CINCH Customer Documentation

Sales Miscellaneous (CINCH 18.5)

This page describes miscellaneous enhancements made to CINCH Sales.


Changes to CINCH Sales Menu & Window Names 

The CINCH Sales Menu/Navigation names have been alphabetized and the following Menu/Navigation and/or Window Names have been updated. The Menu/Navigation names have been matched with the window name. This should not affect any custom built menus since the form name has not been changed.

The list displays the Old Menu/Navigation Name >> Old Window Title – NEW Menu/Navigation Name/Window Title.

1. Tools >> Setup >> CINCH Sales

a. Branch Schedule Entry >> Branch Schedule Maintenance – Branch Schedule Setup

b. HazMat Codes >> Hazardous Description Maintenance – Hazardous Material Setup

c. Item Long Short Group Setup >> Item Group Maintenance – Item Long Short Group Setup

d. Item Long Short Projections >> Item Projection Entry – Item Long Short Projections Setup

e. Numbers Maintenance >> Next Number Maintenance – Document Number Setup

f. Reg Keys >> Reg Key Maintenance – Registration Key Maintenance

g. Sales User >> Sales User Setup – Sales User Setup

2. Cards >> CINCH Sales

a. Ag Works – AgWorks

b. Branches >> Branch Maintenance – Branch Maintenance

c. Compliance/Regulatory (New Grouping)

i. CDMS Items >> CDMS Item Entry - CDMS Item Maintenance

ii. Greenbook Item Entry

iii. Greenbook Maintenance >> Greenbook HazMat Maintenance - Greenbook HazMat Maintenance

iv. License Holders >> License Holder Maintenance - License Holder Maintenance

v. License Types >> License Type Maintenance - License Type Maintenance

d. Prepay Classes >> Prepay Classes Maintenance – Prepay Classes -Maintenance

e. Sales Discounts >> Sales Discount Maintenance – Sales Discount Maintenance

f. Schedule F Categories >> Schedule F Categories Maintenance – Schedule F Categories Maintenance

g. Shipping Quadrants >> Quadrant Entry – Shipping Quadrant Maintenance

h. Regions >> Region Maintenance – Region Maintenance

i. Reporting Cost Adjustments (RCA) (New Grouping)

i. RCA Region Maintenance >> Territory Region Maintenance – Reporting Cost Adjustment Region Maintenance

ii. RCA Setup >> RCA Setup – Reporting Cost Adjustment Setup

j. Splits >> Sales Split Maintenance – Sales Split Maintenance

k. Units of Measure >> U of M Entry – Units of Measure Maintenance

3. Transactions >> CINCH Sales

a. COA Quality Results Entry >> COA Quality Results Entry – Certificate of Analysis Quality Results Entry

b. Counter Sales >> Counter Sales Entry – Counter Sales Entry

c. Bookings >> Bookings Entry – Bookings Entry

d. Branch Transfers >> Branch Transfer Entry – Branch Transfer Entry

e. Invoices >> Invoice Maintenance – Sales Invoice Entry

f. Prepay Entry >> Prepay Cash Receipts – Prepay Cash Receipts Entry

g. Prepay Transfer >> Prepay Transfer Entry – Prepay Transfer Entry

h. Returns >> Sales Returns Entry – Sales Returns Entry

i. Sales Contract Amend >> Sales Contract Amend – Sales Contract Amendment Entry

j. Reporting Cost Adjustments (New Menu)

i. RCA Item Entry >> Reporting Cost Adjustment Item Entry

ii. RCA Manual Entry >> Reporting Cost Adjustment Manual Entry

k. Returns >> Sales Return Entry – Sales Return Entry

l. Sales Orders >> Sales Order Entry – Sales Order Entry

m. Schedule Entry >> Shipment Schedule Entry – Shipment Schedule Entry

n. Shipment Invoicing >> Shipment Invoicing – Sales Shipment Invoicing

o. SOP Batches >> Sales Batch Entry – Batch Entry – Sales (Menu name change only)

