How To Run Pre-Install Checker

How To Run Pre-Install Checker

This step should be completed after all requirements have been met, and is meant to serve as a secondary check to ensure the right items are also in the correct location.

  1. Work with Customer Support to apply the updated AGRIS software license to your AGRIS server

  2. Open AGRIS on your database server

  3. Select Utilities up top, then Diagnostics

  4. Click on the button that says “Agent Pre-Install Utility

  5. Make sure you fill out the 3 fields on the right

  6. Then hit Check. A window will pop-up with the status of everything.

    1. Take a screenshot of the results and share with Greenstone to schedule your install


*Must be on AGRIS 19.2.0 or higher in order to use this utility checker.


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