AGRIS Customer Documentation
Energy Force - import Card number for Cardtrol transactions (AGS-8020)
Reduce time and effort to share card numbers for Cardtrol transactions.
These changes allow for the Cardtrol number to appear as an additional line item on the AGRIS Invoice and A/R Statements.
Navigation to Use:
INV > Inventory > Item Maintenance
Create a new, zero cost, service item to use on invoices to hold the Cardtrol number. The number will be placed in the custom description of the item.
CFT > File Translations > Energy Force
Define the Card Number Item on page 26 of the Energy Force configuration file.
Clear Files
A value of 80 in field 32, Interface Billing Code, indicates a Cardtrol transaction.
The ten digit card number will be in field 113.
AGRIS Import
The AGRIS import record will contain a new lineitem, the Cardtrol item defined in the setup. The cost will be zero and the custom description will be the ten digit number from the clear file.
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