CINCH Customer Documentation

Chapter 4_ _NEW Advance Setup – Setting

This chapter describes a new setting within the Advance Setup window called Include Discounts. (CIN-5034)
This chapter contains the following section(s):

Changes to Advance Setup
The Advance Setup window has a new setting called Include Discounts.

  1. Open Advance Setup

(Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Tools>>Setup>>CINCH Grain>>General Setup>>Additional>>Advance)

  1. Include Discounts

    1. Checked, discount amounts will be deducted from the Max Advance Amt.

    2. Unchecked, discount amounts will NOT be deducted from the Max Advance Amt.

Changes to Advance Entry
The Advance Setup window has a new setting called Include Discounts.

  1. Open Advance Entry

(Transactions>>CINCH Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Settlements>>Advance Entry)

  1. Max Advance Amt displays the total of the Contract Value multiplied by the Maximum Percent value set in Advance Setup.

    1. If the Include Discount is selected in Advance Setup, it will also deduct discounts.

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