AGRIS Customer Documentation
How to Setup the Greenstone Data Hub for the RJO Hrvyst Provider
When configuring AGRIS for use with RJO’s Hrvyst Hedge application. You must log into the Greenstone Data Hub to enable permissions for both systems to communicate effectively.
Review the URL provided in your setup information on how to sign up for a unique secure connection.
Log into the Greenstone Data Hub.
Navigate via the top right menu to find the (AGRIS Agent Setup)
Choose Provider
You will see a listing of approved providers
b. Select the Carrot on the right side to open the view for the provider information or select NEW to create a new provider.
Fill out remaining information as directed to complete the Provider configuration
Now you are enabled to setup remaining tasks including
Email notifications for when administration level errors happen
Map each Hrvyst Hedge Employee user id to the respective AGRIS user id.
NOTE: Users must be mapped between systems before the contracts can be accepted by the AGRIS System.
User Id that will call to RJO.
.Setup Email Addresses of those you wish to inform via email of any issues. Addresses must be COMMA separated.
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