CINCH Customer Documentation

CINCH 18.51 - NEW Allow Edit of Printed Shipments

A setting has been added to the Sales/Outbound User Setup window allowing users the ability to edit printed shipments from the Grain Shipping Entry or Bulk Shipping Entry windows. (CIN-4167)
This chapter contains the following sections:

Changes to Sales/Outbound User Setup
A new setting called Allow Edit of Printed Shipments has been added to the window.

  1. Open Sales/Outbound User Setup

(Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Tools >> Setup >> CINCH Grain >> Sales/Outbound User Setup)

  1. Allow Edit of Printed Shipments checkbox:

    1. Marked, users can edit printed shipments within Grain Shipping Entry or Bulk Shipping Entry.

    2. Unmarked, users cannot edit printed shipments within Grain Shipping Entry or Bulk Shipping Entry. (Default)

Changes to Grain Shipping Entry
The Shipment # field now validates if the user can edit a shipment.

  1. Open Grain Shipping Entry

(Transactions>>CINCH Grain>>Outbound\Sales>> Grain Shipping Entry)

  1. A validation will occur when entering or selecting a shipment that has been printed.

    1. If a user can edit a shipment, the shipment will be displayed with the Grain Shipping Entry window.

    2. If a use is not allowed to edit a shipment, the system will display a warning indicating that the shipment has been printed and asking the user if they would like to view the shipment.

      1. Yes, the shipment will be displayed in the Grain Shipping Inquiry Zoom.

      2. No, the user will be returned to the Grain Shipping Entry window.

  2. A validation has also been placed on the Browse buttons (VCR buttons). If a user is not allowed to edit a printed shipment the browse button will skip the shipment and will only open those shipments that have not been printed.

Changes to Bulk Shipping Entry
The Shipment # field now validates if the user can edit a shipment.

  1. Open Bulk Shipping Entry

(Transactions>>CINCH Grain>>Outbound\Sales>>Bulk Shipping Entry)

  1. A validation will occur when entering or selecting a shipment that has been printed.

    1. If a user can edit a shipment, the shipment will be displayed with the Bulk Shipping Entry window.

    2. If a use is not allowed to edit a shipment, the system will display a warning indicating that the shipment has been printed and asking the user if they would like to view the shipment.

      1. Yes, the shipment will be displayed in the Bulk Shipping Inquiry Zoom window.

      2. No, the user will be returned to the Bulk Shipping Entry window.

  2. A validation has also been placed on the Browse buttons (VCR buttons). If a user is not allowed to edit a printed shipment the browse button will skip the shipment and will only open those shipments that have not been printed.

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