CINCH 18.56 - Product Announcement

CINCH Customer Documentation

CINCH 18.56 - Product Announcement

Released on: December 8, 2022

Products Involved

  • CINCH Agri-Suite - Grain, Sales, Seed, Miscellaneous

  • CINCH Document Exchange (CINCHX)

  • CINCH Savings & Loan


  • Compatibility with year-end update to Dynamics GP 18.5.1596 (2022).

  • Reduce time and effort to settle a contract where the Assembly has priced and unpriced quantities.

  • Added visibility on CINCHX failed imports due to formatting.

  • Various usability improvements to reduce time and effort to view, select, and process information.

  • Input changes to maximize the completeness and accuracy of information.

New Features and Benefits CINCH 18.56

Below are the highlights found in CINCH 18.56 along with the related benefits.



New Feature/Enhancement



New Feature/Enhancement




You are now able to view an error message in document monitoring under the main Services node and within the CinchXTraceXXX.log file, giving you a better idea of what is wrong with the file. (CIN-5676)

More visibility of file format errors to reduce research time and effort when a file fails to import due to bad formatting.


AgXML 4.0 Load Import has two changes.

  1. To support Sales Load Orders with a Shipment From equal to Purchase, it reads the POPNUMBER and POLNENUM from the User Area of the XML and populates them on the imported sales load. (CIN-6494)

  2. A new setting called Skip Freight has been added. (CIN-6783)

Increased CINCHX functionality to support Drop Ship Purchase Orders on Shipment and Load Imports to decrease time and effort of manual entries.

AgXML 4.0 Shipment Import now supports Bulk Shipment imports associated with a Sales Load Order with a Shipment From equaling Purchase (GP Purchase Load Order). (CIN-6494)


The Minnesota Lienholder Import now supports both the complete (old) and the new summary report layouts. (CIN-6374)

  • Minimize time to understand and translate vendor information for accurate lienholder assignment.

  • Reduce effort to learn how to read the information. This new report simplifies understanding of Minnesota lienholders.

Ticket Assembly Move has been updated to support the movement of either priced or unpriced quantities when moving tickets between assemblies assigned to the same contract. (CIN-6168)

Reduce time and effort to settle a contract where the Assembly has priced and unpriced quantities.

Equipment/scale interface tables have been updated to better record whether an inbound/outbound ticket’s gross, tare or both weights were manually entered or are true scale weights upon saving. (CIN-6639)

Scale IDs have been added to a few tables. (CIN-6348)

Ability to see if manual weight are being used for gross weights or tare weights will better track manual entries for auditing purposes.

Purchasing Invoice Inquiry Zoom has been added to the Treeno Interface. (CIN-6535)

Increased visibility on transactions when using the interface for the Treeno document management system.


The Lot Analysis Advance Lookup window now shows individual lot receipts. This is similar to how Dynamics GP’s Item Transaction Entry/Item Lot Number Entry window works. In the past, this window rolled up the detail by lot number. (CIN-6005)

Improved ability to select a lot in Process Manufacturing with appropriate costs by matching GP functionality.


Sales Contracts that have had their weights/grades to govern amended can now roll those changes to open loads. (CIN-6731)

Reduce time and effort to update loads when the related Sales Contracts are amended for governing Weights/Grades (e.g, from destination to orign or vice versa).

Savings & Loan

Tax and address information now updates automatically on all savings & loan account numbers based on the selected Vendor. Previously, tax and address information, upon initial setup, defaulted from the selected Vendor but did not update if the Vendor’s information was updated in GP. (CIN-6556)

Reduce duplicate entries and save time and effort by syncing vendor information with savings and loan accounts.


Three changes/updates have been made to the Export Criteria Entry window for XML Exports. (CIN-6381)

  1. All exports can now be set up to run automatically.

  2. AgriMine Customer and AgriMine Sales can now exclude internal customers.

  3. A new export called AgriMine Inventory has been added.

  • Reduce time and effort by allowing exports to run automatically.

  • Improve accuracy of exports by providing ability to exclude internal customers.

  • Improve AgriMine integration by adding a new export for inventory levels.

A new field called AgriMine Pack Size has been added to the Item Extension Maintenance window. (CIN-6381)

Ability to include package size on the NEW inventory XML Export for AgriMine.

Learn More

Please visit the Greenstone Community for the:


Schedule your upgrade:

Contact the Greenstone Customer Support team at mysupport@culturatech.com or 800-366-2474 (Press 1 for Greenstone, and 3 for CINCH) at least 2 weeks before your desired upgrade date.

News You Can Use

  • The next release of CINCH (18.57) is planned for June of 2023.

  • Save the date (Wednesday, February 15, 2023 from 1:00-2:00PM Central Time) for a webinar hosted by Greenstone that will include a live demonstration by EONE of the new powerful Popdock program.


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