AGRIS Customer Documentation
ACP General Information Setup
ACP > Setup Information > General Information
The default settings and responses made on these 3 screens affect the appearance and various features available to the operators during stock additions, manual voucher maintenance, disbursement and/or debit memo applications, and age analysis of vouchers.
Click the part of the General Information section you need help with:
Screen 1 of 3 - Various default selections
Agris Logic: When a vendor sends you an invoice it becomes a voucher to be paid, when you,
as a vendor, send an invoice to a customer it becomes a voucher to them.
The Voucher Type field may be used for A/P reporting purposes and for 1099 form selection. In System Journal Interface system, it may be used in conjunction with certain transaction codes for directing voucher transactions to specific general ledger accounts. A coding scheme should be developed for easy report selection. Suggested voucher types include item voucher, consignment goods, returned goods, manual voucher, debit memo or adjustment, beginning balance, interest, services rendered, hauling/freight, broker costing, freight costing, other grain costing, etc.
A voucher type may be defaulted in the Voucher Type input field during Stock Additions in the Inventory System for item vouchers and in Voucher Maintenance in the Accounts Payable System for manual vouchers. You may specify a voucher type to default in the Setup Information options in other packages. For example: in the Commodity System for freight expenses and for commodity costing vouchers, in Patronage for patronage vouchers, and in Payroll for payroll tax vouchers. These types are entered within each respective system.
Agris uses the Voucher Type to determine if a payment will require a 1099 at the end of the year, you can save a lot of hassle during tax time if this is set to Y and the default Types are set for the appropriate 1099.
A positive response to the question Require voucher type? forces entry of this field in 3 places.
A negative response to this question sets this field to optional entry. Type a valid voucher type in the appropriate Default Type input fields (boxes a, b, or c). If this field is required and the default voucher type is blank, the cursor stops on this field during data entry. The user may also override the defaulted type
a. Default Type for Item Vouchers: sets a default voucher for Stock Additions in INV
b. Default Type for Manual Vouchers: sets a default voucher type for Manual Vouchers in ACP
c. Default Type for Prepay Requests: sets a default voucher type for Prepay Requests created during Purchase Order entry in INV
A positive response to the question Require description to be entered on all vouchers? sets the Description field to require an entry. A negative response to this question sets this field to optional entry. The description appears on inquiry screens and many voucher reports.
A positive response to the question Require G/L distribution on all manual vouchers? activates the display of the G/L distribution screen and requires entry of the G/L distribution. A negative response to this question eliminates the display of the screen. Normally for entry of beginning balances, this option is de-activated to conserve time and keystrokes since a manual journal entry is entered directly in the general ledger.
A positive response to the question Require unique invoice numbers per name ID number? prohibits entry of the voucher if the vendor's invoice number for the same name ID number (vendor or hauler) already exists in the ACCPAY.ACP file. With this feature activated, a search of the file is performed as each voucher is entered. The time required to perform this search may be reduced by a periodic rebuilding or purging of the ACP files.
A negative response to this question turns off this validation process. Y will cut down the risk of entering and paying the same vendor invoice twice.
A positive response to the question Require invoice numbers on actual vouchers? sets the “Their Invoice Number” field to require entry during stock additions and voucher maintenance on vouchers with an A for Actual status code. Helps to tie the invoice from the vendor to the voucher you paid
A negative response to this question sets this field to optional entry.
5A. A positive response to the question Estimates? sets the Their Invoice Number field to require entry during stock additions and voucher maintenance on vouchers with an E for estimated status code. Helps to tie the order number from the vendor to the voucher you paid
A negative response to this question sets this field to optional entry.
6&7. Each voucher is identified by a document number, as maintained in Document Numbers option under Sys >Customize. Your choice in these two input fields determines the document number to default in the Voucher Number input field when adding a manual or INV prepay voucher.
Choose option 1 for voucher number, or
Choose option 2 for voucher control number
8. Each check is identified by a document number, as maintained in Document Numbers option under SYS > Customize. The document number doubles as the reference number in the AGRIS Bank Management System. Choose the source of the document numbers to use when generating checks in this package:
Choose option 1 for Commodity Management System,
Choose option 2 for Accounts Payable System,
Choose option 3 for Payroll Accounting System,
Choose option 4 for Bank Management System.
Voucher terms are defined under a separate option on the minor Setup Information Menu. The due date, discount date, and net amount is calculated from the voucher terms assigned to the voucher as it is entered. Voucher terms are required on all vouchers.
