AGRIS Customer Documentation
PMM - ability to populate PMM with AGRIS document number on all transactions (AGS-7970)
Reduce time and effort to trace and report transaction information between AGRIS and PMM, including:
PMM Shipment with AGRIS Delivery Ticket number
PMM Receiving Transaction (Purchase Order Receipts) as AGRIS Primary Voucher number
PMM Manual Adjustment, Transfer, and Physical Count as AGRIS Inventory Transaction number
PMM Manufacturing Order as AGRIS Manufacturing Transaction number
This provides a visual indication that the transaction was sent to AGRIS and the document can be found in AGRIS using the AGRIS Document Number that displays in PMM.
Upon successful completion of a POST event from PMM, the AGRIS document number returns to PMM to be placed in a UDF (User Defined Field) for display.
Document Types
This functionality applies to the following document types only.
Delivery Tickets | Shipments |
Vouchers | Receiving Transactions |
Inventory Activity | Inventory Manual Adjustments/Transfers |
Stock Manufacturuing | Inventory Manufacture Order |
AGRIS Document Number
The AGRIS Document Number format is the three character location + the document number. Example: LOCV002345.
PMM transactions may be posted into AGRIS by the Adapter directly via the Autopost feature, if enabled, or via the AGRIS CFT process for PMM.
The UDF name in PMM is "AGRISDocumentNumber" and it is the same for all PMM documents/entities.
Error Logging and Recovery
In PMM, there will be entries in the Integration Log (Administration>Data Management>Integration Log). The following example shows the processing of a single communication. The final step where the Transmission Status is "Completed" but Is Valid is not checked shows an error condition. In this case the error is contained in the xml in the Message column.
In AGRIS, look at the entries in the Communication Log (CFT>Communications>Pennent Mill Manager>Communication Inquiry). The following example shows that the POST was processed without error but the UDF update failed.
For more information select Recent Rejection Details (CFT>Communications>Pennent Mill Manager>Recent Rejection Details). The following example shows an error where the PMM Document Number is invalid so the UDF can not be updated.
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