What's New In RAPIDS - Trading Engine Migration will occur (2nd February 2023)

RAPIDS server upgrade, hosting update, maintenance event and includes the following enhancements:

Hosting server update

Added a field for updating signed status upon contract creation.  Your organization can choose to include this field in RAPIDS, and if it should default to a Y or N. 

Agent updates

  • Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2

    • Provides more secure than the previous cryptographic protocols such as SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, and TLS 1.1.

    • TLS 1.2 keeps data being transferred across the network more secure

  • Numerous security updates

  • Communication optimization

  • System component updates - Take advantage of the latest technology and improve handshake and transaction processing performance.


The Rapids maintenance event is scheduled for 2nd Feb at 5 PM Central. Failure for your company to complete the changes below will result in no user access to Rapids

Items to complete prior to 2nd February 2023 (Thursday).

  1. The server where the Rapids agent is installed is updated to use .NET 4.8 Framework

    1. https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet-framework/net48

  2. Create specific folders to prepare for the migration on the server

    1. Find RAPIDS folder  by looking for Windows Service “Cultura Rapids Trading Agent” in your RAPIDS machine:


       In this example, $RapidsTrading$ folder is C:\Apps\RapidsTrading


    2. Create a RAPIDS folder containing your company name on https://ftp.culturatech.com

    3. Upload the following items to the Cultura FTP site ( to allow the development team to convert data) prior to migration:

      1. Zipped copy of the existing RapidsTrading directory.

      2. SQL Backup of the existing RapidsTradingAgentAccelerator database (i.e., RapidsTradingAgentAccelerator.BAK)

    4. Communicate with Greenstone by emailing russell.shirley@culturatech.com and mark.zheng@culturatech.com when and where the files are available on the FTP site.

    5. Please note processing of the files will take aprox 24hrs to prepare for migration

    6. Receive the updated files and download in preparation of migration. 

      1. We will upload RapidsTrading.zip and RapidsTradingAgentAcceleratorNew.bak to the same folder that you provide in https://ftp.culturatech.com

        and notify you when the files are available.     

Items to complete Wednesda (day before migration) (February 1st).

  1. Backup Rapids folder and both RapidsTradingAgent and RapidsTradingAgentAccelerator

  2. Confirm .Net 4.8 Framework is operational and the server has been restarted

  3. Create $RapidsTrading$New folder, C:\Apps\RapidsTradingNew for this example, with

    1. Copy Everything in the RapidsTradingNew zip file to this folder

    2. Copy DBConnections.config from $RapidsTrading$  to this folder

    3. Copy BrokerUsernameOnBehalfOfSubIDMapper.txt to this folder if there is such file

  4. Restore the RapidsTradingAgentAcceleratorNew.bak to RapidsTradingAgentAcceleratorNew


Items to complete day of migration at aprox 5:00 PM Central (February 2nd).

RAPIDS Administrators please not add a new RAPIDS users on February 2nd “migration day”!

Once the upgrade starts at 5:00 PM.

  1. Stop the “Cultura Rapids Trading Agent” Windows Service

  2. Replace $RapidsTrading$ folder by $RapidsTrading$New:

    1. Rename the folder $RapidsTrading$ to $RapidsTrading$Old

    2. Rename the folder $RapidsTrading$New to $RapidsTrading$

  3. Replace RapidsTradingAgentAccelerator database by RapidsTradingAgentAcceleratorNew database:

    1. Rename the folder RapidsTradingAgentAccelerator database to RapidsTradingAgentAcceleratorOld database

    2. Rename the folder RapidsTradingAgentAcceleratorNew database to RapidsTradingAgentAccelerator database


  4. Start the “Cultura Rapids Trading Agent” Windows Service

  5. Please check in one hour after upgrading. We will send an notification email if the migration was successful and all is well.

    Note:  if for an unexpected reason the migration is NOT successfully and Greenstone needs to rollback the changes, you will be instructed to rename the old folder and old database back to the production names.




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