AGRIS Customer Documentation
What is AGRIS Warehouse app?
AGRIS Warehouse App
It is a mobile application that allows workers in your warehouses to:
Assign barcodes to items.
Capture shipment information as it happens
Select customer and check credit limit
Select items by searching or barcode scanning
Verify licenses for restricted use items
Capture comments and the customer's electronic signature
Post the shipment into AGRIS
Email the delivery ticket
Process transfers of inventory from one location to another as they happen
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Who is the AGRIS Warehouse App for and what benefits does it provide?
Your warehouse team who load or deliver items from your warehouses. It reduces the time they spend writing things on paper and reduces delays capturing that information into the system.
Your operations and warehouse manager(s) who want to reduce paperwork and have accurate inventory quantities.
Your credit manager who needs to prevent items from getting to customers who do not comply with your credit policies.
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