TABLE OF CONTENTS (for RJO Hrvyst Hedge, AGRIS Configuration AGS-8899)
Table of Contents |
Integration Overview
Transactions to be sent from RJO Hrvyst Hedge to AGRIS
New contracts (Purchase or Sales)
Flat Price
AutoHedge Contracts
Changes to a contract (or a portion of a contract)
Edit contract details
Price a contract (including ability to price a portion of a delivery/price schedule)
Roll a contract
Cancel a contract
NOTE: The 4 contract types mentioned above will be a one-to-one relationship between Hrvyst Hedge and AGRIS (Basis, HTA, Flat Price, Hedge). If there are more contract types configured in AGRIS, they will not be communicated from Hrvyst Hedge.
Information requested from AGRIS by RJO Hrvyst Hedge
Customer Storage Balances
These requests will be for specific customers, locations, and commodities, on an on-demand basis.
Transactions to be sent to RJO Hrvyst Hedge from AGRIS
Name/Address Changes (When changes are made to Name, Address, Phone, Email, Active Status)
Hedge Transactions (Spot Contracts, Cancel Contracts, Contract Overfills)
Configurable by multiple Name ID Types, multiple Locations, and multiple Commodities.
NOTE: All Contracts are expected to originate, be updated and priced from Hrvyst Hedge (except for Spot Contracts). As mentioned above, the only transactions that should originate from AGRIS would be Spot Contracts, Cancel Contracts, and Contract Overfills.
Add Contracts
Edit Contracts
Delete Contracts
Price Contracts
Applications To Contracts (regular applications, direct-haul applications, or cross-location applications)
Stock Transfers
Adjustment Tickets (bin measure-up, position shrink, daily handling loss adjustments)
Customer Vs. Stock Adjustments (adjusting the position for handling loss ticket-by-ticket)
Manual Edit of Inventory Stock On Hand
Sales/Invoicing of commodity items from the product invoicing module (Inventory Management System)
Basic Setup / Configuration Overview
A. AGRIS setup/configuration steps
1. Hrvyst Hedge Extended Option
2. Document Tracking
3. System Security/Users
4. Commodity setup
5. CFT Integration Service Setup
6. CFT RJO Integration Configuration
7. Integrating Other Name and Commodity Contract Information
Other setup/configuration steps outside of AGRIS
RJO permissions
Greenstone Datahub Permissions (see “Setup the RJO Hrvyst Hedge Provider“ page)
Datahub connectivity
Hook and test connections
Setup Users on Provider Screen
A. AGRIS setup/configuration steps
1. Hrvyst Hedge Extended Option
Help, Update Extended Options
If the Extended option for RJO Hrvyst Hedge has not been installed, that is the first step. Help, Update Extended Options allows the option to become available once the updated license file has been received.
> Dataset Maintenance
> Select the Dataset
> Extended Options, System Support
For this dataset, set the RJO Hrvst Hedge Extended Option (#24) = “Y”.
2. Document Tracking
Utilities > Document Tracking > Name/Address Info.
Document Tracking for Name/Address Info must be turned on.
Utilities > Document Tracking > Hedge Transactions
Document Tracking for Hedge Transactions must also be turned on.
3. System Security/Users
Select Customize > System Security > Insert > User Id (consider something obvious like “RJO” or “Hrv”.
Keep password simple but effective (5 digits)
Follow Security Security. Type “M” to skip down to the CFT Pkg section.
AGRIS Web Service Security
For the Administrator of the RJO Configuration, they must have access to the CFT, Communications, AGRIS Web Service menu option.
Import Contracts Security
Type “C” to skip to the GRN Pkg section.
If there are users (merchandisers) that will be creating transactions in Hrvyst Hedge, that do not currently have a User ID in AGRIS, they will need to be set up in AGRIS System Security. Each user that will be creating transactions in Hrvyst Hedge will need to have the security ability to Import Contracts.
Document Tracking
Utilities, Document Tracking, Name/Address Info.
Document Tracking for Name/Address Info must be turned on.
Utilities, Document Tracking, Hedge Transactions
Document Tracking for Name/Address Info must also be turned on.
CFT Integration Service Setup
Server = CUL-GNO-QA02
Client = CUL-GNO-QA01
Social Security/Federal Tax ID Security
Type “N” to skip to the NAM Pkg section.
No Social Security numbers or Tax IDs will be sent to RJO in the AGRIS/Hrvyst Hedge integration. However, the CFT Service module within your local network (explained in the next section below) will extract the Name/Address information from the AGRIS database in order to send to the hosted Greenstone Data Hub for further processing. To suppress the Social Security Number/Federal Tax ID within the interim data transformation modules, leave the security option shown below set to “No Access”. The security credentials of the user that starts the CFT service will be used for the data communication process. We suggest there should be a specific User ID set up for the RJO integration. For this User ID, set the Social Security/Federal ID security option to “No Access”. Log into AGRIS with this User ID when the CFT service is initially started (see the section below for “Monitor the RJO Integration”).
