Smartlist Repository

CINCH Customer Documentation

Smartlist Repository

CINCH has started building a SmartList repository. This is where you can find some pre built SmartLists that you can use for your company. This can be found on the Greenstone FTP Site. https://ftp.culturatech.com/file/d/Cinch/Cinch%20Releases/CINCH%20SmartList%20Templates


If you have purchased eOne SmartList Builder you can download and import the SmartList Builder Template then you can Modify the SmartList using SmartList Builder.



If you do not own a SmartList Builder license you can download and import the SmartList Designer Template then you can Modify the SmartList using GP’s built in SmartList Designer.



After the template is imported to SmartList, you will see the SmartList within the Cinch Ag folder. You can also modify this report so that it works specifically for you with the information that you want to see.


If there is something you would like to see as a SmartList let us know by emailing us at mysupport@culturatech.com.


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