CINCH Customer Documentation

Grain Miscellaneous (CINCH 18.5)

This page describes miscellaneous enhancements made to CINCH Grain.


Changes to CINCH Grain Menu & Window Names

The CINCH Grain Menu/Navigation names have been alphabetized, new groupings created and the following Menu/Navigation and/or Window Names have been updated. The Menu/Navigation names have been matched with the window name. This should not affect any custom built menus since the form name has not changed.

The list displays the Old Menu/Navigation Name >> Old Window Title – NEW Menu/Navigation Name/Window Title.

1. Tools >> Setup >> CINCH Grain

a. Branch Check Numbers >> Branch Check Number Setup – Branch Check Number Setup

b. Branch Schedule Entry >> Branch Schedule Maintenance – Branch Schedule Setup

c. Contract User >> Purchase Contract User Setup – Purchase Contract User Setup

d. DRC Job >> DRC Job Setup – DRC Job Setup

e. Grain Vendor Class >> Grain Supplier Classes – Grain Supplier Class

f. HazMat Codes >> Hazardous Description Maintenance – Hazardous Material Setup

g. Long/Short >> Long Short Report Options – Long Short Report Setup

h. Numbers Maintenance >> Next Number Maintenance – Document Number Setup

i. Position Report >> Contract Position Report Setup – Contract Position Report Setup

j. Purchase/Inbound User >> Purchase/Inbound User Setup - Purchase/Inbound User Setup

k. Reg Keys >> Reg Key Maintenance – Registration Key Maintenance

l. Sales/Outbound User >> Sales/Outbound User Setup - Sales/Outbound User Setup

m. SMS Provider >> SMS Provider Setup – SMS Provider Setup

n. SMS Message >> SMS Message Setup – SMS Message Setup

o. Trading Setup >> Trade Setup – Trade Setup

2. Cards >> CINCH Grain

a. Branches >> Branch Maintenance – Branch Maintenance

b. Commodity Trading (New Grouping)

i. Board of Trade >> Board of Trade Maintenance – Board of Trade Maintenance

ii. Board Tickers Board Tickers Maintenance – Board of Ticker Maintenance

iii. Broker Maintenance

iv. Futures Symbol Maintenance

v. Hedge Account Maintenance

vi. Market Zones >> Market Zone Maintenance – Market Zone Maintenance

vii. Position Entry

c. Contracts (Grouping Changed)

i. Commodity Grades >> Commodity Grade Maintenance – Commodity Grade Maintenance

ii. Delivery Periods >> Delivery Period Maintenance – Delivery Period Maintenance

iii. Discount Details >> Discount Detail Maintenance – Discount Detail Maintenance

iv. Discount Schedules >> Discount Schedules Maintenance – Discount Schedules Maintenance

v. Dispositions >> Dispositions Maintenance – Dispositions Maintenance

vi. DRC Customers >> DRC Customers Account Translation – DRC Customers Account Translation

vii. FOB Maintenance

viii. Grade Factors >> Grade Factor Maintenance – Grade Factor Maintenance

ix. Quality Class>> Quality Class Maintenance – Quality Class Maintenance

x. Quality Sub Class >> Quality Sub Class Maintenance – Quality Sub Class Maintenance

d. Meter/Scale/Tester (New Grouping)

i. Foss Constituent Maintenance

ii. Foss Grain Maintenance

iii. Flow Meter Maintenance

iv. GAC 2100 Grain Maintenance

v. GAC 2500 Grain Maintenance

vi. Grain Tester Maintenance

vii. Perten AM5200 Grain Maintenance

viii. Scale Maintenance

ix. Steinlite SL95 Grain Maintenance

e. Program Details >> Program Detail Maintenance – Program Detail Maintenance

f. Program Schedules >> Program Schedule Maintenance – Program Schedule Maintenance

g. Purchases/Inbound – Inbound/Purchases

i. Auto Apply Disposition >> Ticket Auto Apply Disposition – Auto Apply Disposition

