binSight Customer Documentation

oneWeigh Bin Management v3.2.8 Product Announcement


General Information

The purpose of this document is to briefly summarize the binSight™ V3.2.8 limited software release.

Product Information

Product Name:

oneWeigh Bin Management automated bin management system

Release Version:


Release Date:




Before installation, please refer to the oneWeigh Bin Management System Requirements document HERE for system hardware and software requirements.

Release Information

Each release may contain enhancements to existing features and code fixes for the currently available application.


ID: Summary 3.2.8

Additional Notes / Benefits


Update to latest development tool versions.

Review database table keys allowing system performance improvements.

User Interface: Improve data entry flow

Updates included performance and security enhancements.

Entering data into oneWeigh Bin Management previously allowed tab functionality. Enter key now will forward to next fields.

oneWeigh Bin Management Measure-Up

New Feature- Create a pending measure up.


Measure Up/Pending Measure Up-Updates/Edits


Measure Up: Manual quantity entry.


Measure Up- Added to tool tip.


DPR Calculations- Header Change

Users can create a pending measure up that can also edit and execute at a later time.


Edit/Updates to measure ups and pending measure ups will no longer remove any DPR data entries.

User can enable manual quantity entry for +/- bin adjustments during measure ups.

Most recent measure up displayed on bin tool tip. Includes any manual adjustment entry.

Verbiage update: “oneWeigh Bin Management to Position”.


Bin History Preview

Spreadsheet Excel/CSV functionality


Warning future dated entries


Decimal Precision


Ticket Activity Report


Bin History “total quantity” not duplicating on B/T report.

Duplicate headers removed from all CSV reports.

Soft stop warning on any futured dated transaction entries.

Factor decimal precision of .000 now available on all reports.

Report can now be broken out by Annex

Bin Setup

Bin Drawing: Multi Bin Resizing


Delete Bins, Facilities, and Annex

Bin drawing and design of multiple bins can now be selected and resize together to the same size resulting in a clean bin board rendering.

Bin, annex, and facilities with historical transactions can now be deleted. Traceability is NOT lost.


B/T Commodity Mismatch


Ticket- Improve bin selection feature.


Future Dated Transactions


Filter Bins- Bin quantity and quality summary screen


Filter Bins: Added to all other transactions areas.

Model Blend-Best Blend Suggestion



Soft stop when destination bin product mismatch selected.

Bin and commodity data no longer cut off because of extended text control.

Soft stop warning on any futured dated entry of transactions.

Filter Bin quantity and quality can now be displayed in a single window not requiring users to select each bin to see grade factors.

Filter bins feature is now available in all transaction screens.

Best Blend selection available now for model blending.

Product Setup

Product Factors Setup

“Official Grade” Setup

Product factor value type text no longer truncated.

Factor setup can now define decimal precision for reporting purposes.

Product Setup of “Official Grade” can be defined and viewed on each bin tool tip.

Bin Board

Print/Export View


Bin Tool Tip

Decimal Precision

Graphic board and list view can now be printed or exported.

Hover bin tool tip improvments

Decimal precision of up to .000 on all factors can now be defined and show on the bin board.


Corrected Issues

Bin board zoom no longer changing size or shape of bin drawings.

Right Click Bin Events- Security/Privilege's still allowed when set to have no access.

BIBP Report- Report will no longer open up behind the report filter window

Other Operation Reports-Filter window no longer truncated upon opening.

Pending Blends no longer adds multiple unselected destination bins.

Empty/Clean not always removing commodity from bin during initial event entry.

Bin Setup- Not recognizing over/underfilling bins 100% of capacity.

Date/Time field blank or incorrect format generates blank error message



Installation and Upgrade Instructions:

Click HERE for the installation and upgrade documentation.

Documentation and Software Distribution

The binSight v3.2.8 release is distributed to licensed customers using binSight V3.0.0, or higher.

Support and installation documentation for the 3.2.8 release are available for download from the Cultura Technologies FTP site HERE, which includes:

  • binSight v3.2.8 Readme

  • binSight v3.2.8 Executable


For additional assistant please contact the Customer Support at 800-366-2474 or




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