Contracts - Ability to apply a Delayed Price (price later) contract to an existing Deferred Payment contract using the Deferred Payment contract price (ability to apply tickets on a delivery sheet from one contract to another) (AGS-3331)
AGRIS Customer Documentation
Contracts - Ability to apply a Delayed Price (price later) contract to an existing Deferred Payment contract using the Deferred Payment contract price (ability to apply tickets on a delivery sheet from one contract to another) (AGS-3331)
The AGRIS 18.1.0 release has added:
AGS-3331: Contracts - Ability to apply a Delayed Price (price later) contract to an existing Deferred Payment contract using the Deferred Payment contract price (ability to apply tickets on a delivery sheet from one contract to another)
Want to:
- Minimize time to move a Delayed Price (price later) contract that is being priced for defer payment onto another existing contract?
- Reduce time and effort to transfer one price later contract that expires to a replacement contract while retaining tickets applied to that contract?
- Simplify moving tickets from one contract to another (in the case where the tickets were applied to the wrong contract)?
- Reduce effort to comply with grain dealer licensing regulations where price later contracts have terms requiring expiring contracts to be replaced with new contracts while retaining tickets?
- Improve clarity of storage and other charges on tickets applied to contracts and then rolled to replacement contracts?
In the 'Apply From Storage' option, you can now apply DP contracts to other contracts or apply them to spot contracts.
- Grain must be on DP Contract and a Delivery sheet.
- If the DP Contract is priced, then you are not able to transfer it via "Apply from Open Storage".
Only unpriced, contracted grain is allowed to be moved to another contract or a spot contract.
Navigation: Settlements > Apply From Storage > Enter customer and commodity
Selecting Option 5 to apply form Delayed Price Contract will list availiable DP contracts:
Selecting a DP contract will then provide the options to apply to existing contract or spot contract.
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