ii. Driver Maintenance >> Vehicle Driver Maintenance – Driver Maintenance

h. Reason Code >> Reason Code Maintenance – Reason Code Maintenance

i. Region >> Region Maintenance – Region Maintenance

3. Transactions >> CINCH Grain >>

a. Purchases/Inbound >>

i. Assembly Sheets >>

1. Average Grades >> Grade Factor Average Entry – Assembly Average Grades

2. Assembly Transfers >> Assembly Transfer Entry – Assembly Transfer Entry

3. Assembly Ownership Entry >> Storage Ownership Transfer – Assembly Storage Ownership Transfer

4. Assembly Reverse Transfer >> Assembly Transfer Reverse – Assembly Transfer Reverse

5. Discount Schedule Change >> Assembly Disc Sched Maintenance – Assembly Discount Schedule Change

6. Program Apply Entry >> Program Amounts Apply – Program Apply Entry

7. Ticket Assembly Move >> Ticket Assembly Move Entry – Ticket Assembly Move

ii. Purchase Contracts >>

1. Purchase Contract Amendment >> Purchase Contract Amend – Purchase Contract Amendment Entry

2. Purchase Contract Harvest Rate (Moved from Purchases/Inbound Menu)

iii. Scale Tickets >>

1. In Transit Scale Ticket Entry >> Inbound In Transit Ticket Entry – Inbound In Transit Ticket Entry

2. In Transit Unit Train Entry >> Inbound In Transit Unit Train Entry – Inbound In Transit Unit Train Entry

3. In Transit Unit Train Unload >> In Transit Unit Train Unload – Inbound In Transit Unit Train Unload Entry

4. Scale Ticket Entry >> Inbound Scale Ticket Entry – Inbound Scale Ticket Entry

5. Unit Train Ticket >> Unit Train Inbound Entry – Inbound Unit Train Ticket Entry

6. Ticket Split >> Assembly/Ticket Split Entry – Ticket Split Entry

iv. Settlements >>

1. Advance by Assembly Entry >> Advance Entry by Assembly >> Advance Entry by Assembly

2. Settlement Sweep >> Settlement Sweeps Entry – Settlement Sweeps Entry

v. Collateral Warehouse Receipts >> Warehouse Receipt Entry – Collateral >> Warehouse Receipt Entry - Collateral

vi. Purchase Contract Harvest Rate (Moved to Purchase Contracts Menu)

vii. SOE Redelivery >> SOE Redelivery - Stock In Other Elevator Redelivery

viii. Warehouse Receipts >> Warehouse Receipt Entry – Warehouse Receipt Entry

b. Sales/Outbound >>

i. Bulk Shipping >> Bulk Shipping Entry – Bulk Shipping Entry

ii. Counter Sales >> Counter Sales Entry - Counter Sales Entry

iii. Invoices >> Invoice Entry – Sales Invoice Entry

iv. Load Matching >> Purchase Load Matching Entry – Load Matching Entry

v. Load Shipping Grain >> Outbound Shipping Entry – Grain Shipping Entry

vi. Returns >> Sales Return Entry - Sales Return Entry

vii. Sales Contract Amend >> Sales Contract Amend – Sales Contract Amendment Entry

viii. SOE Settlement >> SOE Settlement Entry – Stock In Other Elevator Settlement Entry

ix. Shipment Return Entry >> Shipment Invoice Returns – Shipment Invoice Return Entry

x. Unit Train Shipment >> Unit Train Shipment Entry – Unit Train Shipment Entry

c. Commodity Trading >>

i. Futures Price Schedules >> Price Schedule Entry – Futures Price Schedule Entry

ii. Hedge Acct Cash Management >> Hedge Account Cash Management – Hedge Account Cash Management Entry

iii. Options Price Schedules >> Options Price Schedule Entry – Options Price Schedule Entry

iv. Roll Trades >> Trade Roll – Trade Roll

d. DPR Day Close >> DPR Date Close – DPR Day Close

e. Freight Matching >> Freight Charge Matching Entry – Freight Charge Matching Entry

f. Invoice Charges Entry >> Invoice Grain Charges Entry – Invoice Grain Charges Entry

g. Projections >> Projection Entry – Projection Entry

4. Inquiries >> CINCH Grain

a. Purchases/Inbound

i. Contract Inquiry >> Purchase Contract Inquiry – Purchase Contract Inquiry

ii. Detail Inquiry >> Inbound Ticket Detail Inquiry – Inbound Ticket Detail Inquiry

iii. In Transit Ticket Inquiry List >> Inbound In Transit Inquiry – Inbound In Transit Ticket Inquiry check

iv. Shipment Status >> Purchase Contract Shipment Status List – Purchase Contract Shipment Status Inquiry

v. Ticket Inquiry >> Ticket Scale Inquiry – Inbound Scale Ticket Inquiry

vi. Ticket Move Inquiry >> Ticket Assembly Move Inquiry – Ticket Assembly Move Inquiry