4. Commodity setup
Before configuring Hrvyst, it is very important to configure each commodity for every location that you plan to use in Hrvyst.
For each commodity, you plan to work with the Default board, Default month and Near-by month must be configured. This is very important to ensure the hedge position is updated correctly.
Ensure you have set that up in your standard processes to roll the nearby month as nessasary.
5. CFT Integration Service Setup
Explaining the Service
The AGRIS CFT Integration Service is a true Windows Service that is also a Web Server for communicating between AGRIS Clients and the Service via ReST API calls.
Within this Service we can support multiple integrations which can all be configured differently.
We have the concept of starting an individual integration process (which is a thread/task within the Windows Service)
These tasks can run simultaneously and will follow the Interval settings in the CFT Integration Setup for each Extract
Assumptions (as discussed in above sections):
AGRIS is installed
AGRIS.ini - Datapath must be set to use UNC paths (drive letters are not supported)
Enable Extended options
SYS,24 (RJO Integration)
RJO Hrvyst Hedge Extended option (SYS #24)
Review security settings
Turn on Document Tracking for Name ID and Hedge Transactions
Configure Server First
Configure the Service
Logon to server with Admin rights
Verify AGRIS runs then logout
Open the Services Window
Right-click on Cultura AGRIS CFT Integration Service
Change the startup type to Automatic (delayed start). This will allow the service to start automatically after a reboot. It also give gives other dependent services a chance to start before starting itself.
Click the Log On tab
If this is a standalone installation then Local System Account should work fine
If a client / server installation then choose this account and enter domain\username and password for a Services Type account. The main point here is that when the service starts it will need full access rights to the datasets path where the data is located. This path is specified in the CFT Integration Configuration.
Click the apply button
Click the general tab and click Start
You should see Service Status Running
When working with MSSQL databases and a Trusted Connection data source which is specified in bin\dbconnnections.config, the Account specified under the Log On Tab should have permissions to
create, read, write, update, delete tables within the AGRIS database and the Accelerator database
When working with MSSQL or PSQL the account should have permissions to
create, read, write, update, delete files/folders within the Datasets folder and below
6. CFT RJO Integration Configuration
Create a new Web Service Integration
Launch AGRIS
CFT ->Communications ->AGRIS Web Service->AGRIS Web Service Configuration
Add a new integration (RJO)
Turn On Each Web Service Message
Configure each message (Name Id Extract and Hedge Transaction Extract)
Here is Name Id Extract Configuration
Set the Status to Active
Set the Integration Interval (For real-time sending of transactions, set the interval to blank minutes)
The only Name/Address information that will automatically be sent to Hrvyst Hedge will be Name Id, Name, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, State, Zip, Country, Phone Number, Active Status.
If you want the customer’s Email address to also be sent to Hrvyst Hedge, set Contact Detail = “Y”.
The CFT integration MUST be configured in the same dataset as the live commodity system.
Use the integration name RJO Hrvyst Hedge for the description as the Integration Name
Note |
This name relates to step 8 below, if you choose another name the import name must match exactly. |
The Dataset Number and Data Path MUST be set to be the current dataset (or blank).
You can leave the Dataset Number and Data Path blank as long as the current dataset has a UNC path.
If message below Data Path shows “Blank = (a mapped drive)”, then the Data Path must be filled in with a UNC path.
The Component Server can be left blank, or point to an AGRIS Web Service server.
Output Option 3 with Transaction Integration 05 indicates that it is RJO Hrvyst Hedge.
Select Next to go to the next options on the screen.
Use CFT Service URL must be set to “Y”.
The CFT Service URL and the Transaction URL should automatically default for you once you select OK.
The CFT Service URL should be http://localhost:9090/api/CftRequest (change if needed)
The Transaction URL (NOTE) by default is set to work with PSQL
IF MSSQL please use this URL replacing local host with the correct server name. http://CULGSSQATS02:8080/AgrisSQL/RESTCommandWebService/ExecuteServerCommand/AgentProcessor/AgrisMessage?TransactionType=0
The CFT Service is a new service installed with AGRIS, that will retrieve transactions from the AGRIS database via the AGRIS Web Service and send them to the Transaction URL (SOGE Agent).
The Transaction URL (SOGE Agent) will then send the transactions to the hosted Greenstone Data Hub, which will send them on to RJO Hrvyst Hedge.
Turn On Each Web Service Message
Set up the Extract Filters
Filters can be designated by Commodity, by Name Id Type, and by Location. It is important to set up the Name Id Type filter so that only the Grain Customer information is sent to RJO Hrvyst Hedge.
Select the line
for Name Id Types, and then check each Name Id Type that should be able to have contracts created for them in Hrvyst Hedge.
