Chapter 6_NEW Discount Schedule Tier Defaults CINCH 18.54

CINCH Customer Documentation

Chapter 6_NEW Discount Schedule Tier Defaults CINCH 18.54

This chapter describes an enhancement to how discount schedules can default within Inbound Scale Ticket Entry. (CIN-4738)
This chapter contains the following sections:

Changes to Purchases/Inbound User Setup
The Purchases/Inbound User Setup window has been updated with two new settings called Discount Schedule by Grade and Retain Ticket Discount Schedule.

  1. Open Purchases/Inbound User Setup window

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Setup>>CINCH Grain>>Purchases/Inbound User Setup)

  1. Discount Schedule by Grade

  2. Unchecked, Inbound Scale Ticket Entry/Ticket Owner Entry assumes original functionality.

  3. Checked, the Inbound Scale Ticket Entry's Discount schedule can default based on the grade factor selected, within this window, and the grade rate entered for the grade factor within the Inbound Scale Ticket.

  4. Select the expansion button to open the Grade Discount Maintenance window to setup a Grade Discount Schedule per Grade Factor, Item, Site, and grade rates.


    1. Grade Factor, enter or select a Grade Factor. The Grade Factor's description and Value Type will be displayed.

    2. Item, enter or select an Item that will use this Grade Factor Schedule. The Item's description will be displayed.

    3. Site, enter or select a Site. The Site's description will be displayed.

    4. Comment ID, enter or select a Comment ID. The Comment Lookup allows you to select a standard Comment ID that has previously been setup.

    5. Select the Comment ID Expansion button to open the Comment Entry window to enter/edit the comment specific to the Grade Discount. The Comment on each Grade Discount Detail is limited to 500 characters.

    6. Scrolling Window

      1. From/To – Enter the "from" and "to" rates for this given grade. These two fields display the range that the grade value entered within the ticket will be compared.

        1. If a grade rate entered within the Inbound Scale Ticket, for this item, grade and site falls within this range, the system will default the attached Discount Schedule.

        2. If a grade rate entered within the Inbound Scale Ticket, for this item, grade and site does not fall within this range the system will move to the next range.

        3. If no ranges meet the value, the system assumes original functionality.

      2. Discount Schedule – Enter or lookup the Discount Schedule the Inbound Scale Ticket should default to if this Grade Factor's value falls within the From/To rate ranges.

      3. Description displays the Discount Schedule's description.

      4. Delete Row deletes a selected row within the schedule.

      5. Refresh refreshes the Grade Discount scrolling window.

    7. Validate Lines button, when selected will inform the user if any gaps or overlaps exist within the Grade Discount lines.

      1. If a gap or overlap is found a warning will be displayed showing the user where the gap/overlap exists.

      2. Selecting Ok on the overlap warning will stop the validation process to allow the user to fix the gap/overlap.

      3. Selecting Skip on the overlap warning will allow the validate process to skip the current gap/overlap and continue the validation process.

    8. Save button saves the Grade Discount.

    9. Delete button deletes the Grade Discount.

  2. Select or enter a Grade Factor. The Inbound Scale Ticket Entry's Discount Schedule will be selected based on the Grade Factor given here if there is a Grade Discount Schedule setup for the Grade Factor via the Grade Discount Maintenance window and the Grade Factor, Item and Site match.


  • Multiple Grade Discount Schedules can be setup but only ONE grade factor can be used per user and only ONE Grade Discount Schedule can be setup per grade, item, and site. Example: a user can have a Grade Discount Schedule for FM, Corn, and Site1. They can also have a schedule for FM, Corn, and Site2, FM, Beans, and Site1 and one for MOIST, Corn, and Site1. The user must select the Grade Factor they want to use (FM or MOIST). If they select FM, the MOIST schedule will never be used to define/default a discount schedule for this user. The system, when a grade value is entered within the ticket for FM, will validate that the ticket is also for Corn or Beans, Site1 or Site2 and use the correct Grade Discount Schedule to define and default the correct discount schedule for the ticket.

  • To get details in Table finder, for this window, do the following, go to Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Tools >> SmartList Builder >> Maintenance >> Refresh Cache.

  • CINCHX Services will not take this setting into consideration.

  1. Retain Ticket Discount Schedule, enabled once Discount Schedule by Grade is selected.

  2. Checked, the system will not override/change the Inbound Scale Ticket's Discount Schedule in the following windows:

  3. Inbound Scale Ticket Entry – when an assembly is applied.

  4. Assembly Apply Entry – when ticket is inserted into the applied window &/Or the ticket is unapplied.

  5. Assembly Transfer Entry – when the process button is selected.

  6. Assembly Transfer Reverse – when the process button is selected.

  7. Scale Ticket Apply Entry – when the Apply or Spot button is selected.

  8. Ticket Assembly Move – when the process button is selected.

  9. Unchecked, current functionality.

Inbound Scale Ticket Entry – Discount Schedule Defaults
The following documents how the Discount Schedule defaults within the Inbound Scale Ticket Entry window.

  1. Upon opening the window, the system will check the Purchases/Inbound User Setup.

    1. If a Discount Schedule exist, the ticket's Discount Schedule will be updated.

    2. If a Discount Schedule DOES NOT exist, the ticket's Discount Schedule WILL NOT be Updated. It will be left blank.

  2. Once an item is selected the system will look to the Branch Item Default Maintenance window.

    1. If an Inbound Discount Schedule exist, the tickets Discount Schedule will be updated.

    2. If an Inbound Discount Schedule DOES NOT exist, the item will be validated against the default Discount Schedule from the Purchases/Inbound User Setup window.

      1. If valid, the Discount Schedule from Purchases/Inbound User Setup will be used.

      2. If invalid, a warning will be displayed, and the schedule will be removed.

  3. Once an Assembly is selected the system will check the Discount Schedule by Grade Factor and Retain Ticket Discount Schedule settings in Purchases/Inbound User Setup.

    1. Discount Schedule by Grade Factor checked and Retain Ticket Discount Schedule checked.

      1. Do not update the Discount Schedule from the assembly if a Discount Schedule exist on the ticket.

      2. Update the Discount Schedule from the assembly if the Discount Schedule is blank on the ticket.

    2. Discount Schedule by Grade Factor checked, and Retain Ticket Discount Schedule unchecked, update the Discount Schedule from the assembly.

    3. Discount Schedule by Grade Factor unchecked, updated the Ticket's Discount Schedule with the Assemblies Discount Schedule.

  4. Upon entering grade rates, system will check the Disc Schedule by Grade Factor setting in Purchases/Inbound User Setup.

    1. Checked, system will look to see if the Grade Factor is selected within the Purchases/Inbound User Setup.

      1. Yes, system will look to see if a Grade Discount Schedule exists matching the Grade Factor, Item, Site, and entered value.

        1. Yes, updated the Ticket's Discount Schedule for the value.

        2. No, do not update the Ticket's Discount Schedule.

      2. No, do not update the Ticket's Discount Schedule.

    2. Unchecked, do not update the Ticket's Discount Schedule.

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