The voucher terms code assigned to each name ID record in NAM defaults in the Voucher Terms input field when adding a new voucher. A voucher terms code may be defaulted for name ID's (vendors) that do not have a voucher terms code established in NAM. If known, type the voucher terms code to default for name ID’s without an established voucher terms in the Default Voucher Terms input field. If unknown, a search selection box may be opened by typing an asterisk (*) in the left-most position of the input field and continuing. The Voucher Terms input field defaults an asterisk (*) if the default is blank and the name ID record does not have a voucher terms code assigned. The operator must select a voucher terms code when adding a voucher for a name ID without an established voucher terms code.
10. Require Social Security/Federal Id No. To print Check: For 1099 processing,
Y will stop the disbursement process if there is not a Fed ID saved in Nam.
N will allow you to print a check without verifying
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Screen 2 of 3 - Aging Information
The second screen in the A/P Setup Options - General Information series is a multiple-step screen used to specify the aging information.
Calculating the age category of vouchers is based on an aging date specified in the Age Open vouchers option to determine the age category of a voucher; the number of months method uses the four digits of the date in the format YYMM. In the Which Method Should Be Used To Age Vouchers input field:
Choose option 1 for by number days or (will display box 3)
Choose option 2 for by number months.
To determine the age category, the software may subtract either the due date or the voucher date from the aging cut-off date. To indicate which date to use in the aging process, in the Which Date Should Be Used To Age Vouchers input field:
Choose option 1 for due date or
Choose option 2 for voucher date
Review the entries on this screen prior to continuing. Press [Esc] to redisplay the prior screen.
The number of months method disregards the number of days specified in the six aging categories listed below. The periods are numbered 0 through 6, where zero is current and six is oldest.
The number of days in the aging categories or brackets is specified in the six Aging Period Days input fields which are opened at the bottom of the screen if you select the by number days method. Type the appropriate number of days in each of the six brackets. (example: 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 365 for days past due up to a year) The standard reports combine categories 4, 5, and 6. The other aging categories may be printed through the Report Writer Features and/or Forms Manager.
Review all entries on this screen prior to continuing. Press [Esc] to redisplay the prior screen. A positive response to the confirmation question Is this correct? displays the next screen. A negative response to this question repositions the cursor for further action.
Screen 3 of 3 - Search Range information and a few more defaults
The third screen in the A/P Setup Options - General Information series is divided into two sections. The upper section is used to specify the name ID type search range information. The lower section contains input fields for default settings.
The input fields in the upper section set the range of name ID types that default in the Name ID Type range selection input fields during the alpha-search feature. This search feature is used to locate a specific name ID (vendor, shipper, agent/broker) from the AGRIS Name/Address System. The search may be limited during transaction entry to a range of name ID types. The values typed in the Beginning and Ending input fields default in the appropriate input fields during the alpha-search feature. If the ranges are left blank, the search and selection of name ID’s includes all name ID’s in the dataset.
A positive response to the question Override? opens input fields on the Name ID Type range selection input fields during the alpha-search feature.
A negative response to this question restricts the alpha-search feature to those name ID types that are included in the Beginning and Ending range selection fields. Also a negative response to this question controls the ability to simply enter a name ID with a name ID type that is outside the range.
The status code on each voucher may be defaulted during Stock Additions in INV and Voucher Maintenance in ACP. Type A for actual or E for estimate in the Default Item Voucher Status input field and the Default Manual Voucher Status input field. These input fields may be left blank to default no status code, which forces the user to select a status code when adding the voucher.
Default Check Form Printing will use the default form that is selecting in Form Manager
Remittance forms may be output with disbursement checks in ACP. Your selection in the Default Remittance Form Printing input field defaults in the Remittance Form Printing Option input field during Disbursement Processing and Automatic Disbursements.
Choose option 1 for no form to be used. This option starts a new check when the number of voucher applications exceeds the maximum available on the check stub.
Choose option 2 for every check. This option disregards the check stub maximum and outputs a remittance form for every check.
Choose option 3 for only if stub overflows. This option outputs a remittance form only if the number of voucher applications exceeds the maximum available on the check stub.
Review the entries on this screen prior to continuing. Press [Esc] to redisplay the prior screen. A positive response to the confirmation question Is this correct? updates the CONSTACP.ACP file and displays the minor Setup Information Menu. A negative response to this question repositions the cursor for further action. All screens in this series must be completed in order to update the file.
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