4. Inquiry >> CINCH Sales

a. Booking Inquiry >> Booking Inquiry List – Booking Inquiry

b. Branch Transfer Inquiry >> Branch Transfer Inquiry List – Branch Transfer Inquiry

c. COA Quality Results Inquiry >> COA Quality Results Inquiry – Certificate of Analysis Quality Results Inquiry

d. Contract Inquiry >> Sales Contract Inquiry – Sales Contract Inquiry

e. Customer Balance >> Customer Balance Inquiry – Customer Balance Inquiry

f. Customer Summary >> Customer Summary Inquiry List – Customer Summary Inquiry

g. Document Numbers >> Number System Inquiry – Document Number Inquiry

h. Export Inquiry >> XML Export Inquiry – XML Export Inquiry

i. Item Transaction Inquiry >> Inventory Trx Inquiry – Item Transaction Inquiry

j. Lot Transactions >> Lot Transaction Inquiry List – Lot Transaction Inquiry

k. Freight Inquiry >> Freight Inquiry List – Freight Inquiry

l. Prepay Receipts >> Prepay Cash Receipt Inquiry – Prepay Cash Receipts Inquiry

m. RCA Inquiry >> Reporting Cost Adjustment Inquiry - Reporting Cost Adjustment Inquiry

n. RCA Inquiry Detail >> Reporting Cost Adjustment Inquiry Detail - Reporting Cost Adjustment Inquiry Detail

o. Sales Batch Inquiry >> Sales Batch Inquiry List – Sales Batch Inquiry

p. Sales Detail Inquiry >> Sales Detail Inquiry List – Sales Detail Inquiry

q. Sales Documents >> Sales Order Processing Document Inquiry – Sales Order Processing Documents Inquiry

r. Sales Shipments >> Shipment Invoicing Inquiry – Sales Shipment Invoicing Inquiry

s. Schedule Inquiry >> Schedule Inquiry List – Schedule Inquiry

5. Inquiry >> CINCH Seed

a. Lot Analysis Inquiry >> Lot Analysis Inquiry List – Lot Analysis Inquiry

b. Lot Transactions >> Lot Transaction Inquiry List – Lot Transaction Inquiry

6. Reports >> CINCH Sales

a. Credit Reports >> Receivables Credit Reports – Credit Reports

b. Sales Contracts >> Sales Contract Reports – Sales Contract Reports

c. Sales Mgmt Reports >> Sales Management Reports – Sales Management Reports

7. Tools >> Utilities >> CINCH Sales

a. SOP Batch >> SOP Batch Reconcile – Sales Batch Reconcile

8. Tools >> Routines >> CINCH Sales

a. COA Out of Spec Approval >> COA Out of Spec Approval - Certificate of Analysis Out of Spec Approval

b. Export Entry >> XML Export Entry – XML Export Entry

c. Prepay Close >> Prepay Season Close – Prepay Season Close

d. RCA Batch Processing >> Reporting Cost Adjustment Calculation Processing - Reporting Cost Adjustment Calculation Processing

e. Reprint Statement Run Maint >> Reprint Statement Run Maintenance - Reprint Statement Run Maintenance

f. Scheduled Payment Process >> Scheduled EFT Payment Process - Scheduled EFT Payment Process

Changes to Prepay Setup 

A new setting has been added to the Prepay Setup window.

1. Open Prepay Setup

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Setup>>CINCH Sales>>Prepay Setup)

2. Limit Prepay Indicator on Bulk Shipment Invoicing

a. Checked, overwrites existing visual prepay indicators and displays a “P” indicator for shipments assigned to contracts that are associated to a Prepay Type of Item or Deposit and a Document type of CINCH Sales Contract.

b. Unchecked, all prepay indicators will be visible within Bulk Shipment Invoicing.

Changes to Sales Setup Options 

Changes have been made to the Ship To ID setting within the Sales Setup Options window.

1. Open Sale Setup Options

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Setup>>CINCH Sales>>Sales Setup >> Options)

2. Ship To ID

a. Checked, the split owner and split customer(s) must have the exact same Address ID(s) for the split original’s Ship To ID to be used on the split customer(s) invoice(s). Example: 50/50 Split between customers A & B. Customer A is the primary customer with a Ship To ID of “SPLIT”. Customer B must also have an Address ID of “SPLIT” for the Split Original to default the Ship To ID to Customer B’s split invoice. Customer B’s split address information will come from Customer B’s Address ID of “SPLIT”.

Note: This setting is ignored for Split Returns.

b. Unchecked, the split customer(s) default Ship To will be used on the invoice(s).

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