CINCH Customer Documentation

CINCH 18.51 - NEW Allow Zero Qty to be Produced in Manufacturing Entry

Manufacturing Entry has been enhanced to allow the posting of a zero quantity manufactured line transaction. (CIN-4416)
This chapter contains the following sections:

Changes to Manufacturing Setup
The Allow Zero Qty setting has been added to the Manufacturing Setup window.

  1. Open Manufacturing Setup

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>> Setup>>CINCH Manufacturing)

  1. Allow Zero Qty checkbox:

    1. Marked allows the posting of a manufacturing entry with zero quantity lines.

    2. Unmarked does not allow the posting of a manufacturing entry with zero quantity lines.

Changes to Manufacturing Entry
A posting validation has been added to the Manufacturing Entry window.

  1. Open Manufacturing Entry

(Transactions>>CINCH Manufacturing>>Manufacturing Entry)

  1. A posting validation has been added to consider the setting for Allow Zero Qty within the Manufacturing Setup window. If marked, allow a zero quantity on a line item to be posted.

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