b. Sales/Outbound

i. Contract Inquiry >> Sales Contract Inquiry – Sales Contract Inquiry

ii. Load Order Inquiry >> Load Inquiry – Load Order Inquiry

iii. Sales Invoice Inquiry >> Load Invoice Inquiry – Load Invoice Inquiry

iv. Shipment Advance Inquiry List >> Shipment Advance Inquiry List – Shipment Advance Inquiry

v. SOE Balance Inquiry >> SOE Balance Inquiry - Stock In Other Elevator Balance Inquiry

c. Bulk Transfer Inquiry >> Bulk Transfers Inquiry – Bulk Transfer Inquiry

d. Contract Position >> Contract Position Report – Contract Position Inquiry

e. Contract Wash Inquiry >> Contract Wash Inquiry Zoom – Contract Wash Inquiry

f. Customer Summary >> Customer Summary Inquiry >> Customer Summary Inquiry

g. Document Numbers >> Number System Inquiry – Document Number Inquiry

h. DPR >> Daily Position Report - Daily Position Report

i. Grain Bank Allocation >> Grain Bank Allocated – Grain Bank Allocated Inquiry

j. Grain Charges >> Invoice Grain Charges Inquiry – Invoice Grain Charges Inquiry

k. Freight Inquiry >> Freight Inquiry List – Freight Inquiry

l. Inspection Question Inquiry >> Inspection Question Inquiry – Inspection Question Inquiry

m. Item Transaction Inquiry >> Inventory Trx Inquiry – Item Transaction Inquiry

n. Trade Inquiry >> Trade Open Inquiry – Trade Open Inquiry

o. Trade PS Inquiry >> Trade P & S Gains Inquiry – Trade Purchase and Sale Gains Inquiry

5. Reports >> CINCH Grain

a. Accounting >> Accounting Reports – Accounting Reports

b. Assembly >> Assembly Reports – Assembly Reports

c. Inbound Tickets >> Scale Ticket Reports – Inbound Scale Ticket Reports

d. Lien Holder >> Lien Holder Report – Lien Holder Report

e. Load Order >> Load Reports – Purchase Load Reports

f. Load Shipping >> Load Shipment Reports – Load Shipment Reports

g. Mark to Market >> Mark to Market Reports – Mark to Market Reports

h. Program Charges/Premiums >> Program Reports – Program Reports

i. Purchase Contract >> Contract Reports – Purchase Contract Reports

j. Sales Contracts >> Sales Contract Reports – Sales Contract Reports

k. Settlements >> Settlement Reports – Settlement Reports

l. Ticket Grade Average >> Ticket Grade Average Report – Inbound Scale Ticket Grade Average Report

6. Tools >> Utilities >> CINCH Grain

a. No Name Changes

7 Tools >> Routines >> CINCH Grain

a. DPR Correction >> DPR Correction Entry - Daily Position Report Correction

b. In Transit ticket Utility >> - Inbound In Transit Ticket Delete Utility

c. Mark to Market Cutoff >> Mark to market Date Cutoff - Mark to market Date Cutoff

Changes to Load Generator 

Load Generator has been modified with the addition of the On-Hold Checkbox and the Invoice Freight checkbox.

1. Open Load Generator

(Transactions>CINCH Grain>Sales/Outbound>Load Generator)

2. On Hold checkbox allows the system to place created loads on hold.

a. Checked, created load(s) will be placed on hold.

b. Unchecked, create load(s) will not be placed on hold.

3. Invoice Freight checkbox allows the system to charge freight to the customer on created loads.

a. Checked, created load(s) will have their Invoice Freight checkbox marked.

b. Unchecked, created load(s) will NOT have their Invoice Freight checkbox marked.

4. If the Invoice Freight checkbox is marked, use the expansion button to open the Invoice Freight window where freight values can be reviewed, changed, or entered.

a. The Freight Rate and Freight U of M will default from one of two places.

i. The Sales Contract Entry delivery period when the load is based off a Contract and the contract has indicated freight values.

ii. Load Generator Freight Entry if only one freight record exists. If multiple freight records are entered, the user will have to manually enter the Invoice Freight values.

Changes to Inbound Unit Train Ticket Entry 

The Inbound Unit Train Ticket Entry window has been updated with some user friendly attributes.

