AGRIS Customer Documentation

AGRIS Warehouse App 1.4.44!

The AGRIS Warehouse App 1.4.44 is available via the:

What are the Highlights / Major Benefits?

  • More logging is in place to provide a better user experience.

  • Shipments - Unfinished Delivery Tickets now retain remarks and customer name to successfully post.

  • Transfers - Minimize time and effort to process transfers.

What's new in AGRIS Warehouse App?

Based on customer feedback, here are some new features and improvements to help you:

New Features / Improvements


New Features / Improvements


Shipments - Unfinished Delivery Tickets now retain remarks and customer name to successfully post  (SHP-433, 413)

  • Increases efficiency and accuracy completing the shipment and posting the delivery ticket posting

Shipments - Progress bar Descriptions (Customers, Items, and Summary) are now visible  (SHP-492)

  • Increase the likelihood of keeping the customer and item information accurate

Transfers - App now provides a warning of a service item before posting process so service item doesn't get stuck in the Pending Ticket queue  (SHP-459)

  • Minimize time and effort to eliminate a service item on a transfer.

  • When there is a service item on a Transfer, the app warns that a Service Item is present and thus unable to transfer. Press Ok and go back to the Items to remove the Service item from the Transfer.

Transfers - Ability to see Items with Quantities and Unit of Measure on the Summary tab  (SHP-491)

  • Reduce time and effort to understand transfer quantities and related units of measure

  • Improve the accuracy of transfer information via the Summary overview step

Transfers - various stability improvements for Transfers  (SHP-476, 479, 489)

  • Improve the accuracy and timeliness of inventory transfers.

More logging is in place to improve user experience and fixes to various logged issues  (SHP-483-490, 494)

  • Maximize consistency of the user experience with the app by logging issues during usage

  • Improve usability 

Minor bug fixes and performance enhancements.

For questions or additional information please contact or 800-366-2474.

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