If the agent service on the server goes down, the following products cannot communicate with Agris:
Agris Sales, App Agris Warehouse App, Agris Sales Review, Esign, MyGrower, and GDH.
Please follow the steps below to restart the services that communicate with any of the Greenstone mobile apps (i.e., eSign Action List, MyGrower, Sales, Sales Review, or Warehouse).
Log on to the AGRIS primary server as a user with administrator access.
PSQL - Typically the Database server.
MSSQL - Typically the Primary AGRIS application server.
Open Services and find the correct AGRIS - Agent web service (NOTE you will only see one either PSQL or MSSQL Agent).
Stop the service
Select or highlight the service AGRS- Agent Web Service
Refresh using the button above
Stop the service
If you receive the following error please now open the task manager, find the agent and force the stop of the agent.
Navigate to the lower windows bar and right click…
Select Task Manager
Now find the Agent in the open tasks.
Once the task manager opens sort by memory used and find the following operation.
(Modularis web service host)
Select the Triangle to confirm this is the correct agent.
Once confirmed this is the correct entry. Right-click and end task.
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