Data Protection - Obscuring Customer Data

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Data Protection - Obscuring Customer Data

Did you know that as of 2021, we now have a new process in place to help protect your data within the datasets you send to AGRIS support for testing?

 The benefits are:

Maximize the ability to protect the privacy of personal information residing within your datasets.

Things to be aware of:

  • Once data is obscured, there is no going back to the original data. It is changed completely.

  • Greenstone will need to have an email stating that it is okay that we have this dataset.

To Obscure data in AGRIS before sending in a dataset:

Navigate to:

  • Utilities > Copy Dataset  

  1. Answer “Y” to Scramble “Sensitive Data”

  2. Send a compressed file of this newly copied dataset to support.

This will obscure (replace with “X”) all the name/address info, name/address remarks, and banking information in Bank and Payroll.

  • To have SUPPORT obscure the data AFTER receiving the dataset:

  1. SUPPORT has a utility that can obscure the data while it is in compressed format.

  2. Send in compressed dataset and we will obscure the data in house.



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