Imports - Invoice Imports - Allow grain bank to be applied from any location (AGS-21699)

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Imports - Invoice Imports - Allow grain bank to be applied from any location (AGS-21699)


This feature reduces the effort required to properly relieve invoices by allowing the AGRIS invoice import to determine the proper grain bank location(s) to relieve when they are not known prior to the import.


When importing item invoices, the lowercase word “all” may be used in the CONTRACT LOC field, column AJ or positions 257-259. When “all” is encounter in this field, the import code will relieve Grain Bank from all available locations for this customer starting with the inventory location. If the customer does not have enough grain bank stored at the Inventory Item Location, then the import will reduce the customer’s grain bank from any location where he does currently have a balance. Multiple applications could be created until the invoice quantity is satisfied.


  1. Grain Bank grain must be applied to a delivery sheet to be relieved.

  2. AGRIS will follow the inventory item location first. If there is not enough grain bank to cover the invoice quantity, then AGRIS will apply to other grain bank balances using the oldest ticket date to determine the next location.

  3. If a Location Code is supplied in the CONTRACT LOC field, Positions 257-259, then that location will be used to reduce the customer’s Grain Bank balance and there will be no overfill to another location.

  4. Grain Bank application is to the invoice Bill To Name Id, unless otherwise specified in GRN Apply Name Id (note 5). Import file positions 320-329.

  5. If the Ship To on the invoices is different from the Bill To, the outbound ticket created in grain will be the Ship To name id, applied to the Bill to name id or Grain Application Grain bank.

  6. If any grain invoices is more than the Grain Bank, a new ticket is made for the overage as an on hold Client Loadout status.

ACRI1 File Import Changes


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