Emailing graphic forms: the ability to display custom data elements in the body of each email (alternate email address, etc.) (AGS-13385)

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Emailing graphic forms: the ability to display custom data elements in the body of each email (alternate email address, etc.) (AGS-13385)


Maximize the ability to display custom data with very specific information that can be placed in the body of an email.


The system now has the ability to be customized to retrieve "very specific information" to place in the email body (based on whatever you would like to show in the body of the email). A custom SQL Query can be defined for each type of document that is emailed out from AGRIS. No additional software update will be required when you need additional information included in the body of your emails. Please reach out to our Support team or use the Help button under AGRIS, Email Maintenance for additional information.


Please reach out to our Support team or use the Help button in AGRIS.

To get to the Help button go to Maintenance > Email Form Maintenance > Select Email Form > Help.

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