How to Monitor the Hryvst Integration and Balance Positions

AGRIS Customer Documentation

How to Monitor the Hryvst Integration and Balance Positions

This page outlines the steps to help you:

  • Monitor the AGRIS integration with Hryvst

  • Balance the Position between AGRIS and Hrvyst


This document assumes that you have already:

TABLE OF CONTENTS (for RJO Hrvyst Hedge, AGRIS Configuration AGS-8899)

Integration Overview

Transactions sent from RJO Hrvyst Hedge to AGRIS

  1. New contracts (Purchase or Sales)

    1. Basis

    2. Hedge-To-Arrive

    3. Flat Price

    4. AutoHedge Contracts

  2. Changes to a contract (or a portion of a contract)

    1. Edit contract details

    2. Price a contract (including ability to price a portion of a delivery/price schedule)

    3. Roll a contract

  3. Cancel a contract


The 4 contract types mentioned above will be a one-to-one relationship between Hrvyst Hedge and AGRIS (Basis, HTA, Flat Price, Hedge). If there are more contract types configured in AGRIS, they will not be communicated from Hrvyst Hedge.

Information requested from AGRIS by RJO Hrvyst Hedge

  1. Customer Storage Balances

These requests will be for specific customers, locations, and commodities, on an on-demand basis.

Transactions sent to RJO Hrvyst Hedge from AGRIS

  1. Name/Address Changes (When changes are made to Name, Address, Phone, Email, Active Status)

  2. Hedge Transactions (Spot Contracts, Cancel Contracts, Contract Overfills)

  3. Configurable by multiple Name ID Types, multiple Locations, and multiple Commodities.


All Contracts are expected to originate, be updated and priced from Hrvyst Hedge (except for Spot Contracts). As mentioned above, the only transactions that should originate from AGRIS would be Spot Contracts, Cancel Contracts, and Contract Overfills.

The following hedge transactions that might be created by AGRIS users (or other AGRIS imports/integrations) will not be sent to Hrvyst Hedge.

  • Add Contracts 

  • Edit Contracts

  • Delete Contracts

  • Price Contracts

  • Applications To Contracts (regular applications, direct-haul applications, or cross-location applications)

  • Stock Transfers

  • Adjustment Tickets (bin measure-up, position shrink, daily handling loss adjustments)

  • Customer Vs. Stock Adjustments (adjusting the position for handling loss ticket-by-ticket)

  • Manual Edit of Inventory Stock On Hand

  • Sales/Invoicing of commodity items from the product invoicing module (Inventory Management System)


Steps to Monitor the RJO Hryvst Integration

Start/Stop the Service

Note: if any of the configuration options are changed (in the previous section), the service must be stopped and restarted in order for the configuration changes to take affect.

  • CFT ->Communications ->AGRIS Web Service->Process/Monitor Web Service Integration

  • Choose the Integration Number for RJO


  • The display above will show the status of the CFT Service and the Transaction Service (SOGE Agent).

  • When you click the start/stop button, it will add the integration to the service and start the integration.

  • The AGRIS User who clicks the Start button above will be the User ID associated with all transactions extracted from AGRIS and sent to RJO Hrvyst Hedge.

  • Make sure you have enabled both message types prior to starting the service.

Communication Inquiry

CFT ->Communications ->AGRIS Web Service->Communication Inquiry - > RJO

This inquiry allows you to monitor all transactions that have been received from Hrvyst Hedge and all transactions that have been sent to Hrvyst Hedge. The Status column will show “S”uccessful, “F”ailed, “R”ejected, ”W”aiting, or “U”nsuccessful.

These are the available filter parameters:

You can click on any row above to see the details shown below.

You can also click on the Details button above to see the actual xml messages that have been submitted in and out of the AGRIS Web Service, for complete visibility of all messages that have been logged.

Status: Successful

CFT → Communications → AGRIS Web Service → Communication Inquiry → RJO → Sts=S

Successful transactions RECEIVED from Hrvyst Hedge will include new contracts and changes to contracts. The ID/Description field will indicate GRN Contract Post. The Document field will show the AGRIS Contract Number. The Misc 2 field will show the Hrvyst Hedge Contract Number. The Details button will show the contract information that was supplied from RJO.

Successful transactions SENT to Hrvyst Hedge will include new Name IDs and changes to existing Name/Address information. The ID/Description field will indicate NAM Name ID Extract. The Document field will show the AGRIS Name ID. The Details button will show the Name/Address information that was sent to the local SOGE Agent. Only a small subset of the Name/Address data elements will be sent on to RJO by the hosted Greenstone Data Hub.

Successful transactions SENT to Hrvyst Hedge will also include some hedge transactions that have been entered in AGRIS. These transactions will include Spot Contract applications, Pricing the overfill portion of a contract, or cancelling/under-filling a contract. The ID/Description field will indicate GRN Hedge Transaction Extract. The Document field will show the unique identification of the hedge transaction, including date/timestamp. The Details button will show the information that was sent.

