Standard report to create ACH cash receipts (auto-debit payments from customers) (AGS-11765)

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Standard report to create ACH cash receipts (auto-debit payments from customers) (AGS-11765)


  • Reduce time and effort to receive and apply cash from customers via ACH.


  • A new standard report is now available for automatically creating A/R Payments, based on customer's open invoices up to a particular due date. This will create the payments for customers that are configured to do so in the Name/Address System. These payment receipts will then be used in the existing ACH file generation process, to send to the bank for automatic transfer of funds. 


Navigation: BNK > Report Manager > Advanced Reports > Print Standard Reports > Create ACH Payments From Unpaid Invoices

This is the input screen for processing the report.  This report evaluates the unpaid invoices up to the supplied Due Date for customers that are setup to do so (in the Name/Address system).  For each customer, this feature automatically creates a payment for the total of each customer's invoices. This will be a Payment On Hold in the Accounts Receivable System. The payments can automatically or manually apply in A/R, or manually applied.  After this report creates the payments, the existing ACH Output File can generate the file to send to the bank to automatically transfer the funds.

You can create a user-defined report from the standard one, in order to enter and save the parameters on the screen below.

This report could also be processed in a report stream on a daily, weekly, or monthy basis.

Filter Criteria for the report

Automatic Filters:

  • No paid invoices are on this report.
  • No voided invoices are on this report.

Mandatory Filters:

The user must enter the following information on the report to calculate the payments to be created:

  • Invoice Date On Or Before (Extended date features supported, such as E.C.D.) Ending Current Day, etc.

  • Due Date On Or Before (Extended date features supported, such as E.C.D.) Ending Current Day, etc.

  • Contact Remark For Bank Info (only includes customers that have ACH information setup for this purpose)

Optional filters:

You can optionally select the following filter criteria when generating the payments:

  • Name ID Type

  • The 6 Misc. Name/Address Flags

  • Name ID

  • Invoice Location

  • Invoice Type

Payment Receipt Criteria

The user must enter the following information for the report to create the A/R payment receipts.

  • Payment Date (Extended date features supported, such as E.C.D.) Ending Current Day, etc.

  • ACH Bank Account (the AGRIS Bank Code to generate the payment receipt)

  • Payment Location

  • Create Payments ? (N = Print the report for validation purposes only, Y = Print report AND create the payments)

Additional Options

The user will have these additional options at the time the report is processed.

  • Print Invoice Detail ? (N = Print one line for each Customer, Y = Print a line for each invoice and a customer subtotal line)

  • Highlight Detail Lines ? (Allows the report to be easier to read across, with every-other line highlighted)

Detail Lines on the report

  • There will be a line on the report for each ACH customer who has invoices due on or before the specified date.

  • There will also be a line to show the amount of currently Unapplied Payments, if they exist, for each customer.

  • This report will show the total payment made for each customer and the A/R Payment Receipt that was automatically generated.

  • There will also be the optional ability to include additional lines for each invoice that made up the total payment.

Sort Criteria

The report sorted first by Customer Name ID, then by Invoice Date, then by Invoice Number.

Report Totals

  • Subtotal line for each customer (Includes Receipt Number, Invoice Amount Due, Early Payment Discounts if any, Unapplied Payments, Payment Amount)

  • Grand Total line for the report (Includes number of payments made, Total Due, Total Early Payment Discounts taken, Total Payment Amount created) 

Overall Report Assumptions

  • Quantities and dollars will be automatically formatted with commas, with no dollar signs.

  • The amount of the payment created will be: Total Amount Due (based on the Invoice Date and Due Date criteria) minus Discount Amount (if applicable) minus total of current Unapplied Payments (if applicable).

  • The payments will not automatically be applied to the invoices. You can apply them manually or use the menu option for Auto Apply Payments.

  • There is no need to apply the payments to the invoices before processing the second report to create the ACH Output file for the bank.   

Report Examples

This is an example of the report for validation purpose only (no payments created yet and no detail invoices shown):

This is an example of the report with the payment receipts created (The new receipt number displays for each customer):

This is an example of the report including optional invoice lines:

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