CINCH 18.62.1000 - Product Announcement

CINCH Customer Documentation

CINCH 18.62.1000 - Product Announcement

Released on: October 25, 2024


Products Involved

  • CINCH Agri-Suite - Grain & Freight

  • CINCH Document Exchange (CINCHX)

  • CINCH Process Manufacturing


  • Over 40 enhancements and 25 quality improvements.

  • Compatibility with Microsoft Dynamics GP 18.6.1728 (2023). Note: This is GP’s January 2024 Hotfix. GP did not do a Summer 2024 release since there was no Tax Updates this year.

  • Various usability/visibility improvements to add flexibility and reduce time and effort when viewing, selecting, and processing information.

  • Input changes to maximize the completeness and accuracy of information.

  • Extended the GP Eco System by adding consistent functionality to CINCH windows.

New Features and Benefits CINCH 18.62.1000

Below are the new features along with the related benefits.


New Feature/Enhancement

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New Feature/Enhancement

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Ability to do a Mass Update to CINCH Vendor/Customer E-mail Options like GP.


Reduce the time and effort to change the Email Options for Customers &/or Vendors.

Extended the GP Eco System by adding consistent functionality to CINCH windows.

GP Sites that do not exist are no longer allowed to be selected in CINCH windows.


Improve data accuracy by not allowing users to enter an invalid site.

Credit Limit Summary Report can be Exported to Excel.


Improved Reporting by exporting the Credit Limit Summary to Excel.



Excel Shipment Import 01 Passes the Contract Number.


Improve data accuracy by including more information on the Excel Shipment Import 01.

AgXML 4.0 Purchase Contract Import/Export includes the Priced By Date. 


Added Visibility on Purchase Contracts when using CINCHX.

CINCHX Purchase Contract Price Import will use Price Date from the XML instead of setting it to the CINCHX import date.


Improve accuracy of price dates on Purchase Contracts when using CINCHX.

AgXML 4.0 Shipment Import will Use Contract in XML when no load is provided.


Improve contract application accuracy when importing shipments.



Ability to enter fuel rates when invoicing customers for freight.


Improve Visibility and simplify fuel rates for freight.

Ability to Change Ship Method/Vendor in Freight Matching After Load Shipped.


Improved Data Accuracy for freight records linked to payables.

Link Freight Records to Existing Payable rather than Creating a New Payable in Freight Matching.


Ability to automate GP payable and still track freight and costs throughout the system correctly.

Ability to Roll Down the Ship Company from the Header on Sales Contracts with Multiple Carriers.


Save time and reduce user effort with ability to update freight on multiple delivery periods at one time.

In Freight Charge Matching, Display the Freight QTY & UofM.


Improve visibility and accuracy when paying freight records.

Add Freight Qty and UofM to Reports: IRCSFreightUnmatchedByVendor & IRCSFreightVarianceRpt.


Improve visibility on freight reports when using different unit of measure.

Ability to pay Freight on Purchase Loads before they are received.


Increased flexibility when paying freight on inbound loads.

Ability to have a Password for the "Move" in Freight Matching.


Improved security when working with freight records.

Ability to print Freight Remittance Reports after the freight matching has been posted.


Added visibility to paid freight records.


Lock assemblies from being re-averaged and display a warning if assigning/un-assigning tickets to/from an already averaged assembly.


Maximize the flexibility and accuracy of the grade averaging process.

Added a Default Program Schedule to Customer Extensions to default onto Sales Contracts.


Reduce time and effort when entering Sales Contracts.

Ability to do a Contract Underfill Void When the Payable or Receivable is voided.


Extend the GP eco system and improve data accuracy when correcting how a contract was underfilled.

Added Inbound Scale Ticket Report Site Restriction.


Improve data accuracy and visibility when viewing inbound tickets.

Option to make Farm(s) and Field(s) inactive.


Improve data accuracy when selecting a farm and field by eliminating extra options.

Ability to Import Outbound Unit Trains like Inbound Unit Train.


Reduce time and effort by importing outbound trains. Reduce manually entry thereby improving data accuracy.