Status: Rejected

CFT → Communications → AGRIS Web Service → Communication Inquiry → RJO → Sts=R

Rejected transactions RECEIVED from Hrvyst Hedge will include contract transactions that have been rejected by the AGRIS web service post/import process. The details of the rejection messages will be available under the Details button. Rejected messages will be sent back to RJO Hrvyst Hedge. There will be no option within the CFT Inquiry to re-post the transaction. It is the responsibility of Hrvyst Hedge or the Greenstone Data Hub to re-post the transaction after the reasons for the rejection(s) have been addressed.

There will be no Rejected transactions logged in the CFT Inquiry for information SENT from AGRIS.

Status: Failed

CFT → Communications → AGRIS Web Service → Communication Inquiry → RJO → Sts=F

Failed transactions RECEIVED from Hrvyst Hedge will include contract transactions that have encountered a system error within the AGRIS web service post/import process. The details of the error message will be available under the Details button. There is not currently any plan to provide an option within the CFT Inquiry to re-post the transaction after an error condition. It is the responsibility of the Greenstone Data Hub to re-post the transaction after the reasons for the error has been addressed.

Failed transactions that are marked as SEND include Name IDs or Hedge Transactions that encountered a system error within the AGRIS web service extract process. The details of the error message will be available under the Details button. When a Failed message occurs in the extracts, the system will automatically retry up to 100 times, based on the integration interval setting in the CFT Configuration. If/when the error condition has been resolved, the Last Date/Time for that message type can be manually set back in time, to tell the system to process/send that transaction again.

Status: Unsuccessful

CFT → Communications → AGRIS Web Service → Communication Inquiry → RJO → Sts=U

Unsuccessful transactions RECEIVED from Hrvyst Hedge are similar to the Failed status. An Unsuccessful contract post would be a transaction that was received from Hrvyst Hedge, and then sent to the AGRIS Web Service post process, but a response was never received. Either a power outage or a termination of the system may result in an Unsuccessful status.

There will be no Unsuccessful transactions logged in the CFT Inquiry for information to be SENT from AGRIS.

Status: Waiting In Queue

CFT → Communications → AGRIS Web Service → Communication Inquiry → RJO → Sts=W

There will be no Waiting transactions logged in the CFT Inquiry for information RECEIVED from RJO. Transactions that are received are posted immediately through the AGRIS Web Service.

Waiting transactions that are marked as SEND include Name IDs or Hedge Transactions that have been made in AGRIS and are in the queue, waiting to be sent to RJO via the local SOGE Agent and the hosted Greenstone Data Hub. In a normal situation, these entries will be in the queue for a very brief amount of time before they are marked as Successful. If the SOGE Agent or Data Hub are not available, then the Waiting transactions will remain in the queue. The Misc 1 field will show the response reason that the transaction was not able to be sent to the SOGE Agent. The AGRIS CFT Service will continue to attempt to send the transaction(s) until the Agent and Data Hub are available.

Communication Report

CFT → Communications → AGRIS Web Service → Communication Report → RJO

A report is also available to show all transactions received or sent, along with the status. These are the available filter parameters:

Here is a example of the Communication Report with all transactions Waiting to be SENT to RJO, The Status shows S for Send, and the Status of Waiting.

For contracts that have been received from Hrvyst Hedge, the AGRIS contract number will be displayed, as well as the Hrvyst Hedge contract number.


Balance the Position between AGRIS and Hrvyst

Hedge Transactions Received In AGRIS From RJO Hrvyst Hedge

GRN → Report Manager → Hedge Audit Reports → Print Standard Reports → Hedge Transactions Detail Report

Press the Sort/Print button. Sort by Commodity Code, Transaction Type. Filter Date/Time by the day/days needed, (ex: 020224000000 to 020224240000). Filter by External System “R” to “R”. Choose “N” for Print Hedge Audit Detail.

You could also print the report to include all detail lines that make up the totals. You might want to also sort/subtotal by location within each commodity. A user-defined report could also be created to print this report daily and add/remove the desired columns on the report.

Hedge Transactions Sent From AGRIS To RJO Hrvyst Hedge

GRN → Report Manager → Hedge Audit Reports → Print Standard Reports → Hedge Transactions Detail Report

Press the Sort/Print button. Sort by Commodity Code, Transaction Type. Filter Date/Time by the day/days needed, (ex: 020224000000 to 020224240000). Filter by External System blank to “A”. Transaction Types To Include: 7BCF. Choose “N” for Print Hedge Audit Detail.

You could also print the report to include all detail lines that make up the totals. You might want to also sort/subtotal by location within each commodity. A user-defined report could also be created to print this report daily and add/remove the desired columns on the report.

Hedge Transactions NOT Sent From AGRIS To RJO Hrvyst Hedge

GRN → Report Manager → Hedge Audit Reports → Print Standard Reports → Hedge Transactions Detail Report

Press the Sort/Print button. Sort by Commodity Code, Transaction Type. Filter Date/Time by the day/days needed, (ex: 020224000000 to 020224240000). Filter External System by blank to “A”. Transaction Types To Include: 1234568ADEGHIJKLMN. Choose “N” for Print Hedge Audit Detail.

You could also print the report to include all detail lines that make up the totals. You might want to also sort/subtotal by location within each commodity. A user-defined report could also be created to print this report daily and add/remove the desired columns on the report.


Edited by: Arlena Bannon 2/2/24

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