Use this job aid to view or edit an employee in the employee information file. For specific information about each box on the window, see the procedure Adding an Employee.
To view or edit an employee:
From the Toolbar, click PAY for Payroll.
From the Payroll menu, select Employee Information, and then select View/Edit Employee.
In the Name Id box, click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the employee name id you want to view or edit payroll information for, or type the employee name id you want to view or edit payroll information for.
Click OK.
Select General Information, Wage Information, Deduction Information, or Direct Deposit Information.
Make the necessary changes to any of the information in Step 5.
Click OK.
Repeat Step 5 -6 until you have made all necessary changes.
Click Save/Exit.
Press Esc until the Toolbar becomes active.