1. Open Inbound Unit Train Ticket Entry

(Transactions >> CINCH Grain >> Purchases/Inbound >> Scale Tickets >> Inbound Unit Train Ticket Entry)

2. Unit Number field will only lock if header information is rolled to the scrolling window.

3. Once a Unit Number is selected:

a. The window can still be closed without saving, in the following situations:

i. A batch is selected. (Lookup is no longer locked after selection)

ii. A Currency ID is changed (Lookup is no longer locked after selection)

iii. A Ticket/Unload date is selected

iv. An Assembly is selected and NOT applied/unapplied.

v. Use Origination Weight/Grade is selected WITHOUT rolling.

b. The window CANNOT be closed without saving, in the following situations:

i. An Assembly is select and the Apply or Unapply buttons have been pressed.

ii. Use Origination Weight or Grade is selected and rolled.

4. The "X" button will validate any changes.

a. If the changes only meet the situations stated in number two above, the system will display a warning asking the user if they would like to save their change? Yes, will save the changes. No, will close the window without saving changes.

b. If the changes meet the situations stated in number three above, the system will display a warning indicating that changes have been made that must be saved.

Changes to Purchases/Inbound User Setup 

The Purchases/Inbound User Setup window has a new setting.

1. Open Purchase/Inbound User Setup

(Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Tools >> Setup >> CINCH Grain >> Purchases/Inbound User Setup)

2. Allow Delete Purchase Load Order checkbox.

a. Marked, the selected user will be able to delete purchase load orders within Purchase Load Entry.

b. Unmarked, the selected user will be able to void purchase load orders within Purchase Load Entry.

Note: Purchase Load Order deletes/voids were being controlled by the Allow Delete Document setting in the Sales/Outbound User setup in previous versions of CINCH. A backfill has been created to copy the Sales/Outbound User Setup setting, Allow Delete Document, for each user to the Purchase/Inbound User Setup setting, Allow Delete Purchase Load Orders, for each user.

Changes to Table Utility 

The Table Utility window has been updated.

1. Open Table Utility

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Maintenance>>CINCH Maintenance>>Table Utility)

1. The Create IRD COM button has been removed.

2. The Create button has been renamed to Create Tables. Use this button if you need to recreate a selected table that has been damaged or removed.

3. The Compare Tables button reviews all tables within the Selected Tables scrolling window and displays tables that need updating as well as new tables that need to be created within the Failed Tables window.

4. Headings have been placed on the scrolling windows.

5. The Update Indexes button currently only drops/recreates the following table’s indexes. In the future, it will update only selected tables indexes.

a. IRGNSalesCtrAmendDTEMP

b. IRSYEmailToSendTemp

c. IRGNPurchLoadInquiryTEMP

d. IRGNPurchLoadDtlWH

NEW Grain Bank Statement – Cutoff By Date Option 

A new option has been added to the Cutoff as of Date.

1. Open Grain Bank Statements

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Routines>>CINCH Grain>>Grain Bank Statements)

2. Cutoff as of Date

a. Date: (Previous Functionality)

i. Choose User Entered Date to enter a date manually.

ii. Choose End of Month to use the date of the last day of the current month.

iii. Choose End of Previous Month to use the date of the last day of the previous month.

b. By: (NEW Functionality)

i. Apply Date – Cutoff date will be based on the applied date.

ii. Invoice Date – Cutoff date will be based on invoiced date.

NEW Sales/Outbound User Setup – Drive on Scale 

A new setting has been added to the Sales/Outbound User Setup window called Drive on Scale.

1. Open Sales/Outbound User Setup

(MS Dynamics GP >> Tools >> Setup >> CINCH Grain >> Sales/Outbound User Setup)

2. Mark the Driver On Scale checkbox to have the Driver On setting default as checked in the Bulk & Grain Shipment Entry windows.

NEW Ticket Assembly Move – Sort Options 

The Ticket Assembly Move window has been updated to include a scrolling window sort option along with a new column.

1. Open Ticket Assembly Move

(Transactions>>CINCH Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Assembly Sheets>>Ticket Assembly Move)

2. Select Sort by:

a. Sort by Ticket Number – Ascending

b. Sort by Ticket Date – Ascending

c. Sort by Priced Qty – Descending

3. Priced Qty, displays the priced quantity for the ticket.

Note: There are known issues with the Priced Qty field not updating properly on the assemblies once the assembly move process is executed. These issues will be addressed in the next release. (CIN-4688)

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