AGRIS Customer Documentation
PLC Interface - Ability to Receive binSight Bin Assignment from PLC (AGS-15367)
Ensure accurate bin assignment information.
Eliminate dual entry of bin information.
Now you have the ability to receive binSight - Bin assignments from PLC.
In AGRIS go to ONE > Setup Information > Workstation Information > binSight tab.
Select the Remote Bin Assignment checkbox. Enter Serial Port parameters for the Communication Port. (The Communication Port is listed in ONE > Setup Information > Connection Summary).
When going into Ticket Entry, the Communication Port is opened and the program listens for text input on that port.
The format of the text it listens for is [Sample Number], [Bin Name], [Bin ID] <CR><LF>.
The sample number is used to find the ticket on which to make the bin assignment.
The bin name is the binSight Bin Name. If the binSight Bin ID is used rather than Bin Name, this value can be left blank but the comma separator after the blank value is required.
The Bin ID is the Container ID in binSight. If a Bin Name is specified, the comma Bin ID can be omitted.
The text must be terminated with CR LF control characters.
Processing is in the background - it does not move focus to the ticket to update. If it is the current ticket, the new bin assignment will be visible in the bin assignment grid the next time the ticket is saved.
The PLC Interface extended option (ONE #5) must be on to use this feature.
If there is one or more assigned bins on the ticket, the first bin assignment is replaced with the one sent by the PLC and the assigned quantity remains the same.
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