It is important that all growers that use MyGrower should be included in these Name Id Types as well.
Select Continue to save your choices, and then Save/Exit to save the Extract filter.
You can
filter the Hedge Transactions that will be sent to Hrvyst Hedge by Location and by Commodity as well
Monitor the RJO Integration
Start/Stop the Service
CFT ->Communications ->AGRIS Web Service->Process/Monitor Web Service Integration
Choose the Integration Number for RJO
Notice the status - integration not found - when you click the start/stop it will add the integration and start the integration.
Communication Inquiry
CFT ->Communications ->AGRIS Web Service->Communication Inquiry - > RJO
This inquiry allows you to monitor all transactions that have been received from Hrvyst Hedge and all transactions that have been sent to Hrvyst Hedge. The Status column will show “S”uccessful, “F”ailed, “R”ejected, or ”W”aiting.
You can click on any row above to see the details shown below.
You can also click on the Details button above to see the actual xml messages that have been submitted in and out of the system, for complete visibility of all messages that have been logged.
. If you don’t set up any filters, then transactions from all locations and all commodities will be sent to RJO Hrvyst Hedge.
Configure each message (Name Id Extract and Hedge Transaction Extract)
Select the Name ID Extract and the following screen for the Name Id Extract Configuration displays
For Name Id Extract:
Set the Last Date/Time (to start sending new changes as of that date/time).
Set the Status to Active (WARNING)
Any names that update since this date will be sent.. It is recommended to wait till you have confirmed integration success before setting the date back significantly.
First test should always be for today’s date and edit a name before sending all names.
Set the Integration Interval (For real-time sending of transactions, set the interval to blank minutes)
The only Name/Address information that will automatically be sent to Hrvyst Hedge will be Name Id, Name, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, State, Zip, Country, Phone Number, Active Status.
If you want the customer’s Email address to also be sent to Hrvyst Hedge, set Contact Detail = “Y”.
For all other detail options, leave them set to “N”.
Select OK to save your settings.
For Hedge Transaction Extract:
Set the Last Date/Time (to start sending new changes as of that date/time). Set the starting date/time to be right now. Do not backdate this date!!!!!!!!
Past transactions will fail when sending to Hrvyst
It will tie up processing until complete
It will slow processing for others
You can't stop it sending if you start (it will send them all)
Past transactions don’t add value
You just made the implementation take alot longer if sending past transactions to Hrvyst,
Set the Integration Interval (For real-time sending of transactions, set the interval to blank minutes)
Set the Status to Active
The Hedge Transactions that will be sent to Hrvyst Hedge will be Spot Contract applications, Cancel Contract transactions (under-fills), and over-filled contracts when they become priced.
Select OK to save your settings.
7. Integrating Other Name and Commodity Contract Information
Because of the flexibility of the AGRIS Name and Commodity Contract module capabilities, you may want or require other AGRIS information to flow through the Hrvyst integration. You may modify Imports for this. Please see the Import Process - Overview, Steps, Layouts, Modifier instructions HERE.
The steps below may help you gain a better understanding of what other information you may wish to integrate.
Name/Address - Code Descriptions
Navigation: Packages > Name/Address System > Setup Information > Code Descriptions
Commodity - Contract Infromation
Navigation: Packages > Commodity Management System > Setup Information > Contract Information
Note that this is “Screen #1 of 6”. You may wish to include information from other screens.
8. Import modify the configuration.
Set the import modify feature to support unique info from the hrvyst system.
*Note all configurations below will drive the same value in AGRIS.. if a specific value is needed for some fields on a contract vs a different value for other contracts when interfacing with RJO hrvyst… contact your RJO representative for additional instruction.
Navigate to Maintenance>Import Maintenace>Insert, to add new import
Name the import RJO Hrvyst Hedge (note as discussed in step 6 it must be RJO Hrvyst Hedge)
Contract Header details
Contract Signed status - Force to “N”
Transporation mode - Set to “T” if this is the expected contract type for all contracts.
Contract Schedule details - custom field configuration.
Determine what transaction code should be used to identify that the contract originated in RJO Hrvyst
Configure any remaining schedule configuration for “ALL” contract schedule required fields that would be the same for all contracts.
Contract schedule details - standard field configuration
Board name
Transport mode
Import Maintenance screen Import Path & File Names should be left as defaulted in.
9. Import the reports/widgets to manage the Hrvyst Interface
Import and configure the widget to manage the status from AGRIS, GDH and RJO hrvyst system.
Info |
If using AGRIS 22.1 or higher, this step is not required |
Download the attached zip
Send the following to the customer
View file | ||
Extract to the AGRIS/Support/CFT folder on the AGRIS database server.
Import using the Transfer reports and forms
Enable the reports for the user who is managing as a Dashboard widget.
Click for instructions on
How to Balance the Position between AGRIS and Hrvyst
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