CINCH Customer Documentation
Chapter 1_CINCH 18.56 Document Exchange
This chapter describes miscellaneous enhancements made to CINCHX.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Changes to Document Monitoring
Currently in CINCHX, there was no visual display to check files which have failed to import due to bad formatting, the file would simply fall into the Error folder. Now the user will be able to view an error message in document monitoring under the main Services node and within the CinchXTraceXXX.log file when this happens, giving users a better idea of what is wrong with the file. (CIN-5676)
Below is the list of import services which follow this new process.
AgXML 2.0 Bulk Transfer
AgXML 2.0 Customer Import
AgXML 2.0 Customer Address Imp
AgXML 2.0 Discount Schedule Imp
AgXML 2.0 Farm Import
AgXML 2.0 Field Import
AgXML 2.0 Freight Carrier Imp
AgXML 2.0 Grower Split Import
AgXML 2.0 Ticket Import
AgXML 2.0 Shipment Import
AgXML 2.0 Vendor Import
AgXML 4.0 InTransit-In Import
AgXML 4.0 Load Import
AgXML 4.0 Purch Contract Import
AgXML 4.0 Purch Contr Price Imp
AgXML 4.0 Purch Load Import
AgXML 4.0 Sales Contract Import
AgXML 4.0 Sales Contr Price Imp
AgXML 4.0 Ticket Import
AgXML 4.0 Shipment Import
CIDX 2.02 Purchase Order Import
CIDX 2.02 PO Response Import
CIDX 2.02 Ship Notice Import
CIDX 3.0 Ship Notice Import
CIDX 4.0 Load Import
CIDX 4.0 Sales Order Import
CIDX 4.0 Purchase Order Import
CIDX 4.0 PO Response Import
CIDX 4.0 Sales Shipment Import
CIDX 4.0 Ship Notice Import
CIDX 5.0 Purchase Order Import
CIDX 5.0 PO Response Import
CIDX 5.0 Ship Notice Import
CIDX 5.2 Purchase Order Import
CIDX 5.2 PO Response Import
CIDX 5.2 Ship Notice Import
CIDX 5.3 Bulk Shipment Import
FIXML 5.0 Trade Import
Lot Analysis Import
Misc Vendor Import
Net Order Retail Order Mgmt
Net Order Sales Order Import
Portal Bank Account Import
Portal Payment Import
Process Manufacturing Import
Changes to AgXML 4.0 Load Import
AgXML 4.0 Load Import has two changes. The first change is to support Sales Load Orders with a Shipment From equal to Purchase. It will read the POPNUMBER and POLNENUM from the User Area of the XML and populate them on the imported sales load. (CIN-6494) The second change is a new setting called Skip Freight. (CIN-6783)
AgXML 4.0 Load Import
Service Settings:
Skip Freight
No, will import freight information.
If the XML does not have a Ship Method, then the import will fail with the message "Ship method is missing, can't create freight".
If the XML has a Ship method, but that ship method is not linked to the vendor, then the import will fail with the message "Vendor ID is missing, can't create freight".
If the XML has a Ship Method and it is linked to the vendor, the import will be successful.
Processing Notes:
Sales Load Orders with Purchase Load Order Information
If the XML IRShipmentFrom is equal to 3 the Shipment From field on the sales load order will equal Purchase.
PONUMBER will populate the PO Number on the load.
POLNENUM will populate the PO Number Line on the load.
An Order Number will not be created for the sales load
No validation exists between the Customer in the XML and the PO Customer.
No validation exists between the Site in the XML and the PO Site ID.
The Item in the XML must match the Item on the PO or the import will fail in Doc Monitor with error 'eConnect could not enter the document: PO ITEMNMBR does not match passed in ITEMNMBR.'
The Item UOM in the XML must match the UOM on the PO or the import will fail in Doc Monitor with error 'eConnect could not enter the document: PO UOM does not match passed in UOM.'
The PO Number must be a Direct Ship PO or the import will fail in Doc Monitor with error "eConnect could not enter the document: PO is not a direct ship."
If the PONUMBER, POLNENUM combination provided in the XML do not exist, the import will fail in Doc Monitor with the error 'eConnect could not enter the document: PO Number/Line combination does not exist.'
The Shipment From in the XML must be 3 (Purchase) when there is a POPNUMBER in the XML or the Load will fail in Doc Monitor with the error 'eConnect could not enter the document: A PO may only be specified when IRShipmentFrom=3 (purchase).
Changes to AgXML 4.0 Shipment Import
AgXML 4.0 Shipment Import has been updated to support Bulk Shipment imports associated with a Sales Load Order with a Shipment From equaling Purchase (GP Purchase Load Order). (CIN-6494)
Processing Note:
If the service setting Auto Post = Yes, the shipments associated with Sales Load Orders with a Shipment From equaling Purchase will post and a Purchase Invoice Receipt will be created and saved to a batch.
If the service setting Auto Post equals no, the shipment will not post at import but once posted a Purchase Invoice Receipt will be created and saved to a batch.
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