CINCH Customer Documentation

Document Exchange (CINCH 18.5)

This page describes miscellaneous enhancements made to CINCHX. 


Changes to AgXML 4.0 Shipment Import 

A new setting has been added to the AgXML 4.0 Shipment Import. 

1. AgXML 4.0 Shipment Import

a. Supported Exchange Partner Filters

i. No Filters Apply

b. Service Line Settings

i. Use Seller for Location ID

1. No, system will attempt to match address from the seller. (Default)

2. Yes, if the match address fails and the Site from the Default Branch (Branch Main Inventory Site) cannot be determined, system will then use the Seller Entity Identifier from the Shipment XML file as the Location Code.

Changes to OneWeigh Load2Tkt Exp Auto ID

New settings have been added to the OneWeigh Load2Tkt Export service adaptor along with processing notes. The following settings have been removed: Use Dest Loc ID as ShipToID, and Use Dest Loc Name as Shipped ID.

2. OneWeigh Load2Tkt Exp Auto ID

a. Supported Exchange Partner Filters

i. No Filters Apply

b. Service Line Settings

i. Message Label Extension

1. Enter the file extension of the export file.

2. It is recommended to use FIL (Files List Object File).

ii. OneWeigh Import Path

1. The location CINCHX will save the OneWeigh Auto ID files it creates. (Required)

iii. Populate Variety/Class

1. Yes, when selected the first and second characters of the Commodity Name Code from the Load Order XML file will be used to populate the Commodity, positions 50-51 in the FIL file. The third thru the eighth character of the Commodity Name Code from the Load Order XML file will be used to populate the Variety Class, positions 52-57 in the FIL file.

2. No, when selected, only the first and second characters of the Commodity Name Code from the Load Order file will be used to populate the Commodity, positions 50-51 in the FIL file. The Variety Class will not be populated, positions 53-58 in the FIL file will be blank. 

iv. Remark Position Address1

1. Select which position, 01-30 within the FIL file under the ONEA2 record type, to display the first Address Line from the XML file’s <Destination>, <LocationInformation>, <Address>, <AddressLINE>.

2. This is the Load’s Ship To ID’s first Address Line.

v. Remark Position Address2

1. Select which position, 01-30 within the FIL file under the ONEA2 record type, to display the second Address Line from the XML file’s <Destination>, <LocationInformation>, <Address>, <AddressLINE>.

2. This is the Load’s Ship To ID’s second Address Line.

vi. Remark Position City

1. Select which position, 01-30 within the FIL file under the ONEA2 record type, to display the City from the XML file’s <Destination>, <LocationInformation>, <Address>, <City>.

2. This is the Load’s Ship To ID’s City.

vii. Remark Position Cust PO Number

1. Select which position, 01-30 within the FIL file under the ONEA2 record type, to display the Cust PO Number from the XML file’s < BuyerPurchaseOrderIdentifier>.

2. This is the Load’s Cust PO Number.

viii. Remark Position Cust Ref2

1. Select which position, 01-30 within the FIL file under the ONEA2 record type, to display the Cust Ref2 from the XML file’s <UserArea>, <IRDSCustomerRef2>.

2. This is the Load’s Customer Ref 2.

ix. Remark Position Load Number

1. This will default to 07, but user can select another position, 01-30 within the FIL file under the ONEA2 record type, to display the Load Number from the XML file’s <VehicleIdentification>, <VehicleIdentifier>.

2. The selected remark must have the Remark Description set to Load Order within One Weigh Ticket Information to ensure the Load Order is included in the export from One Weigh and handled correctly when shipment is imported.

x. Remark Position Order Reference

1. This will default to 15, but user can select another position, 01-30 within the FIL file under the ONEA2 record type, to display the Order Reference from the XML file’s <UserArea>, <REFERENCE>.

2. This is the Load’s Order Reference.

xi. Remark Position Ship To Name

1. Select which position, 01-30 within the FIL file under the ONEA2 record type, to display the Ship To Name from the XML file’s <Destination>, <LocationInformation>, <Address>, <LocationName>.

2. This is the Load’s Ship To ID’s Ship To Address Name.

xii. Remark Position State

1. Select which position, 01-30 within the FIL file under the ONEA2 record type, to display the State from the XML file’s <Destination>, <LocationInformation>, <Address>, <CountryRegionCode>.

2. This is the Load’s Ship To ID’s State.

xiii. Remark Position Zip Code

1. Select which position, 01-30 within the FIL file under the ONEA2 record type, to display the Zip Code from the XML file’s <Destination>, <LocationInformation>, <Address>, <PostalCode>.

2. This is the Load’s Ship To ID’s Zip

Processing Notes:

  • The FIL file that is created can contain two record types: ONEA0 and ONEA2

  • File Translation for record type of “ONEA0”:

o Record Type (Position 1-5) = ONEA0

o Auto ID Number (Position 6-17) = Load Number

o Ship To From ID (Position 18-27) = Customer ID from Load

o Shipper ID (Position 28-37) = Will be left blank.

o Commodity (Position 50-51) = Item, translation (First two characters of the Standard Value)

o Variety Class (Position 52-57) = Item, translation (third thru eighth character of the Standard Value)

o Expected Apply Type (Position 58-59) = C (Contract)

o Expected Contract Number (Position 60-66) = CINCH contract number, which will be truncated

o Ticket Type (Position 87-87) = R (Regular)

o Ticket Location (Position 88-90) = Based on AgXML 4.0 Load Order Export service setting Company ID Source (Branch, Company or Location), translated

o In Out Code (Position 93-93) = O, Load Orders are outbound

o Delete When Expired (Position 94 - 94) = Y

o Expire Date (Position 95-102) = YYYYMMDD

o This will be set to a fixed date in the past, (20200101). This will be set when the Order is marked On Hold, Voided or Deleted in CINCH.

o Maximum Tickets (Position 103 – 106) = 1

o ID Source (Position 241-241) = L (Load Order)

  • File Translation for record type of “ONEA2”:

o Record Type (Position 1-5) = ONEA2

o Number (Position 6-7) = Remark Number (01-30)

o Value (Position 8-57) = Remark Position values.

  • On Hold Load Orders

o It is assumed that the AgXML 4.0 Load Export, Service setting CINCH Consumer is set to Yes. This will ensure the On Hold sending will be included in the Load Export file.

o If a Load Order is exported and later marked on hold the IROnHoldCB is true, the OneWeigh Expire Date will be set to 20200101, which will allow it to be removed from OneWeigh.

  • Void Load Orders

o It is assumed that the AgXML 4.0 Load Export, Service setting Allow Voids is set to Yes. This will ensure the Voided Orders will be exported.

o If a Load Order is exported and later voided, the OneWeigh Expire Date will be set to 20200101, which will allow it to be removed from OneWeigh.

  • Delete Load Orders

o It is assumed that the AgXML 4.0 Load Export, Service setting Allow Deletes is set to Yes. This will ensure the Deleted Orders will be exported.

o If a Load Order is exported and later deleted, the OneWeigh Expire Date will be set to 20200101, which will allow it to be removed from OneWeigh.

  • Remark Position service lines, there are no validation if the remark number has already been selected. User will need to ensure the selected One Weigh Remark number maps correctly.

  • Remark Position Address1, Remark Position Address2, Remark Position City, Remark Position State, Remark Position Zip Code will be populated from the Destination Location Information tag within the Load Export XML. This comes from the following information from the Load:

o From the Customer Ref Details (expansion button next to the Ship To Address Id on the Load Order) if populated, if not;

o From the Customer Address Maintenance, Ship To Address Name, if populated, if not;

o It will be left blank.

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