RAPIDS - How to use P&S view

This article shows how to use the P&S view in RAPIDS to fill offsetting contracts.  This process updates AGRIS so the user does not need to manually do so in AGRIS.


In RAPIDS, go to Search > Purchase & Sale

  1. Choose the Margin Account, Commodity Code, and Futures Month - Contracts that fit the requirements will display

  2. Select a Purchase Contract and then the off-setting Sales Contract(s)

    1. You can adjust (lower) the quantity in order that both sides match

  3. Click Submit


In the example above, the quantity in Purchase is greater than the quantity selected in Sales.  It will not let you submit, as the two quantities must match.

4. Reduce the quantity on the Purchase contract to 10,000, or add another contract on the Sales side to equal 15,000.


5. The View will now show any remaining contracts:


6. In Agris, you can view these contracts.  Their status is updated from Active and Priced (AP) to Filled and Settled (FX)




Here is a video that demonstrates the procedure:



It is important to remember that the quantity on the Purchase side must equal the quantity on the Sales side.  Quantities can be adjusted to do so.






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