.


Posting Vendor Returns

Posting can be done via the Post button on the Vendor Return Entry window or via Batch Entry. The posting process will create two transactions.







              1. Accounts Payable Return

                1. Debit:

                  1. Accounts Payable from the vendor.

                  2. Trade Discount account from the vendor if applicable

                2. Credit:

                  1. Inventory Offset account from the item.

                  2. Tax account if applicable.

                  3. Miscellaneous account from the vendor if applicable.

                  4. Freight account from the vendor if applicable.

              2. Inventory Adjustment

                1. Debit:

                  1. Inventory Offset, Accrued Purchases account from the Vendor.

                2. Credit:

                  1. Inventory, Inventory account from the item.


New Vendor Return Inquiry

This inquiry allows the user to view Vendor Returns for a vendor.

  1. Open Vendor Return Inquiry

(Inquiry>Cinch Sales>Vendor Return Inquiry)

  1. Select Range Restrictions:

    1. Vendor ID

    2. Return Date

  2. Choose OK to close the window.

  3. Choose Clear to clear the range values and the scrolling window.

  4. Choose Redisplay to view the desired documents.

  5. Choose Export to export displays information to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.


New Vendor Return Inquiry Zoom

This inquiry allows the user to view a Vendor Return.

  1. Open Vendor Return Inquiry Zoom

(Inquiry>Cinch Sales>Vendor Return Inquiry: Expansion button next to the Return Number)
(Inquiry>Inventory>Transaction: Additional>E-Markets Additional Detail)

  1. Choose OK to close the window.


Changes to Inventory Transactions Inquiry

The inquiry allows you to view detailed information about transactions create via Vendor Returns Entry that have been posted.

  1. Open Inventory Transactions Inquiry

(Inquiry>Inventory>Transactions: Additional>E-Markets Additional Detail)

  1. Choose E-Markets Additional Detail to open the Vendor Return Inquiry Zoom window, if the line item selected in Inventory Transaction Inquiry matches a Vendor Return.


Changes to Payables Transaction Entry Zoom

This inquiry allows you to view detailed information about transactions create via Vendor Returns Entry that have been posted.

  1. Open Payables Transaction Entry Zoom

(Inquiry>Purchases>Transactions by Vendor: Drill down on Document Number opens the Payables Transaction Entry Zoom > Additional > Commodity Trx)

  1. Choose Commodity Trx to open the Vendor Return Inquiry Zoom window, if the Number of the line selected in Payables Transaction Entry Inquiry matches a Vendor Return.


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