Ability to create a Prepay Invoices for Sales Contracts and Deduct/Void at Final Invoice time.


Improve Accounts Receivable by requesting shipments/contracts are paid in advance.
Guarantee payment on shipment invoices.

Scale Ticket Batch Edit List Warning was added for Storage Disposition using Market Price.


Improve cost visibility when posting Inbound Tickets.

Added DPR Branch Setup to Branch Maintenance to exclude Branches from displaying on the DPR. 


Save time when a location does not use DPR.

Ability to Post Pricings with Purchase Contract Rolls.


Save time and effort by automatically posting the price when rolling purchase contracts.

Added Report Definition for Deferred Contracts.


Ability to include informative information on deferred contracts.

Purchase/Inbound User Setup - Retain Ticket Discount Schedule by location.


Improve data accuracy by removing manual selection and changes of discount schedules.

Added Delivery Period Quantities within the Scale Ticket Apply Window.


Added Visibility within the Scale Ticket Apply window.

Board Ticker Lookup will only display tickers for the item(s) on the transaction.


Save time a reduce user effort when selecting tickers to be used.

By Default the Delivery Detail Checkbox will be marked when opening the Customer Summary Inquiry.


Reduce time and effort when viewing the Customer Summary Inquiry.

Ability to create invoices in order of Shipment # or Customer ID in Bulk Shipment Invoicing.


Improve flexibility by allowing separate print option in Bulk Shipment Invoicing.

Ability to remove the Load/Contract from a Shipment within Document Utility when Reversing a Shipment.


Reduce Time and Effort when Reversing a Shipment in Document Utility.

The Shipment No. and Car No. have been moved to the first line in scrolling window of Bulk Shipment Invoicing.


Added Visibility within the Bulk Shipment Invoicing window.

Inbound Scale Ticket Entry - leave ticket number blank on new ticket until clicked on.


Improve ticket number accuracy by not skipping ticket numbers when windows are left open.

Option to Remove “DPR Closed Day is past 30 days” pop up.


Reduce Time and Effort when not using DPR in a specific location.

Option to Automatically Post Purchase Contract Pricing when Posting Contract.


Reduce Time and Effort when Posting Purchase Contracts.

Ability to Spot Price tickets on the fly from Scale Ticket Apply.


Added Flexibility to Spot Price Multiple tickets from Scale Ticket Apply.

Prevent Shipments from being Deleted accidently when Deleting an Invoice.


Improve Data Accuracy by Preventing Users from Accidently Deleting Shipments when Deleting an Invoice.

Purchase Contract Reports can be restricted by Settled/Unsettled.


Improved Visibility for Purchase Contracts Unsettled.

Fill Seal Numbers on Ticket when marking a Bulk Shipment as a Direct Shipment.


Reduce Time and Effort by reducing manual steps when updating seal numbers for Direct Bulk Shipments.

Ability to add multiple Farm/Fields to Inbound Scale Ticket.


Improve Farm/Field tracking for inbound scale tickets.

Ability to enter manual Purchase Contract Numbers.


Added flexibility to creating a Purchase Contract Number.

Process Manufacturing

Manufacturing Entry gives the Option to Rolldown Default Site from Header to Lines.


Save time by rolling down header information in Manufacturing after changes are made.


Learn More

Check out the Full Enhancement List:


Please visit the Greenstone FTP Site for the:

Schedule your Upgrade:

Contact the Greenstone Customer Support team at mysupport@culturatech.com or 800-366-2474 (EXT 4007) at least 2 weeks before your desired upgrade date.


News You Can Use

  • Microsoft Dynamics GP has announced the end of its lifecycle. While this information may leave you feeling a bit uneasy about the future, please know that Greenstone is here to support you! We understand your challenges and are dedicated to assisting you through this transition when you are ready.

Read About Our Commitment to CINCH! Rest assured, CINCH is presently being maintained, improved, and supported.

  • The next release of CINCH (18.70) is planned for December of 2024 and will be compatible with GP’s 18.7 2024 Year End Release.


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